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sysop2hi, I how do I force kde5 into tablet mode? so I tried booting my tablet without a keyboard  hooked up and it does not put a onscreen keyboard on the screen like I have read it supposed to.03:15
sysop2I am running 16.0403:15
sysop2also tried it under 15.10, upgraded to see if that would help03:15
sysop2on the lock screen I mean.03:18
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D-rexwhy cant i delete files off my USB..I cant change permissons either04:10
bob2021hey.... I had to reinstall and now akonadi won't startup.  can anyone help?04:21
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bob2021hey.... I had to reinstall and now akonadi won't startup.  can anyone help?04:39
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bob2021hey valorie04:46
valoriehello bob202104:48
bob2021how have you been valorie?05:03
valoriejust got back from visiting my father in his nursing home05:03
valoriehow are you?05:03
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bob2021i'm ok05:09
bob2021actually i had a shitty few days to be honest val05:10
valoriea non-working akonadi sounds rather bad05:11
valorieI don't use kmail for a few years, so I have no help to advise05:11
bob2021valorie: yeah  it was bad --- basically, I had to reinstall ubuntu from scratch because my root drive crashed.  but /usr didn't crash, so i was able to keep the old /usr, but now they're out of sync a little05:12
valoriewhy would you keep an old /usr?05:13
valorienot good to mess with such stuff05:13
valorie~/ is worth saving, certainly05:13
valorieotherwise, I don't know what I would advise at this point05:14
bob2021valorie: /usr had some things i didn't want to muck with that are kind of technical. but you get the idea of what happened05:14
valoriereinstallation with no effort to keep that05:14
valoriecertain files, i see05:14
valoriebut not all of /usr05:14
valoriethat just sounds like Trouble05:14
bob2021everything else works :)05:17
krakenskullsi'm having a tough time with nvidia drivers :/ first, i tried to manually install their .run package. This wasn't successful and I'm back to using nouveau. But now, when I select a proprietary driver in Additional Drivers and reboot, I get stuck at a text login. I think what happens is nouveau gets blacklisted automatically, but the nvidia kernel module fails to load, so booting halts05:25
krakenskullsthe only way out is to purge all nvidia packages and reboot... back into nouveau05:26
bob2021kraken: what gpu is it?05:26
bob2021is there more than one gpu?05:26
krakenskullsGTX 880?05:26
krakenskullsno, just one.. well, theres an onboard (mobo) one too05:27
bob2021kraken: are you sure that the mobo one doesn't require nouveau?05:27
krakenskullsim trying to run some CUDA software. if i just do apt-get install nvidia-352 (or whatever), that *should* have loaded the kernel module, right?05:28
bob2021that's what i do.  don't touch apt-install for cuda man.05:28
krakenskullsbob2021: nothing is plugged into the mobo one05:28
krakenskullssorry i misspoke. its not CUDA, it's openCL05:29
bob2021doesn't matter what's plugged into it.  the kernel sees it on boot and loads the required driver to it can ask what's up.  then nouveau is in memory and it refuses to load nvidia05:29
bob2021why would you use opencl?05:29
krakenskullsoclHashCat's latest experimental build uses that instead of cuda05:29
bob2021kraken: well, he's wrong05:30
bob2021opencl is a fraction as efficient as cuda05:30
krakenskullsi'm afraid to blacklist nouveau because i might dig myself a hole i cant get out of05:31
bob2021you won't -- what's most likely to happen is that it'll keep loading nouveau even after you blacklist it.05:31
bob2021in any event, there's no way for you to use nvidia unless nouveau is blacklisted05:32
bob2021but you shouldn't be using nvidia from the repo05:32
krakenskullsi swear before this whole mess sstarted i had nvidia working from Additional Drivers05:32
bob2021what version of kubuntu are you running?05:33
bob2021the first thing is to see if your mobo card is messing it up.  then you can blacklist nouveau and then install nvidia from the download on their website.  and don't play with opencl, its stupid and ugly.05:34
krakenskullslol!@ well they have a cuda version that i'll probably fall back to05:34
bob2021and trust me - you're talking to a guy currently staring at $7000 worth of gpu's, plus the Titan X that's displaying this window, so I probably know what i'm talking about05:35
krakenskullssee, all this trouble started when i tried to install the latest download from nvidia tho05:35
bob2021well you shouldn't have done that05:35
krakenskullsbut thats what you are saying05:36
krakenskullsfrom their site05:36
bob2021rule one of GPU computing:  if your system is processing what you want, don't install anything just leave it the f alone05:36
