infinity | stokachu: A nod, as in an expedited review? Not today. | 00:00 |
stokachu | infinity: still acceptable after final beta freeze? | 00:00 |
infinity | stokachu: Not even remotely acceptable, but I have a feeling someone's going to run off and get a sabdfl veto after I say that. | 00:01 |
infinity | stokachu: You could certainly save a round trip by getting one of those now. | 00:01 |
stokachu | infinity: i gotta be that guy :( | 00:01 |
infinity | stokachu: Not that this does *not* fit the existing juju SRU exception (which requires extensive migration testing and promises of both quality and stability), so a pretty darned good argument needs to be made for replacing a stable version with a beta that no one seems to trust enough to call final (and, indeed, people originally wanted to hide in universe due to said lack of trust). | 00:02 |
stokachu | infinity: ill just mention you said 'hello' | 00:04 |
infinity | *smirk* | 00:04 |
stokachu | maybe throw a <3 for good measure | 00:04 |
infinity | superm1: ^-- New myth builds. | 00:06 |
* flexiondotorg starts downloading mythbuntu i386 | 00:08 | |
flexiondotorg | Bear in mind I'm connected to the Internet via short wave radio so you lot may have downloaded and tested before I finish downloading. | 00:09 |
superm1 | infinity: kk ,zsyncing shortly | 00:10 |
wxl | flexiondotorg: AX.25? | 00:10 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: you can zsync an ubuntu one into a mythbuntu one | 00:10 |
superm1 | they're probably 25-35% the same? | 00:10 |
popey | that sounds like voodoo | 00:21 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, I did the zsync :-) | 00:24 |
superm1 | popey: it does, but it works | 00:24 |
superm1 | you can also zsync a 32 bit into a 64 bit | 00:24 |
superm1 | they're quite a bit less alike | 00:24 |
slangasek | I'm surprised to hear that does anything useful | 00:25 |
slangasek | does that work because zsync is ISO filesystem aware? | 00:25 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, What does success look like? | 00:28 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: first boot can't find a backend because it's not yet configured when you do a VM install | 00:28 |
superm1 | but you were able to install successfully | 00:29 |
superm1 | (in a VM setting up a backend isn't gonna happen) | 00:29 |
Ukikie | Speaking of zsync, might be useful to add that patch that uses libcurl as the backend, so it can handle https. | 00:30 |
flexiondotorg | What type of install should I do? | 00:30 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: default one is fine | 00:30 |
* flexiondotorg went with default all the way. | 00:31 | |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Is that Ubiquity or a forked Ubiquity? | 00:31 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: it's ubiquity with plugins | 00:31 |
flexiondotorg | Never knew that wa possible. | 00:31 |
superm1 | forking would be an unmaintanable mess | 00:31 |
flexiondotorg | I'll have to investigate plugins. | 00:31 |
flexiondotorg | Are the plugins separate from the Ubiquity package? | 00:32 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: yeah we keep ours as part of the 'mythbuntu-live-autostart' package | 00:32 |
superm1 | but other flavors have done it too | 00:33 |
flexiondotorg | Interesting. | 00:33 |
superm1 | edubuntu did i'm pretty sure | 00:33 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Install completed. | 00:34 |
flexiondotorg | Restarting. | 00:34 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Right I have a message saying it can't connect to master backend. | 00:35 |
flexiondotorg | Which you say is normal for a VM. | 00:35 |
flexiondotorg | What do I do know to determine "stuff" works? | 00:35 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: well that's better than what was going on before | 00:36 |
superm1 | my 64 bit in VM did just as well too now | 00:37 |
superm1 | without having/being able to set up a backend supported hardware you shouldn't really be able to do too much more interesting really | 00:37 |
