
=== larry is now known as Guest88778
ren0v0Would anyone here be able to help with DAC support under ubuntu?08:35
zequenceren0v0: What kind of problem are you having?09:52
stacy-can somebody show me how to use obs studio09:55
cfhowlett"obs studio"?  never heard of it.09:55
stacy-cfhowlett https://obsproject.com/download#linux09:56
stacy-isnt this used for streaming video?09:56
TheHackOpsKden live support broken in 15.10?09:56
cfhowlettstacy-, as I said, never heard of it and I've been on Ubuntu Studio for years.  I see a community chat option on that page.  best to ask them09:57
stacy-cfhowlett.. is ubuntu studio easy to learn ?..i need to  live stream video09:58
TheHackOpsstacy-, I live stream from normal ubuntu a LOT09:58
TheHackOpsI use OBS for linux09:59
TheHackOpsworks a charm,09:59
zequenceTheHackOps: Kdenlive should improve a lot on 16.04, coming out in less than a month now09:59
cfhowlettstacy-, i f you mean, "can I easily stream from ubuntu?", then yes.  see TheHackOps for guidance :)09:59
stacy-thehackops.. which one is easier to get it up and running faster.. obs or ubuntu studio09:59
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Not even about easily (its very easy) I get better quality on my ubuntu setup than i did on windows10:00
TheHackOpsUbuntu Studio is a distro variant of ubuntu10:00
stacy-thehackops.. can both obs and ubuntu studio be used on the same server?10:00
TheHackOpsOBS is debian based software10:00
cfhowlettTheHackOps, Ubuntu Studio is an official Ubuntu flavor10:00
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Sorry I dont use it10:01
zequencestacy-: Ubuntu Studio is an operating system. OBS is an application which you can install onto an operating system10:01
TheHackOpsIm plain ol vanilla ubuntu for me10:01
stacy-which one streams video better ? obs or ubuntu studio10:01
cfhowlettstacy-, Ubuntu Studio is the OS.  seems like OBS is the app so ... yes10:01
TheHackOpsOBS is a powerful crossplatform live streaming software10:01
stacy-there is a ubuntu studio in the software center10:01
TheHackOpsSupports openGL direct hooks10:01
TheHackOpsand more10:01
cfhowlettstacy-,what OS do you have now??10:02
zequencestacy-: The Ubuntu Studio you see in the software center is a mix of packages which you can use to turn any Ubuntu flavor into Ubuntu Studio10:02
stacy-i have ubuntu desktop now10:02
TheHackOpsstacy-, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio10:02
TheHackOpssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install obs-studio10:02
zequencestacy-: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours10:02
stacy-i need something easy to get it workng10:02
TheHackOpsHave a play with it10:02
zequencestacy-: You don't need Ubuntu Studio. Just the application.10:03
cfhowlettstacy-, OK ... if you wanted to go full Ubuntu Studio you could easily add those packages to your ubuntu.  but if you only want OBS-studio, you can install that directly.  see the OBS installation instructions on their page10:03
TheHackOpsYou might need to install ffmpeg10:03
stacy-thehackops..can you show me some samples on it10:03
TheHackOpsAm I allowed to post my youtube channel in here?10:03
stacy-i had it installed but not familair with how it works10:03
stacy-thehackops private message me10:03
cfhowlettTheHackOps, yep.  PM is the way to go10:03
TheHackOpsI dont like PM's sorry10:04
TheHackOpsJust try it10:04
stacy-by the way ..is there a good proxy or vpn i can use on ubunto to view google or youtube10:04
TheHackOpsI record and stream CS:GO10:04
TheHackOpswith it10:04
TheHackOpsstacy-, Are you new to linux?10:05
stacy-sorry i am new10:05
TheHackOpsMy bad10:05
TheHackOpsNo problems10:05
TheHackOpsOpenVPN will help you10:05
TheHackOpsBut you will still need a VPN network10:05
TheHackOpsAnyway time to try openshot10:05
TheHackOpsSince kdenlive is broken10:05
TheHackOpsLong live kdenlive10:06
stacy-hackops..can you suggest an easy to use app10:06
cfhowlettTheHackOps, it's worth it to get the openshot ppa for version 210:06
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Dammit I assumed they would have updated launchpad10:06
* TheHackOps goes looking for PPA10:06
