
dholbachgood morning08:11
dholbachdavidcalle, fantastic work getting the new rev deployed08:13
davidcalledholbach: to you too!08:22
dholbachdavidcalle, I might push another branch updating a few smaller components (and try to keep them up to date)08:30
davidcalledholbach: thanks! I'll get started on pushing the updated template as well08:31
dholbachdone, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/update-components/+merge/28986709:06
dholbachAFAICS it all works well09:06
dholbachand gets us security fixes and other stuff09:06
dholbachit's updating everything apart from django 1.909:09
davidcalledholbach: zinnia still doesn't work with django 1.9, right?09:09
dholbachthere are a couple of things where we see deprecation warnings09:09
dholbachdavidcalle, it looks like the newer django cms requires other cache durations to be set as well, or it explodes with KeyErrors09:13
dholbachI picked 60 as the cache duration for content as it seems to be the default09:13
dholbachpermissions should probably never be cached(?)09:13
dholbachI don't know09:13
davidcalledholbach: maybe we could follow the defaults here? http://docs.django-cms.org/en/3.2.3/reference/configuration.html#cms-cache-durations09:16
dholbachoh ok09:17
dholbachyes, that makes sense09:17
dholbachthe only thing was menus, which was set to 0 before09:17
dholbachmaybe as a workaround if added articles don't show up(?)09:18
davidcalleI have no idea :)09:18
dholbachthat was part of rev109:18
dholbachbut yeah, let's go with the default for permissions09:18
davidcalleIn any case, I'm +1 on the general upgrade. I'll push it to the staging server asap (especially to test these new versions of swiftclient, keystoneclient, etc.)09:21
dholbachfor the new pillow to compile one needs to have libjpeg-dev installed locally09:22
dholbachbut that's the only other caveat I could see09:23
davidcalledholbach: about dependencies, should we simply empty the branch and run update-pip-cache from trunk?09:23
davidcalledholbach: do you mind specifying it in the mp description? (libjpeg-dev)09:25
dholbachdavidcalle, or how about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478269/?09:26
dholbachdavidcalle, sure, will do09:26
davidcalledholbach: yes, but I actually don't see a huge difference in time, do you?09:29
davidcalle(at least when I tried yesterday)09:30
dholbachyou're right09:30
davidcalledholbach: also, I don't think I've really understood Mike's concerns about cleaning the branch09:31
dholbachin that case we should probably go with your suggestion - I'm just wondering if old branches or old installs will fail or have problems?09:31
dholbachor we could create a new branch and call it dependencies2016 :)09:31
dholbachand do a new one next year :)09:31
dholbachit'd be a poor man's logrotate for pip dependencies09:32
davidcalledholbach: hah, here is one case where git would be easier to deal with than bzr :)09:32
dholbachwas your idea to push --overwrite to the current branch with a new r1?09:33
dholbachthat's right :)09:33
davidcalledholbach: nope, having a r22 with only the packages we care about (that would probably need lightweight checkout to actually be lighter, though)09:35
dholbachbut the old revision history is still going to be there09:36
davidcalledholbach: I'm on board with any idea that brings the downloading size down: right now we only need ~40MB of packages09:42
dholbachlet's clean the branch and see if a lightweight checkout helps09:43
dholbachshall I do this?09:43
davidcalledholbach: alright, I'm doing the staging tests for the new deps on my end09:45
davidcalledholbach: I need to update the deps branch right now, is that fine with you?09:49
davidcalleHah, you did it :)09:50
dholbachstill working on it09:53
dholbachdavidcalle, pushed the latest - let me know if it works for you10:01
dholbachdavidcalle, shall I push the lightweight change too?10:02
davidcalledholbach: yep10:03
dholbachoh ok10:04
dholbachyou merged update-components already10:04
dholbachlet me re-propose it :)10:04
dholbachdavidcalle, ^10:05
davidcalledholbach: merged :)10:10
dholbachnow let's see how this works with a fresh checkout10:13
dholbach1m15s for 'make env'10:15
dholbachand 40M pip-cache10:15
dholbachI would call this a success :-)10:15
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119: shall we have bets on how long it'll take to land the newest changes?10:20
dholbachdpm, ^ :)10:20
davidcalledholbach: with the right urgency set to the rt and potential unwillingness to do it on a friday, I'm betting on monday :)10:22
dholbachso you want to push this today?10:24
davidcalledholbach: if the staging deployment is fine, yes10:25
* dpm reads scrollback10:28
dholbachdpm, you don't have to read all of it10:28
dholbachdpm, I was just asking if we should have a bet on when the next deployment lands :)10:29
dholbachhow long it's going to take10:29
dpmok ok :)10:29
davidcalledpm: dholbach: staging deployment started10:30
dpmmoving back here for website talk :) - davidcalle, what exactly landed in last night's prod deployment, and which branches do we now have pending to land?10:37
davidcalledpm: Django upgrade to 1.8, CMS upgrade. Pending to land (merged in trunk): APIdoc frameworks fixes, first pass at importer changes for snappy overhaul (didrocks new IA), general deps update10:42
davidcalleNot in trunk yet: more fixes for snappy doc import10:44
dpmthanks a lot davidcalle10:51
mhall119davidcalle: dholbach: are we going to work on the next deployment in staging today?13:10
davidcallemhall119: I've started, staging currently claims there is a missing dep in the dependencies branch (Pillow 3.1.0), but it's in there. Looking at it.13:43
dholbachdavidcalle, the MP I pushed is not important - we can add it whenever it's convenient14:03
davidcalledholbach: once I'm done with a call and staging initial deployment, I'll have a look, no worries :)14:04
dholbachdavidcalle, basically just an update of the test data of the importer (so we're closer to reality)14:04
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dholbachmhall119, do you know why we have Pillow in the requirements.txt?15:48
mhall119dholbach: probably the image plugin for django-cms needs it15:53
mhall119or zinnia15:54
dholbachmhall119, I'm just wondering because it's explicitly listed in requirements.txt15:54
mhall119you think it should be removed and just assumed from the dependencies of other packages?15:55
dholbachnormally pip would just take care of it15:56
mhall119requirements.txt was generated from calling `pip freeze` after installing everything and then stripping away stuff I thought was brought it via dependency15:56
mhall119dholbach: I'm +1 with removing it and seeing what happens15:56
dholbachmhall119, oh ok... I didn't know about pip freeze15:57
dholbachit's just that I was going through the list again, just to keep up to date15:57
dholbachif there's just stuff in there we care about, that's obviously easier then15:57
dholbachdavidcalle, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/update-components/+merge/28993716:07
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