
Kowoop sorry00:52
Kowanswering Y to an apt-get prompt in quassel *sigh00:53
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
=== alkisg_away is now known as alkisg
cheweyAs I understand it, the installer should *not* offer a device selection for the boot loader when booted in and installing UEFI mode – however, the one for 16.04 I just see does.08:13
cheweyAnd when it's installed, it doen't boot. Is there some place I can kick?08:14
alkisgNot offer a device selection? Why so? What if someone has 2 disks?08:16
alkisg(with 2 efi partitions etc etc...)08:16
cheweyDunno – that's what https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI says.08:16
chewey"Note that in a UEFI-mode installation, Ubuntu will not ask you where to install the boot loader."08:17
alkisgNo idea, but maybe they mean if only one efi partition is found in the whole system...08:19
alkisgYou did test if you booted in uefi mode, right?08:19
alkisgfrom the live cd, [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in UEFI mode" || echo "Installed in Legacy mode"08:19
cheweyYup. My mainboard's boot menu also offers "USB:" and "UEFI:" boot modes for the same stick (I picked UEFI).08:21
ChibaPetHaving two EFI partitions seems to blow the installer's mind, FWIW.08:21
ChibaPetServer installer anyway - I haven't tried it with the desktop installer.08:22
cheweyLetting hardware vendors graphically style their config interfaces was an awful idea BTW. I long for nice, information dense BIOS interfaces instead of this graphical "hardware browser" clusterfuck on my nice new machine.08:25
lordievaderGood morning.08:37
cheweyHm, sort of solved my "it doesn't boot" problem: I vreated separate partitions for UEFI and /boot, and now it works.09:51
cheweyIs that how it's supposed to be?09:51
k1lchewey: uefi and /boot partitions are different ones09:52
k1luefi is vfat, /boot is ext2. in most cases.09:53
cheweyAh, right.09:58
lotuspsychjesgbirch: check schedule in topic mate10:11
sgbirchlotuspsychje: final beta is today according to the schedule 10:16
lotuspsychjesgbirch: correct10:17
lotuspsychjesgbirch: did you install it yet?10:17
sgbirchmember:lotuspsychje: yes .. it looks fantastic10:17
sgbirchlotuspsychje: Trusty has been brilliant, by far the best release. It looks like this is even better.10:18
lotuspsychjeyep :p10:19
BluesKajhowdy folks11:21
sgbirchanyone know what time the final beta is expected to be available today?12:04
TJ-you want an ISO? the packages are already published12:09
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial12:18
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB12:18
lotuspsychjekallo82: today is final beta, final release at 21 april13:18
kallo82lotuspsychje: cool13:19
AmunhatebHi guys. Am I understanding correctly that today will be the first beta image of ubuntu(not lubuntu and other opt-ins) available?14:38
lotuspsychjeAmunhateb: final beta14:41
daedrichey I'm using i3wm, and when I open unity-control-center, I've only the left menu options, not the rest14:57
daedricwhereas it works on the default wm14:57
daedricany recommendation on how to report the problem ?14:57
ubottuA schedule of Xenial Xerus (16.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule16:09
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
=== khaldoon is now known as kallo82
jaythelinuxguyHello all. I'm running into another problem while testing mariadb on 16.04. I have two VMs set up, and I'm trying to set one as a master and the other as slave. I'm getting: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user.  I've granted replicate permissions:  GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* to 'replicate'@'' identified by 'slavepassword';  Interestingly, I cannot connect to the master from the slave via telnet on port 3306, but there is no18:15
jaythelinuxguy firewall between them.18:15
varaindemianso whats new in the latest beta?18:49
varaindemianIs there a changelog?18:50
arunpyasiGuys, when is beta releasing ?20:00
k1l_when its annnounced on the mailinglist20:01
ChibaPetarunpyasi: There's a release schedule in the /topic20:02
ChibaPetAh, you mean "what time today".20:02
geniiChibaPet: Yes, today's date is on the schedule for the beta 2 release.20:03
ChibaPetAh, and I see that you already pointed him to the schedule.20:04
ChibaPetHonestly, running the stuff, I expect to move into "release" status blissfully unaware.20:04
=== salamanderrake_ is now known as salamanderrake
NukienWeird one I've noticed with 16.04 ... bash_history doesn't remember a "sudo su -" command, but 14.04 *does* remember it properly21:45
irgendwer4711hi, I try to blackliste nouveau, but it didnt work.21:55
irgendwer4711this module is still in initramfs21:56
k1l_irgendwer4711: so what went wrong on installing the driver?21:56
k1l_did you look at the output? what kenrel is it? are the headers installed?21:56
k1l_where is the nvidia driver from?21:56
irgendwer4711I dont know. 3 drivers were handling this card: the FB, nouveau and nvidia21:56
irgendwer4711first try was the xubuntu driver app. then then nvidia HP21:57
k1l_if the nvidia is installed and not working correct, then it will fallback to the nouveau to make you a booting system at all.21:57
