
julianktest works now (and fails in 1.2.8!)00:02
infinityjuliank: Always a good sign for a test.00:04
* infinity decides it's pizza and TV time.00:04
julianklamont: Fixed in https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/apt/apt.git/commit/?id=6df563200:11
juliankinfinity: It was TV time for me, and then lamont returned with bug details. So it became bugfixing time :D00:13
juliankOff to bed now, it's 1am...00:15
* juliank should write a tool to create minimal apt test cases ...00:22
julianklamont: infinity: Uploaded 1.2.9 to Debian, should be part of the next dinstall run in an hour.00:33
juliank=> can be synced in a few hours00:33
infinityjuliank: Is "aptget" in the testcase a typo, or a wrapper?00:33
juliankinfinity: A wrapper00:33
juliankinfinity: apt-get still runs the host apt-get, and aptget the one in the build tree00:35
juliankOh really, the armhf test suite for 1.2.8 now failed in another test... :/00:39
juliankWe run those flaky tests 10 times, and they still fail :/00:40
juliankMaybe we should run them in qemu to slow things down ...00:41
infinityjuliank: Meh, they'll magically all work in 1.2.9 for no good reason anyway.00:43
juliankLet's hope so.00:44
juliankIt's almost always armhf and i386 failing00:44
infinityCoincidentally, the only 32-bit arches in adt?00:44
juliankYeah. I suppose those are the slowest ones00:45
infinityI didn't say slowest, just 32-bit.00:45
juliankYes, but I said00:45
infinityThe amd64 and i386 tests run on exactly the same hardware.00:45
juliankSomewhat surprising00:46
infinityThese same tests are run at build-time, right?00:47
infinityAhh.  Kay.00:47
infinityCause I'd be even more confused if they did.00:47
juliankAt build-time we only run small unit tests00:47
juliankCI systems (autopkgtest, travis) also run full integration test suite00:47
juliankor actually, they only run the integration tests...00:48
juliankWell, travis runs both00:48
juliankI think the problem with the download progress testing is that curl does not really respect speed limits you tell it00:49
juliankIt starts fetching at full speed and then adjusts down to reach the requested speed00:50
juliankwhich fails on localhost for 800KB files00:50
infinitySo you need bigger files?00:50
infinityOr less curl.00:50
juliankThat might make sense00:51
juliankWell, the https method uses curl00:51
infinityOh, right.00:51
infinityBigger files, then.00:51
juliankAnd the other failing test, I have no idea yet.00:52
juliankIt's supposed to test that fetching A, and B (which redirects to A) only cause one download of A00:52
juliankIt actually does, but the 103 Redirect message from the method to the main process is never shown00:53
juliankIt says " @ Queue: Action combined for http://localhost:35267/foo and http://localhost:35267/foo"00:53
infinityWeren't you supposed to be sleeping? :)00:54
juliankYes, unfortunately, yes.00:54
* juliank should just grep for "@ Queue: Action combined for" instead of "103 Redirect", that would be more reliable00:55
juliankI see what's going on00:57
juliankGET /foo with "Range: bytes=64350-" cannot work on a 64350 byte fil00:58
juliankGoing to feed that bug to DonKult00:58
juliankSo this one might actually be a real bug01:03
juliankI feel like I just lost one hour :/01:07
juliankHello summertime, I suppose :/01:08
lamontjuliank: thanks!01:12
karstensrageinfinity, cant thank you enough, works flawlessly on 16.0401:24
karstensragefreaking brilliant01:25
karstensragevery happy01:25
karstensragecan someone help me with backports?01:34
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fo0barto request a (universe) package be synced from debian after the import freeze, should I request an SRU?  I've only had to do this once before years ago, and seem to remember the process was SRU-like, but can't remember if it was an SRU specifically05:03
fo0bar(package update, not new package)05:05
fo0barah, found my previous request (from 2012).  looks like it's just a matter of "please sync" against the package, with an explanation of the rationale05:18
karstensragefo0bar, are you familiar with the rationale's for backports?05:21
karstensragefor new stuff05:21
fo0barkarstensrage: in general, or for my specific request?05:23
karstensragefo0bar, in general05:26
karstensragei have two new packages that got into xenial and id like them backported to trusty and precise05:27
fo0barkarstensrage: ahh yes, I do happen to.  that is a Stable Release Update (SRU), and is explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates05:29
karstensragethat doesnt seem like its for new packages?05:30
fo0barkarstensrage: I believe the process is the same.  I'm not an Ubuntu developer, but I do know that once releases are finalized (and especially LTSes), SRU requests get more scrutiny than normal sync requests, so you'll need to read over and closely follow that doc05:31
karstensragehmm ok05:31
infinityfo0bar: That's not an SRU he's asking for, it's a backport.05:48
