
cmaloneyAmazon delivery, right?00:09
cmaloneyI think they're the only ones that get the Sunday delivery00:09
jrwrenyes. I don't know how they managed to get USPS to do that.02:04
cmaloneyboats full of money02:05
cmaloneyhttps://hemmingsson.wordpress.com/2007/04/19/101-reasons-why-skinny-puppy-fanatics-are-unpopular/ <- for jrwren02:50
jrwrencmaloney: this list is so true!03:53
cscheibjrwren: I also had an AMZN Easter delivery12:02
cmaloneymorning and all that. :)13:36
cscheibif anyone wants to come work for me, I've got a Linux sysadmin/engineer position opening up at North American Bancard in Troy.  We've also got positions open in Windows and Network Engineering.13:46
jrwrencscheib: you moved to nabancard?!?13:55
jrwrencscheib: I hadn't heard. Congrats!13:55
jrwrencscheib: have you met Bob Branch?13:55
cscheibLinyx Systems Engineering manager13:55
cscheibLinux even13:56
cscheibno, I don't think Bob's there currently13:56
jrwrenoh, he must have moved on. I've known lots of people who have moved on from there ;]13:56
cscheibyea, I think everyone does13:56
cscheibthey've gone through a round of cleaning house/revolving door, and are in a transformation phase... so a lot of opportunity to get hands dirty13:57
cscheibI have heard that name before, somewhere13:57

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