
phillwdrab: the guest I could ask for would a geek from edubuntu, those crazy guys have gone done put in lubuntu OS over original GNOME a few years back... Ask on the mailing list and you will have people like edubuntu, melodie etc want to help where they can...... I'm name of this channel, so do, please, ping me.. I care, and the people I call friends on here..... Well, they care..00:46
phillwwxl: urgent ping.... 1st time ever00:47
phillwdrab: I do know that community spins have been 'dropped' and they seldome work..... A bit annoying as we provide the non-pae kernels for teams with support for older computers..... I'm not too sure who to ask, but melodie does have a really great community spin, and it would certainly worth chatting to her...00:52
phillwdrab: ask on the mailing list00:54
phillwwxl: ping00:57
phillwwxl: ping00:58
phillwwxl: pong .... all yours :) list is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO#Use_press_announcement-1 just tick them off once released :)01:01
wxlphillw: sorry, sorry. work stuff. thanks for everything!01:26
phillwwxl: did you do this???01:36
phillwNio Wiklund <nio.wiklund@gmail.com>12 Mar (13 days ago)to me, ∅Hi Walter,01:36
phillwIf possible, please approve me as a member of the etherpad user group :-)01:36
phillwBest regards01:36
phillwwxl: ....05:41
phillwwxl: email, Fb, G+ and I think maybe twitter.... blog on lubuntu.me still needs doing.... And, with that... I'm back off to my alcove!!!06:48
drabphillw: will do, thank you.15:58
phillwwxl: Julien will looom into the oversize alt images over the weekend, I've let him know server has also gone over size.16:08
agaidadrab: do you found a solution for your shutdown problem? if not you should look into policykit settings16:23
drabagaida: thanks, I figured out I had to look into policikit, but didn't get around that, still trying to figure out the bigger issue of global settings16:35
drabI'm finding several configs that seem to both exist in /usr and /etc, overlapping between lxde and openbox, trying to work that one out yet16:35
drabbut will port to the ml as phillw suggested too as soon as I get a moment today16:36
drabthank you16:36
phillwdrab: ml is the best source for lubuntu issues.16:38
drabphillw: just to be clear, user ml or should I hit -dev one with these questions16:42
phillwuser ml .... dev is smaller and more about testing.... the users hang out on user :)16:47
drabk, thanks16:49
wxlphillw: dude, i fell asleep before they could freaking release. :/16:54
phillwwxl: I had 3 hours sleep.... something awoke me.... lenny is strong within me for some crazy reason...16:58
wxlphillw: well thanks again for being the hero16:59
phillwwxl: It's what I'm here for, not withstanding earlier fall outs... I'm here... Had a chat with teward about transfer to new wiki system, so chase is on for him and JasonO getting a WO site up over Easter :D17:07
wxlphillw: great. i'm glad time marches on :)17:07
wxlmeanwhile work's wordpress is pissing me off </offtopic>17:08
phillwwxl: did you not make blog yet? ?!!!!17:08
wxlphillw: looks like raf did17:08
wxlphillw: i'm talking about my workplace17:08
phillwah, well that pile shite is different to another person's pile of shite...17:09
wxlyes i know :)17:09
gilHey guys - is it a known bug that an update-manager -d update gives a "unresolvable problem" error and leaves the ubuntu art daily repository in sources afterwards?21:48
phillwgil: can you explain from what version and why you are issuing that command?21:50
gilphillw from 15.10 and I just wanted to do a quick and dirty update to Beta 221:51
phillwgil: sudo update-manager -d -c21:51
gilHuh! let me try :)21:51
phillwdo not forget the -c :)21:51
phillwgil:  Oh, and do click on Upgrade and not OK, which is the default.... been there, done it!!!21:52
* teward blows up randomly21:53
tewardphillw: won't be me getting it up - because E:Dead this weekend21:53
gilphillw thanks :)  I'm going to have a try now21:53
gilweird I'm still getting unresolvable21:53
gilI think I can see what's broken21:54
gilbut I'm not sure why21:54
gillet me just confirm21:54
gilRight yeah: As part of the upgrade process, Lubuntu Art Daily (ppa.launchpad.net/lubuntu-art/daily/ubuntu) is being added to my sources - this repository contains two packages, plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo and plymouth-theme-lubuntu-text that require a later version of Plymouth than is available21:57
phillwsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && and sudo update-manager -d -c21:58
phillwtry that ^^21:58
gilphillw ....but first remove the daily repository that's been added to my sources by the failed upgrade process I'm assuming?21:58
phillwgil:  let me fire up a VM22:00
