
dlPhreakGood morning06:42
jan__Hi Kilos 07:07
Kiloshi jan__ 07:08
Kilosyou not watching rugby07:08
Kilosok dankie en daar07:09
jan__no whos playing?07:09
jan__ok dankie07:09
Kiloskings and brumbies i think07:09
jan__foregone conclusion07:09
jan__bad news here07:10
jan__fresh install same result07:10
Kilosuh oh07:10
Kiloshave you cleaned the thing07:10
Kiloshave you pulled out ram cards and reaseated them07:11
Kilosand blown away all dust on motherboard and cpu fan and heatsink07:12
jan__Yes done all that. It runs beautiful until I do something on the task bar, which is set to hide. Then it creates tails behind drag and drops and the taskbar freezes with mirrored duplicates07:12
jan__If I click on an app it does not open, seems to try and then freezes and you see spots where the cursor moves07:16
jan__Wonder if its not a graphics problem?07:16
jan__Browser opens fine...07:17
Kilostry without graphics card in07:17
Kilosuse onboard graphics07:17
Kilosfirst try isolate the problem hardware07:18
jan__Dont know if I have graphics card or just onboard graphics07:19
jan__You think its hardware prob?07:20
Kilostype in07:20
Kilosor look where monitor cable goes in07:20
Kilosoh and07:20
jan__It gives output but warns I must run as super user07:21
Kiloswas the prob the same after install or only after you put backup /home in07:21
Kilosdo sudo lshw then07:21
jan__I didn't do much before putting home in so dont really know07:22
jan__sudo lshw07:22
Kilosinstall again but leave home backup07:22
Kilosthat will see if it not perhaps something wrong in your  /home07:23
jan__ok theres a big output, what do you need?07:23
Kiloslook for grapics card07:23
Kiloslook where monitor plugs in at the back07:24
bushtechdo an update/upgrade straight after install07:24
bushtechmaybe something missing software wise07:24
Kilosif next to audio sockets then  onboard07:24
jan__its away from audio sockets07:25
Kiloslike by the othe large pci slots07:25
Kilossee if there is a card you can remove07:26
bushtechwhat type of graphics card?07:26
jan__will have to open up to see on hardware? 07:26
jan__hi bushtech 07:27
jan__thanks for helping07:27
jan__sorry we have guests, will have to chat later guys07:27
bushtechHi  jan kilos07:28
Kiloshi bushtech 07:30
bushtechjan_  dont have to open box. lspci | grep VGA in terminal will tell you07:30
Kilosif its not an intel card they messd up yesterday doing intel drivers07:36
Kiloswell have to get back to that when guests leave07:39
jan__00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)09:43
jan__hi Kilos 09:45
jan__sorry about that09:46
jan__and bushtech 09:47
jan__Did you see graphics? It's Intel09:48
Kilosso the plugin graphics card is also intel?09:48
jan__Dunno, is that what showed with lspci?09:49
Kilosi would reinstall and run without putting you /home backup there09:49
jan__Motherboard is Asus09:49
Kilosmaybe something in the backup is corrupt09:49
jan__Ok then how do I find out where and what is corrupt in backup?09:49
Kilosit was working before09:50
Kilosthats the tricky part09:50
jan__It was perfect for a long time, suddenly but perhaps I shouls start by not reinstalling that app that deleted the duplicates09:50
Kilosrun apt-get update and apt-get upgrade on new install and see if the problem is still there09:50
jan__thge day after I did it the prob started09:51
jan__Running that now, 5 minutes to go09:51
jan__Sorry, 8 mins09:51
jan__now its 5 mins, depends on download speed09:52
Kilosyes and what size package its downloading09:53
jan__Ja but varying time is due to speed09:53
jan__Interesting, I searched for best mirror and Zimbabwe came up09:54
Kilosthey been working09:54
jan__Maybe their Scottish president woke them up10:01
jan__Robbie Mc Gabe10:02
Kilossee that 5 mins was for a certain package10:03
Kilosnot for the whole job10:03
jan__Some heavy upgrades, hope it helps10:03
jan__Today is main day in Christian calendar10:04
Kilosif it works fine then you just need to see what is important in the backups10:04
jan__You mean if I reinstall? 10:05
Kiloswe need to isolate what is causing the problem10:06
jan__Will have to do them one by one10:06
