
bekksGeekDude: SCSI2 (aka 50 pin) isnt compatible downwards to a parallel port (aka 25 pin).00:13
bekksGeekDude: Totally different technologies.00:13
GeekDudebekks: Was hoping that wasn't the case. I'm looking into getting a PCI card for it00:17
GeekDudeI wonder though why such a cable was even manufactured00:17
bekksGeekDude: You need to get a SCSI card with an external connector. There is SCSI2 and mini SCSI2, but there are adapters for it.00:17
GeekDudeI've got a C50m to HD50m (SCSI2) cable00:19
GeekDudeFinding the PCI card for it is looking to be the more difficult part00:19
bekksTook less than 10s: http://www.amazon.com/Adaptec-SCSI-2-Adapter-1-34-3-AHA-2940UW-HP/dp/B0045JMSKM/00:20
GeekDudeand how many pins there?00:21
bekksCount'em - SCSI2, 50 pins, mini connector.00:22
bekksErr no, no mini connector.00:22
bekksInvesting more than 5 bucks for that old scanner is just a waste of money.00:22
GeekDudeLooks like 68 pins00:22
GeekDudeAnd you're probably right00:23
GeekDudeI do a lot of things because I can though00:23
GeekDudebit of a hobby00:23
bekksMore like an archeologist, using ancient technologies :P00:23
GeekDudeI've got a CRT manufactured in the same year as that scanner. I use it as my main TV, with a rasplex pi hooked up to it00:24
GeekDudeI've also got a desktop hooked up to it through an s-video to coax converter box00:24
GeekDudeManaged to get an iMac G3 running debian, but one of the RAM sticks went bad so now it runs very, very slowly00:25
Unit193Wow, good job on that.00:25
bekksDid all that too - a decade ago ;)00:25
GeekDudeThing is stupidly hard to netboot00:25
GeekDudemanaged it after a few hours one long night00:26
GeekDudethis was ~2 years ago IIRC00:26
GeekDudeI chose fluxbox instead of xfce though00:26
ryclik_Hey guys. I accidentally deleted my partition table on my main disk. In effort to restore it I was wondering if anyone knows where the Ubuntu default partition sizing is documented?01:27
ryclik_EFI in particular01:27
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xubuntu774Is anybody currently in the chat besides me?06:41
well_laid_lawnxubuntu774:  hi, what's up ?06:49
xubuntu774Thanks for responding. I've just installed Xubuntu as part of my Dual Boot (alongside Windows 8.1), and I've been having trouble connecting to my WiFi. The only reason I can talk to you right now is because I'm running Xubuntu through a virtual machine.06:51
xubuntu774Sorry for the long post.06:51
well_laid_lawnthe bot has some links on that06:52
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:52
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well_laid_lawnsee if that link helps06:52
alexpinhello guys, I can run alsa's Front_Center.wav perfectly but the login audio and mp3 files don't work... any ideas on what I could try? I already googled for half an hour :/09:36
leriazhey yall10:59
jarnosWhat package handles mounting of USB devices automatically?11:04
flocculantjarnos: udev I think11:10
jarnosflocculant, ok, I changed it here: Bug #133335411:42
ubottubug 1333354 in udev (Ubuntu) "switch user & usb flash drive conflict" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133335411:42
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mitsurugi77I'm from Spain and thanks for supporting17:18
mitsurugi77I have some doubts about h264 gpu aceleration17:19
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, doubts like it is not working?17:20
mitsurugi77yes it's working but with some problems, i will try to explain the best as i can17:20
mitsurugi77sorry my english is not good17:20
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, there should be a spanish support channel17:21
mrkrampsi guess #ubuntu-es17:21
mitsurugi77my graphic card is: ati radeon hd 434017:21
mitsurugi77xubuntu version: 15.1017:22
mitsurugi77i have installed mesa drivers for use vdpau gpu aceleration17:23
mitsurugi77sudo apt-get install mesa-vdpau-drivers17:23
mitsurugi77video players used: vlc and kodi17:23
mitsurugi77h264 gpu aceleration works, but i have some glitches17:24
mitsurugi77same in all media players i have tried17:24
mitsurugi77it's dificult to explain the glitches, sometimes misframing17:26
mitsurugi77i'm almost sure it could be a driver problem or configuration in driver...17:27
mitsurugi77do you know what can i do?17:27
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, libvdpau1 also installed?17:29
mitsurugi77umm i'm not sure17:30
mitsurugi77i have only installed mesa-vdpau-drivers17:31
mitsurugi77i could try install libvdpau117:31
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, sudo apt-get install libvdpau1 vdpauinfo17:31
mrkrampsthen run vdpauinfo in terminal to check if everything's supported properly17:32
mitsurugi77ok, thank you very much17:33
mitsurugi77i will try it when i arrive home17:33
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, another question is which dirver you are using17:33
mrkrampsfree radeon or proprietary fglrx17:34
mitsurugi77i only use: sudo apt-get install mesa-vdpau-drivers17:34
mitsurugi77propietary is not compatible with my old graphic card17:34
mitsurugi77free i suppouse17:34
mrkrampsargh, that's true of course … sry17:34
mitsurugi77its quite strange, because image runs fine but aleatory shows some defects17:36
mitsurugi77i have been reading in archwiki: AMD Radeon HD 4000 series and newer GPUs are supported by the libvdpau-va-gl package together with the libva-xvba-driverAUR package. It uses the catalyst-utilsAUR driver for Radeon HD 5000 series and newer, and catalyst-total-hd234kAUR for Radeon HD 4000 series.17:37
mitsurugi77but my linux distribution is xubuntu, so maybe this will not good17:37
mrkrampsvdpau for free radeon driver, xvba-va for fglrx17:37
mitsurugi77yes i'm using vdpau17:38
mrkrampsand there are some exceptions in the HD 4000 series17:38
mrkrampsbut HD 4340 should work17:38
mitsurugi77yes it works, but not fine17:38
mrkrampsmitsurugi77, have you tried mplayer or mpv?17:38
mitsurugi77only kodi and vlc17:39
mrkrampsafaik wether kodi nor vlc support hardware decoding by default17:39
mitsurugi77vdpau is working because my cpu is a pentium 417:39
mitsurugi77and videos runs smooth, but sometimes show glitches17:40
mrkrampsit is not a question of hardware, but as far as i know vlc and kodi do not support hardware decoded video playback17:40
mrkrampsat least not without some additional configuration17:41
mitsurugi77but they support vdpau17:41
mitsurugi77vdpau gpu aceleration17:41
mitsurugi77if i set on in options, is working17:41
mrkrampspropably my information source got a bit old then17:42
mitsurugi77i will try another players also, for discard17:42
mitsurugi77maybe could dissapear the problems installing libvdpau1, i will try it this night, thanks!!17:44
mitsurugi77good by17:54
mitsurugi77good bye17:54
v2528xrandr settings not sticking with lightdm's display-setup-script19:11
v2528i simply need $xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of VGA-0 to be permenant19:11
v2528i'm using Xubuntu19:12
v2528the normal extension for multiple screen is buggy with Radeon/Mesa drivers, it offsets one of my display 3840 rather than 192019:14
czeslawHi ! I have a question. I don't want to see disks on my desktop but I want to see CD ROM when I put CD. If i go RclickMouse > Desktop Settings I can hide all disks but with cd rom too19:46
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StevenRok. What key combo did I just hit that caused my screen to zoom in, and how do I make it go back to normal?22:21
krytarikStevenR: Alt + mouse wheel.22:22
* StevenR sends krytarik a non-HTTP cookie22:22
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