
Kiloshi Ekushey and others, we are also out of the cup as is australia05:33
EkusheyKilos: India will get the cup I guess13:00
EkusheyWhich makes me unhappy13:00
Kilosoh well what can one do14:59
Kilossorry i took so long to answer, i was asleep15:03
pavlushka-hello every one!!!15:19
Kiloshi pavlushka- 15:20
pavlushka-how are you Kilos?15:21
Kilosjust woke after sleeping the whole afternoon away15:21
Kilosand you?15:21
pavlushka-me, doing the daily chores and now sitting in dark chatting coz power down due to storm.15:24
Kiloslooks like we are battling against shri lanka as well15:27
pavlushkawhat's the score?15:31
Kilosthey 120 all out15:34
pavlushkalet's take a break15:40

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