
nuno_nunesnino english plz00:16
NassI am running Ubuntu 15.10 in a virtual box00:27
NassI had this problem00:27
NassI tried to fix it by removing ~/.config/monitors.xml.00:27
Nassas per http://askubuntu.com/questions/23869/could-not-apply-the-stored-configuration-for-the-monitor00:27
NassNow when I start the vm I just get a black screen :(00:28
Nassnm seems to worknow00:32
=== Dinner is now known as Dinner4Breakfast
salvatorecorsarociao a tutti00:39
salvatorecorsarocome si fà a chiedere info su mint a qualcuno?00:40
salvatorecorsarociao ragazzi00:41
FroBroHey channel. I'm not sure what I did but now I'm unable to run programs in terminal anymore. Any idea?00:48
k1l_what error do you get? what did you do? what ubuntu is that?00:49
reisioFroBro: like what programs?00:50
FroBroactually I thought it was everything, but it just seems to be dev related.00:50
FroBroGulp, npm, yo etc00:50
FroBroi don't even get anything when i try a version flag00:51
naccFroBro: as k1l_ said, waht error do you get, please pastebin an example00:51
bekksAnd can you answer the questions as well?00:51
reisioat all00:51
FroBrosorry didn't see that. Version 14.04LTS in term npm --version, gulp, node --version, etc I get nothing just a new line00:54
k1l_FroBro: what did you do before?00:55
FroBrothe only thing out of the ordinary was "sudo apt-get update" and after that "sudo apt-get install node."00:58
reisioFroBro: 'reset'?01:01
Transfusionhi, running xubuntu 14.04.4 with libmtp 1.1.6-20-g1b9f164-1ubuntu2.1; has anyone experienced slow transfer speeds to android phone which get even slower? (i.e. copying 400 images, each no more than 200 kb in size starts off at 100 KB/s and then over the course of the next 5 minutes plummets to 30 KB/s)01:02
FroBroreisio: tried that, still no luck.01:02
reisioTransfusion: no, but I've experienced Android crapping its pants any chance it gets, generally01:03
reisioif you've the option, wireless transfer might be less problematic01:03
k1l_is "node" the node.js package?01:04
FroBroyes it is01:05
k1l_FroBro: no its not. nodejs is the package01:06
naccFroBro: you installed "Amateur Packet Radio Node program (transitional package)"01:06
Jordan_UHow do I switch to treating the real time clock (RTC) as having local time instead of UTC time, from a LiveCD/USB session? My goal is to be able to have the clock showing the correct time in the live session, without then having the clock show the wrong time when the user whose computer I'm borrowing boots back into Windows.01:06
FroBrohaha nice01:07
FroBroso I just installed nodejs again ;) but still no --version01:07
FlannelJordan_U: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Make_Linux_use_.27Local.27_time01:09
bray90820If I did "mkdir -m 777 dir_4" would that create a directory with 777 permissions?01:10
Jordan_UFlannel: Do edits to /etc/default/rcS require a reboot to take effect? If so, that doesn't really work for a LiveCD/USB session.01:11
FlannelJordan_U: Although I suppose that won't work on a LiveCD.  According to the blagonets, if you're on a newer ubuntu with systemd it might be "timedatectl set-local-rtc 1"01:11
disconnectedhey guys, when doing apt-get source it says I need to add repositories to sources.list01:12
disconnectedwhat exactly should I add?01:12
FlannelJordan_U: yeah, just set your timezone to UTC :)01:12
cfhowlett!repos | disconnected01:12
ubottudisconnected: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.01:12
FlannelJordan_U: (I'm sure there's a real way, but that's one easy way that requires *zero* work each time you boot)01:12
Jordan_UFlannel: Thanks, I think that "timedatectl set-local-rtc 1" will get me what I want. I'll test that it works as expected later today.01:16
FlannelJordan_U: Maybe.  The other way of reading the page I'm looking at is that the command *sets* the HW clock.01:17
Jordan_UFlannel: According to "man timedatectl" "If "1", it will maintain the RTC in local time...", which sounds like what I want. It may correct the hardware clock via NTP if it drifts off, but that should be a good thing as long as it stays in local time.01:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Jordan_UFlannel: (I already changed the timezone in the live session, or rather my script that automates all this does)01:21
shortcircuitany LVM gurus here that could assist me?01:22
Jordan_Ushortcircuit: Just ask your question. If anyone can help they will :)01:22
shortcircuitI have an appliance that has been converted to a full 14.04 server, sadly the appliance has 9 drives with mappings that i would like to consolidate into 3 drives.  LVM has me so confused now that i have no idea where to even start.01:24
shortcircuitI have been trying to solve this myself for several day now but keep hitting roadblocks01:27
=== LINUX is now known as LINOW
reductioHello! I'm having some trouble launching a bundle program at startup... Does anyone know how to make this work? From the terminal the command (cd path/to/file; ./file) works fine, but when I add it to Startup Applications the program never launches. I've tried adding some time but no...01:30
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shortcircuitAny thoughts?01:40
davecore82shortcircuit: can you give a little more info?01:40
shortcircuitsure...i have 8 different PV, 8 different VG, and 8 different LV,  Each of the LV are mapped to specific folders on my /dev/sda.  What I would like to do is consolidate all of the data so that i only have 3 drives.01:43
shortcircuitits kind of hard to fully explain but will provide what data i can01:44
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davecore82is it 8 times x 1 PV with 1 VG with 1 LV01:47
shortcircuitessentially yes01:47
davecore82and when you say each LV is mapped to specific folers on sda, do you mean that you are mounting each LV in a different mountpoint in your system which happens to be on /dev/sda?01:48
miaHey all -- when I press system settings it just waits (waiting mouse icon) and not opens01:49
miaubuntu 15.1001:49
miahow can I fix this? I don't know what caused this.01:49
shortcircuitSDA is the root while sdb is mounted as a folder in the opt folder...and sdc is mounted as a folder within the sdb.01:49
davecore82does each PV = 1 drive?01:50
davecore82so basically you want to end up using 3 drives instead of 8 drives, correct?01:51
shortcircuityes, and i would like to get rid of the maps so that the data reside in the actual folder rather than mapped to the folder01:52
miaAny help is appreciated? my system settings is not opening anymore :(01:52
davecore82a device always needs a mountpoint for you to access it. You will have to mount your LV's somewhere. Something like in /data/somedirectory1, /data/somedirectory2 and /data/somedirectory301:53
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shortcircuitOk i understand that01:55
davecore82shortcircuit: so basically you would probably want 1 VG with 3 drives in it, and then as many LV's as you want in there01:57
davecore82shortcircuit: so if possible, you would want to move the LV from VG8 to VG1 and then destroy VG8 and add the drive to VG1 with vgextend01:58
shortcircuitI was thinking that 3 drives with 1 VG with three LV.01:58
davecore82shortcircuit: then you want to do the same thing with VG701:58
shortcircuiti would use LVMove correct?01:59
davecore82shortcircuit: i dont think so, Im looking02:00
davecore82shortcircuit: there are a couple of solutions for that on the web02:01
davecore82but in the end, you will end up with 1 VG with 3 drives, with 8 LV's02:01
davecore82you can't combine your LV's easily. You'll have to create a new LV and copy your data in the new LV and then destroy the old LV's02:02
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shortcircuitwould it be possibel to copy the data instead to the folder that it is mapped too?02:03
davecore82shortcircuit: I don't understand your concept of mappings. The Linux filesystem is devices mounted in mountpoints on the filesystem somewhere.02:04
davecore82shortcircuit: If you have enough space in your PV1, you could create a new LV in PV1 and mount it anywhere you want in the filesystem and then start copying the data from your other LV's to that new LV.02:06
davecore82shortcircuit: and as you clear the LV's from the old drives, you can destroy the LV/VG from that unused drive and add it to your VG1, giving you more space as you go.02:07
sam_anyone can tell me how to hack whatsapp02:07
sam_or mobile02:07
FroBroFYI I removed nodejs, reinstalled, and everything is working again02:07
sam_help me02:07
k1l_sam_: wrong channel and wrong irc network02:07
shortcircuitok so my terminology is off...im not a daily Linux user02:08
davecore82shortcircuit: so in summary, you have 8 x 1 PV with 1 VG with 1 LV. You could create a new LV in your VG1 and move the data from LV8 in that new LV, and then destroy the LV8/VG8 and add it to VG1.02:10
Flannelshortcircuit: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lvm/  is a good primer on LVM (with pictures).  Don't worry about the commands, just read for content.02:10
davecore82shortcircuit: then repeat for LV7/VG7. And then you will have VG1 with 3 drives. And then just keep copying the data from LV6,5,4 to VG1 and you should be good. Create your 3 new LV's as you go and put the data where you need it.02:12
binki_does anyone here know how to change my superuser identity on my os?02:13
shortcircuitso i would end up with 3 drives , 1 VG , 8 LV's?02:13
davecore82shortcircuit: no you would end up with 1 VG, 3 drives (PV's) and 3 LV's02:13
FlannelWell, you could end up with however many LVs you wanted.  Think of LVs as partitions.02:14
k1l_binki_: you want to rename the user? of grant another user sudo permissions?02:14
davecore82right, you can have as many LV's as you want. But you seemed to be saying you wanted 3 LV's originally.02:14
shortcircuitoh ok...i was under the impression that move the LV's would maintain the number of them.  Yes having 3 LV's is exactly what im looking for.02:15
davecore82shortcircuit: we're not migrating LV's anymore. We're copying data from your old LV's to your new LV's.02:15
Flannelshortcircuit: You have PVs (physical volumes) 1 per drive (well, that's the usual), then you combine all of your PVs into one VG (volume group, literally a group of phys. volumes).  Then you have one gigantic bucket of space.  You then divvy that up into however many logical volumes (logical meaning not physical) you'd like.02:16
shortcircuit...wouldnt i just be copying the old LV to another existing LV?  this i think is where im confised02:16
shortcircuitI already extended the LV that i wish to copy the data too.02:18
davecore82you need 3 new LV's. we call them LVa, LVb and LVc.   you create those new LV's in your VG1. then you mount those somewhere in your filesystem. And then you move the data from the old VG's/LV's to the 3 new LV's, with mv commands, or cp -rp, or dd if of, ...02:18
davecore82you start by copying the data from VG8/LV8. and once it's done, you add the PV8 to VG1 to have more space02:19
davecore82you do the same thing with VG7/LV7. You now have a VG1 with 3 drives (PV's) in it, and with your 3 new LV's.02:20
davecore82and you keep moving the data from your old VG6, VG5, VG4, VG3, VG2 and VG1 to the new LV's02:20
davecore82i should say LV6, LV5, LV4, LV3, LV2 and LV1 instead of VG's.02:21
davecore82and in the end, you have 1 VG with 3 PV's and 3 LV's02:21
shortcircuitTo simplify this...and i probably should have mentioned this but this is a virtual machine so i can grow the drive at will.02:22
davecore82shortcircuit: so why use 3 PV's? why not just 1 PV/1 VG?02:24
davecore82add a new disk, create a new VG with just that 1 PV, then create 3 LV's, and then move your data on those 3 new LV's the way you need them.02:25
davecore82and in the end you destroy all the original VGs/PVs/LVs02:25
shortcircuitIm using Zimbra and they suggest keeping the software on a seperate VG02:25
davecore82shortcircuit: yes, it's fine. Create a new VG with your 3 new LV's and move the data there.02:26
miaHey channel , my system settings is not starting when I click -- any ideas or a possible fix?02:28
k1l_mia: what desktop?02:29
k1l_mia: does other stuff not work?02:29
miaregular ubuntu so unity02:29
miak1l_, what do you mean by other stuff02:29
miaeverything else works actually02:29
k1l_mia: start "unity-control-center" from a terminal02:29
miak1l_, pasting the error02:30
miahttp://pasted.co/ae8f37f4 k1l_02:31
k1l_mia: what did you do before that happend?02:32
miak1l_, othing relly02:32
miait was working before I don2t remember when I had to visit that last time02:32
miatoday it's just not working anymore02:32
shortcircuitok so i have a VG with enough room for the data.  how do i copy it from the LV into the exiting LV thats there?02:32
k1l_mia: what video card?02:33
shortcircuitdo i have to umount the LV first?02:33
miak1l_, nvidia 980ti and 780ti02:33
miadual gpus02:33
davecore82shortcircuit: no don't unmount anything. You're really just going to copy all your data into new LV's02:34
k1l_mia: seems like nvidia driver related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/129139702:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291397 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "unity-control-center crashes when nvidia driver is in use (nvidia-prime)" [Medium,Confirmed]02:34
davecore82shortcircuit: create 3 new LV's in your VG with enough room for the data. And then take all the data from your old LV's and just copy them to the new LV's02:35
miak1l_, hm how should I fix this02:35
miak1l_, this bug is from 2014 O_O02:35
shortcircuithow does that leave me with only three LV if im creating them to delete them other PV.VG02:36
trento_fanhello all02:36
shortcircuitim must be missing something here02:36
davecore82shortcircuit: you start with 8. You create 3 new ones and end up with 11. You move the data from the 8 old ones to the 3 new ones. You remove the 8 old ones. You end with just the 3 new ones02:37
k1l_mia: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999902:37
miak1l_, http://termbin.com/gzay02:38
shortcircuitsince im creating new LV's is there a reason i cant use the LV i already have?02:38
k1l_mia: [    26.076] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)02:39
miak1l_, hmm what should I do02:39
shortcircuitas i mentioned i have already extended the LV to hold the other 5 LVs02:39
k1l_mia: so its not loading the nvidia driver since there is an issue. what driver did you install and how?02:39
miak1l_, I don't remember installing anything specific. I installed cuda a few days ago maybe that's the cause?02:40
mish42did anyone move to a lighter ubuntu distribution after installing 14.04? I feel like mine feels bloated after just installing02:40
miaI meancuda toolkit for running neural networks02:40
k1l_mia: "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999"02:41
miahttp://termbin.com/t3ot k1l_02:41
Ben64mish42: what gpu do you have02:41
mish42Ben64: Ati Radeon HD 4870, not sure how many years old it is at this point (maybe 5-6?)02:42
Ben64mish42: you might want to switch to a desktop that doesn't use compositing then02:43
k1l_mia: "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | nc termbin.com 9999"02:43
mish42Ben64: Is "desktop" same as windowing manager?02:44
miahttp://termbin.com/fu53 k1l_02:44
k1l_amd droppt the support of 4xxx cards on fglrx recently.02:45
miaalso I kept pressing up key to see what commands I ran in terminal and the nvidia related one seems to be this (don't remember when and why I ran this, probobly following some installation tutorial) http://paste.ubuntu.com/15476850/02:45
Ben64mish42: not exactly02:45
miak1l_, I'm not on amd02:45
k1l_that was meant for mish4202:46
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mish42k1l_:  that's what I thought. I guess I have two options, upgrade my video card, or change ubuntu somehow (e.g not composoting windows) so that perforance doesn't feel so slow02:46
Bashing-omk1l_: mia :: " nvidia-352-dev " development packaging ... what have you been doing ?02:47
miaBashing-om, not sure really, I just installed dependency (cuda toolkit) to run a neural network software I had to work with02:47
k1l_mish42: yes. the open source driver seems not to be the best for some older cards. so if you want it lightweight look at xubuntu or Lubuntu or even mate.02:47
Ben64mish42: i would do this (in fact, it's what i'm running right now)02:47
Ben64mish42: forgot the link ... http://www.howtogeek.com/189912/how-to-install-the-gnome-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-14.04/02:48
trento_fandidn't Linus give nvidia the big FU?02:48
miahe did but what can I do.. I need cuda cores.02:49
miaAnd my software does not work on pc02:49
miaand I can't afford a mac.02:49
trento_fanheard that02:49
Bashing-ommish42: A regression, but release 12.04 and the 1st point release still has FGLRX support for that card .02:49
miaAnyway I like ubuntu as a development environment I just don't know how to deal with the issues...yet.02:50
miaso any ideas on how to fix my problem (or is thi a problem)02:50
miacc Bashing-om, k1l_02:51
mish42Bashing-om: Thanks for the tip, I can consider that as well. Theoretically I could run it live from a flash drive and see how it feels?02:51
Ben64mish42: it will be considerably slower from a flash drive02:51
k1l_mia: my only idea: "ls /var/lib/initramfs-tools | sudo xargs -n1 /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start"02:51