jan__so you feel its a software prob?10:06
Kilosi have an old pc that the inboard graphis is stuffed but works well with and nvidia card in10:07
Kilosim hoping10:07
Kilossoftware is easier to replace10:07
Kilosand cheaper10:08
jan__But will have to shop for a new dvd drive10:08
Kilosgraphics cards are expensive10:08
Kilosthey not too expensive iirc10:09
Kilosunder R20010:09
Kilosgraphics are big bucks10:09
jan__Do I need extra graphics card 10:09
Kiloslets see what happens first with clean install 10:10
Kilosonly if onboard one packs up10:10
jan__Ok but what is purpose of graphics card if there is one in the box/10:10
Kilosonly serious gaming needs fancy graphics cards10:11
jan__Thats what I mean, I dont do gaming10:11
jan__What's whoopsie? whoopsie ( over (
jan__Funny names...10:13
jan__My Thunderbird folder is 4,1 Gb, could that be a problem?10:15
jan__also running dist-upgrade, another big run...10:21
jan__I'm now beginning to wonder if prob was not with mirror, it was messing around with updates for a few days prior to problems10:22
Kilosno tb should be ok10:23
Kilosmaybe that too10:24
Kilosis it running fine now10:24
jan__It looks fine but I dont want to do much before updates are complete and restart10:25
Kilosdo nothing till rebooted10:25
jan__Thats the best command you can give to any African10:26
jan__In Adfrikaans: sit op jou gat tot iemand jou skop10:27
jan__Why did my irc pick me up as jan_ and not Langjan?10:28
Kiloswhen you changed to the pc you were working on10:29
Kilos do /nick Langjan10:29
jan__Its the same one, just new install 10:29
Kiloshere no in terminal10:29
=== jan__ is now known as Langjan
Kilosthats better10:30
LangjanYou wizard Kilos 10:30
Kiloswhich pc you here with10:30
Kilosyour laptp10:30
Langjanthe problem one10:30
Kilosoh thats why10:30
Langjanok updates complete let me reboot, see you netnou10:31
Kilosif the prob is in the backups then dont use them on the lappy10:32
=== jan is now known as Langjan
LangjanNo luck, the moment I try to open Thunderbird it does the same10:37
LangjanOr the other apps, it shows they are open but they dont show up on the screen10:38
Langjanyou there Kilos ?10:38
LangjanLet me do reinstall then try without Home10:39
Kiloshyere sorry10:40
Kiloslemme catch up10:41
Kilosoh my10:41
KilosLangjan you gonna clean install?10:42
LangjanAll the icons work if I open them its only Thunderbird that messes up  10:42
Kilosoh my10:42
Kilosso maybe tbird is sick10:43
Kilosyou wanna try fix or go clean install route10:43
LangjanThunderbird seems to open but hides behind somewhere and is not visible10:44
Kilostry delete .thundebird10:44
LangjanLet me delete tbird folder and see what happens 10:44
Langjanyes 10:44
Kilosthen install synaptic10:45
Kilossudo apt-get install aptitude10:45
Kilosthen sudo aptitude reinstall thunderbird10:46
Langjanmust I uninstal it first?10:46
Kilosthat will make a new tb file10:46
Kilosok sudo aptitude remove thinderbird10:47
LangjanWell if I open it now it will make a new tb file anyway10:47
Kilosor even sudo aptitude purge thunderbirb10:47
Kiloswhew head thumping and typos flowing10:48
Kiloskeep me informed of what you are doing otherwise i get lost10:50
LangjanNow tbird is opening and closing fine, looks like tbird folder is problem10:52
Kiloscheck all the others10:52
Langjanwell I'm not cheering, will be lost without my tbird folder10:53
Kilosand add your tb stuff manually10:53
Kilosleave that backup .thunderbird10:53
Langjanadd manually, how?10:53
Kilosadd acoounts and contacts etc10:53
Kilosnew tbird has no accounts right10:54
Kilosso enter them manually10:54
Kiloson the right there is an icon with many lines showing10:55
Langjanyou mean start anew? What about all my mail and address books?10:55
Kilostb menu10:55
Kilosdont you have that on the laptop?10:56
Kilosyou can copy .thunderbird from the lappy to this pc10:56
* Cryterion walks in, farts and then leaves10:56
Kiloshi Cryterion 10:56
* Kilos sprays air freshener10:57
Cryterionhi guys10:57
Kilosyou need to sort out your diet10:57
LangjanI also have it all on my ext hard drive where I copied it from this morning10:57
Kilostry copy the one on lappy10:57
