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nuclearbobcyphermox: I verified that openssh-server is installed by the current preseed we're using for desktop testing. It also looks like if we enable oem-config, it starts as expected, but I'm confirming that now12:34
cyphermoxthat makes even less sense than before12:40
balloonsflocculant, do you remember the revision that needed backed out for the tracker?13:44
balloonsflocculant, if you can review / test https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-qa-website/revert-tracker-defect-changes/+merge/290038 and land it, I believe it will solve the issue13:55
jhodappom26er, hey did you see my trello comment about silo 53 hang on boot?14:19
om26erjhodapp, just saw that14:20
jhodappom26er, there's very little chance that my silo is causing this14:20
jhodappI'd make sure that it's not due to something else14:20
om26erjhodapp, right, we have been trying to reproduce that issue with multiple flashes and have not been able to.14:20
jhodappom26er, ok great!14:20
jhodappom26er, which device did you see this hang on that one time?14:21
om26erjhodapp, it was krillin14:21
jhodappom26er, oh interesting, I would have guessed arale14:21
akxwi-daveAfternnon guys and gals.. Has anyone got any pointers on options for Virtual Machinces for QA Testing.. Virtual box, is really annoying me now, with all its faults.14:32
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flocculantballoons: that was the stuff which appeared to be the only mp from the google stuff impacting on there18:00
balloonsflocculant, I can't test it, but please do so, and we can release it18:01
flocculantI can't test it either18:01
flocculantI'd have to build a test environment again and fiddle about trying to work out what to do to see18:01
balloonsok then trust? :-)18:02
balloonspush to trunk and ask for a deploy18:02
flocculantI guess so :D18:03
flocculantballoons: maybe wait till the milestone is done?18:03
balloonswell, yes, I wouldn't deploy till after18:08
flocculantthen I guess that's half a plan then :)18:11
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