k1l_mia: that will build the modules again for the kernel.02:51
Ben64mish42: the radeon driver should support your card fairly well anyway02:51
miak1l_, any chance of breaking things ?02:52
k1l_mia: but i suspect its an issue with that cuda stuff that was installed manually.02:52
miahm since I instlaled that stuff I didn't restart the machine yet02:52
miait's been working for the last few days non stop02:52
mianow this just makes me fear that it won't boot02:52
k1l_sorry i dont know then02:53
Bashing-ommish42: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/ .02:53
miaokay, thanks k1l_02:53
k1l_if you need that machine, i wount touch it until you have some time02:53
mish42Ben64: cool, guess I'll first try gnome classic. then consider xubuntu,lubuntu, or older ubuntu 12.xx. Or shell out 100$ or so for something like nvidia gtx 750 ti.02:53
miaI hate that linux feels like wings of a buttterfly02:54
miawhen you touch it slightly it fells apart irreversibly02:54
mia(if you're not a professional butterfly collector)02:54
k1l_mia: but right now you dont use the nvidia driver but the open source driver, since the nvidia driver module broke and wasnt booted.02:54
Ben64mia: if you get a packaged based distro and install stuff without using the package manager and supported repositories, sure02:54
=== Brandon is now known as Guest83718
miaBen64, well I installed cuda02:55
miawhich is not in official places02:55
miaI mean cuda toolkit02:55
trento_fanseems like previous distros work best on older sw & hw. ubuntu uses alot of resources. imo02:55
miaThat's the only way I can make use of my cores02:55
Ben64!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit | mia02:55
ubottumia: nvidia-cuda-toolkit (source: nvidia-cuda-toolkit): NVIDIA CUDA development toolkit. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 6.5.14-2 (wily), package size 18607 kB, installed size 47433 kB02:55
k1l_mia: there is libcuda and nvidia-cuda-* in the repos02:55
miathe actual dev. kit is almost 2 gigs02:55
Bashing-ommia: I am aware that version 352 has some limited vdpau decoding support . Maybe purge all and try the newer 361 driver version ??02:55
miathat has to be something else02:56
Guest83718Will the AMD A8-7600 cpu work fine on ubuntu? I heard it crashes often02:56
mushmouthim using amd a10 just fine Guest8371802:56
miaBashing-om, how can I do that02:56
fake_drakehey, I'm hobby-ishly porting a tcsh script from mac to ubuntu , and its giving me permission denied errors when I try 'use ffmpeg-1.1.2'02:56
miaBen64, https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads this one is almost 2 gigs, probobly different than what you sent02:56
fake_drakeany way of getting off the permission denied errors?02:57
Bashing-ommia: What release are you on ? May have to resort to our trusted PPA for the driver .02:57
Ben64mia: size doesn't matter02:57
k1l_mia: dont get irritated by the size mentioned by the package. it is a metapackage and will pull other packages, too02:57
miaWell I followed the official installation guide so yeah02:58
miamaybe they should've mentioned this was possible :(02:58
Guest83718ok thanks because Im building a computer and I don't know if I should get the Athlon 860k or the A8-760002:58
Bashing-ommia: What returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ? is the 361 offered ?02:58
miaBashing-om, just waiting02:58
miahow long does this take normally02:59
miaoh wait, here is what it returns02:59
Guest83718I kinda like how you can play games on linux now saves alot of money and makes great budget builds03:00
miaI was trying to say <sorry about that< then I realized I got quieted03:00
ouroumovuse a pastebin mia. paste.ubuntu.com03:01
miacc Bashing-om03:02
Todd_GurleyHey guys, I'm new to Linux. This is gonna sound stupid, but whenever I open up the terminal, the very first line immediately says "-bash: /home/*NAME*/.rvm/scrips/rvm: No such file or directory". Clearly I misspelled the word "scripts" somewhere along my installation path. Anyone know how I can keep the terminal from throwing that error every time?03:02
Bashing-ommia: Consider when you have the down time ' sudo apt-get remove nvidia-* ; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 nvidia-prime ' . Not at all sure how cuda will play into this .03:03
miahm okay03:03
miaI will do that actually03:04
miaI'll wait for my neural network to finish the cycle, which is hopefully in the nex hour03:04
miathen I'll be trying this03:04
Bashing-ommia: Think that 361 will play nicer with cuda .. maybe .03:06
miaI don't remember installing any nvidia drivers03:06
miamaybe cuda did install them03:06
mish41Bashing-om:  (or whoever, don't remember). Gnome classic feels snappier, so thanks for the tip.03:09
Bashing-ommish41: Think that was Ben64 .03:10
mish41okay. thanks!03:10
Bashing-ommia: " ii  nvidia-352 " proprietary driver is installed .. and I can accept a conflict with " ii  nvidia-352-dev " . But I am always amazed at what I do not know .03:11
miaBashing-om, removing nvidia as you mentioned will remove everything right ?03:12
miaBashing-om, could it be related to this somehow http://paste.ubuntu.com/15476850/03:12
miathis seems like the only thing I did in the past related to nvidia (somehow)03:12
pamHas anyone SUCCESSFULLY installed Adobe air via wine?  if so, how?03:12
miaI mean besides installing the cuda toolkit03:12
Bashing-ommia: Well ,, maybe best look at removing cuda as you installed from OEM .. Not sure at all that the package manager will deal with it .03:13
miapam, I wish I knew - I could not even get skype working over wine :(03:13
miaBashing-om, okay I will try03:13
pamHas anyone SUCCESSFULLY installed Adobe air via wine?  if so, how? (I've installed Adobe Air...but now I can't find out how to use the installer to install an .air file)03:13
miaBashing-om, this is how I installed it https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads03:14
miaif you follow by selecting operating system, architecture, distribution, version, installer type (local) you will reach my installation instructions03:14
pammia: I'm trying to use this tutorial http://jcward.com/Installing+AIR+Apps+On+Linux03:14
pamIf you can get this to work, let me know how.03:14
Bashing-ommia: OUCH ! " sudo rm -f /boot/initrd* " .. still have kernel symlinks valid from / to /boot ?03:15
Bashing-ommia: ^^ cuda: when you un-tared .. is there a readme for guidance to un-install ?03:17
mianot really03:18
miaBashing-om, after the uninstall you pasted above, the settings menu now works, but cuda seems dead03:18
Bashing-ommia: I do suggest to remove the OEM cuda ,, however one can .. and see how the cuda release in our repo performs .03:19
pamDamnit!  Why is it so goddamn hard to install an adobe air app via Wine?03:22
B4shdoes anyone have an idea as to why when i migrate a specific wp website to my server it makes a separate wp site on my server have a white screen issue?03:22
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miaBashing-om, I just installed the nvidia driver using sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 nvidia-prime03:32
miabut when I do nvidia-smi -L I get the error <<NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.>>03:33
Bashing-ommia: ' lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' ' ??03:35
miaBashing-om, << Kernel driver in use: nouveau >>03:36
miathis is all03:36
Bashing-ommia: Ouch .. should be 'nvidia' . so nvidia is not loaded .03:39
miaBashing-om, why can this be03:39
miabecause I went into my <software and updates< page, <additional drivers< and nvidia is selected there03:39
miaShould I be rebooting after that ?03:39
Bashing-ommia: Affirmed on the reboot . do .03:40
miaokay checkin g now03:41
=== tyler is now known as Guest65693
Guest65693Hey, I'm on mint and was looking for some network adapter support for my ASUS g75vx03:45
pamHas anyone ever successfully installed an Adobe Air app via wine on Linux (I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu).  I've got Adobe Air installed...but I can't install an .air file.  What do I do?03:47
OptiprismGuys halp I've entered some kind of command line mode how do I exit it?03:50
miaBashing-om, it worked! thank you very much!03:51
kostkonOptiprism, CTRL+ALT+F703:51
OptiprismAh thanks !03:52
Bashing-ommia: :) Great .. we can wipe the sweat off .03:52
ubuntu971hi, i was trying to install ethereum miner in ubuntu 15.10 and got stuck when i tryed to install llvm-3.7-dev03:53
Bashing-om!mint | Guest6569303:53
ubottuGuest65693: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:53
ubuntu971gets stuck on : Setting up binfmt-support (2.1.5-1) ...03:53
ubuntu971i tryed so many things and now i cant install nothing... cuz it say me to go : sudo dpkg --configure -a03:54
ubuntu971and it allways get stuck on that03:54
ubuntu971Can someone please help me03:54
=== mason1 is now known as masoncodes
ubuntu971hi, i was trying to install ethereum miner in ubuntu 15.10 and got stuck when i tryed to install llvm-3.7-dev gets stuck on : Setting up binfmt-support (2.1.5-1) ... i tryed so many things and now i cant install nothing... cuz it say me to go : sudo dpkg --configure -a and it allways get stuck on that Setting up binfmt-support (2.1.5-1) ...03:56
masoncodes(sorry idk how to do that)03:56
ubuntu971how can i make ubuntu stop asking to do dpkg --configure -a03:57
masoncodesrun it?03:57
ubuntu971if i run it it gets stuck in same thing03:57
=== N3X15 is now known as scuttlebot
masoncodesgimme 3 sec to switch clients03:57
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pamHas anyone ever successfully installed an Adobe Air app via wine on Linux (I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu).  I've got Adobe Air installed...but I can't install an .air file.  What do I do?03:58
=== scuttlebot is now known as N3X15
ubuntu971masoncodes i also noticed that xorg seems to be using 100% cpu04:00
masoncodestry rebooting?04:00
masoncodesor askubuntu on stack exchange? bro idk04:00
ubuntu971tryed so many times before come here ask for help :(04:01
OptiprismHaha I got my nvidia drivers back04:05
Bashing-omOptiprism: One more step taken on that curve of learning .04:08
reisioOptiprism: showoff04:11
jerryhello world04:37
jerryi am in04:38
jerryoooo ooo04:38
reisio"hello, world"04:40
davidoreisio Yes?04:41
davidoreisio, hardyn... maybe have the wrong channel.04:52
reisiodavido: oh? /msg alis list *foo* can help04:54
davidoI'll be more clear. "yup", "f", "twss".  ...none of that nonsense seems on-topic for a channel about the Ubuntu operating system.04:55
* reisio yawns04:56
Caplainhttp://imgur.com/QUZ2iKO having an ncurses problem with putty05:13
Guy1524Hey guys, so I went into the additional driver application and saw I had this driver selected: http://i.imgur.com/R2cpHqx.png    Since when were the nvidia provided drivers open source, this is awesome!05:15
Guy1524Also anyone know when the 364.12 driver will arrive in the PPA?05:16
reisioCaplain: make sure charsets/locales match05:18
Caplainreisio, okay05:19
bray90820Kinda off topic Does anyone know what's wrong with this statement05:35
reisiobray90820: looks like it's missing a then after first if, for starters05:39
reisioand also another final ; fi05:39
reisioalternatively you could use a single if with a logical and05:40
reisioand it's ; else, too, IIRC05:40
reisiomore at #bash05:40
bray90820reisio: are you in #bash?05:42
bray90820Can you help me here then?05:43
reisiowell, I think I got all your problems :)05:43
reisiowhat I meant was /even/ more at #bash05:43
bray90820reisio: Should I remove the second if?05:46
bray90820Or what would you do to make it correct05:46
reisioit'd probably be more efficient to use a logical and05:46
bray90820Yea as you can tell I am not much of a bash person05:47
reisiobray90820: what is it you're trying to do, in general?05:47
reisioyou want a daily cron'd script that's aware of what day it is?05:48
macattack18hey i keep getting failed to install grub to /target when i try to install Ubunut 15.10 along side windows 10.05:53
reisiomacattack18: should be able to fix that manually after the rest of the installation finishes, if it can continue05:54
macattack18I tried to continue install without a boot loader but the ok button didn't do anything05:55
macattack18I had to hard reset I am currently in the live USB05:55
reisiowell, that's a separate problem, then :)05:56
reisiodoes it do that every time?05:56
macattack18assuming it installed okay what can i do to fix it05:56
macattack18i installed eos right before this had the same grub error but was able to continue05:56
macattack18i was hoping it was just an issue with eos but have the same problem with ubuntu05:57
reisiooh, installing grub manually is pretty straightforward05:59
reisioyou'll want05:59
macattack18How would I do it?05:59
reisio/etc/fstab, and the output of sudo lsblk -f06:00
siesgsthey, i created a new network on xchat but however it says no ident response . what should i do? please help :)06:01
bray90820reisio: Every sunday I want to purge or prune the stuff in /media/backup/Recorded_TV/ that doesn't exist in /media/data/Recorded_TV06:01
bray90820Here is the rest of my script so you can get a better idea of what's going on http://pastebin.com/QFgxrxeC06:01
macattack18Once I have the output of lsblk -f what do I do06:02
siesgsthey, i created a new network on xchat but however it says no ident response . what should i do? please help :)06:02
reisiomacattack18: typically you grub-install /dev/sda regardless, but if you have a complex situation, you'll want that info06:03
macattack18yea I have windows 10 on a bigger ssd and 2 3TB drive06:03
bob2017Hi.  I had an error and rebooted.  I think the machine is trying to go into emergency mode, but I can’t tell because I have an EFI machine and my video card doesn’t have EFI firmware.  So video doesn’t become active until the nvidia drivers are loaded.  What should I do?06:03
macattack18Ubuntu is on a smaller SSD06:04
reisiobray90820: you want to purge what exists in /media/aaron/Backup/Recorded_TV/ that doesn't exist in /media/backup/Recorded_TV/ ?06:05
reisiomacattack18: typically grub is installed to the first device (/dev/sda) regardless, but again, you have options06:05
macattack18alright so should I just try to run that install command06:06
bray90820reisio: Yes every Sunday06:06
reisiobray90820: and if it isn't Sunday, do nothing?06:06
reisiobray90820: so, you could do something like this (note I have omitted -n, and retyped strings by hand): date +%A | egrep -q '^Sunday$' && rsync -HSa --delete root@ /media/aaron/Backup/Recorded_TV/06:07
bray90820Lets test it out with -n06:08
reisioyes :p06:08
macattack18I got this error running grub install 'grub-install: error: cannot open directory `/boot/grub/i386-pc': No such file or directory.'06:08
reisiomacattack18: okay, that means grub is either confused about where /boot/ is, or /boot/ is not correctly populated (grub userland isn't installed)06:09
reisiomacattack18: the former is slightly more likely, I'd say06:09
reisiomacattack18: look at where /boot is according to /etc/fstab, see what's in there06:09
bray90820wait whyrWouldn't I need ssh root@
bray90820Sorry let me repay that06:10
bray90820reisio: Wouldn't I need ssh root@
macattack18I dont have anything labeled boot in etc/fstab06:10
reisiobray90820: not typically, no06:11
bray90820That's new to me06:11
reisiobray90820: it'd be -e ssh, IIRC, and that should be default06:12
reisiobob2017: ?06:12
reisiomacattack18: then it'd be on the partition labelled /06:12
macattack18none labeled /06:12
bob2017reisio: i had what seemed to be an error, so i logged in through ssh and rebooted.  but my machine didn’t come up.  I think its booting into emergency mode.  but i can’t tell — its an EFI machine, and the video card doesn’t have EFI firmware, so there’s no video until the nvidia drivers get loaded.  it isn’t getting far enough to launch sshd.  What should I do?06:13
reisiobray90820: now, I wouldn't do this, but if you happened to want instead a very explicit if else setup, in bash, more like what you were going for at the outset, it'd be something like this: if [ $(date +%A) = "Sunday" ]; then echo 'foo'; else echo 'bar'; fi06:13
bray90820reisio: Could I replace Sunday with Wednesday to test it out since it's not sunday ?06:13
macattack18thats the output of fstab06:13
reisiobray90820: but of course06:13
reisiobray90820: and you could do very explicit code for every day of the week like this: http://dpaste.com/0F894K106:16
reisiobray90820: or for some, and '*)' (instead of 'Sunday)', for example), for a final generic catch-all06:17
reisiomacattack18: no, that's lsblk's output06:17
bray90820reisio: So just to get it straight it doesn't delete anything from /media/backup/Recorded_TV06:18
reisiobob2017: you should have video before nvidia's loaded, still06:18
macattack18oh so what am I missing then?06:18
reisiobray90820: rsync, with --delete, delete's from the second path, not the first; the destination, not the source06:18
reisiobray90820: with -n it should say explictly06:19
reisiobray90820: just put an extra dummy file in the destination, and it'll delete06:19
reisio(or simulate deleting it)06:19
reisiomacattack18: /etc/fstab06:19
bray90820Ok so were good then06:20
bob2017reisio: well, i dont :p even when the machine is running normally.  is there a way to put the video drivers onto initramfs?  the issue is the machine doesn’t have BIOS, and the video card firmware wants BIOS, not EFI06:20