Kilosforget ext. thats where you got last one10:58
LangjanOK let me try but its basically the same folder...10:58
Kiloswe think so yes but something in there is causing porbs10:59
LangjanKilos, these .files in Home that are uncoloured, like .bash_history, /home/jan/.xsession-errors etc  - do they do anything?11:06
Kilosthats all your settings and info11:07
Kilosthe clever guys will know more11:07
Kilosmessing with .files is tricky11:08
Kilospro renames them before doing anything there11:08
Langjanok pase is running 4 GB of mails into Home11:09
Kiloslets hope11:09
Langjanyes hhere's hoping...11:09
Langjan2 minutes left11:10
Kilosthe pc going slow like that was because tb was looking for something it couldnt find or work out11:10
Kilosi didnt know it was such a resource hog11:10
Langjan5,4 GB11:11
Kiloswhew you got lots hey11:11
LangjanYes the Limpopo Bowls thing is half of it11:12
Kilosmine is 169 meg11:12
LangjanBaby! Ok tbird is up and running, so seems it was a folder prob11:15
LangjanHey what'll I do without you11:15
Kilosdont use it again'11:15
LangjanLucky the 'net gets to Oz11:16
Kilosim happy prob is sorted11:16
LangjanAmazing how it can hide, but I should have followed the clues which seemed to point to tbirdv11:17
Kilosyeah something was corrupt in there11:17
Kilosi go eat now ok?11:17
Kilosjust call if you need me11:18
Kilosi should hear it from kitchen11:18
=== jan is now known as Guest36374
jan__Kilos, now my irc is messing around11:20
jan__eet lekker, chat later11:21
LangjanHi Kilos all is fine, gonna watch the cricket now13:29
LangjanLekker aand en paasnaweek vir jou, hoop daar is goeie nuus volgende week oor jou visum13:30
Kilosslept the whole afternoon away16:03
Kilosdid you see what is was bushtech ?16:03
Kilossomething in the .thunderbird folder16:04
Kiloswould be interesting to know what though. virus or bad script maybe?16:05
Kilosevening superfly inetpro and other peeps as well16:08
superflyhi Kilos16:08
superfly[15:29:58] <Langjan> Hi Kilos all is fine, gonna watch the cricket now16:08
superfly[15:30:45] <Langjan> Lekker aand en paasnaweek vir jou, hoop daar is goeie nuus volgende week oor jou visum16:08
squish102hmmm hortonworks or cloudera.... that is the question16:09
Kilosyeah ty superfly , i crashed16:09
superflyKilos: wish I could do that16:10
Kilosai! kids keep you busy hey16:10
Kilosand all the work16:10
Kilosneed to take a break from extra stuff after debconf16:11
pavlushkaHello every one!16:14
pavlushkaKilos, o/16:15
Kiloshi pavlushka 16:18
pavlushkaকেমন আছেন কিলোস? Kilos, How are you?16:19
Kilosbad head day, slept all afternoon16:19
Kiloshow are you?16:20
Kilosand looks like west indies are going to give us a hiding16:20
pavlushkaI feared so by missing a guest in our channel.16:20
pavlushkaI am fine!16:21
Kilosi closed nearly all channels so things were quiet here16:21
Kilosill be back tomorrow16:21
Kilosemail me a good curry16:21
pavlushkayou are welcome anytime!16:21
pavlushkaand sure, I'll try, lol16:22
pavlushkaso you do watch cricket!16:25
Kilosyes when nothing better to do16:25
Kilosand T20 is quick with lots of action16:25
pavlushkahaving some problem with irc, trying to reconnect, be back16:28
pavlushkaits a test "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"16:30
pavlushkamy last two characters getting truncated in every post here16:31
Kiloshi wolf16:55
Kiloseys as well16:55
KilosWolfeyes 16:55
Wolfeyeshey Kilos16:58
Wolfeyesor is that- hey ki16:59
Wolfeyeslos as well :-P16:59
Kilospavlushka look at running mtr and see if it helps keep you connected17:01
Kilosi go eat17:01
pavlushkasure, have a fantastic meal!17:01
Kilos9 off 5 balls17:28
Kilos3 off 417:28
Kiloswe lose17:33
KilosMaaz coffee on18:00
* Maaz flips the salt-timer18:00
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:04
KilosMaaz ty18:14
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:14
inetprogood mornings18:47
Kiloshi inetpro 18:56
superflymorning inetpro!19:07
pavlushkaany one there!!!!19:10
inetprohow are the boys?19:10
pavlushkaI guess my posting problem has been solved!19:12
pavlushkainetpro, boys are good! so far, so good.19:12
