
gde33some more elaborate text in the dialogs would smoothen things out a lot00:00
SchrodingersScatgde33: how do you mean?00:01
gde33SchrodingersScat: baking the live cd on the usb stick and booting it went supper smooth00:01
Jacruthhello, I would like to know what files I should modify in order to change the background using the shell, not the settings manager00:02
gde33SchrodingersScat: I have a few the same disks, it wasn't so easy to figure out what disk to put the install on, where to put the boot thingy, how to create a swap and what size to make it00:02
ikoniajust use the setting manager00:02
ikoniait's better to interface with gnome that way00:03
ikoniathats why the tools are there - for you to use00:03
gde33SchrodingersScat: I ended up guessing right a lot of times in a row :D00:03
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
gde33SchrodingersScat: I put all 3 on an empty disk, set it up to book on that one in the bios then to my surprice the xp boot was still available :)00:03
gde33SchrodingersScat: the disks have different names in bios/widows xp/file browser/installer00:04
SchrodingersScatgde33: hah, that's good.00:04
gde33SchrodingersScat: I ended up unmounting all but the right one in the file browser so that it would throw an error for the correct disk00:05
cristianjoseWho can speak Spanish??00:05
SchrodingersScat!es | cristianjose00:06
ubottucristianjose: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:06
cristianjoseokk ubottu00:06
gde33SchrodingersScat: then I had to install kvirc of course and vlc, vlc froze the desktop (haha) had to install the nvidea driver, had to set vlc to open gl (but which one?)00:07
Jacruthikonia: it's because I am customizing my own build :)00:07
gde33SchrodingersScat: I think it would be cool if ubuntu could find the firefox profile in the windows installation00:07
gde33SchrodingersScat: discovering that that works was kinda awesome :D00:08
Portaalguien hablar español?00:08
antonispgs!es Porta00:08
gde33SchrodingersScat: have all the passwords, cookies, extensions, greasemonkey scripts etc etc00:08
SchrodingersScatgde33: that makes a lot of assumptions, and like you say you can port that over as you please.  That's generally easy to backup.00:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:08
gde33SchrodingersScat: I didn't know if it worked, kvirc was very upset when I offered it a windows config :D00:09
cristianjoseubottu you know English00:09
ubottucristianjose: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
gde33SchrodingersScat: but the overal impression is really good, I should have switched long ago00:10
cristianjoseumm ok Thanks for the info ubottu00:10
ikoniaJacruth: not sure why you need the command line to customize your oown build00:11
ikoniaown build00:11
ikoniajust change the desktop wall paper in the build00:12
binary01hi all, i am stuck in loop at the login screen. i tried deleting .Xauthority but that isnt working. does anyone know how to fix this?00:12
Jacruthikonia: because I am mounting an ISO image, so I have all the files and I am using chroot to customize it00:13
ssarahbinary01, try going to shell and creating a new user with a home, then try logging with him, using the ui00:14
binary01ssarah: thanks. ill try that00:16
gde33is there some way in the file browser to see how full disks are?00:17
SchrodingersScatgde33: shows me that under my file browser's "Properties" for a directory.00:19
binary01ssarah: unfortunately that didnt work. after i enter a password it just goes back to login00:22
mxmassterhello all00:25
mxmassteri just installed lts 14.04 on a dell r410 - everything with the installer worked fine (no errors)00:26
gleakeranyone here use fluxbox by chance?00:26
mxmassteron reboot the system complails that it cannot find the root device (missing modules)00:26
mxmassterand drops to a busybox shell00:26
ssarahinteresting. I would now tell you to check a log file somewhere, but I don't know which file logs the errors for the UI/login manager you are using. Maybe someone here can tell you? Or you can google. Other than that you can try a good old apt-get update > apt-get install -f > apt-get dist-upgrade and see if that fixes anything.00:26
ssarahbinary01 ^00:26
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binary01ssarah: thanks for the help. it doesnt seem to be working though. ill keep reading though00:30
CY_GenreHey everyone.. could use a little help with something if someone here has the time...00:30
hermandeCY_Genre, ask.00:31
CY_Genrehermande, thank you in advance00:31
CY_GenreI'm trying to install a program with the sudo command and running into some isssues00:31
hermandeAnybody know the difference between the Satelite and Remote when discussing icinga?00:32
hermandeCY_Genre, What program?00:32
hermandeCY_Genre, Is it in the distro?00:32
CY_GenreI've gotten as far as extracting it to the necessary directory but then I'm meant to invoke permissions to the extracted directory00:33
CY_Genrehermande, utorrent, trusty00:33
CY_Genreim not sure if it's in the distro, it didn't seem to be but at the same time i'm really new to all this :/00:34
=== Dinner is now known as Dinner4Breakfast
Bashing-omCY_Genre: This work : ' apt-cache show qbittorrent ' ?00:36
hermandeHave you tried bittornado?00:36
hermandeutorrent isn't directly support by Ubuntu.00:36
hermandectorrent is another client.00:36
hermandeTransmission is a pretty good GUI torrent client.00:36
CY_Genrehermande, not particularly interested in an alternative program tbh. just wish to learn how to install this one to get myself started00:36
almarkbut what's wrong with transmission?00:37
CY_Genreim not attesting to anything being wrong with it00:37
hermandeDid you download the ubuntu package?00:38
CY_Genrehermande, yes, I acquired the correct package for my distro00:38
hermandeCY_Genre, Then it's pertty simple....  sudo dpkg --install (insert package name here)00:39
CY_Genrehermande, i can extract it, it's sitting in /opt , and i can cp it to /usr/bin but beyond that i've hit roadblock getting the extracted destination to keep permissions for use00:39
CY_Genrehermande, wait what?00:40
CY_Genrehermande, so, you're saying there's a simple straight forward command for me to do this without all the hoopla?..00:40
Dylan____Can i connect my fitbit charge hr to my ubuntu computer and sync?00:40
hermandeCY_Genre, Yep...  The benefits of packaging and modular design.00:41
hermandeCY_Genre, It's been around since about '95.00:41
Dylan____I have the mbp 7,100:41
CY_Genrelike i said, im new to all this. i just want to be able to understand as much as i can is all00:41
Dylan____What you need help with genre?00:42
CY_GenreDylan____, hey , i think i talked with you the other night, yeah we have the same mpb i believe00:42
hermandeCY_Genre, I think you will find the other torrent clients suggested will be much easier.00:42
Dylan____Yeah we do00:42
CY_Genreim gonna try this script and see if it works00:42
Dylan____Im trying to find out if a fitbit charge hr can sync etc with ubuntu00:43
Dylan____Or if it really applies to only macs and windows00:43
hermandeDylan____, Have you tried https://bitbucket.org/benallard/galileo?00:44
Dylan____No not uet00:45
Dylan____But im not sure if it only supports few00:45
hermandeDylan____, Simple PPA and off to the races....00:45
Dylan____But if it supports the fitbit charge hr well i might be getting somewhere00:45
Dylan____Ill try it and get back to you00:45
hermandeDylan____, Then if that fails... you are probably using an ANT device... https://github.com/openyou/libfitbit00:46
CY_Genrehermande, errors were encounter while processing00:46
CY_Genreis this a command i can use to install without extracting the tar first?00:47
hermandeCY_Genre, it'll look something like this:  sudo dpkg --inistall mygreatprogram.deb00:48
hermandeCY_Genre, Let's try that again....  sudo dpkg --install mygreatprogram.deb00:49
hermandeCY_Genre, The file extension of ".DEB" designates a debian style program package.00:49
CY_Genreim running trusty tahr00:50
CY_Genrefile extension is tar.gz00:50
hermandeCY_Genre, Then you have the wrong download.00:50
hermandeCY_Genre, Look for the ubuntu download.00:51
SchrodingersScathermande: they don't offer a .deb, I just checked00:51
CY_Genreit is the ubuntu download for 13.0400:51
CY_Genreright, they don't offer the deb at all, not for trusty00:51
hermandeCY_Genre, SchrodingersScat ....  Yep... No longer directly supported.....00:52
SchrodingersScatwell, it was never supported here00:53
hermandeI remember it simply sucked.....00:54
hermandeCY_Genre, Try bittornado...00:54
hermandeCY_Genre, "sudo apt-get install bittornado"00:54
hermandeCY_Genre, Simple install/check and uninstall if it doesn't work.00:55
SchrodingersScatit doesn't even seem that sophisticated00:55
SchrodingersScat!torrent | CY_Genre: there are docs though, read that if you really want this. Or you can try any one of these better options00:56
ubottuCY_Genre: there are docs though, read that if you really want this. Or you can try any one of these better options: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P00:56
CY_Genrei may just have to settle for an alternative00:56
CY_Genrei'll look into one in a bit00:57
CY_Genrei do have another question though00:57
hermandeCY_Genre, I think you are in store for a major upgrade.00:57
SchrodingersScathermande: it's a binary, because presumably it's proprietary filth00:57
CY_Genrehow do i disable the "switcher" gesture in touchpad?00:57
hermandeSchrodingersScat, proprietary doesn't hurt if it's well maintained.00:58
CY_Genreit's annoying and through use im inadvertently enabling it00:58
CY_Genrealt/tab will suffice and is my go to anyways00:58
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
skjonesi'm sure i'm missing something simple, but the new software center in 16.04 (in live cd mode) seems to only show software already installed?  how does it show all software?01:02
srulihi, what day in april is 16.04 released?01:02
bluefiveWhat do you think of the beta 2 ISO of Unity?01:02
squintyskjones, #ubuntu+101:03
bluefive16.04 beta 2.01:03
skjonessquinty, tried it, no response from users01:03
bluefiveCan I auto update to the latest stable once it's released if I use that beta until then?01:03
squintybluefive, ubuntu+101:03
squintyplease read /topic01:03
skjonessruli, 21st i think01:03
sruliis the final beta for 16.04 released yet?01:04
bluefiveIsn't beta 2 the final beta?01:04
sruliwhen was that released?01:04
CY_Genrehermande, why would you suggest a "major upgrade"?01:05
bluefiveMarch 21.01:05
hermandeutorrent is know to have issues.01:05
bluefiveUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) Beta 201:05
hermandeCY_Genre, Most of the current torrent clients are very slick.01:05
srulithanks, i guess to upgrade to final release from beta 2 wont be a issue, right?01:05
CY_Genresorry if I missed your suggestion but which would you recommend for my distro?01:06
xanguaCY_Genre: Ubuntu comes with transmission01:06
xangua! Torrent01:06
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P01:06
hermandeCY_Genre, Are you a GUI or command line type of guy?01:06
CY_GenreI'm aiming to do as much as I can through command line, to cut the learning curve01:07
=== Guest8959 is now known as coldfusion571
hermandeCY_Genre, As a suggestion....  Keep away from the JAVA clients.  bittornado has been my goto command line client.01:07
squintyCY_Genre,  old time utorrent user here.  current linux choice though is deluge fwiw01:07
CY_GenreI'm interested in doing it all the hard way tbh, the more experience with terminal i can get the better01:08
CY_Genrei've use terminal before for some things in other os environment but i feel like this is a whole new ball game so to speak01:08
=== rafael is now known as Guest45694
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:09
CY_Genrei believe i'll try out deluge and keep bittornado as a backup for now01:09
hermandeIf the other environments include Dos or Windows...  Welcome to the real command line..  :)01:09
CY_Genrewindows and osx01:09
CY_Genrenever used dos01:09
hermandeAre you using IRC on the command line?01:09
CY_Genrehermande, i would like to but atm no i am not01:10
hermandeCY_Genre, Take a peek at bb...  It's a bit old but still cool01:10
binary01so the fix was to purge fglrx*. thanks everyone who helped01:10
hermandeCY_Genre, Then watch a movie in text using the aalib.....01:10
hermandeCY_Genre, sudo apt-get install bb01:10
CY_Genrei've heard of this in conversation but again never delved into it01:10
CY_Genreinstalling deluge now01:12
CY_Genreso, anyone know how to disable the gesture in touchpad for the switcher01:12
bluefivecan i upgrade my 15.10 to 16.02 beta 2?01:15
bluefivewhat do i type?01:15
bazhang#ubuntu+1 bluefive01:15
hermandeCY_Genre, check your mouse settings....01:15
CY_Genrehermande, there is nothing there about the switcher nor a gesture setting to disable it01:16
CY_Genrethat was the first place i'd looked01:16
CY_Genrehermande, in fact i can find no setting whatsover to disable it form the touchpad01:17
zzHi, How can I uninstall ubuntu which is installed alongside windows... It has just crashed and now is erroring upon boot01:17
CY_Genreonly disabling the ability to alt/tab it01:17
CY_Genrewhich, i'd very much like NOT to do as this is how i'd prefer to use it in the first place01:17
CY_Genrehaving a gesture for it is a bit convoluted imo01:17
hermandeCY_Genre, I simply use an external mouse...01:18
hermandeCY_Genre, Sounds like you are using multtouch under Ubuntu....01:20
CY_Genrehermande, is there a way to disable this without killing the scrolling functon, or primary, right, and double clicks?01:22
hermandeCY_Genre, If I had more experience I could easily answer.  But...  I have a very solid 20+ year hate of trackpads.01:23
* squinty says "mooosies all the way except for touch screens and even then sometimes"01:24
CY_Genrehermande, understandable01:24
hermandeCY_Genre, I even had a finger mouse at one point.  Pretty amazing...  but in the long run delicate.01:24
CY_Genrehermande, haha I was given one a log time ago and never used it01:25
CY_Genregot my client, now i'm going to see about getting a handle on a decent vpn01:25
hermandezz, what does the error say?01:26
CY_Genreseems like ubuntu offers one, publicly01:26
hermandeCY_Genre, Why do you need a vpn?01:26
hermandeCY_Genre, Keep in mind that they usually leak your original IP address.01:26
CY_Genrethen what would you suggest for anonymity ?01:27
hermandeCY_Genre, Don't use your real name.....01:27
CY_Genreaside from buying a physical onion01:27
CY_Genrehermande, i often don't use my real name01:28
hermandeCY_Genre, Get a server.  They can be as cheap as $5.00 per month.01:28
hermandeCY_Genre, Then switch to another server.01:28
CY_Genrehermande, i'm "ballin' on a budget" as it were01:28
CY_Genrei live in socal, it's not cheap here01:29
hermandeUh....  Is $5.00 per month too  expensive?01:29
hermandeSoCal is cheap....01:29
CY_Genrehermande, when im not even using that to buy cigarettes, sometimes, yeah01:29
hermandeTry San Jose....01:29
hermandeOr NYC.01:29
CY_Genrehermande, not fond of san jose01:29
hermandeHow about San Mateo, CA.01:30
CY_Genrehermande, and especially not fond of nyc, i just came here from the east coast01:30
hermandeSo Cal is cheap.01:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:30
hermandeDrop $5.00 on a server for  a month.01:30
CY_Genrehermande, perhaps01:30
CY_Genrein time01:30
hermandeIt's your server.  All security is yours.  Not someone elses.01:31
hermandeA VPN puts your security into someone elses hands.01:31
bluefiveMost VPNs are compromised.01:31
zzHi, how can I delete ubuntu installed alongside windows?01:31
bluefiveYou call up the VPN provider and tell them that you want to know the identity of the user and they hand it over.01:31
bluefiveThey have all the information thanks to payment details.01:31
zzanyone?? need help asap01:32