bray90820reisio: Thanks06:20
reisionp man06:21
macattack18reisio: when I open fstab this is what I see06:21
reisiobob2017: I'm not sure how you'd debug a forced headless system that isn't booting06:22
reisiobob2017: you could boot it via a virtualization system, I guess06:22
bob2017reisio: can’t do that either i’m afraid06:22
reisiomacattack18: now, you actually need /etc/fstab from your installation's / partition06:22
reisiomacattack18: so probably: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; cat /mnt/etc/fstab; umount /mnt06:23
reisiobray90820: oh I understand your question more now06:24
reisiobray90820: ssh user@host foo sends the command foo to the host; but rsync has its own client/server system06:25
bray90820reisio: What question?06:25
reisioabout 'ssh rsync'06:25
macattack18reisio thanks for the help i need to get going. I will keep trying06:26
bray90820reisio: In any case it's all sorted out now06:26
bray90820reisio: SCORE the script finally works06:28
reisiobray90820: don't forget to substitute Sunday in for Wednesday :p06:29
reisios/-n//, etc.06:29
bray90820Yep Tried it both ways works perfectly06:30
bray90820Granted it was only a dry run06:30
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
rud0lfany idea about fix of broadcom 43xx drivers freezing nautilus when opening /proc/ directory?06:59
homajilihi my friends07:16
reisiohi friend07:16
reisio(hi friend HI FRIEND)07:16
linociscohow do i send meeting invitation via thunderbird?07:17
DreskI just upgraded from 15.04 to 15.10, and my Intel PCI-E dual-port NIC, using the e1000e module, is only detecting of the ports on the card.  dmesg isn't revealing much, I did a quick Google search and didn't see similar issues07:18
reisiolinocisco: you'd probably want an extension, or just to use evolution instead07:22
DreskI just upgraded from 15.04 to 15.10, and my Intel PCI-E dual-port NIC, using the e1000e module, is only detecting of the ports on the card.  dmesg isn't revealing much, I did a quick Google search and didn't see similar issues07:34
just_Hi guys. I need help with xrandr. maximum screen resolution of 1024 * 768, the driver is installed.07:51
just_if I do07:51
just_xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync + vsync07:51
just_xrandr --verbose --addmode VGA1 "1920x1080_60.00"07:51
just_xrandr --output VGA1 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"07:51
just_screen resolution becomes normal. but only until you reboot.07:51
just_I added to the startup, but at the start of the move down icon on the toolbar. where it is necessary to add the execution of these commands, so they worked before the creation toolbar07:52
TribaalHi all - is there anything wrong with planet ubuntu? The doc for adding your blog to the stream says it can take up to 2h (cron), but it's been overnight now and nothing :/07:57
havenstancegood morning09:12
havenstanceI have a question on scripting, trying to write an xrandr script to fix my display settings on login.09:12
havenstancexrandr --output DVI-0 --primary --mode 1440x90009:13
havenstancejust to clarify the --primary in this command will make that DVI display the primary display correct?09:13
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it?09:16
mojtabaHow can I log all of the output of the keepass2 command? (When I scroll up I can not reach to the top point.)09:18
tuorCurrent status: I have a PC at home with the following storage setup: 2x 4TB HDD, 2x 2TB HDD, 1x 500GB HDD, 1x 120GB SSD. In the past, the 2x 4TB HDDs where used as RAID1 (There where Backups and archives on it). The other HDDs have different data on it. At the moment I'm running an Windows 7 on this computer, with only the 120GB SSD and one 2TB HDD connected. All the other sotrage devices are not connected.09:19
tuorThis Windows 7 is only for gaming. I use my laptop for my work.09:19
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest90504
TingelTangelTomHello Guys, my Laptop runs with Xubuntu but he can´t connect with my Network, somebody can help me?09:20
=== uptime is now known as sleeptime
tuorWhat I want: A pc with Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04 (when released) and windows 7 (for gaming only). The PC should not only be used by me, my girlfriend and some other people should have there own user on it. I want to have versioning of all user data (hourly backups, if changes are done). It should be easy to get an old state back and deleted files should be recoverable. "Normal users" should have the possibility to09:24
tuorget there data back again, by there own. The usable storage space should only be like 2 - 4 TB not more. All the other space should be used for backup/versioning.09:24
domsterHi, can anyone help me witch grub? I want an own entry and have problems to detect the right partition for my ubuntu 14.04.09:26
tuorI know that is a long text. But I hope I could tell you my goal. How would you setup something like this? Do you know any documentation about similar setups? What FS would you use? How would you do backup/versioning?09:26
abhishekmy name is abhishek and i am 1st using ubuntu studio09:27
abhishekplease .. some one write for me09:27
abhishekhow to fix09:28
abhishek*!*@$##fix_your_connection .. what is this.. and how to work09:28
abhishekHow i am join09:29
ouroumov_abhishek, this does not concern you09:29
abhishekyou know bengali language09:30
abhishekTumi ki bangla jano..?09:30
ouroumov_abhishek, no09:30
abhishekmy english is bad09:30
abhisheki am first time use this linux09:31
jollaholistido you like it?09:31
abhishekI love it09:31
abhishekI am from INDIA. you..?09:32
abhishekhow are you..09:32
abhishekmy name is Abhishek Kundu..09:33
ouroumov_abhishek, you may find a channel with a language that is better for you here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList#IRC.2FChannelList.2FLocal.Local_Ubuntu_channels09:33
somsip!ot | abhishek09:33
ubottuabhishek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:33
abhishekYou are very good friend thank you..09:34
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? How can I log all of the output of the keepass2 command? (When I scroll up I can not reach to the top point.)09:34
abhishekI Love you... all my friend thank09:36
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India09:36
hateballabhishek: I don't know for sure, but I guess someone in #ubuntu-in speaks bengali, if that is easier for you :)09:38
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? How can I log all of the output of the keepass2 command? (When I scroll up I can not reach to the top point.)09:44
ouroumov_mojtaba, what is the command to launch it in terminal?09:45
mojtabaouroumov_: yes09:45
ouroumov_If so, use: keepass2 | tee keepass2.log09:45
ouroumov_All standard output will be written to the keepass2.log file09:45
ouroumov_then you can view this file using less command or a text editor09:46
mojtabaouroumov_: thanks09:46
BitrixHow can I run multiple instances of a program in Ubuntu? I tried to use the middle mouse button, but it didn't work09:48
ouroumov_Bitrix, what program is it?09:49
RiPpInhow do I get virtual box.... the website sends a file that is NOT the one.... which one is it?09:49
Bitrixouroumov i.e System Settings, and sometimes I want Files09:50
bazhangtry #vbox RiPpIn09:50
lotus|xenialRiPpIn: sudo apt-get install virtualbox09:50
RiPpInty guys ...09:51
younderRiPpIn: You might want to look at vagrant as well.  It  runs on top of virtualbox, works from the command line but has a library of prebuildt system which is easier to set up.09:52
RiPpInThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:56
RiPpInis only available from another source09:56
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/09:57
younderyou know of apt-add_repository or do you do that from the software center?09:58
younderWell I am old-school and like the terminal. YMMV09:59
RiPpInsoftware center does not do very well09:59
younderToday you don't need it that often unless you are dealing with serves.10:00
rantaplanjust tried to disable my touchpad while typing, as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/mouse-disabletouchpad.html. I am using 15.10, and there is no such option. any clues?10:00
stefffffhello, can someone point me to somewere i can ask about trying to install ubuntu mate on my macbook pro 510:01
hateball!mac | stefffff10:02
ubottustefffff: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:02
=== dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/10:14
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria
=== Aria is now known as Guest62104
=== Guest62104 is now known as Guest62104|away
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: :p10:20
ovalseven8Would like to create a .deb package. The software, however, has dependencies without packages in the Ubuntu repositories. Can somebody give me a link perhaps how to create such a package?10:24
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring10:26
TJ-ovalseven8: you might package those external dependencies too and put them in your own PPA, or else import and build specific versions of those dependencies inside your own package10:28
younderdpkg doesn't use package dependencies. You need apt..10:29
ovalseven8TJ-: Mh, I am just starting to deal with packaging. So, will it also work if I compile the dependency in my chroot?10:31
TJ-ovalseven8: if say you've got myapp that depends on libA and libB, with libA in the archive but libB not, then you could include and build libB inside your 'myapp' source and package the combined binaries as myapp.deb10:32
Blasterhi  all10:36
=== Blaster is now known as Guest94228
jmm8612jemand da?10:39
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:40
k1l_jmm8612: deutsch wird in #ubuntu-de gesprochen :)10:40
jmm8612ok danke10:40
=== plasmoduck_ is now known as plasmoduck
hackalHow come when I do "top" command and see that "KiB Mem:   2048888 total,  1957660 used" but all processes have 0.0 on %MEM?10:44
k1l_hackal: its cache and buggers10:45
k1l_hackal: see linuxatemyram.com10:45
younderhackal, I use htop10:46
hackalI do not panic but my websites do10:46
hackalthanks for the htop, found the problem (mysql)10:48
younderhackal, dou have a unusual /etc/sequrity/limits.conf  settings? ( have you used bastille per chance?)10:49
youndernever mind then10:49
hackalsorry I never used bastille10:49
MonkeyDust!info bastille10:49
ubottuPackage bastille does not exist in wily10:49
younderIt sets up the system more securely10:50
younderI use 14.04 LTS for now10:50
hackalIt looks like mysql is reserving memor10:50
younderA few years ago I had a problem with running out of memory turned out I had underestimated the number of processes running on ubuntu client. bastile was set up for a server. So I got some relly wierd error messages.10:54
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest1023
Amethistubuntu monitor sucks11:26
Amethistis there a task manager similiar to windows?11:27
Amethistwindows task manager is much much much much better than linux11:27
pavlushkaI am getting local fonts clumsy, http://i.imgur.com/ZAEd4Gy.png11:27
pavlushkaI am getting local fonts clumsy, http://i.imgur.com/ZAEd4Gy.png11:27
tjopsticktop in command line?11:28
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/11:28
stallmanoiais there a win32-loader.exe somewhere in ubuntu.com/ ??11:29
k1l_stallmanoia: you mean to load windows programs?11:29
=== asdfa is now known as marceloper
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/11:38
=== mike_ is now known as Guest29518
ubuntu-studiooffline software install in internet pc to without internet pc in ubuntu studio11:44
ubuntu-studiohelp me ..11:44
ubuntu-studioi am a new user..11:44
younderubuntu-studio, use a dvd11:45
ubuntu-studiotell me detail11:46
ubuntu-studiowhere i found dvd11:46
younderubuntu-studio, say subscribe  the magazine ubuntu user. they have DVD's11:46
ubuntu-studioubuntu-studio dvd have not office package. i am try to install it online pc to other pc how.11:47
ubuntu-studiowhich app help me to do this..11:48
younderubuntu-studio, your not online so you need a DVD. I got my firt one from a trade show11:49
ubuntu-studioi download the dvd form the web site. but i want more app my offline pc11:51
ouroumov_ubuntu-studio, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository11:52
younderI've used apt-cacher-ng to donload tings to my online PC and the transfer them to my cluster without internet access. You would probably want to update Network Time protocol (NTP) as well though11:53
sand0How can I connect to a network using only the terminal? I have no X server running (not sure why but have been told it's a graphics driver issue) and network-manager is not installed. I'm running 14.04.11:58
ouroumov_sand0,  Depends on whether your machine will get its address through dhcp or manual allocation11:59
k1l_sand0: wifi or ethernet?11:59
=== james is now known as Guest2089
younderubuntu server+12:00
sand0k1l_: either would do. I have an ethernet cable plugged in and p1p1 shows when i run `ifconfig`, but I'm unable to e.g. `curl http://www.google.com`.12:01
younderHvae you looked at the linux network administration cookbook?12:03
k1l_sand0: so its a desktop install but it just doesnt load the desktop?12:03
sand0k1l_: I didn't do the install myself, but I AFAIK it's a fresh install which just isn't loading the desktop. I've been told I might need to install appropriate drivers for my NVIDIA card before I can get an X server running12:05
nedalHi , I m working on a  java application which needs bluetooth API ( BlueCove), but I have this message (Native Library bluecove_x64 not available), I guess that eclipse doesn t find the API in the library path. So I m wondering where eclipse store his libraries on linux ! ? I m using Ubuntu 15.1012:05
younderHave you tried running startx =12:05
k1l_younder: no. dont use startx please12:07
k1l_!nomodeset | sand012:07
ubottusand0: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:07
youndervery well use grub setup then12:08
k1l_sand0: try the "one time" solution with editing the grub kernel line on one boot on that machine. adding "nomodeset" there might give you a desktop and then it works and we dont have do bother with the cli netowrk stuff12:08
sand0k1l_: OK, I'll have a read and try this. Thanks everyone.12:08
younderkll_: there is no 'grub kernel'12:09
k1l_younder: please read what i wrote: grub kernel line.12:09
younderah ok12:09
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505
crazyhorse18what permissions should authorized_keys have?12:23
somsipcrazyhorse18: 644 here12:24
crazyhorse18ok sounds good12:25
crazyhorse18and should it be user:user?12:25
somsipcrazyhorse18: yes12:25
crazyhorse18i've done this i'm guessing 50 times, and i always forget what it has to be.. because it's always only 2 - 3 times a year12:25
sand0k1l_: I've added nomodeset to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT option, run `sudo update-grub` and then restarted, but it still boots to the shell. What does this mean?12:27
crazyhorse18somsip: nice.. it worked12:27
somsipcrazyhorse18: cool12:27
k1lsand0: well, i said you should edit the grub with the one time solution.12:28
k1lsand0: so the easy fix didnt work somehow. so lets focus on the network as you wanted in first place12:28
sand0OK, thanks12:29
k1lsand0: is there a router at the other end of the ethernet cable?12:29
k1lsand0: meaning, is there a dhcp server running? like the most router setups do12:31
sand0k1l_: presumably - I'm plugged into an ethernet port in an office, and can't really tell what's at the other end. Is there a way I can find out from my computer?12:31
tewardsand0: if this is in your office, you should contact the office's IT department12:32
crazyhorse18sand0: nmap12:32
tewardsand0: it's quite possible there's mAC filtering on the network, restricting what can connect, or no DHCP and everything's static connected.12:32
tewardsand0: and in some cases, you need to have additional authentication done on the computer to make it work with some ethernet networks.12:32
k1lsand0: yeah, best is to ask the admin. offices tend to have crazy setups and this would take long to test it out.12:32
tewardcrazyhorse18: can't if he has no IP - no data will go in or out.12:32
tewardsand0: and also, note offices have IT policies that may preclude your running this computer on the network - they may require special restrictions or checks on the machine to make sure it meets their policies12:33
tewardor they may just say "no"12:33
k1lif its just a dhcp router it would be an easy thing: open /etc/network/interfaces , edit it so the auto eth0 (if eth0 is the ethernet device) has this line under it: iface eth0 inet dhcp12:34
sand0OK, thanks everyone. I'm in a 'hot-desking space', so I doubt there are restrictions on the devices which are allowed to connect12:34
tewardsand0: i know a couple 'hot-desk' spaces that still are restricted to some extent.  Check with office IT anyways12:34
hateballsand0: you may have some luck if you "sudo apt-get install cdpr && sudo cdpr", if you want to find out what you are connected to12:34
tewardsand0: because there may be restrictions you're unaware of in that location12:34
sand0hateball: I can't install anything because I'm not connected :)12:35
hateballsand0: right12:35
