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tsimonq2 | 3 am hack, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ refers to Wily as the development release | 08:13 |
tsimonq2 | not a wiki so I can't easily update | 08:13 |
nik90 | jdstrand, I took the liberty of updating permy to the latest sdk, https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/permy/update-permy-1.3/+merge/290000 | 08:19 |
nik90 | jdstrand, I believe setting it up for translation shouldn't be too difficult either. I will see if I can fix that as well. | 08:19 |
davidcalle | tsimonq2: nice catch. /me fixes | 08:45 |
tsimonq2 | davidcalle: thanks :) | 08:50 |
tsimonq2 | davidcalle: yay for using apt instead of apt-get :D | 08:50 |
timp | jamiey: hello | 09:30 |
timp | jamiey: can you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/1393485 comment 10? | 09:31 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1393485 in Ubuntu UX "[SDK] Need a standard way to make an Icon look disabled" [High,Fix committed] | 09:31 |
timp | jamiey: there may be some confusion whether to disable ("grey out") or hide actions in the header that are not available | 09:32 |
ahayzen | timp, o/ in answer to your question last night, we tried todo enabled=false with rc-proposed a few images back and it didn't work... that's why we had to use visible=false and i was wondering if disabled is going to be supported? | 09:35 |
timp | ahayzen: while I was checking that the icon opacity was correctly updated for the header, I noticed that it was already fixed with the new palette | 09:36 |
timp | that's the current rc-proposed image I think | 09:36 |
timp | ahayzen: so maybe it got fixed recently | 09:36 |
ahayzen | ok so maybe we should test again :-) | 09:36 |
timp | ahayzen: and, as I commented on the bug, it seems not the best idea to change the opacity in the Icon | 09:36 |
timp | ahayzen: because if the components that use Icon also set the opacity, that is multiplied with the icon opacity and that makes it almost invisible in some cases | 09:37 |
ahayzen | just dim it? Qt.darker() ? | 09:37 |
ahayzen | anyway i'm sure you've come up with the best solution :-) I'll tell Victor we should try reverting that change :-) | 09:38 |
timp | ahayzen: no, components should just use the palette properly now | 09:38 |
timp | ahayzen: for example, the icon buttons for the header have this: | 09:38 |
timp | property color foregroundColor: styledItem.enabled | 09:38 |
timp | ? theme.palette.normal.backgroundText | 09:38 |
timp | : theme.palette.disabled.backgroundText | 09:38 |
ahayzen | ah cool :-) we need to migrate from our horrible styling setup to the new palette now :-) | 09:38 |
timp | zsombi is working on making the palette selection automatic so that we can instead use something like foregroundColor: autoPalette.backgroundText | 09:39 |
ahayzen | ooo nice | 09:39 |
timp | ahayzen: in case you didn't see this, zsombi published this yesterday which is a good read when you start using the new palette https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-palette/ | 09:43 |
ahayzen | timp, yeah i saw that and the 'roadmap to uitk 2.0' ... exciting times :-D | 09:44 |
timp | busy times :) | 09:44 |
ahayzen | hehe :-) | 09:44 |
zsombi | ahayzen: but we expect you to join that ;) | 10:43 |
ahayzen | :-) | 10:44 |
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jdstrand | nik90: thanks! I'll take a look when I have a bit of time (possibly the weekend) | 14:04 |
nik90 | zsombi, hey, I'm having trouble deciding which elements are part of "background" and "foreground". | 14:36 |
nik90 | if I have a standard label, is that the foreground or background? | 14:36 |
nik90 | I am presuming, if I had a listview, then the listitem labels are in the foreground...while a generic label{} inside a Page{} is still in the background? | 14:36 |
nik90 | faenil ^^ | 14:37 |
faenil | mmm | 14:43 |
nik90 | The distinction between overlay and the other layers are perfectly clear. | 14:44 |
nik90 | but background and foreground is a bit difficult | 14:44 |
faenil | it's not clear to myself either | 14:45 |
