
zavei want to uninstall or purge, with apt-get, the java jdk, if it's installed.00:00
k1l_zave: apt purge package. that will remove a package if installed00:01
znr'sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>'00:01
Hydr0p0nXis there something special I need to do to make sure kernel headers are updated when the kernel is through the software updater ?00:18
k1l_Hydr0p0nX: what is the output of "uname -a"?00:18
Hydr0p0nX4.2.0-34-generic i believe,it's coming back up without network so it'll take a minute to say for sure00:19
k1l_is it s 15.10?00:20
bekks14.04.1 does not have kernel 4.2.000:21
k1l_ok. so you are using the wily backports kernel stack. so you need to make sure linux-generic-lts-wily is installed00:21
k1l_Hydr0p0nX: as you see, details matter. because on a non LTS release it would be just linux-generic00:22
Hydr0p0nXthanks, now to find what i need to fix this00:27
Bashing-omHydr0p0nX: Is it intalled ' dpkg -l linux-generic-lts-wily ' ?00:29
iputrai have problem00:32
Bashing-omiputra: We have difficulty fixing broken hearts .00:32
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Hydr0p0nXversion none  architecture none00:35
Hydr0p0nXshould have been, I followed the instructions on the site to upgrade the HWE00:35
hp_tell me when you find interesting program for ubuntu00:40
bekksI found a lot.00:40
hp_15.04 has only few00:41
bekks15.04 is dead.00:41
bekks!15.04 | hp_00:41
ubottuhp_: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid00:41
iputraBashing-om: why after i run "sudo apt-get upgrade" my ubuntu can not log in to desktop environment stack in gray screen00:41
bekks!eolupgrade | hp_00:42
ubottuhp_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:42
hp_maybe i can try myth00:42
bekkshp_: there are more than 40.000 packages in Ubuntu.00:43
bekkshp_: And your release is still dead.00:43
Bashing-omiputra: Broken proprietary graphics driver, reckon ?00:43
hp_i have an old computer00:45
bekksnacc: which doesnt count for the fact you are running an outdated release which isnt supported anymore.00:46
iputraBashing-om: this is the problem http://prnt.sc/aj93ax & http://prnt.sc/aj93i000:46
hp_i will retry00:47
Bashing-omiputra: Look'n .00:47
hp_with another ubuntu00:47
iputraBashing-om: ?00:47
iputraBashing-om: i'm not an expert in ubuntu00:50
naccbekks: ?00:51
Bashing-omiputra: In English words, can you describe your problem ?00:51
Glass_I have returned!00:53
Glass_I seem to have fixed my problem. TJ thank you. XD00:53
bluefiveI can't log into my router.00:56
bluefiveAny help?00:56
znrhard reset00:56
bluefiveI put a small computer screwdriver into the button on the bottom of the router. I held it there for at least 5 seconds.00:56
bluefiveBut the password seems not to have changed.00:57
bluefiveAny help?00:57
znrbrand of the router?00:57
bluefiveDLink. When I reset it I didn't unplug it00:58
bluefivejust turned it off00:58
bluefivecould that be why?00:58
iputraBashing-om: oke wait00:58
Bashing-omiputra: At your pace, as you are able .00:58
bluefiveit has to be ON when you reset it?00:59
Glass_I'd like to thank you also00:59
bluefiveOK. Off to reset it.01:00
Bashing-omGlass_: Yeah, Oh ,, TJ- Gets this cookie .01:00
snfgfI've produced a new kernel boot image. How do I enable booting it from GRUB? The reference I'm using just copies it over /boot/vmlinuz, but I would like to choose between the two kernels.01:00
znrgood night peeps01:00
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Glass_Both of you guys, Bashing-om. Nobody else acknowledged my struggles. Except you too.01:01
znrbluefive:: https://www.verizon.com/support/residential/internet/fiosinternet/networking/troubleshooting/dlink624/130274.htm01:01
Bashing-omGlass_: :) Just glad TJ- pointed the way .01:02
Glass_Ubuntu 14.04 is such a hassle with these pre-installed drivers man. XD01:04
iputraBashing-om: when i turn off my laptop, my laptop engine still runnig, if it happens then i do force shutdown. sometimes after force shutdown my laptop don't go to the desktop, then i went into tty1 and type "fsck /dev/sda1". after run fsck usually normal returned to normal after i reboot. this will not effect after i perform the command "sudo apt-get upgrade"01:04
Hydr0p0nXso how do I make sure kernel headers are updated when the kernel is ? I lose network and video driver everytime it changes and end up having to pull a usb wifi adapter off another machine to get it all straightened out01:05
cr0wmaticwould there be a sound guru in here I can chat with? I may be missing something or not understanding the technology as I thought with a new sound card.01:06
snfgfTrying to boot another kernel. I copy the kernel image to /boot, and run 'update-grub' but only the old kernel in /boot is detected.01:08
bluefiveIs there a quick way I can tell if I enabled home folder encryption on this ubuntu install?01:11
iputraBashing-om: when i turn off my laptop, my laptop engine still runnig, if it happens then i do force shutdown. sometimes after force shutdown my laptop don't go to the desktop, then i went into tty1 and type "fsck /dev/sda1". after run fsck usually normal returned to normal after i reboot. this will not effect after i perform the command "sudo apt-get upgrade"01:11
ryclik_Hey guys. I accidentally deleted my partition table on my main disk. In effort to restore it I was wondering if anyone knows where the Ubuntu default partition sizing is documented?01:12
Bashing-omiputra: Bad practice to run 'fsck' on a mounted file system . What release are you running ? Seems there is a different method to properly invoke a forced file system check in systemd .01:12
ryclik_LVM + LUKS specifically01:12
ouroumovbluefive, if you can do key-based ssh auth while not logged in to the machine, then you haven't.01:13
fattirewow.. annoying b1 update issue:01:13
iputraBashing-om: willy werewolf with mate desktop environment01:13
fattireCould not install '/var/cache/apt/archives/systemd-sysv_229-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb'01:13
cr0wmaticbluefive: I think you can do an ls -A /home in the terminal and see if there is an .ecryptfs folder?01:14
fattirethat looks potentially like a problem.. guess I'll find out01:14
fattireCould not install 'systemd-sysv'01:14
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bluefivels -A /home doesn't do anything01:15
fattireI hope that doesn't break every sysv package...01:15
bluefiveWhat's that?01:15
fattirels -a  you mean bluefive?01:15
bluefiveso I do ls -a?01:15
bluefiveAnd see if there's an encryptfs folder?01:15
fattirebluefive: I'm not sure what you're doing but yes it should show if you have one01:16
fattireand it's not mounted01:16
ProGemHello? ;-;01:16
bluefivefattire, But it would be mounted if I am logged into the system.01:16
fattirebluefive: ls -la would work01:16
bluefivefattire, Would it show if it's mounted?01:16
cr0wmaticfattire, he's trying to see if his home drive is encrypted01:16
fattirebluefive: actually yeah it's fine if it's mounted01:16
fattirecr0wmatic: oh01:16
bluefiveI don't see one yet.01:17
fattirebluefive: just do mount | grep yourusername01:17
fattireyou should see something like01:17
fattire /home/.ecryptfs/yourusername/.Private on /home/yourusername type ecryptfs01:17
fattirethis is gonna suck:   Could not install '/var/cache/apt/archives/systemd-sysv_229-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb'01:19
bluefiveIsn't there a way I can just type a command to see if encryptfs is installed?01:19
fattireI'm assuming this provides backwards compatibility to sysv ?01:19
fattirebluefive: dude I told you01:19
fattiremount | grep yourusername01:19
fattireif it's mounted as a cryptfs it'll tell you01:20
fattireif you want to know if cryptfs is installed:01:20
fattiredpkg -l | grep cryptfs01:20
bluefiveThat does nothing.01:21
fattirethat's a minus -l (L) not (1)01:21
fattireif it does nothing then you probably don't have it installed01:22
bluefiveI copied it just as you wrote it.01:22
bluefiveDo I first have to type mount | grep username before that works?01:22
cr0wmaticthey are independent of one another01:23
bluefiveWell maybe I don't have it installed.01:23
iputraBashing-om: maybe i should reinstall it ?01:23
cr0wmaticif 'mount | grep bluefive' (or whatever your username is) doesn't output anything, I'd expect it not to be encrypted01:23
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fattirebluefive: when I say "username" I mean bluefive or whatever your username is01:24
fattireI don't mean literally "username"01:24
fattireI don't know what you called your user01:24
fattireso I said "username"01:24
fattireor "yourusername"01:24
TzmFenthts like equal of  changing nick wiht advice /nick newnick , and someone does it exactly like that01:24
fattirewhen you set up your account maybe you called it "bluefive" in which case you'd say01:24
fattiremount | grep bluefive01:24
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bluefiveit says:01:25
fattirealso that | thing is a vertical line or "pipe" and it's made with shift-\01:25
fattire(usually, depending on your keyboard)01:25
bluefive--> /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=orde01:25
bluefivethen after orde it says my username.01:25
fattirethat means... and get read for an explanation...01:26
fattireso what it means is01:26
fattire /dev/sda is the name of your storage device-- hard drive or ssd or whatever01:26
fattire /dev/sda1 is the first partition of the device01:26
Bashing-omiputra: Maybe not a re-onstall .. looking for a way to properly run a file system check at bootup in systemd.01:26
fattire  it is a file system of the ext4 type--01:27
fattire it is mounted at /  <-- the root of your directory01:27
bluefiveI just want to know if I have encryptfs installed or if my home dir is encrypted, remember?01:27
bluefiveNow that you mention it, I suppose I am learning about my file system.01:28
fattireit has a few characteristics, such that it is mounted rw or able to read and write, etc01:29
cr0wmatick, no sound gurus, anyone have 5.1 surround working through spdif?01:30
fattireif it does not tell you that /home/bluefive (or whatever, I'm just going ot say "bluefive" is your account from now on) is mounted as cryptfs  (and assuming that you ARE logged in) then I think that you are not using cryptfs01:30
bluefiveWell, can I look for cryptfs in my graphical file manager?01:31
bluefiveOr would it not appear?01:31
fattirebluefive: you would see /home/.cryptfs with ls -la01:31
fattireif you don't see it, if you only see /home/bluefive then you're unlikely to be using it01:31
bluefiveI don't see any "home" at all.01:32
jjwaxxxi dont use fb anymore01:32
fattirebluefive: ls -la /home01:32
cr0wmaticjjwaxxx, you won't miss it01:33
bluefiveI did that.01:33
jjwaxxxyes i think01:33
bluefiveThat means I'm in the home dir now?01:33
cr0wmaticbluefive, running 'ls -la /home' will show you the folders in the /home directory. If you don't see a .cryptfs folder, it's not encrypted01:34
bluefiveI don't see it.01:34
bluefiveThen I wonder why my fan is running hard whenever I do anything.01:34
cr0wmaticyou have your answer, not encrypted01:34
beshooany body worked with graphicsmagick , i want to get a one pixel RGB color but i dont know how !01:35
ouroumovbluefive, for future reference say that first before investigating your guesses01:35
beshooI have X,Y of the pixel , and the path of Bmp image :)01:36
jjwaxxxi try to download 15 1001:36
bluefiveouroumov, Someone said that encryptfs causes the fan to run hard if the system lacks AES-NI.01:36
ouroumovbluefive, how old is the hardware? What are the top CPU-using processes listed in htop?01:36
bluefivehtop not installed.01:36
jjwaxxxi have pidgin but dont works01:37
bluefiveinstalling now.01:37
bluefivePID 1267 is the top task01:37
bluefivethat's firefox.01:37
ouroumovWatch htop for a while.01:38
ouroumovPID numbers are meaningless to the problem at hand01:38
ouroumovbluefive, next kill firefox, and see if your CPU stops venting01:38
jjwaxxxhigh speed at night01:39
bluefiveYes, that made it go quiet.01:40
ouroumovSo maybe some javascript was screwing around01:41
bluefiveBut that doesn't mean anything. If the home dir was encrypted Firefox could cause the fan to run hard.01:41
ouroumovBut we've already established it isn't, bluefive.01:41
bluefiveWell, I never saw encryptfs when I did the commands you suggested.01:41
ouroumovbluefive, is firefox, and the system in general, up to date?01:42
cr0wmaticha, goodbye pulse, you were fun before I broke you01:42
minimecbluefive: Fo rolder hardware I recommend some plugins for firefox like 'ghostery' and 'adblock plus' or adblock on /etc/hosts level. Not only does it redouce data transfer, but also CPU time blocking all these animated ads...01:43
ryan_turnerAh the title tells me :(01:44
ryan_turnerno beta release yet01:44
ryan_turnerGood thing i read that instead of getting kicked :P01:44
bluefivegoing to return the system for a fanless.01:44
ryan_turnerI've never been around for a beta release; is it typically near the end of the day before the release happens, or this abnormal?01:44
bluefiveWhen I went to the ghostery page it said it requires javascript01:45
bluefiveso I already had javascript disabled.01:45
bluefiveHad to use the non-jS ghostery page.01:45
ouroumov!+1 | ryan_turner01:45
ryan_turnerbye :(01:45
ouroumovryan_turner, see topic01:45
ryan_turnerOh, yeah my chat client cuts off at "IS NOT RE"01:45
ryan_turnerI understand it's not released; guess I'll look for past beta releases to determine if late in the evening is typical.01:46
minimecbluefive: Use the firefox extensions option in the settings and ad the extension to firefox.01:46
Bashing-omiputra: For a file system check at boot, we make an edit to the boot parameter in grub boot.01:48
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jjwaxxxi try to install 15 1001:48
iputraBashing-om: how to enter grub manually01:50
ferdinand-blaubuWhat's an API that would allow me to monitor (and ideally preempt) TCP/IP connections made on my linux box?01:50
jjwaxxxwith puppy01:50
Bashing-omiputra: Is this a UEFI macjine ? mens differ from legacy firmware machines .01:51
Bashing-ommachineP mens/means *01:51
GrimzFree Software Show live at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/gPypshATc8x01:52
iputraBashing-om: yes, this is01:52
bluefiveIf I use my SSD in a different computer do I have to reinstall everything? I mean Ubuntu.01:53
jjwaxxxmicrosoft "windows"01:53
minimecbluefive: Normally not. May depend on the GPU. Maybe uninstall some amd/nvidia binary blobs.01:53
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iputraBashing-om: oh i don't know, my laptop is uefi machhine or legacy firmware machine. surely my laptop is dell vostro 547001:55
bluefiveminimec, If the systems are fairly similar you mean?01:56
jjwaxxxi have compaq impresario01:56
bluefiveBoth systems have integrated GPUs on the CPUs.01:56
bluefiveOne CPU is Broadwell Core and one is Braswell.01:56
jjwaxxxand one is broadaway01:57
Bashing-omiputra: Reboot the machine, as soon as the firmware screen clears press and release the escape key repeatedly * a 3 second window of opportunity ) -> language screen, escape key to accept the default -> grub boot menu -> 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parameters screen. In this screen is the boot line containing "quiet splash"; add " fsck.mode=force " - without the quote marks . key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process .01:58
minimecbluefive: If you don't have any proprietary amd/nvidia driver installed, that helps. If you have a 64bit system installed, the CPU of the other machine should also support 64bit (probably no problem nowadays). I have done that already and also use a complete ubuntu installation on a USB stick on various machines without any problem.01:59
jjwaxxxi need unetbootin??02:01
reisiojjwaxxx: for what?02:02
jjwaxxxthere is 15.04 avayable02:02
iputraBashing-om: so like this "queit splash fsck.mode=force" ?02:02
jjwaxxxfor install ubuntu02:02
cr0wmaticdoes audio always go through alsa to pulseaudio?02:03
Bashing-omiputra: Yeah ,,, but no quote marks at all . if this is a legacy system it is a shift key that grub looks for rather than the escape key .02:04
reisiocr0wmatic: pulseaudio sits on top of alsa, always02:04
iputraBashing-om: yeah i know02:04
reisiothere's oss, but it's best not even thought of02:04
iputraBashing-om: okay02:04
cr0wmaticreisio and pulseaudio sits on top of it in Ubuntu by default because it provides more than alsa? I'll read up on it, but attempting to fix some 5.1 digital issues02:06
reisiocr0wmatic: Ubuntu uses pulseaudio by default, yes, and it requires alsa as well02:07
jjwaxxxhey trere is bitcoin02:07
cr0wmaticreisio: ty02:08
fantasmaola  amigos02:08
fantasmaai qual é a novidade no mundo  linuz02:09
jjwaxxxciapa i bit coin02:09
xangua! Pt | fantasma02:09
ubottufantasma: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:09
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jjwaxxxwhere is fantasma??02:13
blackpho1nixHello boiz02:14
blackpho1nixim so fokken drunk02:14
blackpho1nixand imma bored af02:14
jjwaxxxwhat u drink??02:14
blackpho1nixmalibu, rum, beer02:15
blackpho1nixand I just fucked my bartender02:15
blackpho1nixshes 2402:15
blackpho1niximma 1902:15
blackpho1nixshe doesnt know imma 1902:15
blackpho1nixi told her im 2102:15
ouroumov!ot | blackpho1nix, jjwaxxx02:15
ubottublackpho1nix, jjwaxxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:15
blackpho1nixshs sleepin on my left side02:16
reisioouroumov: keystrokes well spent...02:16
blackpho1nixim livin in germany since im 13 so its 5 years now and I got back from germany 2 poland for a week02:16
blackpho1nixand its first day02:17
blackpho1nix I bought some amphetamine02:17
blackpho1nixfor 10euros02:17
blackpho1nixso whats up bois02:17
jjwaxxxyou know how have fun black02:18
blackpho1nixsure ma boi but I aint got any real friends u know :D02:18
blackpho1nixthats fucking sad02:18
jjwaxxxme too02:19
fattireso wow.. the ubuntu beta totally hosed my system for a few minutes02:21
jjwaxxxalex you are a terminator02:21
fattirelots of problmes02:21
fattirebut I fixed 'em02:21
fattireit (1) failed to install systemd-sysv, (2) failed some other stuff, (3) killed my nvidia driver so x11 didn't start, (4) screwed up more02:21
fattireDef not ready for prime-time yet02:22
BEER_will ubuntu 15.1 install side by side to Win10 Pro (installed first)?02:23
bluefiveThis product here. Can I run a Ubuntu system off it permanently or is it intended for short-term usage like transfers?02:23
jjwaxxxi have from ps402:24
fattireBlueking: that's an enclosure not a hd02:24
jjwaxxxbut dont work02:24
fattirebut it looks fast enough to use02:24
BEER_i dont want GRUB {boot loader) messing up my Win10 boot02:25
fattirethe enclosure I mean02:25
BEER_but i like having a dual boot windows / linux machine02:26
jjwaxxxvoyager is great but no free software02:27
jjwaxxxit has kodi02:27
ubuntu903Bashing-om: look this http://prnt.sc/aj93j0, i have add fsck.mode=force02:27
jjwaxxxok byeeeee02:28
reisiobluefive: you can, however, run GNU/Linux from a drive within an external enclosure, for as long as you please02:32
reisioGNU/Linux doesn't care where your storage is; storage is storage, is storage02:32
BEER_reisio:  know anything about windows / linux dual booting?02:34
Bashing-omubuntu903: look'n02:34
reisioBEER_: sure02:34
reisiokopo_: ohai02:35
BEER_im reading this page right now:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:35
reisioBEER_: I'm reading this channel right now02:35
reisiowe could be brothers!02:35
BEER_i think thats a start02:35
reisioBEER_: Ubuntu's installer will, most of the time, hold your hand through dual booting02:35
reisiono special knowledge required02:35
reisiothere's an option at the outset with wording something like 'install alongside...'02:36
BEER_ok so it should work with windows 10 professional02:36
reisioBEER_: most likely, Windows 10 is Windows NT02:36
reisioWindows NT is what Windows has been for the past 22 years02:37
reisiohasn't really changed that much, at the bottom02:37
Bashing-omubuntu903: Try ' fsck.repair=preen ' as a boot parameter to fix the filwe system .02:37
bluefiveBut that there is not an external enclosure.02:38
bluefiveIt's an enclosure that converts the mSATA to a regular SSD.02:38
bluefive My question is if that is just as reliable as a regular SSD.02:38
reisiojust got done saying where the storage is isn't relevant :)02:38
reisiobluefive: mmm, anytime you introduce more to do the same thing you could do with less, you introduce more unreliability02:39
reisiobluefive: but it'll probably work just fine02:39
reisiosee #hardware for a hardware opinion02:39
ouroumovbluefive, what reisio said. More components = more things that can go wrong02:39
reisioworking just fine forever and necessarily being more complex and theoretically less reliable are two different things is all02:40
reisios/forever and necessarilyforever /and/ necessarily@02:40
reisioanyway :p02:40
bluefivereisio: So it's probably a good idea to get that enclosure to use my existing mSATA with the system as opposed to spending twice as much for a new SSD. In your view?02:41
Stoner19anyone with an idea of what this means or how to fix it? [     0.024082 ] DMAR: Failed to map dmar002:50
fattireStoner19: umm02:52
fattireStoner19: any info about like what you were doing when you saw that02:52
Stoner19boot from live cd02:52
Hydr0p0nXStoner19, see if you have VT-D enabled in bios02:52
Hydr0p0nXquick google says it could be the culprit02:52
Stoner19same message if I select "try ubuntu without installing" and "install"02:53
Stoner19will look in bios for VT-D02:53
Stoner19thanks Hydr0p0nX02:53
Stoner19I've seen others via a google search report the IOMMU error02:53
Stoner19but that's not what I'm getting02:53
fattirewell the ubuntu upgrade installer for 16.04 is fucked unfortunately02:54
minimecStoner19: Just googled your problem. There is a forum post that sais that activated VT-d coud be the problem. Try to disable VT-d in the BIOS? https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=13570402:54
fattireanyone know where the logfiles are?02:54
fattirefor the updater?  Dont' seem to be insyslog02:54
Stoner19will do some digging for VT-d thank you02:55
fattireholy crap my launcher made it to the bottom02:55
bluefiveAnyway, would you spent $70 on a new SSD or $25 on that enclosure for your existing mSATA?02:56
bluefiveNice thing about the enclosure is that I will probably be able to start over with the new system with all my stuff already installed and good to go.02:56
fattirebluefive: no way02:56
bluefivefattire: No way what?02:57
fattireI wouldn't use an enclosure for a primary boot device02:57
bluefivefattire: Why not?02:57
bluefiveIs there something I don't know?02:57
fattirefor one thing it's pretty inconvenient02:57
bluefiveNo, it's just an enclosure like this:02:57
fattireyou want to carry around the hard drive you're booting off of?02:57
fattireit'll take a port...02:57
fattireyes I saw it beofre02:57
Gallomimiaexternal boot devices suck :(02:58
bluefiveIt goes inside the system just like a normal SSD.02:58
bluefiveIt just converts the mSATA to regular SSD.02:58
fattireyou mean size?02:58
bluefiveThe system doesn't support mSATA but I have mSATA, not regular SSD.02:58
fattireoh I see02:58
fattirewhen you say regular ssd...02:58
bluefiveWhat's the correct terminology?02:58
Rothbardian21chat support?02:58
Rothbardian21Is this ubuntu chat support?02:59
fattirebluefive: mSata is like a tiny little card--  this basically looks like it converts that smaller size to a regular size02:59
bluefiveRothbardian21: Yes.02:59
fattireRothbardian21: yes how may I take your order?02:59
bluefivefattire: Yes, exactly. Do you think it's just as reliable and safe as a normal SSD?02:59
Rothbardian21bluefive: Yes I have some issues with ubuntu 15.10.02:59