bob2021you broke rule 1.  now we have to fix it05:36
krakenskullshahaha! yeah really, this is my main box too! i really shouldn't have touched a thing05:36
krakenskullsi just cant rip this card out right now and put it elsewhere, i need to run my 4k monitor!05:37
valoriekrakenskulls: make a backup, then you will feel under less stress05:37
valorieone can always reinstall05:37
valorieit's quick, easy, and if you have a backup.... you'll be fine05:38
krakenskullsi'd like to, but i donno what tool to use.. theres too many! rsync?05:38
krakenskullsi miss Norton Ghost05:38
valoriersync is best, yes05:39
valorieick, I don't miss any gui crap from windows05:39
valorieand I'm a grandma05:39
krakenskullsim so used to reinstalls, i just wipe every time something goes wrong.. this time tho, ive really got things set up the way i like05:39
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krakenskullswhat about this line from dmesg05:41
krakenskulls"nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel"05:41
krakenskullsdoes that mean anything or is it normal05:41
acheron88that line is normal05:41
valoriemy experiences05:41
krakenskullsthanks valorie. i think i will at least *attempt* a backup before i go messing with anything further05:42
bob2021kraken its normal.  it means that nvidia isn't open source, so once it was loaded the whole kernel became non-GNU or whatever05:42
bob2021its a licensing/open-source thing05:42
valoriersync is awesome05:43
bob2021backups are for cowards05:43
krakenskullsok.. i was trying to examine logs to figure out why my system booted into a text environment afte rinstalling the nvidia driver05:43
valorieit's like putting your toolbox in your trunk -- if you have it, you won't need it05:43
valorieif you don't, guess what?05:43
krakenskullswell, and i have a big fat synology NAS just sitting around idle05:44
krakenskullsaha. i think yr onto something bob2021.. lsmod reveals this:05:46
krakenskullsvideo                  20480  2 i915,nouveau05:46
krakenskullsand i915 is Intel graphics (onboard)05:46
bob2021well that's what i'd expect, but you should google to see what drivers support it05:47
krakenskullswell thanks, you guys have been great. i'm going to head to bed and attack this thing tomorrow05:48
dima__i have bugs with fonts in muon discover06:09
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duobixso right now I'm trying a touch-only device with 15.1008:39
duobixIs there some sort of on-screen keyboard in plasma?08:40
johnfluxwhat do I run to get kwin and the kicker thing back after they have crashed?09:29
acheron88in plasma 4 or 5?09:32
lordievaderGood morning.09:51
sbivolHi, I'm currently testing Kubuntu 16.04, and the Audio VOlume tray widget does not allow moving apps to different output devices10:04
sbivolhas this feature been moved to some other place?10:05
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Ah yes, I believe you'll find that10:05
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: System > System Settings > Multimedia > Audio10:06
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: It's part of the KDE controls now, I think10:06
sbivolI simply want to move Firefox sounds to a bluetooth headset, while leaving all the other sound settings unchanged10:07
sbivolit was possible in 14.0410:08
sbivolsomething like this: click Kmix -> right click Firefox in the list -> Move-> Bluetooth headset10:08
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Sure. There have been lots and lots of changes since 14.04, new frameworks, plasma all that stuff10:09
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Sounds like a really useful feature, might be worth just raising a feature / bug report at bugs.kde.org10:10
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: In the meanwhile the control panel will let you configure this10:10
sbivolyeah, the control panel does that, but permanently and system-wide...10:11
sbivolthe tragedy/comedy of all this is that I bought my first bluetooth headset a week before installing 16.04 over 14.0410:12
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: It would definetly be worth raising that bug then.10:13
sbivolthank you, I will serach the bug trackers, maybe someone else already reported that, since I have no idea when exactly had this feature disappeared10:15
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Cool, thanks, I will take a look later too, as that is a feature I would like to use. I didn't actually discover that in 14.0410:15
renn0xtk9how to get full icon support of rhythmbox under Kubuntu ?10:35
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hmmm. interesting question.10:35
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Rythmnbox uses GTK, so this might be an issue10:36