infinityVery different (goes to a different pocket, managed by different people, etc)05:48
infinitykarstensrage: The process is as laid out on the wiki page.  Expecting immediate response to backports bugs is probably your failing.  Be patient, once you've followed the right steps.05:49
infinityfo0bar: What are you looking to get synced?05:49
fo0barinfinity: ah sorry, my mistake05:50
fo0barinfinity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/2ping/+bug/156245505:51
ubottuError: launchpad bug 2 not found05:51
infinityubottu: Your parser sucks.05:51
ubottuinfinity: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:51
fo0bar2ping used to be the first sorted package in the archive, before that damned 0ad came around05:51
infinityfo0bar: Done.05:51
fo0barinfinity: ta!05:52
infinityfo0bar: Oh, if I'd seen who the upstream was, I might have not synced it.05:55
infinityfo0bar: Can we trust that guy?05:55
fo0barthat jerk05:55
fo0bar2ping protocol is about 99.5% binary data and lives happily (and safely) in bytearray() land, but that other .5% is optional text notice data, and of course that's the part I screwed up05:57
fo0barluckily when not in debug mode, all untrusted parsing is handled in a failsafe exception handler05:57
infinityI should write a second implementation of the protocol called bigping.05:58
infinityFull name, of course, Notorious P.I.N.G.05:59
karstensrageinfinity, i just want to make sure i have a properly worded rationale for the backport, i am anxious but not expecting an immediate response06:39
karstensrageive been looking over other rationales that i can find but i dont see any patterns06:40
karstensragei mean for golang backports the rationale i guess i obvious06:40
karstensrage... is obvious06:40
infinitykarstensrage: The only real rationale for a NEW package needs to be "this package doesn't exist in trusty, but I'd like to use it there".06:40
infinitykarstensrage: The backports pocket isn't particularly strict in what it accepts.06:40
karstensrageok that makes sense06:41
infinity(Which is why we don't install it by default)06:41
karstensrageoh sure, these packages dont even make sense as defaults06:42
karstensragefor anything06:42
infinityI meant we don't install anything from backports by default.  ie: if there's an upgraded version of something in backports, apt won't offer it to you unless you explicitly request it.06:42
infinityWith, say "apt-get install package/trusty-backports"06:43
karstensragehmm so like even if you already have the package installed it doesnt say an update is available?06:43
infinityBecause we don't support backports.06:43
infinitySo auto-upgrading people to it would be irresponsible.06:43
karstensrageoh but security updates are handled differently right?06:43
infinityIt's a use-at-your-own-risk service to people who prefer new shiny over well-supported.06:43
infinity-security and -updates pockets are automatic.  -backports isn't.06:44
karstensrageoh i see06:44
karstensrageah now i see06:44
karstensrageok that really is different than what i thought, let me re-read backports with this new context to see if i get something different06:45
infinitykarstensrage: Backports is almost certainly where your "I want my new package on old releases" request belongs.  It's not even remotely acceptable as an SRU.06:46
infinitykarstensrage: Alternately, you could just tell your users to use xenial if they want your package.  Your call.06:46
karstensrageyeah i get that, but what happens if a security issue or bug is found, and then you want that backported as well?06:47
infinityYou just submit another backport request.06:47
karstensragebut it wont show to be updated?06:47
infinitySo, the security fix lands in xenial-security, then you ask the backporty people to re-backport the xenial-security version to trusty-backports.06:47
karstensragesince its -backport?06:47
infinityOh, once something is installed from -backports, you get updates from -backports.06:47
karstensrageah ok06:47
karstensrageok gotcha06:47
infinityIt's the initial install/upgrade to/from backports that has to be explicit.06:48
karstensrageyes of course06:48
karstensrageyes that makes sense06:48
karstensragealright thank you, ill re-read again in the morning, kind of bleary eyed, must get some sleep, good night06:49
ginggsinfinity: was that you rebuilding fpc just now?09:38
juliankinfinity: I guess we're not that lucky with apt 1.2.9, the i386 autopkgtest failed the flaky progress detection twice :(  - either retry a third time (or how much more is needed) or ignore the issue (if possible). I'm currently testing a way to make the test less flaky, by using 16MB test files instead of 800KB ones09:51
juliankcjwatson: Does openssh-server really need a strictly versioned dep on openssh-client? This can cause APT to switch architectures if the native arch is not available in the wanted version, but the other arch is (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/272416/why-installing-openssh-server-would-remove-openssh-client)12:15
