
bittini ended up on the new FreeBSD Foundation website: https://www.freebsdfoundation.org/what-we-do/grants/ o:01:16
daftykinsbittin: why are you cross posting that?01:39
daftykinsit's not really welcome behaviour.01:39
m0nkey_you're going to hate me02:58
m0nkey_i like freebsd02:58
daftykinsi just saw it in another channel, normally it's trolls that attack the same set of channels at once02:58
ali1234daftykins: why are trolls posting a boring website? was it defaced earlier or something?05:16
LibreSpongeMorning all https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/25566396561/in/photostream/08:08
LibreSpongeHappy Good Friday :) https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays08:09
LibreSpongeknightwise: Hey About being Scarey yesterday :) ....08:15
LibreSpongeknightwise: My name isn't Wayne's (World) !08:16
LibreSpongeTake a chill pill .. http://www.u2.com/media/player/112/508:17
LibreSponge"1% of the world is enough to change the world" https://twitter.com/buzzgen/status/70328147756845056009:45
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:48
=== Xack is now known as CaveJohnson
knightwisehey brobostigon12:23
brobostigonhi knightwise12:24
knightwiseGrr .. need to figure out to sync a folder from my raspberry pi across to my other machines12:24
knightwisedropbox doesnt seem to want to coƶperate12:24
zmoylan-pirasp pi doesn't do dropbox properly, does it?12:27
knightwisezmoylan-pi: no :(12:34
knightwiseI was thinking of installing podget on the rasp and then syncing over the downloaded files to my different machines12:35
TwistedLucidityknightwise: ownCloud, sugarsync...rsync madness?12:37
zmoylan-piyou'd think by now someone would have made a rasp pi client...12:37
knightwiseplain Rsync might do the trick12:37
TwistedLucidityAs long as it's one-way; probably easiest12:39
knightwiseok , so i'm running nautilus and  mount a folder on my pi over ssh12:40
knightwiseit turns up on the nautilus app .. but how do i access this folder from the command line ?12:40
knightwiseits not mounted in /media/12:40
zmoylan-pidoes nautilus not show a url indicating it's mount?12:42
penguin42oh it's probably fuse mounted somewhere; or possibly entirely userspace with nothing through the kernel12:42
knightwisegotit !12:42
knightwisei can just rightclick the folder and choose 'open in terminal'12:43
zmoylan-piand if you use pwd what does it say?12:43
knightwiserun/user .. etc etc12:44
knightwisecant copy paste it , opened it up in a vm , sorry12:44
penguin42is it something like /home/knightwise/.gnome/magicgump/stuff/mount ?12:45
knightwiseit also has the sftp link in there and stuff.13:11
knightwiseok ,13:29
loptaDo Dell in the UK sell laptops with Ubuntu on them?13:30
zmoylan-piyes, you just have to find them13:31
loptaI'm in the U.S. and noticed today that they're prominent on the Dell Website here.13:32
loptaLooks as though they have four models, mostly high-end.13:32
loptaSorry, five models.13:35
knightwiselopta: i have dell xps13 , bought it in Belgium.13:37
loptaI thought that was nice, anyway.13:49
TwistedLucidityYeah, better than where they used to hide them. I think they might still be treated like a leper in the UK though. Dunno. I treat Dell like a leper!13:55
diddledanTwistedLucidity: you mean you take them into your home and care for their affliction like the charitable person you are?17:16
diddledanTwistedLucidity: or do you mean you stick your middle finger up at them and pretend they don't exist?17:17
diddledansomeone's honking17:18
diddledanlord, were you there, were you there.17:19
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: I meant in the sense of "I avoid them"17:19
TwistedLucidityWhich I believe is the typical meaning when "such-and-such is treated like a leper"17:20
TwistedLucidityMaybe I'm wrong17:20
diddledanyeah, most people hide lepers away but the kind care for them :-p17:20
zmoylan-pias long as they print ascii character 7 every few seconds i don't mind them...17:21
* diddledan wanders-off to find an ascii card17:22
diddledanaha, bell17:22
=== CaveJohnson is now known as Xack
knightwiseha !17:38
knightwiseSetup podget on my Raspberry pi to download my daily dose of podcasts.17:38
knightwiseThat way i can stream them off there from anywhere I want :)17:39
mapppsnew crminal minds series isnt horrible19:02
mapppsbeyond borders19:02
daftykinstime for an outdoor hobby mappps ;)19:03
daftykinsspeaking of - had the maiden voyage of my clients' DJI drone today19:04
zmoylan-piit sank?19:04
mapppsi try paddle and im hopeless daftykins19:07
daftykinslike a canoe or kayak?19:07
knightwiseserversalive is a great app on the ipad19:27
knightwisessh into pi, run irssi from there19:27
daftykinsso it's just an SSH client?19:30
knightwisemy pi ?19:33
knightwisedoes podcasts, rss feed etcetc19:34
zmoylan-piit's your sidekick, your igor...19:34
daftykinsno the serversalive app19:34
daftykinson android i use JuiceSSH19:35
knightwisealways funny to see the cheapest computer in the house gets the most action19:35
knightwiseserversalive is a general ssh client19:35
daftykinsjust shows you're doing the wrong things with the rest! ;)19:35
zmoylan-piyou can leave the pi on 24x7 and not worry about leccy bill or it over heating19:35
knightwisei just love using command line apps because they are pretty distraction free19:36
knightwisezmoylan-pi: indeed19:36
knightwiseits been up for almost 90days now19:37
penguin42doesn't worry about his low power x86 either, it's still more than a Pi, but at about 25w it's still only a few pence a day19:37
zmoylan-pimine averages 6 months between various reboots19:37
penguin42and that's not a really low power build19:37
knightwisealso have a reddit client , word prosessor , rss reader, youtube downloader ...19:38
zmoylan-pimine runs on a phone charger :-)19:38
knightwiseso does mine19:38
knightwisegotta go . tme for netflix and chill19:38
zmoylan-pinewsbeuter for rss, irssi for irc, tmux to run both on screen at same time.  ttytter for twitter i use sometimes...19:38
daftykinsi'm typing to you now from an SSH session into a VM running irssi, it's not on a Pi though ;)19:38
daftykinsCLI is indeed ace19:39
mapppsdaftykins,  noo paddle tennis20:04
mapppsplayed in spain and south america and in gib20:05
daftykinsis that the same as table tennis?20:11

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