stacy-i need both openvpn and openshot for the vpn to work right?10:07
cfhowlettTheHackOps, https://launchpad.net/~openshot.developers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa10:07
cfhowlettstacy-, no10:07
cfhowlettopenshot is for video editing10:07
cfhowlettopenVPN is for handling a vpn connection10:07
TheHackOpsstacy-, Two seperate conversations10:07
stacy-cfhowlett..what is best for live streaming10:07
cfhowlettstacy-, there is no "best" in any category of software.  best bet: choose a tool, learn the tool and that will be your "best"10:08
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Erm I dont mean to be Bias as I do contribute to OBS's source but10:08
TheHackOpsOBS is the best on nix10:08
TheHackOpsat least for debian10:08
stacy-i need something easy to get it up and running10:08
TheHackOpsstacy-, Install OBS10:09
TheHackOpsDo you know how to use the terminal in ubuntu yet?10:09
stacy-thehackops... its installed10:09
TheHackOpsOk, open it10:09
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Has OpenShot always used Qt?10:09
TheHackOpsOHH MY this is smexy10:10
cfhowlettTheHackOps, I don't think so thus the "new and improved" version 2.  As I understand it, Openshot was rebuilt to exploit QT goodies10:10
stacy-its obs 0.13.110:10
stacy-is this the one you use thehackops10:10
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Being a Qt developer myself I might just exploit it more10:10
* TheHackOps goes digging in the source code10:11
cfhowlettplease do!10:11
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Would it be wrong of me to write a metro theme for this with QSS :(10:11
TheHackOpsIt needs more bazaz10:11
stacy-thehackops..how do i link obs to joomla?10:11
cfhowlettTheHackOps, I'm not the maintainer but he would likely welcome the effort10:12
TheHackOpsstacy-, Joomla is a web cms10:12
TheHackOpsOBS is streaming software10:12
TheHackOpsthey're not even related at all10:12
stacy-thehackops.. i am trying to have a template stream video10:13
stacy-after making the site how do i link obs to the site?10:13
TheHackOpsstacy-, You would need to use something like Twitch.tv or Youtube10:13
TheHackOpsthey have live streaming support10:14
TheHackOpsyou can embed their player10:14
stacy-thehacksops..for example..if the person clcks on the thumb nail they would get the live stream..10:14
TheHackOpsstacy-, Anata wa nigongo o hanasemasu ka?10:15
stacy-i am from california thehackops10:16
TheHackOpsSays japan on your IRC tag10:16
TheHackOpsOh wait10:16
TheHackOpswrong person10:16
stacy-hai.. mama desu ne10:16
stacy-i am using vpns on this10:17
TheHackOpscfhowlett, Where in Japan do you live?10:17
stacy-and i cant get into google or youtube10:17
cfhowlettstacy-, try vimeo10:19
stacy-thehackops... is there an irc chatroom for obs10:20
stacy-obs studio10:20
TheHackOpsI think there is10:20
stacy-i dont think its #obs10:21
stacy-inside its about opensuse10:21
ren0v0zequence, hi, i have a SMSL Q5 pro that doesn't seem to want to play ball, i've tried 14.04, 15.10, 16.04 and they all react a little differently but none work for any period of time. When i connect (USB DAC) it shows up hotplugged as an analog device, and via cold boot both analog and digital (Q-AMP). They flash on and off, and if you click it quick enough it'll output, and 5-10 seconds later it'll start to crackle10:46
ren0v0and become inaudible10:46
zequenceren0v0: Did you try it with jack?13:49
zequenceFor any pulseaudio related problems, you could try #pulseaudio13:49
zequenceAs for jack #jack13:49
zequenceBoth use ALSA as backend, so could be your device is not well supported.13:50
zequenceFound your forum post.13:50
zequenceYou could also try sending a post to the linux audio user mail list13:50
ren0v0zequence, thanks, yea i had some help over at #lad, i'll get my forum post updated with a lot more info as soon as i get the time, i've ordered a replacement device to rule that out, but would like to keep it if its still faulty and work through the issue, it seems great value13:54
ProdigyI was wondering if anyone still used irc17:38
Prodigygood to know17:41

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