squintyzz, reformat or remove the linux partitions -> livecd -> gparted01:33
CY_Genrebluefive, that's extremely disconcerting01:33
znrsquinty:: that does not clean the mbr-sector tho01:33
zzsquinty, I cannot use ubuntu right now to uninstall this, it is erroring and not booting01:34
squintyCY_Genre,  might want to check out the torrentfreak site for info. but this is getting off-topic for here01:34
zzI can't see any linux section in disk management01:34
CY_Genresquinty, agreed, getting off topic but will check that later, thanks01:34
squintyznr,  then use windows recovery option01:34
znrtrue that01:35
zzanyone? :<01:35
squintyzz,  you don't have to uninstall it.  if trying to reclaim drive space then gparted.  then use windows recovery option01:36
zzI don't understand01:37
zzgparted is for linux01:37
zzI can't use linux01:37
squintyzz,  can you boot up a livecd/usb01:37
Bashing-omzz: The ubuntu way is to fix it :)01:38
zzprobably but i'd rather not01:38
zzis it really that hard01:38
squintyBashing-om, he doesn't want to fix it01:38
zzI just want ubuntu+grub gone01:38
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»01:39
=== Amichateur_ is now known as Amichateur
squintyzz,  then use windows recovery option. seek advice in a windows related channel for info01:39
=== zen-guy is now known as coffeeguy
zzdoesn't that need an installation disk01:40
hermandezz, Do you have your windows recovery CD?01:40
zznever had one01:40
hermandezz, Then your only choice is linux.....01:41
zzOr could I just leave it there?01:41
hermandezz, Time to reboot....01:41
zzhermande, can't I just leave it there01:41
zzand just keep booting to Windows Boot Manager01:41
=== Amichateur is now known as Amichateur_away
squintyzz,  most newer windows system has a recovery partition unless the user deleted it01:42
=== Amichateur_away is now known as Amichateur
=== Amichateur is now known as Amichateur_away
zzyes it has a recovers01:42
=== Amichateur_away is now known as Amichateur
squintyzz,  Should also have options for "searching for problems"   as said before ask in window related channel or google01:43
zzi thought I would just have a ubuntu partition01:44
zzthen I could delete it01:44
zzbut no01:44
squintyzz,  did you by any chance do a wubi install?  if yes, that is no longer recommended.  you can just remove it via Windows Progams01:45
zzsquinty, wtf is wubi01:46
squintyzz,  allowed installation of linux system within Windows rather than stand alone installation01:47
zzno i dont have that01:47
squintyanyways, supper time here.   good luck.  :-)01:47
zzI do have a 11gb Healthy Partition01:47
zzI don't know what it is though01:47
zzhermande, any ideas?01:48
hermandezz, It means that the partition is not damaged and is clean.01:51
hermandewubi is a windows installer for linux.01:52
zzhermande, so when I chose "install ubuntu aloneside windows" it actually installed it somewhere in the windows partition?01:52
hermandezz, When did you install ubuntu?01:55
zzprobably about 4 or 5 months ago hermande01:55
EOBeavI didn't know wubi was still an option01:55
zzI didn't know what wubi was01:56
hermandezz...  Ok,  you have GRUB installed.  This is a good thing.01:57
hermandezz, You can modify grub to directly boot to windows without pausing.01:57
zzOh, I'm not booting through grub anymore01:57
zzI changed my BIOS to Windows Boot manager01:58
zzhermande, ^01:58
hermandezz, Your are using a UEFI boot system.  What is the current problem?01:59
zzthe fact that ubuntu is still on my machine02:00
bluefiveJust ran Unity and found it very slow. Is it supposed to be measurably slower than MATE or was it mainly because I was running it off USB 3?02:00
znpyhello there! quick question: what is a good way to wipe/esare an ssd ?02:01
Revian1bluefive: Unity is nice and fast here. A system running from USB will usually be slower than one running from the hard drive02:01
znpydo i just dd from /dev/zero ? is that okay ?02:01
Bashing-ombluefive: Running off a USB then the speed of the USB interface is a big factor, another is the amount of ram installed .02:02
hermandezz, Is it doing anything other than taking up space?02:03
zzI would just rather it gone02:03
hermandeCreate recovery media.....02:04
hermandezz, Go to the Windows IRC channels and ask about changing your partitions.02:05
zzhermande, thanks for the help02:06
zzhermande, oh also02:08
zzI have some acer recovery USB stick I got when I bought it, could this help restore or whatever?02:09
hermandezz, It could.02:10
zzhmmm okay02:10
=== stiflers_brother is now known as jonnycoats
[Saint]Oh man...02:26
[Saint]Out of the frying pan, into the fire, as it were.02:26
[Saint]gnome-keyring chokes on large bit depth RSA keys, ok, that's fine.02:26
[Saint]So, after some internal debate I switch to ed25519.02:27
[Saint]...which gnome-keyring chokes on completely.02:27
zzhow big RSA keys?02:27
zzI use 4096 bit02:28
[Saint]This, I guess, is one of the very few occasions where the "solution" is to just disable the gnome-keyring service entirely and pretend it doesn't even exist.02:29
komareksomeone is awake here?02:29
komareki am stuck in a terrible situation with ubuntu02:30
squarecirclekomarek: tell02:30
zzstory time02:31
komarekin private?02:31
squarecirclekomarek: nope02:31
komareki cant boot from usb drive02:31
komareki have a lenovo laptop02:31
squarecirclekomarek: Model?02:31
komarekmodel of what?02:31
zzokay, why can't you boot?02:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest67780
squarecircleyour laptop02:32
zzCan't get into bios? errors?02:32
krismatrix1I bought a laptop recently from best buy. It is a dell laptop. I removed windows 10 and reinstalled ubuntu 14.04. I was recently reading about superfish and how some dell computers have them or had them.02:32
zzUSB drive not showing?02:32
krismatrix1The dell website has information on removing them..but on windows.02:32
komareksomething happened02:32
komareki cant believe02:32
* zz looks at komarek's laptop02:32
[Saint]<dramatic reverb>02:32
komarekit's 4.30 am02:32
krismatrix1I don't know for sure if my dell has superfish...and i amwondering if installing ubuntu over windows cleaned it or not.02:32
krismatrix1There is no windows anymore on my system.02:32
komarekand after 3 hours without a reason02:33
komarekthe debian usb boot drive is running02:33
komareki tryed 15 times02:33
willwhthat sounds odd02:33
willwhyou mean, 14x you tried, and it didn’t boot?02:33
komareki always finished into the ubuntu choice of startup02:33
willwhand on the 15th attempt, it booted?02:33
komareki am booting02:34
willwhkomarek: you’re not making much sense02:34
squarecirclekomarek: well then your problem is solved?02:34
komarekshall i use install or graphical install?02:34
binary01krismatrix1, i think deleting windows would handle the issue02:34
komareki dont know if it's fixed. i hope so02:34
komarekit's just nonsense... i came here because i was desperate...02:34
komarekand... when i rebooted every 2 times the screen went all white crashed... but just every 2 times..02:35
krismatrix1binary01 would there be a way to check? As in, how do i know for sure.02:36
komarekjust insane02:37
willwhkomarek: btw02:38
willwhif you’re running stock ubuntu, on an i3, it’s probably not going to be that great02:38
komarekit's not i302:38
willwhi5? :)02:39
willwhshould be just fine then02:39
komarekintel celeron duo02:39
komarekcheap machine02:39
willwhkomarek: it’s not going to run too well02:39
willwhyou might want to think about xubuntu02:39
komarekyou think so?02:39
willwhor install ubuntu-server and i3wm02:40
komareki am installing debian jessie02:40
willwhand start going from there…. that’s what I do02:40
willwhthen I am confused as to why you are in #ubuntu02:40
willwhgood night02:40
squarecirclewillwh: why? Gnome ran quite well on my T6002:40
komarekbecause i was stuck in ubuntu02:40
komarekuntil 5 minutes ago02:40
squarecircle#debian rules02:40
squarecircle(for solving debian problems though)02:40
komarekit says that some of my hardware needs non -free firmware to operate... and i need to load it from usb02:41
komarekubuntu didn't say anything like that02:41
komarekbut it's the wifi device driver02:42
squarecirclekomarek: do you have netisntall?02:42
squarecirclekomarek: then you can set it up and retrieve the firmware later02:43
komarekyes probably02:43
komarekor i can try now..02:43
komarekif you have any idea how to find it :)02:44
squarecirclekomarek: yeah02:44
squarecirclesearch for debian wifi firmware02:44
Klumsyhow do i install a lib if apt-get is telling me it cant find it?02:45
squarecircleKlumsy: debian or ubuntu?02:45
squarecircledid it work?02:46
Klumsyi need that lib to install the new version of mandelbulber02:46
squarecircleKlumsy: apt-cache search libgsl12 brings no results?02:47
squarecircleKlumsy: and libgsl10 is too old?02:49
squarecirclekomarek: does it works?02:49
komareki am still looking for the driver02:49
squarecircleoh ok02:49
squarecirclekomarek: I'm off, if you don't get help here anymore, try #debian02:50
komarekthanks so much02:51
squarecircleKlumsy: I'm off, if libgsl10 works, use this version, if not, try to look for backports02:51
eelstreborhmm, i had to re-install 14.04 on one box and now i have 4.2.0-34-generic installed while my other boxes were just upgraded to 3.19.0-56-generic - i just did an apt-get update on the other boxes and none of them are prompting me to upgrade to 4.2.0-34-generic. what's going on?02:52
Bashing-om!hwe | eelstrebor02:53
ubottueelstrebor: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:53
max3if i have a bash script that i pass in an argument to how do i perform this substitution correctly: echo "$1_rsrc"03:00
jaequerywhich apt package installs, scp ?  on my docker ubuntu i dont hav SCP, please help03:00
max3i want it to be the string "max_rsrc"03:00
max3for example03:00
Klumsy../src/morph.hpp:28:28: fatal error: gsl/gsl_interp.h: No such file or directory03:08
Klumsycompilation terminated.03:08
Klumsythats what they need libgsl for... for the morphing effects03:08
Klumsyubuntu 15.10 has something, but it's not the same one03:08
=== bash is now known as Guest27273
DesiITChefello, does anyone know if ubuntu touch can be ported to nexus 5x. been googling for a while now03:11
xangua! Touch | DesiITChef03:11
ubottuDesiITChef: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:11
Klumsyso what do i do if the version that 15.10 uses is 1.16 and this app needs 2.0?03:30
Klumsyi have to download it and compile it for myself?03:31
Klumsynobody needs gsl 2 in 15.10?03:31
EOBeavLooks like you get to be the expert, Klumsy03:34
`packywhat's the take on firefox locking up the system?03:43
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EOBeavHadn't heard of that one.03:50
titian_king<titanking> register iamhere03:55
VlekSomeone told me I should run "/rm -r *" to make my ubuntu computer go faster, but shouldn't I sudo it first?03:56
Revian1Vlek: Don03:57
VlekDon't sudo?03:57
Revian1don't do that, it erases everything03:57
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:57
Revian1Bashing-om: Thank you03:57
`packyummm do not use that command unless you understand the implications.....03:58
Revian1that goes for any command03:58
Revian1I wonder if Canonical should alias that commend to a text output explaining how dangerous it is04:00
jackdotbin /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER jackdotbin pzsgofmquvxy04:10
Revian1jackdotbin: Now you get to change your password, don't forget to remove the space at the beginning of that line04:12
jackdotbin\o/ yay for noob mistakes04:12
Revian1jackdotbin: You can always join your own channel and do nickserv/chanserv stuff there and it won't show. /join #jackdotbin04:14
JBHHello.  I recently created an Ubuntu bootable image on an 128GB Flash following the instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows.  To my dismay, when I view the contents of the drive from Ubuntu, the vast majority of the free space on the drive is allocated to /cdrom and is therefore not writeable.  What's the best way for me to recover this space and...04:14
JBH...turn it into something that can be read and written while running Ubuntu or while running a MS Windows OS?  I'd like to use it as a storage medium for recovering data from a crashed (readable but not bootable) MS Windows disk..04:14
Revian1JBH: Just FYI, You wouldn't be able to write to it while the system is being used from the USB stick anyway.04:16
LoshkiJBH: when you made your usb stick, did you select the "Step 4: set size for persistent storage" and allocate some?04:19
JBHRevian1:  This is my first foray into Ubuntu or even Linux in general, though  I was considered a Unix guru many, many years ago.  I seem to be able to write to my home directory, which lives on  the flash drive.  Why can I not change permissions or whatever to do the same with a directory on /cdrom?04:21
JBHLoshki:  I don't recall.  I believe I took the defaults in all cases.04:21
Revian1Loshki makes a good point. If you set persistence, then some of the space is being occupied by a virtual drive that saves settings and files.04:22
JBHI don't mind redoing the drive from scratch if that's the best way to go.04:22
Revian1I've never used pendrivelinux, I always used unetbootin04:25
JBHRevian1:  Looks like I used Universal-USB-Installer-
Revian1JBH: Yeah, I've never used that. It looks nice, though.04:30
Revian1JBH: If the /cdrom is on the USB stick and you're running Ubuntu from that, you won't be able to write to it at all (the stick won't be mountable)04:31
LoshkiJBH: whatever. Re-burn the stick with as much 'persistence space' as you wish, and try again.04:32
JBHWhat it tells me is that the stick has two partitions, and the largest is mounted on /cdrom.  I can browse it and view files as the normal ubuntu user, but even as root I can't seem to change permissions because the system regards it as read only media.04:34
JBHLoshki: Sounds reasonable.  I'm not sure the installer I used offered me that option, but if not, I'll go find the unetbootin one if that's what I need.04:35
JBH"As root" meaning using "sudo nautilus".04:37
Revian1JBH: I would try that installer again, since Ubuntu recommends it. If that fails, you can find unetbootin at https://unetbootin.github.io/04:37
JBHOkay.  I'll play around with it.  *grins* Best way to learn, no?  Make lots of fun mistakes trying to recover your 84 year old mom's precious data.  Thanks all.  G'night.04:38
rahuldevhow can I see previous command on terminal.04:39
ssarahpress up or type history, rahuldev04:39
rahuldevI mean I was downloading a link by wget, and my electrcity is gone, and computer off... then I can't see what was previous command by using up04:40
rahuldevssarah, I tried up, but it doesn't showed previous one..04:40
ssarahif the terminal wasnt closed properly, it wont log it in history04:40
ssarahnot sure if there's another log, but try syslog ?04:40
ssarahwget has a log?04:41
rahuldevwget I don't have much idea.04:41
cfhowlettwget should drop a log in the case of bad shutdown04:41
cfhowlettin /home04:41
rahuldevcfhowlett, where i can look...04:42
cfhowlettrahuldev, look in the directory you were saving to.04:42
cfhowlettit will be a .wget something04:42
rahuldevcfhowlett not found.04:43
cfhowletthidden files displayed??04:43
rahuldevyes hidden file displayed04:44
c5e3hi! i just wanted to install the proprietary intel-microcode firmware, but after reboot i get 'error getting authority error initializing authority g-io-error-quark 1'04:44
rahuldevhow to look syslog?04:44
cfhowlettalways works for me when my power drops while wget in progress.04:44
cfhowletttail syslog04:44
rahuldevcfhowlett "tail syslog" -> no such file or directory.04:45
c5e3i can only access the gui via recovery mode (root only) or via upstart, but i have some other problems then04:45
cfhowlettseems I'm wrong on that as well.  will get coffee and return later.  sorry for bad info04:45