fattirebluefive: this converts msata the tiny card size to regular sata iii -- a regular hard drive sized thing03:00
fattirebluefive: yes but you'll be spending a lot of money03:00
Rothbardian21I am seem to be unabl eto install anything either from terminal or the software center, the software center doesn't load up either.03:00
fattirewhy not just get a regular sata drive without the converter and without the overhead of msata03:00
bluefivefattire: It says: "Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown protection" -- does this mean that these enclosures can be prone to short circuits and thermal issues or is this just overboard protection?03:00
bluefivefattire: But it's only $25 and it makes my existing mSATA function like an ordinary sized SSD.03:00
bluefiveRothbardian21: Unity?03:01
fattirebluefive: I'm guessing it's the same "protection" you'll find in a regular sata device.. get a samsung evo ssd and don't get the enclosure03:01
Rothbardian21bluefive: Yes, with Macbuntu transformation pack.03:01
fattirebluefive: what existing msata?03:01
fattireRothbardian21: macbuntu?03:02
fattireoh does that make it all mac-like?03:02
bluefivefattire: https://www.amazon.ca/Kingston-Digital-SSDNow-SMS200S3-60G/dp/B00COFMPAM/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1458873590&sr=1-2-fkmr1&keywords=msata+kingston+kg03:02
fattireRothbardian21: you need ot be really specific03:02
bluefivefattire: I have one of these. Beautiful drive.03:02
Rothbardian21fattire: Yes, it's a series of icon/theme/dock add-ons to make it look like mac os x.03:02
fattireRothbardian21: and what is the error you have and what do you do that generates it03:03
Rothbardian21bluefive: I am also unable to access any website.03:03
brendenyuleI am trying to echo to my keyboard backlight on startup, but I am finding that the permissions of the file keep getting overwritten on reboot. How would I get around this?03:03
fattirebluefive: oh so you already have a mSata device in your computer?03:03
bluefivefattire: Yes, but this new computer does't support mSATA.03:03
bluefiveSo I either need an enclosure for the mSATA or a new SSD.03:03
fattirebrendenyule: you could force it every time to be reset maybe (rc.local?)03:03
fattirebluefive: OHHHHHHHHHh03:04
fattirebluefive: now I undersand03:04
Rothbardian21bluefive: Though I am connected via ethernet. When I origionally installed, I figured the skylake processor may be to blame, as it was also an issue with opensuse. I recently installed a newer kernel on opensuse and it fixed everything, though I am unable to install anything in ubuntu.03:04
fattireokay then get the enclosure i guess... and/or a new SSD might be a good idea too03:04
bluefivefattire: What's the con of the enclosure? Is it just as safe and reliable as a regular SSD?03:04
Rothbardian21fattire: Let me try to reinstall software center again and see what it tells me.03:04
fattireRothbardian21: again, what is the error you see, and waht do you type03:04
fattirebluefive: it will be as "good" as the mSATA ssd.  so if you're happy with the speed and size and such, it should be fine.  The advantage of a dedicated SSD is that you benefit from the recent unbelievable drops in price per gigabyte in the last year... so you can probably get a high storage capacity for cheap03:05
reisiobluefive: depends on what twice as much is, IMO03:06
reisio2x$5 is negligible03:06
Rothbardian21fattire: Temporary failure resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com03:06
reisio2x$30 is negligible03:06
bluefiveEnclosure is $25. New SSD will be $80.03:06
fattirebluefive: for example, the sata ssd that you have, which is 60gb-- has dropped significantly in the last year http://ca.camelcamelcamel.com/Kingston-Digital-SSDNow-SMS200S3-60G/product/B00COFMPAM03:06
bluefiveAlso with the enclosure I may be able to resume with my Ubuntu and everything already configured as it is. With the new SSD I'll have to start over.03:07
Rothbardian21fattire: E: Unable to fetch some archivesmaybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?03:07
fattireRothbardian21: that is a dns issue--  meaning something is wrong with your connection03:07
bluefivefattire: Yes, but a regular SSD will cost me about $80 Canadian.03:07
bluefivefattire: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00M8ABCZM/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1K3SQICSA2UF703:07
Rothbardian21fattire: I see. I have wifi running my desktop (windows 10), and the laptop with ubuntu is plugged in via ethernet, I never have any issues with connection on opensuse either.03:08
fattirebluefive: if you don't want to upgrade, and just want to move the existing SSD as cheaply as possible, then go for the enclosure.  If you want to use this as an opportunity to upgrade your storage, then get a full SATA SSD.03:08
fattireRothbardian21: what do you see when you type ifconfig03:08
fattiredo you see something like eth0 listed with an IP address?03:08
linociscohi all03:09
linociscowhenever I click "reply" on thunderbird, my new message will be written under all emails, I want to reply latest on top of previous emails03:09
linociscohow could I do?03:09
fattireRothbardian21: do you mean plugged in from your ubuntu laptop->desktop (windows) or do you mean plugged in from ubuntu laptop->router?03:09
bluefivefattire: Tell me this: if the existing system is a Pentium 3805U mini PC and the new system is a Braswell N3150, is it likely I can use the mSATA from the old system in the new one and my Ubuntu will work just as it does already?03:09
fattirebluefive: if your new computer supports SATA, then yes the enclosure should work-- but if you're asking if you can take the SSD and just pop it in and have it continue to work as is, I'm going to guess there will be issues03:10
fattirebecause the hardware will be different03:10
Rothbardian21fattire: Laptop is plugged into router. The ifconfig shows lots of errors on the packets, no dropped packets though.03:10
bluefivefattire: What kind of issues? It's a Broadwell system to a Braswell system. Quite similar, no?03:11
fattireRothbardian21: typically plugging ethernet in should "just work" in ubuntu, but if not you can check to make sure you are plugge dinto the router... check if you have a valid IP on eth003:11
fattirebluefive: for example, they may have different video cards03:12
bluefivefattire: But they both have integrated GPUs.03:12
bluefiveIntel graphics.03:12
fattirebluefive-- if it falls back to intel it might be okay03:12
bluefiveWhat do you mean falls back to Intel?03:13
fattirei mean if you haven't tweaked the settings to customize it to the hardware too much03:13
bluefiveNo, I haven't.03:13
fattireif the bios on both will allow unsigned stuff etc03:13
fattireor is it signed with ubuntu I'm not even sure03:13
fattireI mean, you could try it and mayb eit would just be like a live cd compatible and work immediately03:13
bluefiveIf there are issues will Ubuntu auto fix them?03:13
Rothbardian21fattire: The "Edit Connections" brought up nothing, which is odd since I remember manually configuring that in the past. The ifconfig did correctly list my ip address and mask.03:13
fattirebluefive: some issues it will...03:13
fattirebluefive: but if there are issues you can always come back here03:14
fattirebluefive: and there will be logs and such so you can debug it :)03:14
fattireRothbardian21: can you ping successfully such as03:14
fattireping ?03:14
fattireand see a ping back?03:14
Rothbardian21fattire: lets see03:14
explodes_fer 503:14
bluefivefattire: May be better to start over.03:15
bluefiveWhat do you think?03:15
bluefiveTry it first?03:15
Rothbardian21would I type "ping"03:15
fattirethat will try to connect to which is google's nameserver03:15
fattireyou sohuld see some kind of ping time reported03:15
fattireor if it can't connect, it should tell you that as well.03:15
Rothbardian21fattire: how do I stop the ping? Noob question I know.03:17
Rothbardian215% packet loss03:17
fattireif it worked right you should see03:17
fattire64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=12.1 ms03:17
fattirea bunch of itmes03:17
fattireand yeah at the end it should say what 0% loss03:18
fattirethat packet loss should be zero03:18
fattireif you have packets being lost, your connection is flaky fo rsome reason03:18
Rothbardian21fattire: it says multiple numbers on "ms", the one directly after the = sign is 42.910 ms03:18
fattireyes that's good03:18
fattirethat's good news03:18
fattirenow try something with a domain name03:19
fattirelike cnn.com03:19
fattireping cnn.com03:19
fattireand see if it is able to look up cnn.com and turn it to the IP #s.03:19
fattiresomething dot something dot something dot something03:19
Rothbardian21unknown host03:19
Rothbardian21trying google.com03:19
fattireokay.. so you are having a DNS issue where it can't get the number for the name.03:20
Rothbardian21fattire: yea it says unknown host.03:20
fattireokay try this03:20
fattiredo you know how to use nano?  or gedit?03:20
Rothbardian21fattire: isn't gedit just like notepad basically?03:21
fattiretry typing this03:21
fattiresudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces03:21
fattireyou should see a line that says something like03:21
fattireauto eth003:21
fattireunder that add:03:21
fattirethis will tell it to use google's nameservers by default03:22
fattirethen after you saved that you just restart the network with two lines:03:22
fattiresudo ifdown eth003:22
fattirefollowed by03:22
fattiresudo ifup eth003:23
fattireor you could use03:23
fattiresudo ifconfig eth0 down03:23
Rothbardian21fattire: ok, it opened gedit, and it says "auto lo."03:23
fattireand sudo ifconfig eth0 up03:23
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fattireadd the dns-nameservers line03:23
fattireadd add auto eth0 while you're at it03:23
fattireso have it say03:23
fattireauto lo03:23
Rothbardian21fattire: no server info is listed, it does say interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)03:23
fattireauto eth003:24
fattireadd that to your interfaces file03:24
Rothbardian21ok, so edit it with auto etho,03:24
fattireit's not etho with an o03:24
fattireit's eth003:24
fattirein fact let me look at my file one sec03:24
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fattireyeah...  the most important part is the dns-nameservers line03:25
Rothbardian21fattire: on adding the dns servers to my interface line, where should I place it, the line begins with # interfaces(5)03:25
fattireadd it to the end03:26
Rothbardian21and leave the ifup(8) and ifupdown (8) alone, put it after those?03:26
fattireRothbardian21: I also found a place you can set this in the UI03:27
Rothbardian21got it03:27
fattireif you go under Settings->Network03:27
fattireWired Connection...  IPV4 settings--> Additional DNS servers03:28
fattireyou can add03:28
fattiremake sure method says automatic (DHCP) assuming that's how your router is working03:28
Rothbardian21fattire: it says error editing connection, "did not find a connection with UUID '(null)'."03:29
fattireRothbardian21: what says this03:30
fattirethe UI or gedit or somewher eelse?03:30
Rothbardian21But I know I can get to where your saying by going to edit connections03:30
Rothbardian21fattire: When i try to click on options under system settings/network/wired03:30
fattiremaybe a configuration line got corrupted as it suggests in teh above askubuntu.com page?03:31
fattireyou can check03:31
Rothbardian21I have gedit ready to save, and I suppose I coul dmanually add the network again through edit connections. I beieve thats how I originally did it.03:32
Rothbardian21fattire: also still investigating the link you sent me, looks line they went in to the files and used gedit to restore correct mac address.03:33
fattireyeah... you can try doing that03:33
Rothbardian21file manager crashing : P03:34
fattirewow stuff is messed up03:35
Rothbardian21Yea, I wonder if its the macbuntu transformation packs. Though I have to say they are the main reason for me having ubuntu, looks amazing.03:35
Rothbardian21It doesn't show anything under my etc folder.03:36
fattireyou must have stuff under /etc03:37
fattireor else... nothing would work03:37
linociscohi all03:37
linociscohow to install telegram?03:37
fattireokay I'm gonna go.. good luck roth03:37
linociscoI tried to install as per http://sourcedigit.com/16949-install-telegram-via-ppa-on-ubuntu-15-04-ubuntu-14-04-linux-mint/03:37
fattireyou just need to get dns going :)03:37
linociscobut i can't find how to launch03:37
Rothbardian21fattire: I click on computer, then etc, nothing there.03:38
Rothbardian21nevermind, it finally loaded, just took a long while.03:38
Rothbardian21fattire: I click on either my SSID or the "wired connection 1", on both accounts it says "Could not display, the file is of an unknown type."03:40
arunpyasiGuyts, did final beta got released ?03:41
reisioarunpyasi: does the answer to that question get you something?03:42
stormmoretoday’s messed up question, how can curl http://archive.ubuntu.com work but curl http://www.ubuntu.com not?03:42
Rothbardian21Tried to open it with gedit, says "you do not have the permissions necessary to open this file."03:42
Gallomimiayou have a permissions problem03:42
reisiostormmore: well, they're different strings03:42
arunpyasireisio: yes, I would like to try it out :D03:42
arunpyasireisio: I see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/xenial/beta-2/ but no idea which to pick for my desktop experience.03:43
stormmoreyeah I get that reisio, but DNS is working, a machine in the same rack works fine. I know it is something I have messed up just trying to determine where to look03:44
=== Matthew is now known as Guest64950
vaindilI have a python script that's running as a daemon with supervisor. Very simple script, it calls an API every 5 minutes. The response is somehow being cached, however. I can reproduce this outside the script/daemon in the python shell, so I don't think it's related to python.03:44
vaindilIf I change a meaningless part of the URL it pulls the data just fine.03:44
fattireRothbardian21: you have to sudo if you edit the file03:45
vaindilAnyone know what could be caching the response? I don't even know where to look.03:45
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reisioarunpyasi: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/03:46
bluefiveWhen I type ENCRYPTFS in my terminal nothing happens.03:46
bluefiveCommand not found.03:46
reisiostormmore: what're you even trying to do?03:46
reisiobluefive: ecryptfs (don't ask)03:46
Rothbardian21How would I open it with sudo under terminal, I don't see a "sudo" option with right-clicking the file or using the GUI.03:47
reisioRothbardian21: gksu or pkexec03:47
bluefiveecryptfsd is not installed.03:47
bluefiveIf I have home dir encrypted how can that be?03:47
RonWhoCaresI've received an error.  Can anyone help resolve it http://askubuntu.com/questions/749833/unable-to-load-pgadmin303:48
fattirebluefive: it's case sensitive03:48
reisiobluefive: 'ecryptfs'03:48
fattireRothbardian21: you start a command with "sudo" (do as superuser)03:48
fattirethis checks to make sure you're the administrator and if so will do it with root privilages03:48
fattireas seen here https://xkcd.com/149/03:49
bluefivereisio: That does nothing in the terminal.03:49
bluefiveSays the program isn't installed.03:49
fattirebluefive: you have asked several times if your directory is encrypted and we all agree that it isn't.03:49
stormmoreand then the brainwave hits me, archive.ubuntu.com has IPv6 enabled and the system choose ipv6 over the ipv4. www.ubuntu.com is only returning ipv4 and the ipv4 route is failing :-/03:49
bluefivefattire: when i first put Ubuntu on the mSATA I am sure I enabled home dir encryption. However I couldn't for the life of me remember if I started over fresh WITHOUT encryption.03:50
Rothbardian21fattire: I got that much, but I couldn't install gksu of course.03:50
fattirebluefive you aren't.03:50
ouroumovbluefive, move on already03:50
bluefiveouroumov: Just making sure the system is not dragging because of encryption.03:51
ouroumovYou did that already bluefive03:51
bluefiveWell then I'll take your word for it.03:52
Rothbardian21Manually adding the connection now, just lik eyou said and like I would of thought, ethernet shoul djust work.03:52
fattirewait a second, bluefive are you encrypted?03:52
fattireI'm crying with joy at my launcher on the bottom 16.0403:54
fattirethough the upgrade was horrible.03:54
ouroumovUbuntu MATE Beta 2 is out!03:55
fattireubuntu standard is out too03:55
fattirebut beware unless you like shit crashing don't do it yet03:55
jejhello can i ask a question04:04
jejcan i transfer persistent data from live usb to another?04:05
jejhow can i do that?04:06
NERVone way is FTP04:06
stormmorejust mount the 2nd one, depending on the live cd it might even automount04:06
reisiojej: just copy it04:07
stormmoreI am generally not the best at non-command line tricks :)04:07
jejwhat file to copy? i used the ubuntu startup disk creator to create live usb with persistence04:07
reisiojej: files are files, you copy the ones you want04:08
stormmoreresio I think I get what he is talking about04:10
reisiostormmore: r-e-i-TAB04:11
reisioyes, persistence04:11
jejim just asking because my installation was deleted after updating software04:11
stormmoresorry reisio usuaully do :)04:11
reisiojej: wha?04:12
stormmoreand apparently I can’t type to save myself today04:12
jeji have ubuntu liveusb, and tried to update softwares then reboot, but it says cannot find filesystem04:12
stormmoreyeah well you could create another and then mount the first to grab any data you want off it04:13
stormmoremost like you are having a different issue04:14
jejso i cant update packages when running off liveusb?04:14
reisiojej: not simply, no04:15
reisionot persistently04:15
jejhow about install? i'm quite new to this obviously04:15
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reisiojej: you can update easily from a non-"live" environment, yes04:20
bluefiveouroumov: What do you mean BETA 2?04:20
bluefiveOf the next LTS?04:20
bluefivefattire: That's what I was trying to figure out...04:20
bluefiveif I was encrypted or not.04:20
bluefiveI installed the Ubuntu 2 months ago and forgot if I did so with or without home dir encryption.04:20
fattireI was kidding04:20
fattireBut I am curious if you're encrypted04:21
fattireAgain ^  kidding04:21
fattireBut really, are you encrypted?04:21
ouroumovbluefive, yes. 16.04 Beta 204:21
fattireThat of course was a joke.04:21
bluefiveouroumov: Is it as stable as 15.10?04:21
bluefiveI use Ubuntu MATE too.04:21
fattireI'm using it on my pi maybe I'll update that.04:21
ouroumovbluefive, it's not supposed to be04:21
bluefiveouroumov: So I should stay with 15.10 for now?04:22
bluefiveouroumov: If I want the beta can I get it from the auto updater in Ubuntu?04:22
jejreisio: i understand thanks!04:23
ouroumovbluefive, you should read the release announcement off the website: https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-xenial-beta2/ and then decide what you want to do. :)04:24
[an]onymoushttp://adf.ly/1Yk9Jw Please tell me if this is real or not..04:24
bluefiveouroumov: Can I upgrade my system to the beta using the software center?04:25
reisiohansai: #ubuntu-cn04:26
FuriousGeorgehey all04:28
ouroumovbluefive, there's a way to do it, but I don't know what it is. I always do a clean reinstall from iso04:31
bluefiveouroumov: You mean you don'04:32
bluefivet upgrade your LTS to a new LTS? You start over 100%?04:32
ouroumovbluefive, yes.04:33
ouroumovAfter backing up my data, obviously04:33
bluefiveouroumov: Must take you a lot of time reconfiguring everything though.04:36
bluefiveTakes hours to get a system the way you like it.04:36
fattiremy update bombed out and it's back working.. without reinstalling anything04:37
fattireexcept for the nvidia drivers04:37
fattireand systemd-sysv04:37
ouroumovbluefive, it takes me one hour max.04:38
bluefiveouroumov: To install all your programs as well etc?04:39
bluefiveouroumov: And all your Firefox addons and everything configured jut as you like it?04:39
[an]onymousAnyone tell me if this image is real...? http://adf.ly/1Yk9Jw04:40
ouroumovYes. Usually the longest to set up is thunderbird.04:40
ouroumov( I do post-update and initial software installation on a high bandwidth connection, though. )04:41
reisio[an]onymous: eh?04:43
bluefiveouroumov: Well, that's impressive.04:45
bluefiveYou must backup all your data and bookmarks.04:45
bluefiveDo you use a special app to do that?04:45
[an]onymousAnyone tell me if this image is real...? http://adf.ly/1Yk9Jw04:45
reisiogood ole K04:46
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ouroumovbluefive: No. I have a separate /home partition.04:47
bluefiveouroumov: So you just copy your /home to a flash drive?04:47
ouroumovbluefive, I have an incremental backup of /home on an external HDD. That's in case something goes very wrong. If the install goes without major problem only the system partition is formatted/rewritten and the /home is intact after the installation.04:49
fattirewhat was that image from [an]?  I'm afraid to click it..04:50
reisiofattire: just good ole fashioned spam04:51
fattireoh okay04:51
FuriousGeorgehey all04:51
reisiohey just yous04:51
FuriousGeorgeis step 1 of these docs still vailid for ubuntu 15?04:51
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FuriousGeorgei have an eth0 iface defined in a sub directory, i think what I'll do is move everything into the main interfaces file04:53
fattireFuriousGeorge: or edit the subdirecory if you can04:54
fattirethe file in teh subdirectory I mean04:54
FuriousGeorgefattire: i would have to add another interface file for br0 if i were to do it right04:56
FuriousGeorgewouldn't i?04:56
FuriousGeorgethen there is that bit about dropping eth0 and bringing it back up, which im not sure if it should remain in the main file04:56
FuriousGeorgei guess ill try it that way first04:56
fattireFuriousGeorge: yeah I think so I set up openvpn a while back on a headless server..04:57
fattirelet me quickly see how I did it04:57
FuriousGeorgelooks like what i should do is replace the contents of eth0.cfg with the latter half of that example file in step 104:58
FuriousGeorgeand create a br0 with the first half04:58
FuriousGeorgewhile making sure to automatically bring up the interface in the main faile04:58
FuriousGeorgemain file04:58
fattireFuriousGeorge: strangely I don't see any changes to interfaces or anything in interfaces.d04:58
fattirealthough it is working04:59
FuriousGeorgefattire: ur probably using the bridge-start script04:59
FuriousGeorgeare you in a vps?04:59
fattireoh yeah that's why05:00
fattirethat's totally why-- it's linode and it sets that file automatically05:00
fattireso it would have overwritten it...05:01
FuriousGeorgei wodner if GCE gonna overwrite my now working setup05:05
arch-nemesisI noticed in the RC for ubuntu 16.04 vim is compiled without python support. Will this be changed once released?05:05
FuriousGeorgeexcept i have no tap interface, i need one of those im pretty sure05:05
bluefiveFound two more reviews of Zboxes where the units died after 1 month.05:07
bluefiveOne man says "same here. died after 32 days."05:07
bluefiveWhat does Ubuntu have to say about the incredibly unreliable hardware being produced by Zotac?05:08
salamanderrakehow do I disable the screenlock feature in ubuntu?05:08
EOBeavThere used to be a way to create an ubuntu install so that the end user would be able to create their own username and login upon first boot. Is this not available anymore?  Currently running 14.0405:10
fattiresalamanderrake: isn't that in settings somewhere?05:11
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lotuspsychjekaslam_: how can we help you?05:36