faenil | but I asked a designer to join :) | 14:46 |
nik90 | :) | 14:46 |
faenil | nik90: in a meeting, it will take a while :) | 15:01 |
nik90 | faenil, np..just continuing with my work. pls ping if you're talking to them. | 15:01 |
faenil | nik90: but if I were you, I'd leave a comment to the post as well, so other people can get the reply as well :) | 15:01 |
nik90 | Ok | 15:01 |
raeshambrook | nik90: ping | 15:25 |
nik90 | raeshambrook, pong | 15:27 |
nik90 | raeshambrook, I had a question about the background and foreground layers mentioned in the SDK palette blog post. It is a bit difficult to distinguish the uses cases of the two. | 15:29 |
nik90 | How do you decide which elements are part of the background or foreground layer? | 15:29 |
nik90 | timp, Hey, does the page section headers follow the palette? I would expect them to be using theme.palette.selected.selectionText or theme.palette.selected.selection color. But changing either of them does not do anything. | 15:33 |
nik90 | timp, looking at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-palette/, only .selection has the blue color that I notice the page section headers using. | 15:34 |
timp | nik90: the SectionsStyle is using: | 15:37 |
timp | theme.palette.selected.backgroundTertiaryText | 15:38 |
nik90 | timp, Do you know where to use theme.palette.selected.selectionText ? | 15:38 |
nik90 | this is very confusing | 15:38 |
timp | nik90: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15487927/ | 15:38 |
timp | hmm | 15:39 |
timp | so it is using backgroundTertiaryText | 15:39 |
nik90 | I mean I understand the use of backgroundText there...but then what's the use of selectionText if we already have a selected mode? | 15:39 |
nik90 | aren't they redundant? | 15:39 |
timp | let me see if I can find the specifications for that | 15:39 |
timp | nik90: good question | 15:40 |
timp | nik90: where did you see selectionText? | 15:41 |
timp | it is backgroundTertiaryText | 15:41 |
nik90 | timp, in the blog post at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-palette/ | 15:41 |
nik90 | timp, I section a section called "Selected" in which the palette values listed are "selection" and "selectionText" | 15:42 |
nik90 | which imo contradicts with the theme.palette.selected mode. | 15:43 |
timp | nik90: you think we could have called it theme.palette.selected.text instead? | 15:43 |
timp | hmm | 15:44 |
faenil | timp: he's asking the reason for selected.selectedText and selected.backgroundText etc I believe | 15:44 |
faenil | raeshambrook: ^ | 15:44 |
faenil | (I'm not even sure they both exist, I guess they do) | 15:44 |
nik90 | faenil, yup, spot on :) | 15:44 |
nik90 | well its selected.selectionText and selected.backgroundText that confuses me | 15:45 |
faenil | yeah | 15:45 |
timp | faenil: yes they both exist | 15:45 |
timp | you could have theme.palette.backgroundText too | 15:46 |
nik90 | when I noticed the page section headers, I understand they're using some part of the selected mode since they're blue by default. But couldn't figure if they used selected.backgroundText or selected.selectionText. | 15:46 |
nik90 | really? | 15:46 |
nik90 | I thought you needed to specify whether it is normal, disabled, selected or highlighted? | 15:46 |
faenil | timp: without any set specified? | 15:46 |
timp | so, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-palette/ says "These are the colors applied to components that have selected content. This should not be confused with the entire component’s selected state. For example text in an editable text field." for Selection | 15:46 |
timp | faenil: err.. I meant theme.palette.normal.backgroundText, and theme.palette.normal.selectedText | 15:48 |
faenil | ah ok | 15:48 |
timp | so I guess you can have selected text anywhere, even in an non-selected component | 15:49 |
nik90 | but that isn't logical though using selected text in a non-selected component | 15:49 |
timp | or, in a selected textfield you have both foregroundText and selectedText | 15:49 |
timp | nik90: maybe not, but in the selected component you can have both | 15:49 |