EOBeavAny reason why this wouldn't work in ubuntu? http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/220097/WD-My-Book-With-External-Backup/04:49
c5e3problem solved.... file system check and it was gone04:52
owenubuntu 15.10. i see a plus sign next to mysql and mongodb when i run 'sudo service --status-all'.  'sudo update-rc.d mysql disable' and 'sudo update-rc.d mongodb disable' didn't change that. how do i disable these dbs from running on boot?04:52
cfhowlettEOBeav, why not rock over to office max with your laptop and ask to see a demo model?  just to be sure.04:55
EOBeavcfhowlett: Might just do that. Thx for the idea04:55
TheCurryMonsterHey Guys. I've installed and configured vsftpd on my Ubuntu Server which is hosted with AWS. I'm unable to connect to the box however - the connection keeps being reset. Any ideas?04:56
cfhowlettEOBeav, happy2help!04:56
=== john is now known as Guest84769
owen'curl http' show me 301 html page from nginx. does it mean nginx is running? ps aux|grep nginx shows nothing. any clues?05:04
archbuntusup guys, anyone knows how much power does my lpatop need to have to play some casual games05:13
archbunturange from stardew valley to league (most graphical intensive game)05:13
=== KBK is now known as Guest55555
archbuntusince i dont play any games im clueless on this gtopic :P05:13
`packy8 gigs of ram are suggested for gaming.....05:14
iputrahello, why my laptop sometimes stack in the logo ubuntu when i shutdown it05:26
iputraso i must force shutdown to turn off the machine05:27
BuzzardBuzzdid this happen recently05:27
BuzzardBuzzand used to work fine05:28
BuzzardBuzzor when did this problem start happening?05:28
BuzzardBuzziputra: ?05:29
lotuspsychjeiputra: can you press F1 at shutdown process to see freeze error?05:30
lotuspsychjegeekin: welcome, how can we help you?05:35
geekinhow do I start contributing to open source05:35
geekinhi lotuspsychje !05:36
lotuspsychje!contribute | geekin05:36
ubottugeekin: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:36
lotuspsychjegeekin: any branch you like to contribute?05:37
geekinlotuspsychje: I learnt web dev and bit of python05:37
geekinlotuspsychje:  can I participate in anything?05:37
lotuspsychjegeekin: we have the #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-touch guys, always looking for devs :p05:37
lotuspsychjegeekin: alot of open bugs to solve on launchpad also, your options are endless :p05:38
geekinlotuspsychje: Thanks man! ill surely check those out!05:38
lotuspsychjegeekin: thanks you, and welcome to the ubuntu community05:38
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
hicoleriNothing trivial, but why do lenny faces look like this:http://postimg.org/image/l8dmibthr/ on my computer?06:21
lotuspsychjehicoleri: not here please06:22
hicolerilotuspsychje:Okay, but is that a font problem? (I'm serious)06:22
lotuspsychjehicoleri: what has that to do with ubuntu?06:23
hicolerilotuspsychje:well... I thought that was a font rendering problem06:23
Flannellotuspsychje: because ubuntu is the thing rendering the fonts, but it seems to be doing it strangely.06:23
Flannellotuspsychje: Totally on topic.06:23
Flannelhicoleri: Which program(s)?06:25
hicoleriweb browsers (firefox)06:25
iputrahello, why my laptop sometimes stack in the logo ubuntu when i shutdown it ??06:27
Flannelhicoleri: I can't find any reference on the blagonets.  I'd file a bug(s), see where it leads.06:28
hicoleriFlannel:what are blagonets?06:28
Flannelhicoleri: internet06:28
haze__Where are you from?06:29
lotuspsychjehicoleri: wich ubuntu version are you on?06:29
lotuspsychjehicoleri: up to date to latest?06:29
haze__The latest version is not stable!06:30
lotuspsychjeiputra: press F1 during shutdown process to see errors06:30
hicolerilotuspsycheje:I guess.06:30
lotuspsychjehicoleri: you have this issue in another browser? another user?06:31
Flannelhicoleri: Does it happen just in firefox? or if you copy it to other things, does it fix it?  Also, try a different font.  Apparently some fonts support combining "repertoires" better than others (no idea where that came from, but I'm looking at the FAQ right now) http://unicode.org/faq/char_combmark.html#12b06:31
iputralotuspsychje: ok if it happen i will capture it06:32
adhyayanpanwarhow can i change my resolution permanently, i say permanently through terminal06:33
journeyZCevery body06:33
hicoleriFlannel,lotuspsychje:I tried iridium (A chromium fork) Its the same thing06:33
adhyayanpanwarhey journey sup06:33
adhyayanpanwarjourney whats your country?06:35
journeyZCI would like to ask you a question06:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:36
jak2000when i try send a email (witha gmail account) with apache.commons.email i get this error: Error!!! Sending the email to the following server failed : smtp.gmail.com:465    <----- (in my ubuntu) buth when i execute same code on a Windows PC the email is sent, how to fix?06:36
journeyZCwhy my system can not to install msf06:36
Revian1jak2000: Are you using SSL or TLS?06:38
journeyZCI want to install metasploit on my system06:38
journeyZCbut it's always wrong.06:39
Revian1jak2000: I did this a while ago, but I used port 587. Have you tried that port?06:39
cncr04sis there any way to turn off 'cached memory'06:40
jak2000Revian1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19292882/sending-the-email-to-the-following-server-failed-smtp-gmail-com2506:40
jak2000both ports i tested06:40
jak2000not know if need open one on my ubuntu server?06:40
adhyayanpanwarhow to change resolution permanently06:41
journeyZCPort conflict will not be06:41
journeyZCcan i install myeclipse on my system?06:43
journeyZCmy job is java development engineer.06:44
jak2000Revian1 of course i have activated: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps   (remember i can send the email from windows)06:44
adhyayanpanwarmy lightdm.conf is blank why?06:45
journeyZCcan i install ecplise or myecplise on my system.06:45
journeyZCwhy no one answer my question?06:47
Revian1jak2000: yeah, i was looking but can't find a solution for you06:47
Revian1journeyZC: are ou running a recent version of Ubuntu?06:47
journeyZCubuntu 1406:49
Revian1journeyZC: then you should be able to install eclipse06:49
journeyZCand i want to install oracle database.06:50
jak2000i can help you journeyZC06:50
jak2000if want06:50
jak2000yes tomorrow06:51
jak2000same time06:51
journeyZCthat's settled then.06:52
journeyZCthanks jak200006:52
owen'curl http' show me 301 html page from nginx. does it mean nginx is running? ps aux|grep nginx shows nothing. any clues?06:53
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journeyZCthe presence of the members have to operate oracle powerful it?06:56
jak2000Revian1 any adice?06:57
cfhowlettjourneyZC, google translate is not your friend.  rephrase your question06:57
journeyZCI'm going to check it out with Goole.06:59
journeyZCCan you introduce the country from which respectively?07:05
cfhowlettjourneyZC, no idea what that meands07:05
journeyZCwhere are you come from?07:07
blueFiveHow come the white noise on my headphone line goes away somewhat after I start listening to sound?07:07
journeyZCi come from china.07:07
blueFiveIt's loudest when I start up the OS until I start watching a YT video or something.07:07
Kevin`how can I make keyboard input work for initscripts so crypttab doesn't hang the computer on boot?07:08
cfhowlett!cn | journeyZC07:08
ubottujourneyZC: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:08
cfhowlettblueFive, manjaro is not supported here.  please use the majaro support options07:09
journeyZCthanks tips07:09
blueFivecfhowlett, I'm inquiring about Ubuntu!07:09
Revian1jak2000: Unfortunately, no07:10
blueFivecfhowlett, No need competing with Manjaro. In the Linux community we're all brothers regardless of distro.07:11
cfhowlettblueFive, be that as it may, your best option for manjaro support, which you were explicitly advocating for in the other channel, is not in this channel.07:12
blueFiveYes, but I am also a Ubuntu user07:12
blueFiveso I was asking a Ubuntu question in here.07:12
Revian1blueFive: is the proble you aare experiencing happening on your ubuntu system?07:13
blueFiveI'm on Ubuntu MATE 15.10.07:13
Kevin`nobody here with any ideas? on ubuntu 15.10 it is impossible to enter a password for encryption if it's not done during initramfs07:14
Kevin`also seems impossible to continue booting without going into rescue mode07:14
=== rahul is now known as Guest60565
RumiHi! I install xrdp. How to fix error: another Xserver is already active on display 10?07:17
nnmmQuick question. When i setup crontab to do a daily reboot on server, it work but then it goes on an infinite loop of reboots. Why?07:19
daxpaste the crontab line?07:21
iputrahello, why my laptop sometimes stack in the logo ubuntu when i shutdown it??07:24
nnmm* 3 * * * echo passwd | sudo -s  reboot07:25
iputrahello, why my laptop sometimes stack in the logo ubuntu when i shutdown it??07:25
adhyayanpanwarhow to change resolution where it ask for encryption pasword in ubuntu07:25
Rumifx! https://gist.github.com/rmoff/9687727 fix07:28
daxiputra: * 3 * * * means "every minute of hour 3". you perhaps want something like 0 3 * * *07:28
daxiputra: erm, wrong person, sorry07:28
daxnnmm: * 3 * * * means "every minute of hour 3". you perhaps want something like 0 3 * * *07:28
daxnnmm: you probably also want to edit root's crontab instead of doing that sudo stuff, but the immediate problem is the *07:28
nnmmYoure right07:29
jinxi_Sysinfo for 'linux-vcig.suse': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.6.0 on openSUSE Leap 42.1 powered by Linux 4.1.15-8-default, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz at 800-1600/2601 MHz, RAM: 15291/15936 MB, Storage: 54/236 GB, 267 procs, 65.8h up07:29
cfhowlettjinxi_, opensuse is not supported here.  #ubuntu only07:30
adhyayanpanwarhow to change resolution where it ask for encryption password? anyone?07:30
=== angel is now known as Guest18220
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:30
cfhowlettadhyayanpanwar, you asked ... no be patient and wait for an answer07:31
=== Guest18220 is now known as Angel879
vincent42on unbuntu 14.04 , after remove ntfs-3g package, I lost the ftrim command too07:33
vincent42which is part of util-linux , not ntfs-3g07:33
adhyayanpanwarcfhowlett i added you as a buddy07:34
iputrahello, why my laptop sometimes stack in the logo ubuntu when i shutdown it??07:40
iputralotuspsychje: the keyboard is not functioning07:42
adhyayanpanwarhow can i run cpp files in ubuntu08:02
=== bleep1 is now known as bleep
Titan-kingTry codeblocks08:19
binary01or g++08:21
=== sabotage_ is now known as sabotagebeats
niuohaany body home?08:39
BLUEFIVEorg.freedesktop.DBus.Python.GLib.Error: Traceback (most recent call last):08:40
BLUEFIVE  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/service.py", line 707, in _message_cb08:40
BLUEFIVE    retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)08:40
BLUEFIVE  File "/usr/share/usb-creator/usb-creator-helper", line 274, in Format08:40
BLUEFIVE    part.call_set_flags_sync(boot_dos_flag, no_options, None)08:40
BLUEFIVEGLib.Error: udisks-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Error.Failed: Error setting partition flags on /dev/sdb2: Command-line `parted --script "/dev/sdb" "set 2 boot off"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.08:40
BLUEFIVEAny ideas why I can't erase my USB drive using Startup Disk Creator?08:42
BLUEFIVEIt used to work but now it's not working. The error is in the URL.08:42
BLUEFIVECan I erase/reformat the disk another way?08:42
smarkwhy not use dd command?08:44
BLUEFIVEGot it working.08:52
BLUEFIVEI used Disks to erase the disk.08:52
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest54931
=== rigo is now known as Guest57079
fabio_buongiorno e buona pasqua09:11
=== Guest57079 is now known as rigo88
rigo88hi. my wlan is extreme slow. what i figured out is that there is no driver/firmware for the rl3090 installed. is there anything i can do?09:11
rigo88i'm on 15.04 x64, lenovo s205, with 3.19 (?) kernel and with the lastest (4.5) the same as well.09:13
MonkeyDustrigo88  15.04 is dead09:14
rigo88soz. typo. it's 14.0409:15
vbotka!wifii | rigo8809:15
vbotka!wifi | rigo8809:15
ubotturigo88: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:15
FuriousGeorgeis it possible to just use systemd al rhel style?09:15
FuriousGeorgei mean in terms of starting/stopping and enabling/disabling services09:18
rigo88vbotka: thanks, it's about reading for 2 weeks :) i'll dig through.09:19
=== wilson is now known as Guest17082
Guest17082anybody here?09:24
MonkeyDustGuest17082  type /names09:24
lotuspsychjeGuest17082: yes09:24
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: morning09:24
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  morning09:24
pi_hallo an alle09:24
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:24
Guest17082someone quit09:25
lotuspsychjeGuest17082: can we help you with something?09:25
Guest17082no i just nothing to do09:26
Guest17082find sth happy09:26
vbotkarigo88, you might want to start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WirelessTroubleshootingProcedure09:26
MonkeyDustGuest17082  better go to #ubuntu-offtopic, then09:26
vbotkarigo88, and you might want to find the chipset of your card with "lspci -nn" first09:27
rigo88vbotka: thanks. that i already have. 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [1814:3090]09:27
rigo88i believe it'd be faster to grab a wifi card from ebay :D09:28
lotuspsychjerigo88: wich ubuntu version?09:28
rigo88lotuspsychje: 14.0409:28
lotuspsychjerigo88: up to date to 14.04.4?09:29
rigo88no idea, i ran update, upgrade and dist-upgrade and i just downloaded the iso ystrd or so09:29
rigo88i can check the dl link09:29
lotuspsychjerigo88: lsb_release -a09:29
rigo88ah yeah. thats it. so yes it's the latest09:30
lotuspsychjerigo88: so whats your issue with your wifi?09:30
rigo88it's slow. (it is something with the fw/driver that's sure)09:31
lotuspsychjerigo88: i recall some issues with ralink cards, needed firmware from linux-firmware09:31
rigo88it's installed also the nonfree09:32
rigo88this is it09:33
rigo88ugh sry for the long link.09:33
rigo88so the chip is supported by the kernel (?)09:33
lotuspsychje!ralink | rigo8809:34
ubotturigo88: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:34
lotuspsychjerigo88: it should, but as i say i recall some issues on ralink cards before09:34
trijntjeI want to automatically run a backup script for the user when they shut down or reboot the pc. The catch is, the script has to run as the user, not root. Is this possible?09:36
rigo88i'm just too lazy and occupied to search for something what possibly doesn't exist. :) still thanks. i'm gonna buy another supported pcie card for 8 bucks thanks folks. (i can live with 80kbyte/sec for a couple of days, or use a cable) i just thought it's easier to solve this one.09:36
vbotkarigo88, I see it supported in in kernel 4.2 "modinfo rt2800pci | grep 3090"09:38
rigo88vbotka:  alias:          pci:v00001814d00003090sv*sd*bc*sc*i*09:38
MonkeyDusttrijntje  yes, you can use rsync or so to backup09:38
TheHackOpsDoes anyone know what the ubuntu video editing software that was being developed was called. It was meant to rival Premier pro09:39
rigo88i have the latest 4.5.0 kernel also installed to try it out09:39
TheHackOpsI dunno if it ever made it though09:39
TheHackOpsTons of money was poured into it09:39
trijntjeMonkeyDust: I already have a working backup script, I'm just looking for a way to trigger it when user A shuts down the pc09:39
MonkeyDustTheHackOps  light-something09:39
TheHackOpsMonkeyDust, Remember they had a purpleish website09:40
MonkeyDustTheHackOps  that's a bit vague... 'i remember there being text on it'09:41
TheHackOpsMonkeyDust, Also true09:41
TheHackOpsIt was crowd funded09:41
cfhowlettTheHackOps, vague input = vague answers.09:41
rigo88brb have to reboot and check the bios09:42