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kaslam_I have been trying to send some data to my jumpdrive05:37
kaslam_but it keeps telling me that the device is showing Error splicing file: Input/output error05:44
kaslam_I also tried to format it but keeps failing with the same error05:44
lotuspsychjekaslam_: IO errors are bad news in many cases05:44
lotuspsychjekaslam_: maybe a full hd test, to check out its health?05:45
kaslam_yeah I used hdparm05:45
kargonoxolAm I slowing down my browser by having ublock and adblock plus and noscript all running together?05:48
lotuspsychjekargonoxol: yes05:49
kargonoxolWhich one of those 3 do you prefer?05:50
kargonoxolI think just 1 should be best.05:50
kargonoxolAlso have Ghostery.05:50
kargonoxolA lot of websites aren't working fully.05:50
lotuspsychjekargonoxol: script blocking addons, will try to block stuff and youl need tweaking of different websites05:50
mojtabaKeepass2 does not work and when I execute it, a window will suddenly open and close. Do you know how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478309/05:50
lotuspsychjekargonoxol: discuss in #firefox channel perhaps05:50
kargonoxollotuspsychje, Yes, but was I right that multiple script blocking addons = slower browsing?05:50
lotuspsychjekargonoxol: yes05:51
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=== kargonoxol is now known as bluefive
lotuspsychjekargonoxol: vanilla firefox with tweaked settings should be fastest05:51
bluefiveALL addons slow it down?]05:52
lotuspsychjebluefive: i didnt say all, addblockers will need to be tuned and slow down stuff yes05:53
lotuspsychjebluefive: discuss in #firefox please05:54
bluefiveyes, i'm in Firefox now.05:54
FuriousGeorgehas anyone ever tried to move a kvm to google's cloud services?05:55
lotuspsychje!kvm | FuriousGeorge05:56
ubottuFuriousGeorge: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM05:56
lotuspsychjeFuriousGeorge: think you better look for specific channel for that05:56
FuriousGeorgei was just wondering.  not actually trying to do it.  but it seems very doable05:57
baizonbredf: ?06:09
DirtyCajuni have 2 ethernet ports bonded together. do i have to stop doing that to create a bridge?06:15
Triffid_HunterDirtyCajun: I believe so, bridge and bond are fairly similar with subtle differences - bridge forwards packets from one port to the other, bond does not. both present the two ports as a single port to the host06:16
DirtyCajunTriffid_Hunter: but you can have a bridge with only a single port06:16
DirtyCajunso could there be a sneaky way to make my bridge think my single port is my bond?06:17
Triffid_HunterDirtyCajun: you can have a bond with only a single port too, then add and remove other ports at runtime06:17
DirtyCajunah. that makes sense06:17
tttttttttttttttthi...i want mount my ntfs partition but i receive this error plz help me .... mount: only root can use "--types" option06:19
ttttttttttttttttreza_sam@admin:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/ntfs_stick06:19
ttttttttttttttttsudo: unable to resolve host admin06:19
tttttttttttttttt[sudo] password for reza_sam:06:19
ttttttttttttttttThe disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).06:19
ttttttttttttttttMetadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.06:19
reza_adminhi .i want mount my ntfs partition but i receive this error plz help me >>> mount: only root can use "--types" option reza_sam@admin:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/ntfs_stick sudo: unable to resolve host admin [sudo] password for reza_sam: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume06:23
reza_adminand shutdownWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.06:23
reza_adminplz help me tnx06:23
lotuspsychje!mount | reza_admin06:26
ubottureza_admin: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:26
shockvalucould someone point me to best place to get started to contribute back, help with bugs, questions, etc.06:44
lotuspsychje!contribute | shockvalu06:44
ubottushockvalu: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu06:44
lotuspsychjeshockvalu: you can support here,aksubuntu,ubuntu forums,solve bugs in launchpad, the options are endless06:46
shockvaluperfect,  wasnt sure there was a specific registery to go through.06:47
shockvalu!contribute | shockvalu06:47
ubottushockvalu, please see my private message06:47
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bluefiveWhy dosen't the System Monitor show me my CPU temperatures?06:54
baizonbluefive: https://askubuntu.com/questions/15832/how-do-i-get-the-cpu-temperature06:55
CYGenreHey everyone..07:03
The_Wood_Anyone have any ideas why i could SSH into a machine using a local address (10.0.0.whatever) but not to its external IP address?07:04
lotuspsychjeThe_Wood_: maybe the #openssh guys might help you with that07:04
CYGenreno idea07:04
CYGenreI'm new to ubuntu07:04
The_Wood_didn't know that was a channel, good call07:04
lotuspsychje!manual | CYGenre start here07:04
ubottuCYGenre start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:04
CYGenreubottu: thanks07:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:05
Dylan____Hello guys i need some help im just installed ubuntu on my macbook 2010 and im not had a problem installing the wifi driver bapprently after i installed cario dock and got the unity laucher tool it seems my internet has got07:05
CYGenreof course07:05
Dylan____Like stuffed and now it says theres no wifi detected around me and my router is fine and things07:06
CYGenreI can already do that stuff, I'm mainly here to gain a sense of installing programs properly in terminal. I have some use with it but I'm still just starting out in that respect as well07:06
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: you can sudo apt-get install yourpackage from terminal07:06
CYGenreDylan____: which macbook and which version of ubuntu?07:07
CYGenrei just put trusty tahr on my 7,107:07
CYGenrelotuspsychje: thank you07:07
Jaggroguys I'm having an issue of my modifier keys getting randomly pressed. Can anyone help?07:09
lolusuxhi what is the safest way of running a webserver on linux?07:09
CYGenrelotuspsychje: do I also need to know it's repository? or are they all in the same one?07:10
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: you can search the repos with apt-cache search keyword07:10
Dylan____A macbook 7,1 2010 and using ubuntu 14.04.307:11
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: all packages versions for your ubuntu version will show07:11
CYGenreDylan____: that's basically the same setup I have07:11
Dylan____Same i just fixed it must have been a conflicting wifi network07:11
lotuspsychje!lamp | lolusux07:11
ubottulolusux: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.07:11
Dylan____Idk :/07:11
CYGenreDylan____:  I opted for side by side though07:11
lotuspsychjeDylan____: try to update to latest07:11
CYGenrelotuspsychje: okay, I will give that a go07:11
Dylan____I didnt understand osx and i couldnt wipe it so i stuffed up like the osx and i cant reinstall it dont have the disks so i went with linux07:12
Dylan____Like i had to wipe from a network install which tookforever and gave up so i took to linux instead07:12
Dylan____Same thing happened to my hp i didnt do my research and my 8.1 partiton got wiped alongside the recovery partiton so i had to install windows 10 from an iso07:13
CYGenrein osx, providing you have a working apple id you should be able to at least download mountain lion for free from apple and go from there07:13
lotuspsychjekeep it ubuntu related guys07:13
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.07:13
Dylan____Anyways what has ubuntu been upto lately07:13
CYGenreall apologies07:13
CYGenrelotuspsychje: sorry to ask so many questions but I have just one more07:14
Dylan____Cygenre i can help?07:14
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: sure, thats what this channel is for07:14
Ozeragbi have a doubt on windows 1007:14
lotuspsychjeOzeragb: not here please07:14
Ozeragbthen this page is dedicated to ubuntu only?07:15
lotuspsychjeOzeragb: yes, for ubuntu support questions07:15
lotuspsychjeOzeragb: you can chichat in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-duscuss if you like07:15
lotuspsychje* #ubuntu-discuss07:16
Dylan____Hey lotus quick question how come chromium doesnt come up in software center even though im got all repoistorys07:16
OzeragbI use this ubuntu studio through pendrive i want to install it but i already have two os in my laptop 2 gb ram. how should i delete one of them and add ubuntu07:16
CYGenrelotuspsychje: I'm running 10gigs of ram and at times use can be a bit laggy.. my swap partition is 2gigs. I feel this should be adequate but still, there's lag from time to time. especially when running firefox in fullscreen with less than 3 tabs open. Should I be concerned about this?07:16
lotuspsychjeDylan____: right packagename? chromium-browser07:16
Dylan____Ok thanks07:16
SeveasOzeragb: the amount of ram is irrelevant for that, as you only use one OS at the time. But diskspace might matter.07:17
Jaggroanyone have any ideas about why my machine thinks im pressing alt or ctrl randomly?07:17
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: did you check if you have right graphics driver active?07:17
Ozeragbso how to delete anyone of them and install ubuntu?07:17
SeveasJaggro: your keyboard is dying. Get a new one :)07:17
CYGenrethere's nothing on my disk except for the ubuntu itself, it's a fresh install, i've downloaded nor imported nothing07:17
JaggroSeveas, it's a brand new comp and it works fine in windows07:18
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: that doesnt mean it has best driver07:18
CYGenrelotuspsychje: to the best of my knowledge it is the best suited but I could give it another look i suppose07:18
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: check your additional drivers please? wich one is active07:18
CYGenreat the moment im not sure, i dual boot and am in my alternative os at the moment07:19
Ozeragbseveas: how to delete one os and install ubuntu?07:19
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: ok07:19
CYGenrei can however go over all the details shortly and jump back into this channel07:19
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: good idea07:20
CYGenrewould you all be able to recommend a worthy irc client for my ubuntu installation?..07:20
Ozeragbguys a little help here07:20
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: depends what you like, irssi, hexchat,..07:20
lotuspsychje!patience | Ozeragb07:20
ubottuOzeragb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:20
Ozeragbok ok thanks07:21
CYGenrei use limechat currently07:21
CYGenrethe ui is smooth and it's served me well07:21
JaggroI use hexchat CYGenre07:22
CYGenrei've heard good things about hexchat but never delved into it07:22
CYGenrei'll make note of this07:23
JaggroI like it. it's lightweight and has tons of options07:24
CYGenrelightweight is key07:24
CYGenrei'm gonna head over to my ubuntu installation now and see what i can assess of my drivers... then download a decent client for irc07:25
CYGenremight get lost for a while but at the very least i'll be back later07:25
CYGenrethank you all for your help, i'm looking forward to everything i can learn here07:26
CYGenrelotuspsychje: Dylan____ thank you both for your help07:26
lotuspsychjeCYGenre: good luck, and welcome to the community07:26
CYGenreMany thanks07:27
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
DavidFromBEcould anyone sucessfully use official amd drivers on ubuntu 15.10 ? x segfaults here, any help ?07:36
Drohow can i solve this : mount: /dev/sdc6: can't read superblock07:36
Dro ?07:36
lotuspsychjeDavidFromBE: you mean amdgpu/radeon or amd drivers from their site?07:49
iputrai want too ask07:49
DavidFromBElotuspsychje: from their site07:49
lotuspsychjeDavidFromBE: those are not supported anymore07:50
lotuspsychjeDavidFromBE: try the opensource drivers from ubuntu instead07:50
lotuspsychjeDro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/539880/cant-mount-an-ide-hdd-cant-read-superblock-error-message07:50
DavidFromBEthose work07:50
iputrai want ask a question, how to download package and all dependecies with "apt-get download" ?07:50
lotuspsychjeiputra: if you apt-get download package, and install it later it will install dependecies anyway07:51
sebbuyou can always try to use apt-get build-dep07:52
sebbu(btw, i don't have apt-get download, but i do have apt-get install -d)07:52
iputralotuspsychje: but i want download in one time07:54
iputralotuspsychje: because i don't have high speed internet and just have a bit bandwith07:54
=== silvian is now known as silvian_
lotuspsychjeiputra: maybe aptoncd is interesting for you then?07:55
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | iputra07:55
ubottuiputra: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (wily), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB07:55
iputraubottu: oke i will try07:56
ubottuiputra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:56
iputrai think you aren't a bot07:57
lotuspsychjeiputra: another idea is update your system in public wifi07:59
iputranonoy: hello08:05
=== zrl is now known as Guest21608
boomernangHi. About to buy a computer with a 120GB ssd and a 1TB hdd.. Basically I want to have / on the ssd and a custom partition/folder for the 1TB. Is this best to setup in the install? If so, how?08:32
LibreSpongeboomernang: Use gparted first .. use ' / ' for root partition.08:35
LibreSpongeLaney but unlikely ubuntu08:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68398
Guest68398how can i install vmware tools?08:36
LibreSpongeGuest28979: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualMachines08:36
Guest68398LibreSponge:  there is  no option to click on install vmware tools08:38
boomernangLibreSponge: and how do i make say /storage to not have root permission, just my user in gparted?08:38
LibreSpongeGuest28979: Bing is your friend. https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-vmware-player-on-ubuntu-11.04-linux-mint-1108:38
Guest68398LibreSponge:  what is bing?? i want ubuntu 15.1008:39
LibreSpongeboomernang: All I know is you can "Label partitions" 'boot etc' thats all I know.08:39
LibreSpongeGuest68398: https://www.bing.com/search?q=VM+on+Linux&go=Submit&qs=n&pq=vm+on+linux&sc=0-19&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=16958E570CBD45AE89E513E2BD3AD802&first=21&FORM=PORE08:40
boomernangok thanks LibreSponge08:41
LibreSpongeGuest68398: http://linuxg.net/?s=virtual+machine&submit=Go08:42
LibreSpongeboomernang: No worries - but sure to share n'all !08:43
Guest68398LibreSponge:  ok thanks but none of them working here08:43
Guest68398I dont even see cd08:44
LibreSpongeGuest28979: Download the Iso to the downloads, install VM using linuxg.net - run VM , right ?08:44
LibreSpongepang, Hiya08:49
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest48303
pangcan you speak chinese?08:50
Guest68398..l..  indian style08:51
Guest68398gangam style08:52
CY_Genrelotuspsychje, back, and decided to get hexchat08:55
=== silvian is now known as silvian_
CY_Genrelotuspsychje, went over the drivers and you were correct08:56
Kartagis!info android  trusty09:00
ubottuandroid (source: android): android Ubuntu Touch images. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 20140328-2310-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 347556 kB, installed size 793515 kB09:00
pangClient quit09:02
dreamaddictdoes anyone know autoconf/automake very well?09:03
CY_Genrecant say that I do09:03
ubottusasa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:03
CY_GenreI'm uber new here09:03
dreamaddictI am trying to build libvorbis from ogg vorbis, and there is a strange bug in the build configs09:03
KartagisANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux is in my .bashrc and Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable is the error I get. how come?09:04
CY_Genrei have a few questions about trusty tahr on MBP 7,109:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:05
mikeloud_Kartagis: did you export it and restart your terminal?09:11
Kartagismikeloud_: aye09:11
* Kartagis sings "shineonyoucrazydiamond"09:13
mikeloud_Kartagis: did the stackoverflow stuff on google not work for you?09:14
mikeloud_or did you try it?09:14
mikeloud_there's a couple of extra variables I see them setting09:14
bluefiveAny downside to installing CPU censors in my Ubuntu install?09:15
bluefiveHow come by default the hardware manager doesn't have the sensors for CPU temp installed?09:15
mikeloud_it could be missing the drivers for it09:16
sevenup__I guess it's because they're not always work09:16
nickzsome channel needs to have invitation to join, how to get it?09:17
samurai99bluefive: why do you feel that you need CPU censors? does your box usually run hot?09:18
bluefiveI want to know the temperature difference when I have my mini PC sitting on an external fan that is turned on09:20
bluefivevs turned off.09:20
bluefiveFor some reason the top of my mini PC (like a NUC) feels cooler after I've had it sitting with the fan turned on09:20
bluefivevs turned off.09:20
bluefiveI don't know why since the fan is just blowing on the bottom of the motherboard. The CPU is on the other side.09:21
samurai99that's odd09:22
Drohow can i solve this : mount: /dev/sdc6: can't read superblock ?09:22
bluefiveIt's also blowing the CPU exhaust away faster09:23
bluefiveby blowing up. The exhaust comes out the side at the top of the box.09:23
xenialxerusHow install mysql server on ubuntu 16.04?09:23
bluefiveMy fan is an AC Infinity external box fan. It's blowing UP. My unit is the MSI Cubi NUC-like mini PC.09:23
samurai99do you know how to install the sensors?09:23
bluefiveThe MSI cubi has some vents in the bottom of the unit, but the bottom of the unit is the underside of the motherboard where the memory and mSATA and wi-fi card are plugged in.09:24
SeveasDro: if there's supposed to be data on there, it's time to restore from backups.09:24
xenialxerusMy mysql installation keep returning error message. It said it cant set/change password for mysql root user09:24
DroSeveas, i have no backup :(09:24
bluefiveThe top of the board on the other side of the motherboard is where the CPU and heatsink and fan are.09:25
bluefivesamurai99, Yes. I saw a webpage that says how. Do you think there is any disadvantage to having them installed?09:25
bluefiveI wonder why by default they aren't installed.09:25
SeveasDro: then it's time to weep. And break out dd_rescue and photorec.09:25
samurai99bluefive: I don't see any disadvantage. Just like most sensors aren't automatically installed when you do a fresh install of windows. User preference09:26
bluefivesamurai99, Well, the sensors are only going to be on when I explicitly call them from a hardware monitor program, right?09:27
samurai99not if you load them as an applet09:28
bluefiveI just don't like bulk. Same reason I don't like the home dir encryption Ubuntu allows you to install.09:28
bluefiveI mean, I don't want something constantly probing my CPU for its temperature. You're saying it will only do that when I have the applet explicitly open.09:29
bluefiveI do believe the external fan is taking the load off the internal fan.09:30
bluefiveMy unit feels noticeably cooler to the touch.09:30
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
bluefiveCould simply be that it's getting the hot exhaust away from the unit much quicker.09:30
bluefiveBlowing that hot exhaust straight up as soon as it comes out.09:30
samurai99im not sure. I don't use any mini pcs09:31
samurai99did you see the link I sent you?09:31
bluefiveCould even be that some of the air blowing into the unit is making its way to the other side of the motherboard and then bouncing off the top of the case onto the CPU.09:32
bluefiveIt's hard to say.09:32
bluefiveYes. I went there to install the sensors.09:32
bluefiveThis will show me what effect the fan is having.09:32
bluefiveOne task I do that gets my unit working hard is the Ubuntu software update.09:32
bluefiveI've got quite a powerful 1.9 GHz CPU that really gets called into action when all my software is checked for updates.09:33
samurai99you have an internal fan right? shouldn't be an issue.09:34
nightwalk@bluefive are you worried your pc might get damaged by the heat?09:36
sevenup__but you can install sensors to get that info09:37
sevenup__I bet there's some applets to know temperature09:39
bluefiveThat's esp powerful given the tiny enclosure it sits in.09:39
bluefiveYou can see how that stresses the internal fan.09:39
bluefiveJust ran the update and by the end of it the internal fan was ramped up and really pushing out the hot exhaust.09:39
bluefiveCan I use these sensors to adjust the fan control?09:39
bluefive"Running fancontrol when booting should work out of the box. After installing lm-sensors, the fancontrol script is treated as a service and should be found under /etc/init.d/fancontrol."09:39
samurai99just apt-get sensors-applet09:40
Bin4ryanyone on gnome can suggest a tiling solution09:44
bluefive"Remote host closed socket"09:45
bluefiveDoes this mean the server pulled my connection?09:45
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
bluefivesAppears my server went down.09:55
bluefivesA nice way to figure out if you have home dir encryption enabled is to go to the System Monitor and see if you have ecryptfs running.09:58
bluefivesI forgot about not hitting enter after every line. Apologies.09:58
=== trick is now known as Guest75206
BlankSpaceanyone here?10:08
BlankSpacejoin #newbie10:09
BlankSpacejoin /#newbie10:09
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
BlankSpaceI need some help10:10
ikoniajust ask10:11
Ben64explain the issue in as much detail as possible10:11
ikoniarather than keep stating that you need help - just state what you need help with10:11
ikoniaif it's ubuntu related this channel will help10:11
ikonia(if it can)10:11
BlankSpaceIts not ubuntu related.10:11
BlankSpaceI am relatively new to this chat.10:11
BlankSpaceCan i ask in pvt if you dont mind?10:12
ikoniathis channel only deals with ubuntu issues10:12
ikoniaif you /join #freenode they can teach you how to use IRC and find the best channgles, also see freenode.net10:12
=== Simran is now known as davikaur
xenialxerusI got this error when I tried to install mysql on Ubuntu 16.04, http://imgur.com/yPiZwnF. Anyone?10:16
ikoniaxenialxerus: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 discussion10:17
BlankSpaceok how can i remove all r packages on ubuntu10:19
BlankSpaceand reinstall it10:19
BlankSpaceI have tried uninstalling10:19
BlankSpacebut when i type R.it still shows its version10:19
ikoniawhat ?10:19
ikoniawhaen you "type R"10:19
zolI'm stuck at grub_rescue with "error: unknown filesystem". I've tried the insmod normal approach: "set root=(hd0,1); set prefix=(hd0,1)/boot/grub; insmod normal; normal" I get the same error message again and now I can't boot into my live cd on a usb anymore.10:19
zolWhat can I do? I can't get past grub_rescue.10:20
ikonialook at the file system10:20
ikoniais it there ? can it be mounted ?10:20
zolls in grub rescue shows "(hd0) (hd0, msdos1)"10:21
ikoniaappreciate that, but not quite what I asked10:21
abhishekhi guys10:21
zolikonia: I can't even boot into live cd.10:21
ikoniazol: so thats nothing to do with grub/your install10:21
ikoniait sounds like you have a more serious problem10:22
abhishek I was trying to install matlab from iso in kubuntu10:22
abhishekI am getting this error http://pastebin.com/2GJu9ySe10:22
abhishekany suggestions :)10:22
ikonianautlius is not in kubuntu10:22
ikoniait's a gnome component10:22
zolikonia: I COULD boot into it, but after changing prefix/root I can't anymore. Is there a way to reset them?10:22
ikoniaagain, this is not what I"m asking10:23
