
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
ahoneybun!info installer03:34
ubot5Package installer does not exist in wily03:34
ahoneybunwhere do I report bugs about the installer slideshow?03:35
daxahoneybun: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-gnome04:46
daxor more generally, whichever of http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=wily&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=ubiquity-slideshow applies04:47
ahoneybundax, on the software page there is a grammar error04:48
ahoneybunSay Goodbye to searching the web for a software04:49
darkxstbut I don't think we can change it now, it will break translations05:58
darkxstactually no, slideshow is in: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-gnome05:59
darkxstsource is ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu06:00
darkxstbut really so much for their automated image testing!07:04
darkxstand upgrades from trusty are super broken07:06
MikerhinosI'm testing the new beta 16.04 and would like to give a look at Gnome 3.20, can I do it with a PPA ?12:35
=== mh` is now known as mh
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SusaNeedsABetter
=== SusaNeedsABetter is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== phil is now known as Guest54743
=== guillaum2 is now known as Pozzo
PozzoI'm very happy with this new ubuntu-gnome 16.04 :)21:39
PozzoI'm using it since some weeks and it's working like a charm21:39

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