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sethjI'm not quite sure if this is the right place to ask, but is it normal for xgettext and/or msgmerge to get a few things wrong? It decided there was already a translation for a string I just added to the program, which is obviously wrong..02:00
dobeysethj: what do you mean it decided there was already a translation?02:31
sethjdobey, probably not the best wording, but when I updated the template file and merged the po files, when I opened one it had put a translated string under some of the strings I had *just* added. I translated them in Google Translate and they (of course) didn't come out to what the original was (how could they..)02:33
sethjDoes that make more sense?02:33
dobeynot really. that sounds like you pulled in po files that already had a translation for that string02:34
dobeyxgettext/msgmerge don't magically translate strings, so if a translation exists in the po file, for a specific msgid, then it was already there in your po files, or in some po files you merged in02:36
sethjwell that couldn't have happened because this string hasn't been in the template until today..02:41
dobeywell, did you find the translation in the po file, or when you ran the program?02:42
dobeyif the latter, the string could also be used in a library that your program is using, and thus the translation is being loaded from that library's translation domain02:43
sethjI found it in the updated po file. I was examining it to make sure everything had worked ok. (first time dealing with internationalization, still figuring it out)02:43
dobeyok, i don't know how you updated the po file, but if it's there, then something you did added it. xgettext/msgmerge are fairly simple applications, and they don't go around translating strings for you02:44
dobeyanyway, must go. good luck02:46
sethjyeah, I knew it couldn't have translated it for me.. Thanks anyway dobey!02:47
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om26erappdevs how can I use a custom bottom edge hint ? I don't want an icon/text I want a draggable Triangle{} to reveal the bottom edge.14:35
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maxvanceffer_Hi to all19:12
maxvanceffer_i have a question according online account19:12
maxvanceffer_can somebody help me19:12
maxvanceffer_??? pleaseeee19:12
zezu_What's the best way to enumerate block devices for userland apps?   Is there an api or does one simple use *dev ie /dev/disks/by-uuid or w.e ?20:01
dobeyudisks? unless your app is a confined phone app or such20:09
zezu_yea i'm looking at udisks now, i see how it's used from udisksctl and i'm guessing from code it's used through dbus?20:14
MaxEdHello. I have a question about chroots, CMake and Ubuntu IDE. I want to use libpng (and other libs) in my application. First, is it proper to install needed packages inside chroot and link to them, or is there some other way?20:14
dobeyi don't know all the API. there might be a libudisks or something20:16
zezu_yes, there is a -dev package,  so i'm hoping that provides a direct api to it...   If not I may just parse /dev/disks after all.20:18
zezu_MaxEd, uhm does your application have something to do with chroots  or are you using a chroot for testing your app?20:18
MaxEdI'm using chroot for building my app for Ubuntu Touch.20:19
zezu_If I understand you correctly and you just need use of the libs,  you would just have the lib marked as a dependency20:19
zezu_so  that way if your app is installed from a package manager,  your dependency will automatically get installed as well.20:19
zezu_Well generally the chroot still won't have much to do with things like that,  and the best way is deff. though dependencies and the package manager...   you need the  lib -dev packages (to build) and the user will just need the lib packages20:21
MaxEdI'm not so sure, because libpng is not in standard installation of chroot, and I read somewhere that "anything not installed in chroot by default can disappear at any moment", but OK, this I'll have to try. Now, to my second question.20:21
MaxEdI've installed libpng-dev into source chroot via "click ... install". Now, when I run cmake via "click ... run cmake", cmake can find libpng and everything is OK. However, when I run CMake from Ubuntu IDE, it can't find libpng. I wonder what can cause this differency in beaviour?20:23
zezu_Well I don't know what ubuntu ide you're speaking of myself,  but a likely scenario is environment variables ...20:25
zezu_a lot of IDE's will read them when they load20:25