ikoniacan you mount the file system grub is complaining is an unknown file system10:23
abhishekikonia: thx for reply. How can I fix this?10:23
frostschutzzol, if it's (hd0,msdos1), then write it (hd0,msdos1) and not (hd0,1)10:23
ikoniaabhishek: I'd change the install routine10:23
ikoniaabhishek: installing nautlius just for that is bad, it will pull in a LOT of stuff into your KDE environment10:24
zolfrostschutz: Thanks.10:24
ikoniaabhishek: the process is mounting the ISO as a file system then trying to open a gui file browser10:24
abhishekikonia: change nautilus "$mountFolder" to what? I am unaware of nautlius10:24
ikoniaabhishek: just use the kde/kubuntu file browser10:24
Ben64abhishek: its a dumb script10:24
zolikonia: Ok, I don't understand your question. Could you please rephrase it? How can I determine whether I can mount the file system inside grub rescue shell?10:24
ikonianot within grub rescue shell10:25
frostschutzzol, in the old notation it would actually be (hd0,0) but (hd0,msdos1) is better (if it's to be the first partition of a msdos partition table... with gpt partitions it would be (hd0,gpt1) or whatever10:25
abhishekikonia: Ben64 Thanks!10:27
zolfrostschutz: Right, thanks. Not sure how to get around grub rescue, changing the root to (hd0, msdos1) didn't make it work again. :/10:27
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest34037
frostschutzzol, so it doesn't even give you the normal grub menu in the first place? might have to reinstall grub in that case10:28
zolfrostschutz: Exactly. How can I do that if I can't boot from live cd via live usb?10:28
frostschutzuh, what do you boot then? :-O10:29
ikoniawhy can you not boot from a livecd10:29
ikoniaas I said earlier if you can't boot live media - you have a more serious problem10:29
frostschutzyou had to boot something to change whatever you changed?10:29
xyzabcdI am trying to find a gmail client in ubuntu that's shows me separate folders for primary, social and promotions. And notifies only if mail is received in the primary.10:30
frostschutzunless you had a very fine magnetized needle and electron microscope10:30
zolI managed to boot into live cd once, but then I rebooted and I tried changing root and prefix using (hd0,1) format, after that it stopped working booting into live cd.10:30
ikoniagrub is nothing to do with the livecd10:30
zolNow it just boots into grub rescue shell and stays there.10:30
ikoniaif you can't boot a livecd you have a more serious problem10:30
xyzabcdI have tried thunderbird and kmail so far. Any1 which does the job?10:30
zolOk, I switched USB slot and rebooted, now I could access the live cd again.10:32
zolShall I try to run boot-repair?10:34
bluefivesAny security concerns to storing my bank passwords in Firefox if I am using a master password with my Firefox (encryption)?10:50
scott__Anyone have any experience with aport errors?10:53
ikoniawhy don't you just state your problem10:54
scott__ERROR: apport (pid 3069) Thu Mar 24 11:41:39 2016: called for pid 1372, signal 6, core limit 010:54
ikoniaso that looks to me like it's tried to collect data on a process thats already dead10:56
scott__is there any place that explains the pid numbers and what they stand for?10:58
ikoniathey are process numbers10:58
ikoniaand they stand for the process that owned them10:58
scott__thanks for your help.10:59
zolGuess I'll have t oassume that the disk died.11:04
ikoniawhy would you assume that ?11:06
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
hheeguys, how can i wrote usb stick from command line?11:11
hheewith ubuntu11:11
ikoniawrite what to a usb ?11:11
hheeikonia, ubuntu iso11:11
ikoniause dd11:11
hheeikonia, cool. which block size do i need to use?11:12
hheeikonia, and does its matter?11:12
ikoniadon't specify one,11:12
ikoniait can matter,11:12
hheeikonia, ok tnx11:12
RDX400Hello, i need some help on this http://pastebin.com/HB54mEhC11:13
frostschutzhhee, use dd bs=1M unless you want dd to be slow; cp also works, cp file.iso /dev/usbstick11:14
ikoniafrostschutz: pretty much what it says on the error - it's trying to access a crypt device (that references a physical device) that doesn't exist11:14
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hheeguys, what really block size? and why its matter, can't understand11:18
ikoniait can cause an overlap11:18
ikoniait normally won't matter though11:18
llutzincreasing dd-blocksize might speedup the process, default 512 is quite slow in most cases11:21
hheeikonia, llutz tnx. guys. where can i read about this? block sizes disk geometry and so on?11:26
ubottuGoogle recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run:   sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome11:26
llutzhhee: standard answer: google helps :)11:27
hheewhere can i get all such awesome command like chrome-repo ? :)11:28
* hhee want to use it :)11:28
hheellutz, cool :)11:28
frostschutzhhee, by default dd reads 512 bytes, writes 512 bytes, reads 512 bytes, ... with bs=1M it read 1M, writes 1M, reads 1M, ... the end result is identical but it does the same with a lot fewer individual read/write operations... copying gigabytes ofdata in steps of 512 bytes is just horrible11:29
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hheefrostschutz, tnx x10 for explanation! what i need.11:30
Joe_TabletMacht spaß jaa11:30
Joe_Tabletich mache das auf youtube lol11:31
Joe_TabletIRC Prank11:31
Joe_Tabletist voll spaßig11:31
vert0letschick mir mal den link via PN ^^11:31
Joe_Tablettat chs i11:32
Joe_Tabletio ui piu !11:32
Joe_Tabletkick me?11:32
vert0letif only11:32
hheeanybody already tried new 16 lts ubuntu? guys is it stable?11:33
llutzhhee: #ubuntu+1 for that11:33
vert0lethopefully media-creator tool is bug-free again...11:33
hheellutz, tnx11:33
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circle_does anyone use openshot?11:36
circle_any idea how I'd export a video without sound?11:36
ren0v0_Hi, i'm using a DAC (SMSL Q5 Pro), but i'm getting constant cracking over USB. Is there something i'm supposed to do ?11:41
ren0v0_I get a ton of errors in syslog,   related ones like  >  [alsa-sink-USB Audio] alsa-util.c: Got POLLNVAL from ALSA11:42
zolHow do you rename network interfaces in ubuntu 15.10?11:42
ikoniazol: never11:42
ikoniazol: why do you want to do that11:42
zolikonia: I'm setting up my ubuntu machine to work as a router, and would like to name the external interface as wan and internal interface as lan.11:43
ikoniazol: thats silly11:43
ikoniayou're changing device names for fun11:43
zolNo. I'm changing it for clarity.11:43
ikoniajust document/remember that eth0 is external and eth1 is internal11:43
ikoniaalso put a tag in the iptables rule you use11:43
zolSo it is impossible to change them?11:44
ikoniathey can be changed11:44
ikoniabut it's a bad idea, more so for no good reason11:44
zolCare to elaborate why it's a bad idea?11:45
ikoniabecause some things will reference/expect standard naming11:45
ikoniayou'll also be at risk to potential rule updates11:46
ikonia(from the vendor)11:46
llutzzol: ip link set eth0 down ; ip link set eth0 name wan; ip link wan up                     have fun but don't cry if stuff stops working11:49
ikoniathat won't work11:49
ikoniaas udev will change it11:49
soundscapewondering if anyone knows if the gedit-latex-plugin in 15.10 has any bug that causes it to fail to load correctly?11:51
ikonialook on launchpad11:51
ren0v0_my USB DAC starts playing for like 5 seconds clear, then crackles and pops, please any suggestions?11:51
zolikonia: thanks!11:52
ren0v0_some lgos > http://pastebin.com/eRQhwa8e11:52
soundscapeikonia: there's an entry for 15.04 for the bug, but not 15.1011:54
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soundscapeikonia: sorry, correction. the bug is listed against 15.04, but several of the responses relate to 15.10 too. looks like its not just me.11:56
atralheavenwhat is option of "adduser" command for adding a user to a group (sudoers group)?11:58
RDX400Need some help on this pls http://pastebin.com/Rn1BLeMF11:59
ren0v0_If i open "pavucontrol" the crackling stops??11:59
k1l_atralheaven: adduser doesnt need any arguments. just sudo adduser user group12:00
k1l_atralheaven: then logout and in again12:00
ren0v0_k1l_: you sure?12:00
atralheavenk1l_: adduser username sudo?12:01
k1l_ren0v0_: i am very shure. and i am sure you are confuse with the old useradd12:01
atralheavenk1l_: I read man there is a -g option12:01
ren0v0_k1l_: i've never used "adduser" to add a user to a group12:01
k1l_atralheaven: i am very sure12:01
ren0v0_atralheaven: use  sudo usermod -aG user group12:01
atralheavenk1l_: I don't want to edit a file to add the new user to sudoers12:02
ren0v0_atralheaven: read what i put above12:02
k1l_atralheaven: sudo adduser user group will work on ubuntu.12:02
atralheavenren0v0_: I think thats what I was looking for, thanks!12:03
k1l_ren0v0_: are you saying i am lying?12:03
ren0v0_k1l_: either you are blind or looking for an argument, i asked if you was "sure"12:04
ren0v0_because i've never used "adduser" in that way12:04
ren0v0_don't be upset12:04
atralheavenk1l_: ren0v0_: there can be two ways to do one thing12:04
ren0v0_did i say there wasn't ?12:04
k1l_i gave the correct and easy answer. if the user forgets one of the arguments on useradd he will trash his whole system.12:04
k1l_so my command is way more easy and way more safe.12:05
ren0v0_get off your toadstool my friend :)12:05
k1l_atralheaven: since you dont trust me read that official ubuntu doku: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto12:06
ren0v0_k1l_: nobody said they didn't trust you, stop crying jesus12:06
ren0v0_he got the job done, move on12:06
atralheavenk1l_: man I trust you, there are just two or more ways to do that12:06
slaffeset my discriptors to 65535, tor server still says its used 99% of them..12:07
slaffe[13:06:09]root@scenics:~# su debian-tor --shell /bin/bash --command "ulimit -n"12:07
atralheaventhe name of sudoers group is sudo right?12:07
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znrHi peeps! I am using Bodhi Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) and would like to see what the kiddo is doing with his Win 7 machine... He is connecting through the router via WiFi and I'm on TP-cable. Any ideas for programs?12:12
znrWould Wireshark do the job?12:13
ikoniaznr: we don't support bodhi here12:14
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BluesKajHiyas all12:16
k1l_znr: try in #bodhilinux12:17
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Guest52990atralheaven, yes12:24
raspberry-piAre you ok.12:24
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ren0v0I have a USB DAC, crackling like crazy when choosing "Q-AMP" as output via sound settings. If i install and leave open "pavucontrol" it works flawlessly...12:25
tho_Hi. When using gvfs-smb - where to put options, like --socket-options, for samba client?12:25
tho_I have extremely low transfers on our local network, while computers on windows download files at 50-70MB/s rate, the smb client gets 10-15MB/s12:26
ren0v0what does that mean? is there something one UI is using and the other isn't?12:26
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ubuntu218I'm trying to switch from windows to ubuntu. Would it be a good idea to move into ubuntu now, or wait till 16.04 comes out and then swap? I'm not sure how much it matters12:59
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aguitelhow create partiton table in pendrive ? gparted is not working with this13:01
ubuntu218I'm not an expert, just sort of switching over in the last few days. But check if you have a data manager.13:02
paanyone here uses a Technisat Skystar S2 DVB-S2 card?13:02
llutzpa not with success13:03
pallutz, you mean you have it ,but didn't manage to use it?13:03
llutzpa: i gave up and sold that crappy thing.13:03
pain my case it works fine on 14.04 with patched media-build drivers13:03
pabut i seem to be unable to tune a specific transponder13:04
paotherwise it generally works13:04
llutzpa well i prefer things "complete working ", so i got a technotrend s2-320013:10
nickzanyone here?13:10
javier_hola soy nuevo, como hago para poner firefox en esañol? gracias13:11
BluesKajnickz, just ask your question13:11
ubottujavier_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:11
javier_ok gracias13:11
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest47535
Guest47535I am not able to install vmware toolds there is no vmware tool .pl file13:14
Guest47535some one hwlp please13:14
nickz_Guest47535: where did you try to download it?13:17
nickz_should be in ubuntu center for easier purpose13:18
Guest47535nickz_:  I click install vmware toold from vmware13:18
shockvaluare you familiar with the software? have you used vmware previously or is this you first go?13:20
Guest47535shockvalu:  i used before13:21
Guest47535and I used to download from its menu13:21
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=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
MJ888Hi everyone, I think virus infect my computer after extracting .rar file. The problem is I can't own any file (can't copy anymore, just open it). What would I do?13:30
Guest47535.some onen can help??13:30
Guest47535MJ888: u dont have permision?13:30
k1l_MJ888: what .rar? what files exactly? what ubuntu exactly?13:31
MJ888Hi Yes13:31
MJ888I am using lubuntu13:31
Guest47535MJ888:  windows virus cant effect ubuntu13:31
ShogootHi all. I got this ubntu server 15 and i know (even he denies it) my younger cousin installed some programs. Is there any way to see what programs have been installed by any user?. I had a fresh os install on the machine when my cousin got his hands on it. I know he at least installed htop.13:31
Guest47535may be u dnt ahve permision13:31
MJ888The file that I got it from internet13:31
tewardGuest47535: there are viruses for Linux - Windows viruses can affect the Wine portions, but there can be linux viruses too, don't forget this.13:31
Guest47535teward:  I know13:32
MJ888after I extract that file, I don't own all the file anymore13:32
ikoniaShogoot: look at the install logs for the package manager13:32
ikoniaShogoot: look at his user shell history13:32
Guest47535but in his case I guess he have mount permisions etc [prob13:32
MJ888It change the owner as 100013:32
ikoniaMJ888: change the ownerhip13:32
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ikoniait's just taken the ownership of the uid who created the file13:33
Shogootikonia, waht are the names of the logs if you dont mind?, thois unders /var/logs?13:33
k1l_MJ888: what files? what .rar? is that from an insecure source?13:33
MJ888hi ikona: I have try but not working yet13:33
ikoniaShogoot: yes /var/log13:33
MJ888Hi kil, yep13:33
ikoniaMJ888: is this on a usb stick or on a local disk13:33
ldshHi, I'm trying to save datas from a laptop hard drive (inside a USB3 enclosure), but each time after a moment, the ubuntu desktop I'm using to make that saving crash (screen image does not move at all and no responsiveness). If I'm not connecting that drive, the system is stable, but I don't see how that can be linked to the hard drive (and the same enclosure with a different hard drive inside gave no problems)13:33
MJ888hi Ikonia: on local disk13:33
ikoniaMJ888: what file system is on the local disk ?13:34
MJ888ikonia: ext413:34
k1l_MJ888: what folder are the files in?13:34
ikoniaMJ888: how are you trying to change the ownership of the files after the extract ?13:34
MJ888k1l: under download directory13:35
MJ888ikonia: I didn't make it, it happened by it self13:35
k1l_MJ888: open a terminal (alt+ctrl+t) and and type "ls -al Downloads/" then show one line of on of those files/folders please in here.13:36
ikoniaMJ888: yes, and I told you to change the permissions and you said "it doesn't work" so I'm asking you - "how did you try to change the permisions"13:36
MJ888By the way, after all these happen I tried to reboot the computer, then I can't even login again "it said password is not correct"13:36
MJ888ok k1l:13:37
anonymousping www.receitasqueamo.com.br13:37
ikoniaif you can't login - how are you doing this ?13:37
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k1l_MJ888: are you sure it was just in downloads folder? are you sure you didnt fiddle with root permissions there?13:37
k1l_MJ888: what was in that .rar?13:37
MJ888k1l: movie file13:38
Guest53895DDoS  of
k1l_Guest53895: this is not an anonymouse ddos channel.13:38
MJ888Hi k1l: it show like that "drwxrwxr-x 26 root root       4096 Mar 25 10:19 New"13:40
k1l_MJ888: so you uses sudo to unrar?13:40
k1l_MJ888: which is very wrong.13:40
MJ888no I use application I don't know it name13:40
MJ888Yep it seem i own it but I can't copy the file13:41
Guest47535fuck vmware13:42
SchrodingersScat!language | Guest4753513:42
ubottuGuest47535: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:42
MJ888When I copy the file, it show error with "The file operation was completed with errors" "error occurs: ...:permission deny"13:42
k1lyou dont own it. its owned by root13:42
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MJ888k1l, I m now running on live cd13:43
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k1lMJ888: so there is a folder "NEW" in Downloads folder?13:43
MJ888Yep, one of them13:43
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Shogootikonia, found it at /home/xx/.bash_history. thanks13:45
lee_g750jmhello all13:45
lee_g750jmhistory -c clears is13:45
k1lMJ888: if you only unrar it to your users home that cant infect the system. so boot to that system. when at login screen press "ctrl+alt+f1" log into your user. then run "sudo chown -R user:user /home/user" put your users name as "user". then you should be able to login again using "ctrl+alt+f7"13:46
MJ888k1l: I gonna try it13:47
MJ888kl1: thanks13:48
xenialxeruswhich one is correct "apt-get remove --purge" or "apt-get remove -purge". Does it need two minus sign or both is compatible?13:58
xenialxerusSorry for newbie question13:58
nicomachusxenialxerus: --13:58
AvatarAapt-get purge works too13:58
nicomachusor apt-get purge --remove, or apt purge, etc...13:59
xenialxerusOh, got it. Crystal clear14:00
tuxicklo, since a week or so my 15.10 fails to suspend or shutdown, is this a known issue?14:03
equityit was supposed to be a diamond14:09
equitybut it wound up being jade14:09
nicomachustuxick: what do you mean by fails to suspend or shutdown?14:09
tuxickit just won't, keeps returning to login screen14:10
tuxickrunning kde btw14:11
kamild1996Hello, I just uninstalled fglrx from my Ubuntu 15.10 but now I can't get Mesa to load, instead "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe" is running. How can I fix it?14:12
xenialxerusAnyone here running LAMP stack on 16.04?14:13
nicomachus!xenial | xenialxerus14:13
ubottuxenialxerus: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+114:13
k1lxenialxerus: #ubuntu+1 for xenial support.14:13
k1lkamild1996: how does fglrx fit with mesa and gallium?14:14
kamild1996k1l, I'm sorry? I might be mistaking things but since I uninstalled fglrx, my OS is very slow, and "llvmpipe" seems to be the reason of that.14:14
k1lkamild1996: what video card is it?14:15
kamild1996k1l, Radeon R9 280X. Before installing fglrx I had Mesa installed from padoka's PPA and it was working well.14:15
kamild1996Maybe the Xorg log file might provide more details, let me send it to you14:16
kamild1996Here: http://pastebin.com/A6CTuvVw14:17
wjlafrance-lapI'm using ubuntu server in a VM for a presentation. Is there a way to increase the font size of the terminal? (not xterm or gnome-terminal, not running X)14:19
k1lkamild1996: ususally if not fglrx is used it should use radeon as the open source driver. but he even cant load that14:19
k1lkamild1996: but i am not an amd expert14:20
ubuntu-studiohow to use the root terminal?14:21
kamild1996sudo -s?14:21
kamild1996k1l, I'll keep looking then, thanks anyway14:23
lotuspsychjekamild1996: you could test 16.04 with amdgpu/radeon perhaps, see if performance is better there14:24
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kamild1996lotuspsychje, I'd like to stay with 15.10 until 16.04 gets released.14:25
lotuspsychjekamild1996: did radeon work on 15.10 before you tested fglrx or mesa?14:27
kamild1996lotuspsychje, yes, radeon and the driver from padoka's PPA (Mesa?) were working perfectly fine, until I installed fglrx and tried to remove it14:28
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lotuspsychjekamild1996: remove all ppa's and try recoverymode/fix broken packages perhaps14:31
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kamild1996Just tried something, let me reboot14:31
kamild1996then I'll try your solution14:31
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kamild1996Ok so even though I removed fglrx using "dpkg" command, I also had to remove them with "apt-get remove --purge". Now it's all fine :)14:37
nosleepi need help xd14:38
k1lkamild1996: didnt you say your removed fglrx already?14:40
kamild1996k1l, I did using the "dpkg" command but apparently it didn't fully remove it14:41
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kamild1996When I tried to remove them using "sudo  sh /usr/share/ati/amd-uninstall.sh", it told me that I can't do that and that I need to "use a following command to remove fglrx from my computer".14:43
kamild1996It was a dpkg command although I don't remember the entire line.14:43
=== silvian is now known as silvian_
riqjhello everyone, I have a question about 'Ubuntu' font. who exactly needs to be credited as the author in using this font family?14:49
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
minimecriqj: http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ubuntu-font-licence-1.0.txt http://font.ubuntu.com/licence/14:53
riqjminimec, I've already read through the license text, but there is not this information in it14:55
kdm13riqj: If you are in compliance with the license, what is the problem?14:56
arusselI'm looking for a simple postit app that I could easily show/hide with a single keybinding, any suggestion ?14:56
riqjkdm13, the 'attribution' is14:56
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kdm13riqj: I do not understand the problem. Does some rule require you to name a specific person?14:57
craptalkhow to use ssh basicly?14:58
lotuspsychjecraptalk: try #openssh channel14:58
EriC^^ssh user@host14:58
lee_g750jmhappy friday all14:59
riqjkdm13, you're right, the license doesnt seem to explicitly require this. but I just felt like I should add, though not sure. also the designer of the font is some other company.15:00
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riqjkdm13, minimec, thank you, I'll figure it somehow, thank you15:04
ziz15is getdeb secure?15:07
lotuspsychje!ppa | ziz1515:10
ubottuziz15: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:10
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
xenialxerusOut of curiosity, what is your choice of ubuntu desktop enviroment? I bet most on Unity right15:12
reisiothat's some crazy bet :p15:12
lotuspsychje!discuss | xenialxerus15:13
ubottuxenialxerus: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.15:13
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=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
sudomarizeTHe cursor has disappeared on my screen, how can i reset it?15:21
sudomarize(without restarting my machine)15:21
pbxsudomarize, logging out and back in may do it15:22
pbxspeaking of fixing things: how do i get the super key to show the launcher?15:23
MoonBurstAs a new user, could I give a command and be told if it looks right? So I know if I'm at least in the ballpark for what I'm trying to do?15:25
reisioyou could15:26
reisioas old, too15:26
MoonBurstas old?15:26
naccMoonBurst: "As a old user..."15:26
=== FuriousGeorge__ is now known as FuriousGeorge