flexiondotorg | OK, so the fact it installed is the important thing. | 00:38 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Smoke test complete then? | 00:38 |
superm1 | flexiondotorg: yeah i would say so | 00:38 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, ^^^ | 00:43 |
superm1 | yeah 64 bit smoke test looks good as well on my end | 00:46 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Better mark the ready because infinity has dinner plans or something :-) | 00:47 |
superm1 | thanks for the help flexiondotorg | 00:47 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, My pleasure, and as always, I learned something in the process. | 00:48 |
flexiondotorg | ;-) | 00:48 |
=== michihenning is now known as michi | ||
superm1 | flexiondotorg: if you've got interest in the plugins for ubiquity, come join #ubuntu-installer and you can ask questions | 00:49 |
infinity | slangasek: mdadm publishing to the release pocket now, will be respinning in 10m or so. | 00:49 |
flexiondotorg | superm1, Thanks. That is something I will absolutely be looking into for 16.10. | 00:51 |
=== michihenning is now known as michi | ||
slangasek | infinity: ok | 00:54 |
infinity | superm1: Going to mark some successful tests for those images and +1 them, then? | 01:04 |
superm1 | Yes | 01:04 |
infinity | \o/ | 01:04 |
wxl | we there yet? | 01:26 |
infinity | Nope. | 01:26 |
wxl | you sure we're going to release today? XD | 01:26 |
infinity | It'll happen tonight. Just lots of grinding going on on cdimage right now. | 01:26 |
wxl | ok, well i'm going to head home. i'll check back later on | 01:27 |
* infinity nods. | 01:27 | |
flexiondotorg | I'm sleeping on the sofa. Alarm set for 1 hour. | 01:27 |
* phillw to bed... take care, good people | 01:34 | |
rcj | slangasek, can you review ? | 01:36 |
rcj | blocking an image build here. | 01:36 |
stgraber | infinity: any reason why we can't drop the release block? | 01:36 |
slangasek | rcj: looking | 01:37 |
infinity | stgraber: Waiting until I smoketest a couple of the server ISOs. If they look healthy, I'll drop the block. | 01:37 |
stgraber | infinity: ok, cool | 01:37 |
* infinity twiddles his thumbs and watches some QI. | 01:38 | |
slangasek | rcj: merged. this touches the server seed, so I think requires a metapackage upload too? | 01:38 |
rcj | slangasek, oh, I'm not certain | 01:38 |
rcj | I will check | 01:39 |
slangasek | rcj: well, I guess it's not blocking your cloud image build, regardless | 01:39 |
infinity | It will need a new meta, yes. | 01:39 |
infinity | The old one was lacking the dep because the package didn't exist. | 01:39 |
slangasek | yes | 01:39 |
infinity | slangasek: You already regenerating, or shall I? | 01:40 |
slangasek | infinity: I'm on it | 01:40 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, Are you fmiliar with the podcast "There's no such thing as a fish?" | 01:42 |
rcj | slangasek, infinity: thanks | 01:44 |
infinity | Ohai. | 01:44 |
* infinity watches four copies of d-i race. | 01:49 | |
infinity | I wish we still had UDS, so I could take up an hour-long plenary slot to just yell "DEBDIFF BEFORE YOU UPLOAD" at the crowd over, and over, and over again. | 02:06 |
* flexiondotorg was woken by shouting | 02:09 | |
slangasek | oh if you insist | 02:09 |
slangasek | how about if I debdiff after reject? | 02:09 |
infinity | slangasek: Oh, that wasn't aimed at anyone in particular... | 02:09 |
infinity | *cough* | 02:09 |
slangasek | but those files were old and harmless | 02:10 |
slangasek | it said it in the name, see | 02:10 |
slangasek | (reuploaded) | 02:10 |
slangasek | infinity: and how's your Ballmer impression? | 02:10 |
infinity | slangasek: I don't pull off fat, out-of-touch rich dude very well. | 02:12 |
infinity | Mostly due to not being rich. | 02:12 |
infinity | slangasek: New server ISOs look good on the 4 arches I could test. | 02:13 |
slangasek | infinity: excellent | 02:14 |
infinity | Other than some nasty regression in either the ipr or ibm-vscsi driver... | 02:14 |
