
telegram<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez should we add the telegram invite to the cafe?00:00
telegram<athoneycutt>: try to search again @Valoriez 00:16
telegram<athoneycutt>: how do I get the article to show in the Kubuntu news group?00:59
valorieahoneybun: article looks good -- and I thought you were going to put in a yummy screenshot?03:45
valorieor maybe the plasma video?03:45
ahoneybungreat idea but that is for 5.6?03:45
ahoneybunvalorie, I also put a link to the new docs in those release notes ;)03:46
valorieoh right, gosh03:47
valorietoo much living in the future03:47
valorieactually, too much gsoc freakout getting to me03:47
valoriedeadline for student proposals is in less than 24 hours03:48
ahoneybunI should have gotten into that...03:48
valorieand the agony is palpable03:48
ahoneybunupdated 03:48
valorieif you go back to school, do it03:48
ahoneybunas a mentor or something03:48
ahoneybunI'm too old to do that03:49
valorieyou can still do backup mentor03:49
ahoneybunit's almost over?03:49
valorieif you are in uni, you can do it03:49
valoriestudent proposals are in tomorrow03:49
valorieno coding yet03:49
ahoneybunoh 03:49
ahoneybunI saw one that I thought was cool03:49
ahoneybunKDE Now03:50
ahoneybunsince I LOVE Google Now03:50
valorieadd yourself to the Ideas page as a backup mentor03:50
valorieand give me your gmail, and I'll invite you to the gsoc webapp03:50
ahoneybunis the wiki still locked?03:51
ahoneybunvalorie, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ze0j1RmCJEW1RmhoVmIz5DGo8ZgSFBNrNst6EmC4Yjk/edit#heading=h.lpgzk1ohwdbh03:51
valorieno, you have to login with your kde identity03:51
valorieyes, I read it03:51
valoriebut how are YOU seeing it?03:52
ahoneybungoogle docs?03:52
valoriethat should not be public03:52
valoriekid did that wrong03:52
ahoneybunthis page: https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2016/Ideas ?03:52
ahoneybunI don't see KDE Now on there03:54
valorieok, must be an independent idea03:54
ahoneybunI do see something about Plasma Mobile03:55
valoriebansal.ashish096@gmail.com puts himself as mentor however03:57
valorieyou might write to him if you truly are interested03:57
valorieno idea if the idea will make the cut of course03:57
ahoneybunalmost midnight here however03:57
valoriethe way we do it, is have each team rank their possibilities, and give us a number03:57
valoriewe look it over, ask for the slots we want, and see what google will give us03:58
valorieusually all we ask03:58
ahoneybuna feature coping Google in a Google project lol03:58
valoriethen we make sure that there are mentors (ideally at least two) for each project03:58
valorieahoneybun or anyone else who does the website: do we have anyone working on Xenial artwork?04:50
telegram<athoneycutt>: We could get Andrea from the podcast team to work on it04:52
valoriesonofagun, there is nothing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official04:52
valorienot official: http://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Ubuntu-16-04.png04:55
telegram<athoneycutt>: Speaking of I need to work on the DVD tomorrow04:56
telegram<athoneycutt>: /me sleeps04:56
valorieniters, ahoneybun04:57
sneleyofel: i think i found the commit for fixing the discover updater https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34760206:17
ubottuKDE bug 347602 in Updater "Update Manager systray icon and info still reports pending updates after updates applied" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]06:17
viphi ho08:46
ronnocMorning guys. Is bug 1561051 a show-stopper for downloading and installing Beta 2? Or will the install complete even if Ubiquity bugs out?09:21
ubottubug 1561051 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity-DM dies on Kubuntu images" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156105109:21
valorieI think I might have fixed my travel laptop, at least it isn't core-dumping any more - reinstalling apt let me get on somewhat, and reading "09:27
valorieunistal libkipi-data for install libkf5kipi-data09:27
valorie[02:04] <totof-at-work> but before you need to uninstall ksnapshot too and replace it by kde-spectacle09:27
valorielet me finish a full-upgrade09:27
valorieat least it looks like it -- before that it was on a blank screen09:28
valorienot gonna upgrade this box until I have a fully-working alternative09:28
valorieoff to bed.....09:31
valorieso, full success, and kde-spectacle did not need to be installed, nor libkf5kipi-data09:41
valoriebut we should be sure to get libkipi-data and ksnapshot auto-uninstalled upon upgrade09:42
valorieand perhaps add a note to the wiki page about upgrading09:42
yofelvalorie: hm, as of right now, you'll end up with ksnapshot and kde-spectacle installed.11:01
yofelSo for people that never used any PPA's spectacle should be used, others will keep using ksnapshot11:01
yofelkipi has to stay for digikam11:01