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Have you had a play around with Amarok ? The interface is very different but it has all the features of Rythmnbox10:37
renn0xtk9telegram I had a 5 years play around with a 15+ unsolved bug reports with amarok ;)10:41
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Oh dear 😞10:41
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: /me wishes he hadn't asked10:41
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: I'll take a look at the Bugs for Amarok later, did you have any particularly critical ones, that were a MUST FIX ?10:43
renn0xtk9I have always had problem regarding playlists and datbase collection lastly I tried to add a song to a xspf playlist stored on the harddrive, i erased all the content of the playlist10:44
renn0xtk9all sorts of things like that10:44
renn0xtk9so I quit10:45
renn0xtk9tried clementine, whic apparently does not handle playlists in a much better way if it handle it at all10:45
renn0xtk9rhythmbox seems very good, it is just that it lacks the icon under kubuntu10:45
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Well, I will look into what the maintenance status is with Amarok.10:46
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: You might be able to add the icon via kmenuedit10:46
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: which you can run from Alt+Space i.e kickoff10:46
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hope that helps10:47
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: 😃10:47
renn0xtk9no I am talking the icons inside the app itself10:47
renn0xtk9i.e. :  http://wstaw.org/m/2016/03/28/plasma-desktopsJ2144.png10:48
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that one, maybe someone else might 😞10:48
renn0xtk9no worries thks10:49
telegram<athoneycutt>: what about Clementine?10:50
telegram<athoneycutt>: those should change I would think, maybe change the icon set to something else then back to breeze?10:51
lordievaderLooks like you are missing some gtk packages.10:51
telegram<athoneycutt>: though the names for the buttons might be different10:51
lordievaderThis might help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/579447/kubuntu-15-04-vivid-vervet-why-do-gtk-apps-look-ugly10:51
renn0xtk9clementin is fine except i don't understand how to create a playlist in the playlist tab10:52
lordievaderrenn0xtk9: Oh, you make a playlist by adding things the the play queue. Then you save that playqueue as a playlist.10:53
renn0xtk9lordievader : then it ask you to save as an xspf files but that won't appear on the playlist tab : http://wstaw.org/m/2016/03/28/plasma-desktopPu2144.png if i click on the save icon of the right panel (qeue) i get a dialogbox to save the file but that wil never appear on the left tab (playlist tab)10:56
lordievaderAh, now I remember. This was the stupid way Clementine does its playlists.10:58
lordievaderIf you want your playlists to show up in the playlist tab you need to favorite play queues. Normally you don't even see this button with just one playlist...10:59
lordievaderSo hit ctrl + n, switch back to the original playlist and hit the star button.11:00
renn0xtk9lordievader excellent ! thks !11:01
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rysiek|plhi all13:21
rysiek|plso, what's the news about Kubuntu 16.04? I know Kubuntu had a falling out with Canonical, and as far as I understand the Ubuntu 16.04 announcement did not contain info on Kubuntu?13:24
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: HI13:24
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: No falling out with Kubuntu13:24
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: all good, we have the Beta 2 candidates ready to try out if you fancy giving them a go13:25
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Ubuntu flavours have all moved on the ubuntu website, that's probably why you didn't see them13:25
BluesKajHi folks13:25
rysiek|plhi BluesKaj13:26
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: http://kubuntu.org/news/13:26
rysiek|pltelegram: thanks, that's very helpful13:26
BluesKajhi rysiek|pl13:26
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Beta 2 details are there, and also the upcoming Party that you may be interested in13:26
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: 😃13:26
* rysiek|pl is testing Tanglu these days, but I think I'd rather get back to Kubuntu13:26
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hiya BluesKaj13:26
BluesKajhey Sick_Rimmit13:27
kysilvio dreßler13:27
* rysiek|pl might spin up a Kubuntu Beta2, because why the heck not13:28
BluesKajhi Arran13:29
ArranOK, I have a small problem. I want to spend the egg-timer a sound. So I open the Settings and tick the OK at execute command. I put in the path to the sound:usr/share/sounds/eigene/dog-barking but is does not work. Any idea?13:32
ArranOr, in other words, how do I have to write a command?13:33