k1l_so blacklistiing is just wrong21:57
k1l_ok, so you installed the beta driver from the nvidia homepage?21:58
irgendwer4711no, one normal driver21:58
k1l_so what is going wrong on your system? what output was there on installing the driver? what does  the xorg log say?21:59
irgendwer4711this is sad, this worked before. but I had to reinstall, because of GPT and windows 7 didnt like UEFI.21:59
irgendwer4711I try a next run with the nvidia driver now.21:59
k1l_since you use the nvidia website driver, you might want to ask their suport21:59
irgendwer4711the ubuntu one didnt work too.22:01
k1l_logs or errors or it didnt happen ;p22:02
k1l_but using the nvidia website driver there is nothing we could support since we cant do anything there. hence use the ubuntu one22:03
recon_lapis there a ubuntu driver for a nV gtx 980 ?22:04
irgendwer4711ah wait22:04
irgendwer4711now its loading the right driver module.22:04
NukienWeird one I've noticed with 16.04 ... bash_history doesn't remember a "sudo su -" command, but 14.04 *does* remember it properly. There's no HISTIGNORE set anywhere I can find.22:34
k1l_Nukien: dont use that22:34
k1l_use sudo -i22:34
Nukienancient muscle memory - like doing a "wr -t" on a cisco box ...22:35
Nukienwr t that is22:35
RovanionCan I turn off suspend on laptop lid down?23:07
RovanionIt's new on my machine, never had it before. I'm not running Unity.23:08
TJ-Rovanion: what ubuntu release?23:09
RovanionI'm here so 16.04 prerelease.23:09
TJ-Rovanion: For systemd edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf and set "HandleLidSwitch=ignore"23:09
TJ-Rovanion: for 16.04 the support channel is #ubuntu+123:10
TJ-hahah, and we're on it *slaps self*23:10
TJ-My eyes need replacing for sure :D23:10
RovanionHate when that happens23:10
TJ-information overload on the screen I think23:11
RovanionIs it possible to edit https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/power-closelid.html ?23:11
TJ-Rovanion: looks like it needs a bug report to the Docs Team23:13
RovanionIs it not a wiki? huh.23:14
geniiIt is, but only editable by those people specifically on the Official Documentation Team, not regular Ubuntu/Launchpad/Community Wiki members23:16
RovanionWell that's cumbersome.23:16
RovanionAnyways. Thanks a ton for your time TJ-! I'll make sure to report any bugs I come across.23:17
TJ-well, based on the bit-rot in the wiki it's understandable23:17
allquixoticAnyone know if installing to a ZFS root will be supported on 16.04 Server using the official installer CD? If not, is there an unofficial way to do it anyway that's fairly easy/reliable? I want to boot in UEFI mode, and have everything except the ESP as ZFS.23:26
Nukienallquixotic, I don't know if they'll fully support installing to root-on-zfs23:28
TJ-allquixotic: you'd need to ensure the zfs tools are included in the initrd by update-initramfs23:28
NukienBut ... I do have a script that will build a root-on-zfs optionally-on-LUKS - interested ?23:28
allquixoticNukien: Very interested, yes. Currently my plan is (assuming Ubiquity doesn't support ZFS root) to load up the Ubuntu *Desktop* ISO in "Try Ubuntu" mode, drop to a root shell, install packages, and debootstrap. Is that your approach as well?23:29
NukienBoot an iso on your system (or VM), pull down the script, edit a few vars, let 'er rip23:29
NukienYup, that's it exactly, but all scripted23:30
NukienI am so *tired* of repeating commands ... scripts ftw23:30
allquixoticI've got a system with 2 x SSD and 2 x HDD. The HDDs are several times larger than the SSDs. I want to do mirroring and use the HDDs as the primary storage layer, and then split the SSDs as ZIL and L2ARC. I've done it before with 14.04, but it was one heck of a hack job to get it working.23:30
allquixoticI'm familiar with how to configure the zpool but just don't feel like going through the headache of getting UEFI booting onto ZFS root working a second time... :P23:31
NukienThis creates a file listing all the drives it sees - you have to edit that file to list *only* the ones you want for zfs23:31
allquixotica little surprised to see ZFS ship default in an LTS without installer support... :/23:31
allquixoticthis is going to drive people mad for years lol23:31
NukienIt has uefi in there, but I don't have a spare uefi box to test against23:31
TJ-allquixotic: the driver isn't ready for prime time on many systems yet23:31
TJ-allquixotic: e.g. it's in 16.04 for the lxd/lxc cloud snapshot COW etc support23:32
TJ-allquixotic: but it doesn't have SSD discard support23:32
NukienThe script does a simple raidz of the drives - you'll have to change the zpool create lines if you want different23:32
allquixoticNukien: Fortunately, I'll be able to test your script with UEFI, since I have a dedicated server that I just provisioned (a new one, on top of my existing production box that is staying on 14.04 until I'm satisfied with the final 16.04 release on the new box) with real world hardware,  and a real world Supermicro UEFI firmware to test with :)23:33
NukienCool - will be good to see if/how it works23:33