pavlushkaKilos, I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure hexchat, looks like it solved the problem.19:14
pavlushkano, it isn't.19:14
inetpropavlushka: what's the problem?19:17
Kiloswhat is xchat doing? pavlushka 19:17
pavlushkalets see,19:18
Kilosjust delete .xchat and apttitude remove xchat xchat data the 19:19
Kilossudo aptitude install xchat19:19
inetprowhat is the problem?19:20
Kiloshe said some thing about post deprecating19:21
Kiloswhatever that moght be19:21
pavlushkaI am using hexchat as irc client and the problem is the last two character of every post I cant see, 19:21
pavlushkawhether its your's or mine.19:22
inetpropavlushka: KDE or Unity or something else?19:23
pavlushkatrying xchat, lets see.19:23
inetprooom Kilos, what desktop is he using?19:24
Kilosxfce i think19:24
inetproI'm sure konversation will work on xfce as well19:25
pavlushkainetpro, konversation will install the range of kde desktop with it.19:26
Kilosstop with the oom stuff , lately im more tired and weaker, you guys are making me old19:26
inetpropavlushka: it will just install an aditional dependancy library or two19:27
Kilospavlushka use hexchat19:27
inetprodefinitely not the whole range of kde desktop apps19:27
pavlushkayes, the problem I am having is with hexchat.19:27
Kiloswasnt xchat not supported anymore19:27
Kilosthen why say xchat19:28
pavlushkaso far it was better than the other, atleast to me.19:28
Kilosyou can also try weechat19:28
inetproor irssi19:29
Kilosmaybe the problem isnt with the irc clients19:29
Kiloswhen last did you apt-get update && apt-get upgrade19:30
Kilosinetpro did you follow oom jans saga19:31
inetproKilos: no19:31
Kilosthunderbird affected whole pc19:31
inetprowhat happened?19:31
Kiloswe had to delete .thunderbird and get his .thunderbird from his laptop19:32
Kilosit like hung /froze the whole pc19:32
Kilosif we get his .thunderbird can one find the prob with it19:33
inetprois that a question?19:34
Kilostook like three installs with using backup of home to find it was tb nothing else19:34
Kilosi mean will one be able to read .tb and find the =error19:34
Kilossomeone that can understand that stuff i mean19:35
inetprothat's like asking, if I start my car can I find the problem?19:35
pavlushkaone thing, I changed the hexchat font to local unicode but just now changed to serif19:35
Kilossjoe inetpro they word nou erger as ekke19:37
pavlushkalol @ car thing!19:37
Kiloswith cars normally if it can start i can hear and pinpoint probs19:37
Kiloscar tuned ears19:38
inetproa car can sound pretty healthy despite many underlying problems19:38
Kilosok so .tb is hopeless for troubleshooting19:38
inetproif there's no wheels it will take you nowhere19:38
Kilosanyway not serious, its working19:39
Kilosbut somewhere the backup tool messed up19:39
pavlushkamay be its a good news that changing to default font, fixed the issue but dont know if I restart the client, the problem might pop up.19:41
Kilosill tell the old man its a unity problem hehe19:41
Kilosonly change font sizes19:41
inetproit's simple logics, keep using the process of elimination to narrow the problem down 19:42
Kilosotherwise leave things standard19:42
pavlushkahmm, cp19:42
Kilospavlushka dont fiddle with everything19:42
Kilosdefault settings work well with most apps19:43
Kilosonly if you use kde can you play around19:43
pavlushkaI changed the font to fix Bengali font issue, it created this problem19:43
* Kilos ducks19:43
pavlushkaha ha ha lol.19:43
Kilosyou using 16.04 pavlushka 19:44
pavlushkaand I dont know what will happen to my bengali fonts, yes I am using 16.0419:44
Kilosits not stable yet man19:44
Kiloswatch when the dev guys have meetings and see what all they are still fixing19:45
pavlushkaI am testing it, got involved.19:45
Kilosthen you must file bug reports 19:46
Kilosso they can fix it19:46
Kiloswell if you testing for them you help them by filing bug reports , not so19:47
pavlushka1st thing, its a 3rd party package, 2nd I changed the default.19:47
Kilosthen the hexchat guys should get that info19:47
Kilosit will save thousands of others having the same problem19:47
pavlushkaI asked them in #hexchat, no one replied.19:48
