
penguin42given that 5 on demand wont work for me on any of the devices I have; do any of amazon video or nowtv let you watch five on demand without subscription?00:11
=== mapito is now known as mapps
LibreSpongeMorning, still need an IRC mask name for tomorrow (?) cc ubuntu-community.07:32
Myrttithe what?07:32
Myrttiirc mask name?07:33
LibreSpongeYes, a name sio doesn't give out my Ip address.07:33
Myrttiyou mean a cloak, then.07:34
LibreSpongewhatever, I still require a cloak-namje.07:34
LibreSpongefor ubuntu07:35
LibreSpongeWhy don't I want (not) to give out my IP address ? (seriusly ?)07:35
Myrttino, never mind. I'm sure you've got a reason.07:35
LibreSpongeIt's not 'bout reasons , it's just good chatting.07:36
Myrttilast time this came up you said you needed one to join a channel07:36
LibreSpongethat's a different option/matter.07:36
Myrttiso have you registered a nickserv account yet?07:37
LibreSpongei have but i lost the email.07:37
LibreSpongenow they say that eMail's already taken.07:38
Myrttido you remember the accountname?07:38
Myrttiright. If you pm me the email address, I'll have a look in a moment. I'm freenode staff, you can check by whois'ing me.07:39
LibreSpongeMyrtti: Ok, I've PM 'd you.07:43
LibreSpongeI cant whois you.07:44
LibreSpongeMyrtti, I have to go out, but I shall be back later07:46
SuperEngineerLibreSponge, perhaps the words Thank You might be appropriate?  ;-)07:46
LibreSpongeRight, I'm back SuperEngineer. Thank-you with gratitude.08:15
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:17
ikoniaanyone in the UK offering reasonable deals on harddisks - 3TB+ ? don't have to be fast, infact slow and cheap is fine, seen any good deals recently ?13:56
penguin42ikonia: Scan's today only is listing 83.99inc for a 5k9 3TB Seagate14:05
ikoniaI already ate up their stock on Saturday14:08
ikoniapurchased 10 of them14:09
ikoniathe Toshiba's ?14:09
ikoniaoops, just seen seagate14:09
ikonialets see14:09
penguin42although worth checking their main list; the todayonly isn't always cheapest14:09
ikoniano, thats a very good point14:10
penguin42wth do you need that many for?14:10
ikoniasome storage for generic stuff, and some longer term archiving and backups of archives14:10
ikoniaprobably need around another 12TB to be sure, and maybe a spare disk on standby14:11
ikoniamaybe 9 would cut it14:11
ikonia(extra 9tb)14:11
ikonianot extra 9 disks14:11
penguin42hmm CPC have a cheaper one14:11
ikoniaCPC ?14:11
penguin42note the prices are exvat (inc vat)14:12
ikoniaooh, they have more of the toshiba's in !14:12
ikoniathey will do, they said they where out now on Saturday and wouldn't be getting more in for a few weeks14:12
penguin42so CPC are 76.62 for 3T Seagate14:12
ikonia£69 for 3TB inc VAT14:12
ikoniathat will do, I'll raid them again, bought a ton on Saturday14:12
ikoniagood spot on those, thank you14:14
penguin42admit it, you're building 'the machine' in your basement aren't you?14:16
ikoniathat got finished a long time ago, it now controls me, I must feed it disks14:20
penguin42yum, tasty disks14:20
* diddledan licks them14:39
diddledanmorning :-)14:39
diddledananyone get blown-over by Katie?14:39
penguin42not up here, just mostly wet14:40
diddledanshe blew a lot last night but seems to have settled-down now14:40
MartijnVdSdiddledan: see all the read "STORMSCHADE" things on http://112meldingen.nl/ ? That's fire service being called to fix storm damage/make it safe :)14:43
mappshi all19:36
mappsanyone else watch billions19:37
popeynever heard of it19:37
=== Al_ is now known as Guest79906

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