infinity | I've never had an x86 install beat ppc before. | 02:14 |
infinity | Feels weird. | 02:14 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, So are image being published now or is "other stuff" whirring? | 02:18 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: Working on publishing. | 02:19 |
stgraber | cyphermox: your no change rebuild looks like it contains a change :) ( | 02:29 |
infinity | stgraber: It's no change from a VCS perspective, I suspect. | 02:30 |
cyphermox | stgraber: there is no change; it always ends up rearranging this whenever you try to build that package | 02:31 |
stgraber | ok :) might be worth adding a |sort somewhere in there :) | 02:31 |
* flexiondotorg feeds the mice powering the publishing servers. | 02:40 | |
infinity | It's a lot of stuff to copy around and hash. | 02:41 |
flexiondotorg | :-) | 02:43 |
cyphermox | infinity: can I rebuild d-i for console-setup once it's done building or do you prefer to take care of it if there's some other stuff that needs to change in d-i? | 02:59 |
infinity | cyphermox: There'll be an ABI bump copied into proposed shortly, I'll catch it with that. | 03:00 |
cyphermox | ack | 03:00 |
cyphermox | that's why I was asking | 03:00 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, How are things progressing? Rough ETA? | 03:08 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: Pushing to mirrors. | 03:09 |
infinity | ETA is... When that's done. | 03:09 |
flexiondotorg | Pushing images or archive? | 03:09 |
infinity | images to cdimage frontends. | 03:10 |
flexiondotorg | Just interested in how the process works. | 03:10 |
flexiondotorg | And they are all cloudfront? | 03:10 |
infinity | Basically, we build the full tree on the master cdimage machine to look how we want it, then push to mirrors. | 03:10 |
infinity | No cloudfront for beta. | 03:10 |
flexiondotorg | How many mirrors approx? | 03:11 |
infinity | 4 or 5 cdimage frontends, hundreds of releases mirrors. | 03:12 |
flexiondotorg | OK. And the cdimage frontends only reflect the change when the mirrors have the new stuff? | 03:12 |
infinity | cdimage frontends ==, releases mirrors == mirrors of all over the world. | 03:13 |
infinity | The latter don't matter deeply for this exercise (they matter a lot for final release). | 03:14 |
infinity | But yes, we're waiting for the cdimage frontends to reflect the massive amount of data I just tried to jam at all of them. :P | 03:14 |
flexiondotorg | :-) | 03:14 |
flexiondotorg | Is this self hosted servers or cloud providers? | 03:15 |
stgraber | cdimage.u.c is hosted by Canonical, releases.u.c is hosted by Canonical but also has a bunch of community supported mirrors (universities, ISPs, ...) and then there's cloudfront in front of releases.u.c at release time | 03:17 |
flexiondotorg | stgraber, Thanks. | 03:18 |
flexiondotorg | My day job is large scale server infrastructure. Hence my curiosity. | 03:18 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: These servers are impressive at a hardware level, but the actual mirroring infrastructure is simple as can be. Just ssh triggers and rsync. | 03:22 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, You using the AES-NI accelerated ciphers for rsync/ssh? | 03:24 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: No, rsync isn't over ssh. | 03:24 |
flexiondotorg | OK | 03:24 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: The ssh trigger goes downstream, then the mirror responds by rsyncing plain from the master. | 03:25 |
flexiondotorg | Right. | 03:25 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: Since the archives and ISO bits are all signed (and all public), there's no need to slow it down over ssh. | 03:25 |
flexiondotorg | Quite. | 03:25 |
infinity | The process pretty much just saturates poor nusakan's (cdimage-master) single GigE link out while pushing to mirrors. | 03:27 |
infinity | Perhaps that machine could do with a 10G link, but we're not usually in a hurry to push. :P | 03:27 |
infinity | (And I'm not sure nusakan's disks could put a dent in a 10G link anyway) | 03:27 |