sand0teward: you're right; I'll go find an admin. Thanks everyone12:35
tewardsand0: expect a list of questions such as "What is the sytem, why do you need it, what runs on it', etc.12:35
tewardsand0: 'cause those're questions I usually ask before permitting things on the 'net at any workplace I have power over12:36
teward(even at my home network, heh)12:36
andywojoWhen does kernel 4.5 come to Ubuntu?12:36
fishyi'm trying to install burg to /dev/sda but I get the message that I need to use blocklists, and apparently blocklists are bad? I there any way for me to not use blocklists?12:38
minimecandywojo: If you know what you are doing, there is a build for ubuntu wily here... http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/12:40
andywojoJust found it12:41
andywojoI'm running Xenial though12:41
minimecandywojo: Shouldn't be a problem anyway...12:42
jeffreylevesquehow do i check what versions are available for a specific package?12:46
somsipjeffreylevesque: apt-cache policy {packagename}12:47
jeffreylevesquethank you!12:47
BluesKajhiyas all12:48
crazyhorse18:*( i'm getting 34kbs from the servers.. 21mins just to install some packages12:54
asbrI have a problem mounting an encrypted disk, it keeps telling me that I should check whether the kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher - which module might be missing? - and what should I look for?12:58
TJ-asbr: if it's an amd64 build, aes-x86_64.ko13:01
jeffreylevesqueis my syntax almost right - `npm install -g eslint babel-eslint@6.x`?13:02
jeffreylevesquesorry wrong channel :(13:03
asbrWell, actually it is an ubuntu running MATE on a raspberrypi, what could be the corresponding module?13:03
TJ-asbr: you'll probably want xts.ko as well; use 'lsmod' to check what's loaded already13:04
TJ-asbr: "aes-arm.ko" for ARM13:05
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asbrlsmod says that xts is loaded, but no aes, I'll try that, thank you13:05
TJ-asbr: the aes-$ARCH.ko modules should all alias just 'aes' so "modprobe aes" is sufficient on any architecture13:07
amali am new to ubuntu13:12
asbrTJ: sorry, no luck, still doesn't work. Now lsmod tell that both xts and aes-arm is loaded, but still no good. Maybe the UbuntuMATE build for raspberrypi has some errors in it, I think it is quite new. But thank you anyway!13:13
CaffeineAddictamal: hi new to ubuntu13:13
TJ-asbr: no, there are many modules, let me check what else you need13:13
asbrTJ: ok, I'll hang on!13:14
tommy_the_dragonI'm trying to get something in PATH for root. I've tried putting export PATH=/path/i/want:$PATH in /root/.bashrc and /root/.profile and in /etc/environment but nothing is working when I open a new shell and echo $PATH. Suggestions?13:14
tommy_the_dragonubuntu version is 14.0413:15
TJ-asbr: try also adding gf128mul.ko"13:15
TJ-asbr: are you using 'modprobe' or 'insmod' - with the former it'll resolve the dependencies and load them for you13:17
asbrTJ: I use 'modprobe'- and gf128mul didn't solve it either13:18
TJ-asbr: what is the error you're seeing, and from what command?13:18
asbrTJ: When I plug the disk a dialogue box appears and ask me to enter the passphrase to unlock. After a short while I get this: Error unlocking /dev/sda1: Command-line `cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/sda1" "luks-e0c16665-0e2f-4d4d-8ec4-82f97d4b31e2" ' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device /dev/sda1. Check that kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher (check syslog for more info).13:21
TJ-asbr: you may need also the hash module sha256 or sha1 (for an older version of cryptsetup)13:21
asbrTJ: sorry, still the same sad result.13:26
TJ-asbr: are you sure it's a module issue. check if /var/log/kern.log has more information13:27
FroBrojoin #javascript13:28
FroBrooops :)13:28
selaIs ubuntu 15.04 Long Term Support?13:30
cfhowlettsela, no13:30
cfhowlettand 15.04 is dead now13:30
MonkeyDustsela  15.04 is dead13:30
selaIn packages.ubuntu.com vivid is not delete13:30
asbrTJ: kern.log look ok to me. I don't know if you ca make anything from this: Mar 23 14:25:33 raspmate kernel: [13456.457904] scsi host4: usb-storage 1-1.3:1.013:30
asbrMar 23 14:25:35 raspmate kernel: [13458.893700] scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access     TOSHIBA  External USB 3.0 5438 PQ: 0 ANSI: 613:30
asbrMar 23 14:25:35 raspmate kernel: [13458.894799] sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 013:30
asbrMar 23 14:25:35 raspmate kernel: [13458.899933] sd 4:0:0:0: [sda] 1953525164 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/932 GiB)13:30
k1lsela: no, only every 2nd year its a LTS.13:30
asbrMar 23 14:25:35 raspmate kernel: [13458.900470] sd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off13:30
tewardsela: it doesn't matter - it's still past end of life13:30
asbrMar 23 14:25:35 raspmate kernel: [13458.900488] sd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 0013:30
teward!pastebin | asbr13:30
ubottuasbr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:30
selaWhy in packages.ubuntu.com vivid is present, no epcent?13:31
k1lsela: it will be removed.13:31
hateball!eolupgrade | sela13:31
ubottusela: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:31
MonkeyDustsela  type /topic to see what's supported here ... 16.04 will be released in a few weeks from now13:32
Picisela: Because its a non-trivial process to remove things from that site and it hasn't been EOL for that long.13:32
sela2 month Remove?13:32
MilesMapesIRCI use linux13:32
PiciMilesMapesIRC: Welcome!13:32
cfhowlettsela, asked and answered.  any other questions??13:32
selacfhowlett:I shocked.13:32
selacfhowlett:No long live, distro is present two monts not in archive13:33
cfhowlettsela, any other *ubuntu* questions?13:33
Rmon_kan enivuncmeeee13:33
MilesMapesIRCi use linu13:33
selaMaybe distro LTS...13:33
k1lsela: it is to grand some 15.04 still an easy way to upgrade to 15.10 without having to use the EOL upgrade procedure13:33
Rmon_fuck this shit im out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:34
MilesMapesIRCi love lts13:34
k1lsela: no need to make a drama out of it.13:34
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Sans51kick rmon13:35
MilesMapesIRCHES A DOUCE13:35
Rmon_im a dog meow13:35
selaWho did not, that was late. Who does not want to be updated by January ...13:35
asbrTJ: sorry I didn't know about pastebin, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15479343/13:35
cfhowlettsela, your question has been answered.  ove on.13:35
k1lsela: there are more users "forgetting" or delaying the upgrade, than you think. if you stay in here and watch you will be astonished how much users do that. so please there is no need to make such drama now in here.13:37
TJ-asbr: that just shows the disk when attached. Are there no messages timestamped at the same time you run the cryptsetup command to unlock the device?13:37
alkiehi to all13:38
asbrTJ: no, only this. The same messages appear in syslog. Are there other log files that I should look in?13:39
alkiei-m under ubuntu gnome lts vers, i have 2 graphics, i activate proprietary driver of all 2 cards and ubuntu doents works, so i am under an ubuntu live and i do chroot, how i can restore all drivers to default_13:39
ioriaTJ- is it possible to unlock a disk encrypted with a given kernel on a system running another kernel version ?13:40
alexandre1Hey there. Yesterday i reistered a NickServ using weechat. It worked, I could even enter some channel that allow on people with a NickServ. The problem is that today i opened weechat and the nickserv wasnt logged. Do i have to run a command to loin with my nickserv? Can anyone help me with that?13:41
Picialexandre1: the folks in #freenode can assist you. Also see /msg nickserv help identify13:41
asbrTJ: Yes, the disk was created with ubuntu (14.04, i think) and I can open it on Raspbian (that's a flavor of Debian) on the raspberrypi. But I prefer ubuntu.13:42
alexandre1Pici: Ok, thanks.13:42
hateballalexandre1: there's also #weechat that might know how to setup your client13:43
wbillwhen i do this on the command line it works why whehn i put it in a crontab entry will it startbut not show output?:  /Users/ELHEFE/Desktop/SCRIPX/record.sh CHICAGO-PD-try1 360 http://relay.broadcastify.com:80/il_chicago_police213:44
TJ-ioria: sure; even on a different OS13:44
ioriaTJ-  ok, tx13:44
Piciwbill: where would you expect it to show output?13:45
pbxhow do i get the super key to show the launcher?13:45
wbillin my DIR=/Users/ELHEFE/Desktop/rdo13:45
wbillwhich is part of the record.shpart i can post it on pastebin if you want13:46
Piciwbill: please13:46
TJ-asbr: what does "cryptsetup luksDump /dev/XXX" tell you about the hash and cipher in use on that volume?13:46
TJ-wbill: crontab uses 'sh' not 'bash', so if you've bashisms in the .sh script it'll fail13:48
TJ-wbill: try running the script from the command-line with "sh /path/to/script <args>"13:48
PiciTJ-: the shebang specifies to use bash13:49
asbrTJ: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/15479462/13:49
TJ-Pici: hmmm, oh! the crontab entry gets executed by 'sh' doesn't it, but the target depends on binfmt!13:50
Piciwbill: I'd add a > /some/path/logfile 2>&1 to the end of your crontab entry and check that for errors.13:50
TJ-asbr: so that shows the hash is SHA1, and I assume you loaded that one earlier?13:50
hanasakiwhat do folks use for virus scanning on linux? both files and realtime fsystem access?13:50
SchrodingersScat!virus | hanasaki13:51
ubottuhanasaki: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:51
wbillsh before the scrpt13:51
SchrodingersScat!info clamav | hanasaki, if you still want to scan stuff you can use clamav :)13:51
ubottuhanasaki, if you still want to scan stuff you can use clamav :): clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu4 (wily), package size 96 kB, installed size 718 kB13:51
hanasakiSchrodingersScat:  thanks... its also a samba and email server.   lots of "stufff" attached to spam emails that needs scanning13:51
ouroumov_also hanasaki : https://www.virustotal.com/ has an api13:52
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TJ-hanasaki: postfix, the email server, is often used in conjunction with spamassasin to score/quarantine attachments13:52
hanasakiclamav is not catching a bunch of attachments.   like https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/935f37f7c9d9ad5f045b74e334cae585108d8d2fb6f3b34747e763a1126cf7e4/analysis/13:52
hanasakiTJ-:  I run spamassasin + clamav + exim413:53
TJ-hanasaki: are the clamav signatures up to date? are the missed infections very new?13:53
hanasakiTJ- not sure how new.   check the link I just posted please?13:53
asbrTJ: yes, I have sha1_arm, sha1_generic and sha1_arm_neon modules in lsmod13:54
hanasakimy server got hammered today  and yestereday w/ that garbage13:54
TJ-asbr: then I think maybe you have some other issue, not missing modules13:54
hanasakiouroumov_:  the virus total API is to be considered howeve rthat means that our internal docs end up uploaded to their server for checking ... security dept don't like that ;)13:55
TJ-hanasaki: best to ask the clamav project if it's not matching a known threat13:56
hanasakiTJ-:  I submit all the time :)13:56
asbrTJ: Yes, I'll have to look somewhere else. But thank you for your help so far.13:56
wbillTJ explain wbill: try running the script from the command-line with "sh /path/to/script <args>"13:56
ouroumov_hanasaki, yeah I can see how that would be problematic.13:56
sesawhy LTS is 14.04, 12.0413:57
TJ-asbr: which kernel version is in use on the RasPi ("uname -r") ?13:57
cfhowlettsesa, check your facts.  10.40 IS LTS but is dead on the desktop.  server is still active13:58
geniisesa: The firt number is the year. so 2010, 2012, 2014. LTS are every 2 years13:58
sesa11.04, 13.04, 15.04 can be LTS, they is better 14.04, 12.04...13:58
cfhowlettsesa, it is what it is: LTS release every 2 years.13:58
geniisesa: April of even numbered years is LTS release13:58
sesa14.04 is very bad.13:58
cfhowlettsesa then don't use it13:58
sesai use 12.04 and wait 16.04.13:59
sesa14.04 is bad.13:59
asbrTJ: it says 4.1.18-v7+13:59
TJ-asbr: then I think you're hit by a known kernel bug: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11263114:00
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 112631 in Other "Cannot open encrypted Luks filesystem. Cruptsetup error." [High,Resolved: patch_already_available]14:00
k1l!releases | sesa  or sela or whatever other nicks you use all the time14:00
ubottusesa  or sela or whatever other nicks you use all the time: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:00
sesaWhat a pity that the worst was getting LTS14:01
k1lsesa: please drop you rants into your blog. this channel is for technical support only.14:01
sesa16.04 I hope will not be as bad as 14.0414:02
revealWhat would cause %post and %packages to not actually install or work as intended for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server inside a kickstart file14:02
asbrTJ: thank you, I'll follow that track.14:02
cfhowlettreveal, sounds like a question best sent to the experts: #ubuntu-server14:03
revealmy bad14:03
cfhowlettno harm, no fould14:03
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MonkeyDustSAMOLI caps14:22
k1lSAMOLI: no need for using capslock :)14:22
k1lSAMOLI: did you install ubuntu on that machine already?14:22
uzumakihi there14:23
SAMOLII am not sure, it has been booked my our office for repairs14:23
k1lSAMOLI: that errors sounds like its not booting the HDD? so it cant find the HDD? or are you booting from a live-ubuntu usb?14:26
SAMOLII am booting direct from the HDD14:28
popeySAMOLI: is it an elonex webbook? one of these? http://www.elonex.com/support/webbook/webbookusermanual.pdf14:30
SAMOLINo, it is Vodafone Webbook Model No. ON914:32
popeypretty sure that's the same device14:33
popeyoh, maybe not, sorry.14:34
swift110-phoneHry guys14:36
hheeguys, in 14 lts ubuntu adobe photoshop - works with all function?14:37
Ben64!appdb | hhee check here14:37
ubottuhhee check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:37
hheetnx Ben64 !14:37
lotuspsychjehhee: try gimp & krita as alternative also14:39
SAMOLIIts not. Hi npopey, are u there?,14:40
hheelotuspsychje, tnx. gimp not for me. krita - not saw it. i'll try14:40
k1lSAMOLI: i do not really understand what the setup is and what the error is there.14:40
popeySAMOLI: might ned to get a photo or screenshot to show us14:41
k1lSAMOLI: from what i understand it doesnt find the HDD (because the hdd is damaged) or it doesnt find the OS on the hdd (because its not installed or the OS is damaged)14:41
SAMOLIHi Kil, I some how agree with what you say, i believe the OS is damaged. I am downloading the ubuntu now and try to reload it.14:43
jaythelinuxguyHello everyone. I am testing MariaDB on Ubuntu 16.04 (daily image). I've set a root password. I've noticed some strange behavior with MariaDB. For one, if I'm logged in as the Linux user root, I can access the MariaDB shell as root with any password (even if I enter a wrong password, I still get in). Also, no regular Linux user can access the root MariaDB shell, even if I type the right password. Is this something specific to Ubuntu's14:43
jaythelinuxguyimplementation of MariaDB? Or maybe a bug?14:43
MonkeyDustjaythelinuxguy  #ubuntu+1 for 16.0414:44
jaythelinuxguyThanks MokeyDust14:44
SAMOLIPopey, how do i send a pic to u14:49
popeyupload to imgur14:50
lotuspsychjetabba: can we help you?14:52
hypermistthat moment you goto install something with npm and it goes npm ERR! notsup Actual Arch: ia3214:59
hypermistwell alrighties then14:59
k1lhypermist: see recent left-pad issue and rethink if you want to use npm :/15:02
hypermistwell i needed to use npm because something was built on it and well the pc in the spare room im guessing is 32bit and the software wants 64bit so15:03
hypermistis that correct k1l ia32 = 32bit15:14
k1lia32-libs was an compatibility lib for 32bit on 64bit systems. but i dont know how npm handles that15:15
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cavrWhile building a deb package, what can one do if the Makefile has no DESTDIR support? Is there a fake environment like fakeroot where one can do a make install without overwriting system files?15:35
TJ-cavr: the debian/rules Makefile should enforce that kind of thing. Are you on about the binary-install target?15:38
TJ-cavr: you should always do "fakeroot debian/rules binary" for creating the packages themselves15:38
nacccavr: or use sbuild, or containers, or any number of other options :)15:41
geirhacavr: You could patch the makefiles to use DESTDIR15:49
sethjso this morning Unity wouldn't load. I get the desktop and two of the apps in my startup applications load but the launcher and panel never appear. This is what I get from xsession-errors https://paste.ubuntu.com/15480156/.15:50
sethjThe Unity plugin was disabled in ccsm, but nothing changed after enabling it. All the plugins it depended on where unchecked too..15:51
sethjIf I had to wager a guess I'd say it is beause, for some reason, upstart is trying to start unity, but this is 15.10 and until this morning I was using systemd o_O15:52
tux__anyone here?15:54
mushmouthyes what help do youy need?15:54
k1ltux__: yes, a lot users15:54
tux__alright, nothing just checking the living being15:54
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d1g1hi all15:56