nik90 | yeah I suppose so | 15:49 |
timp | I don't know if there is a use case for selected text in an unselected component | 15:50 |
nik90 | ok so timp, coming back to the page sections, since they are selected & also part of a selected cdomponent, shouldn't they be using theme.palette.selected.selection? instead of theme.palette.selected.backgroundTertiaryText? | 15:51 |
nik90 | I mean why even Tertiary in the first place? | 15:51 |
timp | but you need selectedText and foregroundText for the selected textfield | 15:51 |
nik90 | Why not secondary or just plain backgroundText | 15:51 |
nik90 | timp, I am only referring to the page head section which do not have textfield...the one that accepts models and show labels. | 15:52 |
timp | I don't know | 15:52 |
timp | we need to ask raeshambrook / jaimey / zsombi | 15:52 |
timp | nik90: Page.head.sections is deprecated by the way, use something like header: PageHeader { extension: Sections { } } now | 15:53 |
timp | nik90: but your questions about the colors are still valid | 15:53 |
nik90 | because the current scenario will force app devs to look into the SectionsStyle.qml file to figure out what its using rather than thinking logical to assign them. | 15:53 |
nik90 | timp, I'm using PageHeader { extension: Sections {}} | 15:53 |
nik90 | I have transitioned all apps to that :) | 15:53 |
nik90 | all apps that I contribute to* | 15:53 |
timp | great :) | 15:54 |
timp | I wasn't sure because you called it the page head sections :) | 15:54 |
nik90 | ah yes...my bad | 15:54 |
ahayzen | timp, hang on PageHeader { extension: Sections {}} ? not ... PageHeader { sections.model: [...] } ? | 15:59 |
ahayzen | should i not be using that? | 15:59 |
timp | right, it seems like the backgroundTertiaryText is only used in the SectionsStyle | 15:59 |
* ahayzen wonders if that is causing a bug he is stuck on | 15:59 | |
timp | ahayzen: that sections property is also deprecated. It uses Sections internally, but we replaced it by the more flexible extension property which can contain any Item | 16:00 |
ahayzen | timp, ok, so i should use the extension: Sections {} ? | 16:01 |
timp | ahayzen: it is better if you switch to extension: Sections { model: ... }, but if you have a bug that probably won't be fixed. | 16:01 |
timp | yes | 16:01 |
ahayzen | ok | 16:01 |
ahayzen | my bug is a bit weird, when i change section... the header sometimes disappears, i think it is related to the flickable property also changing at the same time | 16:01 |
ahayzen | still investigating | 16:01 |
timp | ahayzen: there is an example here https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeader/ | 16:02 |
ahayzen | timp, there isn't a header.show() method anymore ? that i could use ? | 16:02 |
timp | ahayzen: you can say header.exposed = true | 16:02 |
ahayzen | timp, ok thanks, i'll have a play when i get a moment, see if i can figure out what is going on | 16:03 |
ahayzen | it is the last thing stopping our convergence landing :-/ | 16:03 |
timp | oh, looking forward to see the results :) | 16:03 |
ahayzen | haha | 16:03 |
timp | let me know if you get stuck with this bug | 16:03 |
ahayzen | yeah it'll probably be next week that i get back onto it unfortunately, we'll see | 16:04 |
ahayzen | thanks :-) | 16:04 |
timp | changing contentY of the header's flickable might hide the header (in the same way the header hides when you scroll the flickable contents) | 16:05 |
nik90 | timp, hey if you still have the page open, can you paste the url to the style? I am having trouble finding it. | 16:07 |
timp | nik90: which style? | 16:08 |
nik90 | timp, the SectionStyle.qml | 16:09 |
nik90 | that we were discussing above | 16:09 |
nik90 | I looked under http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/files/head:/src/Ubuntu/Components/Styles/ but couldn't find it | 16:09 |
timp | that's a file on my harddisk ;) | 16:10 |
nik90 | ah :P | 16:10 |
timp | right, we didn't expose the API in styles yet | 16:10 |
nik90 | so I look at the theme's selected palette values. | 16:10 |