flexiondotorg | Yeah, more cost effective to LACP multiple GigE. | 03:28 |
flexiondotorg | We've looking a quad channel NVME for some server at work. For that, 10G makes more sense. | 03:29 |
cyphermox | flexiondotorg: fwiw, mate was just as affected by the keyboard issue as other releases (thankfully, otherwise it'd be even more complicated to debug) | 03:31 |
flexiondotorg | cyphermox, OK. Maybe I didn't understand how to reproduce the issue. | 03:32 |
cyphermox | oh, I should rebuild ubiquity too for the new console-setup. it's unlikely to change much, but at least that won't be an issue anymore -- easier to test | 03:33 |
infinity | Oh, FFS, no one made the XenialUpgrades page yet. | 03:38 |
infinity | cyphermox: Want to do me a favour and copy to with tweaks? | 03:39 |
cyphermox | sure | 03:39 |
cyphermox | infinity: done: | 03:48 |
cyphermox | UpgradeNotes will still need a'fixin, though | 03:48 |
infinity | Man, this mirror push is taking longer than I'd hoped. | 03:49 |
cyphermox | ^ only the rebuild for console-setup, that way monday I can hit the ground running, finish debugging console-setup-in-ubiquity, and hopefully fix the oem stuff that is broken, and things will start to be prettier | 03:54 |
cyphermox | oh, oops, wrong bug tags | 04:04 |
cyphermox | infinity: ^ feel free to reject tpm2-tss. | 04:04 |
cyphermox | or not, since there is no bug to close on the ubuntu side right now | 04:04 |
infinity | cyphermox: Too late. | 04:05 |
cyphermox | meh | 04:05 |
cyphermox | infinity: for the FFE I talked about earlier. | 04:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1561834 in Ubuntu "[FFE] [needs-packaging] tpm2-tss and tpm2-tools" [Undecided,New] | 04:10 |
infinity | stgraber: Is that lxd->Breaks: lxc a file takeover? | 04:10 |
stgraber | infinity: yup | 04:10 |
infinity | stgraber: Then you're missing a Replaces. | 04:10 |
stgraber | infinity: doh | 04:11 |
stgraber | infinity: reject and I'll re-upload with the missing replaces | 04:11 |
infinity | stgraber: Done. | 04:11 |
cyphermox | infinity: updated your stock Reject messages? | 04:12 |
cyphermox | Derpy McDerpface ;) | 04:12 |
infinity | It was about time. | 04:13 |
infinity | And I was inspired by Boaty McBoatface. | 04:13 |
cyphermox | what's that? | 04:13 |
stgraber | really? | 04:13 |
infinity | The best thing that's happened this year, that's what. | 04:13 |
stgraber | infinity: hasn't quite happened yet, but I'm hopeful :) | 04:14 |
infinity | cyphermox: | 04:14 |
cyphermox | hell yes! | 04:14 |
infinity | stgraber: Yeah, they'd better go through with it. It's too good not to. | 04:14 |
cyphermox | stgraber: wanna review my FFE? :D | 04:16 |
* stgraber is looking forward to his second vdsl line next week, 10Mbit upload is starting to feel a bit slow... | 04:16 | |
stgraber | cyphermox: for what package? | 04:16 |
cyphermox | tpm2-t{ools,ss} | 04:17 |
stgraber | cyphermox: sure | 04:17 |
cyphermox | new package | 04:17 |
stgraber | infinity: ^ new lxd, this one should suck a bit less | 04:17 |
infinity | stgraber: Sucking less is a good goal. | 04:17 |
stgraber | cyphermox: link? | 04:18 |
cyphermox | | 04:18 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1561834 in Ubuntu "[FFE] [needs-packaging] tpm2-tss and tpm2-tools" [Undecided,New] | 04:18 |
infinity | stgraber: Changelog says "start lxd.service after lxc-net.service", service file says "after lxc.server". Which one's wrong? | 04:20 |
cyphermox | I wonder if the build logs go to /dev/null if I delete the PPA | 04:20 |
stgraber | infinity: ah yeah, I was lazy there :) I have a massive packaging patchset in git that's stacked over that upload which does change it from lxc.service to lxc-net.service and since both will technically work I didn't want to have to deal with the rebase :) | 04:21 |
stgraber | infinity: I'm happy to re-upload and deal with the rebase but both names will work and the next upload will switch it to lxc-net.service (which is a bit more right but effectively the same as far as timing goes) | 04:22 |
