
cmaloneyGood morning13:36
cmaloneyLots of rain in our forecast.13:44
rick_h_yea :(13:44
cmaloneyMakes for good fishing weather. :)13:44
rick_h_yea, maybe tomorrow13:45
cmaloneyfirst boating of the season?13:45
rick_h_though Sat is warmer looking13:45
rick_h_yea, think I'll get the kayak out of storage tonight and try to get it out tomorrow or sat13:45
cmaloneycool deal13:45
jrwrenwhat is a photobooth equiv on ubuntu?13:46
rick_h_I think if I recall what photobooth is13:46
mrgoodcatyea thats it13:46
cmaloneyAre you looking for a kiosk-type photobooth?13:47
=== ColonelPanic002_ is now known as ColonelPanic001
cmaloneyI don't want to live in a world where  sqlite3 doesn't exist.21:21
cmaloneyI feel like I have superpowers when I use it.21:21
cmaloneysilly thing but it's true.21:22

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