
fishbulb"gaming laptop" and the dedicated gpu is fried, it causes artifacts, I want to use just the integrated gpu on the i700:00
fishbulbis there anyone here familiar with that stuff? I've never used ubuntu myself, I use other distros00:01
quantibiliyxubuntu is my bet00:04
akaWolf1wow, the integrated gpu of an i7 is pretty good... you can just use ubuntu00:07
akaWolf1it'll be pretty decent00:07
fishbulbit's an old computer00:07
fishbulbit's a gaming laptop though00:07
fishbulbthe dedicated gpu is faulty00:07
akaWolf1take a look at: ubuntu with gnome classic, mint, mate00:07
stacy-akawolf.. is an alternative to flash on mozilla?00:08
akaWolf1i'm still looking into that00:08
akaWolf1freshpepper hasnt worked here...00:08
fishbulbdo any of you have experience with disabling a dedicated gpu in a gaming laptop00:08
fishbulbor know how that would work00:08
akaWolf1post brand & model of your notebook00:10
akaWolf1but i dont have any experience00:10
akaWolf1i'm just curious hehe00:10
stacy-akawolf.. i thought mozilla came with it's own version of flash00:11
Dylan____I got question when ubuntu 16.04 comes out will i be able to run it on a 5 year old mac?00:12
Dylan____Cause it has 4 gig of ram nvidia 320m graphics so im sure it would run smoothly00:14
ionwindi need help to canigurate minidlna please00:30
ionwindsome one here?00:32
mint_ubuntu -de00:34
mint_join kann jemand helfen00:34
ionwind_some one can help me with configuratio of minidlna please??00:35
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zwldetailed point00:37
ouroumov__!de | mint_00:39
ubottumint_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:39
fractalBashing-om: hi01:03
fractali never did have any luck with that btw01:03
fractali even tried the main ISO, there is no memtest option although i see it clearly in the screenshots on the tutorials01:03
Bashing-omfractal: I did reboot, Mot much I can directly help with as I multi-boot with 14.04 as the primary. Grub only installs memtest to that primary install. I aslo booted up 15.04 .iso and it does have the "memory test " option .01:11
fractalBashing-om: why would it not appear on my screen?01:12
fractalwhat is wrong with my system?01:12
fractalBashing-om: i tried it on my other laptop. it works fine01:13
fractalso i have a working ISO, but why do i not have a memory test option on this new laptop01:13
fractalreally pissing me off01:13
fractali've been at this all day01:13
daxi take it the new laptop is using UEFI and Bashing-om and your other computer are not?01:13
daxbecause the memtest86+ boot image isn't UEFI-compatible01:13
fractaldax: yes. someone mentioned that earlier. can you hint me as to the fix?01:14
fractalhow can one with UEFI test memory?01:14
fractali mean, is it really this difficult or am i looking in all the wrong places?01:15
Bashing-omfractal: I honestly do noy know .  In my experience you should .01:15
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Bashing-omfractal: dax " Now the above information is correct, but keep in mind that memtest will not work in grub2-uefi . This is because UEFI does not support launching 16-bit binaries and memtest is a 16-bit binary. Thats also the reason why there is no linux16 command/module in grub2 uefi. " .01:26
DaniKittenYou will ask me why I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, I'm right01:27
DaniKittenYou will ask me why I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, I'm right?01:27
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tellusiuXUsing STARTPAGE instead of Google. Results seem far inferior.01:36
tellusiuXWhich search engine does the Ubuntu team recommend?01:36
daxtellusiuX: they don't. use whichever you like.01:37
DaniKitten'cause is the default in Mozilla Firefox01:37
tellusiuXAh, I thought they officially backed a certain engine.01:37
Bashing-omtellusiuX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PopularPages .01:37
DaniKittenOr are you telling me that you aren't using Mozilla Firefox?01:37
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tellusiuXThe FF puts too much strain on my CPU.01:38
