
sakrecoerfinally got in to wiki. added a few entries in the change list (whisker, noto, desktop interaction)14:29
sakrecoeralso made it clear the changes are compared to previous LTS14:29
sakrecoer(this was made to final beta release notes)14:30
sakrecoertyping on my phone, haven't got the link at hand14:31
Rosco2sakrecoer: \o/14:32
Rosco2Thanks for that. I was going to ask you to email them later14:32
Rosco2no need now14:32
Rosco2Will give them a once over later as a double check14:32
sakrecoeri looked into the diffs krytarik posted here, seems good from my unexperienced POV14:34
sakrecoerhowever, i noticed a to me new audioplayer: gmusic14:35
sakrecoerlooks nice! but audacious is a keeper, right?14:36
OvenWerkssakrecoer: I don't think we talked of getting rid of audacious.14:58
OvenWerks(unless I missed that)14:58
sakrecoergood, i was affraid i'd missed something too....14:59
krytarikOvenWerks: It's not included currently, either.14:59
OvenWerkskrytarik: That could be, we only inherited it from xubuntu, so if they have dropped it, we may have too.15:00
OvenWerkssakrecoer, krytarik: A lot fo the desktop utilities just follow what xubuntu is doing right now. They generally ship the best tested things.15:01
sakrecoerOvenWerks: krytarik in the diffs audacious is still listed as prefered app for many audio files tho...15:02
sakrecoerunless i missunderstand those diffs...15:02
OvenWerkssakrecoer: which diffs?15:03
krytarikXfce bug 11825.15:08
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11825 in General "Parole segmentation fault related to gtk3/clutter/cogl update" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1182515:08
krytarikOvenWerks: http://paste.openstack.org/show/oUaTA1g4owyOfbEwux0T/15:08
OvenWerkskrytarik: Why would we swap parole with gmusicbrawser? Does it do video too?15:12
OvenWerksAh, sorry that is just a shortcut... NM]15:13
OvenWerksApparently we have totem.15:14
OvenWerksaudacious looks to be around too.15:15
krytarikOvenWerks: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/xenial-dvd-amd64.manifest15:17
OvenWerkskrytarik: My guess would be that audacious used to be part of the xubuntu desktop and is no longer, but has not been added to Studio's seeds. Looks like a bug to me.15:19
sakrecoeri'm going off-line. i'll be testing the live iso and fresh install today, planning on trying upgrade test tomorrow15:31
zequenceOvenWerks: sakrecoer: I've simply synced our desktop with Xubuntu's. A good all-round media player is good to have, but we should add things like that to a separate desktop package, something like ubuntustudio-desktop-common, in preparation for going desktop agnostic18:32
zequenceI will probably start working on that after I quit being lead18:32
zequenceNeed to set up my own build server18:32
zequenceAdding any such packages need to have a valid reason, not just - I like it.18:39
zequenceSomehow, I imagine all DEs have a good default media player (or two), and that people will install the ones they like if they want to replace it with something18:40
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OvenWerkszequence: I agree.19:35
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zequenceTesting the 32bit image. Can't seem to get any sound on VB. Going to try on real hardware later20:44

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