
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
naccChaos_Zero: does this apply? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137856200:03
Chaos_Zeronacc: I have visited this post already, but perhaps you could clarify. In the second post they state that they 'added printer via LPD'. When I saw this I assumed to use lpadmin, but perhaps I means something else. Do you know what they mean by 'add with LDP' ?00:07
naccChaos_Zero: i think lpd is part of lpr; while lpadmin is for cups, no?00:09
Chaos_Zeroperhaps I have become confused, let me take a look at that binary, and I will get back to you later. :)00:11
naccChaos_Zero: there's some info here too: http://davidmburke.com/2012/04/26/ubuntu-12-04-deployment-with-active-directory/00:11
=== King is now known as WhatsaVirgin
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guideXwith ubuntu server, how do I check my local ip, ifconfig says "command not found" .. with windows, I'd usually do something like "ping <computername> -4"04:15
NegativeFlareguideX: ipconfig on windows04:24
tarpmanguideX: try /sbin/ifconfig -- /sbin may not be in your PATH by default04:25
tarpmanguideX: or /sbin/ip addr04:25
=== Laogeodritt| is now known as Laogeodritt
JanC“ip addr” is the right way to do it04:31
showazJanC: ip addr | grep -E "inet|^[0-9]+\:"06:22
showazinterface + addr inet/inet606:23
lordievaderGood morning.08:37
Razvaguys I'm lost here. I have a E5-2640V3 (8 cores, 16 threads). supposing I want to allocate 100% of the CPU to a VM (which I know it's stupid, but I'm just asking!) should I go with 16 socets with 1 core, or 1 socket with 16 cores?10:37
rtyuiohi there11:12
rtyuiono machine not working with ubuntu ?11:12
cpaelzerjamespage: did you have some luck getting openvswitch-dpdk to work for you yesterday after I left?14:09
jamespagecpaelzer, yes stepping forwards slowly14:33
jamespagecpaelzer, working on the design for how we configure this in the charms atm...14:34
havenstancehow hard is it to install the open source xenserver over Ubuntu Server 14.04?15:08
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m1dnight_What is the consencus on mounting a drive in /var/lib?17:57
m1dnight_(My owncloud data folder)17:57
=== jgrimm is now known as jgrimm-afk
l1meonhello, can someone tell me how I can run a shell script with a speciffic Ipv6 ? Something like ruby myscript.rb --with ip 2aex::xxx:xxx Is there a way like that?18:04
sarnoldm1dnight_: it will probably work; maybe some programs expect to be able to rename() files across directories that may break, but that's usually pretty rare18:07
sarnoldl1meon: read it and find out?18:07
dasjoesarnold: what should I do now that SHA-1 got disabled for apt?18:10
sarnolddasjoe: they'll eventually fix up all the ppas in a bulk batch; if you can't wait you can publish a new package or new series to your ppa that will cause the new sha512 signatures to be generated18:11
l1meonsarnold: where can I read? I found a way but dont know how to test it, its like this /sbin/ip -6 route del default then /sbin/ip -6 route add default via gate_way src ip, but with this I always need to use sudo18:11
dasjoesarnold: thank you :) So the issues I'm seeing will disappear on their own18:11
sarnolddasjoe: they should, yes :)18:12
sarnoldl1meon: your system does need the ipv6 address assigned somehow first; but then the script using it or not is entirely up to hwo the script author wrote the program.18:13
l1meonsarnold: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04LTS, and I'm writing the script. Its a web-scrapper, its working, but I'm not sure what ip is used, after I execute the /sbin/ip -6 command18:16
l1meonsarnold: now its working like this, first I delete default route, then I add default route with the Ip I want.18:17
dasjoesarnold: bugs.launchpad.net just told me "Server error, please contact an administrator. OOPS ID:OOPS-baedfea74fe22392c52ef6deca8083c1"18:17
sarnolddasjoe: hmm, I don't see any chatter in the usual channels that would indicate an on-going issue.. retry, and if it's still busted, head to #launchpad18:19
sarnoldl1meon: hm. maybe you'd better explain what you're trying to do..18:19
l1meonsarnold: I'm using Ruby and selenium-webdriver for making a web-scrapper, browsing sites, collecting data, then after a while I need to change the Ip  and browse again same sites18:21
sarnoldl1meon: aha. and you'd like the script to be in control of the whole thing but not have to run with root privileges because processing things off the internet is best done as non-root..18:24
l1meonsarnold: well, it can run and with root, but the main thing is that I dont really know if the ip is changing or not.18:27
sarnoldl1meon: you could either add all thousand-odd IPs once, before running your program, and then try to bind() the socket to specific IPs before making outgoing connections.. (at least I think that works..)18:28
l1meonsarnold: I'm sorry, but what socket to bind and how? Can you give me just an example on how I could do this? Please :)18:31
sarnoldl1meon: this looks sane, ignore the __inet_hash_connect() and SO_REUSEPORT sections: https://idea.popcount.org/2014-04-03-bind-before-connect/18:33
l1meonsarnold: Thank you. I'll try. So I'll need to use AF_INET6 for ipv6, right?18:38
sarnoldl1meon: yeah18:38
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karstensrageso there was a security update a couple days ago that just installed a new tzdata… but i dont see that in the ubuntu security notifications page?20:15
karstensragejust the git stuff?20:15
karstensrageat the time frame of the updates20:15
sdezielkarstensrage: I _believe_ that tzdata is shipped from -security to be sure it reaches everyone, including those running without -update in their sources.list20:17
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urthmoverhow do I make 'modprobe zfs' occur upon boot?  What is best practices for this?22:27
urthmoverI'm running 16.04 after a do-release-upgrade from 14.0422:27
ogra_add it to /etc/modules22:27
urthmoverok ...will do...thanks ogra_22:27
geniiDon't forget to sudo update-initramfs -u   afterwards22:30
geniiurthmover: Also, just put the module name there, not the modprobe command22:30
ogra_genii, thats only needed if you have your rootfs on zfs22:31
urthmoverI added zfs to /etc/modules and reboot...now zfs commands are there22:31
ogra_else you dont need zfs inside the initrd22:31
urthmovermy zpool is requiring me to zpool import <poolname> every time I reboot though..so I'm trying to figure out how to make that persistent22:32
spammyAnyone using openstack-install for multi server and know how to avoid having to manually enter the API key since the console won't allow copy/paste?22:34
urthmoverI think my issue is kinda like this https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/70322:35
sarnoldspammy: if you've got a mouse you can install the gpm program to get a copy-and-paste. I haven't tried it in twenty years but it's still packaged...22:36
sarnoldspammy: you could also run in screen or tmux and use their select/paste mechanism22:36
sarnoldspammy: or perhaps redirect output, if the program is setup to allow you to redirect..22:36
spammywell, those don't seem to work either....the field itself in openstack-installer doesn't seem to accept input this way22:37
spammykind've like it is blocking paste operations22:37
spammyit is a unique looking tui22:38
sarnoldaww :(22:38
spammythere's a config file that can be passed to it, but literally no docs out there (yet)22:38
spammymay have to look at source and try to get a feel for what it expects...22:39
spammynothing like entering a screen-wide randomly generated key22:40
spammyby hand22:40
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