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/15:59
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markovhwhat's the deal with the adobe-flashplugin package. I'm running 12.04 and i see it installed but i can't find it in http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=adobe-flashplugin16:08
markovhwas it a package that got deleted later on?16:08
k1lmarkovh: or is it in partner repo?16:10
markovhi don't see it in any of my repos. i see this from dpkg -S adobe-flashplugin: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.s16:10
markovhi've grepped in /var/lib/apt/lists/ and no sign of adobe-flashplugin as a PACKAGE but it is listed in some packages as a conflict16:11
xanguamarkovh: it's in the partner repository, as you were told16:12
k1lmarkovh: see with "apt-cache policy packagename"16:12
cavrgeirha: thanks, but that is very complicated16:12
cavrthere is a solution, which is to use 'checkinstall' but I don't like it16:13
cavrto be more specific, what I wan't to do is to build a driver from kernel backports for my wifi card16:14
cavras it is currently unsupported16:14
lotuspsychjecavr: wich chipset would that be?16:14
cavr(discussion on http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1436940)16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1436940 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Qualcomm Atheros QCA6164 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0041] is not supported" [Medium,Confirmed]16:14
cavrlotuspsychje: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6164, as is in the link16:15
sethjHuh, it seems when I installed unity-scope-launchpad apt removed unity, unity-tweak-tool, ubuntu-desktop and unity-scope-home.16:15
lotuspsychjecavr: your on 15.10?16:15
cavrthe thing is, I know how to package a deb (I have some) and if I can do such changes in a controled way, its better than to let make install to write stuff onto /lib/modules16:16
cavrlotuspsychje: in fact I'm running debian 8, with kernel backported to 4.316:17
lotuspsychjecavr: thats not supported here mate16:17
cavrbut the system is the same as ubuntu16:17
lotuspsychjecavr: ubuntu should get drivers by default16:17
lotuspsychjecavr: take this to #debian please16:18
cavrlotuspsychje: ubuntu has the same problems16:18
cavrin fact, the launchpad bug is from ubuntu16:18
cavrif one solves this on ubuntu, solves it on debian and vice-versa16:18
cavrits not something specific to ubuntu in this case16:19
lotuspsychjecavr: try installing ubuntu with cable on + updates during setup + trying different ubuntu versions16:20
lotuspsychjecavr: ubuntu driver modules and linux-firmware is suppose to detect16:21
cavrlotuspsychje: if you look at the launchpad  page, you see the last entry is from 2016-03-2116:21
cavrbasicly its a problem for several Lenovo laptops16:22
cavrbut that is not important really, there is a known workaround (described in the launchpad tread)16:22
lotuspsychjecavr: could try 16.04 also16:22
reza_samhi...howcan i mount a ntfs device to my ubuntu?16:23
cavrthe question is: to compile something and let it 'sudo make install' into the system is a terrible practice, independent of ubuntu, debian or even rpm distros16:23
mushmouthreza_sam: http://ca.lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+mount+ntfs+drive+in+ubuntu16:24
cavrubuntu shares debian packaging system (is there any difference in the tools?)16:24
mushmouthcavr: yes some packages are out of date16:24
k1lmushmouth: dont use this. we are here to give advice.16:24
reza_sammushmouth, tnx16:24
lotuspsychje!compile | cavr16:25
ubottucavr: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall16:25
k1lreza_sam: install the ntfs-3g package. than you can mount ntfs partitions.16:25
cavrmy question is merely: is there someway to dpkg-buildpackage something wich has a Makefile without any DESTDIR support16:25
mushmouthk1l: i think you also need another ntfs package16:25
k1lcavr: the packages are build with other depencies. so debian packages dont work on ubuntu in most case16:25
mushmouthsomething ntf3d16:25
mushmouthor something like that16:25
cavrusing some kind of fake environment (similar to fakeroot) for example?16:25
mushmouthk1l: he want to mount window partition right?16:26
mushmouthreza_sam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:26
cavrI've found one way, using a script named checkinstall (instead of doing sudo make install, one does sudo checkinstall)16:26
BluesKajreza_sam, it's ntfs-3g16:27
reza_sam<k1l>hi i want to mount it by terminal    can u helpme?16:27
cavrbut that is also not a very good option, as it may overwrite stuff (I did some tests and arrived to that conclusion)16:27
ouroumovGuys, anybody noticed something weird on VMware running on Ubuntu 14.04? It used to ask for permission before loading some modules into the kernel, but it stopped doing that recently and - maybe unrelated I'm experiencing some weird graphics bugs on startup and when I come back from lock screen. Kernel 3.13.0-83-generic16:27
reza_sam<BluesKaj> tnxbut i need to test it by terminal16:28
mushmouthreza_sam: is it attached to the /media/ folder?16:28
reza_sam<mushmouth> wait to check it16:28
k1lreza_sam: "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /media/mountpoint"  you need to adjust XY to the actual ntfs partition and create /media/mountpoint before16:28
mushmouththen all you would need to do is mount /media/drive name/ /mnt/16:28
reza_sam<k1l>oh ok wait to test i16:29
BluesKajreza_sam, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdX /mnt , sdX is the windows partition16:29
LazyAngelI have copied a init.d script but it doesn't work cause of two commands echo_success and echo_failure. What would be the equalent on ubuntu? e.g: kill -9 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo_success || echo_failure16:30
mushmouthLazyAngel: are you asking why init.d won't work or have a process?16:30
LazyAngelmushmouth: no, I'm missing the two commands echo_success & echo_failure16:31
cavrlotuspsychje: Ok, I've read (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware). It refers the checkinstall script, along with simply doing 'sudo make install'. While this works, it is a extremely bad practice if one wants to have a clean system, so I'll continue looking for another solution. Thanks for your help nonetheless.16:31
mushmouthLazyAngel: okay you went with a normal ubuntu install correct?16:31
LazyAngelmushmouth: the script is copied from the net from another linux distribution.16:33
mushmouthwhat distro is it?16:33
lotuspsychjecavr: ok, just dont make it too hard on yourself ok, linux-firmware should already contain whats needed togheter with ubuntu's driver modules..if your chipset isnt recognized, file a bug16:34
LazyAngelmushmouth: line 28: https://bitbucket.org/davecozens/pocketminescripts/src/8fa1c754e31df22a8cb79938dcfdf0e79003d139/PocketmineScripts/runAsService/minecraftpe?at=master16:35
rki switched back to unity from gnome-shell. now, whenever i press the minimize button, i need to reboot. after the reboot, i get the same behaviour. how do i fix this? where do i look for logs?16:38
lotuspsychjerk: you mean the system locks up when clicking minimize in unity?16:40
avalon_why do you minimize at all?16:40
avalon_do what you want, then alt-f4, end16:41
rklotuspsychje: no, the system is struck, doesn't respond.16:41
lotuspsychjeavalon_: when a users wants to minimize, its his choice16:41
lotuspsychjerk: your graphics driver installed correctly?16:41
avalon_true... sry16:41
IndustrialI want to install this font16:42
rklotuspsychje: i got everything working well a couple of days ago16:42
IndustrialWhich of the three (BDF, PCF, PSF) should I move to ~/.fonts ?16:42
lotuspsychjerk: maybe a tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime could help find the error, then click minimze16:43
lotuspsychjeIndustrial: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts16:43
rklotuspsychje: gnome-shell seems to work just fine.16:44
lotuspsychje!info xfonts-terminus | Industrial is what you looking for mate?16:44
ubottuIndustrial is what you looking for mate?: xfonts-terminus (source: xfonts-terminus): Fixed-width fonts for fast reading. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.39-1 (wily), package size 1331 kB, installed size 1527 kB16:44
lotuspsychjerk: did you install ubuntu-gnome, then install ubuntu-desktop afterwards?16:45
Industriallotuspsychje: No, this one I linked is that font but patched for powerline16:45
Industrialit includes extra characters to make statusbars/lines look pretty16:45
IndustrialIt's used in "Powerline" for ZSH, BASH, Vim, TMUX, etc :)16:46
lotuspsychjerk: so fresh install, of wich ubuntu version please?16:47
rklotuspsychje: wily16:48
mustmodifyIn sed, I'm having a hard time matching EOL. I've tried \r, \n, \r\n ... what else could it be?16:48
rkmustmodify: not $?16:48
mustmodifyI need to match things on two lines.16:49
mustmodifyIIRC $ must be at the end to work. I need to get past the EOL.16:49
lotuspsychjerk: can you doublecheck sudo lshw -C video please? see whats behind driver= ?16:49
lotuspsychjemustmodify: maybe the ##sed guys might know that one?16:50
mustmodifychannel seems dark.16:50
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lotuspsychjemustmodify: its hard to beat #ubuntu's aliveness i agree :p16:52
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rklotuspsychje: in configuration, i see driver: i91516:53
lotuspsychjerk: you dont have nvidia hybrid card right?16:53
lotuspsychjerk: ok that should be good then16:54
mustmodifyAh ha! I had to pass -z to sed... something about 'null separated records' which I assume means the EOLs are encoded funny.16:54
rklotuspsychje: i used unity for a couple of months without any problems.16:54
ouroumovOh rk I had a problem with that same driver: total system freeze, only hard reboot would do it. Happened randomly but more frequently when watching videos.16:54
lotuspsychjerk: try that tail -f /var/log/syslog and minimize16:54
lotuspsychjeouroumov: wich ubuntu version was that?16:55
ouroumovlotuspsychje, Ubuntu MATE 14.0416:55
lotuspsychjeouroumov: got it solved in the end?16:55
rklotuspsychje: i dont seem to have "Ubuntu Desktop" on the top like I used to. also, right click on desktop isn't working too.16:55
ouroumovrk, lotuspsychje : To fix that problem the only thing that worked was to do a kernel rollback and then freeze the kernel. I'm now running on that same machine with i915 using kernel 3.14.0-031400-generic16:56
ouroumovI have 44 days of uptime.16:56
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lotuspsychjerk: maybe you can help test your system on 16.04, as 15.10 will end support in the near future anyway16:57
hheeguys, ubuntu-studio - which differences between usual ubuntu? can i install in studio packages from usual ubuntu?17:01
k1lhhee: yes.17:01
hheek1l, i'm exploring ubuntu world :)17:01
lotuspsychjehhee: if you know the name of a package, you can apt-cache search yourpackage from terminal17:02
hheelotuspsychje, ok! what im need.17:02
hheeubuntu-studio - actually usual ubuntu shipped with audio+video packages?17:03
k1lhhee: yes. all packages are included in regular ubuntu repos17:03
hheek1l, tnx a lot17:03
rk__lotuspsychje: i get something like kernel: killed process (ibus-daemon) or score 379 or sacrifice child and killed process 1939 ibus-ui-gtk317:05
lotuspsychjehhee: packages even go beyond a specific flavor, like hydrogen, mixxx, etc17:06
hheelotuspsychje, got it!17:06
hheewhich ubuntu are you using guys?17:06
hheeDE for example17:07
rk__lotuspsychje: i get that in syslog.17:07
lotuspsychjerk: hmm reading bugs containing that holdon17:07
lotuspsychje!flavors | hhee17:07
ubottuhhee: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.17:07
hheelotuspsychje, yep. i got the page http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours17:08
lotuspsychjehhee: you can join #ubuntu-discuss to ask around things :p17:08
hheelotuspsychje, just intresting17:08
hheelotuspsychje, oh tnx. im offopic here17:08
Razzdollhey guys. does anyone know how to fix this issue: when i open up a terminal (i use konsole), and ssh into somewhere, it timesout/freezes on me so i am forced to open a new window and re-ssh into somewhere. is that my machine or is that the ssh box doing it and if it is mine how could i fix it? Wily ubuntu here17:08
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lotuspsychjerk: this is an older bug, but smells like your issue:17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1276186 in ibus (Ubuntu) "System becomes unresponsive, ibus-ui-daemon takes ~150 % cpu" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:10
miaHey all -- I've edited my dns settings in edit connections > network connection --- but my browsers (chromium and firefox) are still unable to open some pages17:10
mia(I'n able to visit them on windows with the same dns settings)17:11
lotuspsychjerk: perhaps file a new bug, or test another ubuntu version would be usefull17:11
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rklotuspsychje: is there a fix? i can't check now because i'm in a tty using irssi17:12
lotuspsychjerk: both bugs i found seem undecided17:13
lotuspsychjerk: i strongly advise you test this on other ubuntu versions aswell, 14.04 or 16.04 your choice17:14
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/17:15
rklotuspsychje: the behaviour effects only my user account. in all other accounts, everything seems to work normally17:20
pitastrudlmojtaba do you have enough ram?17:20
lotuspsychjerk: thats real weird17:20
lotuspsychjemojtaba: what ubuntu version did you have?17:21
paul98hi, i'm trying to setup a vpn connection, when i select cisco compatibtile vpn (vpnc) when i go tot enter in the options the everything is greyed out17:22
lotuspsychjerk: so can you recall installing something else, when did it started to go wrong?17:23
rklotuspsychje: its fixed. the solution is to set gsettings show-desktop-icons to true17:25
SitySkapeMy macbook pro isn't recognizing my  EXT4 partition... was wondering if anyone could help out. Been googling forever now and can't find a solution that doesnt recquire me to download anything.17:25
rklotuspsychje: its in the same thread as you sent. now, i also remember changing that setting yesterday.17:25
SitySkapeAnyone around?17:27
rkSitySkape: yes.17:27
lotuspsychje!yay | rk17:27
ubotturk: Glad you made it! :-)17:27
lotuspsychje!mac | SitySkape can this help?17:27
ubottuSitySkape can this help?: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:27
rklotuspsychje: i can't thank you enough.17:28
SitySkapeChecking right now17:28
schockleyhow do I shut off global menu for kde apps in ubuntu 14.04?17:28
SitySkape@lotuspsychje Unfortunately theres not too much in there regarding getting my mac to read my ext4. I already partitioned the whole drive.. everything installs correctly, however it just doesn't reconginize the drive at boot.17:30
mekhamiwhy would some domains work and not others on my current network17:30
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tewardmekhami: what do you mean by 'some domains work'?17:31
mekhaminslookup reddit.com returns 15 addresses17:31
mekhamiping reddit.com hangs17:31
tewardmekhami: web browsing, or something else?17:31
mekhamiteward: yes17:31
mekhamitelnet reddit.com 80 hangs17:31
mekhamiping facebook.com works fine17:32
mekhamiping google.com works fine17:32
mekhamiping chess.com hangs17:32
mekhamibut the dns lookup seems to be find17:32
lotuspsychjeschockley: maybe the #kubuntu guys might know that one?17:33
MrokiiHello. What is the best and/or easiest way to connect to an Ubuntu PC from either Android or another Ubuntu-Installation, mainly to copy files from one to another. I wouldn't mind using the commandline, as long as it isn't extremely complicated.17:33
SitySkapelotuspsychje: Any idea on how i could get my macos to read my ext4? My mac is just sitting here blinking at me with a questionmark.17:33
schockleylotuspsychje, yeah I asked. Trying to be patient. But what a silly problem. And a brand new problem. This is not a new install17:33
lotuspsychjeSitySkape: not sure mate sorry, did your ubuntu work before on that mac?17:34
SitySkapeYeah a year or two ago, i'm using the same install disk as well.17:35
SitySkapeSo i know the version is compatible, i just dont understand why it's not reading the drive.17:35
lotuspsychjeSitySkape: maybe you istalled wrongly this time regarding efi/uefi?17:35
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: awake?17:35
SitySkapelotuspsychje:  is that possible being i'm using the same install dick?17:36
SitySkapelotuspsychje: disk... DISK...17:36
lotuspsychjeSitySkape: can you enter grub? or not yet installed?17:36
SitySkapelotuspsychje:  I can't enter anything. Once it spits the CD out and tells me to reboot.. my mac just comes back flashing a question mark to notify me it cant detect a OS17:37
lotuspsychjeSitySkape: that really sounds like uefi issue, wich ubuntu version are you trying?17:37
EriC^^lotuspsychje: yeah17:38
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: SitySkape has issues on his mac here :p17:38
Exagone313Hi, I'm testing display manager (like lightdm, sddm...), and the command apt-cache search 'display manager' returned me the package "ubuntu-session" ( http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/ubuntu-session ), but I don't figure out what is the use of this package. Is it a display manager ? Does somebody know it? Thanks for your help.17:38
