
dholbachgood morning07:54
LibreSpongedholbach: Hiya . Do you have a Toshiba ? http://redd.it/4bqety08:20
tsimonq2morning dholbach :)08:30
tsimonq2(still CDT :P)08:30
davidcalleGood morning o/08:31
tsimonq2morning davidcalle :)08:33
LibreSpongedavidcalle:  Hiya Have no fear Ubuntu tablet is here, err, On monday.08:33
dholbachLibreSponge, no, I don't08:34
dholbachhi tsimonq208:34
LibreSpongedholbach: right-oh.08:35
LibreSpongeIt's just not often that I hit 'new' posts on reddit :)08:35
LibreSpongedholbach: The team at Ubucon, not sure the year ! http://bit.ly/UbuntuWings08:50
dholbachit was this year08:51
dholbachjust a few weeks ago08:51
LibreSpongeAhh, ok.08:51
dholbachat SCaLE or UbuCon Summit08:51
popeyI bought one toshiba laptop and one toshiba chromebook. never again08:51
LibreSpongeI got it from swapnil08:52
LibreSpongepopey, HP or asus chromebook is the question, these days.08:52
tsimonq2popey: why not? just curious :)09:18
popeywhy not what?09:21
popeyoh, toshiba? poor build quality09:21
LibreSpongeDo good usb 16GB. though. and card readers.09:24
* dholbach relocates to the office, bbiab09:44
dpmpopey, rmann wanted to talk about the meetup in London, but I'm off in about 2 hours today. Would you mind giving her a hand with some questions she had? I told her she could ping you directly, if that's ok09:56
dpmcool, thanks09:56
jcastropopey: ask me what I have sitting on my disk right now.13:04
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119, popey: are you going to be around for http://pad.ubuntu.com/doc-team later on?13:05
popeyjcastro: What do you have on your disk right now? Is it ZFS?13:06
jcastroit is a tarball13:06
jcastroof the ubuntu wiki13:06
jcastroand the ubuntu wiki attachments13:07
jcastroI literally just filed an RT last week and they were like, sweet, good luck, here you go!13:07
jcastroso I was thinking13:09
jcastroif we can find someone to try the conversion scripts and mangle stuff13:09
jcastrowe can provide AWS creds and the charms to do it13:09
jcastroso someone needs to just basically do the conversion to mysql.13:09
jcastrothen we ask IS to redeploy on prodstack and then just do a mysqldump from one to the other.13:09
jcastroassuming a) That's what people want to do13:10
jcastroand b) someone wants to try these moin->mediawiki scripts for conversion13:10
davidcalledholbach: at what time is it?13:10
popeyyeah, people can do it on their local machine though?13:10
popeymaybe do it with sample size chunks of the wiki13:10
jcastrothey sure can13:10
dholbachdavidcalle, 1h20m13:10
jcastroIt takes about 10 minutes to fire up in lxd13:11
davidcalledholbach: is it the meeting *with* the doc team? I thought it was later in the day13:12
davidcalledholbach: in any case, yes, I'll be there13:13
mhall119dholbach: I am, yes13:33
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119: cool13:36
dholbachdavidcalle, yes, with the team13:36
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119, popey: where's the meeting?14:29
davidcalledholbach: looking. Maybe ubuntu-doc?14:31
knomebut no dpm there, so waiting14:32
dholbachknome, dpm is travelling, he read his calendar wrong14:33
dholbachah cool14:33
knomein that case i don't think there is a meeting14:33
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119, popey: #ubuntu-meeting14:33
knomeor will you be running it, dholbach ?14:33
dholbachknome, I think we can started without him14:33
knomedefeats the purpose if he isn't around14:34
knomeunless somebody else has put the same amount of time into looking at the issue at hand14:34
dholbachknome, he's very sorry, but the rest of the community team is going to be there14:35
knomedholbach, will the community team run the meeting then?14:36
knomedoes anybody of the community team have an idea what we are talking about, or are you just turning around?14:36
dholbachknome, yes we're going to be there and we were involved in the discussions on the mailing list and will listen and take notes14:37
dholbachand we've been around in the community too14:37
knomedholbach, this is a disaster14:45