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Sorry I thought people might know, what I remember of it was vuage09:42
TheHackOpsI think it was a non-linear editor09:43
cfhowlettTheHackOps, there are several video editing options. apt-cache show ubuntustudio-video for more.09:43
MonkeyDusttrijntje  this is an old post, it says to put the script in /etc/init.d/ ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18526109:44
TheHackOpsI found it09:44
MonkeyDustTheHackOps  glad i could help09:44
cfhowlettTheHackOps, that was not and never will be Ubuntu developed but yeah, it's still in play09:44
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Yea no I just remember it being tied strongly to ubuntu09:45
TheHackOpsby the developers09:45
cfhowlettTheHackOps, fair enough09:45
TheHackOpsLooks very dead to me09:45
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stacy-nobody talking in #joomla :( ..any experts in joomla or ubuntu here?09:45
lotuspsychjestacy-: maybe #httpd ?09:46
trijntjeMonkeyDust: that works, but it runs the script as root instead of the current user. And my script has to run as user09:46
stacy-ok i'll try that09:46
TheHackOpsI was son keen for novacut09:46
cfhowlettTheHackOps, per the wiki, no activity since 2013 sooooooo, I'm guessing abandonware09:46
TheHackOpscfhowlett, blog last post was 201409:47
TheHackOpsBut yea09:47
cfhowlettstrangely enough, TheHackOps, the launchpad code is up to date09:47
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Weirdly yes09:47
TheHackOpsI just saw that09:48
TheHackOpsMaybe they're not much talkers09:48
* TheHackOps installs it09:48
cfhowlettwe can hope09:48
TheHackOpsWell the package is alive so i shal install it and see what happens09:48
MonkeyDusttrijntje  wild idea: start the script with su [username]   <-- su = switch user09:48
stacy- in #httpd everyone can not send to channel?09:48
lotuspsychje!register | stacy-09:50
ubottustacy-: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:50
cfhowlettTheHackOps, you might want to drop into #ubuntustudio to discuss ubuntu video things.09:52
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Yea. Is python 2.7 still the default on ubuntu 15.1009:53
TheHackOpsor is it 3 yet09:53
cfhowlettTheHackOps, I believe 2.7 is still default in 15.10.  I only do LTS so I'm still on 14.04.  I read that 16.04 will make the jump to 309:54
trijntjeMonkeyDust: I think that only works for one user tough, since there is no way to figure out which user triggered the shutdown. I guess I'll have to read up on lightdm, since that is the last place that still knows the user that initiated the shutdown09:55
MonkeyDusttrijntje  then try  su $(whoami) ... try $(whoami) for yourself, first09:55
trijntjeMonkeyDust: I'll give it a try, brb10:01
vincent42I compiled ntfs-3g manually (to have fstrim capabilities), but now USB disk I plug are mounted with the R/O ntfs kernel driver10:07
vincent42how can this be fixed ?10:08
vincent42what package take care of mounting external disks in ubuntu 14.04 ?10:11
trijntjeMonkeyDust: whoami returns 'root' when run from a script in /etc/init.d10:13
rigo88no luck. no options in bios10:14
MonkeyDusttrijntje  what do 'w' and 'who' say? with $(..), you can filter the output10:15
trijntjeMonkeyDust: this looks like an answer, the lightdm logout script can access $USER and $HOME for the user, even though the script runs as root: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1969822.html10:17
MonkeyDusttrijntje  great10:20
Amritpalhello everyone10:20
lotuspsychjeAmritpal: welcome10:22
AmritpalIs there any software in Linux which preserve 10% resources for the admin during deadlocks?10:23
Amritpallotuspsychje, when I run too many application on my system it get hangs10:24
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Amritpallotuspsychje, and then my system is suffering from deadlock10:25
trijntjeAmritpal: how much ram do you have? If you use more RAM then you have your system will start swapping and become really slow10:25
trijntjeits not frozen or deadlocked or whatever, just slooooow10:25
Amritpali have 4gb ram and 4gb swap10:25
trijntjeAmritpal: you can install zram-config, that will give you some extra usable ram at the cost of CPU time. But otherwise, just don't use all your RAM if you can help it10:27
Amritpaltrijntje, Is there any software in Linux which preserve 10% resources for the admin during deadlocks?10:28
trijntjeAmritpal: no, how would that work? What if a program needs more RAM, and you still have 10% left for the admin? Should the program crash?10:29
trijntjeand again, its not a deadlock, its just really really slow due to swapping to disk10:29
lotuspsychjeAmritpal: preload is also nice to get things smoother10:30
lotuspsychje!info preload | Amritpal10:30
ubottuAmritpal: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (wily), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB10:30
trijntjeAmritpal: you could just remove your swap. Then you can use 100% of your RAM, and when a program wants more it will crash instead of slowing everything down10:30
syeekickpreload is awesome10:31
lotuspsychjesyeekick: +110:31
Amritpaltrijntje, I think this is not a perfect answer for my question10:32
Amritpaltrijntje, any another idea that you have?10:33
lotuspsychjeAmritpal: we trying to widen your options here10:33
trijntjeAmritpal: install zram-config, that will help, and then figure out which program is using all your RAM. 4gb should be plenty for 'normal' usage10:33
MonkeyDustAmritpal  you can set vm.swappiness=xx in /etc/sysctl.conf10:34
Amritpaltrijntje, lotuspsychje ubottu thanku for your answer. Is there any disadvantage of preload?10:37
lotuspsychjeAmritpal: no, just another package installed that takes a lil space :p10:37
squeakytoyHey all. I have a newbie question. When someone does "apt-get install", is there a way to see what the latest version of a package is, online?10:41
squeakytoyis there a website that lists all versions of pacakges?10:41
Amritpallotuspsychje, haha thanks :)10:41
lotuspsychje!latest | squeakytoy10:41
ubottusqueakytoy: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:41
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trijntjesqueakytoy: packages.ubuntu.com, or you can do dpkg -l packagename in the terminal10:42
lotuspsychjesqueakytoy: you can apt-cache search keyword to find packages, meant for your ubuntu version10:42
llutzsqueakytoy: why online?  apt-cache policy <package>10:42
squeakytoyim new to ubuntu10:43
lotuspsychje!manual | squeakytoy start here and welcome to the community10:43
ubottusqueakytoy start here and welcome to the community: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:43
stacy-is there a ubuntu software center password needed to download applications?10:43
cfhowlettyes, you need your password to install on ubunt10:43
squeakytoydoes apt offer latest package version, by some command argument?10:44
MonkeyDuststacy-  your login password10:44
MonkeyDustsqueakytoy  apt shows what's in the repos10:44
stacy-monkeydust it didnt have the prompt before.. after i enter the password its just stalls at the progress10:45
stacy-i have two pending and nothing seems to be happening10:45
stacy-cfhowlett.. i entered the password but the download didnt start10:46
cfhowlettstacy-, what version of ubuntu?10:46
trijntjestacy-: it could be waiting, are you sure there isn't an update running, or an apt-get or dpkg command in a terminal?10:46
squeakytoythanks all10:46
MonkeyDuststacy-  cat /etc/issue10:46
stacy-15.10 desktop10:46
cfhowlettalso, you might experience hinky  behavior as you are using the vpn10:46
trijntjeonly 1 program can modify packages at the same time10:46
MonkeyDuststacy-  keep it in the channel10:48
stacy-monkeydust.. something might be wrong..10:48
stacy-cat /etc/issue10:49
stacy-Ubuntu 15.10 \n \l10:49
stacy-cfhowlett.. yes it happened before thats why am trying to use another vpn..10:51
nrosvallIn Ubuntu 16.04 (latest updates) there are still funny shadows on gtk3 apps that use header bar. Is this issue going to be fixes before final release?10:58
MonkeyDustnrosvall  #ubuntu+110:58
adamkavalahledam nekoho na pomoc s nastavenim IPTABLE10:59
wadadliHow can I use Java EE on Ubuntu10:59
adamkavalamam server putty rozjeta jen nevim proc mi to blokuje nejake porty. :( a netroufnu si na nastaveni s linuxem delam 3 dny.11:00
adamkavalahello is anyone here avaliable to help me with setting IPTABLES>?11:01
MonkeyDustadamkavala  ask and wait11:01
adamkavalamonkeydust waiting ;)11:02
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:02
iamgodHow to create  $ipc to windows on ubuntu11:03
adamkavalaubottu are you able to give me help? putty is ready11:03
ubottuadamkavala: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:03
adamkavalacfhowlett do you have time to change setting? i have only server ubuntu11:04
cfhowlettadamkavala, not my area of expertise, sorry.  but you might go to #ubuntu-server for more precise advice11:05
MonkeyDustadamkavala  repeat your question every 15 minutes or so, until someone can help11:05
stacy-is there another11:06
Amritpaltrijntje, ubottu "yes it may crash... How would the requirement of program be fulfilled if we have limited RAM? Is it making sense? We can suppose we do have 3.5 GB RAM available only."11:06
stacy-way to get openvpn?11:06
cfhowlettstacy-, sud apt install openvpn11:06
stacy-cfhowlett is this is format? -->> sudo apt-get install openvpn11:08
cfhowlettstacy-, yep.  or just use the software center.  choose one or the other11:08
stacy-E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:09
stacy-E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:09
iamgodsudo -i11:09
cfhowlettstacy-, remember I said "one or the other"?  you have another process running which as done an aptlock11:09
cfhowlett!aptlock | stacy-11:09
ubottustacy-: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:09
MonkeyDuststacy-  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock11:11
stacy-cfhowlett..if i close out of the software center will that solve the problem or i have to di the sudo fuser ?11:11
cfhowlettstacy-, if you choose to use the terminal, close the software center.  or use the software center but close the terminal11:12
stacy-phpmyadmin package confuration is locking the it and there is a access denied from mysql11:14
stacy-is there a gui version for openvpn ?11:18
cfhowlettstacy-, "Currently this is only deamon and you can only used it through terminal with command "openvpn".11:19
cfhowlettIf you want GUI setup for OpenVPN, you may install this plugin for network manager after install the daemon : 1. network management framework (OpenVPN plugin core) (network-manager-openvpn) 2. network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI) (network-manager-openvpn-gnome).11:19
cfhowlettNow you should be able to setup the OpenVPN through network manager."11:19
stacy-cfhowlett...i have to install 3 things?11:21
cfhowlettstacy-, only if you insist on a gui11:21
stacy-is there an easier vpn to work with that has a built-in gui?11:22
cfhowlettstacy-, openvpn is NOT a vpn.  it is the vpn connection manager.  NOT  a connecction11:23
MonkeyDustopenvpn is a protocol11:23
cfhowlettand ubuntu doesn't supply vpn's11:23
adamkavalaanyone who can help me with setting of iptables? putty ready,  many thanks in advance11:24
wadadliadamkavala: how much you pay?11:24
stacy-is there a software similar to the ones on android phones i just click and it will connect to the vpns automatically?11:24
wadadlistacy-: why not11:24
cfhowlettstacy-, once you have set your vpn up, you can do that with the standard ubuntu connection manager11:25
adamkavalawadadli how much u expect?11:25
stacy-wadadi..which one11:25
wadadliadamkavala: $5011:25
adamkavalawadadli i have no money, is just for private use, i am not company11:25
adamkavalawadadli if u play csgo i can send u some skins11:25
wadadliCan you register a pornhub acc on your CC for me and we share11:26
cfhowlettwadadli, enough11:26
stacy-cfhowlett.. network management framework and network-manager-openvpn   ...these two right?11:27
cfhowlettstacy-, before you do all that, go to you connection manager and see if (as I suspect) you can already add a VPN connection11:28
adamkavala #ubuntuserver11:28
stacy-cfhowlett.. connection manager within openvpn correct?11:29
cfhowlettstacy-, yep11:30
adamkavalajoin #ubuntuserver11:30
stacy-cfhowlett... whats the command to start up connection manager inside openvpn?11:30
cfhowlettadamkavala, that would be /add #channel11:30
cfhowlettadamkavala, sorry.  /join #channel11:30
cfhowlettstacy-, do you see VPN as an option?11:31
stacy-cfhowlett.. there is a long list of commands... i am not sure what you mean by vpn as an option..11:33
cfhowlettstacy-, make a new connection.  type?  VPN11:33
stacy-cfhowlett... when i type openvpn at the command prompt a list of commands scrolls and then i am backk at the command prompt again11:35
cfhowlettstacy-, I said nothing about using openvpn.  go to your settings > network.  make a new network connection.  type?  vpn11:35
MonkeyDuststacy-  not every vpn supports openvpn11:37
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stacy-cfhowlett.. point to poiont tunneliing protocol or import saved vpn? for the choose a vpn connection type11:38
cfhowlettstacy-, depends on your vpn.  see the vpn setup guide for details.11:38
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stacy-monkeydust.. you mean vpn within ubuntu?11:39
Guest68467Heey peeps, i'm trying to get my .desktop file to run but i can't figure out what is whrong. I cannot execute it. Would someone be so pleased to take a look at it with me @teamviewer that i have installed please?11:39
=== Guest68467 is now known as Melbarius
MelbariusHeey peeps, i'm trying to get my .desktop file to run but i can't figure out what is whrong. I cannot execute it. Would someone be so pleased to take a look at it with me @teamviewer that i have installed please?11:39
stacy-cfhowlett..is there a vpn package that has all the proxies inside without having me configuer it and is a gui?11:39
cfhowlettstacy-, I'm not aware of same11:40
stacy-omg .. this is not easy11:40
ikoniastacy-: again https://help.ubuntu.com11:40
ikoniastacy-: this will teach you the BASICS of using ubuntu11:40
ikoniaplease READ this page11:40
Melbariusstacy- it is easy, as long as you keep reading :P11:41
ikoniayou've been given this link mutliple times yet it's clear you are not reading it and continuing to stuble blindly through whatever it is you are trying to do - please - read the link11:41
cfhowlettstacy-, your vpn provider should provide very clear directions on how to set up.  suggest you read more11:41
stacy-is there a ported android vpn for ubuntu?11:42
ikoniathere is no such thing11:42
cfhowlettstacy-, android doesn't run on ubuntu11:42
MelbariusCan you guys see this message, not sure if i'm connected ?11:42
ikoniaMelbarius: we can see you11:43
Melbariusthank you11:43
Nimms_Melbarius, yes, we do. Check PM.11:43
stacy-cfhowlett..what if its a microsoft vpn application can it be used on ubuntu using wine or something?11:43
ikoniastacy-: enough11:43
ikoniastacy-: there are native vpn clients for ubuntu - use them11:44
cfhowlettstacy-, read more.  the VPN instructions are abundant and even I managed to figure them out.11:44
stacy-ikonia...please suggest some11:44
ikoniastacy-: the ones that are documented in the link I sent you11:44
ikoniastacy-: the document I've been asking you - now I'm telling you to read11:44
adamkavalainkonia dont u wanna help me with IPTABLES setting? please11:45
ikoniaadamkavala: not really11:45
ikoniaadamkavala: #netfilter maybe a good place11:45
stacy-ikonia.. which vpns have you used before?11:46
ikoniastacy-: what does that matter ?11:46
stacy-just wanna follow what you have done and see if i can get the same results11:47
ikoniaif you read the document I've given you - it will walk you through setting up a vpn11:47
