
cmarsedsiper, sorry, was changing locations there.. is "out_mongodb" the name of your endpoint in your layer's metadata.yaml, under requires:00:31
cmarsedsiper, for example, if I had this in my layer's metadata.yaml, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15491929/, the state name would be "database.database.available"00:32
stormmoredamn it something is wrong in my maas config :-/00:39
stubkwmonroe: I recommend using the leadership settings to distribute the masterhost:port rather than the peer relation, although the peer relation will work too.01:10
stubkwmonroe: With the peer relation, after leadership failover you could end up with two units advertising masterhost:port on the peer relation (eg. when the lead unit has been powered off but the unit not removed - it still exists on the peer relation)01:12
stubkwmonroe: With leadership settings, there is a single source of truth01:12
kwmonroethx stub!  that's good info.01:43
stormmorealmost got it bootstrapped, getting stuck downloading the tools :-/02:20
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stormmoream I missing something or is curl -sSfw 'tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP %{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed %{speed_download} bytes/s ' --retry 10 -o $bin/tools.tar.gz <[https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.0-beta2/juju-2.0-beta2-trusty-amd64.tgz]> not a valid curl command?02:39
edsipercmars, yes, it's out_mongodb02:45
stormmorehmmm gotten hung up twice at that point :-/02:54
cmarsedsiper, back from dinner. what does the function that you're decorating with that @when look like? does it take just one argument?03:05
cmarsit probably does.. in which case, i'm running out of ideas.. other than maybe checking that the latest built charm is actually what you've got deployed and are relating to03:06
edsipercmars, yeah, one argument and basically doing a log()03:22
edsipercmars, http://pastebin.com/H1eUhge703:26
cmarsedsiper, can you paste me your layer.yaml as well?03:29
stormmoreok this is messed up, how can apt-get update work but juju deploy --to 0 juju-gui cant03:29
edsipercmars, ooops, no layer.yaml03:36
cmarsedsiper, aha03:37
edsipercmars, I will dig into it tomorrow :D , thanks for pointing the main problem03:37
cmarsedsiper, add the interface, charm build, and you'll probably see that get called03:37
cmarsedsiper, night03:37
stormmoregot love running into an ipv6 vs ipv4 confusion03:50
stormmoresome days I just wonder how I go to where I am when I miss the basics03:54
stormmoreoh I do like the default juju status for 2 :)04:17
stormmoreOK so I just did juju deploy juju-gui and juju expose juju-gui, juju status shows that it has the right public address and yet I keep getting connection timed out errors05:55
deanmanHi, i would like to write a docker charm utilising the layer-docker charm but it is not clear to me what's the best way to do this. Do i simply clone layer-docker or can i use something from charm-tools to pass this as an argument?09:57
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stubdeanman: You declare the docker layer in your layer.yaml. You probably want to go over https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started and https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-layer-example (the devel branch of the docs now documents layers and how to use them)11:29
deanmanstub: thank you!11:30
narindergupta1hi I am getting this issue while deploying the latest ceph charm https://bugs.launchpad.net/opnfv/+bug/156198413:18
mupBug #1561984: ceph-osd charm failed to deploy  <OPNFV:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561984>13:18
narindergupta1can someone help me finding the solution. it seems latest changes in ceph-osd charm http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/ceph-osd/next/revision/76 is causing this issue?13:20
jcastromarcoceppi: did you forget to push your fixes to fiche? Still shows up busted for me on jujucharms.com13:53