MoonBurstI'm thinking it's... tar sudo -xzf name.gz?15:27
reisiosudo would usually be first, but only if you want, at least on Ubuntu, to use root15:27
MoonBurstactually, I think sudo should be first. To set permissions15:27
reisiommm, well, if you want it as root, sure15:28
reisio-xf is enough15:28
reisiothese days15:28
reisioyou'd want -z with -cf, to specify gzip, if desired15:28
reisio-c create, -x extract15:28
reisioalthough it it's truly just foo.gz, you might want gunzip alone15:29
reisioif* it's15:29
MoonBurstit's a tar.gz15:29
minimecpbx: Have you disabled desktop icons with "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false"? IN that case the super key doesn't work anymore.15:29
xenialxerusHow to use root account? I tried su - root, then terminal ask me for password. But I never set password for root. This is fresh install15:29
reisioMoonBurst: hence 'if' :)15:30
reisioxenialxerus: Ubuntu's root password is scrambled/unset by default15:30
reisioxenialxerus: the "Ubuntu way" is to use sudo instead, but you can set a root passwd if you like15:30
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
xenialxerusreisio: So I just need to set password to use root account?15:31
k1l!sudo | xenialxerus15:31
ubottuxenialxerus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:31
k1lxenialxerus: no. dont use the root account. you use sudo if you need root permissions on cli15:31
MoonBurstI tried to just extract the file, but it basically told me I'm doing it wrong.15:31
reisioxenialxerus: in your su example that would suffice, yes15:31
MoonBurstWindows habits15:31
reisioMoonBurst: what was the command?15:32
MoonBurstcd Downloads into sudo tar -xzf file.tar.gz15:32
xenialxerusThanks for info. I wont even activate root account then15:32
reisioMoonBurst: you'd probably want to not use sudo for such things, almost ever15:32
reisioMoonBurst: or -z, start with just tar -xf file.tar.foo15:33
k1lMoonBurst: you dont need sudo to unpack stuff15:33
reisioin fact you might start with tar -tvf foo, to make sure the structure isn't awful15:33
MoonBurstI got ubuntu like... a day or two ago15:33
reisioalternatively, you can double-click from your file manager and do it graphically15:33
reisioalthough it's well worth knowing how to tar from a command line, of course15:33
MoonBursthaving a good GUI would be great for me. I extracted it that way, but the folder has a lock icon over it, so I think I'm not quite right about what I'm doing15:34
MoonBurstThat and I'm suppose to run something in the file with Mono to make it do what I want it to do15:34
MoonBurstThe exact file is the steam card puller, Archi Steam Farm.15:35
MoonBurstI got it working just find on windows, but since I'm trying to move away from windows, I'm having some trouble15:35
MoonBurstWindows for years, Linux is basically making me feel like my bike lost a wheel15:36
MoonBurstUnless the problem is I did something wrong when I tried to add in Mono. Which seems just as likely15:37
reisioMoonBurst: dunno, the lock could just be the generic archive icon for your system15:38
reisioit could mean it's owned by root15:38
reisioicons are just hints15:38
MoonBurstThat's fairly likely. I'm using 14.04 until 16.04 comes out15:39
MoonBurstBeing new, I think it's a good idea for me to stick to LTS15:39
xenialxerusMoonBurst: You may need to move to Windows 10 if you wanted DX12. And DX12 game keep coming. DX12 is low overhead GPU API. Free boost for you GPU15:39
BluesKaj MoonBurst it's not the bike , it's your sense of balance that's changed, once you find the new balance then it opens up a many more avenues to explore, forgive my analogy, but that's the easiest way to describe in your context15:39
k1lMoonBurst: i bet that thing got a readme. but be aware that when you install 3rd party code from "a website" we cant help there that much.15:40
reisioyou can actually make a bike that automatically rights itself and basically never falls over15:40
reisiophysics is... far out15:40
=== FuriousGeorge__ is now known as FuriousGeorge
MoonBurstI know what you mean. I just mean that after I learn to ride a bike, anything that isn't a bike makes it seem way harder than I think it should be15:40
MoonBurstit does, sort of. But it wasn't really tested for ubuntu. And a read me only helps if I can understand. :P15:41
MoonBurstSo I've just been throwing commands for a while and trying to figure everything out15:41
reisiowell, this is the place with answers, FFR :)15:41
ringarginghi, I installed ubuntu on a usb stick but each time I shutdown, I need to boot on the install usb stick and use boot-repair the other usb stick to make it bootable again15:43
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ringargingany idea on how I could fix this ? I could buy a ssd drive right15:45
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tuxickthe shutdown/suspend problem seems related to plymouth15:52
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EOBeavThere used to be a way to create an ubuntu install so that the end user would be able to create their own username and login upon first boot. Is this not available anymore?  Currently running 14.0415:56
minimecEOBeav: Should be this... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview15:59
EOBeavminimec: Thanks, I'll take a look at it.16:02
=== FuriousGeorge__ is now known as FuriousGeorge
chiliblueI am really struggling to work out connecting a bluetooth gps, I have the bluetooth working, I can cat the rfcomm and it outputs something that looks like nmea to me, but it doesn't appear to work with in the chartplotter app. anyone got any ideas?16:25
seatexWhen will Thunderbird 38.7.1 be available for 16.04?16:26
reisiowhen it is16:27
optimus_Guys... is it possible to fit a 4 GB file in two 2 GB drives? By mounting them to the same mount point?16:28
ubuntu347sometimes, prog16:28
reisiooptimus_: sure, but it sounds convoluted16:28
ubuntu347sometimes, programs I try and run crash, even on a newly installed OS. Mostly VMs and compatiblity programs16:29
reisiooptimus_: be more efficient use of time/money/etc. to get a 4gb storage device16:29
optimus_reisio: Could you please explain it to me... I need to fit a large file in 2 of my flash drives16:29
ubuntu347Is that something caused by my actions, or is that something from wine or whatever?16:29
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optimus_reisio, I can't afford a 32 GB flash drive at the moment. But I need to do that file transfer really really quick.16:30
reisiosure you can, they're dirt cheap :p16:31
optimus_reisio, You don't know me. :P16:31
BluesKajoptimus_, is it an image/iso file16:31
reisiooptimus_: you can probably just use 'split'16:31
reisioI doubt you need to bother with a union mount16:31
optimus_BluesKaj, No. I need to fit a 17 GB file for transfer. I only have a 16 GB flash drive. And a 8 GB one too.16:32
optimus_reisio, Can't split. I have to download it. As is.16:32
optimus_Plus, I'm a novice too.16:32
reisiooptimus_: oh download16:34
reisiooptimus_: try mhddfs16:35
reisioshould be a nice simple way to manage it16:35
optimus_reisio, care to explain? Please? :)16:35
reisioinstall mhddfs, from universe16:35
itsmemariohi guys, i'm in a tty terminal, and need to kill the window manager process (xubuntu)16:35
reisioand then the little commands down at 'mkdir /mnt/virtual' here: https://romanrm.net/mhddfs16:36
itsmemarioI'm struggling a litle bit, any help?16:36
BluesKaj!mhddfs | optimus_16:36
reisioitsmemario: killall xfwm4; killall compiz16:36
BluesKaj!info mhddfs | optimus_16:36
ubottuoptimus_: mhddfs (source: mhddfs): file system for unifying several mount points into one. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.39+nmu1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 24 kB, installed size 88 kB16:36
reisioyeah I already said it's in universe...16:36
optimus_reisio,  Thank you! :) I'll try those out16:36
optimus_BluesKaj,  Okay.16:37
itsmemarioreisio: thank you! is this the same as: /etc/init.d/YOUR_DESKTOP_MANAGER stop (from a tutorial)16:37
reisioitsmemario: not exactly the same...16:38
reisiodesktop managers specifically do not frequently have init scripts/services, either; though display managers frequently have16:38
reisioxdm, gdm, lightdm, etc.16:38
fosstererHi! I am running 16.04 (Development Branch). My system doesn't connect to one particular WiFi Network. Is this a 'known issue' or should I 'report as a bug'?16:38
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itsmemarioreisio: woulld it be /etc/init.d/xdm stop ? because i just get command not found and the path16:39
itsmemariosomething must be missing16:39
reisioitsmemario: Ubuntu frequently uses lightdm; it also uses systemd nowadays, which ideally (to itself) does not use init.d scripts directly16:40
reisioitsmemario: you can always killall X16:40
reisioor reboot (the stupid but effective way)16:40
jiohdiI am getting an error saying stable inrelease signature cannot be verified, any help appreciated16:41
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itsmemarioreisio: hahaha. i'm actuall dealing with a driver so i'm afraid i can't. when you say "killall X" you mean "killall xfwm4", right? (as x, being the desktop environment)16:42
reisiothe X server16:42
reisiois the process your entire DE relies on16:42
reisioas well as your DM16:43
reisioso 'killall X', verbatim16:43
itsmemarioreisio: it says no process found :O16:43
reisioitsmemario: then it's not running16:43
reisiohi blank16:43
itsmemarioreisio: ah, lol. I thought my whole x server vanished16:43
BlankSpaceis thr any forum to talk about personal problem?16:43
itsmemarioreisio: thank you!16:44
reisioBlankSpace: like, not to do with computing?16:44
reisiothere's #ubuntu-offtopic16:44
reisioused to be a general "off topic" channel for the entire freenode network, but apparently it made the network admins feel... out of control or something? So they killed it16:45
jnoob22anyone know when 14.04.4 will EOL'd? Can't seem to find it16:46
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itsmemarioreisio: mmm, the tutorial is telling me to open xorg.conf.new, and assumes there are things inside, but it's blank! (I believe has been created upon me using nano)16:47
reisiojnoob22: 201916:47
naccjnoob22: 14.04 is supported for 5 years16:47
reisioitsmemario: sounds like an outdated tutorial16:47
reisioitsmemario: what're you trying to accomplish, in general?16:47
jnoob22Was thinking I better get cracking on 16.04 by August this year.16:47
itsmemarioreisio: basically, i am dealing with a generic chinese computer. The driver is really dodgy (sis graphic). This is the tutorial: http://zatherz.cba.pl/sis/  . I am afraid it's been a while since I have picked up linux16:49
itsmemarioreisio: my bad, my dyslexia made me jump lines16:50
reisiostupid lysdexia16:50
reisioitsmemario: so, graphics weren't working out of the box?16:50
itsmemarioreisio: they work on a very silly resolution 800xsomething16:51
reisioitsmemario: what version of Ubuntu, again?16:52
itsmemarioreisio: the latest, 15.10 (xubuntu)16:53
itsmemarioreisio: ahhh. I did not stop the win. manager. It should be sudo stop lightXX (I'm tryna find the one for xfce)16:54
reisiothis looks a little better: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/sis16:54
itsmemarioreisio: oh wow thank you :D16:56
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
itsmemarioreisio: aw naw. It did not work :(17:09
itsmemarioreisio: what happens if i use a 32 bits driver in a 64 b computer? will the world explode?17:10
MonkeyDustitsmemario  your OS will be erased and windows installed17:11
itsmemarioMonkeyDust: Noooooooo17:11
=== SuperLag_ is now known as SuperLag
deavidhi, i'm experiencing a problem on sound on my laptop using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS; I tried every guide i found on internet but nothing helped. Started to happen two months ago.17:24
deavidI reboot, the sound works perfectly. After a while, randomly, the sound suddenly stops.17:24
deavidvolumes are ok, not muted, pulse audio reports Spearers and not headphone17:25
MonkeyDustdeavid  in a terminal, type    alsamixer   do you see anything unusual?17:25
deavideven tried alsamixer, aaplay17:25
deavidi know alsamixer from 10 years ago, and no, nothing wrong17:25
deavidbut if i plug int the headphones, it works. But not on speakers17:25
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deavidi tried killing pulse audio. nothing. Even pusleaudio -vvvv seems ok17:26
deavidbut, if i suspend the laptop, on resume the audio works again17:26
deavidi tried to not to suspend never the laptop, but it happens anyway17:27
BluesKajdeavid, intel audio?17:27
jimmy51v_hello, i NFS boot ubuntu via dhcp/pxe server.  i have a problem with multi-nic systems.  it seems after i've pxe booted, initrd has loaded, and it's trying to mount the NFS share it chooses a random port.17:27
deavidlspci: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)17:27
jimmy51v_i can move the cable around and find the interface it's trying to use, but it's not consistent across machines or boots.17:27
jimmy51v_what do i need to do to tell it to use whichever interface is active?17:27
deavidi was looking for bugs or worarounds, i tried some, but seems the don't aply to my soundcard17:27
jimmy51v_i looked at initramfs.conf but it looks like that just lets you set DEVICE=eth49 or whatever, which wouldn't help.17:28
jimmy51v_and.... that option is overridden by kernel options in the bootloader anyway17:28
aq2jimmy51v_: So you want to change the default network?17:28
fenecohi, I was booting in recovery mode, and saw that grub allows root access from there, is there any way to make it request a password before allowing root access there?17:28
naccjimmy51v_: i dont' believe nfs knows about the routing, it just uses the kernl stack17:29
naccjimmy51v_: so it's more likley that the pxe interface is changing?17:29
jimmy51v_aq2: i want, on startup, for the proper network interface to be used.17:29
jimmy51v_by proper, i mean the one that's connected17:29
BluesKajdeavid, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel ..there's recurring bug after updates/upgrades the intel audio driver doesn't load at boot, some users still have this problem up to 14.0417:29
jimmy51v_no, we always use the same physical port17:29
aq2jimmy51v_: I think i know what file you're looking for.17:29
EriC^^feneco: yeah if you set the root password, which isn't recommended, also anybody could get a root shell easily from editing the grub entry17:29
EriC^^feneco: you could add a password to grub if you want a little layer of security17:30
aq2jimmy51v_: Edit /etc/network/interfaces but keep in mind that the computer won't boot without an internet connection if you add something there.17:30
jimmy51v_aq2: i'm all ears.  this is so annoying!  if it didn't jump around between boots i'd just hardcode ip=eth4 or whatever.17:30
aq2jimmy51v_: If you mess that up boot from a live cd and fix it. or, boot straight to bash from grub.17:30
jimmy51v_this is in a liveCD context.  is that file there?17:30
aq2Why not just do it with the desktop environment's settings?17:30
aq2Yes, it should be i think17:30
deavidBluesKaj: still without sound. thanks anyway. Any other ideas to try?17:31
fenecoEriC^^: why root comes with no password by default? I found a bit weird that if you can boot in recovery you have all access to the system without authentication17:31
aq2feneco: Even if you set a root password you can still boot straight to bash with grub17:31
aq2Just edit the parameters and add init=/bin/bash to the Linux line17:31
duobixHi there17:31
EriC^^feneco: cause it's disabled by default17:31
deavidthe sound was working on boot.17:32
BluesKajdeavid, forgot to mention, a reboot is usually needed after the command17:32
EriC^^feneco: the grub thing is for recovery purposes, like if you forget your password or something17:32
fenecoso the better workaround would be adding a password to grub, right?17:32
aq2you'll need to remount the root partition but then you have full root access... works on any linux system with bash, grub and no grub password (if its possible)17:32
duobixI tried installing 16.04 on bay trail tablet, and grub failed to install17:32
aq2duobix: Read the /topic.17:32
MonkeyDustduobix  #ubuntu+117:32
jimmy51v_aq2: i'm looking at that file in my livecd source... it has no entries.  what should it have?17:32
aq2"use #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 discussion and support, not here."17:32
aq2jimmy51v_: I'll pastebinit mine17:33
EriC^^feneco: yeah, it's still easy to get your stuff though17:33
aq2jimmy51v_: Something like this will do nothing on startup http://paste.ubuntu.com/15499300/17:33
naccjimmy51v_: is this the same bug, possibly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/37816717:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378167 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "nfsroot + multiple ethernet interfaces == boom" [Undecided,New]17:33
EriC^^using a live usb or something17:33
fenecoI see17:34
duobixTY all, sorry, missed the #topic17:34
aq2jimmy51v_: Systems installed from mini.isos connect to ethernet automatically with that file by default, i don't have an installed mini iso here right now17:34
fenecothanks I will see what I can do17:34
aq2so i can't tell what to add there to make it actually do something17:34
aq2But if you want to allow booting without ethernet this is not the file you're looking for.17:35
jimmy51v_nacc:  most likely.  i've seen that bug report forever17:35
deavidBluesKaj: Just rebooted. Sound works again, as in every reboot. Hope it is fixed.17:35
jimmy51v_still broken though17:35
aq2jimmy51v_: I think i have an idea... add some startup commands to .profile17:35
naccjimmy51v_: does the last suggestion not work? ip=all17:35
aq2put them in () across multiple lines and a & after the ()17:35
jimmy51v_it does not.17:35
aq2so they'll run in the background17:35
naccjimmy51v_: ok17:35
jimmy51v_they mention adding an ipconfig timeout, but i'm not sure where to do that17:35
aq2login commands, actually17:36
jimmy51v_aq2: when is profile parsed and ran?17:36
aq2On login17:36
jimmy51v_too late17:37
aq2its just bash17:37
aq2There's not really anything that runs earlier than that17:37
aq2except init.d but thats ran as root17:37
jimmy51v_this is occuring when the initrd i passed down via http is trying to mount the NFS share to grab the real OS17:37
jimmy51v_"The solution is obvious - you make sure the network interfaces are detected in the right order via /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, and run update-initramfs -u."17:38
jimmy51v_i'm not sure how to implement that in the initrd.lz17:38
deavidBluesKaj: happened again: sound lost with speakers. (Was listening music on youtube)17:38
aq2oh, so initrd.lz contains all that stuff?17:39
jackcomhow can i install wireshark?17:39
aq2jackcom: Type wireshark to a terminal to find out.17:39
aq2That simple :)17:40
jackcomoh thanks aq2 great :)17:40
jackcomanyway ubuntu don’t have command of aptitude?17:41
aq2Type aptitude to a terminal to find out.17:41
aq2If its installed it'll open to a semi-gui17:41
llutzjackcom: sudo apt-get install wireshark             , ubuntu comes without aptitude by default, you can install it with apt-get17:42
jackcomThe program 'aptitude' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:17:42
jackcomsudo apt-get install aptitude17:42
aq2Install it then.17:42
aq2Same thing as with wireshark.17:42
aq2llutz: Better let him explore himself by typing stuff to the terminal :)17:42
jackcomaptitude vs apt-get, which command is better?17:42
aq2Depends on what you want17:42
llutzjackcom: none17:43
jackcomwhat you mean?17:43
aq2I use apt-get when it works and aptitude when i need it, which is not that often17:43
reisiojackcom: what aq2 said17:43
reisiothey behave differently17:43
llutzjackcom: both are frontends to apt, both do their job. noting better/worse17:43
jackcomoh thanks aq2 ;)17:43
aq2Use one or the other17:43
reisioIIRC aptitude is trickier to remove things with :p17:43
jackcomtheir job ;) great17:43
reisioit makes broad assumptions you might not17:43
aq2they do some things differently and may conflict, although that doesn't happen that easily either17:43
WoodyPCWhat does this mean:: W: GPG error: https://private-ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E131728675254D9917:43
jimmy51v_aq2: yeah... they way it works is the PXE/DHCP server tells the PXE firmware where to grab an initrd.lz and vmlinuz.efi from a TFTP or HTTP server17:44
jimmy51v_that tiny kernel and initrd is pulled down and booted.  it has kernel options telling it where to grab the rest (nfsroot=/blahblahbl)17:44
jackcomubuntu graphic is better after mac. mac > ubuntu > others17:44
jimmy51v_but currently it's trying to use the wrong network interface and fails17:44
aq2aptitude can be controlled with mouse!17:44
reisioaq2: how so?17:45
aq2apt definitely cannot17:45
aq2just type aptitude to a terminal and start clicking :)17:46
MonkeyDustthat's called ncurses17:47
aq2Yes, but i didn't realize that its able to interact with clicks by following the cursor's moves :)17:47
WoodyPCI received this error after reloading the package information in Synaptic Package Manager. What does this mean:: W: GPG error: https://private-ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E131728675254D917:47
aq2WoodyPC: You have a ppa problem, try removing the ppa and adding it again.17:48
WoodyPCaq2: can I do that from system settings under updates and keys?17:49
aq2Probably you can, I don't use unity so i don't know17:49
aq2But that doesn't sound like a place for removing a repository to me17:50
aq2is ot "software and updates"?17:50
aq2is it*17:50
WoodyPCaq2: got it, thanks17:51
jackcomhow can i change hostname?17:51
aq2jackcom: sudo nano /etc/hostname17:51
OmnipotentSo, my lightdm crashed earlier and instead of simply rebooting I went to Ctrl+Alt+F1 and tried to restart just the lightdm, but while doing so, I accidentally wrote, lightdm restart, instead of sudo service lightdm restart17:51
aq2at your own risk... im not sure if its the correct way17:51
OmnipotentThe issue that happened now is that, even after rebooting, my regular user keeps asking for password again and again, Login loop.17:52
jackcomok aq2 ;)17:52
aq2jackcom: back up first!17:52
Omnipotenton Stackoverflow, I got answer such as, chown myuser:myuser .xAuthority fixes issue17:52
aq2Omnipotent: not nice, i set up my lightdm myself so i know how to reset it on this system but not sure about how ubuntu does it by default17:52
Omnipotentand yes, it did, but the fun now is that, I get a "report problem" box17:53
OmnipotentOtherwise everything is cool.17:53
aq2Omnipotent: Oh that apport thing17:53
aq2Omnipotent: I would probably remove the whole apport :)17:53
OmnipotentI can login, I can use everything normally, I just get that box.17:53
jackcomoh i see17:53
aq2Omnipotent: Wait, what exactly does that say?17:53
OmnipotentReport a problem, Close or Report buttons17:53
jackcomaq2: but i edit /etc/hostname. but hostname is not changed17:53
OmnipotentThe same thing you get for any issue..17:53
OmnipotentAnd it automatically disappears17:54
OmnipotentIt's not a big deal, I was just wondering How to get rid of it, to go to previous stage heh17:54
aq2jackcom: What does hostname say? just type to terminal17:54
aq2Omnipotent: Sounds like apport to me17:54
OmnipotentWhat is apport?17:54
aq2Its the ubuntu bug thing... i think17:54
OmnipotentYeah, so why remove it? It's cool.17:54
aq2Because you don't need it :)17:55
OmnipotentIt's just that, because I fiddled with it.. It's reporting a bug pointlessly.17:55
OmnipotentIt's my mistake not its :P17:55
aq2I installed this system from a mini.iso using just minimal things17:55
jackcomaq2: it works after turn off computer ;)17:55
