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wellingtonhlp me11:39
wellingtonhelp me11:39
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BluesKajHiyas all12:16
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evillittle big problem13:19
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Guest60487i want to try 16.04 beta on virtualbox13:20
Guest60487but i can select language in the installer13:20
Guest60487and then continue cannot be selected13:20
Guest60487i am stuck on prepare13:21
BluesKajGuest60487, think your best bet is to ask in #vbox13:23
Guest60487i can try, but this looks very much like something to do with the installer13:24
Guest60487looks like there is some kind of condition not met to unlock that button, but no "understandable" message13:25
Guest60487i see a red battery with a "check" line above it, which might indicate battery too low to proceed (although i should not be left alone guessing that)13:25
BluesKajnot familiar with "prepare" on ubiquity13:25
Guest60487although i have 100% battery and attached to cable13:26
Guest60487live kubuntu says 100% charging, so it is recognized13:26
BluesKajGuest60487, you need to have your laptop plugged in during the install that's part of the conditions right at the beginning when you chose instalkl kubuntu13:26
Guest60487i do, 100%13:27
Guest60487that might be the only thing i could check with vbox13:27
BluesKajthe battery might be fullly chatrged , but it still needs to be plugged in13:27
Guest60487if the virtual environment somehow doesn't notify correctly the power attached13:28
Guest60487it is :)13:28
BluesKajunless you plugged it inm after booting into th elive media13:28
Guest60487i'll try again to be 200% sure :)13:29
BluesKajGuest60487, btw kvm-quemu is a better choice than vb for a vm , vb is clunky13:29
Guest60487i am just having some little issue recently on mint, so i wanted to quickly check latest plasma status. if i fell in love, i might go for kubuntu next month13:30
Guest60487quickly meant using VB that i already have installed :)13:31
Guest60487ok, tried. with power plugged before booting didn't change a thing13:32
Guest60487first step select english13:32
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Guest60487it marks language, then marks wireless, then on prepare i can choose install third party and download updates, but regardless, "back" is selectable, "continue" is grey13:33
BluesKajis your wifi connected ?13:33
BluesKajGuest60487, linux mint isn't a supported OS here, and for 16.04 help join #ubuntu+1, just to be clear13:34
Guest60487well, i can go to any of those channels, i just thought that what i need to find out is: what are the conditions to grey out the continue button on the kubuntu installer?13:35
BluesKajit's still the 16.04 installer which may have it's own issues13:36
Guest60487yes, it's beta 2 :)13:36
Guest60487i'll go to ubuntu+1, thanks13:37
BluesKajaltho i do run 16.04 , I haven't seen your problem , other than not downloading 3rd party packages during the install, i always wait until the OS is installed first before updating and upgrading13:38
Guest60487i try not selecting them, but i still cannot click on continue13:40
Guest60487there must be an IF in code :)13:40
BluesKajGuest60487, is this from a USB or DVD?13:41
marco-parilloThe only time I was stuck on the installer was with physical HW, and it was because I was trying to connect to a WEP-encrypted wireless during the install.13:41
BluesKajshould use WPA213:41
Guest60487from iso mounted in the VB empty image13:41
Guest60487it boots fine to live13:42
Guest60487but when i try to install i cannot proceed13:42
BluesKajVB isn't my choice for VM , like I said it's clunky13:43
Guest60487so far it was ok for me, but i am aware of the bugs :)13:44
Guest60487now dealing with a beta 2 i don't feel like blaming VB before trying to understand why the installer thinks i don't deserve to proceed with installation :)13:45
=== Guest60487 is now known as cowst
marco-parilloI am using VMware at work, and it never detects wireless (but passes through the physical wireless and presents it to the VM as wired).13:46
BluesKajdon't think it;s the installer13:46
cowsti am not saying the installer is broken, i am trying to understand which are the possible blockers on that step so i can play around with settings and solve it13:47
BluesKajyou may be connected via wifi to your router/modem , but not the internet13:47
BluesKajsuch is the nature of vb/vms13:48
BluesKajno passthru13:48
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JunkHunkhello. I am using AMD FX 8320 8core processor with a Gigabyte 970ADS3P mobo... kubuntu 14.04 as OS and I noticed it hardly uses all the cores when loading the system with processes it always use on core till it reaches 100% is there a way to balance this?17:32
telegram<athoneycutt>: Be back later17:34
JunkHunkI took that for an answer17:35
friRecent kernel upgrade garbles my Radeon HD7870 display in graphics mode; kernel 4.2.0-30 works without flaws...17:59
friAnyone knows how to get the new kernel working correctly with the HD78xx?17:59
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Guest87946je me demandais, ext-ce que Kubuntu va prohainement profiter des dernières avancées de kde ?18:21
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Zren_Hmmm. Shouldn't kwin_x11 restart when it crashes?18:43
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danikvsnZren_: ideally it should, currently it does not restart like plasmashell does18:49
JunkHunkhey does this apply to kubuntu aswell? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8KfQNreaeA18:56
Thatoneguyhow do I open advanced preferences in desktop effects in kubuntu 15.10??19:42
BluesKajThatoneguy,  there are none19:44
BluesKajjust desktop effects19:44
Thatoneguyis there any way to disable all effects on full screen apps?19:44
BluesKajthere is an option to get new effects, try those19:45
Thatoneguythe problem i got is that the screen flashes when I open or close apps, i read that i previous versions the way to solve this was to disable effects19:46
soee_well you can disable copositor for fullscreen apps19:47
czeslawcan't wait new kubuntu with plasma 5 :-)19:47
soee_czeslaw: hiho, 1 month left :)19:47
BluesKajThatoneguy, in system serttings>display and monitor>cxompositor19:48
Thatoneguythank, it works19:50
BluesKaj!cookie | soee_19:51
ubottusoee_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:51
BluesKajok , back to the grind for a few more mins ...bbl19:52
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JunkHunkhello I test this on kubuntu and my system hangs on reboot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8KfQNreaeA21:01
JunkHunkis there a way to tell kubuntu to make a better use of multicore processor?21:01
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