timp | nik90: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging/view/head:/src/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/1.3/SectionsStyle.qml | 16:10 |
nik90 | ah yes..that's it..thnx | 16:11 |
timp | so it is only in the theme, not in the Style. That means the API is not guaranteed to be stable. | 16:11 |
* nik90 cries :/ | 16:14 | |
nik90 | I don't want to be overriding the page section style on every page..I just want to override the palette color and get over it. | 16:14 |
timp | nik90: what do you want to accomplish? Different colors for the sections? | 16:16 |
nik90 | timp, yes..I want the section colors to be green to match podbird's color palette. | 16:16 |
nik90 | I don't want blue | 16:16 |
nik90 | and right now I'm overriding the style by StyleHints { selectedSectionColor: podbird.appTheme.focusText } | 16:17 |
nik90 | which isn't ideal since I need to do it in every page that has page sections. | 16:17 |
timp | nik90: so that would be backgroundTertiaryText | 16:17 |
timp | selected.backgroundTertiaryText | 16:17 |
nik90 | timp, I know it now after looking at the docs. But you just said it is not set in stone, so a potential UITK update could break podbird. | 16:18 |
timp | ah. The API for the SectionsStyle is not set in stone, right. That means it is not 100% guaranteed that the sections style will have a selectedSectionColor | 16:19 |
timp | but I think the reason we don't have it yet is that I didn't have time yet to add the SectionsStyle to Styles/ | 16:20 |
nik90 | well more like in the future you could change that selected.backgroundTertiaryText and then boom podbird reverts backs to using the blue color. | 16:20 |
nik90 | but I understand. I think for now, I will be in the safe side, and use hardcoded colors. | 16:21 |
timp | right | 16:21 |
timp | I don't think we'll just start changing the colors used in the styles, but the new palette landed only recently so maybe we will discover issues with it that makes us change it | 16:22 |
nik90 | indeed | 16:23 |
timp | nik90: are you still enjoying the Netherlands? :) | 16:47 |
nik90 | timp, yeah..tbh weather is not bad...no strong winds or constant rain...can't complain :P | 16:49 |
timp | nik90: oh that's not too bad. I escaped because of the wind and rain ;) | 16:50 |
timp | but I'll pass by the country for a few weeks in May :) | 16:50 |
nik90 | haha...yeah you said so. | 16:50 |
nik90 | I'm going back to India hopefully by end of april..not sure yet. | 16:51 |
timp | I have never been to India. The closest I have been is probably Thailand or Malaysia | 16:52 |
timp | I remember in Malaysia (Penang) they had awesome Indian food :) | 16:53 |
timp | that was when I discovered that vegetarian food doesn't have to be disgusting ;) | 16:53 |
timp | ok disgusting is the wrong word. But the Indian food was the first vegetarian food that I really liked. | 16:53 |
timp | nik90: you go back for holidays or to live? | 17:00 |
nik90 | timp, to live :) ..hopefully I can build a app developer community there | 17:10 |
nik90 | timp, yeah you can truly be happy being vegetarian in India...too many varieties.:) | 17:17 |
jamiey | timp you still around? | 17:43 |
timp | jamiey: hi | 17:43 |
jamiey | timp Hey! – Just checking that the comment on that bug was resolved? | 17:44 |
timp | jamiey: do you have the link to the bug? | 17:44 |
jamiey | timp https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/1393485 | 17:44 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1393485 in Ubuntu UX "[SDK] Need a standard way to make an Icon look disabled" [High,Fix committed] | 17:44 |
jamiey | timp it was the bit about hiding / disabled actions in the header | 17:44 |
jamiey | timp comment 10 | 17:45 |
jamiey | timp :-) | 17:45 |
timp | jamiey: right. Something else came up, nik90 was asking why we have a backgroundTertiaryText for the sections | 17:45 |
jamiey | timp instead of what? (Sorry, not sure what the question is?) | 17:46 |
timp | jamiey: about the hiding/disabling actions in the header, that is not something to fix in the UITK, because both are possible. As I understood from ahayzen, apps should hide inactive actions, but he thought it would be more clear in his case to only disable them | 17:46 |