dholbachknome, let's get started slowly - no need to be frustrated in the first minutes already :)14:46
knomedholbach, this is not first minutes, this is what the docs team has done for years14:46
dholbachthis attitude does not help14:46
knomedholbach, maybe you get a taste of what we mean by not being able to make decisions now14:46
dholbachwe're getting together to work things out14:47
knomewhat attitude exactly?14:47
knomeoh we are?14:47
dholbachyou're clearly frustrated14:47
knomeplease don't tell me how i feel14:47
dholbachthe community team just came here to listen and understand the problems better14:47
dholbachand you're just saying that this is a disaster when we haven't even talked for more than 10 minutes14:48
knomeyes, because the meeting time is not going to be used to resolve the issues we have.14:48
dholbachwe can have more meetings if we need more time14:49
dholbachand we're going to need some time to better understand this14:49
knomedholbach, how much time have you got arranged for the meeting?15:00
knomemhall119, how much time have you got arranged for the meeting?15:07
mhall119knome: no idea, it wsn't even on my calendar15:07
knomemhall119, how much time can you spend on it today?15:08
* mhall119 has nothing pressing in the next hour15:08
knomeokay, good to know15:08
* dholbach relocates16:25
dholbachall right... I call it a day - have a good one!17:24
pleia2mhall119: was going to join meeting, but jetlag and other things conspired to give me a poor night sleep, didn't wake up in time (and admittedly, 7:30AM was already a stretch)19:20
mhall119pleia2: that's okay, we had a pretty good meeting I think19:24
mhall119came out of it with action items and another meeting scheduled for next week anyway :)19:24
pleia2hah, great :)19:25
willcookeHI gang.  If anyone has a spare 30 mins and a virtual machine, could they run a test from the ISO tracker: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/358/builds/115349/testcases20:11
willcookei386 is what's needed most right now20:11
* popey looks20:17
popeyhey willcooke20:17
popeyhave you posted this everywhere20:18
willcookeI haven't20:19
popeymight want to ping the ubuntu-quality list20:20
popeyballoons: that's normal right?20:20
* popey is testing while watching masterchef20:20
popeywell, i would if it didnt take 2 hours to get an iso from cdimage :)20:21
willcookeI'm rather hoping that we'll be done in the next hour, so wasn't sure it was worth bothering mailing lists and such20:21
popeyi cant even get the iso :(20:21
balloonspopey, :-) uk version of mastchef is quite different20:21
balloonsif the base didn't do it, vic and bob clip did20:29
balloonsI've no idea what willcooke linked20:29
balloonsreminds me of big chuck and little john. talk about even more obscure pop culture references20:34
wxlballoons: big chuck and little john???? where are you from that you know who they are?20:41
balloonsohh boy.. mysteries abound now20:41
wxlballoons: i thought they were an ohio only thing. i was on the show once when i was in boy scouts20:42
balloonswhoa.. spooky20:43
wxlballoons: http://bigchuckandliljohn.com/crazylaugh.wav20:45
* tsimonq2 gives up on btrfs22:38
tsimonq2sbuild won't work with it... :/22:38
popeyhow so?22:41
tsimonq2it's incompatible with aufs, so I get an error when I try to start a build22:42
tsimonq2a workaround is to mount /tmp as a tmpfs, but I really don't like doing that22:42
wxltsimonq2: everytime you mount /tmp as tmpfs god saves a kitten22:43
tsimonq2wxl: how so? lol22:43
wxltsimonq2: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/01/data-driven-analysis-tmp-on-tmpfs.html22:44
tsimonq2lol yeah I've seen that22:44
tsimonq2but not everyone always has a lot of RAM22:45
tsimonq2(although I did recently get an upgrade to 16 GB from 8 :D)22:45
hggdhon very few cases tmp cannot be mounted on tmpfs. Unless you are doing someting like building firefox, the kernel, or similar, you should not have a problem if you are running with 16G on main23:58

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