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Can you play those files from something else, say Amarok for example13:35
ArranYes. Even from Sound in KAlarm.13:36
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hmm....13:36
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Thinks...13:38
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: It might be worth trying to run egg-timer from the terminal with strace13:38
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: strace will spit lots of info back about what the application is doing13:43
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Which might help you see if the egg-timer is actually attempting to play the file or not13:43
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: If it's not then it raise a bug time13:43
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: bugs.kde.org13:43
ArranEgg-timer is a widget and does not listed in the program list.13:44
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Ah right then that'll be why it can't play the sounds then I expect13:46
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: It's a Plasma Widget13:46
ArranOK, Thank you.13:54
RiotingPacifistclosing my lid my computer wakes itself up, but it works fine with pm-suspend, how do i tell kde to use pm-suspend instead of whatever it's using14:40
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Arran@ Telegram: I found the solution: your have to type «play /path to your file» and all is well.15:26
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Oh boy, well done15:42
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: I thinking about that on the way home, I did think there has to be a way to make that work15:43
d9867ebjoin kubuntu16:24
d9867ebjoin ##kubuntu16:24
BluesKajd9867eb, yes you did16:25
d9867eboh i was confused16:26
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yahyaacan someone give me some assistance in installing kubuntu on an Acer Aspire 3000 laptop, please?17:10
RiotingPacifistyahyaa: what's the issue, not got an aspire but if it's something common maybe17:11
geniiyahyaa: Do you have access to another machine which is already running linux, or is this the only machine you have access to, and if so what OS is currently on it17:14
yahyaayes the one im using now17:16
yahyaa@genii: I normally never have an issue with this, but now im just stumped!17:18
geniiyahyaa: Then the basic procedure is... download the Kubuntu ISO image for AMD64. Then obtain a USB stick which is larger than the image, and use the dd command to copy the image onto the USB stick. After that you should be able to boot the Aspire to the USB stick and install it.17:19
yahyaawhen I try that it always says there is a boot error17:20
geniiyahyaa: Did you check the MD5 or SHA hashes for the image you downloaded?17:21
geniiwork, AFK a few minutes17:21
yahyaaare u refering to the check sum17:21
Novellyes the checksum17:24
yahyaayes i have17:27
geniiApologies on lag, back and forth from computer17:31
geniiyahyaa: The basic checklist is: check that the image is good. check that the USB stick is good. make sure you run sync or porperly eject it before pulling it out of the computer you are creating it on, so theres no unwritten data. If all these things check out, then the next move is to investigate the error it reports17:33
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Calling testers: A French translation issue in Calligra, needs a quick check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calligra/+bug/156287718:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562877 in calligra (Ubuntu) "(Xenial, Openbox) texts fail to display the ^ right on the letters in French in Qt applications" [Undecided,New]18:31
soeehiho sij19:01
leumasHi All, having a very hard time installing Steam on my PC, Kubuntu 15.10, any link or helpon how to solve this. I installed via apt.19:14
sick_rimmitleumas: Did it complete the install, or give you errors ? If errors can you pastebin the output19:16
leumassick_rimmit: it did complete the installation, just cant start it up19:17
sick_rimmitHmmm, have you rebooted ( not that you should need to )19:18
leumassick_rimmit: i have19:19
leumassick_rimmit: pls how do i pastebin?19:19
sick_rimmitOK, I have never used steam.. but...19:19
leumassick_rimmit: am getting a warnng msg if i paste it directly19:20
sick_rimmitOpen a Konsole ( Terminal )19:20
sick_rimmitType: which steam19:20
sick_rimmityou should get something like /usr/bin/steam returned19:20
sick_rimmitif so then try typing steam19:20
sick_rimmiti.e try to run it from the terminal.19:21
leumasi have done that but the error msg is very long19:21
Novellsteam worked out of the box for me19:21
sick_rimmitHopefully it will spit out some errors19:21
sick_rimmit!info pastebin19:21
ubottuPackage pastebin does not exist in wily19:21