jamiey | timp cool, I thought so | 17:47 |
jamiey | timp about the bug | 17:47 |
jamiey | timp nik90 Can I check what the question was about "backgroundTertiaryText"? | 17:48 |
nik90 | jamiey, sure...let me explain that. | 17:49 |
timp | jamiey: I'm reading back myself now | 17:49 |
timp | <nik90> timp, Hey, does the page section headers follow the palette? I would expect them to be using theme.palette.selected.selectionText or theme.palette.selected.selection color. But changing either of them does not do anything. | 17:49 |
timp | ah, better if nik90 asks since he is here now :) | 17:49 |
jamiey | nik90 cool, thanks :-) | 17:49 |
jamiey | timp :-) | 17:49 |
nik90 | jamiey, I see that we have a selected set which provides way to set the color selected components. For the page sections, I would expect the color to be set as theme.palette.selected.selectionText | 17:50 |
nik90 | but instead it is implemented as theme.palette.selected.backgroundTertiaryText which is not logical for app devs. | 17:50 |
jamiey | nik90 okay, I think I understand :-) | 17:50 |
nik90 | I mean why tertiary in the first place? Why not just use backgroundText or selectionText | 17:50 |
nik90 | jamiey, also, it gets confusing when you do theme.palette.selected.selection...isn't it a bit redundant? When I use selected, it is already implemented I am going to only target selected components. I don't get the need for selection and selectionText there. | 17:52 |
nik90 | something like theme.palette.selected.backgroundText should suffice. | 17:52 |
jamiey | nik90 So we introduced 'secondary' and 'tertiary' into the palette to allow us a hierarchy of colours for the text. So that all the text isn't simply the black. It's a lighter grey. | 17:52 |
nik90 | maybe I'm missing to see a use case | 17:53 |
nik90 | s/missing/failing | 17:53 |
jamiey | nik90 the "selected.selectionText" and "selected.selection" are used for when a user 'selects' some text (highlights it before cutting / copying etc) | 17:53 |
nik90 | that's why I thought..and makes sense. But in the page section, there is *only* 1 label..so there defining its color as tertiary is a bit strange. | 17:54 |
jamiey | nik90 that's the usage at the moment anyway. Interesting to hear it doesn't really make sense to you. I'll check in with Zsombi on this | 17:54 |
jamiey | nik90 I see what you mean | 17:54 |
jamiey | nik90 let me speak to zsombi about this, maybe file a bug? (did you already?) | 17:55 |
nik90 | jamiey, I haven't filed a bug yet..I will do so now. | 17:55 |
nik90 | I only talked to timp and rae about this. | 17:55 |
jamiey | nik90 cool, I get where you're coming from. If you file a bug we'll look at it :-) | 17:56 |
nik90 | jamiey, awesome. thnx | 17:56 |
jamiey | nik90 np. Have a good holiday! :-) | 17:57 |
nik90 | :) | 17:57 |
timp | nik90: keep in mind that the palette is "global", for the whole app. So even if the section has only one label, if the color has to be different from other labels, it needs a separate entry in the palette | 17:57 |
nik90 | timp, understandable which is why I acknowledged the need for secondary and tertiary variables. But I don't see the need for it to be used in page sections color definition. | 17:58 |
nik90 | timp, infact I did use secondary and tertiary for the listitemlayout where you have 3 potential labels. | 17:58 |
timp | nik90: right. But you don't have a special palette for the sections only, so if it uses the same color as the tertiary in listitemlayout, you use the tertiary color from the palette | 17:59 |
nik90 | timp, true..it is getting difficult..but I was just explaining it from app devs perspective. | 18:01 |
timp | nik90: if you use backgroundText, the sections would use the same color as the title in the header | 18:03 |
nik90 | timp, no they won't ...or rather they shouldnt since the header should be using theme.palette.normal.backgroundText rather than theme.palette.selected.backgroundText. | 18:03 |
timp | but report the bug anyway, we can have a look at how to explain it better | 18:03 |
