
bluesabreevening all00:17
bluesabreknome: if you want to do the exception paperwork, I'll do the upload00:18
bluesabreflocculant: is that to say blueman is fixed?00:19
bluesabreochosi: yup, crap png icon00:20
bluesabreochosi: not sure about replacing the icons within ubuntu00:21
knomebluesabre, we still have a lot of time, but yeah, i can do that00:22
bluesabreknome: great00:23
bluesabreknome: how's it going?00:24
knomenot too shabby00:24
bluesabreanything you need from me currently?00:25
knomedon't think so00:26
knomewell if you want to work on the cloud media player article...00:27
knomebut i don't have a clear idea how to proceed with that00:27
knomeor alternatively, if you want to start on the "other options" article00:27
bluesabreso, nothing immediately needed :)00:30
bluesabreI might work on a few bug fixes then00:30
bluesabreI see we got a few interesting submissions00:30
knomebut time goes fast so before you notice, the deadlines are around the corner00:30
knomei agree that it's better to work on bug fixes at the moment though00:30
bluesabretrying to do a better job of not losing track of time00:30
knomethe burndown helps with that00:31
bluesabrespeaking of00:32
bluesabreshould http://tracker.xubuntu.org/ redirect to dev?00:32
knomesooner or later, yes00:32
knomei'll have to talk with pleia2 on how she wants to do it00:32
knomeand that's the beginning of that conversation ^00:32
bluesabrehi pleia2, glad we have at least one of you00:33
bluesabrethat's nice looking00:38
knomeyeah, if we want to propose some images from that site to the contest, then that might be a good candidate00:39
knome(i know ochosi already proposed one)00:39
bluesabreI wouldn't be opposed00:49
bluesabrewe just have to be careful to not displace other community submissions with things we happen across00:50
knomei see nothing that stops from anybody sending anybody else's submissions00:50
knomeanother one i like: https://unsplash.com/photos/DMcI0cmYJYk01:15
knomebedtime, see you all later :)01:31
pleia2knome: since it's just us, I think we just drop t.x.o and do dev01:34
pleia2if someone wants to see it and doesn't know where it went, chances are they know who to ask :)01:35
flocculantbluesabre: no - that's to say it got reported upstream - but is still as annoying as ever07:30
LibreSpongeflocculant: More reporting upstream is good - but how'doya do that ?07:37
flocculantfind upstream's bug reporting mechanism - then report the bug :)07:37
dkesseldoes http://contest.xubuntu.org/ redirect straight to http://xubuntu.org for anyone else?07:40
flocculantnot for me 07:41
dkesselfunny. well, from a VM it does, from another machine it does not07:42
LibreSpongedkessel: thought it was wpress thingy .. I don't wordpress so it's irrelevant to myself.07:49
flocculantdkessel: well vbox goes to contest site here07:54
dkesselmaybe it is because i once was logged in to wp or launchpad or something07:56
flocculantflexiondotorg: did you get mate to upgrade properly? 08:15
flexiondotorgFrom 15.10, yes.08:15
flocculantnot awake - didn't notice which it was :p08:15
flexiondotorgI did try from 14.04 (unofficial) but my VM hung part way through.08:16
flexiondotorgI try that again today.08:16
flocculantflexiondotorg: of course you wouldn't have lts to lts - even more asleep :p08:16
flocculantflexiondotorg: yea - hangs - hard reboot - dpkg --configure -allofthethings :p08:17
bluesabreflocculant: gotcha, I'll see if I can fix it this weekend09:50
ochosibluesabre: i know the suggestion to patch all packages in ubuntu is not ideal, however, even if i manage to update most of the crappy icons upstream, that'll take a while09:53
bluesabreochosi: surprisingly, xfce4-notifyd is the only one that ships an icon too small09:54
ochosibluesabre: yeah, but still, the others are crap ;)10:00
knomepleia2, alright, i'll get that change done now and quickly mail the dev list13:07
pleia2knome: thanks13:07
flocculantbluesabre: might add a note to the release notes for all milestones from now on along the lines of 'The day after release - the image is out of date. Please use daily images.'13:13
flocculantmight meaning unless you ask me not to - I'm going to :p13:14
flocculanthi knome pleia2 :)13:14
knomehello flocculant 13:14
flocculantknome: there might be ubuntu main release notes and bug listing - is the syntax <<Include(/path/to/the/notes#buglist)>> ?13:27
knomeiirc, no13:27
flocculantok - I'll dig it out from old notes if I need then13:28
knome<<Include(QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/CommonInfrastructure, , from="^##StartQuantalReleaseNotesFeatures", to="##EndQuantalReleaseNotesFeatures")>>13:29