stacy-ikona..how about suggesting a gui vpn interface ..i think setting up this vpn from command line is going to be very difficult for me11:49
ikoniastacy-: why do you need a VPN ?11:49
cfhowlettstacy-, you already have the gui setup, remember??11:49
ikoniaand again if you READ the info I've given you, you'll see there are gui options11:49
ikoniastacy-: have you READ the links I've given you11:49
MonkeyDuststacy-  then now is the time to start learning11:49
stacy-ikonia...sometimes i can see google most of the time i cant11:49
ikoniastacy-: have you READ the links I've given you11:49
stacy-cfhowlett... but its not openvpn...11:50
ikoniastacy-: have you READ the links I've given you11:50
cfhowlettstacy-, stop.  see your website provider page.  print the instructions.  then READ the link you have been sent.11:51
stacy-thanks anyway ..i'll try again11:53
ikoniastacy-: have you READ the links I've given you11:54
stacy-ikonia .. parts of it..but i couldnt find the vpn section and the vpn providers11:54
ikoniastacy-: which part did you look in11:54
cfhowlettstacy-, who is your vpn provider11:55
stacy-cfhowlett.. i dont have a vpn provider11:55
BluesKajHi folks11:55
ikoniathen what vpn are you trying to connect to ?11:55
stacy-if i can find a vpn provider maybe that will be faster11:55
cfhowlettstacy-, yes11:55
ikoniastacy-: what / who's VPN are you trying to connect to ?11:56
stacy-ikonia..ii am trying to get a software that can automatically connect to vpns11:56
ikoniastacy-: what VPN11:56
stacy-similar to the ones on android phones11:56
cfhowlettstacy-, as has been explained repeatedly, ubuntu already has vpn support.11:57
adamkavalai think he or she need samba >11:57
ikoniaadamkavala: why ?11:57
adamkavalanot vpn11:57
stacy-flashvpn or Fast secure VPN  ...these two11:57
EriC^^maybe tango11:57
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ikoniastacy-: there is vpn software already in ubuntu11:57
ikoniastacy-: what VPN are you trying to connect to11:58
adamkavalatango i good if u play dota11:58
stacy-ikonia ... is the software in ubuntu automatic and can get a list of proxy servers?11:58
ikoniaproxy servers ?11:58
ikoniawhat are you talking about11:58
ikoniaa VPN is not a proxy server11:58
ikoniaa vpn is a way to connect to other secure networks11:59
stacy-ikonia... i mean vpn that can get a list of vpns which i can connect to11:59
ikoniastacy-: there is no such thing as vpns you can connect to11:59
ikoniastacy-: what is it you are REALLY trying to do11:59
ikoniajust be honest - are you trying to spoof your IP or something ?11:59
ikoniawhat is the end goal ?11:59
stacy-ikonia.. flashvpn  this application does that11:59
ikoniastacy-: what is your goal11:59
adamkavalafor me is clear i need to start counter strike global offensive server, and IPTABLES blocked that communication that is my issue12:00
stacy-i am trying to connect to  google or youtube ...when i am on a foreign server12:00
ikoniastacy-: stacy- what is stopping you ?12:01
ikoniaadamkavala: drop your iptables rules12:01
stacy-right now there are firewalls at certain locations stopping me12:01
ikoniastacy-: ahhh you're in china12:02
ikoniais that correct ?12:02
ikoniaand you're trying to bypass your china IP with a proxy server12:02
CoodingCookiehey guys :)12:02
stacy-ikonia..the other way around12:02
ikoniastacy-: /12:02
ikoniawhat ?12:02
Mandeep_Singhhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/03/27/ How can I see these logs? What is specific file name for this channel.12:02
ikoniastacy-: I can see from your IP your on a china based ISP12:03
ikoniaMandeep_Singh: open that link in a URL12:03
stacy-usa to china then to usa12:03
ikoniait's that simple12:03
ikoniastacy-: you're on a China IP now12:03
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh: #ubuntu.txt12:03
stacy-ikonia...that is a routed ip you are seeing12:03
ikoniastacy-: this is becoming a bit of a joke12:03
ikoniastacy-: I can see your on a china IP - your geo location shows you as china12:04
stacy-i am from california ikonia12:04
ikoniastacy-: and yet your on a china based ISP12:04
Mandeep_SinghAh thanks! EriC^^12:05
stacy-proxy server12:05
ikoniastacy-: everything you say in this channel is very questionable how honeset you are being12:05
ikoniastacy-: right - so if you know how to setup a proxy server connection, you should know how to set up a proxy server connection back out12:05
stacy-i am stuck at the back out part12:05
ikoniastacy-: you do it the same way as the in part12:05
ikoniastacy-: tell you what, drop your china proxy connection, and come in this channel on an USA ISP, - where you say you are, and I'll help you12:06
stacy-if i do that how am i going to be able to login from ubuntu that is on the remote site?12:08
ikoniastacy-: I'm sorry - I don't believe much of what you are telling me and this has to stop in this channel12:08
ikoniastacy-: this channel is here for ubuntu technical support, we will help you with that IF you follow the instructions and READ the documentation you are given12:08
cfhowlettstacy-, want vpn?  1.  choose a vpn provider.  2.  set up account with provider   3. read the vpn providers setup instructions  4. setup your ubuntu.    for example ... https://www.expressvpn.com/support/vpn-setup/manual-config-for-linux-ubuntu-with-openvpn/12:08
ikoniaif you persist with not being honest / changing information and ignoring advice and documentation, you will not be able to use the channel any more12:09
Mathiseni can vouch for that ikonia i set up joomla for him yesterday with teamviewer he was connected to a remote desktop from windows machine and google and so on was blocked..12:09
Mathisentrue story12:09
stacy-thanks cfhowllett.. that must be it12:09
ikoniathis stinks that someone can setup a proxy out - but has zero idea how to repeat the process a second time12:10
adamkavalaMathisen dont u have time to help me please ...12:10
cfhowlettadamkavala, did you ask #ubuntu-server??12:11
adamkavalaMathisen i am running server ubuntu, putty ready, IPTABLES blocked me communication of dedicate server for counter strike global offensive12:11
CoodingCookieemaybe anyone can help me.. i'm trying to install kubuntu on my old pc. (Kubuntu 15.10). Everything works but if im restarting there comes up an error "invalid arch independent ELF magic” error?"12:12
adamkavalaMathisen i would like to ask you to check setting if there i no mistake, or do correction12:12
cfhowlettCoodingCookiee, old computer?  lubuntu would probably work better12:12
CoodingCookieeyes old computer from 200512:13
Mandeep_SinghCoodingCookiee, I think I have seen this error somewhere. Just have a search12:13
CoodingCookieewhy should i take lubuntu?12:14
Mathisenadamkavala, what port is the counter strike server on ? 27015 ?12:14
cfhowlettlubuntu is optimized for older, legacy hardware and is much less resource-hungry12:14
wadadliWhy is it so hard to install Java EE!12:15
CoodingCookieethanks to @cfhowlett12:15
zznow grub is fucked12:15
cfhowlettno profanity allowed here zz12:15
adamkavalamathisen yes12:15
Mathisenadamkavala, anyway this should work for regular server >> sudo iptables -R INPUT 5 -p udp -m udp --sport 26900:27030 --dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT12:15
zztoo late12:15
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505
adamkavalaMathisen it fixed communication with valve server12:18
adamkavalabut not visible outside12:18
adamkavalathats why i need help :(12:18
adamkavalaConnection to Steam servers successful.    Public IP is Assigned persistent gameserver Steam ID [G:1:299033]. VAC secure mode is activated. GC Connection established for server version 314, instance idx 112:19
Ben64don't run a default deny incoming firewall12:19
adamkavalaMathisen i am not sure about firewall, or other ports12:19
adamkavalarouter swithed off competelly12:20
Mathisenadamkavala, use this example >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15521203/12:20
Mathiseneverything you need is there12:20
Mathisenedit for your need12:20
adamkavalai will check that later thatns12:21
CoodingCookieeall of you guys are programmers ?12:22
CoodingCookieebtw happy eastern !12:23
gr33nbitshappy eastern for you too12:25
cfhowlettand southeastern12:25
SCHAAP137happy easter eggs, everyone12:25
SCHAAP137especially those made from chocolate12:25
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pashok2398Hi All,12:29
pashok2398Can someone explain the difference between /usr/share/ca-certificate and /usr/local/share/ca-certificate12:30
pashok2398What is the diference between share and local certificates12:30
ZnRA contact of mine gets a wierd format in firefox ( http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1459081839.jpg ) any ideas what the issue might be?12:34
adhyayanpanwarhow to change resolution where it ask for decryption passphrase?12:34
adhyayanpanwaranyone there?12:36
cfhowlett!patience | adhyayanpanwar12:37
ubottuadhyayanpanwar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:37
adhyayanpanwaralright alright, i admit im impatient sorry for that12:37
tinyhippois there any wawy to delete a LVM in the ubuntu installer?12:38
cfhowletttinyhippo, not sure about the installer, but if you go to into the live session, I believe you can kill one12:39
tinyhippoah i have found it - if you go into configure LVM, you can delete it there12:39
Mandeep_Singhadhyayanpanwar, what are you talking about! can you expand a little about decryption passphrase12:40
adhyayanpanwarhello mandeep12:40
adhyayanpanwari have a passphrase so at every time, before booting up my disk it asks for a passphrase to decrypt the data12:41
adhyayanpanwarthat screen is distorted and only half of it shows12:41
adhyayanpanwaris there any way to change the resolution12:41
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Mandeep_Singhadhyayanpanwar, use some online image hosting website to show some screenshot or pic. Also, tag the nick name to ping someone.12:50
Mandeep_Singhadhyayanpanwar, yes. do whatever I've told above12:51
adhyayanpanwarMandeep_Singh, i was checking i pinged you or not wait12:52
adhyayanpanwarMandeep_Singh http://i.stack.imgur.com/Goenp.png12:53
adhyayanpanwarthis is what should be it12:53
CoodingCookieegetting errors while install lubuntu on my pc12:56
Mandeep_Singhadhyayanpanwar, this is called the splash screen. You may look for "splash screen resolution ubuntu" or some similar keywords on Internet.12:56
Mandeep_Singhthis may help12:57
CoodingCookieenow he died12:57
Mandeep_SinghCodmadnesspro_, what type of errors12:57
cfhowlett!details | CoodingCookiee12:57
ubottuCoodingCookiee: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:57
CoodingCookieei remember12:57
CoodingCookieeim doing it not with a cd rather a usb-stick12:58
CoodingCookieenow im checking if there are any errors on the usb stick12:59
CoodingCookieehe found one 1 error12:59
cfhowlettCoodingCookiee, any errrors = don't use that USB13:00
CoodingCookieethen pls tell me how should i install it then13:00
cfhowlettCoodingCookiee, make a new USB13:00
adhyayanpanwarMandeep_Singh you there?13:01
CoodingCookieei need to change the .iso to .img that is working with the usb-stick right?13:01
cfhowlett!usb | CoodingCookiee13:01
ubottuCoodingCookiee: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:01
cfhowlettCoodingCookiee, are you installing on a Mac?13:02
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:02
Mandeep_Singhadhyayanpanwar, don't tag un-necessarily, include the real message13:03
CoodingCookieeno im using a mac to prepare the usb stick13:03
adhyayanpanwarI was asking bout the decryption passphrase screen. Here what it should look like13:04
Mandeep_SinghYes I saw that.13:04
Mandeep_SinghAnd also referenced to look at some link or info above13:05
adhyayanpanwarbut I was offline as I had to click a snap of what my screen looks like13:05
adhyayanpanwarcan you send those links again please?13:05
Mandeep_Singhyou weren't offline. I tagged you above13:06
adhyayanpanwaridk, i dont see the messages. If you can , send those links again13:07
karlonsongapt upgrade or apt full-upgrade13:07
karlonsongwhich do you prefer?13:07
cfhowlettkarlonsong, doesn't matter.  your box, your choice.13:07
karlonsongyes. but which is less troublesome and more favored by the master developers?13:08
karlonsongsomeone recommends: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f13:08
cfhowlettkarlonsong, 1.  no "master developers" here.  2.  if you are unsure what the commands do, read the man pages.13:08
e4rthlingnyone here using a freenas? ive got a freenas from a friend here, for some reason i can only write at 35~ MiB/s is that because theres some stupid zfs running?13:08
karlonsongwhy don't the masters come here?13:09
cfhowlettkarlonsong, do you have any other ubuntu support questions?13:09
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walter-jmy name is walter-j13:30
walter-jcan i have a channel?13:30
EriC^^yes would you like it to-go?13:31
SchrodingersScat!freenode | walter-j try /join ##walter-j13:31
ubottuwalter-j try /join ##walter-j: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines13:31
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ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:40
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux13:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:41
SchrodingersScat!support | niuoh , also !language13:41
ubottuniuoh , also !language: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com13:41
xliiDo we already have 4.5 for 14.04?13:42
ionwindsome one can help me with the configuration of minidlna??13:46
hexicpyth16.04LTS beta2 is rock'in!13:50
CoodingCookieesorry i am so annoying but there is always 1 error on my file (im the guy trying to install lubuntu), i toke a new usb-stick and convert the iso with an win7 pc13:54
BluesKajCoodingCookiee, convert the iso ?13:55
CoodingCookieei need to transfer the .iso file on my usb stick13:56
CoodingCookieei did it like it they showed on ubuntu13:56
BluesKajwhich OS are you running?13:56
CoodingCookieeiOS and microsoft13:57
CoodingCookieei tried both so far to configure the usb stick13:57
vervetCoodingCookiee: I'd just burn it with Rufus on Win, it usually does a great job for creating bootable USBs13:58
BluesKajCoodingCookiee, or try the suggestions here http://askubuntu.com/questions/153171/how-do-you-create-a-bootable-usb-stick-using-windows-714:00
odisaHi! I have a dual drive set-up: First I had Windows running on Drive sda with all my files on sdb. Then I wiped sda and installed Ubuntu, and was able to change permissions of sdb easily. Now I want to do a reinstall on sda, so I'm wondering: will doing so have me run into permission issues with sdb?14:00
LunaLovegoodI put Ubuntu 15.04 (with XFCE) on my grandma's laptop a while ago, but she complains that it sometimes asks for a password (root:root or user:user in this case). How do I make it so it never asks for any passwords? (it already has autologon)14:00
CoodingCookieethanks vervet and BluesKaj14:02
EriC^^odisa: it depends, what permissions did you have?14:03
odisaEriC^^: uhh it was a while ago.. I just changed ownership and permissions recursively to myself after installing Ubuntu14:04
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odisa_EriC^^: sorry, chat froze. Did I miss your reply?14:07
EriC^^odisa: the permissions go by the uid usually, so if that changes the permissions will change14:08
SchrodingersScatodisa_: if you keep a working liveusb handy then it seems like you could boot into the live image and change permissions if you ran into problems.  Does windows even respect those permissions?14:08
EriC^^odisa_: it's no big deal though, you can chown them recursively again14:08
Revian1odisa_: I do something similar and, if you use the same username, you shouldn't have any problems.14:08
EriC^^Revian1: username doesn't matter, it's the uid, usually 100014:09
Revian1EriC^^: Ah, ok14:09