NovellI'm even using it on 16.04 without any issue19:21
sick_rimmit!info paste19:21
ubottuPackage paste does not exist in wily19:21
sick_rimmit!help pastebin19:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:22
sick_rimmitAh ha19:22
sick_rimmitOK copy your output and paste it there, then drop me the link in here :-D19:22
leumasubottu: thanks!19:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:22
leumassick_rimmit: i hope that worked, can you see the error?19:25
sick_rimmitleumas: Do you have chromium installed ?19:25
leumassick_rimmit: I have Google chrome19:25
sick_rimmitI think it's worth checking this19:27
sick_rimmit[0328/201758:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(203)] Running without the SUID sandbox! See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSUIDSandboxDevelopment for more information on developing with the sandbox on.19:27
sick_rimmitIts line 9 from your error output.19:27
sick_rimmit 2I suspect that is the cause of the later Segfault from the steam.sh script reported at line 2719:28
jonathan_xxdoes anyone know how to change the font used by libreoffice etc. for its UI?19:28
leumasOk checking it out now19:28
jonathan_xxI'm in KDE (Kubuntu 16.04) and everything looks pretty good but LO is hideous.19:29
leumassick_rimmit: are you suggesting i use chromium to fix steam?19:30
FritigernDoes anybody know of an IRC client that has built-in "execute on trigger" functionality? I have looked at IRSSI and theitr trigger plugin is confusing to me, and KVirc requires me to write a script from scratch (and without scripting knowledge) so I am really looking for an IRC client that lets me execute an external command (like ./myscript.sh) when keywords X is spoken by user Y in channel Z19:34
drwFritigern: Not that I am aware of, sounds like something someone would create a bot for, not something in an IRC client20:15
jonathan_xxcan someone please tell me how to change the single/double click behaviour in Dolphin in KDE of 16.04?20:21
jonathan_xxI'm crying here.20:21
delatjuaSystem Settings -> input devices -> mouse20:22
delatjuathose for general use. In dolphin, Control -> Configure Dolphin -> Navigation20:25
jonathan_xxoh thank you.... there is nothing in that navigation thing anymore20:26
delatjuathen, I dont know. I have the change to change the clicking options there20:27
jonathan_xxyes it is in the system settings now as you mentioned.20:27
jonathan_xxthanks !20:28
jonathan_xxI was going crazy, I keep going crazy all the time.20:28
delatjuatake it easy... One of the things with KDE is that there is always an option somewhere...20:29
delatjuaa way to configure something...20:29
jonathan_xxyeah but like, the first 2-3 times I opened the Dolphin settings thing, Dolphin crashed.20:29
jonathan_xxthings like that quickly deplete your resources, at least for me it does.20:30
jonathan_xxand all of the widgets that show on the kde desktop are dysfunctional except for one tiny resource monitor20:31
jonathan_xxie. the "show folder" widget will just show a small square with nothing in it, yeah there is something in it, but you can't really see what.20:31
jonathan_xxthe other ie. the other resource widgets are all crap, they are dysfunctional, don't actually do what they are supposed to do.20:32
jonathan_xxsince I don't want an empty desktop, the only viable thing now is the "show folder contents" thing.20:33
drwDesktop? I haven't seen a desktop in decades...always covered with windows... :)20:35
jonathan_xxshow desktop is now dysfunctional, it doesn't show a clear desktop anymore, it has these corners of windows sitting in the corners of the screen that you can't even interact with.20:39
jonathan_xxon the desktop there is this 3-stripe widget that you see everywhere, that gives access to some functionality, but is there a way to get rid of it?20:41
BluesKajjonathan_xx, no it's also a context menu for activities, desktop settings etc20:44
jonathan_xxall of that is available by right-click on the desktop as well20:45
jonathan_xxI don't use activities though and probably never will...............20:46
BluesKajactivities has replaced the pager for virtual desktops on my system20:47
jonathan_xxI was able to remove it.20:59
jonathan_xxI wish I had a good wiki somewhere to record these things.20:59
jonathan_xx__sudo mv org.kde.desktoptoolbox/ org.kde.desktoptoolbox-removed21:01
jonathan_xx__from /usr/share/plasma/packages21:02
jonathan_xxis there any way to get any file information in Dolphin from the icon view without right-clicking the file?21:06
jonathan_xxthe icon size slider is about the most useless thing you can put into any window.21:06
jonathan_xx"I'm neither slim nor shady. As a matter of fact, I find both references insulting. Now, get out of my sight before I plant my staff up your backside.".21:12
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