infinity | stgraber: Kay. Just tell me this works as written, then. :P | 04:22 |
stgraber | works fine | 04:22 |
infinity | Check. | 04:22 |
stgraber | yay, a bit less fighting with git dpm for me :) | 04:23 |
stgraber | infinity: hmm, so I thought we said you didn't need a FFe for new packages, did that change or is cyphermox just not aware? | 04:24 |
stgraber | unseeded package that is | 04:24 |
cyphermox | I was not aware, I just checked the wiki | 04:24 |
stgraber | I think for a while we've applied the "adding stuff to the archive isn't causing a feature change" rule, but adding stuff late may not make it due to lack of time on the archive admin team (due to overlap with the release team) | 04:25 |
cyphermox | right | 04:25 |
cyphermox | well I obviously couldn't help anyway, can't review my own package | 04:26 |
infinity | Whoo, the rsyncs finally finished. | 04:36 |
infinity | Man, what a long day. | 04:37 |
infinity | slangasek: You around to moderate? | 04:38 |
slangasek | infinity: yes | 04:38 |
infinity | Then mail sent. | 04:38 |
infinity | flexiondotorg: Since you seem to be staying up out of some odd sense of self-loathing, it's released! | 04:39 |
* Kamilion sets loose the dogs of torrent | 04:39 | |
slangasek | infinity: rejecting, s/Utopic/Xenial/ please | 04:40 |
infinity | slangasek: err, srsly? | 04:40 |
slangasek | either that or s/Utopic/Ubuntu/, not sure which you meant :) | 04:40 |
infinity | Hah. No, that was probably a stray utopic. I guess. Or maybe I can't type Ubuntu. I have no idea. | 04:41 |
infinity | I really like unicorns? | 04:41 |
* tsimonq2 pats infinity on the back for using the oxford comma :D | 04:44 | |
infinity | slangasek: Try again? | 04:44 |
slangasek | "Xutopic Xerus"? | 04:46 |
slangasek | (kidding) | 04:46 |
infinity | *glare* | 04:46 |
slangasek | approved | 04:46 |
* infinity turns dailies back on before he long weekends. | 04:47 | |
* Kamilion races to beat the http crowd for the i386 image... already seeding the amd64. | 04:54 | |
infinity | slangasek: So, the best part about that is that was a copy/paste from Wily Final Beta. | 05:01 |
stgraber | :) | 05:01 |
infinity | slangasek: Including the Utopic string. :P | 05:01 |
stgraber | ^ that's the lxdbr0 thing I mentioned earlier, well, stage 1 of that (all the scripts but not switching everyone over yet) | 05:03 |
stgraber | I tested it with a clean package install on xenial and on upgrade on xenial (to make sure it didn't switch over to the new bridge when it doesn't have to). Then did the same on trusty to test upstart as we upload all our xenial packages to trusty-backports too. | 05:04 |
infinity | stgraber: Too tired and headachey to review that, I'll grab it tomorrow if no one else does. | 05:04 |
* infinity closes the laptop and walks off. | 05:05 | |
stgraber | infinity: fair enough, I'm EODing now too. Working tomorrow and Monday though so I'll try to keep the queue kinda reasonable given that I expect a lot of folks to be out at least one of the two days. | 05:05 |
* infinity opens the laptop again when he remembers it's his DLNA server, but vows to ignore IRC. :P | 05:06 | |
stgraber | :) | 05:06 |
willcooke | I'm only seeing Server downloads, no Desktop images at all here: | 07:55 |
willcooke | also this picture 404s: | 07:56 |
willcooke | is this just a wait-for-it-to-sync issue? | 07:56 |
lotuspsychje | willcooke: | 07:56 |
willcooke | superm1, if you have release notes for Mythbuntu could you add a link here: | 09:01 |
stokachu | stgraber: fix the changelog | 11:30 |
stokachu | fixed* | 11:30 |
=== clivejo_ is now known as clivejo | ||
bladernr | Hey gang, just a quick question, is the beta announced last night the "final beta" or do you think there will be one more before RC? | 14:26 |
krytarik | bladernr: You mean like Beta 3? :P Nope. | 14:28 |
lotuspsychje | bladernr: rc wont be published, now its waiting until final | 14:28 |
bladernr | krytarik: lotuspsychje thanks. That's exactly what I needed to know :) | 14:29 |
sil2100 | o/ | 15:13 |
lotuspsychje | hey guys | 15:14 |