aq2jackcom: Yes, i thought it might need a reboot17:55
jackcomoh great thanks aq2 ;)17:55
WoodyPCHow do I find out what I have on here: Unity, Gnome, etc...etc???17:56
tete_hi, can someone help me to get my software-raid1 (gpt) booting? i have 4 ssd's with a raid1 for /boot. i followed this guide https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/Ubuntu_Software_RAID_mit_redundanten_UEFI_Boot_Eintr%C3%A4gen but when i remove the first drive, i get into the grub rescue shell17:56
jackcomi don’t know why people let me use Debian instead of Ubunbu. but i don’t know the reason?17:57
aq2WoodyPC: if you have a big bar at left its unity17:58
aq2tete_: reinstall grub?17:58
aq2jackcom: Debian would be nice if they would have better lts17:58
tete_aq2, it failed on all 3 SSDs to boot, i dont think that this is the real problem17:58
jackcombut i think that ubuntu is more easy then debian and ubuntu have nice graphic17:58
WoodyPCaq2: what does Gnome look like?17:58
aq2tete_: did you mention you're using raid?17:58
tete_aq2, yes17:59
aq2WoodyPC: People don't use it that much anymore, just things made based on it17:59
jackcomaq2: debian is nice?17:59
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
aq2tete_: you don't just remove one of the raid drives :)17:59
aq2Your data is spread across all of them17:59
tete_aq2, i have a GPT which is not raid-able17:59
tete_the /boot partition is on raid117:59
aq2jackcom: Well, better than ubuntu non-lts17:59
tete_all other data are on raid517:59
aq2tete_: i don't know how to help.18:00
jackcomwhy what is reason?18:00
jimmy51v_any initramfs experts in?  i need my initramfs to identify and use whichever NIC is connected and linked on boot for nfsboot purposes18:00
aq2i like lts because its stable and i don't need to reinstall all the time18:00
aq2but thats just my opinion18:00
jackcomstable than ubunutu? aq ?18:01
jackcomaq2: ?18:01
aq2Debian is stable18:01
WoodyPCaq2: Thanks for the info...Been helpful.18:01
aq2but their support periods aren't that long.18:01
jackcomubuntu is not stable?18:01
aq2Depends on what version you have18:01
aq212.04, 14.04 and 16.04 in the future etc are stable because they're lts18:02
TJ-!lts | jackcom18:02
ubottujackcom: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)18:02
aq2but the rest are testing versions18:02
aq2yes, yours is lts18:02
jackcomthanks ubottu and aq218:02
v2528hello, i have recently reverted from FGLRX to Radeon on my Xubuntu 14.04, i use multi-monitor setup: Left 24" via VGA, Right 28" via HDMI. i get this strange gap between desktops when i cross my mouse to the other monitor.18:03
v2528$xrander -q: http://pastebin.com/T6zzWMxe18:04
v2528i notice the right display seems to be offset 3840 which is wrong i think "HDMI-0 connected 1920x1080+3840+0"18:07
jackcomwhat is gksudo?18:11
jackcomgksudo wireshark?18:11
EriC^^it's a way of launching gui apps with privileges18:11
EriC^^and that's the wrong way to use wireshark18:11
jackcomthen i must install it?18:11
jackcomwrong way?18:11
jackcomthen how can i do?18:12
jackcomsudo wireshark?18:12
EriC^^no, sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common18:12
EriC^^then yes18:12
jackcomtoo complicated18:13
jackcomhow about ‘sudo wireshark'?18:13
jackcomEriC^^:  ?18:13
EriC^^you just run that once to configure it18:14
jackcomthen next?18:14
EriC^^then sudo adduser <user> wireshark18:14
EriC^^logout and log back in and just type wireshark to start it18:15
jackcomthanks EriC^^ ;)18:15
EriC^^no problem18:16
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codekKHi, i create a virtual machine of ubuntu 12.04 with VMWare Player 12.1.0 , vmware tools was installed and 3d acceleration checked. But seems i didnt have 3d acceleration, when i test with /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p seems i dont have 3d support... ¿some help??18:23
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MonkeyDustcodekK  then you're out of luck, like i am18:28
MonkeyDustcodekK  not every hardware supports 3d18:29
codekKomg i need it for a homework -.-'18:29
k1lcodekK: why 12.04?18:30
codekKk1l, cause i need to use ROS Hydro version (a robotics software)18:30
TJ-codekK: it may be that the unity_support_test doesn't correctly account for a virtualised GPU18:33
WoodyPCwhat is the difference between the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Ubuntu? Is the look and feel even close or Are they completely different?18:37
TJ-WoodyPC: identical; 32 vs 64 bit is about the internal CPU architecture of the host18:38
DethanuHello. I just installed Ubuntu on this laptop and i want to make sure that the video drivers are installed correctly since this laptop has a intel integrated gpu. How can i check that?18:38
aq2WoodyPC: 64-bit is good for 2GB or more RAM18:38
aq2WoodyPC: 32-bit doesn't really handle big amounts of ram that well18:38
aq2Dethanu: If it works the drivers are installed correctly.18:39
aq2Works as loads the desktop, plays videos on youtube etdc18:39
DethanuWell this laptop is for my uncle since his leaving in a trip do i need to install anything else on it beside the vlc and the audio player?18:40
tux_I cannot find the download link for the ppd on this site: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-LaserJet_P201518:40
aq2Dethanu: Depending on what you want to do with it18:40
tux_I'm looking for the ppd as I don't need the entire hplib18:40
aq2tux_: sudo apt-get install hplip-gui18:41
aq2Its hplip, not hplib18:41
WoodyPCaq2: thanks again. You are a busy information supplier today.18:41
Dethanu@aq2 Umm his mostly using for internet... watching videos on the internet music and skype calls and that's about it18:41
SkyriderCan someone tell me why I'm getting this error? "/sbin/mount.davfs: user XXX must be member of group davfs2"18:41
tux_aq2, I do not want that I just need the ppd file18:41
SkyriderAnd rather thating the obvious.. I'm already in that group :p18:41
aq2Dethanu: Then you obviously want to install skype.18:41
tux_I'm looking for the ppd as I don't need the entire hplib18:42
DethanuI just did. Will Flash run without problems? Or do i need to install drivers for the webcam as well?!18:42
aq2!skype | Dethanu18:42
ubottuDethanu: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga18:42
aq2Dethanu: If you want to watch flash content download chrome for it18:42
aq2Dethanu: if you need to capture things from the webcam without skype install cheese18:43
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WoodyPCaq2: can I get cheese from download center?18:46
aq2Actually , i think its software center but yes, cheese is there.18:46
DethanuWhat's the correct resolution for a 15inch laptop display?18:49
BlinkizHello. Am about to buy a PCI Express SATA Card with 10 SATA 6 Gb/s ports. The card is PCI Express 2.0 x2. I will connect 8 pcs 3 Gb/s 7200rpm. My question is, will PCI Express 2.0 x2 be enough?18:49
bazhang##hardware Blinkiz18:52
Dethanutrying to set the display to 1400 × 1050 but the only settings that i get are around 130018:52
minimecDethanu: That would depend on your model...18:53
Blinkizbazhang, awesome, thanks for the direction!18:54
bubba_when is 16.04 expected to be finished?18:54
bazhangbubba_, later in april18:55
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for more bubba_18:56
SkyriderNo one knows ey.18:56
TJ-Skyrider: did the user re-login after being added to the group?18:57
minimecSkyrider: I don't know what software that is. But it looks that you have to ad your user to the davfs2 group in /etc/group18:58
TJ-Skyrider: "groups" will show current login's group memberships18:58
minimecSkyrider: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79565/add-user-to-existing-group18:58
Skyrideras mentioned, user is already in group.19:00
SkyriderForgot to relogin though, will try, thanks.19:00
craptalkdo you think bad GPA is bad future regarding IT college student?19:02
EOBeavcraptalk: Probably not on topic for this channel.19:03
craptalkEOBeav: give that channel19:03
k1lcraptalk: you have been here already often enough to know about #ubuntu-offtopic19:04
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Skyrider./sbin/mount.davfs: warning: the server does not support locks19:11
truexfan81wow how long ago did they fix the SD card driver? i remember that last time i tried to use one (been a few years) i had to restart the linux OS for it to recognize that an SD card had been plugged in19:12
truexfan81i just plugged on in a few minutes ago with 14.04.3 and it recognized it right away19:13
truexfan81one in*19:13
mikeymophey all19:13
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HaaPutWallpaper of my desktop(gnome) is not updating in ubuntu 14.04. The walpaper is updated on the lockscreen but not on desktop.19:32
HaaPutWallpaper of my desktop(gnome) is not updating in ubuntu 14.04. The walpaper is updated on the lockscreen but not on desktop.19:36
SkyriderRepeating the same line after another won't really help much.19:37
Lusosecwhats new19:38
CaffeineAddictI am attempting to create a new user (as root) with `adduser ca` but am getting the following error `adduser: The user `ca' already exists.`19:38
CaffeineAddictThe user does not exist ... any idea why else I would get this error19:38
Skyridercat /etc/passwd19:39
SkyriderYou sure the user does not exist?19:39
CaffeineAddictI am 100% sure the user doesnt exist ... checked passwd and shadow files19:39
CaffeineAddictalso attempted to make a user w/ a random name19:40
CaffeineAddictsame error19:40
DethanuSo i just installed ubuntu and i`m truing to insall teamview and i keep getting errors for privileges WAT DO?19:40
Dethanudpkg: error: requested operation requires superuser privilege19:40
Skyriderinstall with sudo19:41
Skyrideror open with sudo19:41
CaffeineAddictDethanu: sudo dpkg -i teamviewer.deb19:41
Dethanuand it keeps asking for root pasword and i keep putting the current one that i have on this user and get error19:41
CaffeineAddictDethanu: if you use sudo it should ask for your password19:41
Dethanuyep it works no19:42
CaffeineAddictDethanu: do you have sudo privs?19:42
Dethanudpkg: error processing package teamviewer (--install):19:42
Dethanu dependency problems - leaving unconfigured19:42
DethanuErrors were encountered while processing:19:42
Dethanu teamviewer19:42
aq2Dethanu: Do you have ppa's installed?19:42
aq2They're causing issues19:42
CaffeineAddictDethanu: run the following command `su` and then type the root password19:42
CaffeineAddictit should log you into the root account19:43
k1lCaffeineAddict: no. dont give bad advice19:43
CaffeineAddictthen run `visudo` and make sure your username is on the list19:43
aq2CaffeineAddict: The root account is disabled by default.19:43
DethanuI dont have ppa installed19:43
aq2CaffeineAddict: Read above, he's able to sudo19:43
CaffeineAddictDethanu: nm, disreguard19:44
k1lDethanu: what system is that exactly?19:44
Dethanuthe latest ubuntu version19:44
aq2Dethanu: What does sudo apt-get update say?19:45
CaffeineAddictDethanu: can you run `uname -a`19:45
aq2Dethanu: You'll get a lot of output, paste that to dpaste.com19:45
k1lDethanu: "lsb_release -d"19:45
aq2cat /etc/issue19:45
aq2inxi -S19:45
aq2there are many commands for that19:45
k1lmy command is actually only one line. so its fast to paste here :)19:46
DethanuDescription: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS19:46
aq2mine where one-liners too19:46
k1laq2: i mean outputwise.19:47
aq2Dethanu: Can you run "sudo apt-get update | pastebinit" on a terminal and post the output here?19:47
czeslawcan't wait new ubuntu with plasma kde !!19:47
aq2k1l: cat /etc/issue is a one-liner19:47
aq2i mean its output is19:47
k1laq2: you are right.19:47
Kaiakis it possible to get CUPS 2.1 from 16.04 on 14.04?19:48
Kaiak14.04 seems to be stuck on CUPS 1.719:48
Kaiak15.10 has 2.1, too.19:48
k1lKaiak: see if there is a PPA. i dont think its in backports.19:49
DethanuThe program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:19:49
Kaiakk1l: It's a RPi2 running ubuntu server19:49
Kaiakk1l: I don't think there is a ppa.  Found a .deb and source binaries though19:49
aq2Dethanu: Run sudo apt-get update and paste the output to dpaste.com19:49
aq2Dethanu: Link to your paste here19:49
k1lKaiak: ok, that means most PPAs dont have arm packages anyway.19:49
Kaiakk1l: https://github.com/apple/cups/releases19:49
Kaiakhow easy would it be to compile cups 2.1.3 from source (tar.gz)?19:49
zezu_What is the best way for an application to get a list of block devices?    read /dev/disk/by-*/ and parse?  or is there an api for userland apps to enumerate usefull info on devices etc in C?19:50
bekksKaiak: Why do you need CUPS 2.1, and why is 1.7 unusable for you?19:50
Kaiakmaking a fresh image on 14.04 rather than raspbian19:50
k1lKaiak: you could try to compile it. but be aware that other stuff might break then expecting to find the old cups version19:50
Kaiakmight as well have the newest version I thought bekks19:50
Kaiakk1l: might just wait and try and upgrade this pi to 16.04 on release then next month19:51
k1lDethanu: "uname -a | nc termbin.com 9999"19:51
Kaiakcomes out 21st april19:51
Kaiakhopefully a distupgrade will work on Pi and not break everything19:51
B0bsF1shIf I use "mount" without "-t nfs" - what is it trying to do?19:51
aq2Dethanu: Why are you in your Downloads?19:52
k1lB0bsF1sh: its guessing what FS to use19:52
aq2Dethanu: Trying to install something manually?19:52
bekksKaiak: Aint a big deal, you took a backup before.19:52
k1laq2: the teamviewer.deb19:52
DethanuI just installed this system for the first time dont judge meh :(19:52
Kaiakbekks: yeah I'll copy the SD card before I do a distroupgrade19:52
aq2Oh that19:52
Kaiakwill just be a pain if it fucks it up19:52
aq2Then you're trying to install something manually and you're doing that for a good reason. Because that's the only way to install teamviewer.19:52
Kaiaksince then I'll have to reimage it with a fresh 16.04 port or leave it on 14.0419:52
DethanuI just to install this teamview19:53
k1lDethanu: you got the "multiarch" package?19:53
Dethanuthe 64 bit version19:53
aq2Dethanu: Can you double-click the package to open it with ubuntu software center?19:53
aq2That'll probably do what you want19:53
Dethanui lib depedency missing lib32sound219:54
zezu_I'm guessing I'd be better off asking in a development related channel19:55
aq2I don't think its a bug19:55
aq2Have you run sudo dpkg --add-architechture i386 yet?19:56
MonkeyDustzezu_  there's also #ubuntu-app-devel19:56
zezu_MonkeyDust, thanks didn't know about that19:56
Kaiakthink I'll try get it to auto install the printer driver while I'm at it19:57
aq2Kaiak: What printer model?19:58
Kaiakbrother hl-213019:58
KaiakI know it works with CUPS and runs out of the box with Linux19:58
aq2And what's the problem?19:59
Kaiakhowever getting the Pi to be able to dish out a printer driver to Windows automatically will be nice19:59
KaiakI have the driver file19:59
Kaiakthink I need to setup SAMBA for it?19:59
bekksWhat for?19:59
aq2I'd use nitroshare for that unless i need to do it from command line19:59
aq2to transfer a file i guess19:59
bekksYou are trying to setup a printer, not a samba server :)19:59
Kaiakbekks: I think SAMBA is needed for the printer driver20:00
Kaiakfor windows20:00
bekksKaiak: What for?20:00
Kaiakbekks: so windows can pull the printer driver from the server20:00
Kaiakrather then you having to manually point it to it20:00
bekksKaiak: Thats a windows feature - you can install the driver in various ways.20:00
KaiakNo you dont' understand.20:01
bekksI do. I installed > 1000 printers on Windows, in various ways.20:01
KaiakI'm setting up the server to automatically give Windows the driver.20:01
Kaiakso you don't have to point it to it20:01
Kaiakyou select the printer in networking, double click, and it pulls the driver from the server20:01
Kaiakrather then prompting you to point it to a driver or searching windows update20:01
bekksAnd thats just ONE way of VARIOUS ways to install a windows printer driver.20:01
bekksThats whatI said.20:01
KaiakI fucking know that20:02
aq2We might as well not swear20:02
MonkeyDustKaiak  keep it family friendly20:02
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:02
KaiakI'm trying to set it up THIS way20:02
aq2after all, its just a printer driver20:02
Kaiakaq2: sorry people who act like know it alls and have to boast about number of installs they've done are a pet peeve20:02
aq2lets not make it into a big problem20:02
KaiakSounds like a good idea.20:02
Kaiakdid anyone have a look at that novell link?20:03
FuriousGeorgehey all20:04
Kaiakhey FuriousGeorge20:04
Kaiakwhat's up?20:04
FuriousGeorgeanyone familiar with glusterfs?  channel is full for days.  on my iubuntu server i cannot re-recreate a volume, even though i have deleted attrivutes20:04
atralheavenguys, on "chage -l $USER" I want to change password expire date, I use "chage -E somedate" but it changes the "Account expires" date not the "Password expires" date. how can I change password expire date?20:04
Kaiakbekks: have you ever set up printer installs like this in all those installs you've done?20:05
aq2atralheaven: passwd -h20:05
BlinkizHello. Am having problem running "cryptsetup benchmark". All ciphers tests is "N/A" http://paste.ubuntu.com/15501718/ What am I doing wrong here?20:06
bekksKaiak: I did, but that wont help you, actually.20:06
KaiakOh well guess you were only here to boast about all those installs you've done20:06
Kaiakhow lovely you are to talk to20:06
Kaiak[20:01:54] <bekks> And thats just ONE way of VARIOUS ways to install a windows printer driver.20:07
KaiakI really enjoyed talking to you today bekks.20:07
bekksKaiak: Yeah, and now follow your good idea of not malking it into a big issue. You started that discussion, it wasnt me. Thank you.20:07
KaiakI'm not making anything into a big issue.20:07
KaiakI was merely complimenting you on how nice you are to talk to.20:07
KaiakAnd how much I enjoyed hearing about how you know what I want better then me and the huge number of installs you've done.20:08
KaiakI'm proud of you.20:08
atralheavenaq2: how can I define a date for it? "passwd -e somedate"?20:08
k1lguys, its enough now.20:08
Kaiakk1l: sorry I just love being treated like an idiot.20:08
Kaiakanyway...I'm going for a jog.  Laters.20:08
aq2atralheaven: I don't know20:09
k1lKaiak: you are acutally making it only worse making it a drama now over and over again.20:09
aq2the -e seems like it'll expire it right away20:09
aq2Kaiak and bekks: why are you fighting? you're not getting anywhere that way!20:09
bekksaq2: I am not fighting anyone, I am just brain ignoring him.20:10
MonkeyDustaq2  man passwd20:10
atralheavenso I think I should ask again because that wasn't the answer20:10
atralheaventhat is important for me20:10
aq2MonkeyDust: Good idea, probably more info there20:10
atralheavenI think it forces expire password, it wont set a date for it20:10
Kaiak[20:11:34] <bekks> ignore set. - Oh no ;( I won't hear about the amazing number of printers s/he's installed anymore.20:12
atralheavenMonkeyDust: aq2: I want to set a date (date or in days from now, doesn't matter) for a password of an account to be locked20:15
mikeymopthats pretty sweet, i didn't know i could be cups/smb to do that20:17
mraskerhello, could anybody help me to create a liveusb?20:17
joeclefjoin #Django20:18
mraskerit seems that usb-creator doesn't work properly. I made ths a lot of times but now it crashes20:18
Mikelevelmrasker~ from windows or linux?20:18
k1lmrasker: use "dd" if you use a linux20:18
mraskeri use ubuntu 14.04 and i'm trying to create a wifislax liveusb20:19
MonkeyDustmrasker  like in slax, the distro?20:19
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Guest74969i like tits20:35
pathere's one firmware missing from linux-firmware-nonfree, in xenial20:43
pawhere should i request it to be included?20:43
ikoniaif you're sure, log a bug20:43
pado you think it can be added in 16.04?20:43
paor do we have to wait the next one?20:43
ikoniaseeing as I know nothing about what you're saying other than the 1 line you've said and have no context, it's impossible20:44
paikonia, ok, so the firware is for the DVB card Skystar S2, and it's here:  https://github.com/OpenELEC/dvb-firmware/blob/master/firmware/dvb-fe-cx24120-
ikoniait's a binary blob20:45
ikoniais it meant to be in the release ?20:45
ikoniaor has it been removed by choice20:45
pait has never been there20:45
ikoniaso why would it be in 16.0420:45
pato support Skystar S2s out of the box?20:46
ikoniaI think yo're going to need to log a bug and ask, I doubt it would get in anyway, but it's worth knowing if this was rejected for release for some reason20:46
pai'll tyr20:46
HaaPutWallpaper of my desktop(gnome) is not updating in ubuntu 14.04. The walpaper is updated on the lockscreen but not on desktop.20:47
=== Saulo is now known as sarc-
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TuxFuk_Phonehow is unity doing?20:53
bekksFine, thanks :)20:53
TuxFuk_Phonecan you throw i3 in ubuntu?20:55
bekksTuxFuk_Phone: What does that mean?20:55
ikoniathe tiling window manager20:55
ikoniayes, if there is a build for it, you can use it20:56
ikoniaubuntu is no different than any other linux, if it's build for it, it can use it20:56
ikoniayou may want to try to explain more clearly what you're talking about20:56
TuxFuk_Phonehow does apptitude work exactly? i'm not used to having a pockage manager20:56
ikoniaeg: "can I use the i3 window manager with ubuntu 15.10"20:56
TuxFuk_Phonewait they're versions?20:56
ikoniathat will give you an overview of how ubuntu works20:56
TuxFuk_Phonedo we have to compile anything?20:57
ikoniaread https://help.ubuntu.com for an overview20:57
TuxFuk_Phoneor is it like ready for us to have our way with it?20:57
ikoniaagain - please explain clearly what you mean20:57
ikoniayou're just saying silly setences that mean nothing20:58
k1lTuxFuk_Phone: the packages in the ubuntu repo are already compiled. so you dont need to do that.20:58
TuxFuk_Phonecan we use portage instead of apptitude?20:58
ikoniaTuxFuk_Phone: READ https://help.ubuntu.com20:58
TuxFuk_Phonebinoy pockages give me cancer20:58
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LinuxNoob23Hey guys, I'm thinking about switching to ubuntu but I have a few questions first21:13
LinuxNoob23I heard linux actually does have viruses so do I need an anti virus program?21:13
dontknowLinuxNoob23, you don't need any antivirus program21:14
SkyriderNever had an anti virus before on linux.21:14
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:14
LinuxNoob23Okay cool21:14
EOBeavNever say never, but by and large it's not a problem in ubuntu21:15
LinuxNoob23My second out of three questions is how big does the live usb have to be?21:15
LinuxNoob23Like 3gb or what?21:15
KaiakLinuxNoob23: you can get anti virus programs21:15
EOBeavIt's a little over a gig21:15
Kaiakhowever they're meant to protect Windows systems21:15
LinuxNoob23Okay sweet, seems easy21:15
Kaiakso they scan for windows viruses so for instancve you don't unintentionally give a windows user a virus21:15
Kaiakvery unnnessary for most users21:15
Kaiakdoin't bother21:15
KaiakFirewall is preinstalled in Ubuntu, don't need to worry about that either.21:15
KaiakUK Gov rated Ubuntu 14.04 the most secure OS of over 10 tested.   You can rest easy knowing you're secure.21:16
k1lLinuxNoob23: the security setup on ubuntu is meant to be "dont install stuff from untrusted sources" and "dont run everything as root". that both closes the most securiy issues21:16
nolsenBut how trustworthy is the UK Gov?21:16
LinuxNoob23One last question was about a program I use a lot, it's really important to me and I wanted to know if it runs on ubunta21:16
EOBeavIf I could run Lightroom in ubuntu, I'd completely switch from Win.21:16
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LinuxNoob23So yeah, yall got battletoads?21:17