allquixoticIt's got an E3-1240v5 (Skylake) so the mobo is also very, very new23:33
TJ-you can also test in qemu with qemu-efi; "... -b OVMF.fd ..."23:33
NukienAll testing here has been in virtualbox using ramdrives as disks - makes for quicker installs/testing :/23:34
NukienTJ-, hah, didn't know that - will have to look into qemu more I suppose23:34
TJ-it's useful since it has the Tianocore/EDK EFI full shell23:35
allquixoticand yeah, for the zpool I'll do zpool create tank mirror /dev/disk/by-id/firstone-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/secondone-part1; zpool add tank log mirror /dev/disk/by-id/ssd1-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/ssd2-part1; zpool add tank cache /dev/disk/by-id/ssd1-part2 /dev/disk/by-id/ssd2-part223:35
Nukienallquixotic, Nice mobo - I have an old X7DBI+ - so it's FB-ddr2 and the fans scream like a horde of banshees and it heats the house all by itself23:35
TJ-i generally install the shellx64.efi 1st off on any EFI system, at /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI in case there's a boot failure via menu23:35
NukienLine 400 in the script - change the ZPOOLEVEL var23:35
allquixoticNukien: lol, I have started to see datacenter-hosted retail server rentals drop in price as the CPU generations increase, because of Intel's  increasing focus on power efficiency and savings, leading to greatly reduced cooling and electricity costs for DCs23:36
NukienHeh yup - a buddy runs a DC over in NJ, and he moans about how he's cutting prices23:36
allquixoticin many cases it costs them *more* to sell you a Core 2 or Nehalem era dedi, even though the hardware has been paid off for years, than to eat the cost of a new Skylake or Haswell platform and have you use way less electricity while running it and slowly paying off their upfront investment23:36
allquixoticTJ-: on my 14.04 server, I have a default .nsh file that the shell loads after a 10 second timeout that basically kicks off my UEFI boot on ZFS root... wrote all that by hand, totally ad-hoc, but the server reboots on its own without me going into IPMI so I'm not complaining23:38
allquixoticit's just way harder than it has to be to configure all that23:38
allquixoticand then udev rule fiddling, and all kinds of stuff23:38
TJ-allquixotic: yes, it is so much better than BIOS23:39
allquixoticNukien: have you tested the overhead of LUKS at all? is it quite terrible?23:40
NukienIts' negligible23:40
NukienEspecially on a cpu with aes23:40
allquixoticdoes it use the hardware AES engine of Skylake? woohoo23:40
NukienYou do notice it on an older one, but it's small23:40
NukienIf you load the aesni-intel module23:40
NukienThe script tests and loads for you :)23:40
allquixoticnot that I don't trust my hosting provider, but I don't trust my hosting provider to shut down if someone hands them an NSL23:41
NukienJust updated script in pastebin to use a configurable zpool level (raidz, raidz2 etc)23:43
allquixotichave you considered contributing this to the ZOL wiki? their steps there are very much a slap-bang effort, mostly incomplete/incorrect and loaded with TODOs, especially for Xenial23:44
NukienYup I will. I literally *just* got it working cleanly an hour ago for xenial - was working nicely for trusty23:46
NukienNeeds a lot more commenting I would imagine23:46
allquixoticbtw, ashift=12 does not improve performance at all on 512n drives, and may actually harm it23:47
allquixoticit only helps for 512e and 4kn23:47
allquixotic*not* using ashift=12 on 512e drives is indeed pretty punishing to performance, but I'm not sure about the consequences of using ashift=12 on 512n drives23:48
allquixoticmy desktop at home has 512e drives (4 TB HGST disks from 2014), but my server actually has 512n WD Re datacenter drives23:49
NukienI thought pretty much all drives were 4k these days23:51
allquixoticnah - if the capacity is 4 TB or more, it'll be either 512e or 4kn (by necessity, because you'll run out of addressable sectors when dividing 4 TB into 512 byte sectors), but any storage smaller than 4 TB may well just be 512n23:52
allquixoticand that includes some current-gen enterprise-grade HDDs23:52
allquixoticWestern Digital has some product datasheets listing them out23:52
allquixoticwithin one product series I was reading up on, they had 512n, 512e and 4kn - it spanned the gamut and primarily differed by capacity23:53
allquixoticashift=12 lets the firmware optimize the 512e mode by avoiding the need to do repeated 4k read/update/write cycles, and for 4kn drives it basically has the same effect except that the OS would have to be doing the read/update/write cycles instead of the disk controller if you were using ashift=923:58
allquixotichowever, if the native sectors of the drive and the firmware both are 512 bytes wide, having the filesystem treat sectors as if they're 4k means that you are using, worst case, 8 times more write bandwidth than needed if all of the data you're writing is within a contiguous 512 byte sector23:58
Oderusanyone know the directory location of the small splash screen that appears just after you type in login password in the latest kubuntu?23:58

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