jcastrowell not busted, just with the extra stuff13:53
marcoceppijcastro: it's pushed.14:03
marcoceppistore ingestion, probably14:03
marcoceppijcastro: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/trusty/fiche/trunk/revision/214:04
jcastrojrwren: which one of you guys handles ingestion?14:13
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jrwrenjcastro: kind of all of us?14:37
jcastrocan you check fiche?14:37
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jrwrenjcastro: looks like its been pushed to before, so ingestion is disabled for that charm.14:49
jcastrojrwren: what does that mean?14:58
jcastrowhy would ingestion be disabled?14:58
jrwrenjcastro: because someone uploaded it using charm push?15:00
jcastrooh, so how do we fix it to make it ingestible?15:00
jcastrojrwren: do we need to rerun a publish or something?15:02
jrwrenjcastro: You cannot. Once a charm has been published using the new charm push command, that is how it is now managed. This fits with ingestion going away.15:03
jcastrook so how do we fix it so that charm is ingested?15:04
jcastrotldr, how do we make the jujucharms.com page reflect what's actually in the vcs branch?15:04
jrwrenjcastro: AFAIK we have no means to do that. You can fix the charm in the store by pushing the new version using the charm push command.15:05
jcastromarcoceppi: is that what you tried?15:05
jrwrenjcastro: what is wrong with it?  https://jujucharms.com/fiche/ is fiche-3 and doesn't show the extra files that were removed in bzr rev-215:10
jcastrothat directory was there an hour ago15:11
jcastrobut marco pushed that on 21 march, maybe I had a stale cache?15:11
jcastrojrwren: ok I guess I'm all set lol, thanks.15:12
jrwrenjcastro: Sorry for the confusion.15:12
jcastrojrwren: actually, I just realized how I did that15:13
jcastrogoogle for "fiche jujucharms"15:13
jcastrothe result sends me _specifically_ to revision 2 instead of trunk15:13
jrwrenmsust be your tuned google. oh... 5th result for me.15:16
jrwrenI rarely look down to 5th ;]15:16
jcastrois it rev 2 or 3?15:17
jcastrothere's a bug on this already, we need to present google with the right bits15:17
jcastroI just should have been paying attention to the rev #15:17
jrwrenlatest is 3.15:17
jcastroyeah google shows me 215:18
jrwrenI'd grumble about the link that says revisions: 1 on that page, but I'm told that UI is by design, so I'm not going to grumble about it and instead suggest you not be mislead by it.15:18
LiftedKiltare there any known issues with bootstrapping Xenial on juju2/maas 1.9?16:01
LiftedKiltMaas can deploy xenial just fine by itself, but when I try to bootstrap on xenial, it fails - maas shows the install completes, but juju complains that "instance started but did not change to Deployed state"16:02
LiftedKiltjuju bootstrap xenial dr --config default-series=xenial --debug16:02
LiftedKiltI can bootstrap on 14.04 just fine16:03
skaydoes anyone have a bash prompt that shows the current juju env16:10
skayit could be handy on one of the machines I work on16:10
lazyPowercory_fu might, i know he's a bit of a wizard at that stuff with liquid prompt16:25
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beisnerhi LiftedKilt, i would suspect a bootstrap timeout.  ie. it may be taking slightly longer than the 10m default.  see `juju help bootstrap` to learn how to increase the time that juju will wait for the bootstrap machine18:22
LiftedKilt beisner - the actual OS installation only takes a couple minutes, and I can see the output on MAAS that the Xenial install was successful. Are you thinking it's the tools installation that might be holding it up?18:26
beisnerLiftedKilt, it may be a separate issue, but i also had the same "instance started but did not change to Deployed state" with xenial as it was overrunning the 10m default timeout a bit.  worth noting, the machines i'm talking about are a bit slow, and take several minutes just for POST.18:27