knomeflocculant, ^13:29
knomeso the included page needs to have some recognizable (comment) lines you can use with "from" and "to"13:29
knomeunless you simply want to include the whole page, in which case the syntax you posted is fine (except that you shouldn't use a / at the beginning of the include path)13:30
LibreSpongeknome, got the Y!ahoo eMail about moving from tracker to dev.xubuntu.org - You should've made more-demands in  an important eMail like that. Like checkout the dev. part of the wiki etc. But a good effort :)13:33
knomeLibreSponge, hum?13:34
LibreSpongejust sayin' got the eMail, is all.13:34
flexiondotorgflocculant, How goes Xubuntu testing?16:03
ochosi_bluesabre: i've contacted jeromeg about rerfeshing notifyd's icon upstream16:52
ochosi_bluesabre: i can meanwhile do something for ubuntu, so we can patch in the refreshed icon earlier than it lands upstream (i'm hoping he'll just be ok with it)16:53
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
flocculantflexiondotorg: as ever18:00
flocculantknome: thanks :)18:13
flocculantthough given the hoohah in release I doubt they're be doing any release notes of any size :p18:13
knomeochosi, we should discuss who's eligible to vote anyway18:42
ochosihow did we handle that last time?18:43
ochosimembers of -team, right?18:43
knomeyou, me and pleia2 18:43
knome(artwork, marketing, project leads)18:43
ochosiah ok18:43
ochosii'm good with that too ;)18:43
knomeflocculant has bringing up that we should let the community vote18:44
ochosidunno, didn't feel like a good idea last time18:45
ochosiwe can discuss it again though18:45
knomei don't have a strong opinion either way18:45
ochosii mean the system of "community-submitted team-picked" seemed to work ok last time18:46
flocculantworked as in 'we ended up with some images that 3 people picked' 18:47
ochosidinner time, bbl18:47
flocculantha ha ha 18:47
knomei think both ways have their pros and cons18:47
flocculantknome: what doesn't :p18:47
flocculantthat has pro's and con's :)18:48
knomeshould debug the plugin18:48
* flocculant is off into release note land once more - final time18:48
knomeoh hah yeah18:55
* knome facepalms18:55
flocculantknome: if you get 5 can you quickly check the release note for glaring errors - all that's left to remove is the DRAFT note at the top19:06
flocculantdefinitely added is the last paragraph above Known Issues - and the small Upgrade section (in known issues)19:06
flocculantknome: do we want the announce mail to link to wiki note or the site post? 19:23
knomethat's a good question19:23
knomei guess we can't get both, so i'd probably go for website, as long as it has a link back to notes19:24
flocculantwe only did last time because I wrote it :p19:24
flocculantwebsite links to release notes yep19:24
flocculantthough if we're not sending people direct to release notes - maybe we should make it more obvious at the website that people should check them out19:26
knomeflocculant, ok, i looked and did some format edits19:29
flocculantknome: to what? 19:33
knomeflocculant, what did you ask me to look at??19:33
knomeyes, that19:33
flocculantwhat did you change then?19:34
knomeshows four edits by me19:34
knomemaybe you are hitting cache...19:34
flocculantyea ... 19:34
knomei'm not THAT silly19:34
flocculantanyway - I'm happy enough for us to link to website - as long as the release note reading before you try it gets more prominence somehow19:37
knomelet's see..19:37
knomehttps://xubuntu.org/?p=3788&preview=true <-- better?19:40
knomeok, bbabl19:42
flocculantyea - better - maybe no need to url the notes twice though.19:42
flocculantcya later19:42
knomeright, yeah19:43
knomein a normal situation the URL would be only mentioned once19:43
knomebut maybe we can just link with "release notes" as the link text19:43
* knome goes changes19:43
flocculantok thanks - when asked I'll link to there then19:44
* knome bows19:44
knome(and ties)19:44
wxlflocculant, ochosi: please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/Beta2 when you get a chance. thanks!20:06
flocculantwxl: all done20:12
wxlflocculant: thank you sir :)20:12
ochosithanks flocculant :)20:19
flocculantochosi: welcome :)20:21
pavlushkais there any specific channel for ubuntu translation support?21:09
flocculantcan't get my head around the includes to ubuntu notes - so did it the simple way - just linked to it.21:09
pavlushkaflocculant, are you talking to me??21:10
flocculantpavlushka: no21:10
pavlushkaok, ;)21:10
pavlushkabtw, how are you, flocculant ?21:12
pavlushkaflocculant, can you tell me, what is "Terve!"?21:13