EriC^^like if you mount another filesystem with files of uid 1001 they'll appear as the username you have in your system that's currently 100114:09
odisa_EriC^^, SchrodingersScat: Well that's my main concern: I know that handling windows files is easy with linux, but I'm a bit iffy how/if it will compete when linux to linux14:09
odisa_Revian1: but if it goes by UID as EriC^^ says, wouldn't you still run into problems?14:10
EriC^^odisa_: if the uid is the same it wouldn't matter14:10
odisa_EriC^^: So.. can I note my current UID and make a temp user account under that UID on the new install to change permissions?14:11
EriC^^nothing a chown can't fix though14:11
daicahi people, anyone knows how to make feh skip task bar/14:11
EriC^^odisa_: no, just after you install do sudo chown <newuser>: -R /mounted/filesystem14:11
odisa_EriC^^: Oh. Wait, so what even protects my files then if it's that easy?14:12
odisa_Anyone with a live USB can just access my files?14:12
EriC^^odisa_: nothing does, if somebody has physical access it's easy to read anything14:12
EriC^^odisa_: yeah14:12
SchrodingersScatodisa_: yep, unless you encrypt them14:13
odisa_Huh. I thought it was only that easy with Windows, and that Linux respected the ownership to the point of not allowing to change it14:13
odisa_Ok, thanks. I guess I'll try that then. Out of curiosity: would it be possible to remove ownership/permission restrictions alltogether?14:14
EriC^^odisa_: nope, if somebody has sudo then he can change whatever he wants14:14
derproijuRunning Ubuntu 15.10. How do I make the Ralink RT3290 Bluetooth Adapter work?14:14
darkangelHello i was just curious is there a way to make it so when a person makes a html file creates directory like <a href="folder/index.html> is there a way to just press 1 button and it make the html file and folder for you very quick in Geany or some text editor developer program?14:14
derproijuThe source code for 14.10 and 12.04 on the Internet doesn't work. It either gives me compile errors, or I cannot insmod.14:15
=== mel is now known as Guest84860
derproijusource code of the driver*14:15
odisa_so the superuser of a OS other than the one that created the file(s) still trumps the original superuser?14:15
silskinstupid question: how do we leave a channel ?14:16
odisa_./part silskin14:16
SchrodingersScatsilskin: can try /close or /part14:16
silskinthank you ^^'14:16
EriC^^odisa_: yeah basically the files are on the filesystem and they have uid tags of who owns it14:17
EriC^^odisa_: linux mounts them but it doesn't know if it's for this pc or another, so if you mount a filesystem it'll mount it with those permissions and if you have sudo on that pc you can modify them14:18
odisa_EriC^^: Ahh, interesting. So what are my options in terms of encryption? I've tried crypt-luks once before but that was a major headache.14:19
EriC^^luks is the norm i guess14:19
EriC^^you could just encrypt a dir with ecryptfs14:19
derproijuPlease do take a look at my problem.14:20
derproijuPlease, people.14:22
odisa_EriC^^: Ahh that rings a bell. I had problems with backups with crypt-luks, so I'll look into ecryptfs, thank you.14:22
EriC^^odisa_: no problem14:25
derproijuI apologise for the spam. However, I would like to have my problem solved ASAP, like everyone with a problem here.14:27
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:28
derproijuSchrodingersScat: I have problems with the Bluetooth part, and I have already tried compiling the source code mentioned at the Ubuntu Forums. Seems like Linux Kernel 4.x doesn't accept the procedures, which were designed for 3.x.14:30
SynxSynxSynxHey all, I'm having an issue mounting an NFS share on an ubuntu 14.4 LXC container. The error I"m getting on the ubuntu client is http://pastebin.com/z4YXjB3G On the freenas server my /etc/exports looks like this http://pastebin.com/C660TTZn14:31
derproijuHowever, thank you for the support.14:35
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  in /etc/exports, you must specify (rw), as per share14:36
SynxSynxSynxLike that?14:38
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-file-system.html14:39
SynxSynxSynxYeah I did14:40
SynxSynxSynxOnly I'm not using an ubuntu server14:40
SynxSynxSynxfor the host14:40
SynxSynxSynxI"m using a freenas device14:40
SynxSynxSynxAnd other shares mount on the freenas device14:40
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  it makes no difference, notice the ro and the rw in the example14:40
SynxSynxSynxInfact the ubuntu is an LXC container who's hard drive lives on the NFS share14:40
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
SynxSynxSynxI don't understand what you mean14:41
SynxSynxSynxIn the exports on the freenas?14:41
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  a container and a nas, that makes it hard to follow14:42
SynxSynxSynxI have 4 proxmox hosts configured to use a freenas NFS share as their primary storage.14:42
SynxSynxSynxI have 1 LXC container that is running ubuntu 14.414:43
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  where does your /etc/exports sit? inside the container?14:43
SynxSynxSynxIn the freenas system14:43
SynxSynxSynxthe 1 LXC container resides on a proxmox node14:43
SynxSynxSynxThe node it lives on can see the NFS share.14:43
MonkeyDustso from your main system to the container, and then to the nas?14:43
SynxSynxSynxNo the container should operate as it's own OS14:44
SynxSynxSynxMasqurading through the nic14:44
MonkeyDustthis my irssi runs inside an lxc container and i have a nas too, but never combined them... it's challenging14:46
danny-holland-rahi from holland14:46
derproijuAnyone, please?14:49
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  yes, try   '/mnt/Capacitor/Proxmox/Backups /mnt/Capacitor/Download (rw)'14:50
Revian1When a program generates a notification, is it possible to see that notification on the lock screen? If so, how do I implement this?14:50
Revian1Ubuntu 15.10 here14:50
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  don't forget to restart nfs-server after each change14:52
derproijuRevian1: Have you tried using GNOME DM? It has such a feature?14:53
greinerhow to start to open the audio by HDMI?14:53
Revian1derproiju: I'm not sure which DM I'm using, I have the default Unity system.14:53
Revian1derproiju: LightDM?14:54
derproijuRevian1: Indeed.14:54
Revian1derproiju: Thank you14:55
SynxSynxSynxFreenas changes the /exports/ every time I modify it through vi14:55
SynxSynxSynxand restart the service14:55
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  it's beyond my knowledge, try and ask in #freenas14:58
SynxSynxSynxYeah I have14:58
SynxSynxSynxMonkeyDust: I'm getting pushback from freenas15:09
SynxSynxSynxThey're blaming ubuntu15:10
SynxSynxSynxI mean I can mount it in windows15:11
skinuxCurious...is there still a tool for creating our own Ubuntu distributions?15:13
cfhowlett!uck | skinux15:14
ubottuskinux: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/15:14
skinuxOh, it's only for Live CDs, not for installs?15:15
popeythere's also https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/15:15
popeyskinux: ^15:15
popeyskinux: also http://pinguyos.com/2015/09/pinguy-builder-an-app-to-backupremix-buntu/15:16
MonkeyDustSynxSynxSynx  yes, they're not very friendly, i experienced it too15:18
MonkeyDusti have freenas too15:19
SynxSynxSynxIt's pretty interesting15:19
Guest11675mint 17 (14.04) box can't connect to windows 10 box provided smb share, mac laptop can, ideas please?15:19
SynxSynxSynxI half debating just installing ubuntu and mounting sharing that way15:19
popey!mint | Guest1167515:19
ubottuGuest11675: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:19
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tinyhippowhen I insert a MicroSD adapter with a MicroSD card into my ubuntu 14.04 machine, it detects a new USB mass storage (/dev/sde) however I can't mount it or do *anything* with it, it doesn't show up in fdisk -l or parted, what shoudl I do?15:56
ikoniatinyhippo: what happens if you do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sde"15:57
tinyhippoikonia: no output15:59
ikoniawhat do you mean no output15:59
ikoniaas in it just returns to the prompt, or it does nothing15:59
ArchOScan someone help me find a zip archive full of all the different icons in ubuntu 10.1016:03
ArchOShopefully in PNG16:03
ArchOSI'm... experimenting with a game that allows you to skin it to look like things...16:03
xanguaArchOS: you can install the human icon theme from the Ubuntu repositories16:04
MarderIIItinyhippo: check the output of the dmesg command16:04
tinyhippoikonia: returns to the prompt16:04
ArchOSI'm not running Ubuntu. I'm just looking for the human icon theme in PNG format in a zip16:04
ArchOSso I can use it in the game's skinning feature16:04
diorgenesSEI LÁ16:04
ikoniaArchOS: sorry, no16:04
ikoniatinyhippo: leave the card reader plugged in, removed the media card and plug it back in, what happens16:05
tinyhippoMarderIII: output of dmesg: https://p.tinyhip.pw/view/3857badd16:06
tinyhippoikonia: no difference in dmesg or fdisk -l when only removing the media card, and not the reader16:06
ikoniatinyhippo: when you plug it back in, do you see a trigger response in the syslog16:07
tinyhippoikonia: no additional output to syslog16:08
ikoniathats suggesting to me the usb port is no longer responding, unplug the device and plug it back in, do you see it redtect it in the syslog16:09
MarderIIIikonia: wrong usb driver/module?16:10
ikoniaor it wouldn't detect it in the first place16:11
Highfructosecornwhat are the benefits of drinking high fructose corn syrup16:11
ikonianothing to do with this channel Highfructosecorn16:12
MarderIIIoops meant troll16:13
hermandeHighfructosecorn, First you need to install the .deb16:13
ikoniahermande: stop it16:13
Highfructosecornikonia: its HFSPLUS16:14
Highfructosecornwhats up16:14
ikoniahermande: he's made an offtopic comment, you making stupid comments to try to keep it going - let it go16:14
Highfructosecornim going to phillipines tomorrow night16:14
ikoniaHighfructosecorn: thanks for that, just /part and save the effort16:14
hermandeikonia, keeping on topic...  I'm looking for info on icinga.16:16
ArchOSIt's almost indistinguishable from the real thing...16:29
ikoniawhy are you pasting this here ?16:29
ArchOSbecause I found the humanity icon theme?16:29
ikoniaright, but what has this got to do with us ?16:29
Capricornikonia: I had found the problem :-)16:30
ArchOSwell I'm just saying that I programmed something and managed to make it look like ubuntu.16:30
ikoniaCapricorn: tell me !16:30
ArchOSdespite it being written in C#16:30
ikoniaArchOS: who cares ?16:30
ikoniaArchOS: it's nothing to do with this channels topic16:30
ArchOSnobody, but it's still cool to see16:30
ArchOSanyways, my issue has resolved itself.16:31
CapricornI had found a lucky webpage on the internet. That was also about multiple cores16:32
ikoniaCapricorn: explain16:32
CapricornSo i follow that lead, and found out that that was after a suppend session16:33
CapricornMy cores 0 was UP but 1 - 3 was offline16:33
ikoniaso suspending your machine, when it came up, it came back with not all cores active16:34
CapricornThat must be a bug in the suspend program16:34
ikoniathere are many bugs with suspend, I've never seen that though16:34
ikoniagreat find16:34
CapricornNo the fix was, to reboot the system16:35
ikoniaI'm sure dax will also be interesting16:35
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CapricornWhen i see <DAX> i will also explain that to him16:36
CapricornOr you must be see him before me16:36
Capricornikonia: Do you know where to inform the developers to check the suspend-program for that error??16:39
ikonialaunchpad.net - log a bug with as much detail as possible16:39
yeganerhey guys, I changed my default terminal with update-alternatives to xterm but the terminal started with `x-terminal-emulator` doesn't look like the terminal started with `xterm`. It looks like my ~/.Xresources are missing16:40
* EOBeav is away: [heading out for a few hours]16:44
TandyUK_hey guys, got an issue with ubuntu 14.04 and an nvidia card which is only connected to a tv - its giving me no output whatsoever16:45
TandyUK_i can get into it remotely, and ive checked the nvidia drivers are installed, but no clue how to tell it to start X on the hdmi output16:45
ikoniahave you configured it to use the correct output on the card ?16:45
TandyUK_i have no idea how to do that, being the only output that is connected, it should auto detect no?16:45
ikoniaTandyUK_: the nvida modules can sometimes need help being confiugred16:46
TandyUK_tbf im not even seeing bios output while it boots which concerns me, prior to a reinstall due to failed hdd, this was working fine16:46
ikoniaso it was working on the TV before ?16:46
TandyUK_ok, and where do i confifure the nvidia module16:46
TandyUK_yes its only ever been connected by hdmi16:47
ikoniaTandyUK_: when the hard disk failued, you did a re-install yes ?16:47
TandyUK_yeah i had this at my house, did the reinstall, got the drivers etc installed, now its back round my mates16:47
ikoniahas it ever worked at your mates ?16:48
TandyUK_at home it was connected by vga, so clearly its still trying to use vga output16:48
TandyUK_before the reinstall, yes16:48
ikoniaso it worked on the HDMI to your friends TV before the re-install16:48
ikoniaso you have two options16:48
TandyUK_atm its plugged in, and i have ssh to it16:49
TandyUK_but the tv is showing no device plugged in16:49
ikonia1.) look at the xorg logs to see what the x server is doing - try to work out a plan from that16:49
ikonia2.) tell the machine to boot into fail safe mode, then use that x display to confiugre the card with the nvidia-settings tool to see if that gets it working16:49
occuwhere can i get suport for backbox?16:51
TandyUK_ok, how do i boot it into failsafe mode, ive got keyboard etc connected, but without seeing the screen at boot kinda tricky ;)16:52
occuor does anyone now why do i get this message at startup "vboxclient:the virtualbox kernel service is not running. exiting16:53
occuand how do i get rid of it16:54
occui have google it but no good solution yet16:54
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craptalki cant send message to the channel why is that?17:01
exnihiloHi there17:02
BlankSpacehi exni17:03
exnihiloIs there anyone here who remember the option to enable in CCSM that enables to move a window to another workscreen by moving it with the mouse to the edge of the screen?17:04
Dewinoccu: Are you running under a virtual machine?17:05
rodhashfolks .. my ubuntu is not recognizing any longer a flash drive after inserting luks passphrase .. it should automatically recognize it and show it in the "pv" list, which doesnt happen any longer ... any idea how to recover from this? any issue with ubuntu 15.10 ? I guess the problem happened after the upgrade17:05
exnihiloThat's why I need that17:05
exnihiloGot me at first attempt Dewin17:05
exnihiloAm I the only one who think CCSM is confusing?17:06
Dewinoccu: If not, the message is harmless (though you can remove the relevant virtualbox packages if you care), if you are, I'm not awake enough to do any more thorough troubleshooting.17:06
=== karen is now known as Guest69231
trumppresidentmake america great again17:14
trumppresidentmake america gr8 again17:14
CoodingCookiei get a SRST error. Does anyone know what does this mean ?17:19
eelstreboris there an xchat icon that'll show in the title bar or elsewhere to indicate if you have a successful ssl connection?17:21
CoodingCookiei get a SRST error. Does anyone know what does this mean ?17:24
Exagone313CoodingCookie: where, when, screen?17:26
ScaniatruckercoodingCookie: look at this https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/454214-SOLVED-ata1-SRST-failed-%28errno-16%29-boot-extremely-slow-BIOS-disappears17:27
CoodingCookiewhile i was installing bunsenlaps17:27