LiftedKiltbeisner: I appreciate the tip - I increased the timeout to 20 min and am redeploying. Fingers crossed that it works! I successfully bootstrapped Xenial a couple days ago, I just haven't been able to do it since. Been driving me nuts.18:28
LiftedKiltbeisner: good looking out - it deployed just fine. Thanks!18:39
beisnerLiftedKilt, \o/  awesome, happy to help.18:39
marcoceppiOffice Hours in about 20 mins: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfv6UdYcQGhr8qG33I1H0mmMK-2c5vFDcgXtVZrCEa-Tk0WuQ?hl=en - to join, otherwise tune into https://ubuntuonair.com/18:45
jcastrokwmonroe: cory_fu: you guys doing office hours?18:51
jcastrosomeone from juju core would be great!18:51
jcastrocherylj: how about you?18:51
cheryljjcastro: what do I need to do?18:53
* cherylj has nothing prepared18:53
cheryljoh snap, we should talk about the new "admin" and "default" model stuff coming out in beta318:53
cheryljjcastro: and when is it?18:54
jcastrojust come to the hangout18:54
rick_h_jcastro: linky me please and I'll join18:54
jcastroit's in 5 minu8tes18:54
jcastrothe idea is not to be prepared, just talk18:54
jcastroit's like a podcast18:54
rick_h_cherylj: yea just party for a bit18:54
marcoceppiOffice Hours in about 5 mins: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfv6UdYcQGhr8qG33I1H0mmMK-2c5vFDcgXtVZrCEa-Tk0WuQ?hl=en - to join, otherwise tune into https://ubuntuonair.com/18:54
arosaleshoa, I initially read that as home owners assocation :-)19:00
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bdxoffice-hours: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15500937/19:09
c0skwmonroe: I don't if you guys have seen this https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/lambda-architecure-on-for-batch-aws.pdf - looks like a decent and clean explanation of the lambda-arch19:09
arosalesc0s: looks like an interesting read, thanks19:12
bdxcan we attach cinder vols to nova-lxd instances?19:16
bdxrick_h: good to hear! thanks!19:17
bdxmarcoceppi: awesome!19:18
cargonzabdx, cinder + nova-lxd is not supported yet19:21
bdxcargonza: thanks, what is the status of that?19:21
cargonzastill working the priorities and plan. we're finishing up the target goals for 16.04. We'll consider it for future planning.19:22
bdxcargonza: awesome! thanks!19:23
bdxmarcoceppi: great, will do!19:23
jcastroLiftedKilt: heya, have you seen the layered charm bits?19:26
LiftedKiltjcastro: I haven't19:26
jcastroso basically19:26
LiftedKiltI've heard it mentioned a few times, but haven't seen it yet19:26
jcastroin the past, we made you do things the hard way19:26
jcastrowhich is horrible19:26
jcastronow you compose a charm out of layers19:26
LiftedKiltjcastro: awesome - looking at link now. Thanks19:26
arosalesalso a good link is https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/lambda-architecure-on-for-batch-aws.pdf19:27
jcastroso like, you could reuse a java layer the big data team uses, for example19:27
* arosales meant https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started19:27
jcastrobefore everyone had to do things individually19:27
arosaleswe should like /developer-getting-started to developer-layers19:27
LiftedKiltjcastro: this will be awesome for creating the liferay charm, for example19:27
LiftedKiltI can just hand this to our devs19:28
jcastroLiftedKilt: in fact, just pretend the old way doesn't exist19:28
LiftedKiltjcastro: gladly haha19:28
jcastroso basically all the old charms weren't as testable or reusable, so like say we find a bug in one the java layers19:28
jcastroyou'd just pick up the bug fix19:29
jcastroinstead of "hey everyone for every charm using java, please fix foo."19:29
LiftedKiltoh that's clean19:29
aisraelcharm push looks awesome19:33
* lazyPower raises the roof at marco's ACLs19:38
lazyPoweri totally did this19:38
c0sarosales: I think if you replace Kinesis in that paper with Kafka - you'll get pretty much the same result ;)19:42
c0sbut not AWS-locked19:42