SitySkapelotuspsychje: lol that is information i should have offhand, however i didn't write it on the disk.17:38
SitySkapelotuspsychje:  however, i'm almost positive it's the same disk i used last year17:39
EriC^^SitySkape: try a usb maybe17:39
SitySkapeMy macbook is 2010 , i dont think it supports USB boot?17:40
EriC^^sure it does17:40
EriC^^(i'd guess)17:40
chakbalamhi, i can't install grub customizer in ubuntu 16.0417:42
SitySkapeHmm i read somewhere that the macbook before 2010 doesnt support efi or something along those lines.17:42
EriC^^chakbalam: what error do you get?17:44
EriC^^chakbalam: /join #ubuntu+117:44
PresidentTrumphi, which folder should I be putting user installed php libraries in?17:44
PresidentTrumpoffcially which folder? I know I can do whatever I want...17:45
pbxPresidentTrump, definitely a #php question17:45
PresidentTrumppbx, maybe a #ubuntu-server question17:45
pbxPresidentTrump, the answer is not going to be ubuntu-specific17:47
PresidentTrumppbx, ubuntu has policies on /usr/share /usr/lib etc...17:47
PresidentTrumpphp would say wherever you configure php.ini to17:48
pbxtrue PresidentTrump. i'm betting there are plenty of ubuntu users in #php to tell you exactly what they do though17:48
metachr0ni have modified my ~/.profile to have some custom things like ssh-agent and such auto-start ... now I'm getting an error like this:  http://pastebin.com/YMcrz4Sg17:49
spammyUbuntu.....Live MaaS ;)17:49
metachr0nanyone know how to supress this? or if there is a better place to put my startup scripts17:50
SCHAAP137metachr0n, are you using the server edition?17:50
metachr0nSCHAAP137: nope its desktop trusty17:50
SCHAAP137okay, i'm not familiar with Unity, but I am guessing it has a kind of control panel for startup applications17:51
SCHAAP137i use MATE myself17:51
SCHAAP137you can just add things in there17:51
metachr0ni'm using awesome17:51
SCHAAP137ahh, okay17:52
SCHAAP137.profile is not suitable for autostarting things17:52
SCHAAP137it's suitable for environment variables, adding things to PATH and such17:52
metachr0nok ... cool17:52
metachr0nwhere to add that? :)17:52
SCHAAP137it gets executed on each session, so with each terminal it's reread17:52
metachr0ni thought that was .bashrc17:53
SCHAAP137hmm, good question17:53
SCHAAP137well, .bashrc gets executed when bash starts17:53
metachr0ni thought .profile was read during login and .bashrc was read with each terminal spawn17:53
metachr0nbut ... i dunno17:53
SCHAAP137hmm, i see both things happening. When i change something in .profile, it gets applied when spawning a terminal as well17:54
SCHAAP137.bashrc is exclusively for bash, .profile is shell-independent17:54
metachr0nnow i'm a bit confused as to where to put what17:54
metachr0naha cool17:54
SCHAAP137hmm, thinking17:55
metachr0n.bash_login ?17:56
SCHAAP137i'd try to look wheter Awesome itself has some kind of tool for it17:56
SCHAAP137you could use a custom .xinitrc17:56
SCHAAP137i used that method with XMonad17:57
metachr0ni've added it into my rc.lua ... but then it complains about not being able to get keyboard focus or something17:57
metachr0ni will try .xinitrc17:57
ksftI can't log in to Ubuntu17:58
esteevenapt autoremove17:58
ksftI'm on 14.04, and I think it's a problem with my graphics driver17:58
posiSo I see my usb wireless card show up in iwconfig and ifconfig but not network manager17:58
posiany ideas of what to check?17:58
ksftwhen I try to log in, the screen goes black briefly, then it goes back to the login prompt17:59
ksftcan someone help me?17:59
posiim on 1517:59
metachr0nok i will be back17:59
chakbalamwell, i upgrade the ubuntu in terminal and problem solved17:59
metachr0ngonna try .xinitrc17:59
posiksft: what happens when you hit esc17:59
ksftposi: nothing?17:59
posiksft: control + alt + f218:00
sxjis this the right channel on snappy?18:00
k1lsxj: there is #snappy18:01
ksftposi: I just tried logging in again18:02
sxjk1l: thanks18:02
ksftall the text and everything disappeared18:02
ksftbefore, when I logged in, that happened, then the screen went black, then it went back to the login prompt18:02
ksftthis time, it just hung with just the background18:02
ksftI had to turn off the computer18:03
SCHAAP137metachr0n: you could also define a custom X-session file, and copy the stuff over from the default Awesome startup thing and add your own lines to it18:03
SCHAAP137ah, you're gone18:03
ksftposi: Ctrl-Alt-F1/F2 gets me to a terminal thing18:04
ksftthat's how I'm on this IRC channel18:04
posiksft: ah ok18:04
posiyea weird18:04
ksftposi: so can you help me?18:05
posiksft: I'll try did you just install18:06
posiksft: what happened to do this?18:06
ksftI tried to install cuda, but I think I messed something up18:06
ioriaksft,  run    sudo lshw -c Video | grep driver18:06
ksftI had problems with my graphics driver when I first installed18:06
ksftsomeone here helped me get it to work, but I don't remember exactly what I did18:06
reza_samsudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/mountpoint18:08
reza_sam....i have error when run it18:08
reza_samsudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/mountpoint i have this error when run it >>>>http://paste.ubuntu.com/15481532/18:10
ksftposi: that was weird18:11
ksftI'm back on a different computer now18:11
ksftposi: what was that command again?18:12
posi"ioria> ksft,  run    sudo lshw -c Video | grep driver"18:12
ksftposi, ioria: termbin.com/2v6818:13
ioriaksft,  apt-cache policy  nvidia-prime | grep Installed18:15
ksftioria: "Installled: (none)"18:16
ioriaksft,  did you purge nvidia driver ?18:17
fr3tz0ri get some message that says .local domain does not support avahi network or something similar, i know this is the problem but not how to fix is though i tried first with changing dns18:17
ksftioria: I installed a driver from their website18:17
reza_samany body cant help me?18:17
pitastrudlso i did this into my /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/3cQFXUKV, point is for wifi to autoconnect on bootup, so i can ssh into my laptop right away. now the problem is that network manager stops being operational. its still there but it doesnt detect any connections. internet works okay tho18:17
reza_samsudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/mountpoint i have this error when run it >>>>http://paste.ubuntu.com/15481532/18:17
ioriaksft,  i'd purge it then...18:17
ksftioria: how?18:17
ioriaksft,  how did you installed it ?   and lsmod | grep nvidia18:18
ksftioria: I ran a .run file that I downloaded from nvidia.com18:18
ksftioria: no output18:19
ioriaksft,  so run it with unistall flag .... find the script's  folder and   sudo sh NVIDIA* --uninstall18:20
ksftioria: how do I know what the uninstall flag is?18:20
ksftioria: finished18:21
ksftioria: now what?18:21
ioriaksft,  sudo apt-get purge nvidia*18:21
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ksftioria: done18:22
ksftdidn't remove anything18:22
ioriaksft,  try reboot.... but you were talking about cuda ...  what about it ?18:22
ksftI was trying to install cuda18:22
ksftalso, didn't that just remove the driver?18:22
ioriaksft,  try reboot....18:23
ksftshouldn't I install another one or something?18:23
ioriaksft, you are using nouveau18:23
ksftioria: oh18:23
ksftioria: it seems to be hanging at the Ubuntu logo18:24
krabadorsudo apt-get purge nvidia-*  , not nvidia*18:25
ioria* tkes the -18:25
ioria* takes the -18:25
ksftioria: it won't boot18:26
krabadornvidia* will purge half a system18:26
ksftit's hanging at the Ubuntu logo18:26
ioriaksft, ctrl +alt + f1 (or f2)18:27
ksftioria: doesn't do anything18:27
ksftoh, wait18:27
ksftthe screen just went black18:27
ioriaksft, wait a bit ...18:27
ksft"The system is running in low-graphics mode"18:27
ksftioria: should I "Reconfigure graphics"?18:28
ioriaksft,  do you have the login screen ?18:28
ksftioria: no18:28
ioriakrabador, <ksft> didn't remove anything18:29
ksftioria: I'm running in low graphics mode for one session18:29
ksftscreen went black...18:29
ksftblinkin cursor in the corner18:30
krabadorioria, ...18:30
krabadorksft, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:30
ioriaksft, open a console18:30
ksftioria: I can;t18:30
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ksftioria: oh, wait, Ctrl-Alt-F1 works18:30
krabadorksft, in the menu, select root, and   mount -o remount,rw /18:30
ioriaksft, ok  .... again sudo lshw -c Video18:31
krabadorsudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*18:31
ksftioria: termbin.com/l7i718:32
ioriaksft, ubuntu-drivers list18:33
milehighWhen I log in via GUI Ubuntu 14.04 gives me a warning that my filesystem at /mnt/data0 (/dev/md0) is full, most programs don't work right. But when I run df -hT it shows 66% in use with 12TB free, any ideas why?18:33
milehighall other filesystems have less usage than 66% too18:34
ksftioria: bcmwl-kernel-source, nvidia-352, and nvidia-352-updates18:34
ioriaksft,  we try to install the nvidia driver ?18:35
ksftioria: I should do that?18:35
ioriaksft,  well, it should work good with intel.... idk why you got low-graphic --mode18:35
ksftshouldn't Iuse the dedicated graphics card?18:36
ksftI use*18:36
ioriaksft,  with prime you can use both .... otherwise it uses intel18:36
ksftioria: I don't know what that means18:37
ioriaksft,  it means that should work with intel alone18:37
ksftso how do I get Ubuntu to boot correctly?18:38
ioriaksft,  ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ?18:38
ioriaksft,  i think you have that file there ...18:39
ksftioria: "No such file or directory"18:39
ioriaksft, cd  /etc/X11    and be sure about that18:40
ksftioria: there are a bunch of files with names that start with "xorg.conf"18:40
ksftthere's "xorg.conf.03222016"18:40
ioriaksft,  a bunch ?   ls /etc/X1118:41
ioriaksft,  can you paste ls /etc/X11 ?18:42
ksftioria: termbin.com/w0cx18:42
ddrjhey guys, what is the difference between active memory vs active swap?18:42
k1lddrj: swap is using the hdd to place files there to keep the ram free for other stuff that is used right now.18:44
JeDaI have a problem with Ubuntu 15.04. I've installed it on a external hard drive, but I'm trying to boot it which I can't. I've been trying via BIOS and System Rescue CD, but nothing works. There is /boot, /boot/grub and /sbin/init but it's just not working. What can I do?18:44
k1lddrj: in general: swap is slow. so if your system is swapping, its getting slower.18:44
ddrjyeah the swap seems to be going higher and higher k1l18:44
ddrjbut the active memory is staying the same18:44
k1lddrj: so there is something on your system using a lot of ram and so the ram gets full and stuff gets put in swap, too18:45
ioriaksft,  maybe i'm wrong but you miss an  X file link to Xorg ...18:45
ksftioria: what does that mean?18:45
ddrjk1l, do you mind taking a look at this picture and telling me if what you said still holds true? (@ something taking up a lot of ram)18:46
ioriaksft,  X  root root 13 Jul  9  2015 X -> /usr/bin/Xorg18:46
k1lddrj: is this a webserver/ vps? seems like it got a 250mb ram cap.18:46
ksftioria: how do I get Ubuntu to boot18:47
k1lddrj: ah wait, the brown is swap.18:47
ddrjyes but you're still right, it is a VPS with ubuntu headless18:47
ddrjthe active memory just rises18:47
ddrjbut over weeks, that's the weird thing18:48
ioriaksft,  we try to install the nvidia driver    sudo apt-get install nvidia-35218:48
ddrjif something was using up ram like that, wouldn't it just rise within less than a day?18:48
ksftioria: then reboot?18:49
ioriaksft,  yes18:49
k1lddrj: i suspect some caching from some webserver plugin/module.18:49
ddrjhmmm yes i am running some webserver plugins/modules. nginx is the webserver, running webmin as well18:50
ksftioria: the screen is black18:50
ksftI rebooted18:50
ksftioria: it doesn't seem to have worked18:51
ioriaksft,  wait and try to open a console again18:52
ksftioria: Ctrl-Alt-F1 worked18:52
ksftioria: I just rebooted again18:52
ioriaksft,  sudo lshw -c Video18:52
ksftI added "nomodeset" to the thing in grub18:53
ksftsomeone suggested that yesterday18:53
ioriaksft,  no remove it18:53
ksftI got to the login screen, but I still can't log in18:53
=== ibm is now known as Guest50932
Abe_can I upgrade to 16.04 next month with a encrypted hdd? idk?18:54
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ksftioria: termbin.com/f2p918:55
Abe_can I upgrade to 16.04 next month with a encrypted hdd? idk?18:55
ioriaksft,  it's ok .... did you remove nomodeset ?18:55
=== Spr0cket- is now known as Spr0cket
ksftioria: yeah18:56
ioriaksft,   ls /etc/X11/X18:56
ksftioria: I assume that "X" at the end is a typo18:57
ksftioria: there is now an xorg.conf18:57
ioriaksft,  no, it's not a type ... it's a file18:57
bray90820Is there a way to check how much ram your computer has from within ubuntu?18:58
ksftioria: I don't think ls works with files18:58
ioriaksft,  sure, why not ?18:58
ksftthere's no /etc/X11/X file18:58
milehighI'm getting a disk full no free space error when I login, but df shows all partitions have plenty of free space, the particular one it's complaining about has 12TB free, any idea why? 14.0418:59
ioriaksft,  try to login in the Guest Account ,  if fails we try create a link to Xorg18:59
Abe_top or free18:59
ksftioria: I can't do that19:00
ksftwhen I boot now, the screen goes black19:00
ksftno login prompt19:00
ioriaksft,  wait a bit and open a console19:01
ksftioria: the screen goes completely black19:01
ksftioria: I can use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to a terminal19:02
linociscohi all19:02
ioriaksft,  yes, that19:02
linociscoour existing system is outlook365 mail19:02
ksftioria: okay, what do I do?19:02
linociscowe will use another email system. I guess unknown opensource which work with horde, roundcube webmail19:03
ioriaksft,  sudo ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg   /etc/X11/X19:03
linociscohow can I backup calendar entries and address books from outlook to new email system19:03
linociscoany generic format?19:03
ksftioria: done19:03
ksftshould I reboot again?19:03
ioriaksft,   ls /etc/X11/X19:03
ksftioria: "/etc/X11/X" is the output19:04
ksftin light blue19:04
ioriaksft,   and with nomodeset , you can get the login screen ?19:04
ksftioria: I think so19:04
ksftI think it sometimes works without nomodeset, but I'm not completely sure19:05
JeDaHi. I have a problem with Ubuntu 15.04. I've installed it on a external hard drive, but I'm trying to boot it which I can't. I've been trying via BIOS and System Rescue CD, but nothing works. There is /boot, /boot/grub and /sbin/init but it's just not working. What can I do? What is happening?19:05
ioriaksft,   let's try without it.....  reboot19:05
ksftioria: Ubuntu logo, then a black screen19:05
=== dummy is now known as Guest30275
max12345ok honestly, where can I find packages like qtbase5-dev and why aren't they mentioned on the qt homepage?19:06
k1lmax12345: they are in the official ubuntu repos19:06
ksftioria: should I try with nomodeset?19:07
k1l!info qtbase5-dev trusty | max1234519:07
ubottumax12345: qtbase5-dev (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 base development files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu14.3 (trusty), package size 1613 kB, installed size 14434 kB19:07
=== Guest30275 is now known as craptalk
ioriaksft,   ok19:07
ksftioria: I should?19:07
max12345k1l: yes but when I look for 'lib' and I search for it online, I find the homepage and the homepage says "download the binary or build from source" and it never works, but they also don't mention the package.19:07
k1lmax12345: dont mix the ubuntu repo packages with the stuff you load from websites19:08
ioriaksft,   wait...19:08
max12345yes, I know that's bad but how do I know the package name for a lib I need?19:08
ksfttoo late19:08
ksftbooted with nomodeset19:09
ksftgot to a login screen19:09
ksftstill can't log in19:09
ioriaksft,  Guest Account ?19:09
k1lmax12345: search for the lib on packages.ubuntu.com19:09
ksftioria: doesn't work19:09
ioriaksft,  apt-cache policy nvidia-prime19:09
ksftioria: termbin.com/gzyi19:10
max12345k1l: thank you!19:11
ioriaksft,  apt-cache policy bumblebee19:12
ksftioria: termbin.com/82gg19:13
ioriaksft,  uname -r19:14
ksftioria: "4.2.0-34-generic"19:15
ioriaksft,  lsmod | grep nvidia19:16
ash_workzif a process shows WCHAN as wait, does that mean the process is not doing anything?19:16
ksftioria: termbin.com/qk0d19:17
silvian@ask_workz: it means it is waiting19:18
silvianpossibly for another process or resource to free up?19:19
silvianor perhaps its sleeping19:19
ioriaksft,  dpkg -l | grep linux-headers19:19
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ksftioria: termbin.com/kvfk19:20
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ioriaksft,  nvidia-xconfig   and reboot19:22
ksftioria: "WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file."19:23
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ioriaksft,  so you hadn't...19:23
ksftioria: "ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'."19:23
ksftI hadn't what?19:23
Es0tericquick question -- how do i blacklist ips that have these kinds of requests: [Tue Mar 22 22:53:42 2016] [error] [client] Invalid URI in request GET ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1 ?19:24
ioriaksft,  xorg.conf ...19:24
ksftI did what you asked me to19:24