timp | nik90: the sections use normal.backgroundTertiaryText for the unselected sections, and selected.backgroundTertiaryText for the selected section | 18:05 |
nik90 | I did notice that and I think that's wrong imo :P | 18:05 |
nik90 | hmm actually what you're saying is starting too make sense. | 18:05 |
nik90 | you're using tertiary to differentiate between the main header text and the section header text | 18:06 |
timp | nik90: I had the same confusion at first, but now that I'm reading the code and trying to answer your questions I start to understand it myself :) | 18:06 |
nik90 | but app devs can't be expected to think like that. | 18:06 |
timp | the palette is for the whole app, | 18:07 |
timp | I think we can explain it better if there was a mockup of an app with all the components, showing all the colors in the mockup | 18:07 |
timp | jamiey: didn't we have something like that? | 18:07 |
nik90 | yeah +1000 | 18:07 |
nik90 | that might help app devs who want to override the default palette colours | 18:07 |
timp | yes | 18:08 |
nik90 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1561668 | 18:09 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1561668 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "SectionStyle shouldn't use backgroundTertiaryText to set the color of selected section" [Undecided,New] | 18:09 |
nik90 | jamiey, ^^ | 18:10 |
jamiey | timp nik90 Thanks! (got it) ;-) I think an app mockup would be useful too, especially with all the different states / colour labeled… | 18:10 |
timp | jamiey: I added ubuntu-ux to the bug, but you need to assign yourself to the bug in the project because I don't have rights to do that | 18:13 |
timp | and I commented | 18:14 |
jamiey | timp nik90 Got the bug, thanks guys! I'll get onto that visual… :-) | 18:17 |
timp | I assigned the UITK part of the bug to myself. | 18:17 |
nik90 | jamiey, awesome!!! | 18:18 |
timp | I think there is nothing to do from the UITK side, but I'll think more about it after easter | 18:18 |
timp | and as long as the bug is in my list, I won't forget to bug jamiey about it ;) | 18:18 |
nik90 | timp: Just a tiny reminder that the field color is missing from the blog post. I believe field is used in textfield (told by rae). | 18:18 |
timp | zsombi: ^ | 18:19 |
jamiey | timp har har ;-) | 18:19 |
jamiey | timp probably my fault on that 'field' thing | 18:19 |
jamiey | timp will need to add it in. | 18:19 |
timp | okay | 18:19 |
nik90 | jamiey, timp: Enjoy your easter hols :) | 18:19 |
timp | nik90: you too | 18:19 |
timp | thanks | 18:19 |
jamiey | nik90 thanks! you too :-) | 18:19 |
Aliasbody | Hello everyone, I have a problem with my first ubuntu touch app, and I don't know if this is the right place to ask those questions. My qt app has c++, qml and js code, and it has multiple qrc for the images, the js, qml and other content. My app builds and runs on an Ubuntu Touch, but when I create the click application to make it to the ubuntu st | 18:45 |
Aliasbody | ore the application only has 700kb (which is impossible since the whole application has at least 5mb), what is missing? | 18:45 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, WHy don't you open the click package and check what's missing? | 18:49 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, You can open the click using ArchiveManager | 18:50 |
nik90 | Elleo, hey, when does SingleDownload{} assign downloadId? When I call download() or only when the actual download starts | 18:50 |
Aliasbody | @nik90 I see that the cpp and qrc files seems to be missing but I don't understand why. Why does the "run on device" copies everything to the mobile but the doesn't make it to the click file? What is sent to the mobile? Is it only the click or is it something else? | 18:51 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, run on device creates a click and then installs on the device. | 18:52 |
nik90 | How are you creating the click? | 18:52 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, Infact you should find the click package created by run_on_device in the build folder | 18:52 |