zezu_if you change something ( by installing the package or setting it up somehow ) while the IDE is open,  then it won't have those variables loaded20:25
zezu_try closing your IDE completely and reopening it and see if that changes anything20:25
MaxEdUbuntu IDE is a part of Ubuntu SDK and it's a fork of Qt Creator. I tried closing it, of course, but it did not help.20:26
zezu_or,  if you're working inside a chroot, even if the IDE knows to operate inside of that chroot'ed environment,  if the IDE is opened outside of the environment it won't have the same environment variables20:27
zezu_so you may have to feed it some preprocessor deffs manually,  its difficult to say,  your best bet would be a full log of the build and see why it fails and you should get some answers20:28
dobeyMaxEd: anything not installed in the development chroot is not an official part of the SDK20:28
dobeyMaxEd: which means, there are no api/abi guarantees for it20:28
zezu_It's usually easier to develop apps outside of the chroot and then add it to your chroot setup once you know it already builds properly20:29
dobeyzezu_: no; the chroot is how apps for the phone are compiled20:29
MaxEddobey, OK, but that does not answer the question - how do I use other libraries? Do I static-link them, do I supply dynamic libraries inside Click package (is it even possible?), or maybe I should not use them at all?20:29
dobeyMaxEd: either of those is doable20:30
dobeyas for the "difference in behavior" perhaps you installed in a different chroot than the sdk is using20:31
zezu_dobey,  that's the nice thing about using Qt and having a cross platform api though,  you can still handle most of your development outside depending on the application20:31
MaxEddobey, OK, thanks. Hm, schroot -l only gives me two chroots (soruce: and chroot: for the same arch/SDK). Should I look anywhere else?20:32
zezu_I don't know the details of course so it may not be applicable here,  but i know I develop plenty of apps for an ARM board on x64/linux and even on windows20:32
dobeyMaxEd: i don't know. you are trying to build allegro right?20:32
MaxEddobey, right20:32
dobeyzezu_: it has nothing to do with the architecture20:32
dobeyzezu_: it's about the supported SDK of the target platform20:33
zezu_dobey,  I know I was just pointing out for pure app development it's possible to do outside if he doesn't need platform specific code.20:34
dobeythe ubuntu phone doesn't use Xorg, or gtk+ for example, and things that are "easy to do" outside of the chroot may not be supported or valid when building for the ubuntu phone20:34
MaxEddobey, actually, I already built it and added support for Mir, but only the bare-bones version, without PNG or TTF support, which is what I'm trying to add now.20:34
MaxEdI wish I could at least get the command Ubuntu IDE runs, so I could reproduce it from console and see how it differs from what I'm doing when I run CMake myself...20:36
MaxEdI guess I can use strace to find it :)20:37
dobeyMaxEd: not sure what would be the best option here, exactly. since you're not just building an application but trying to create a version of allegro that developers can use on the phone, it makes some choices a little more difficult, since they'll have to pull in allegro and its dependencies both20:37
dobeyMaxEd: it should print it in one of the output tabs at the bottom of qtcreator20:37
dobeyMaxEd: or you can just go into the build dir and examine the cmake cache i guess20:37
MaxEddobey, should it? I think it only prints commands it runs when you build app, but "Run CMake" is a separate taks, and does not get logged. But I'll check it!20:38
dobeygood luck20:40
MaxEdThanks. Going to reboot to Ubuntu now :)20:40
MaxEdOh, one more question.20:40
MaxEdWhen I run SDK, it always asks me to update my chroot20:41
MaxEdThen it fails to install 2 packages (they are "held back"), and so the process repeats every time I start it.20:41
dobeywhat packages?20:41
MaxEdI've seen it reported as a bug, but it seems to be fixed now20:41
MaxEdlibpay2 and pay-service20:42
dobeyyes probably. sometimes apt doesn't quite behave as we expect it should and that will happen, but usually is fixed fairly quickly when it does20:42
dobeyyeah that should be fixed now. new version landed today20:43
MaxEdAh, yes I see it now.20:43
MaxEdOK, thanks everyone!20:43
zezu_https://igurublog.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/udisks2-another-loss-for-linux/  << wow,  i'm hoping this is just rant but seems kindof relevant...  perhaps only because I know little of linux development internals20:47

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