
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:21
ilhamihas OTA 10 been released by Canonical?05:28
lotuspsychje!touch | ilhami05:28
ubot5ilhami: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:28
ilhamiyeah I am banned in there05:28
lotuspsychjeilhami: #ubuntu-ops to discuss your ban05:30
ilhamihehehe no need to bother.. They have excluded me for lifetime05:31
lotuspsychjedax: Release highlights of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Final Beta include the latest, long-term supported Linux kernel 4.4.6, the ability to move the Unity Launcher to the bottom of the screen, though, the option remains hidden, for now.05:36
lotuspsychjedax: so !movelauncher still good to go :p05:36
lotuspsychjemorning baizon05:41
baizonhi hi lotuspsychje05:44
baizonbut why?06:48
baizonthe best place is on the left, why bottom?06:48
lotuspsychjebaizon: many users think otherwise06:48
lotuspsychjebaizon: when gnome on ubuntu switched to unity, alot of users wanted their icons still on bottom06:49
baizonto many windows and mac habits06:51
lotuspsychjedepends on the user really06:51
lotuspsychjealot of linux users dont use unity on left06:52
lotuspsychjebaizon: http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/customization/screenshots/nix/06:53
lotuspsychjeyou will see alot of docks to the bottom :p06:54
baizonyes, because they are mac os like :D06:55
baizonthats the only reason, and mac is very old :D06:56
lotuspsychjesome of them are inspired from mac indeed06:56
lotuspsychjebaizon: but im not sure the old gnome and kde are inspired from mac06:56
lotuspsychjelinux has a bit of own style i think06:56
lotuspsychjethe old gnome, we could drag n drop panels where we wanted right06:57
lotuspsychjealso left or right or ontop06:57
lotuspsychjei remember testing panels on all sides of the screen lol06:58
lotuspsychje4 panels and 4 workspaces06:59
BluesKajHiyas all12:16
ilhamiwhen will the new Ubuntu Touch phone be out in the stores?13:52
ilhamianyone who knows?13:52
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:09
lotuspsychjehi pauljw14:19
pauljwhi lotuspsychje, everyone14:19
nicomachuslotuspsychje: got that email last night. Exciting stuff.14:25

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