
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
iAngeloHDBasically I installed lubuntu on my old pc which is made by ipex with a pentium 4 3 gigahertz without a graphics card. It was installed correctly but every now and then my monitor goes black for a few second and turns back on but when it turns on there's a bunch of lines kinda like a worm glitch and it's not the monitor I'm sure it's a software thing07:29
iAngeloHD[18:29] <iAngeloHD> Basically I installed lubuntu on my old pc which is made by ipex with a pentium 4 3 gigahertz without a graphics card. It was installed correctly but every now and then my monitor goes black for a few second and turns back on but when it turns on there's a bunch of lines kinda like a worm glitch and it's not the monitor I'm sure it's a software thing07:37
Jacruthhi! would you know how to change the default wallpaper for a custom distro using lubuntu?12:31
skywhaleIs 16.04 still LXDE or is it LXQt?20:56
wxlskywhale: lxde.20:56
skywhaleAny news on when there will be an LXQt spin?20:58
wxlskywhale: probably 16.10. you can install it in a 16.04 system, though./20:58
skywhaleKinda wish LXQt defaulted to kwin instead of openbox, easy to change though. https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=LXQt_with_kwin21:04
Jacruthhi Lubunters, would you know how to setup autologin in Lubuntu 14.04?22:33
tsimonq2Jacruth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#For_release_12.04_and_on_.28LightDM.29 might help :)22:45
Jacruthtsimonq2: the problem is that, afaik, it has changed22:45
Jacruthfor example, I can't find /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf22:45
Jacruthwell, I can't find that22:46
tsimonq2hold on22:47
tsimonq2Jacruth: create that file and do what it says?22:48
tsimonq2multiple sources says that's what you do22:48
Jacruthin /etc/lightdm/ there are these files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15545615/22:48
Jacruthokay, I'll give it a try22:49
tsimonq2hmm, wxl might know if you don't know, he knows it better than I do :)22:49
Jacruththanks, I also tried to use /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults, but it doesn't exist anymore, that's why I said that it was changed (I think that they use some conf.d files) and I don't ant to mess it22:53

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