gilI'm wondering if this is related to the new 16.04 LTS final beta that was released today22:01
gil(ubuntu 16.04 LTS final)22:01
phillwgil: no, i saw that as i tested the amd64 yesterday to confirm MATE saying it worked.22:03
gilahh okay22:03
gilthe conflict I'm having is definitely around the version of Plymouth22:03
phillwthe cli command should not have that...22:04
gilphillw depends Plymouth >=0.9.2-3ubuntu1~22:06
gilis that the version in Beta 2?22:06
phillwgil: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/358/builds/115280/testcases/1310/results this worked ofr me and is the test case...22:07
gilphillw hmmm in that case, is this likely to be a local issue? If so, I'll refrain from reporting it22:08
gilI thought I had a relatively clean install :-\22:08
phillwno, please do report it.... if it is not working file a bug!!!!22:09
gilI don't want to report it though and get laughed at if some weird local package is causing the conflict22:09
gilalthough I can't see how, because the conflict occurs when the update adds the daily art repo :)22:09
phillwno one EVER gets laughed at for filing a bug...22:09
gilOkay I'll get on it :)22:10
gilMostly I'm bummed because I wanted to play with shiny shiny over the Easter break :)22:10
phillwgil: do you have separate /home?22:12
gilphillw no sir. Just / and swap both on an extended partition22:14
phillwwell get /home moved..... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving This is a really important thing to do.... But, back up 1st :)22:15
gilphillw at least you've given me something to do over Easter now :D22:17
phillwhaving /home is always a good idea.... We can re-install and keep 'our' stuff :D22:18
gilI have separate home on the box, but on my laptop, I obviously wasn't paying attention during install :)22:18
phillwwell  pay attention next time!!!!22:21
gilYessir! :)22:22
phillwbut, I do not know why your 15.10 --> 16.04 upgrade has failed... possibly you have got extra repos turned on, that need turning off.22:22
gilThat's likely. I just have a couple of non-invasive ones, such as Dropbox and Chrome22:22
gilI can't see how they would affect it, but I suppose it's possible22:22
phillwseit back to the defaults.... I had to turn chromium off, it was broken.22:23
phillwthe error report will tell you which ones to turn off.22:23
gilOkay - noob question here22:24
gilbut I can get a detailed error report? I've just been digging around myself to try and figure it out22:24
gilI just get an error box pop up, I click okay and it cancels the install - I didn't see the error report option!22:24
phillwmenu --> system tools -> synaptic package manager .... enter password.... Settings tab --> repositories Ubuntu Software tab ..... top 3 ticked... Other Software tab Canonical partners (both) ticked....... Updates, top two clicked..... Developer options ... tick in the box....... synaptic will then want to to update istself.22:29
phillwlet it do that, reboot and then do the sudo update-manager -d -c command22:33
gilphillw thanks, appreciate that. Should Developer options be a tab in Synaptic?22:35
phillwI have it turned on (ticked) when running release +1 (in this case, 16.04).22:36
gilAhhhh right. I won't see it then if I'm still on 15.1022:37
phillwthe default for 15.10 will work fine.... I moved two clean 15.10s to 16.04 .... when you change repos, it can get complicated.22:52
gilphillw I think I figured out what is causing my issues :-\    quite embarrasing, I forgot that I had a repo with some git versions of the intel chipset video drivers. Looks like a lot of broken xorg deps in the logs. Now I just have to figure out a simple way of reverting back to the official 15.10 versions before I try upgrade again22:57
phillwit is usually repos that mess things up.. Hence My saying what the defaults are :)22:58
gilphillw yeah, I just assumed that by unselecting them, they would get replaced by default stuff as part of the upgrade process. Apparently not23:09
gilaka gil is so lazy23:09
gilphillw on the bright side, I just learnt all about ppa-purge - that's a nifty tool there23:13
phillwyes, we have it on our wiki dev page for the brave :)23:14
phillwgil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#PPA_Testing23:15
gilI can't believe how well that worked23:21
gilit saved me at least an hour of manual reverts23:21
phillwgil: I do take the time to write up the wiki pages for a reason, and others now also update other areas.... But I recall mine :D23:27
gil...and with that, it looks like my update problem has resolved itself23:28
phillwthe update was not a problem, the repos were :P23:28
phillwthe instructions, we know, work :P23:29
gilYes. I deserve all of this :)23:30
phillwand even I do PEBKAC ... and have ohshitmoments ...23:30

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