flocculantpretty good thanks21:13
flocculantpavlushka: use google translate - I'd have to ... 21:13
pavlushkaits from the ubiquity-slideshow translation., flocculant 21:14
knomeyou aren't supposed to translate those21:14
pavlushkaHi knome !!21:14
flocculantpavlushka: oh - as knome says - they are supposed to be in different languages21:15
knomei don't know why the notes aren't available there; maybe we need to make sure they aren't translated technically21:15
pavlushkaknome, those means "Terve!"? or the slide show?21:16
knomethey are greetings in different languages21:16
knomedo not translate them21:16
flocculantbluesabre: so the wiki release notes got very long, very detailed, took ages ... thinking now of doing what Ubuntu do - not have milestone release notes - just a release note that we update during the cycle21:16
pavlushkagot it, knome !21:17
knomeok, pushed a new revision in the main branch, and fixes the formatting too (ping: flocculant)21:25
knomeapparently i had pushed that to a wrong branch before...21:26
flocculantknome: what are we talking about? 21:32
knomeflocculant, the slideshow app slide not working... well it wasn't working as i didn't push the fix to the correct branch21:32
flocculantaah right - ok :)21:33
bluesabreevening all21:38
bluesabrehey knome21:39
flocculantevening bluesabre :)21:42
bluesabrehey flocculant21:43
flocculantbluesabre: the wiki notes are complete now - all that will change between now and April is some updating as and when21:45
bluesabreflocculant: that's awesome21:46
ochosievening all (again)22:25
flocculanthey ochosi :)22:26
ochosiflocculant: wanna briefly discuss your suggestion to let the community vote on the wallpaper submissions?22:31
flocculantochosi: my point is basically - we should let them do so 22:32
flocculantdiscussed it a bit last night with knome 22:32
ochosiwho are "they" though?22:33
knomeanybody can now see the submissions at http://contest.xubuntu.org/submissions/22:33
ochosiok, so at least a lp account and being part of the lp group then22:34
flocculantochosi: but in short something like - they choose x from the pool, team choose y from the choices22:34
flocculantbut then22:34
flocculantas was mooted last night22:34
flocculantif there's 150 submissions - nightmare to get them to vote 22:34
knomeespecially if it's a CIVS vote...22:35
flocculantdepends on how22:35
flocculantochosi: that ^^22:35
ochosiknome: what's a civs vote?22:35
knomeochosi, basically, order of preference22:35
flocculantteam chooses x - then community chooses from that smaller pool22:35
knome"Why rank choices? With CIVS, voters rank their choices rather than just picking their one favorite choice. Ranked-choice voting gives more accurate results because it collects more information from voters. It also helps avoid vote splitting and spoilers."22:35
ochosiyeah ok, so why is that a nightmare though?22:36
knomeochosi, because you could technically have 150 different ranks22:36
bluesabreI feel like the window is too small to allow the community to vote22:36
flocculantwindow? 22:36
ochosiknome: yeah, so what? we take the top 2022:36
knomeand since the wallpapers aren't visible on the CIVS website, you technically need to have two tabs open at least, and it's hell to go back and forth22:36
knomeochosi, we were talking about "all"22:36
bluesabrethe time frame we have between end of comp and gotta upload22:37
knomeochosi, if we pick top 20 for the community to vote, is it a community vote any more?22:37
ochosiknome: ok, going back and forth sounds terrible and like a no-go22:37
knomeeven doing the voting on the contest site with 150 submissiosn and users having to go through them all sounds like a no-go for me22:37
ochosiok, if they can't vote through the website directly, it's a nightmare, i agree22:38
knome*i* will click either + or - 150 times, but i don't think many users would22:38
ochosiyeah, but 150 submissions is a nightmare for practically anyone22:38
flocculantof course 22:38
flocculantwe might have 3022:38
ochosiwe can just limit the contest to the first 50 submissions ;D22:38
knomeoh right22:38
ochosiwait, i meant (:22:38
* knome submits 29 more quickly22:39
ochosianyhoo, it would be great if we got such a big response, but i don't consider it very likely22:39
ochosiat least based on the previous contest22:39
knomeochosi, we currently have 21 submissions22:39
knomeif it's at all in the same rate, we will end up with lots22:39
ochosiyeah, we had several in the previous one too, but like 70% of them were underwater shots22:39
knomethat kind of proves there needs to be team moderation22:40