Aliasbody | I'm creating the click by running the "Build and validate" from the Ubuntu SDK, that Click has the same size has the click file on the build-XXXX package from the release compiled version | 18:53 |
nik90 | ok, check if that clicks installs and runs on device as expected. | 18:54 |
nik90 | the cpp files are missing because a binary was built | 18:54 |
nik90 | after all its a c++ app | 18:54 |
Aliasbody | I can only test on one device, I never managed to get the emulators running (neither the armhf or the i386, they simply don't load no mather what), so I can't be sure if everything is okay, the only way would be to fully format the phone and install the click file with the pkcon package. | 18:54 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, nah...if you install on device and then are able to run from the dash, you are set. | 18:56 |
Aliasbody | nik90 So, if I uninstall the app, then install it again via pkcon with the built click from the publish (using --allow-untrusted) and it runs, it means that it will work everywhere? | 18:57 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, I would assume so since when you install a click package it basically overwrites the install directory. | 18:59 |
nik90 | if you're still unsure, you could ask others to test it for you in this channel. | 18:59 |
Aliasbody | nik90 I mean, I've already published it on the store because I have to other way to test it, 5 people already download it but since I have no feedback I be sure. This is a borrowed Nexus 4 with Ubuntu Touch OTA 9.1 (build #28), and I only had a few hours to make it work on the Ubuntu Touch since the app is already made for Android and iOS. | 18:59 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, what's the app name? I can test right now | 19:01 |
Aliasbody | nik90 Well maybe I'm only stressing about a non existing problem. | 19:01 |
nik90 | :) | 19:01 |
Aliasbody | nik90 The app is called Heebo | 19:01 |
Aliasbody | nik90 Thank you for taking your time to help | 19:01 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, works beautifully! | 19:03 |
nik90 | nice game | 19:03 |
Aliasbody | nik90 Wonderful :) Thank you once again for everything, I feel stupid for being so stressed about something like that but since I don't own a Ubuntu Touch phone myself it was a "one-try" for this to be built for Ubuntu and published :) Once again thank you for everything | 19:05 |
zsombi | nik90: timp: about the field color... the post was laying there for quite some time and Jamie thought we are not using that palette anymore... I'll fix it | 19:05 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, yw :) ..Congrats on your app..great first app for UT. | 19:05 |
Aliasbody | nik90 Just one last question, I'm not in front of my Ubuntu machine right now but, any questions related with the emulator could be asked here or is there any specific chanel? | 19:05 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, this channel is for all app-development related questions..so yes you can ask about the emulator as well. | 19:06 |
Aliasbody | nik90 Perfect then, tomorrow when I'm in front of my Ubuntu machine at the office I'll connect here again in order to try to solve my emulator problem. Once again, thank you for everything, have a rest of a nice day :) | 19:07 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, sure, although tomorrow is good friday..so activity might be low/non-existent. | 19:08 |
nik90 | Aliasbody, enjoy ur day as well | 19:08 |
Aliasbody | You might be right :) | 19:09 |
Aliasbody | Thank you | 19:09 |
zsombi | nik90: so, is now everything OK with the palette values? :) | 19:11 |
nik90 | zsombi, it is a bit confusing to use..I have reported a bug about it. jaimie will create a visual to better explain it to app devs. | 19:12 |
nik90 | zsombi, without looking at the uitk code, it is difficult to know which palette value to override to customize a sdk component. | 19:12 |
zsombi | nik90: as said, the next is to document components to reflect which palette values they use... | 19:13 |
nik90 | yes indeed | 19:13 |
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