
=== guga is now known as edisongustavo
tortibI have a question, would it be frowned upon to sell Xubuntu USB flash drives on ebay?  Or is that considered piracy or something?03:10
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pavlushkaknome, http://i.imgur.com/ZAEd4Gy.png11:25
xubuntu76wcan someone give me quick help with 2ping command12:42
xubuntu76wi want to test packet loss12:42
xubuntu006hi guys12:45
xubuntu006it's the first time in this world of linux12:45
xubuntu76wbeware of the man pages12:46
xubuntu006i want learn all about of that system operation....can help me!? :)12:47
xubuntu76wim semi novice in linux, i asked  a question, hoping for someone to answer12:47
xubuntu76wwhat kind of help?12:47
xubuntu006i want learn to crack wifi12:48
xubuntu006but of tutorial12:48
Picixubuntu76w: I've never used the tool, I suggest to read the manpage.12:48
xubuntu006in youtube12:48
xubuntu76wPici: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/vivid/man1/2ping.1p.html  i am unable atm to make coherent command out of it12:48
xubuntu76wcan you write something to test packet loss? i tried 2ping test.2ping.net but it just continuosly tests12:50
xubuntu76wxubuntu006:  there are some linux distros focused on wifi, but i think you should google them yourself12:51
xubuntu006ok now i use xubuntu12:51
xubuntu76wxubuntu is general use distro :)12:51
xubuntu006but i have ubuntu inside onether pc12:51
xubuntu76wkinda. but you can intall anything in any distro, just that for wifi there are some specialized  distros12:52
flocculantxubuntu006: why should anyone help you crack some wifi somewhere ?12:52
* xubuntu76w slaps flocculant 12:53
xubuntu76whelp 2ping12:53
Picixubuntu76w: what are you trying to acheive with 2ping?12:53
xubuntu76wi want to see do i have spikes of packet loss12:53
xubuntu006because i want learn, i don't want make a disaster12:53
xubuntu76wxubuntu006: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/ maybe this?12:53
Picixubuntu76w: personally I prefer using mtr for this.12:53
xubuntu006you have any idea of linux mint!?12:54
xubuntu76wPici: im open for suggestion, im using xubuntu lately, if i were on windows i would use dos testing there12:54
xubuntu006i see it's the last version but i don't know if are good for proggramation and learn with the terminal12:54
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:55
xubuntu006sorry!!! guys :(12:56
xubuntu76wPici: he can discuss security of wireless networks :p12:59
xubuntu006have you any idea where i can find any guide of language of terminal!?13:02
xubuntu76wxubuntu006: http://linux.die.net/man/1/bash13:04
Picihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal has a bunch of resources13:04
xubuntu006guys thanks....13:05
xubuntu006you are the best!!! :)13:05
xubuntu76wnp xubuntu00613:07
* xubuntu76w slaps Pici with wet sudo13:08
xubuntu76wcan you read those reports13:08
xubuntu76wmtr reports13:08
Picixubuntu76w: press d while its running and you can see a histogram of sorts of where in the trace you are losing packets.13:09
xubuntu76wPici: report says 100% on some, is that normal?13:09
Picixubuntu76w: sure. Some hosts block icmp pings13:10
xubuntu76wtesting ea.com13:11
xubuntu76wim from europe13:11
xubuntu76wreport said 10% loss on 16 hop13:11
xubuntu76wnow on active testing its around 3% on same spot13:12
xubuntu006any guys of italy!?13:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:15
xubuntu76wok Pico tnx for asssting13:16
xubuntu76wneed to go, byee13:16
xubuntu006thanks guy see you soon13:24
schockleyxubuntu 14.04 my KDE app menus are showing up in the task bar instead of as part of the windowed application. How do I change this?17:21
crucifywireless mouse stops working when I restart the system from the terminal18:30
crucifysomeone with this problem18:30
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katapheroHello guys, needing some help. I'm new to Linux. Just clean installed Xubuntu and noticed I don't have a System Settings  option. The gear icon doesn't show up in the panel.19:17
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katapheroAnyone could shed a light?19:20
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JeZxLeeno AMD proprietary display driver in 16.04 ?21:22
mrkrampscurrently incompatible with recent versions of XServer21:22
JeZxLeeguess I am stuck with Windows21:23
mrkrampsbut AMDs new amdgpu driver will ship with 16.0421:23
Halamix2hello again22:14
Halamix2So I tried to update Nvidia drivers (364)...  http://pastebin.com/4VyanBfn22:16
Halamix2And I don't know what I can do22:18
mrkrampsHalamix2, hybrid graphics?22:29
Halamix2yup, integrated Intel+nvidia 290M22:33
mrkrampsHalamix2, nvidia-prime installed?22:34
WangDang_according to this post -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33630713/cannot-install-guest-additions-on-kali-2-0 there was a change in some kernel data structure that is affecting certain compile operations.  I need to back down to a pre 3.19 kernel.  The only option I see in 15.10 is linux-image-3.4.0-4-goldfish:i386.  what does the goldfish mean?  Can I just downgrade from linux-image-4.2.0-16-generic like that and everything will be fine?22:37
WangDang_Is there an option to get a precompiled kernel pre 3.19, then?22:39
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