knomebut if there is team moderation and users pick from moderated submissions, is it much different than the team just making the pick anyway?22:40
flocculantanyway - my point in general is that if we're a community flavour - we should give the community chance to do something22:40
knomeultimately, people can use any wallpaper they like22:40
ochosiflocculant: are we not by having a community contest?22:41
knomeeven the ones that didn't win the contest22:41
ochosianybody in the community is free to contribute at any given time22:41
ochosiso i don't see that as a strong selling point for who gets to vote22:41
flocculantanyway - I've said enough on this over the last couple of weeks22:41
flocculantI think we're wrong if we don't - nothing is going to be said which will change my mind on that22:42
ochosiright, i'm only readig about it now22:42
ochosiflocculant: srsly?22:43
flocculantseriously what? 22:43
flocculantnot changing my mind? 22:43
ochosiyeah, well if there's nothing that would change your mind i guess all i could say is "thank you for your opinion, no need to further discuss with you"22:44
ochosiand i can't even say i've made up my mind yet22:45
flocculantno - not saying anyone has - I'm just saying that's my position :)22:45
ochosimaybe i was reading a passive-aggressive tone in your message that wasn't there22:46
flocculantnah not at all :)22:46
flocculantthat's just my position is all :)22:46
flocculantwell release is looking like silly o'clock with a possible server respin22:47
ochosiwell ok then, i can't say i've finally made up my mind yet, but for me the community contribution aspect is dealt with by having everyone submit whatever they want22:48
knomeindeed, whatever they want :)22:48
ochosiwhoever takes the pick of those submissions - i hope - would take their time with that22:48
ochosi(iirc it took us several hours last time)22:48
knomeit will be faster now since there is no manual process involved22:49
ochosi(and by that i mean the discussions, not the individual sighting of the submissions)22:49
knomeeg. everybody who is eligible to vote logs in to the site, and clicks + or - on each submission22:49
knomethen we get the totals22:49
knomeat that point it's easy to fine-tune22:49
ochosilast time we actually discussed quite a bit22:49
flocculantand who is currently elgible to vote? 22:49
flocculantknome: ^^22:49
ochosijudging from the blog post it's -team22:50
knomeflocculant, currently ~xubuntu-website but i can link any LP team to that by a few clicks22:50
ochosior someone in team22:50
knome^ technically22:50
knomeif we want -users to vote, then i need to write a few lines of code and a few clicks22:50
knome(because we don't want to make users admins)22:50
ochosigood thinking!22:50
ochosii dunno, personally i'm totally fine with a committee or some representatives of -team even to go and decide on this22:51
ochosii don't even have to be part of that select group22:51
ochosibut anyway, the look and feel of xubuntu is currently in the hands of the artwork team22:51
knomeletting all -team vote would mean more perspectives would likely be represented22:52
ochosiit's not really open to voting either22:52
knome(of course artwork/XPL has always a veto)22:52
knome..not programming that in in the site22:52
ochosi we can also vote on who gets to vote (:22:53
knomelet's bury xubuntu in bureaucracy ;)22:53
knomepleia2, as another old CC'er, what's your take on this?22:54
flocculantnight all - if the beta get's released real late and no-one is about to publish I'll do it in the morning 22:54
knomeflocculant, night and thanks for all the work so far :)22:55
flocculantif not - thanks who ever is awake to do it 22:55
ochosiflocculant: yup, thanks for the awesome work you did on the release notes!22:57
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_HOLS
pleia2I wasn't paying attention23:15
knomeor during the whole CC term?23:15
pleia2for 6 years!23:15
pleia2I like -team23:15
knomewas discussion about who should vote for winners on the contest23:15
pleia2and I was serious about not voting because I submitted one23:17
knomeyou can just not vote on that23:17
knomesoon everybody on the team is uneligible23:17
pleia2but I like it and want it to win :)23:17
knomeyou, me, ochosi, bluesabre, flocculant already23:17
knomethen vote for it23:17
knomei mean23:17
knomeit's just one +123:17
knomeif nobody else likes it, it won't win anyway23:17
Unit193bluesabre: Howdy.23:58
knomeUnit193, or in other order, "Why do"23:58
bluesabrehey Unit19323:58

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