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=== DuncanT_ is now known as DuncanT
ash_workzsilvian: I did ^C on a `(echo "COPY ... stdin"; cat $file; echo '\.'; echo "SELECT custom_function();") | psql -1` and whattya know? It's canceling out of the SELECT context. I guess it was working.19:25
ioriaksft,  with sudo ...19:25
ash_workzsilvian: that -1 is really gonna cost me19:25
ksftioria: I got the warning, but not the error19:25
SeveasEs0teric: look at fail2ban19:26
ksftioria: should I reboot again?19:26
ioriaksft,  yes, but i'm running out of ideas ....19:26
ash_workzany ideas for the future?19:26
Es0tericSeveas i am using fail2ban but how do i use it to blacklist ips that have that kind of request uri?19:27
RandomTimeHi, trying to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glm - apt-get install glm doesn't seem to work19:27
ksftioria: still can't log in19:28
ioriaksft,  but you have the login screen ?19:28
ksftioria: only with nomodeset19:28
ksftsame as before19:28
SeveasEs0teric: set up a filter for it and a jail19:28
TJ-RandomTime: that's because apt-get installs the binary packages built from that source, which are Binary: libglm-dev, libglm-doc19:28
LibreSpongeWill this laptop run ~Ubuntu well ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lenovo-Helix-i5-3427U-1-80Ghz-Memory-4GB-Intel-HD-Graphics-Display-11-6-/262347095615?19:29
ioriaksft,  can you paste  /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?19:29
RandomTimeso I apt-get install both of those?19:29
ksftioria: termbin.com/ivu919:30
=== zippy is now known as Guest66230
posiwhat's the best desktop wifi card19:34
posimost common/supported19:34
craptalkposi: broadcomm19:34
craptalkposi: wanna have external card instead?19:35
posiyea there's no wireless on this motherboard19:35
posidown for whatever19:35
craptalkposi: i bought cheap one for external wifi, TP-LINK19:36
craptalkposi: but i think there is a better card out there you can check it out19:36
posicool sounds like i shouldn't have to look hard to find one thanks for the advice19:36
craptalkposi: sure19:37
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ksftioria: you there?19:39
lee_g750jmhello all19:40
ioriaksft,  was it working before you installed from the nvidia wbsite ?19:40
bray90820Why would my ubuntu server be so slow while running an rsync job19:40
ksftioria: I think so19:40
bray90820Ot's the desktop version of ubuntu19:40
ioriaksft,  with nouveau ? or you tried to install nvidia from the ubuntu-repo ?19:41
ksftioria: I did what you suggested19:42
ioriaksft,  no, i mean before ...19:42
ksftI'm not sure exactly when it stopped working19:42
ksftI think it was after I installed the driver from the website19:42
ioriaksft,  if you run  sudo service lightdm restart   ?19:44
ksftioria: doesn't help19:45
ioriaksft,  what error ?19:45
ksftno error19:45
ksftit just doesn't change anything19:45
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ioriaksft,  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf   /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back    and sudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:47
ksftioria: I just ran `apt-get install nvidia-current`19:48
ksftthen I rebooted without nomodeset19:48
ksftit worked19:48
ksftioria: not giving up on cuda, though19:49
ioriaksft,  ok ^_^19:49
ncbncbso I'm using the Ubuntu font. It looks great but it's a bit difficult for me to see when it's over white (i.e most pages). Is there any way to make it a tad thicker? some fontconfig tweak?19:50
ncbncbit's Ubuntu Regular19:50
ksftioria: just tested a game19:50
ksftit's running at a really low framerate19:50
ksftI think it's using the integrated graphics card19:50
ioriaksft, nvidia-current is 304 and i think prime works from 331 ...19:51
ksftioria: what's prime?19:51
ioria!info nvidia-prime | ksft19:52
ubottuksft: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (wily), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:52
ksftwhat's NVIDIA's Prime?19:52
ioriaksft,  it lets you switch integrated and dedicated19:53
ioriaksft,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics19:53
ksfthow do I use it?19:53
ioriaksft,  go in Dash and type nvidia19:54
ksft"NVIDIA X Server Settings"?19:55
ksftthen how do I use it?19:55
ioriaksft,  go to prime profile  ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/661922/how-am-i-supposed-to-use-nvidia-prime19:56
ksftioria: I don't see "PRIME Profiles" in the menu on the side19:58
ksftI just see "Application Profiles" and "nvidia-settings Configuration"19:58
ioriaksft,  i don't know if you use it with nvidia-current19:58
ksftI just installed nvidia-331, as that page you linked to says to19:58
ksftoh, it says to install nvidia-346 there19:59
ksfttrying that...19:59
ksftstill not there20:00
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fr3tz0rubuntu 14.04, i have problem with wifi connection. It drops out sometime and especially when going to youtube. I need to plug network card in and out then it works again. I want to set another dns server but idk what to type into the search domain field. I edit the connection and click on the ipv4/ipv6 tab and there i can put in dns server and search domain. Is ip adress enough for dns field? search domain idk20:03
fr3tz0rwhat it is???20:03
docmurI installed google_authenticator to secure my ssh login, I followed the standard directions but when I try to see I don't see "Verficiation Code"20:04
Hell-RazorAnybody know of a good how-to for upgrading gcc?20:09
=== ibm is now known as Guest65405
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/20:14
=== KattyVal is now known as KattyDolphin
ice9any suggestion about SIP phone that supports codecs g729 or g711?20:14
* w33dm0nk3y91 is away: Snowcone,USA20:15
trunk_monkeyHell-Razor: check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/466651/how-do-i-use-the-latest-gcc-on-ubuntu-14-0420:15
trunk_monkeylooks like you just add the repo and then intsall gccx.x20:15
Hell-RazorYeah I  saw that but didnt scroll down enough. I need gcc 5.3 due to compiling cyanogenmod. It doesnt play well with other versions20:16
trunk_monkeyHell-Razor: looks like they have gcc-6 up20:17
trunk_monkeyso definitely 5 is available20:17
trunk_monkey5.3 *20:17
Hell-Razorthe update- alternative command isnt working for me20:18
trunk_monkeysudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test20:18
trunk_monkeysudo apt-get update20:19
trunk_monkeysudo apt-get install gcc-5.320:19
Hell-Razorheh sudo.20:20
Hell-RazorThank you trunk_monkey20:20
trunk_monkeyThere you go, you can set as default via this command:20:21
trunk_monkeysudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5.3 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5.320:21
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mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/20:22
django_what is the software of the terminal called20:24
django_like if i wanna add a terminal to add browser20:24
trunk_monkeydjango_: terminal emulator?20:24
ksftI'm on a laptop with an integrated and a dedicated graphics card20:24
ksfta game is running at a really low framerate, so I think it's running on the integrated one20:24
django_trunk_monkey, yeah20:25
ksfthow do I get it to run on the dedicated one?20:25
trunk_monkeymojtaba: can you be more specific on when the error comes up? is it in a browser exentions?20:25
pbxdjango_, what does "add a terminal to add browser" mean? i believe the default executable is gnome-terminal20:25
mojtabatrunk_monkey: It is an application. When I execute keepass2 or execute it via command line.20:26
trunk_monkeymojtaba: are you accessing it via vnc?20:26
mojtabatrunk_monkey: It is a local application20:26
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua
Bashing-omksft: What graphics are you worjing with ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' in a pastebin, let's verify what driver is compatible .20:27
ksftBashing-om: termbin.com/joy620:28
Bashing-omksft: look'n .20:28
ksftit would be great if you can make cuda work too20:30
mojtabatrunk_monkey: any idea?20:30
Bashing-omksft: Recent card for Nvidia and recommeded : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/98373/en-us is the 361 version . In our repo ? what returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' .20:31
brainwavemy bash is having huge gaps between 2 lines of output. How can i change that?20:31
ksftBashing-om: bcmwl-kernel-source, nvidia-352-updates, and nvidia-35220:32
Bashing-omksft: Was I working with you last night on this same issue ? As with 361/cuda .. got it working .20:32
ksftsomeone else was20:32
Bashing-omlet's try the 361 version . IF you are not adverse to a PPA .20:33
ksftBashing-om: okay20:33
Bashing-omksft: ' sudo apt-get remove nvidia-* ; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 nvidia-prime ; sudo reboot ' . Advise on the effect .20:35
ksftBashing-om: okay, rebooting...20:38
Bashing-om!cuda | ksft20:38
bradleyquick question? if Ubuntu doesnt have GUI for changing video drivers20:38
ksftBashing-om: didn't work20:39
ksftI rebooted, and there's just a black screen20:39
bradleyi have Xubuntu and they have a GUI for newest Nvidia20:39
ksftI used Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to a terminal to use IRC20:39
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/20:40
ksftBashing-om: can you help?20:41
=== Cake is now known as Guest78377
ksftBashing-om: no?20:42
Bashing-omksft: Let's see why it "didn't work" by reading the log ' pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .20:42
=== Guest78377 is now known as CakeFace
ksftBashing-om: termbin.com/n5cf20:43
Bashing-omksft: reading .20:44
Bashing-omksft: 404 on that link .. verufy and try again .20:44
ksftBashing-om: whoops, termbin.com/m5cf20:45
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=== Cupcake is now known as Guest7978
docmurI installed google_authenticator to secure my ssh login, I followed the standard directions but when I try to see I don't see "Verficiation Code", I Just get "password", neither my password or the verficiation code work20:46
Guest14765Hi, How can I install Lantern on Ubuntu?! Its site gives a exe file!20:47
PiciGuest14765: What is Lantern?20:47
Exagone313Guest14765: there are many lantern possible20:48
Guest14765Pici: https://github.com/getlantern/lantern20:48
Exagone313there is a .deb on your link20:49
Exagone313maybe you can extract id somewhere20:49
Picithere are Ubuntu debs there. I just accidentally downloaded one of them here on Windows.20:49
Bashing-om!info x11glvnd wily20:49
ubottuPackage x11glvnd does not exist in wily20:49
Exagone313Bashing-om: you know you can use a web browser and try the url?20:50
Bashing-omExagone313: Yeah, I too use that as a tool .20:54
trunk_monkeymojtaba: no idea, I'd create a forum post about it, doesn't look like anyone in here has any ideas either :/20:54
mojtabatrunk_monkey: thanks20:55
root___how 2 change name :D? first tim using :D20:56
Bashing-omksft: Look'n good so far . the driver buils and X is happy . Maybe the old config file ? what shows ' ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ' ? Maybe replace it with a new one .20:56
spammyseeing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in MaaS, but not on ubuntu.com...is it about to be released?20:57
Bashing-omspammy: Release set for 24 April .20:58
spammyBashing-om: thx20:58
Bashing-omspammy: np20:59
geniiI think April 2120:59
GamefaceHi, so how do you enjoy ubuntu so far guys?20:59
Bashing-omGameface: We use it as we like it .. that subject is of-topic for this as a support . join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat please .21:01
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ksftBashing-om it doesn't exist21:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:15
ksftKoMiSaR_kAtAnl: do you need help?21:16
KoMiSaR_kAtAnlyes thnk21:17
Bashing-omksft: Ouch ! Now that is odd and unexpected . check again please .. we do:   ' sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo nvidia-xconfig' is the file now created ?21:18
=== dalnet is now known as DALnet
picard276hey all... i can connect to my box over ssh and login.. but when i try to join (ubuntu 12.04 gnome) i type in the user and pass and the screen flickers black for around 5 seconds... then returns to the login screen21:20
picard276is there any log i can look at to see why i am not able to login?21:20
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zimbraMindvive ,i321:21
Bashing-ompicard276: You mean at the physical console attempting to activate the GUI ?21:22
picard276and i am logged in via ssh so i can access the box entirely... my guess is it's some graphics thing of some kind.. maybe a bad xrandr setting or xorg issue...21:23
Bashing-ompicard276: Generally. GUI graphics driver not loaded, or not authorized to access "your" desktop . what returns ' sudo lshw -C display ; ls -al .Xauthority ls -al .ICEauthority ' ?21:24
picard276the lshw im getting the nvidia graphics card21:25
picard276Bashing-om: ICEauthority is my user21:27
picard276Bashing-om: Xauthority is root21:27
picard276should i chown the Xauthority file?21:27
k1lpicard276: chown that .Xauthority back to your user:user21:28
Bashing-ompicard276: Should be 'you' . Ok what else is not right ' ls -al /home ' do you own "your" directory ?21:28
picard276just chown the xAuthority and now all is good ... Thanks Bashing-om21:29
Bashing-omPici: k1l gets this cookie :)21:31
Bashing-omksft: Have I lost you ?21:32
=== dgncn_ is now known as dgncn
lee_g750jmhello all21:36
corndogeHey, is there any way to force auth on a dovecot/postfix smtp server? people can send mails to local mailboxes without any username or pw21:43
miaHey all21:45
miaI change compizconfig minimize duration but it does not effect the behavior21:45
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miaI tried changing it into extreme numbbers but does not effect the outcome21:45
miawhat should I be doing?21:45
llutzcorndoge: https://iwader.co.uk/post/postfix-force-smtp-authentication21:46
N3X15What's the proper channel for talking to the bot-wranglers?  Their website's throwing 404s, so I can't find docs.21:46
k1lN3X15: which bots?21:46
llutzcorndoge: also http://www.postfix.org/documentation.htmlhttp://www.postfix.org/documentation.html21:46
N3X15ubot9, k1l.  I've got Encyclopedia installed but the devel wiki with usage docs is 40421:47
corndogellutz, I've just followed this tutorial but it still doesnt require auth, i can see 250-auth appearing on an ehlo now but thats all21:47
k1lN3X15: #ubuntu-irc21:47
llutzcorndoge: look at your main.cf, things like "smtpd_recipient_restrictions =permit_sasl_authenticated"21:48
corndogellutz, thats the second entry there, here the whole entry: http://hastebin.com/durucuguge.txt21:51
ksftBashing-om: afk for a sec--I'm back21:51
ksftthere's no /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:51
ksftI should run `nvidia-xconfig`?21:52
Bashing-omksft: Did you see my XX:18 entry ?21:52
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ksftjust ran `sudo nvidia-xconfig`21:52
ksftit created /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:52
Bashing-omksft: Reboot, let's see the effect . In a hybrid gaphic's system that file is required .21:53
llutzcorndoge: you test from $mynetworks?21:54
ksftit worked!21:54
ksftnow to test that game again21:55
corndogellutz, no i test it from my windows client to a dedicated server somewhere else21:55
Bashing-omksft: Outstanding !  ,, it is nvida-prime to switch graphic's sets .21:55
ksftit's still running at a bad framerate21:55
ksfthow do I do that?21:56
hep7which game?21:56
ksfthep7: Dota, but I don't think that's relevant21:56
llutzcorndoge: set permit_sasl_authenticated as first restriction21:56
Bashing-omksft: If it is but this one game having any problem, I would blame the game .. not the system .21:56
ksftBashing-om: it ran fine a few days ago21:57
ksftthen I messed up the graphics drivers21:57
ksftnow it's running at about 12 fps instead of about 8021:57
ksfthow do I switch which graphics card it uses?21:57
ksftsomething about nvidia-prime?21:58
Bashing-omksft: Check other applications . If all else is good .. what remains is the game .21:58
ksftI'm almost certain it isn't the game's fault21:58
ksftis there a way to check which graphics card is running it?21:59
Bashing-omksft: Can not say explicity, generally you want to run games from the Nvidia driver .21:59
ksftof course21:59
ksftI'm asking how to make that happen21:59
corndogellutz, sadly no changes. I still can send mails without logging in from telnet22:00
corndogellutz, ive reported that to the ispconfig dev as well but he said thats usual behaviour... but i dont like getting virus mails from others from my own mailserver22:00
ksftBashing-om: just tried another game22:01
ksftit isn't running very well either22:01
Bashing-omksft: - lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' - .22:01
ksftBashing-om: "Kernel driver in use: i915"22:01
Bashing-omksft: So running Intel .. in nvidia-prime change to Nvidia .22:02
SCHAAP137network-manager-openvpn should have an option for passing tls-cipher to the openvpn binary as well, imho22:02
ksftBashing-om: how do I do that?22:02
Bashing-omksft: I can not answer all questions .. I do not run nvidia . homework time on your part .22:03
ksftI've been looking this up22:03
ksfthow do I use nvidia-prime?22:03
ksftI couldn't figure it out22:03
ksftthat's why I cme here22:03