Kaiaknolsen: it's rated for government use so I'm somewhat doubtful they'd rate an insecure OS highly as that'd make government departments use it21:17
daxLinuxNoob23: nope21:17
EOBeavHaven't heard of that one21:17
Kaiaknolsen: though that isn't a discussion for this channel.  Getting a little political21:17
LinuxNoob23Hmm so no battletoads then?21:17
EOBeavYou can try it on wine, but there's no guarantees21:17
tacomasterOk I have an instresting problem. I have a Dvd Rom drive that is not working well and I have 1 usb flash with 128MB and a 1TB usb HDD. I am trying to put ubuntu on the USB HDD but unetbootin does not detect the drive. I have tried to only partition one part at 5GB so i can format as fat32 but no matter how i partition it does not show it in the program. Any ideas?21:18
naccLinuxNoob23: first google hit: https://www.staldal.nu/tech/2014/12/26/running-adobe-lightroom-4-4-in-ubuntu-14-04/ ?21:18
daxLinuxNoob23: nope. and i'm familiar with chan culture too. anything else we can help with today?21:18
KaiakLinuxNoob23: you could play it online: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=battletoads+online21:18
LinuxNoob23Oh no way, fukn sweet21:18
naccLinuxNoob23: sorry, wrong nick21:18
naccEOBeav: first google hit: https://www.staldal.nu/tech/2014/12/26/running-adobe-lightroom-4-4-in-ubuntu-14-04/ ?21:18
KaiakLinuxNoob23: yeah it's pretty neat how many of these old games are online now.21:18
EOBeavtacomaster: Go out and get a usb drive, they're on sale right now21:18
notalentgeekHello how can you delete trash folder in flash driver? I have tried to use sudo rm -rf but it said that the directory is nit empty. The folder contain a very long directory of my old Java source code code.21:18
tacomasterEOBeav: I am sorry but I do not have a job at the moment and am not going to ask someone to buy something so i can get linux on my laptop.21:20
LinuxNoob23When I was just a wee lad I was bitten by a turtle, little bitch hurt real bad. I slowly became obsessed with reptiles and thus my battletoads addiction was born21:20
ubuntu869Hi can someone tell me why my machine cant find pyvenv. I have python 3.4 installed and I think it's supposed to come default with that.21:20
EOBeavnacc: I've seen that, but I need it to work. I use Lightroom professionally.21:20
nickzhow can i get invited into one of the channel that requires invitation to join?21:20
naccEOBeav: ah21:20
znrtacomaster:: is it recognized by the cpu when you boot?21:20
Kaiaknickz: not meant for this channel but ask an OP or someone who's in the channel to invite you?21:20
nickzKaiak: how?21:20
daxnickz: which channel?21:21
Kaiaknickz: you know anyone from the channel that requires invites?21:21
nickz Kaiak can you tell me?21:21
tacomasterznr: The bios sees the drive but unetbootin does not21:21
EOBeavIs it mounted?21:21
nickzKaiak: i dont21:21
k1l!language | LinuxNoob2321:21
ubottuLinuxNoob23: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:21
EOBeavUse your disksutility to find out21:21
Kaiaknickz: why do you want to join then?21:21
tacomasterYes it is mounted21:21
k1lnickz: the channeloperators can invite you21:21
znrtacomaster:: one idea would be to treat the drive as an USB-stick... dirty but might work21:21
KaiakYou'll hav eto find an OP from taht channel nickz21:22
nickz04:19 -!- End of /MOTD command.21:22
k1lnickz: for help on +i channels ask in freenode21:22
k1lnickz: * #freenode21:22
nickzhow to find it that is my main question21:22
LinuxNoob23Well shit, sorry about my language it's just because I'm from North, and the only thing colder than our weather is our fukn language21:22
tacomasterbecause the only tools for windows that I know of is unetbootin.21:22
goudkovif i download and install 14.04.4 now, how would i maintain the kernel? would dist-update switch it to .5 automatically?21:22
nickzLinuxNoob23: i like your language man, keep it up21:22
k1lgoudkov: no21:23
k1lgoudkov: ubuntu doesnt change the kernel stack automatically. you will have to change/install the metapackage yourself21:23
nickzhow to find an OP of a channel?21:23
ikonianickz: what's up ?21:23
llutznickz: #freenode21:23
nickzllutz: then? what to do there?21:24
goudkovk1l: ok, and if i don't need newer kernel, and the hardware is working fine, would just running dist-upgrade until eol take care of all packages? like bug fixes and security updates? or do i need to switch to .5 at some point even if i don't need newer kernel and graphics stack?21:24
llutznickz: ask there, this is ubuntu-support, not irc21:24
ikonianickz: do you need an ubuntu op ?21:24
daxikonia: no, he doesn't21:24
znrtacomaster:: http://askubuntu.com/questions/307802/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-a-usb-stick21:25
znras I said... dirty21:25
k1lgoudkov: if you run the regular updates you will get a 14.04.5 automatically. its just like windows servicepacks.21:25
daxk1l: new hardware enablement stacks don't get installed automatically, do they?21:25
EOBeavExcept the ubuntu updates work, lol21:25
goudkovk1l: ok, so all packages will be updated, except for the kernel and graphics?21:25
daxand new point release = new HWE, so...21:25
=== nickz is now known as craptalk
k1ldax: no21:26
k1ldax: just on the install .isos there is the new kernel and xorg.21:26
k1lgoudkov: but be aware you need "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or better the new one "sudo apt full-upgrade" to get the new  kernel builds (still 3.13)21:27
tacomasterznr: how does that help me get the iso on to the usb hdd. I want is as the livecd. It works perfectly with a usb flash drive but I am trying to get the USB hdd to be the boot drive rather than the livecd21:27
notalentgeekHello how can you delete trash folder in flash driver? I have tried to use sudo rm -rf but it said that the directory is nit empty. The folder contain a very long directory of my old Java source code code.21:27
znrtacomaster:: aaah... sorry my bad21:27
EOBeavtacomaster: I'd seriously try to borrow one if you can't afford one right now. Get on social media or something and see if anybody locally can help you out.21:28
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: Please pastebin the exact command you ran and its complete output.21:28
Jordan_U!minimal | tacomaster21:29
ubottutacomaster: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:29
znrtacomaster:: do you have data on the drive you want to keep?21:29
goudkovso if i want to install 14.04 on the server and keep it updated (don't care about the latest kernel) for as long as possible with little maintenance, can i just use 14.04.4 and keep running dist-upgrade?21:29
k1lgoudkov: no21:30
goudkovk1l: what if i download 14.04? not the .4?21:30
notalentgeekJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/w3Mf7xbD here. It always like this when the directory path is too long.21:31
k1lgoudkov: you will need to change back to the 3.13 kernel (installing the linux-generic package and remove the linux-generic-lts-.. package)21:31
k1lgoudkov: see this picture which shows the kernel support timeframes for 14.04 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2FSupport.A14.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support21:31
goudkovk1l: yeah, i'm looking at the time table page. if if don't care about the kernel version, how do i get the lts that's supported until the eol of 14.04?21:32
Jordan_Utacomaster: Your unetbooting problem may just be that the drive is too small for the imahe you selected. Even if that's not the only problem you can use dd or rawwrite (If this is a BIOS based System). *Warning* tools like dd and raw write will destroy all data on the destination drive! Use very carefully.21:32
k1lgoudkov: i wrote that already.21:33
k1lgoudkov: until there is the 14.04.5 iso, you need to downgrade the kernel like i wrote21:33
goudkovk1l: what if i don't care about the kernel. assuming there aren't any major bugs, i don't mind it not getting updated once .4 is eol.21:34
tacomasterJordan_U: its a 1TB drive21:34
goudkovbut i would  like the other packages upgraded21:34
k1lgoudkov: you should care about since there are even security issues on the kernel level that dont get fixed after the kernel gets EOL21:34
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: Assuming this is fat32, try unmounting and checking the filesystem with dosfsck.21:34
k1lgoudkov: i dont understand your issue right now.21:35
Jordan_Utacomaster: But the USB drive you want to install *from* is only 128 Meg.21:35
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notalentgeekJordan_U, It is NTFS.21:36
notalentgeekJordan_U, I checked using GParted.21:37
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".21:40
=== JTechSupport is now known as JTech
notalentgeekJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/3YZmXmGW .21:42
JTechSomeone told me to get Flash working, I should switch from Firefox to Chromium. Now it's spontaneously started working again in Firefox despite being told that it's no longer kept up to date for FireFox and that Chromium is my best bet. I can't get it working in Chromium. Do I have to play musical chairs?21:43
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: "Buffer I/O error on dev sda1," Sounds like sda is suffering from a hardware problem. Is sda the drive in question?21:44
JTechI found a search result trying to find why I can't get Flash working in Chromium. Not sure what it means, but I'm guessing Chromium no longer supports it either? "Chrome (google) has dropped support for the NPAPI plugins in favour of the newer PPAPI."21:44
notalentgeekJordan_U, The drive I questioned is mounted in /dev/sdb.21:45
=== Stacyy is now known as Stacy--
JTech... Java applets. Flash. I don't know.21:46
Stacy--having problems installing Ubuntu server. i386 error  and stops aprature21:46
Stacy--any Ubuntu experts here.. please help21:47
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: Well, the failure of sda might be a more pressing problem for you. Ensure that your backups are good, check the drice's S.M.A.R.T. status, and check the drive's SATA cables21:48
naccStacy--: please provide a pastebin of the failure; what version of ubuntu21:48
Stacy--nacc version 15.1021:48
JTechwell, I'm not fixing this before bed.21:49
JTechI just want to be unconscious.21:49
EOBeavDoes anybody run their own personal server via ubuntu that they installed?21:50
JTechI'm sure some random update will break web browser based games in FireFox and my mom will want me to fix it again.21:50
k1lStacy--: what hardware is that?21:50
squintyJTech,  http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-fresh-player-plugin-in-ubuntu.html   that one is a little dated   try googling for Fresh Player Plugin ubuntu pepper flash etc21:51
Stacy--k1l..  on a  AMD laptop21:51
JTechsquinty, I uninstalled Flash and reinstalled it through the software manager.21:52
k1lStacy--: what cpu?21:52
notalentgeekJordan_U, I was disconnected sorry. Did you say something?21:52
JTechwhat the heck is pepper?21:52
k1lJTech: adobe stopped making flash for linux and google made their own pepperflash to continue support21:52
Stacy--k1l  AMD quad core  a6 3422021:53
k1lStacy--: ok, so that is not a 32bit-only cpu21:53
[Saint_]All you guys keeping flash alive are a part of the problem, lol.21:53
squintyJTech,  apt show pepperflashplugin-nonfree21:53
[Saint_]let it die.21:53
JTechk1l, ... huh. Thanks. Good to know. I wish they'd told me that in here the other day instead of to switch from FireFox to Chromium.21:54
k1lJTech: that is preinsatlled on the google chrome21:54
krabador[Saint_], porno chat will continue to use it, that's the real problem21:54
rud0lfare you talking about flash?21:54
JTechChrome but not Chromium? Chromium doesn't seem to be playing games. Unless it's because I have the old Flash installed.21:55
daxCorrect, Chrome but not Chromium. Chromium is open source. Flash is not. So no pre-installed Flash for Chromium.21:55
Stacy--k1l  ..I installed the  15.10 Ubuntu desktop64bit on the laptop without problems ..but problems with 64bit server21:55
daxChrome is Chromium + non-open-source crud like Flash21:55
naccStacy--: did you provide the output?21:55
k1lStacy--: ok, what issue exactly? what errormessage?21:55
Stacy--I can take a picture of the error  but its hard to transfer the cut paste21:56
HalfMadDadPlease ignore, I am testing a new irc client21:56
[Saint_]y'know there's channels specifically for that, right?21:57
naccStacy--: if you have c&p, you can pastebin it, and i believe there are sites for sharing the picture too21:57
Stacy--nacc I am trying to install from a USB  on to the laptop21:57
HalfMadDad[Saint_]: No sorry I didnt know21:57
daxjust do what i do and say "hi" to test stuff, you'll get less prissy responses from people ignoring the "please ignore"21:58
squinty!alis | HalfMadDad21:58
ubottuHalfMadDad: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http21:58
JTechThat's messed up. but I guess it's a possible solution for my mom when I have more time to do this.21:58
Stacy--nacc what's the best easiest way to get a site up  using the Ubuntu desktop on the laptop?21:58
HalfMadDadubottu: thanks :)21:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:58
naccStacy--: sorry, i thought you just said that you had desktop working fine? also, what do you mean by "site up"?21:59
HalfMadDadwhoops thanks squinty21:59
squintyHalfMadDad,  yw22:00
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naccStacy--: it's hard to help debug without seeing exacty what is failing22:02
notalentgeekHallo if anybody here know how to delete file that its directory is not empty? sudo rm -rf does not working.22:03
Stacy--nacc ...is the a way to install the server after the  desktop has been installed22:03
bekksnotalentgeek: then you are doing it wrong.22:03
bekksnotalentgeek: a) sudo isnt needed b) rm -rf works for non-empty dirs.22:03
Jordan_Unotalentgeek: Well, the failure of sda might be a more pressing problem for you. Ensure that your backups are good, check the drice's S.M.A.R.T. status, and check the drive's SATA cables.22:03
notalentgeekbekks, Both returning the same error.22:05
naccStacy--: what are you trying to install? server and desktop share quite a bit, aiui22:05
notalentgeekJordan_U, I think I just format the drive.22:05
bekksnotalentgeek: And we have to guess the error?22:05
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naccStacy--: and they use the same packages in the backend22:05
bekksnotalentgeek: Formatting does not solve the basic problem.22:05
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Stacy--nacc: I have the desktop installed already22:05
notalentgeekbekks, I told u it says directory is not empty ;) ;).22:05
naccStacy--: yes, i understand22:06
naccStacy--: what are you trying to achieve? and why?22:06
bekksnotalentgeek: and which command are you using, exactly? Pastebin both the command and the output please.22:06
Stacy--I am trying to have a website and also some software development22:06
notalentgeekbekks, http://pastebin.com/w3Mf7xbD .22:07
naccStacy--: you can technically do that from the desktop install, if you want, aiui; if you really want to run the server base, then please provide the exact error you see during install22:07
Stacy-- nacc  what are the parts that I need for the server to host the site?22:08
bekksnotalentgeek: You have severe input/output errors.22:08
ikoniaStacy--: just use the desktop install22:09
bekksnotalentgeek: Fix that broken filesystem and/or replace the broken underlying disk.22:09
notalentgeekbekks, Okay what should I do next?22:09
bekksnotalentgeek: I just told you.22:09
Stacy--ikonia yes.. the desktop is installed now22:09
notalentgeekbekks, Fix broken file system means to format?22:09
ikoniaStacy--: right, so what's the issue ?22:09
bekksnotalentgeek: No. Fix mean fix. Format means format.22:09
naccStacy--: it really depends, i think it's documented on the wiki on how to setup a basic LAMP stack, if you want that22:10
notalentgeekbekks, How so?22:10
bekksnotalentgeek: Fixing a filesystem means to unmount it, and using fsck -f22:10
Stacy--ikonia.. I need to host a basic website22:10
ikoniaStacy--: ok ? what's the problem ?22:10
notalentgeekbekks, Okay I will try.22:10
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Stacy--nacc.. all I need now is lamp right?22:11
ikoniaStacy--: you know what you need, not us22:11
notalentgeekbekks, I tried to un mount it but it says umount: /dev/sda: not mounted. I am using sudo umount /dev/sda.22:12
naccStacy--: right, and read the wiki on how to install that and set it up, I'd say -- come back if you hit problems?22:12
Stacy--ikonia.. I had first tried to install server version but there was an error on the i386 and aprature menu22:12
ikoniayou mount a partition, not a disk22:12
ikoniaStacy--: right - you've got a desktop install now - what's the problem ?22:12
bekksnotalentgeek: Thats because your filesystem isnt on sda but on some other device/partition. Look at "mount".22:12
notalentgeekbekks, Okay I am trying to understand. So I need to umount the path and not the partition right?22:13
Stacy--ikonia.. I need parts of the server now.. I am unsure which parts22:13
ikoniaStacy--: you want a web server, install a web server22:13
ikoniathats it22:13
ikoniajob done22:13
notalentgeekbekks,Okay now the path is un mounted from my system.22:14
naccStacy--: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html22:14
Stacy--ikonia but the basic server install failed22:14
naccStacy--: for example22:14
ikoniaStacy--: what ?22:14
ikoniaStacy--: what basic server install22:14
Stacy--thanks nacc22:14
naccStacy--: installing a computer w/ an iso image is not the same as installing the software web server22:14
ikoniaStacy--: you've got ubuntu desktop install, you want to install a webserver, such as apache or nginx22:14
ikoniait's that simple22:14
naccStacy--: there's also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:15
naccStacy--: as i said, just read the webpages and see what's available22:15
ibmt43what is nginx22:16
_MyStartx_Can someone help me with Squid 3.5 (CentOS 6.7) ?22:16
Stacy--is there a need to install the basic server  package from the 15.1064bit version?22:16
ikoniawe web serer22:16
ikonia_MyStartx_: no, we support ubuntu here22:16
ikoniaStacy--: no22:16
ikoniaStacy--: there is no such thing as "basic server package"22:16
ikoniayou just want to install a web server22:16
notalentgeekbekks, I got this error on fsck http://pastebin.com/ayNeHeRZ .22:16
naccStacy--: you're not listening, and you aren't reading what i told you to read22:16
bekksnotalentgeek: It tells you that your filesystem isnt an ext2/3/4 filesystem. Which filesystem is it?22:17
notalentgeekbekks, It is NTFS.22:17
bekksnotalentgeek: then you need a Windows for correctly checking it.22:17
Stacy--nacc.. Apache and lamp.. correct?22:17
ikoniaStacy--: this is above your level of experience22:17
notalentgeekbekks, Windows is the same. It cant delete the folder.22:18
ikoniaI'm sorry to say this - but you're trying to run before walk22:18
bekksnotalentgeek: then you need a Windows for correctly checking it.22:18
bekksnotalentgeek: Do not delete stuff, CHECK that filesystem.22:18
Stacy--ikonia.. it's been 10 years since I did this  and first time using Ubuntu22:18
ikoniaStacy--: that doesn't change what I said22:19
ikoniaStacy--: you are failing basic concepts, you need to understand those before progressing futher22:19
Stacy--jamoola is good for website content creation right?22:20
ikoniaStacy--: that is totally different than "a simple website" which is what you stated22:20
ikoniaStacy--: go and get your requirements, research basic web hosting concepts then come back with specific quetions about how to achieve them22:20
notalentgeek_bekks, I am sorry my Ubuntu freeze. Did you type something?22:21
Exagone313Stacy--: and try on #web not ##html nor ##html522:22
Stacy--exagone is there a command to get jamoola from the shell command?22:23
ikoniaStacy--: stop22:23
ikoniaStacy--: go - work out your requirements, research the basic concepts of web hosting, then come back with specific questions22:23
ikoniathis is not a meta discusion22:23
Exagone313Stacy--: first it's off topic, second as an advice, do NOT use packages to install a CMS22:26
abhishek__hi guys22:26
bekksnotalentgeek_: No, I'm waiting for you to use Windows for checking that NTFS filesystem.22:26
notalentgeek_bekks, I have no Windows machine apparently :(. I will try tomorrow. Thanks for ur time then.22:26
fe34r3anyone here willing to help me dual boot 14.04 alongside windows 10?22:27
Stacy--there's some application development involved  Ubuntu seem perfect for it22:28
czeslawI've paid for an app in Ubuntu Software Center but it doesnt install whats now?22:28
SurfinTuxthere's paid apps?22:28
ikoniaczeslaw: what is the status of it in software center22:28
SurfinTuxi,ve never gone into the store, it alwoys lagged for me22:29
hecataeStacy--, I would investigate LAMP install and go from there22:29
abhishek__I have my laptop to a montior Dell S2240L through a hdmi cable. I am using kubuntu. The monitor has a sound output which I connect to speakers. On windows in playback audio devices it shows the monitor, but on kubuntu it is showing only headphones and speakers(which the laptop's in built audio).22:29
czeslawit is a whatsaap-ubuntu22:29
czeslawand after 10 min it says check your internet status22:29
SurfinTuxlamp adjusts the red and blue light like flux, right?22:29
Stacy--hecatae.. ok thanks22:29
ikoniaoh dear,22:29
czeslawbut still instaling22:29
ikoniait's a wine app22:29
abhishek__any suggestions :) ?22:29
SurfinTuxa what'sapp ubuntu pockage?22:29
ikoniais this on a phone or a desktop ?22:29
SurfinTuxthat shit's awesome22:29
ikoniaSurfinTux: please don't swear22:30
SurfinTuxi'm sorry22:30
ikoniaczeslaw: thats not going to work then - as you don't have a phone number on the desktop ?22:30
SurfinTuxis there a github link?22:30
SurfinTuxi want whatsapp on my desktop22:30
ikoniait doesn't exit22:30
SurfinTuxaww man22:30
ikoniayou have to use a browser plugin to talk to your phone22:30
abhishek__On driver website I can't find the linux driver http://www.dell.com/support/home/in/en/indhs1/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=703FG22:30
coffeebeanawesomSurfinTux you can get whats app in the browser22:31
SurfinTuxthey allow that?22:31
czeslawikonia, could you see it on Ubuntu Center?22:31
SurfinTuxsince when?22:31
ikoniaczeslaw: I'm not running ubuntu22:31
coffeebeanawesomnot sure, you scan a barecode and it works22:31
czeslawokay but how to get money back? :>22:31
SurfinTuxthat's some cool stuff22:31
abhishek__I am kinda new to linux ecosystem. Any advice would be helpful.22:32
fe34r3What do I do to install ubuntu if I don't have a windows CD to repair windows while I'm attempting a dual install?22:32
SurfinTuxanyway I could run that in a terminal like irssi?22:32
coffeebeanawesomnahh not cool, pretty standard if you as me22:32
ikoniaczeslaw: there should be a support link22:32
ikoniaSurfinTux: run what ?22:32
bekksfe34r3: You get a Windows CD, first.22:32
MonkeyDustSurfinTux  there's this, but it's not supported here http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/06/whatsapp-client-ubuntu-14-04/22:32
SurfinTuxi'm trying to move towards more of a cli22:32
czeslawbut the contact us form doesnt work!22:32
FuriousGeorgei don't understand glusterfs...  i made the bricks into glusterfs volumes...  their root dir is on a partition that is mounted and not /  everything appears to be working22:32
FuriousGeorgebut i make a file on one side, and i don't see it in the other22:33
SurfinTuxthanks i'll nake a look at it22:33
SurfinTuxthat looks pretty22:33
k1lfe34r3: you dont need a windows cd22:34
fe34r3Is there anyway to make my comp boot ubuntu on a flash drive if it gets the error: 0xc000000?22:34