arosaleslazyPower: do you know if on "push" if one doesn't  specify the series does it error if the charm doesn't include a series metadata?19:42
lazyPoweri do not know, i haven't tried19:43
arosalesc0s: ok19:43
lazyPowerarosales once i'm done restoring my phone and get my MFA restored, i'll let you know :P19:47
arosaleslazyPower: no rush, just wondering19:47
lazyPoweroh no19:52
lazyPowerstream cut out19:52
arosaleshit wrong button19:53
marcoceppihaha, I pressed "stop stream" instead of "stop sharing"19:53
marcoceppisorry everyone19:54
rick_h_we were about to wrap up, it'll be ok19:54
rick_h_we'll just give marcoceppi a hard time for a while :P19:54
arosaleslazyPower: rick_h_ was saying that if you try to push a charm and it has no series in the metadata you should get an error back20:06
lazyPowerI've only pushed to implicit series locations in the store20:18
lazyPowerso, good question and good follow up :D20:18
falanxif we were to deploy openstack with juju and use lxd for nova, would we have no persistent storage?  Is that what cargonza meant when he said cinder + nova-lxd is not supported?20:40
bdxfalanx: My understanding is that it is being considered as a future feature ...20:55
bdxfalanx: see cargonza's message above21:03
cargonzafalanx, the openstack lxd charm deploys ceph for storage. cinder is another type of storage that we still need to support in nova-lxd21:17
LiftedKiltcargonza: so by cinder you mean the reference architecture cinder using lvm, right?21:36
LiftedKiltcargonza: the openstack lxd charm integrates with ceph allowing containers to mount ceph volumes?21:37
cargonzaLiftedKilt, yes on both21:41
bdxLiftedKilt: part of the purpose of cinder is to abstract you from the backend storage implementation21:43
LiftedKiltcargonza: awesome21:44
LiftedKiltbdx: my understanding is that cinder is both the reference lvm implementation as well as the name for the general block storage api integration for openstack.21:44
bdxLiftedKilt: It doesn't matter to the openstack instance what the underlying storage may be ...as it is just consuming a cinder storage resource ... it doesn't matter what backend you use21:45
bdxor it shouldn't at least21:45
bdxthats the whole point right?21:46
A-Kaserping admcleod- coreycb kwmonroe kjackal23:08
kwmonroepong A-Kaser23:09
kwmonroeA-Kaser: i'm about 200% sure you meant cory_fu instead of coreycb ;)23:09
A-Kaserright :)23:09
A-Kaserbad tab23:09
kwmonroenp, what's up?23:09
A-KaserI'm trying to set my credentials to test on aws23:10
A-KaserI would like to use eu-central-1 or eu-west-123:11
A-Kaserwith devel documentation example it seems to be ignored my default-region23:11
A-Kaserand the link to have more information credentials is https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/credentials/ 40423:12
A-Kasercould you help this little point :)23:12
kwmonroeA-Kaser: i noticed that too with an azure deployment, but assumed i did something wonky.. i'll check again and open a bug (unless rick_h_ knows whether or not default_region is not always honored off hand).  anyway, you can force the bootstrap to use a region like this:23:13
kwmonroe(/me looks for a minute)23:13
A-Kaserand just in case, I'm the dude which sent you an email right now :)23:13
A-Kaserno pb :)23:13
kwmonroeA-Kaser: i think this will work for ya: juju set-default-region aws eu-central-1 (or west)23:15
kwmonroeA-Kaser: then proceed with your bootstrap.  alternatively, you can set the region during bootstrap with " juju bootstrap <controller name> <cloud>[/region]"23:16
kwmonroeso like, juju bootstrap kevin-is-amazing aws/eu-central-123:17
kwmonroeor whatever...23:17
magicaltroutthat would be a lie though23:17
kwmonroedag nab it magicaltrout - i thought you'd be in bed by now.23:17
arosalesI did "juju set-defatul-region" and that worked for me23:17
kwmonroearosales: s/defatul/default, but cool.  thx for the confirmation.23:18
A-Kaserjuju like to talk : 20 x WARNING could not delete security group "juju-4520f63e-51f6-43bd-8b89-336a0190eeef-0": resource sg-15670d6d has a dependent object (DependencyViolation)23:18