* juliank has a fix for that on the APT side too, but not sure if he will roll it out12:16
juliankAPT fix: https://github.com/julian-klode/apt/compare/master...julian-klode:bugfix/cross-arch-candidate?expand=112:17
maprerican somebody mark lp #1562114 as triaged/minor (or whatever severity launchpad offers for this)12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562114 in scribus (Ubuntu) "text box editor return always on the top when changing window" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156211412:35
mitya57mapreri, done16:54
maprerimitya57: ta :)16:54
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infinityginggs: It was not me.18:19
infinityjuliank: Retried yet again.  The odds aren't playing out for us right now, though. :P18:20
juliankinfinity: Yeah, I have not seen that fail that often (3 runs until now, and all 3 failed the same flaky test) - hopefully this gets better when the test uses 16 MB files instead of 800 KB ones...18:22
juliankI could also start at 1MB, and then double the size with every failure18:22
infinityThat's assuming upping the size really helps.18:23
infinityIf the problem is that you need a (vaguely) consistent throttled speed, could you throttle it from the server side instead?18:23
infinity(not sure what you're using as your https server in the tests)18:23
juliankIt's a custom built server, so the answer is yes, we can throttle there.18:27
juliankI tried adding usleep(100) between each 500  byte block, that made things less bad18:28
juliankbut larger file size produced less retries on my test system, so I suspect it's the same on i38618:29
juliankIt tries 16 MB files, starting with a limit of 16 MB/s and then throttling down, dividing by the number of the retry18:31
juliankThis actually seems to throttle, as a run at half speed takes 5 seconds instead of 318:32
ginggsinfinity: no worries, i guess it was Logan wondering why his lazarus sync wouldn't build on powerpc. I've filed bug LP: #156248018:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562480 in glibc (Ubuntu) "fp-compiler not installable on powerpc since glibc 2.23" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156248018:51
juliankinfinity: no luck :(18:53
juliankinfinity: Is it possible to just force accept it?18:54
infinityjuliank: It is, yeah.18:55
infinityjuliank: But I'm bored enough to retry a few dozen more times too.18:55
juliankSuch a waste of resources ...19:00
juliankWith the larger size coming in 1.2.10 I have not yet seen a single failure or even a retry19:01
infinityjuliank: That's promising.19:01
juliankin my i386 chroot19:01
juliankwhich failed quite easily before (1 of 5 tries I think)19:02
juliankNow I have done 15 runs already19:03
juliankevery check passed19:03
infinityjuliank: Hey look, 5th time's the charm. :P19:15
juliank<insert random exclamation here>!19:15
* juliank should really implement rate limiting on the server19:16
infinityjuliank: That's probably the only way tests like this won't be an arms race.19:17
infinityjuliank: I note that the 800k file was "testfile.big", which is hilarious.19:18
infinityIf 800k is "big", I think we found a time machine.19:18
juliankI think with 800k, the bytes were already buffered in the kernel sometimes19:19
juliankcausing the whole issue of directly going from 0 to 10019:20
juliankActually, I'm not sure how much the method(s) request at once.19:20
juliankBut it's definitely less than 16 MB :D19:20
juliankOur time out is 500ms19:23
juliankThat is, we print progress every 500 ms19:24
juliankIf two tests take 1.3 seconds or something like that as they used to do, that can't work19:24
juliankIs it possible to lock down launchpad bugs?22:16
juliankbug #1558331 is getting a bit out of control22:16
ubottubug 1558331 in apt (Ubuntu) "message "The repository is insufficiently signed by key (weak digest)" is poorly worded" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155833122:16
cjwatsonjuliank: There's some common functionality in both packages and I'd rather not have confusion due to "apt-get install openssh-server" not upgrading both.  Surely this isn't the only package with this pattern of dependencies?22:20
* juliank does not understand why users are so whiny about a very small minority of neglected repositories not working with a not-yet-released Ubuntu release...22:40
juliankEspecially Nvidia is terrifying: They only have MD5 checksums.22:41
ari-tczewcjwatson: is there still actual problem with syncpackage?22:42
juliankari-tczew: (not cj, but: ) It at least imported apt fine, so it seems OK to me ...22:43
ari-tczewjuliank: I've already synced one package for me and it works as well. however, I did a sponsor sync and I guess there is something missed..22:44
Loganginggs: good deductive skills! :P23:02
Loganthat's exactly why I retried23:02
duobixHi there, is there a plan to support devices with 32bit uefi and 64bit cpus? (bay trail/cheap x86 tablets)23:40

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