pavlushkathey replied to others, not said a word to me.19:48
Kilosoh my19:48
Kilosyou combed you hair the wrong way again19:48
pavlushkadont know what's the catch but I fixed it now.19:49
pavlushkalol @ that19:49
Kilosfixed is good19:49
Kilosnot lekker when things dont work properly19:49
Kilosor pleasant19:50
pavlushkaya, getting used to.19:50
inetpropavlushka: giving feedback of a fix is a good way to ensure they respond next time you have a problem19:50
pavlushkaat least you are nice, Kilos , and inetpro , I am gonna do that now.19:51
Kilosspreading ubuntu is my goal19:51
Kilosand befriending peeps from all over the world19:52
Kilossoon i take a three months break19:52
pavlushkagoing to australia, I guess!19:53
pavlushkabut three months is a long time Kilos!19:56
Kiloslong holiday19:56
pavlushkaalthough I'll keep you posted by emails.19:56
Kilosill be on irc 19:57
Kilosbut timezones are 9 hours apart19:57
pavlushkanot a problem.19:57
Kilosthey are utc -11 i think19:57
Kilosor +1119:58
pavlushkaeven better, lol19:58
inetproKilos: you can work at night and sleep during the day19:59
Kilosi have lots of catching up to do19:59
inetprojust catch up in between20:00
Kilosno time to sleep20:00
inetproyour presence here is more important20:00
Kilostell debs that20:00
inetprohaha :-)20:00
pavlushkajust poke in and say hi everyday, that will do.20:00
Kilosshe will say whaaaaaat?20:00
Kilosi will20:00
Kilosearly mornings its their 4pm20:01
pavlushkamorning is good.20:01
Kilosyou wake up too late pavlushka 20:01
pavlushkahow come you know?????20:01
Kiloswe start here at 7am about20:01
pavlushkaI have some other morning routine to do which is outside.20:02
Kiloswell ill leave you messages with maaz or QA20:03
Kilosoh inetpro 20:03
Kiloshave you noticed20:03
KilosQA is helping there for a bit20:04
Kilostill pavlushka gets to running an ibid there20:04
pavlushkasure, thanks, its really fun getting help from QA.20:05
Kilosbut after debconf maybe its a good idea to upgrade her20:05
pavlushkaof course, she knows everything.20:05
Kilosshe still burps20:05
pavlushkadidn't tried that.20:06
pavlushkano not to me.20:06
Kiloswhen she doesnt understand something she says burp20:06
Kilosthe upgrade doesnt20:06
pavlushkato me , she says huh?20:07
Kilosor that doesnt seem to agree with me20:07
pavlushkasometimes she says got it and then again she says huh?20:07
Kilosdont corrupt her20:08
Kilosmaybe its a good idea to sleep now20:09
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:09
Kilosnight inetpro pavlushka superfly 20:09
pavlushkanight Kilos 20:10
Kiloswhy what20:10
pavlushkanight inetpro !20:10
inetproKilos: do you still use tzwatch?20:11
inetprogood night pavlushka20:11
Kiloshave i ever inetpro ?20:11
inetproam sure I told you about it before20:11
inetprosudo apt install tzwatch20:11
inetprothen create a file cale ~/.tzlist20:12
inetproadd two lines as an example:20:13
inetprothen execute tzwatch20:13
Kiloswhy aukland20:14
Kiloscan it be melbourne20:14
inetprowill show you the time in those places you add there20:14
inetproadd as many different timezones as you want20:15
inetprothen view the time in the different cities all at ones20:15
inetproat once as well20:15
inetproadding timezones is actually as simple as 'tzwatch -c'20:16
Kilosmessed up20:18
inetprotimezone for Melbourne is 'Australia/Melbourne'20:18
Kilosadded first africa and it sees jhb but now dunno how to add20:19
inetprojust modify the .tzlist file by hand if you messed up20:19
Kilosfirst time it asked20:19
inetproeasy enough tofigure out 20:21
inetproto figure*20:21
Kilosok ty ill carry on with that tomorrow20:23
inetproadd the different zones and edit file by hand to sort the times correctly afterwards20:23
inetprogood night20:23
Kilosit went hidden20:23
Kilosnight sir20:23
inetproit's a dot file20:23
Kilosbe good tomorrow20:23
Kilosyes but other .files show20:24
Kiloswhen i made that one a .file it disappeared20:24
inetprogoeie nag oom20:24
Kilostoo tires20:24
Kiloslekker slaap20:24
inetprogaan slaap nou en moenie my die skuld gee more as jy moeg is nie20:24
Kilosdankie vir die hulp20:24

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