vipdo you guys have i386 deb with some latest google chrome?11:27
clivejo_vip: I thought Google stopped doing a i386 version quite some time ago?11:39
vipclivejo_: yes, but on older sytem I need that browser11:47
vipbut got it from some mirrors11:48
clivejo_have to use an older version11:48
=== clivejo_ is now known as clivejo
clivejovip: maybe try chromium ?11:53
vipclivejo: thanks, I've found mirror for google11:58
clivejohi claydoh12:05
clivejoare you back home now?12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:16
clivejohi BluesKaj12:19
BluesKajhey clivejo12:19
BluesKajlast blast of winter hit us last night , at least I hope it's the last blast ;-)12:22
clivejoI been expecting a weather front to break our spell of good weather, but it didnt apear12:24
* clivejo loves that wunderground.com are using OSM maps12:26
BluesKajodd, ..komsole was using more then 50% of my cpu, but it wasn't open, had to terminate12:31
mamarleyBluesKaj: Do you have an NVIDIA card with a driver less than 361.xx?  With those drivers, there was a bug causing Konsole to get stuck and spin the CPU when you attempted to close it.12:35
BluesKajmamarley, yes I do, using the nvidia-340 driver with a 8400gs card12:36
mamarleyBluesKaj: Ah, yes.  Nothing you can do about that, I'm afraid.  Sorry.12:37
mamarley(Other than pester NVIDIA to fix the issue.)12:37
mamarleyOddly enough, even on 361.xx, the bug persists unless one uses GLVND.  I haven't tested that on 364.xx though.12:37
BluesKajmamarley, well thanks for the heads up. I'll just have to keep an eye on it,12:38
BluesKajwow, FF jumped to 48% of cpu on the phoronix web artlicle about GLVND, somewhat ironic :-)12:45
BluesKajback to 7% as soon as I closed that tab12:46
mamarleyDo you have the Advertisements blocked?12:47
BluesKajthis is an old dual core amd 5200+ cpu , but that kid of cpu usage seems excessive12:48
BluesKajyeah I have ublock origin12:48
* BluesKaj adds the system load widget to the panel12:59
BluesKajhey soee13:02
* soee thinks that day without updates is so boooring ... :)13:12
mamarleysoee: The beta freeze seems to be over now.13:12
soeeyes i that context i wrote it :)13:12
mamarleyOh, OK.13:12
yofelbeta yes, freeze not. Although the passing critera are more lenient now13:15
mamarleyOK, well I just noticed there were a bunch of updates today.13:16
sneleyofel: i don't know if you saw my message13:20
snelethis is the fix for muon updater https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34760213:20
ubottuKDE bug 347602 in Updater "Update Manager systray icon and info still reports pending updates after updates applied" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]13:20
snelei tried to open a LP bugreport with ubuntu-bug, but it told me that plasma-discover is not official package ;)13:21
sneleprobably it comes from staging ppa13:21
yofelI saw it13:21
yofelwill look at it later, thanks13:21
sneleyofel: ok thank you :)13:22
yofelah, that's not even part of 5.5.5, patchery it is13:22
yofelsnele: fixed in xenial staging13:29
sneleyofel: i will test when i get update and report back13:34
telegramrohangarg was removed by: rohangarg14:59
telegram<athoneycutt>: @sgclark2 loving the staging ppa, pretty damn stable15:28
R33D3M33Rhi all, today i tried to install xenial beta2 in virtualbox but the installer crashes. Anyone had luck installing it?17:34
PETsoundsHi. the Xenial Beta 2 installer keeps crashing. Any fix or workaround for this? thanks in advance17:38
mparilloR33D3M33R: Is that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/156105118:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1561051 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity-DM dies on Kubuntu images" [Critical,Confirmed]18:42
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snelefyi i installed 16.04 from 23th march daily19:35
snelei don't know why beta 2 iso is failing19:35
soee_yofel: did you backported some patches to muon-* maybe ? there were udates today19:44
snelesoee_: yes he backported the fix for this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34760219:51
ubottuKDE bug 347602 in Updater "Update Manager systray icon and info still reports pending updates after updates applied" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:51
snelebut it seems that the bug is not fixed... i have rebooted system now and i wait for the updates to test19:52
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clivejoanyone know how to debug the Ubiquity-DM problem?21:03
clivejoalso was calligra l10n done?21:06
yofelFYI: I'm on a trip until Wednesday and won't be online much21:33
yofelclivejo: #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-installer might be able to help there21:36
yofelI can't figure out how to replicate the session startup21:36
yofelI can make it start a session, but I don't know what <program> is supposed to be21:37
clivejoanywhere nice yofel?21:52
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