shane__good morning people. i am kinda new to ubunto mate 16.04 and would like to setup a dlna on it so i can watch my movies that are installed on it with my xbox one17:35
yeganerwell, this isn't vim -.-17:37
yeganershane__: I think for all questions related to 16.04 there is #ubuntu+117:37
krytarikOnly I'd argue that's a general one.17:39
renn0xtk9somebody uses clementin as a  music player here? i got question on this17:39
katerinaHey, I want to export a directory, so a remote host can write in it. I have done it via NFS and it works just fine, but now i want to try nbd. But i haven't managed to use it properly. Can someone help me out? I use ubuntu 15.10. (not sure if this is the right place to ask)17:40
krytarik!ask | renn0xtk917:42
ubotturenn0xtk9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:42
frostschutzkaterina, nbd does not export directories, it exports block devices; only one client may use this device at a time, most filesystems do not support clustering. also if it's remote you should handle encryption somehow, like tunnel it through ssh/vpn or whatever17:45
xentity1xHi I'm having trouble switching to the nvidia gpu on my thinkpad w530 on ubuntu 15.10. When I select nvidia performance mode I get this error http://pastebin.com/CvggwNhW17:46
xentity1xAnyone know why?17:46
frostschutzkaterina, so if you want to access the files at the remote and local at the same time, it won't work with nbd, you'll end up with a corrupted filesystem. it's fundamentally different from NFS where any number of clients use the same set of files at the same time17:47
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shane__I am having problems setting up a dlna on my ubuntu mate 16.04. i store all my media on a second drive and don't know how to set the dlna up to read from it. can anyone help me out with this?17:48
katerinafrostschutz: I understand that. The scenario is that only one client will have access to the file. I was about to create a big file, mkfs it, then export it with rw permissions. Will this result in corruption? If so should I use a clustered filesystem? Thanx17:52
katerinafrostschutz: I don't want to access the directory simultaneously from the server and the client. Just when the client finishes writing, only then the server would read the written files17:56
shotgunnermy fn key for volume (+  and - ) not working after update from gnome 3.10 to 3.12 :( I don't know what to do know17:57
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shotgunnerI also see this SO thread http://askubuntu.com/questions/451842/after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-14-04-my-shortcuts-keys-and-media-keys-no-longer-work17:58
shotgunnerbut my media key value in gsetting is 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume'17:58
shotgunnerany idea ?18:00
renn0xtk9in Clementine how do you create a playlist that get stored in the database? i.e in the playlist tab i can create new "folders"  in the In the queue column I can save a playlist as a xspf file, but those won't appear in the playlist tab. How do you use it ?18:03
BluekingHello, I run ubuntu as routerbox   it seems there are some issues with connection... when on shell onto router tries traceroute  it seems there are problems trace route  lot of * * *18:04
xentity1xHi I'm having trouble switching to the nvidia gpu on my thinkpad w530 on ubuntu 15.10. When I select nvidia performance mode I get this error http://pastebin.com/CvggwNhW18:04
DewinBlueking: Are all the * * * on the same line(s) of the trace, or are they scattered?18:07
DewinSome hosts simply don't reply to the kind of messages traceroute sends.18:07
Bashing-omzenlot: A new install ? Did the driver install ? Or has the file become corupted ? what returns ' dpkg -l nvidia-settings ' ?18:08
Caplainran installer for mysql server but it's hanging at Setting up mysql-server-5.5 (5.5.47-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) ...18:09
Caplainbeen hanging there for a good 10 mins now18:09
Caplainhow would i diagnose this?18:09
Caplainis there a verbose flag?18:09
ubbakkaHi, how can i use amd apu on ubuntu?18:09
Caplainnvm, should have googled first lol18:11
errubbakka, how do you use your amd cpu on windows ?18:12
owen'curl http' show me 301 html page from nginx. does it mean nginx is running? ps aux|grep nginx shows nothing. any clues?18:26
WockaHi all.18:28
DJonesr/w 1218:33
Guy1524Hey guys, this is really annoying, my boot pauses for 90 seconds after this: random: nonblocking pool is initialized   what is going on?  Here is my system report: http://tortle.no-ip.org/hardinfo_report.html18:39
Guy1524oh do you guys need dmesg too?18:39
xentity1xhi im having trouble activating the nvidia gpu on my thinkpad. i get this error when I start nvidia-settings http://pastebin.com/FY8fDgbY18:41
Bashing-omxentity1x:  A new install ? Did the driver install ? Or has the file become corupted ? what returns ' dpkg -l nvidia-settings ' ?18:42
shazzrIs there a ubuntu development channel for beta-releases?18:42
Guy1524##ubuntu+1 right18:42
Bashing-omshazzr: #ubuntu+1 .18:43
jak2000I made a program for send email in Java if I test on windows it wor fine...(send the email but if test on Ubuntu I get this error message: "Sending the email to the following server failed : smtp.gmail.com:465" of course i have activated: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps   (remember i can send the email from windows)18:51
binary01jak2000, what library are you using?18:52
supyaboinot much is happening18:53
Bashing-omxentity1x: Did I loose you ? Do you require additional guidance ?18:53
jak2000Bin4ry apache common18:57
jak2000but i think isnt problem of java and or library18:57
Guy1524Hey guys, this is really annoying, my boot pauses for 90 seconds after this: random: nonblocking pool is initialized   what is going on?  Here is my system report: http://tortle.no-ip.org/hardinfo_report.html  DMESG:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/15525441/19:00
arashhello, I have a problem in ubuntu, I have some magazines that It doesnt read properly (shows weird characters) how can I fix it?19:02
EOBeavarash, what kind of magazines? Are they pdf files, or something online?19:03
arashE0Beav pdf19:03
EOBeavWhat are you using to open it?19:04
arashthe default program19:04
arashdoc viewer 3.16.119:04
supyaboiwho's using 16.04 beta 219:04
EOBeavTry opening it with Firefox or something else to see if you get a problem that way19:05
DJonessupyaboi: best place to ask about that would be #Ubuntu+119:05
EOBeavsupyaboi: I think there's a channel called ubuntu +1 for that stuff19:05
arashE0beav can it be fonts? because google chrome shows it perfectly19:11
Kevin`how can I have ubuntu show lvm volume names in the UI (instead of "XGB Volume")19:13
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cybergig22I was wondering if I could get help as to whether or not it would be a good idea to install ubuntu on a device I have since im not familiar with installing on tablets19:41
cybergig22the specs for the tablet are located here http://pastebin.com/NGihGYsv19:42
DJones!touch | cybergig22 I'd be tempted to ask in the touch channel,19:43
ubottucybergig22 I'd be tempted to ask in the touch channel,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:43
cybergig22alright, not sure where to start when it comes to tablets lmao19:44
cybergig22ty for the help :) i'll check in the touch channel19:46
anonmatiris it me, or does ubuntu not let 2 softwares to be installed at the same time, if one is using apt-get from terminal and the other from softwarecenter19:46
EOBeavGenerally speaking, no19:46
fractal_hey guys. so i have Kubuntu installed and i want to run memtest86+ but i can't seem to find it based on these instructions19:47
DJonesanonmatir: no, they both use the same background apps, sho can only be accessed by one or the other at any one time19:47
Guy1524Hey guys, this is really annoying, my boot pauses for 90 seconds after this: random: nonblocking pool is initialized   what is going on?  Here is my system report: http://tortle.no-ip.org/hardinfo_report.html  DMESG:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/15525441/19:48
anonmatiri see, thank you DJones19:48
craptalkwhy do i receive "cant send to channel" in particular channel? does it mean that i need to be invited first?19:48
anonmatirthank you EOBeav19:48
jsabeaudryHow can I transform my screen into a video device that programs that look for webcams will see? (I want to share my screen to meet.jit.si)19:48
fractal_does ubuntu no longer have memtest as an option in GRUB?19:49
craptalkcan anyone answer me19:49
Bashing-omfractal_: UEFI system ? Then it is the escape key that grub looks for .19:49
anonmatircraptalk: you probably need to be in the channel and or have voice if channel is moderated, etc,19:49
fractal_Bashing-om: yes19:49
fractal_Bashing-om: Esc will bring up the memtest options you are saying?19:50
EOBeavFunny, I installed ubuntu 14.04 on my 80 y/o parents computer and they love it. A lot more intuitive than the Win they were running before.19:50
anonmatirEOBeav: had same experience with parents, unity still has a simple interface, compared to lot happening n win and similar19:51
Bashing-omfractal_: Reboot, and as soon as the firmware screen clears repeatedly depress/release the escape key . there is but a 3 second window of opportunity .19:51
anonmatirwill i should say, all/most desktop managers stilll have a simple interface (by default)19:51
EOBeavUnity was actually a big selling point for them...what they needed was all lined up on the left side of the screen19:51
fractal_Bashing-om: will do. off t try now! thanks :)19:52
anonmatirand i still hate unity :/19:52
Bashing-omfractal_: Brings up the grub boot menu . From there is advanced options . In this screen is the memtest .19:52
craptalkanonmatir: what do you mean?19:52
anonmatircraptalk: https://www.quakenet.org/help/general/why-do-i-receive-cannot-send-to-channel19:53
compdocunity is great. just cant connect to it with vnc or xrdp or x2go19:53
anonmatirwell you know, after using windows, android, ip*s' and couple desktop managers, a desktop manager is just a "G" ui19:54
anonmatirsme things placed differently, named similarly, and designed xyzly19:55
anonmatirsame* things19:55
anonmatirat times i feel even the os does not matter, any os can probably do whatever we need it to do19:56
fractal__Bashing-om: that simply took me to a GRUB> console19:56
fractal__why aren't my memtest options showing up19:56
fractal__i don't get it. is it supposed to be this difficult to run a memory test?19:57
Bashing-omfractal__: Advanced option in that screen -> memtest .19:57
fractal__i remember when they were standard on ISOs19:57
fractal__Bashing-om: on my installed GRUB, or from the live USB?19:57
titanium17guys, I used the screenshot tool in the dash of ubuntu before. Now I switched to i3, I cant find it anymore. How do I launch that app from the command line?19:57
Bashing-omfractal__: Available on both .19:58
fractal__but what you told me to do took me to a shell prompt19:58
fractal__i have no clue waht to type there19:58
Bashing-omfractal__: Desktop .iso that is .19:58
fractal__i have the Kubuntu ISO19:58
fractal__maybe it is not on this one19:58
fractal__advanced options just gave me different kernels and recover modes19:59
fractal__there were no memory options in there i already looked20:00
cybergig22by chance would installing the desktop version still work on a tablet?20:00
fractal__trust me. i dug through it before coming in here because i swore i could figure it out20:00
Bashing-omfractal__: I could reboot .. and will if it helps ya . Are you working the install or from the live environment ?20:01
fractal_Bashing-om: i just checked again a 3rd time. definitely no memtest options under Advanced Boot options for Ubuntu20:04
Bashing-omfractal_: I will reboot into my install and "look" and make sure .20:06
fractal_Kubuntu 15.10 is what i am running20:06
Bashing-omTake me a bit to boot 15.10 .. be back soonest .20:07
fractal_i've been on this for more than an hour now and it is really frustrating. i want to move on already but the memory i want tested20:07
recon_lap3fractal_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/591488/how-do-i-run-memtest8620:08
fractal_recon_lap3: i was already there and those instructions didn't work for me :(20:08
fractal_i don't have memtest options on my GRUB menu20:08
recon_lap3fractal_: do you have a live boot?20:08
fractal_of kubuntu. yes20:09
recon_lap3fractal_: think your GRUB menu's been edited20:09
fractal_this is a fresh install20:09
fractal_besides running updates20:09
recon_lap3fractal_: cant say about Kubuntu, but all the others have it20:09
fractal_i see. so perhaps i will download the main version20:10
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recon_lap3fractal_: not sure, but I see that menu everytime i boot20:10
BluekingWhat to look for when having networking issues  seems I have frequently netdropouts  every few minutes...  2 weeks ago it was dropping out every 24h  :/20:10
fractal_recon_lap3: everytime you boot the live, right?20:11
fractal_not your install20:11
recon_lap3fractal_: every time i boot, live or installed20:11
fractal_then where is mine!! :/20:11
fractal_even my windows partition shows up in grub20:12
fractal_but no memtest86 to be found20:12
EriC^^memtest is for 32bit i think20:12
fractal_but i have a 64 bit system and suspect i may have memory issues20:12
fractal_if this is the case, what will i do now20:13
EriC^^i think there's an iso you can download or something20:13
EriC^^or maybe the bios has a diagnostics20:13
EriC^^fractal_: oh, it's a uefi thing20:14
fractal_EriC^^: i see.. i am new to UEFI20:15
EriC^^d/l http://www.memtest86.com/downloads/memtest86-usb.tar.gz20:16
EriC^^you can probably boot the iso from your current grub without a usb20:16
fractal_that is over my head20:17
fractal_i wouldn't know where to start20:17
EriC^^start by downloading it :p20:18
fractal_EriC^^: thanks for the help20:18
fractal_i did20:18
recon_lap3fractal_: you know mem testing can take up to 24hours20:18
fractal_oh no20:19
recon_lap3it's one slow process20:19
fractal_i'll use my backup computer then20:19
ZnRheya peeps I get http://pastebin.com/2g6YeRFk please help20:28
Bashing-omfraggle_: Nope, not a good reference here . I multi boot and the only instance of 'memtest' is on my default/original 14.04 install. I did boot up a 15.04 .iso and "test memory" is available on that .iso .20:29
ubuntu102So, I found an old 80 gig hdd from the windows XP era. Is it worth using to try and put ubuntu on? Or is that a waste of time?20:44
crazybluek80 gig hdd   might die any time ?20:45
Hulioanyone ever know anything that provide free fax ?20:45
bekksubuntu102: It is a total waste of time. Just get a new disk, and install Ubuntu.20:45
ubuntu102I have no idea when it would die. It was in use a year or two ago when a church was throwing it out and I grabbed it20:45
ubuntu102they threw out like... 15 computers20:46
bekksHulio: All free fax solutions arent depending on an acruall OS, they are web services.20:46
Huliowell any ligit site?20:46
ubuntu102It uses those crappy ribbon connectors. Not even sata20:46
bekksubuntu102: they need to be taken into a museum of prehistoric technology, instead.20:46
bekksHulio: Strongly depends on the country you are in.20:47
duobixHi guys20:47
ubuntu102I'd use a newer disk I have laying around, but it's a laptop HD and I don't have a mount to be able to fit the tension clips on it20:47
bekksHulio: So search for "free fax us provider".20:48
duobixI got a dell venue 8 pro, and tried to try ubuntu 15.10 on it, but after I choose anything in grub it blackscreens - so I cannot go live or install20:48
duobixanyone got a clue? Secureboot disabled20:49
bekksduobix: you could try the "nomodeset" kernel option.20:49
bekks!nomodeset | duobix20:49
ubottuduobix: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:49