arosaleskwmonroe: yes what you said23:19
A-Kaserkwmonroe: default-region is ok now23:19
kwmonroecool, np23:19
kwmonroeA-Kaser: can you tell me what page linked you to your /credentials 404?  we need to fix that up.23:20
A-Kaserlink just before chapter 4. Bootstrap23:22
A-Kaser-> please see this guide to credentials23:23
kwmonroeahhh, yup A-Kaser, thanks23:23
A-KaserI suppose it's possible to have more than one controler, so how can I specify which controler used with my deploy command ?23:26
A-Kaser(i'm trying to read "juju help deploy")23:27
kwmonroeA-Kaser: firstly, we'll get the docs fixed up with this https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/235, thanks for the report23:27
kwmonroeA-Kaser: secondly, you choose your controller with the "juju switch" command23:28
kwmonroeso if you have more than one, for example, an aws controller and a gce controller and an azure controller, you would "juju switch gce" to make that the controller that fulfills deployment requests.23:29
A-Kaseroh okay, so it's not recommanded to have 2 terminal using juju on the same time with different controller I suppose23:30
kwmonroeyeah A-Kaser, i don't recommend that.  you could probably do it if you were vigilient in "juju switch <foo>" before each juju interaction, but i'm not that multi-taskable.23:36
A-KaserFYI on AWS deploy wordpress don't open 80 in security group, so it's not possible to open it in a browser23:36
A-Kaserkwmonroe: ok no problem I will have only one instance :)23:37
kwmonroeA-Kaser: i do, however, have long-running deployments and controller, so for example, once a month, i switch to my openstack controller, juju ssh over to do something, but then switch back.  it's just not something i would do very often ;)23:37
A-Kaseryes, I thought it was possible to add something like "-controler=master1" in deploy command; but switch will be fine23:39
kwmonroeA-Kaser: can you "juju expose wordpress"?23:39
kwmonroei'm not certain about the correlation between juju expose and aws security groups, but if you expose wordpress, i'm curious if that lets you get to it in a browser.23:39
A-KaserI have juju 1.25 and 2.0 ... my fault, i'm removing 1.2523:42
kwmonroeA-Kaser: i think they can co-exist pretty well.. just need to run 'update-alternatives --config=juju" to set whichever one you want.23:45
kwmonroeor removing 1.25 and going all-in with 2.0 is cool too :)23:45
kwmonroeor you could pull a magicaltrout and run from master every 2 hours.23:46
c0skwmonroe: I was looking at some of the charms description like flume-kafka and whatever.... And something caught my attention23:48
c0snamely: the section on smoke testing of the deployed bundle23:48
c0slike every single bundle has it. Is there a concept of auto-smoking of a unit at the end of the deployment?23:49
kwmonroec0s: kinda -- each charm in a bundle gets all the ./tests/* run when it is bundletested, so in that regard, each unit is smoke tested23:51
kwmonroeone sec, i'll find an ex23:51
c0sI know what you're talking about23:52
c0sI have a bit different angle: instead of asking a user to smoke test a hadoop cluster, something simple and automatic could be done by Juju itself.23:52
c0slike explained here23:53
c0shdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/hdfs-test23:53
c0shdfs dfs -ls /tmp # verify the newly created hdfs-test subdirectory exists23:53
c0shdfs dfs -rm -R /tmp/hdfs-test23:53
c0shdfs dfs -ls /tmp # verify the hdfs-test subdirectory has been removed23:53
c0sand then for YARN, and so on23:53
c0sI think user shouldn't even see this... like ever23:53
c0sdoes it make sense, kwmonroe?23:56
kwmonroeyeah, i hear ya c0s23:57
kwmonroei guess the point of that "hdfs dfs -xxx" in the readme is only there to tell the user how to manually smoke the deployment in case they didn't use a promulgated version23:58

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