SurfinTuxanyone know if we can get google voice messages in terminal? i know we can get email and irc, but i'd love to throw google voice in there22:35
ikoniaSurfinTux: is there a client ?22:37
fe34r3What step by step process do I take if I am without a windows CD in the dual windows installation process?22:37
SurfinTuxi dont believe so22:37
ikoniaSurfinTux: then "no"22:37
k1lfe34r3: what do you want to do?22:37
hecataefe34r3, I use rufus to install ubuntu to a flash drive, see http://rufus.akeo.ie/22:37
k1lfe34r3: you have windows installed already?22:37
SurfinTuxi got it portiolly working with pidgin built with the finch plugin22:38
SurfinTuxbut it was very spotty with the hangouts finch plugin22:38
SurfinTuxsometimes they'd gut the message (hangouts and sms), but most of the time it wouldnt go through22:39
fe34r3I've windows installed already and I'm attempting to run ubuntu alongside windows. Ubuntu is already installed. When I attempt to boot ubuntu with wubi, I get a missing mbr error, but if I attempt to boot without wubi, I get a 0xc000000 error signifying an problem in accessing necessary files in the booting process.22:39
k1lfe34r3: dont use wubi :(22:40
SurfinTuxdoesnt the installer allow you to duolboot?22:40
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.22:40
hecataeWubi was < no longer relevant22:40
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:40
k1lfe34r3: did you install it with wubi? or into real partitions on the hdd?22:40
fe34r3I installed it with wubi. Do I have to uninstall it now?22:41
hecataefe34r3,  uninstall it22:41
fe34r3After I uninstall, how do I install it onto the real partitions on the HDD?22:42
k1lfe34r3: boot the usb/dvd.22:43
czeslawokay I've sent a message to cannoical to get a refund22:43
SurfinTuxreol poritions? there are fake ones?22:44
fe34r3Since I installed with wubi, can I get away with just deleting ubuntu from the drive or do I have to follow some protocol?22:44
ikoniawubi is dead22:45
ikoniayou have caused a real problem22:45
k1lfe34r3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation22:45
Bashing-omfe34r3: Uninstall WUBI : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide/ . The procedure is included .22:46
dm_compso i just installed a program from a .deb package and found out there is another program with the same name. how do i work around with this name ambiguity22:46
AlexPortableSomehow setting xhost + makes my system unable to load the good graphics after that22:46
ikoniayou don't22:46
ikoniayou don't just pickup debs22:46
AlexPortableam i doing something wrong?22:46
ikoniadm_comp: what did you install ?22:46
dm_compof course it runs the program I don't want to run22:46
dm_compikonia: http://axel.inria.fr/22:47
dm_compikonia: so axel22:47
ikoniadm_comp: that for ubuntu 12 ?22:47
ikoniadm_comp: what is the other software caled axel ?22:47
ikonia!info axel22:48
dm_compi did a force install of it22:48
ubottuaxel (source: axel): light command line download accelerator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-2 (wily), package size 44 kB, installed size 133 kB22:48
HeadzupHi :)22:48
ikoniadm_comp: so the obvious thing is to remove axel the download accelerator22:48
fe34r3I installed ubuntu on a separate drive, so can I just delete everything on that drive or will the ubuntu uninstallation process work just fine?22:49
dm_compi want axel not the axel accelerator22:49
dm_compikonia: oh i see22:49
k1lfe34r3: you said wubi.22:49
dm_compikonia: no other way around it?22:49
k1lfe34r3: wubi means to install inside the windows.22:49
ikoniadm_comp: if you want a simple logical solution, that is it22:49
hecataefe34r3, our worries are that the wubi installer has modified the mbr and that is why we recommend uninstalling using wubi22:49
k1lfe34r3: can you please load a ubuntu-usb/dvd live system and come back here=?22:50
fe34r3i installed wubi on an external hard drive22:50
hecataefe34r3, as per k1l's requinard22:50
HeadzupIs there a way to create from my ubuntu system a "snapshot" like in virtualbox? And if yes, is there a way to select this "snapshot" in grub while booting?22:50
ikoniahecatae: no22:50
ikoniaHeadzup: no22:51
k1lfe34r3: did you boot ubuntu usb/dvd or did you run a program in windows?22:51
Headzup:/ a feature like this would be nice22:51
fe34r3i booted the usb22:51
k1lfe34r3: that is not wubi22:51
random-nickwrong channel22:51
fe34r3what is it then?22:52
k1lfe34r3: a regular install, i guess. its very hard to tell, since you only give spare informations22:52
hecataerandom-nick, your nick suits you22:52
fe34r3i used wubi to install ubuntu on an external HDD, but when i went to uninstall ubuntu it still showed up in the list of programs.22:53
minimecHeadzup: There is a possibility if your system is installed using LVM disk managment. Read here... http://www.tutonics.com/2012/12/lvm-guide-part-2-snapshots.html22:53
fe34r3What information do I need to give?22:53
hecataek1l, no hang on22:53
k1lfe34r3: wubi is a totally different thing.22:53
minimecHeadzup: and here... http://askubuntu.com/questions/424225/setting-up-lvm-snapshot-as-a-backup-restore-point-in-ubuntu22:53
hecataefe34r3, did you run wubi from the usb?22:53
fe34r3ya i ran wubi from the usb22:54
bekkshecatae: you cannot run22:54
Headzup@minimec, thx22:54
k1lfe34r3: if you boot the usb that is not running wubi.22:54
hecataefe34r3, from inside windows?22:54
MonkeyDustwubi is a windows program22:54
fe34r3yes inside windows22:54
k1lfe34r3: if you run wubi, that is actually a program that will run in windows, it will install ubuntu inside windows.22:54
hecataebekks, I did for sport relief last week, but I know what you mean22:55
bekksfe34r3: then you cannot boot a usb with wubi.22:55
SurfinTuxall you need to do is use unetbooten to throw the iso onto a flashdrive and set your bios to boot from usb22:55
bekksSurfinTux: you dont even need unetbootin, you just need dd. :)22:55
SurfinTuxthen follow the onscreen prompts22:55
k1lfe34r3: so you are again making confusion. so please boot a ubuntu usb and come back here so we can inspect what you acutally did there with terminal commands22:55
SurfinTuxbekks: i dont think these guys hove been exposed to thot stuff yet22:56
k1lfe34r3: because it seems you cant technically tell us what your setup is there. so boot the ubuntu usb and come here22:56
hecataeunetbootin is very old though, I prefer lili usb creator or rufus22:56
SurfinTuxunetbooten is tried and true22:57
SurfinTuxit's also simple and lightweight22:57
hecataeSurfinTux, is 865kb not lightweight?22:58
SurfinTuxit's that nmall?22:58
SurfinTuxeven the windows version?22:58
HeadzupHow I can switch to my root user in 16.04?22:59
ikoniayou don't22:59
ikoniano it's not su22:59
SurfinTuxuse su in terminol22:59
bekksSurfinTux: No.22:59
Headzupsu dont work22:59
SurfinTuxwait what?22:59
ikoniano you don't22:59
ikoniaSurfinTux: can you please stop saying nonsense22:59
bekksSurfinTux: su will not work, by default.22:59
SurfinTuxwhy not?22:59
Exagone313sudo su22:59
ikoniaExagone313: no22:59
Exagone313sudo removed?22:59
bekksSurfinTux: because the root account is locked.22:59
Headzupoh no22:59
dm_compikonia: thx!22:59
Exagone313where can I find a list of changes in xenial?22:59
ikoniaHeadzup: sudo -i22:59
The_Seekersudo apt-get install terminol23:00
bekksSurfinTux: use sudo -i23:00
* hecatae looks shocked23:00
Exagone313if there are major changes23:00
SurfinTuxdang things have changed alot23:00
slifeetsudo bash?23:00
ikoniaExagone313: check the topic in #ubuntu+123:00
HeadzupI need the root user for the nvidia driver installation :(23:00
ikoniaslifeet: no23:00
bekksSurfinTux: Yeah, in the last decade ;)23:00
k1lExagone313: stop giving the bad advice in here to use sudo su23:00
ikoniaHeadzup: no you don't you just need sudo23:00
SurfinTuxlol since 1223:00
bekkshecatae: sudo apt install nvidia-updates ?23:00
ikoniaHeadzup: and the nvidia packages are in the repo23:00
bekkshecatae: sudo works fine.23:00
ikoniaSurfinTux: su didn't work in 1223:00
Headzupops, my fault!23:01
SurfinTuxbut then he's using nouveau23:01
Headzupforgotten the sudo :P23:01
Exagone313k1l: on ubuntu you don't enter the root password during installation unlike debian23:01
HeadzupI tried only ./NVDIA.... :P23:01
k1lHeadzup: ubuntu ships already nvidia drivers23:01
ikoniaHeadzup: there should be packages in the ubuntu repos23:01
Exagone313but ok in fact you just use sudo, not su, no?23:01
SurfinTuxit didnt? i munt have chatged something then23:01
ikoniadon't use the module from nviai.com23:01
bekksHeadzup: thats a safe way to wreck your system.23:01
k1lExagone313: again: stop giving that bad advice.23:01
ikonianvidia.com sorry23:01
UmeaboyIs there anyone here that uses the USB modem E173 made by Huawei?23:01
k1l!sudo > Exagone31323:01
ubottuExagone313, please see my private message23:01
UmeaboyFor mobile broadband.23:01
bekksHeadzup: use the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos.23:02
Exagone313... I know what is sudo wtf23:02
ikoniaExagone313: yet you don't really appear to know how to use it safely23:02
ikoniathat link helps explain it a little better23:02
ikoniaworth reading23:02
Exagone313ikonia: thanks for the +1 channel23:02
Headzupah I see :D 1 click done23:02
ikoniano-one what ?23:04
Umeaboyikonia: Is there anyone here that uses the E173 USB modem from Huawei here for mobile broadband connection?23:05
hecataeUmeaboy, I used to, mode switching was fun, that and a zte mf62623:05
ikoniawhat's the real question /23:05
k1lUmeaboy: better tell about the issues with it instead of asking who uses the exact same hardware23:05
Umeaboyhecatae: I have a serious Network Manager bug that I reported yesterday and still waiting for reply on if there's a temporary fix.23:05
UmeaboyThe same issue seems fixed in Xenial.23:06
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UmeaboySo I could really use a new update of NetworkManager, ModemManager and Policykit.23:06
MonkeyDustUmeaboy  simply repeat your question23:06
ikoniawhat do you want us to do about it ?23:06
tom99hdhello there23:06
ikoniaso far you've not even told us the problem23:07
SurfinTuxi'm in a bad dato spot. did anyone answer my question?23:07
Umeaboyikonia: Can I just rebuild the source package of NetworkManager, ModemManager and Policykit and install thoose debs as updates in Wily tomorrow?23:07
tom99hdim also here for a problem, i changed the graphics driver to a newer one and now ubuntu hangs at the boot screen with the 5 red dots.23:07
MonkeyDustSurfinTux  what was your question?23:07
ikoniaUmeaboy: why would you do that ?23:07
Umeaboytom99hd: What graphics card?23:08
bekkstom99hd: How did you change whch drivers to what on which Ubuntu?23:08
Umeaboyikonia: The problem is fixed in Xenial.23:08
SurfinTuxis there anythitg similiar to su or being able to be logged as root possible in ubuntu?23:08
ikoniaUmeaboy: I would strongly advise against that,23:08
k1l!sudo | SurfinTux23:08
ubottuSurfinTux: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:08
ikoniaSurfinTux: "sudo -i"23:08
UmeaboyWell, it's a friends computer and he wishes to have a workaround by tomorrow evening.23:09
tom99hdi think it was software and update center on the control panel on the last tab i think it was named additional drivers that's how i changed the driver23:09
hecataeUmeaboy, if the issue is fixed in Xenial, have you tested it and if so, what is stopping you early upgrading?23:09
tom99hdmy gpu is a 350m (laptop)23:09
ikoniaUmeaboy: I very very strongly advise against even trying that23:09
SurfinTuxbesides sudo, even though i love it's logging capabilities are amazing it app-admin/sudo23:09
Umeaboyikonia: OK.23:09
tom99hdi looked up at the nvidia site and the latest supported driver for linux 64 bit was the latest one shown on that panel23:09
ikoniaSurfinTux: what are you even talking about ??23:10
tom99hdso i changed it to that and now it hangs there23:10
Umeaboytom99hd: What card?23:10
SurfinTuxit just seems counter productive to not be able to be logged in as root?23:10
ikoniaSurfinTux: you can " sudo -i "23:10
k1lSurfinTux: read the link the bot just linked you.23:10
SurfinTuxi always have a terminal running as root23:10
Umeaboytom99hd: There's a temporary fix for GTX cards.23:10
tom99hdwhen i change the driver does it maybe try to download the new ones and install during the boot screen?23:10
ikoniaSurfinTux: you can " sudo -i "23:10
UmeaboyI fixed mine some months ago.23:10
tom99hdwhat driver are you using?23:10
SurfinTuxso sudo -i behoves like su?23:10
tom99hdand what's the temp fix since i can't boot23:11
ikoniaSurfinTux: it will give you a root shel23:11
Umeaboytom99hd: Standard. The only thing I did was to add modprobe.blacklist=nouveau23:11
Umeaboyin grub menu.23:11
UmeaboyAnd then boot with it.23:11
UmeaboyI have the GTX 850M.23:11
tom99hdso i spam f10 during boot?23:12
SurfinTuxcool cool23:12
tom99hdafter it gets stuck?23:12
UmeaboyAfter you edited the kernel boot line and added modprobe.blacklist=nouveau you load this change with F10.23:12
SurfinTuxhas upgrading without breaking stuff gotten easier with Ubuntu releases23:13
tom99hdhow do i edit the kernel boot line?23:13
tom99hdi'll google it23:13
tom99hdgive me a sec23:13
SurfinTuxit's in grub23:13
k1lSurfinTux: since ages.23:13
SurfinTuxtom99d it's in the grub menu23:13
SurfinTuxwhen you boot23:13
bekks!nomodeset | tom99hd23:14
ubottutom99hd: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:14
UmeaboyESC to see GRUB. Advanced flags and press e on the kernel you want to boot.23:14
UmeaboyE as in edit.23:14
hecataetom99hd, I usually press escape to get to the grub menu23:14
hecataewait for bios to pass, then hammer escape23:14
hecataethen choose the kernel line and press e to edit23:14
SurfinTuxwhen? everytime I used it, stuff always bprke. especially with graphicol drivers23:14
Umeaboyhecatae: That might destroy/break his keyboard. :)23:14
hecataeUmeaboy, needs a mechanical keyboard then23:15
tom99hdokay im at grub now but pressing E doesn't do anything23:15
tom99hdtoo bad its a laptop keyboard23:15
UmeaboyAdvanced flags.23:15
UmeaboyTHEN e23:15
HeadzupI use my monitor with 144hz refreshrate and when I move my windows its looks not fluet. is that normal?23:15
k1l!xenial | Headzup23:16
ubottuHeadzup: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+123:16
SurfinTuxmech boards are best boards23:16
Umeaboytom99hd: Found it?23:17
tom99hdim at the grub but E doens't work anywhere23:17
tom99hdthere's advanced options23:17
UmeaboyAdvanced flags for Ubuntu. You see that option in GRUB?23:17
tom99hd4 options23:17
UmeaboyAdvanced options.23:17
tom99hdAdvanced options for Ubuntu23:17
tom99hdand 2 memtests23:18
UmeaboyThat one.23:18
UmeaboyAdvanced options for Ubuntu.23:18
tom99hdnow its two sets of ubuntu kernels with their recoverys23:18
tom99hdi can't press E on them23:18
Umeaboytom99hd: Yes.23:18
UmeaboyWhich Ubuntu version are you using?23:19
tom99hdenter worked tho23:19
tom99hdand arrows23:19
tom99hd14 lts23:19
hecataefe34r3, are you running in ubuntu now?23:19
UmeaboyWe have 15 LTS as well I think.23:19
bekksUmeaboy: No.23:19
fe34r3I keep trying to boot and it keeps sending me to windows.23:20
fe34r3So, no.23:20
tom99hdi think 16lts comes soon23:20
tom99hdnow i see 4.2.0-34-generic and its recovery mode23:20
hecataefe34r3, disable secure boot in the uefi23:20
tom99hdalso the same but with 2723:20
Umeaboyfe34r3: I'd use a Live cd and reinstall GRUB.23:20
fe34r3I went into the BIOS and i disabled secure boot and prioritized the external hard drive I'm booting from.23:20
tom99hdand grub version is 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.723:21
tom99hdwhat about that recovery mode?23:21
ZuninoI'm trying to get my Sony Wired Stereo Headset to work with Ubuntu (15.10 64-bit). The device does get recognized, but I get no audio output.23:21
Umeaboytom99hd: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhm. OK.23:21
tom99hdwouldn't recovery mode help?23:21
Umeaboytom99hd: Try it.23:21
tom99hdokay now what?23:22
tom99hdmany options there23:22
tom99hdresume clean dpkg failsafex23:22
tom99hdfsck grub network root system-summary23:22
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tom99hdnext to failsafe x is run in failsafe graphic mode23:22
tom99hdmay i try this?23:22
Umeaboytom99hd: Yes. Unless anyone else says otherwise here.23:23
tom99hdcontinuing will remount .....23:23
UmeaboyGotta go.23:23
tom99hdanyone willing to help?23:24
fe34r3Is the grub you use efi?23:24
SurfinTuxzunio: you using alsa or pulseaudio?23:24
tom99hdnot sure but when i was installing ubuntu i formated the ubuntu partition in ext423:25
SurfinTuxext4 shouldnt be a problem23:25
tom99hdokay now it tells me its running in low graphics mode23:26
fe34r3I uninstalled ubuntu on windows and I tried rebooting from the external drive. Every time I try, I get sent back to windows.23:26
tom99hdinput device settings could not be detected correctly23:26
tom99hdi will need to configure these myself23:26
tom99hdi guess i can go on by pressing enter23:27
tom99hdthere's only an ok button23:27
tom99hdi went and pressed enter23:27
tom99hdno mouse on screen, now i have 4 options23:27
SurfinTuxwell you uninstalled ubuntu23:28
tom99hdnow nothing works23:28
tom99hdnot even enter or tab23:28
SurfinTuxso... like you'd be sent to windows23:28
SurfinTuxtom, what are you trying to do?23:28
tom99hdchanged gpu drivers23:28
tom99hdnow it gets stuck at boot screen23:29
SurfinTuxnvidio officiol23:29
SurfinTuxoo i did that yeors ago!23:29
tom99hdgo on23:29
tom99hdenlighten me23:29
tom99hdhow do i get back on ubuntu23:29
k1ltom99hd: did you try nomodeset?23:30
k1ltom99hd: what drivers did you install exactly?23:30
SurfinTuxi went to recovery mode, enabled networking, went to prompt, logged in os root or what ever it in, ond reran the nvidida installer. but first: what errors is it throwing at you?23:30
tom99hdi didn't actually install any i just chose the latest official ones from software center's additional drivers @k1l23:31
tom99hdi didn't try that yet SurfinTux23:31
tom99hdshould i?23:31
SurfinTuxvia software center or apt-get?23:31
elisa87_if I have both Open JDK and Oracle JDK installed how would I make sure a java application would use the Oracle JDK?23:31
tom99hdon software center's last tab named additional drivers23:32
tom99hdi chose the latest one23:32
tom99hdi checked on nvidias website on whether or not it was supported on linux 6423:32
tom99hdturns out it was the latest supported one23:32
tom99hdso i picked it23:32
tom99hdand now its not working :/23:32
SurfinTuxyou'd need to grab them from nvidia's website and throw it on a usb from another device, mount the usb on the ubuntu computer and run the installer or transfer the file to your desktop23:32
SurfinTuxnorry that my typing is slow; i'm on mobile23:33
k1ltom99hd: what card is it?23:33
k1lSurfinTux: please stop23:33
tom99hdlaptop gpu23:33
SurfinTuxand my typos look odd as I use dvorak and not qwerty23:33
k1lSurfinTux: you are actually telling bad advice23:33
SurfinTuxk1l i was explaining a solution that fixes the problem. he wont be able to update them via software or terminal, but he'd have to go into recovery23:34
tom99hdso, what do i do?23:35
k1ltom99hd: did you use nomodeset now? did it help?23:35
SurfinTuxdoes ubuntu have official nvidia drivers in a ppa? or is it just nouveau23:35
tom99hdi couldn't press E on any option so i tried going in advanced then i booted in recovery23:35
k1lSurfinTux: it has official nvidia in the regular repos23:35
tom99hdi think i got to something23:35
Giddlesim using mate with an rpi and i have some questions... how can i measure the cpu temp?23:36
tom99hdfrom recovery23:36
tom99hdi got to failsafeX23:36
Giddlesis there a command or must i download something?23:36
k1ltom99hd: why cant you edit in grub?23:36
tom99hdno idea23:36
k1lGiddles: use lm_sensors if the board supports it23:36
tom99hdi couldn't change anything on failsafe x just boot in low graphics mode23:36
tom99hdand not im in a command line login screen23:36
tom99hdor whatever23:36
tom99hdokay i logged in23:36
tom99hdnow it should be easy right?23:37
k1ltom99hd: when highlighting the line in grub you need to press "e"23:37
sabgenton** (appstreamcli:3037): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way.   is the message I get when running apt-get update on live session, anyway to fix this?23:37
Giddleslm_sensors: command not found23:37
tom99hdyes i tried that but it wouldn't work23:37
k1lGiddles: install it first23:37
k1ltom99hd: that doesnt make sense23:37
tom99hdi tied it when ubuntu was highlighted and also when23:37
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tom99hdnot sure why it happens23:38
tom99hdcould it be cause im greek?23:38
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tom99hdi mean, when installing i didn't install greek as a lang but the keyboard itself has the greek alternatives on some buttons23:38
k1ltom99hd: where is your e on the keyboard? try to press the key in the  row under the 3 and 423:39
tom99hdi know where E is located23:39
tom99hdits the same for the greek ε23:39
minimecGiddles: Looks that there is some software specially for the pi... https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=3499423:39
tom99hdbut it didn't work23:39
tom99hdnot even on the advanced options grub screen23:39
Giddlesthx, im also googling23:39
tom99hdnow im sitting at a terminal23:40
minimecGiddles: https://www.maketecheasier.com/finding-raspberry-pi-system-information/23:40
tom99hdmanaged to get it in low graphics mode23:40
tom99hdcouldn't i change something from here?23:40
Giddlesall dont work23:40
Giddlesill try lmsensors23:40
k1ltom99hd: sudo apt purge nvidia*23:41
k1ltom99hd: then reboot23:41
tom99hd0 to remove23:41
tom99hdit didn't remove anything i think23:42
tom99hd0 to remove23:42
SurfinTuxfuck it. rm-f / i'm done. love you to tom99hd. eventuolly try out Arch or Gentoo, i thin you'd like it.23:42
k1ltom99hd: dont use the command23:42
tom99hdi know what it does23:43
alexandre_get up stand up23:43
tom99hdis there a commant to change the primary display driver to that xorg display driver that was working fine?23:43
alexandre_moove your boddy23:43
k1ltom99hd: so it didnt install the nvidia at all?23:44
Giddleshmm dont work23:45
Giddlesno sensors were found :/23:45
Giddleshow can i deinstall it?23:45
KaiakGiddles: what are you trying to uninstall?23:45
fe34r3what program is better than uneetbootin for burning ubuntu to an external hard drive23:45
Kaiakfe34r3: win32diskimager23:45
tom99hdk1l not sure what it did23:45
Kaiakif you're on windows23:45
Giddleslm_sensors & sensors_applet23:45
Kaiaksudo apt-get autoremove lm_sensors sensors_applet23:46
tom99hdKaiak: i used universal usb installer23:46
Kaiakautoremove removes packages no longer needed23:46
Kaiakyou may be better just using 'remove' Giddles23:46
Kaiakbut autoremove is normally fine :323:46
tom99hdKaiak: has worked fine for both linux and windows for me23:46
ChatGuideUK5hi all23:47
ChatGuideUK5hows everything going today?23:47
Giddleseeh cant find lmsensors23:47
ChatGuideUK5I am here to moderate this chat please chat nicely at all times23:48
fe34r3i used universal usb installer too23:49
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tom99hdk1l couldn't i edit by following the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19486/how-do-i-add-a-kernel-boot-parameter23:49
tom99hdand add what has to be added?23:49
k1ltom99hd: nomodeset23:51
vatriXooo a fellow nittany lion23:52
tom99hddo i add quiet splash nomodeset23:52
tom99hdor just nomodset?23:52
gimlithedwarfhmmm...first time using irc...23:54
k1ltom99hd: you just add nomodeset additionally23:55
TJ-SCHAAP137: how did you get on with the PPA nm-openvpn ?23:57
tom99hdk1l gtk-warning cannot open display23:58
slaffeTrying to find out why my system shut down couple days ago23:59

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