sil2100 | Hello release team! We would like to poke about accepting the recent qtmultimedia upload - it's basically just a no-change rebuild as part of a ubuntu-touch landing | 15:14 |
sil2100 | (no-op really) | 15:14 |
lotuspsychje | anyone know why the repos still have bumblebee, as we nog have nvidia-prime? | 15:14 |
lotuspsychje | *now | 15:14 |
jhodapp | anyone around that can accept qtmultimedia quickly as it's blocking a critical landing for ubuntu touch? (same as sil2100's request) | 15:52 |
stgraber | coreycb: do you have a FFe for python-pycadf, python-pyeclib and stevedore? they all seem to be major upstream releases that are only in experimental | 17:48 |
infinity | stgraber: Hey, if you want me to review that lxd, can I trade you for the cloud-init upload that makes my eyes bleed? :) | 19:43 |
stgraber | infinity: sure | 19:45 |
kenvandine | can someone please accept qtmultimedia ? | 19:46 |
infinity | kenvandine: Done 5 minutes before you asked, according to the bot. | 20:01 |
infinity | (You're welcome) | 20:01 |
kenvandine | infinity, thanks! | 20:01 |
kenvandine | i hadn't seen it from the bot and unity took a dive right after i asked :/ | 20:02 |
* infinity goes back to long weekending for a while. | 20:02 | |
kenvandine | infinity, enjoy! | 20:02 |
jderose | tjaalton: fyi, i got caught up putting out other fires for now, so it's going to be a bit till i can bisect xorg-server. so hopefully in the mean time you might feel that's a super fun thing to do :P | 20:06 |
stgraber | that cloud-init diff looked way scarier until I noticed that 80% of it was due to a svg file being removed :) | 20:20 |
flexiondotorg | infinity, Thanks for your help yesterday. | 21:13 |
flexiondotorg | Sorry I dropped off abruptly but it was 4am for me. I needed sleep. | 21:13 |
stgraber | infinity: have you been looking at lxd? | 21:41 |
tsimonq2 | Fixed the FTBFS with libquvi in main, figuring out how to upload it and get it sponsored now, but works in my local schroot/sbuild setup. | 22:02 |
tsimonq2 | nvm, build error this time :/ | 22:03 |
tsimonq2 | the underlying problem is that libquvi-scripts is in proposed, and my sbuild doesn't want to grab that from proposed although it takes other packages from proposed... is the build log | 22:47 |
tsimonq2 | !info libquvi-scripts | 22:47 |
ubot5 | libquvi-scripts (source: libquvi-scripts): library for parsing video download links (Lua scripts). In component main, is extra. Version 0.4.21-2 (wily), package size 31 kB, installed size 253 kB | 22:47 |
tsimonq2 | !info libquvi-scripts xenial | 22:47 |
ubot5 | libquvi-scripts (source: libquvi-scripts): library for parsing video download links (Lua scripts). In component main, is extra. Version 0.4.21-2 (xenial), package size 31 kB, installed size 253 kB | 22:47 |
tsimonq2 | !info libquvi-scripts xenial-proposed | 22:47 |
ubot5 | Package libquvi-scripts does not exist in xenial-proposed | 22:47 |
tsimonq2 | that's weird... 0.9.20131130-1.1 is the version in proposed... | 22:48 |
tsimonq2 | *that* might be the problem... | 22:49 |
tsimonq2 | for reference | 22:50 |
tsimonq2 | any help is appreciated :) | 22:53 |
tsimonq2 | !info libquvi-scripts-0.9 xenial-proposed | 22:57 |
ubot5 | libquvi-scripts-0.9 (source: libquvi-scripts): library for parsing video download links (Lua scripts). In component main, is extra. Version 0.9.20131130-1.1 (xenial-proposed), package size 43 kB, installed size 266 kB | 22:57 |
tsimonq2 | aha | 22:57 |
tsimonq2 | bug 1547395 is the culprit. libquvi trys to install libquvi-scripts-0.9, which has that error. I thought the fix would be to change the dependency to libquvi-scripts, but that's the version in release, so that wouldn't have worked...and this is why you always read the bugs on the FTBFS tracker! I just looked and the bug is listed there... | 23:02 |
ubot5 | bug 1547395 in luasocket (Ubuntu) "MIR: new dependencies for libquvi-scripts / libquvi" [Undecided,New] | 23:02 |
tsimonq2 | sorry for wasting your time :) | 23:02 |
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