
=== King is now known as verified
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FuriousGeorgewhat is it on ubuntu that is seeing the br0 interface i set up and remembering it?02:35
FuriousGeorgeby set up i mean from cli02:35
ChibaPetMy system froze just a while ago and the only thing in the logs was a dbus error. I'm not actually running any graphical software that uses it, so I'm guessing systemd ate itself. Kwality.02:46
ChibaPetI feel like this will show up a bunch more once we're all using this in enterprise environments.02:54
sypherChibaPet: Like RHEL 7 has been using systemd since release?03:22
ChibaPetsypher: Yes, but it's not actually used in production most places that I can see. EL6 is still the predominant OS.03:24
ChibaPetAnd it seems that Ubuntu Trusty is more common than EL6.03:24
ChibaPetSo, not a lot of real-world use yet.03:25
sypherChibaPet: I'm a Linux engineer at $dayjob. I highly beg to differ on both of those statements.03:25
sypherI see EL6 and EL7 an order of magnitude more often in every client I support. Only two of them use Ubuntu, and its rare.03:25
sypherAnd I'd say about a third of them are EL7.03:25
ChibaPetEL shows up more in big, traditional deployments, but Ubuntu seems to own the cloud.03:26
sypherAgain, my observations don't line up with yours.03:26
ChibaPetEvidently. :P03:26
sypherBut different industries use different techonologies.03:27
* sypher just woke up, sorry for typos.03:27
ChibaPetI hadn't noticed a typo, so you're all clear from this end.03:27
sypherAnyway... systemd, for all that people demonize it, has caused zero problems in any of my clients' deployments. Which, of course, is anecdotal, but that's a lot of anecdotal information.03:28
* sypher shrugs.03:28
ChibaPetIt was recently pretty exciting for EL people using Docker. :P03:28
ChibaPetSigh. I guess I should just understand that software crashes sometimes, and that when the logs indicate that it's systemd going bad, I need to take that in the larger context where this is a rare thing. :P03:38
sypherChibaPet: Which release are you running?03:38
ChibaPetThis box, Xenial. (Yes, I'd meant my original utterance for a different channel.)03:39
sypherAhh. Probably still growing pains, then.03:39
ChibaPetI hope not, this close to release. :P The thing that sucks is that I have no spoor to use for a bug report.03:39
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=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
elh9if i move my primary graphics card (hd5450) from a x16 slot to a x1 slot, so that i can move my VM dedicated r9 280x to the x16 slot, can i force ubuntu to use the hd5450 instead of defaulting to the primary pcie slot?04:36
elh9or is this something that would need to be modded in the bios?04:37
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
elh9if i move my primary graphics card (hd5450) from a x16 slot to a x1 slot, so that i can move my VM dedicated r9 280x to the x16 slot, can i force ubuntu to use the hd5450 instead of defaulting to the primary pcie slot?08:37
elh9or is this something that would need to be modded in the bios?08:37
eahmedshendyHave you ever get error this while using ssh to connect to your server? debug1: Exit status 25408:47
eahmedshendyNote that we didn't do anythiing related to PAM. and this machine is an Ubuntu instance on Amazon08:47
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
lordievaderGood morning.09:51
ChibaPetlordievader: Good morning.11:18
lordievaderHey ChibaPet11:18
lordievaderHow are you?11:18
ChibaPetNot bad. I'm up a bit earlier than is normal for me with some scheduled work.11:18
ChibaPetAnd you?11:19
lordievaderI was up very late this morning...11:26
lordievaderBut furthermore can't complain.11:26
ChibaPetUp late is a source of wonder and joy for me. Up early is the questionable one. :)11:27
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=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
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=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
LaT0rtue_TELNET:            telnetchat.ddns.net - port 2315:05
tewardThis may sound like an odd question, but is there a way to set up a postfix server that my internal network can reach to and then send messages out via a GMail SMTP connection (so everything comes from noreply@domain.tld)?  Being on a home net, my monitoring stuff doesn't email me because residential IP blacklisting happens everywhere16:44
patdk-wkthat is a horrible idea16:55
patdk-wkI don't believe gmail allows you to just relay anything16:55
patdk-wkyou should never use noreply@16:55
patdk-wkbut otherwise, yes16:56
atralheavensorry I was disconnected17:00
atralheavenI don't know if anyone has answered me17:00
tewardpatdk-wk: well, there's a google apps account which matches noreply@domain.tld, so it'd auth up to that account to send.  that's the question17:02
jrwrenteward: yes, there are ways to do that. You can also use mail services like AWS Simple Mail Service.  You also may be able to use your ISP to relay said messages.17:06

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