ubuntu102I was thinking of trying to put the newest version of ubuntu on the 80 gig to test out the OS without risking my other stuff20:49
bekksubuntu102: Just get a new disk.20:50
duobixI also tried to book into diskcheck (was it named like that? it should work normally) and it also didn't work.20:50
ubuntu102I really should :\20:50
mish41anyone have issues running dropbox on ubuntu 14.04, permission issues?20:53
bekksmish41: That poll will not solve your issue.20:53
duobixok bekks, I did read the nomodeset link - but I'm not really sure how do I do this from grub20:53
duobixI go into command mode and then what?20:53
bekksduobix: Its described in the link.20:53
bekksduobix: you add "nomodeset" as described in the link.20:54
mkinklesHello! Does anyone suggest a laptop, specifically for learning Linux, programming and hosting 2 vms (max)?20:58
duobixOk, so I edit one line, write nomodeset, and then ctrl+x.20:58
duobixno luck again.20:58
bekksduobix: so which line did you edit?20:58
duobixI did edit the line after "quite boot"20:59
yeatsmkinkles: I'm a big fan of the Dell XPS 13, which can come with Ubuntu installed20:59
yeatsmkinkles: otherwise, check out system7620:59
bekksduobix: the line after? that was the wrong line then-21:00
duobixthe line went like: linux (...) boot ---nomodeset21:00
bekksduobix: you need to edit the line containing "quiet splash"21:00
bekksduobix: and the link did not tell you to type "--nomodeset", but only "nomodeset".21:00
mkinklesyeats:  Sick! I will look into it.21:00
duobixI'll go into config to confirm21:00
mkinklesyeats:  Do you suggest a desktop (or external monitor) for programming out would the dell xps be good? It boils down to pref but just curious.21:01
duobixThe link did tell me to go to the end of the linux line, and then type nomodeset. I got --- at the end of the line. Shoudl I write "nomodeset" before "---"?21:01
paulowhats de chanel of orangepi21:02
yeatsmkinkles: I actually prefer desktops, but the XPS 13 has been very good for my work setup (note that it's a hiDPI display and there are some tweaks to make it look right)21:02
squinty!alis | paulo21:03
ubottupaulo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http21:03
yeatsmkinkles: but the Dell-installed Ubuntu probably works out of the box21:03
bekksduobix: a) you have "--" not "---" at the end of the line. And you need to remove quiet, and add nomodeset instead. before the --21:04
duobixnope, I got "---" at the end of the line, double checked on that21:04
duobixah, ok, I'll remove quiet21:05
mkinklesyeats:  Why do you prefer desktops?21:05
mkinklesyeats:  I own one but I feel like I kinda want a laptop :D I am super finicky.21:06
bekksduobix: and then you add "nomodeset" instead.21:06
duobixI did it like this: "linux (...) /splash nomodeset--" and it does not boot. I think there is something else wrong, because even numlock is not working, and it should. Also my usb stick data read indicator is not flashing, which is super strange and AFAIK cannot be overriden.21:07
bekksduobix: No.21:08
bekksduobix: you removed a blank before the --21:08
duobixa blank?21:08
bekksduobix: Yes. " ".21:08
jefinca space even...21:09
duobixOk, so how should I format the string? and is /splash an option of anything?21:09
bekksduobix: "splash nomodeset --"  at the end of the line.21:10
duobixOk, now trying with the blank21:10
duobixblack screen...21:11
duobixusb not flashing...21:11
duobixyup, it's not working.21:11
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duobixAny other thoughts on this? The exact same pendrives and ubuntu boots fine on another baytrail tablet21:13
duobixHmm, I gotta check what "set gfxpayload=keep" does21:19
duobixchanged that to auto, no luck.21:21
bekksduobix: try replacing splash with nosplash21:21
duobixOk, I did just that...21:23
duobixNo luck again.21:23
bekksduobix: so you used "nosplash nomodeset --" ?21:24
duobixI did that again just to confirm that I didn't mess up anything...21:25
duobixStill no luck.21:25
duobixOk, now reading bugs through freedesktop about dv8p21:26
bekksduobix: can you type the exact complete line after your modification?21:26
bekksduobix: forget freedesktop, you get a black screen before X is even started.21:27
duobixforget what? I just had a little bit of success in here, as it seems that this tablet needs to perform boot through a different special menu21:29
bekksduobix: can you type the exact complete line after your modification?21:29
duobixYes. Just give me a second.21:29
duobixlinux /casper/vmlinuz/efi file=/cdrom/pressed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper nosplash nomodeset --21:31
duobixoh, it's vmlinuz.efi21:31
duobixOk, just As I thought, After I used the different boot menu, it started21:32
duobixIt went thorugh all the system D21:33
bekksduobix: which "different boot menu"?21:33
duobixOk i got the desktop xD21:33
duobixOk, let me get this straight: normally, you boot with setting an option inside bios, then rebooting21:33
bekksduobix: Which "setting an option inside bios"? If you want to boot a device, you just select it as boot device - is that what you are talking about?21:34
duobixBUT in this case, I needed to hold vol+ and select boot media, and then it works. freedesktop bug report says it operates on different mode21:34
duobixI normally did select it in bios, but after selecting it via the vol+ menu, it just works21:35
bekksduobix: what does freedesktop have to do with the boot process?21:35
ubottuFreedesktop bug 82880 in DRM/Intel "[BYT dsi] Black screen on modesetting with Dell Venue 8 Pro (older firmware) on 3.16.x" [Major,Reopened]21:35
duobixBecause I did check there what could go wrong? baytrail tablets are crazy things, you know21:36
duobixAnd BTW I know I sound extremely dumb here, but yes, it did work21:38
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duobixk, now I gotta try getting the wifi to run21:42
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DeparielI'm using gadmin-proftpd to try to set up an ftp server, but whenever I try accessing it from FileZilla, it says invalid password (and gadmin-proftpd says no such user found)22:18
Deparielcould someone point me in a productive direction?22:18
Garry14Depariel: Are U trying to remote it?22:21
DeparielGarry14: I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm attempting to connect from inside my local network currently, but it will be used from outside my LAN once it's set up22:22
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Garry14Hey, U use Fire Zilla? Sorry, I don't suggest U, but I just share to U that I had ever used FZ in my Ubuntu, n I removed It b'cause a same reason as U :D22:28
DeparielI'm using FileZilla on Windows, yeah22:29
DeparielI've also used ftptest.net and it did the same thing, though22:30
Garry14Hmmm... Have U disable ur22:31
Garry14What's that, I forget....22:32
Garry14U need to disable ur firewall first22:32
Deparielhow would the firewall give a "no such user" error?22:32
Garry14ask Stack Overflow :D22:34
sabotagebeatswhat is a better window manager than unity? unity is slowing down this machine (it's an old machine)22:43
duobixsabotagebeats, try xfce22:44
sabotagebeatsis it just sudo apt-get install xfce?22:44
sabotagebeatsand will it work with standard ubuntu applications?22:44
sabotagebeatsor will i need to reinstall xubuntu?22:45
Bashing-om!info xfce422:48
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.12.1 (wily), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB22:48
sabotagebeatswow that's awesome 31kb22:49
Bashing-omsabotagebeats: Light and fast .22:50
GooerCan someone help me I have a hp15-r261ne and after installation wifi connects and then disconnects often..checked google but nothing is working, what a possible solution22:50
EriC^^that's the metapackage22:50
Klumsydo they still make twm?22:50
sabotagebeatsBashing-om, does it support all my "gnome" apps?22:50
EriC^^sabotagebeats: it's more like 300mb22:50
sabotagebeatsthanks EriC^^22:50
rizihey guys i am using miredo for ipv6, i have the ipv6 address but how can i know if its working properly22:51
sabotagebeatsok see u guys soon i g2g22:51
rizitried ping6 ipv6.google.com but it says  connect: Network is unreachable22:52
Bashing-omsabotagebeats: Likely to work with all ,, but may have some theme and GTK issues .22:52
Klumsyi am trying to install mandelbulber and i need libgsl2 and libgsl-dev22:52
Klumsybut ubuntu 15.10 uses 1.622:52
Klumsyhow can i upgrade those libs?22:52
Klumsyis there a PPA?22:52
GooerCan someone help me I have a hp15-r261ne and after installation wifi connects and then disconnects often..checked google but nothing is working, what a possible solution22:56
dkdgood afternoon, someone could solve the problem of pidgin 2.10.1 to connect to. facebook and MSN in ubuntu 11.04?22:56
Kowdkd: I can't assist you (due to lack of time) but here are some pointers: (1) that is an old version of pidgin - pidgin has to pretty constantly update their code because of upstream changes in the protocol. The current verison of pidgin is  2.10.12, (2) If you are in fact using 11.04 that is no longer a supported distro, so unfortunately that is going to be your biggest problem22:58
Bashing-om11.04 | dkd23:00
Bashing-om!11.04 | dkd23:00
ubottudkd: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.23:00
GooerCan someone help me I have a hp15-r261ne and after installation wifi connects and then disconnects often..checked google but nothing is working, what a possible solution? Is netwrappers a choice23:01
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KowBashing-om: thanks :)23:01
Kowalright got to go23:01
dkdthat's the problem, I do not want to upgrade because this version is the last in which I can definitely eliminate unity and continue gnome223:02
Bashing-omKow: :) Nite nite .23:02
dkdI've managed to solve all the problems of this version but this is one that I need23:02
Bashing-omdkd: http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ .23:03
Kowdkd: I understand. I recommend xfce :)23:03
duobixdkd, why not ubuntuMate? Mate is basically gnome223:04
dkdBashing-om thanks, I'll read the features, but you know if this version of gnome panels are customizable as they were in the gnome2 ?, well I have them custom23:04
dkddubbix, by the amount of software and customizing which have come23:05
dkdvoy a probarlo en una virtual23:05
dkdI'll try it on a virtual23:05
dkdI've tried a while ago to 2 versions but lack many customizations as well in the gnome223:06
duobixwell, now when I looked at ubuntu-mate, it looks indeed like cancerless linux, like it was in 200923:07
dkdmany users are reluctant to upgrade for customization, because one is accustomed to your work environment, if you change, takes some getting used, especially if the operating system is your source of work, as in my case23:07
ikoniaduobix: could you get a grip on how you talk please, calling a linux distribution "cancerless" can you please have a realistic discussion please23:07
duobixikonia: what's wrong about having good memories?23:09
ikoniaduobix: it's a linux distrubion - "cancer" - please, get a grip on what you're saying23:09
duobixikonia: again, what's wrong about stating my opinion about distros now in my own way? Did I offend you?23:12
duobixThen I'm sorry, didn't mean to.23:12
ikoniaduobix: you're welcome to have a positive / negative view of a distribution, but really comparing a negative aspect of it to "cancer".....23:12
Bashing-om!minimal | duobix23:13
ubottuduobix: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:13
duobixSo how do I call things that are attached to a host, which are potentially harmful, in a politically correct way here?23:15
ikoniaduobix: what software in mate is potentially harmful ?23:16
duobixI wasn't saying that mate is harmful.23:16
ikoniathen what are you saying ?23:17
EOBeavFunny, I installed ubuntu 14.04 on my 80 y/o parents computer and they love it. A lot more intuitive than the Win they were running before.23:18
dkdsome of the features that prevent pass ubuntu updated version are:23:18
dkd- Remove unity23:18
dkd- Gnome2 Applets are more complete and customizable (greater catidad ons)23:18
dkd- Panel Gnome2 is easy to edit and place ons23:18
dkd- Desk Clasico is easier (in my opinion) to use and work23:18
dkd- All running compiz desired effects23:18
duobixAll I can say now is, that pure ubuntu is sometimes slow, and it's related to a lot of factors, some mentioned by user dkd above.23:21
duobixOr broken.23:21
ikoniaduobix: thats not what you SAID though23:21
ikoniaubuntu is not "slow" it's the same core OS across all distros23:21
TheHackOpsDoes anyone have any issues with openshot 2 where about a minute into previewing a clip it just "stops"23:23
dkdthe latest versions seem more like a tablet, does not serve me as computer to work23:23
TheHackOpsand you cant continue playing it23:23
ikoniaduobix: what ?23:23
dkdubuntu some features consume resources but in exchange for functionality, if functionality is useful, it becomes your tool23:24
ikoniayou can enable/disable pretty much anything you want23:24
ikoniayou can configure it how you want23:24
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duobixikonia: our discussion has no point of continuing, as I'd only lure myself into godwin law territory. Good night, everyone.23:25
TheHackOps:( Graphics / video editing on ubuntu is so very unstable23:25
ikoniaduobix: you're not making any sense23:25
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dkdin short, if anyone knows how to compile pidgin ubuntu natty 11.04, would be very grateful or how to solve the "SSL Handshake"23:26
ikoniayou've said there are potentically dangerous things and compared it to cancer, now you're saying they are not potentially dangerous, and can't name things that are broken or at fault23:26
ikonia11.04 is dead - it's not supported in here23:26
dkdwithout updating23:26
stacy-does the mozilla in ubuntu come packaged with flash?23:34
stacy-akawolf.. how can i get flash onto mozilla from ubuntu?23:35
ikoniafalsh is dead on linux23:35
ikoniaflash is dead on linux23:35
stacy-whats an alternative to flash?23:35
ikoniastacy-: this is all documented in the https://help.ubuntu.com I linked you to 10 times already23:35
akaWolf1download chromium23:35
liftjoin #ubuntu+123:36
stacy-akawolf.. is chromium a plug in or a browser?23:36
akaWolf1google "flash chromium ubuntu"23:36
akaWolf1a browser23:36
akaWolf1actually google chrome is based on chromium23:36
akaWolf1chromium is "chrome" open source23:36
akaWolf1it's not that good, but it's not that bad either23:37
stacy-thanks akawolf23:37
akaWolf1ur welcome23:37
InfinitusMaybe I will be blamed but..to many windows in Linux. :)  I know..old school.23:38
dxxxxd00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display (rev 0e)23:39
dxxxxdis there a nonfree driver option for me here?23:39
ikoniawhy is that funny ?23:40
dxxxxdit's curt23:40
dxxxxdi like blunt answers they make me laugh23:40
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ikoniawhat other answer can I give you when the answer is "no"23:41
kirill hey guys23:41
Guest92225hallo serach ubunt help chat23:41
ikonia!de | Guest9222523:41
ubottuGuest92225: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!23:41
nomicthere is a german ubuntu , I beleive23:42
quantibiliyok,  where can i  talk to the developers for xubuntu?23:51
root-_hello from the oher side!!!23:51
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Dylan____hey guys23:52
root-_hi Dylan23:53
quantibiliywell shoot me in the leg and call it a snake bite... , my bad.23:54
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fishbulbhey does anyone here know about nvidia stuff23:58
fishbulbI have an asus g7323:58
fishbulbI'm setting it up as a "dad machine", my dad hasn't been near computers since the 90's so the OS just needs to be pretty simple, click on the icon and load the thing23:59
fishbulbthe computer I want to give him is an asus g73sw23:59

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