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MonkeyDustksft  there's also #nvidia22:06
Bashing-omksft: http://askubuntu.com/questions/459315/how-can-i-switch-back-to-nvidia-card-from-intel-with-nvidia-prime os one way .22:09
llutzcorndoge: just to understand it right: you try to send a mail to a valid recipient on your server, not a mail to an foreign address(relay)?22:10
corndogellutz, exactly, yes22:10
llutzcorndoge: then that is totally ok, how would a foreign smtp-server sasl-auth at your server, when trying to send you a mail?22:11
llutzcorndoge: content/spam-filtering is a different job22:12
corndogellutz, so the only way to stop those virus mails to myself is just spamfiltering them?22:12
llutzcorndoge: basically yes. look at postscreen, amavisd-new etc.22:13
TJ-SCHAAP137: you should be able to manually ad it22:13
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corndogellutz, yeah I'm already filtering them and moving them to a junk folder... but I thought theres a way to stop anonymous people connecting to it :(22:13
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llutzcorndoge: not if they send mails to addresses you'e supposed to accept22:14
SCHAAP137TJ-, when i try to do that to the system-connections files, restart network-manager service, it fails to connect22:14
TJ-SCHAAP137: you mean you add something like "tls-cipher=..." in the "[vpn]" section22:15
BrandanHi, I have this problem to where when the system runs out of ram even by 1 mb, kswapd0 starts using 100% cpu, even when the ram drops back down to 500 mb/4gb.22:15
llutzcorndoge: we run postscreen on some servers with good results. still, it's not perfect22:16
BrandanThe only way to fix it I've seen is to reboot everytime ram was exhausted for any amount of time.22:16
Razzdollhey guys. does anyone know how to fix this issue: when i open up a terminal (i use konsole), and ssh into somewhere, it timesout/freezes on me so i am forced to open a new window and re-ssh into somewhere. is that my machine or is that the ssh box doing it and if it is mine how could i fix it? Wily ubuntu here22:17
TJ-SCHAAP137: ahhh, yes, nm-openvpn-service.c doesn't define ta-cipher in ValidProperty22:17
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BrandanI'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04.4 btw.22:20
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TJ-SCHAAP137: this should add the functionality: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15483315/22:30
OptiprismSo whenever I install a new windows I always first disable the microsoft spyware on it22:31
OptiprismWhat spyware products do I have to worry about on ubuntu?22:31
k1lOptiprism: there is no spyware on ubuntu. you can look at the privacy settings in system settings to adjust the online search to your needs22:32
BrandanProbably just your ISP and swap using 100% cpu for no reason.22:33
TJ-SCHAAP137: sorry, that was terrible! got TA and TLS mixed up. Try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15483339/22:33
OptiprismOh that's kinda surprising when seeing all those icons on the bar when installing ubuntu I assumed there would be some spyware that's included that you had to disable22:33
OptiprismAlright then22:34
HesulanOptiprism: The beauty of open-source software is that it's made exclusively by its users, not by a company looking to sell it. We don't want spyware on our system any more than you do.22:34
SCHAAP137excellent, gonna try that, thanks TJ-22:36
SCHAAP137TJ-, i'm getting this error when compiling: /usr/include/NetworkManager/nm-version.h:89:2: error: #error "NM_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED must be >= NM_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED22:42
mustmodifyI'm using top and two of the processes are highlighted... any ideas why?22:42
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TJ-SCHAAP137: hmmm; let me check. Which release of Ubuntu are you on?22:44
kuomiI'm currently running Ubuntu MATE 15.10 and I've edited my fstab to auto-mount an NTFS drive on boot. It's working fine and does auto-mount but one thing that is slightly annoying me is that it doesn't show up in devices and I have to go into the dir I created in /mnt/. I had this same problem in Mint but had no idea how/if I fixed it. Could anyone help?22:44
SCHAAP137hm, weird, getting it when compiling without the patch as well...22:45
TJ-SCHAAP137: how did you build it? I've just done "fakeroot debian/rules binary" and it worked fine22:45
TJ-SCHAAP137: you did use the latest pastebin I gave you ?22:46
Bashing-omkuomi: Make the mount point in /media ??22:46
SCHAAP137TJ-, yes i did; but i'm just using apt-get source network-manager-openvpn, ./configure and make22:46
SCHAAP137got all the build-deps needed22:46
kuomiBashing-om: I followed this, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-auto-mounting-windows-ntfs-file-system/. It is mounted to /mnt/share22:47
Ch3ckIs there anyone here from the Ubuntu user groups? or Ubuntu community?22:48
k1lCh3ck: we are all the community :) what is the issue?22:48
Bashing-omkuomi: Nothing wrong with mounting at /mnt ; as I understand it however gvfs system will not see it .22:49
kuomiBashing-om: Ah so best if I just mounted to /media/share and that would show up?22:49
Bashing-omkuomi: Yeah, is what I think .22:49
TJ-SCHAAP137: I've got the proper patch here, including the changelog and quilt series patches: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/nm-openvpn.patch22:50
kuomiBashing-om: I'll give it a bash, cheers.22:50
Bashing-omkuomi: Let us know the result .22:51
TJ-SCHAAP137: the debian/rules Makefile may be setting configuration options you're not setting. That's why it helps to use "fakeroot debian/rules build" (or binary to create packages)22:51
SCHAAP137cool, will try that one, using that fakeroot command now you said, seems to work22:52
SCHAAP137okay, that's useful info, thanks22:53
TJ-I bumped the version but used a ~ so any newer Ubuntu version will replace it properly22:53
kuomiBashing-om: Perfect, thanks very much!22:53
Bashing-omkuomi: :) Pretty smart system, huh ?22:54
Beko12I accitently pressed ctrl+f4 and a black ttyl screen came in. How do I go back to my desktop?22:56
TJ-Beko12: Alt+F722:56
Beko12TJ-,  thanks!22:56
TJ-Beko12: the GUI is almost always on tty7 (Alt_F7) (sometimes on tty8 - Alt+F8)22:56
SCHAAP137excellent, that seems to work TJ-22:59
TJ-SCHAAP137: great! in which case I'll fire it upstream tomorrow see if we can get it adopted23:01
TJ-SCHAAP137: I guess network-manager-openvpn-gnome needs editing too, to offer it in the GUI23:01
SCHAAP137that's excellent, would be awesoem23:01
SCHAAP137easier than manually editing the connection file23:02
SCHAAP137and there would be at least 1 user23:02
TJ-SCHAAP137: indeed; it's 2300 here so I'll look at that tomorrow. Are you able to test the gnome side, I don't use it23:02
SCHAAP137not using gnome here either, MATE23:03
TJ-haha, but do you use the -gnome GUI connection editor though?23:03
TJ-anything based on the GTK/GDK libraries uses the -gnome connection editor GUIs I believe23:04
SCHAAP137ah i can test that, sure23:04
TJ-SCHAAP137: ok; I'll ping you tomorrow once I've got a package built23:05
SCHAAP137okay, cool23:06
TJ-SCHAAP137: there doesn't look to be any spare space in the dialog on its TLS tab, grr23:07
SCHAAP137hmm, it would need some text as well, like "check 'openvpn --show-tls' for valid entries, use colons as separators"23:08
SCHAAP137or maybe not23:08
TJ-SCHAAP137: could get 'complicated' real quick. For what you describe the code should call openvpn --show-tls and populate the chooser based on it23:09
Ch3ckWe have a Local Dev Summit coming up. I don't know who to talk to in relation to event support. Can anyone please point me out here?23:09
SCHAAP137hmm, that would get more complicated indeed. I was just imagining an input field23:10
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TJ-SCHAAP137: I'll think about it... might be best to leave it as an ultra-advanced option that requires the manual settings file editing :)23:13
SCHAAP137TJ-: a chooser would not support the option of creation a sequence of ciphersuites, separated by colons23:13
TJ-SCHAAP137: I was thinking a chooser that can string them together... think of an +Add... button23:13
TJ-SCHAAP137: obviously with the option of inserting a negate "!" in front of the entry23:14
SCHAAP137true, that's fine with me as well; it's good the command is accepted now by the service applet23:14
TJ-SCHAAP137: what I could do is have the settings file when created have a comment in it about the tls-cipher option and how to configure it23:14
SCHAAP137yeah, that's what i was thinking, might be more efficient23:15
SCHAAP137when the .ovpn is imported, that it would just read and save/use that option as well23:15
SCHAAP137in the connection file23:15
TJ-SCHAAP137: as in "# tls-cipher= please see "man openvpn" and the --show-tls and --tls-cipher options"23:15
TJ-SCHAAP137: yes, I'd need to ensure there's no barrier in the import functions that might drop the option23:16
TJ-SCHAAP137: do you know if importing a .ovpn with tls-cipher= does bring it through, or drop it?23:16
SCHAAP137TJ-, it dropped it23:16
SCHAAP137although, did not test it after patching yet23:17
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TJ-SCHAAP137: OK, I'll check on that. I would *guess* now tls-cipher is added to the ValidProperty it would be imported23:18
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lee_g750jmeveryone  building a vpn23:19
SCHAAP137TJ-: yes, it drops it, verified23:19
SCHAAP137saved an unchanged imported config, no tls-cipher23:19
BouncerWhat term command would I Use to find my wifi card model?23:21
TJ-SCHAAP137: no, properties/import-export.c needs it adding manually I notice23:21
TJ-SCHAAP137: I'll sort that out tomorrow and then you can test it23:22
SCHAAP137very nice, looking fwd to it23:22
TJ-Bouncer: depends if its PCI or USB. "lspci -nn" or "lsusb"23:22
k1lBouncer: "lspci" or "lsusb".23:22
ihavekewsHello all.23:22
ihavekewsI have a quick question.. If i'm logged in as root, but i log in as a user on terminal and launch IRSSI, is it still a security risk?23:23
TJ-SCHAAP137: thinking about it, it is quite an oversight not to support tls-cipher already23:23
Bouncerk1l TRied that its a broadcom chip, DOesnt SEEM to be tehre23:24
SCHAAP137TJ-, true, it has been in OpenVPN since version 2.3.4 or something23:25
k1lBouncer: can you put both outputs into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link?23:25
qu4nt1n!s iron man23:27
ubottuqu4nt1n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
k1lqu4nt1n: no warez here23:27
SCHAAP137anyway, thanks a lot TJ-, for that quick patch23:28
TJ-SCHAAP137: well, I'm on the way to bed; chat tomorrow :)23:28
naccihavekews: your sentence didn't make a lot of sense to me ... if you're logged in as root, how are you logged in as a user?23:28
SCHAAP137cool, sleep well :)23:28
TJ-nacc: 'su' probably23:28
k1lihavekews: the matter is as whom the process is running. so if you start irssi as user that is fine. but login to root is not the ubuntu way at all.23:29
ihavekews@nacc At the login screen i choose to login as root. Then in a terminal i changed user to a regular account..23:29
k1lihavekews: never login as root on the login screen23:29
k1l!sudo | ihavekews23:29
ubottuihavekews: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:29
rdhihavekews, Yes, because you can escape to root23:29
naccihavekews: that was a mistake, just login as your regular user23:30
miahow can I make flash player work with my ubuntu23:30
ihavekewsWell currently i'm going through http irc, but i'm just curious what the security risk is.. and what does it mean that you can 'escape' to root23:30
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:31
rdhihavekews, when you open the terminal, it'll be logged in as root. Then your just logging into another user right? well if you wanted to go back to root... you just type exit.23:31
k1ldont go to that shortened url. its a malicious website23:32
naccihavekews: so if somehow the application in the terminal was compromised, it could in theory have root access23:32
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k1lihavekews: if someone can enter that process from outside he got root permissions and can do everything on your system. that is the worst szenario.23:33
ihavekewsso hows that work? They find a exploit of some kind and gain access through your IRC port?23:34
ihavekewsthen have access to your terminal?23:34
k1lihavekews: that works for every program you use as root.23:34
rdhihavekews, find away to crash/pass connection back.23:34
naccihavekews: i'm not saying it will happen, but it certainly can and you shouldn't be running anything as root that you don't need to, and certainly not irssi23:35
rdhihavekews, Completely depends on the software running, but there is no need to take chances.23:35
ihavekewslol well, thanks for the advice and clearing that up.23:35
naccihavekews: the more important question is why are you logging in as root?23:36
rdhihavekews, https://www.exploit-db.com/ database of exploits23:36
spammyok, so the openstack manual install instructions suddenly were replaced with an openstack-install program...which isn't working for me...juju bootstrap bombs out because it isn't set to use "ubuntu/trusty"23:36
spammyon ubuntu.com23:37
ihavekewsI'm going to school for a BA in computer science, and i've been messing with Kali Linux at home on my network, and i was just curious on the matter.23:37
naccspammy: you'll probably more luck on #ubuntu-server23:37
spammyok, thx23:37
naccspammy: err, "have" more luck :)23:37
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ihavekewsSo i suppose socializng on kali distro is not a spart idea23:39
rdhihavekews, create a user, do your stuff logged in as the user.23:39
k1lihavekews: read what the purpose of kali is. or ask their support why they use that root only setup. ubuntu got a totally differen approach using sudo. so dont use root23:40
ihavekewsk1 its for penn testing, I think it just makes running everthing much more fluid as oppose to having to SU every command and terminal screen23:40
naccihavekews: kali isn't supported here, regardless, though -- work with the23:41
error-537Anyone have suggestions for a touch friendly DE/WM that works nicely on small screens?23:41
ihavekewsOf course. I realize this is a ubuntu channel, I also have ubuntu, but i'm much more familiar with this community so i figured i'd ask about the irc23:41
OptiprismWhen using ssh and starting for example gedit, it starts on my client, but when I try to do "startx" it appears on the host, how come?23:43
Ben64don't do startx23:43
k1lOptiprism: dont run startx on ubuntu23:43
k1lOptiprism: you can use ssh to start the gui of a program that started on the server on your client.23:44
naccOptiprism: why are you running startx?23:44
RazzdollSo can anyone help me please with my issue? I dont mean to be annoying. I just cant seem to find the right fix on google either (Because I dont even know the correct wording)23:44
OptiprismI wanna get the server's screen23:44
k1lOptiprism: but servers usually runs programs that get handled on the CLI. so there is no need for guis23:44
Ben64Razzdoll: you'd need to explain it first23:44
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Razzdollwell i wanted to know how to fix this issue: when i open up a terminal (i use konsole), and ssh into somewhere, it timesout/freezes on me so i am forced to open a new window and re-ssh into somewhere. is that my machine or is that the ssh box doing it and if it is mine how could i fix it? Wily ubuntu here23:45
OptiprismAh I see, i think...23:45
Ben64Razzdoll: it's the server doing it, you can usually trick it by running something that keeps data flowing23:46
naccOptiprism: you mean you want to access a remote servers X screen? why?23:47
OptiprismSeems like a useful thing to do? It's like a windows remote desktop right23:48
RazzdollBen64, in putty, there is an option to change the timeout, but this is linux not windows and I have no idea what to do.23:48
Ben64Optiprism: a server normally doesn't have a desktop23:48
k1lOptiprism: servers  are meant to run with no desktop. that is useless waste of ressources.23:48
Optiprismoh ok23:48
Ben64Razzdoll: you can configure ssh client to send keep alive messages.. https://forum.ivorde.com/how-to-prevent-linux-ssh-client-from-disconnecting-using-serveraliveinterval-t19451.html23:49
k1lOptiprism: server tasks are made for CLI. you dont need click them in gui.23:49
naccOptiprism: sorry, I undrestand in broad strokes what you're saying, but it doesn't seem like you really want to do what you're suggesting23:49
SchrodingersRescso, restarted my computer, when it came back up I can ping it, but I get, ssh: connect to host domain.com port 22: Network is unreachable23:50
RazzdollBen64, ok thank you. Should I add that info to -my- client or the one I ssh into, which is also my vps23:50
Ben64Razzdoll: the link i gave you is for the client23:50
RazzdollWait, mine right?23:50
RazzdollThought so. Just had to double make sure - Thanks again23:51
SchrodingersRescthings I'm thinking I may have touched include but not limited to, sshd_config, /etc/hosts , /etc/hostname , and may be some others but I'm open to suggestions of where to start.23:52
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