DaniKittenBut you can use any search engine01:38
daxtellusiuX: not particularly. the default changes occasionally based on money, but that's not a recommendation, it's business01:38
tellusiuXI prefer Midori.01:38
DaniKittenCan you tell me a way for saving power on my Ubuntu? Is 12.0401:39
DaniKittenA laptop01:40
ouroumov__DaniKitten, install an adblocker01:40
ouroumov__DaniKitten, and consider switching DE to gnome-session-fallback01:40
DaniKittenAdblocker, uh?01:41
ouroumov__like uBlock, available for every major browser01:41
tellusiuXouroumov__, I believe most of the guys here prefer Ghosterly.01:41
DaniKittenHow an adblocker can save power?01:41
ouroumov__tellusiuX, haven't tried that one yet.01:41
tellusiuXouroumov__, You also forgot one of the big ones about conserving resources and power: using a more efficient browser with JS disabled.01:42
ouroumov__DaniKitten, cause it reduces the amount of work needed to display a page, also the network traffic.01:42
tellusiuXMidori is much more efficient than Firefox.01:42
tellusiuXFF shouldn't be on a laptop in my opinion. It drains the battery.01:42
ouroumov__tellusiuX, how is Midori maintained? How are the security updates pushed?01:43
* DaniKitten says: "The default tools are better, that's the reason for why are default"01:43
tellusiuXouroumov__, It's the default browser in Manjaro and some others. I have a lot of respect for Manjaro so I assume it's pretty up to snuff.01:44
DaniKittenSo, if Firefox is there, I must use it, like if Windows have Internet Explorer, I must use it01:44
tellusiuXIt is the default browser in Manjaro Linux, elementary OS,[5] the SliTaz Linux distribution,[7] Bodhi Linux,[8] Trisquel Mini, SystemRescueCD, old versions of Raspbian, and wattOS in its R5 release.[9]01:44
tellusiuXThat should give you some confidence about using it.01:44
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dax"if Windows have Internet Explorer, I must use it" => Poe's Law triggered01:44
tellusiuXDaniKitten, It means the developers approve of it. Why else would they make it the default?01:45
DaniKittenIs designed for that operating system01:45
tellusiuXBy the way, I use Ubuntu myself but if you haven't used Manjaro you've really got to try it.01:45
tellusiuXThose developers are exceptionally talented.01:45
ouroumov__From what I'm reading it seems to be using the same basic structure as FF, tellusiuX.01:46
DaniKittenWhat kind of distro is that? Or is a program for Ubuntu?01:46
tellusiuXDaniKitten, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manjaro_Linux01:46
pascal__I'm from Germany01:46
DaniKittentellusiuX, What kind of distro is that? Or is a program for Ubuntu? Speaking of Manjaro01:47
tellusiuXDaniKitten, It's a full distro based on Arch. The Ubuntu devs should try it out and take notes as well. It feels really good.01:48
DaniKittenIs lightweight or a war tank?01:49
tellusiuXRight now it's #6 on DistroWatch.01:49
tellusiuXDaniKitten, Depends on the DE you choose.01:49
DaniKittenFor my older PC there's Puppy, but is very buggy, so I installed FreeDOS on it01:50
tellusiuXDaniKitten, http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=manjaro01:50
DaniKittenI want lightweight mode, 'cause my "modern laptop" is 200901:50
tellusiuXDaniKitten, For an OLD PC I'd use Lubuntu.01:51
tellusiuXLubuntu is really good for what it is.01:51
DaniKittentellusiuX, What I need to do if I want a lighweight mode for Manjaro?01:51
tellusiuXDaniKitten, https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux/files/community/LXDE/2016.03/manjaro-lxde-community-16.03-x86_64.iso/download?use_mirror=iweb01:52
tellusiuXThis was just released. Give it a try.01:52
DaniKittentellusiuX, and what are the minimum system requeriment for lightweight mode?01:52
tellusiuXDaniKitten, join #manjaro01:53
DaniKittenWell, I'll try later01:53
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DaniKittenWhat kind of Ubuntu are you using now, tellusiuX01:53
tellusiuXDaniKitten, MATE 15.10.01:55
DaniKittentellusiuX, MATE? What is that?01:55
ouroumov__DaniKitten, https://ubuntu-mate.org/01:56
tellusiuXDaniKitten, Check out this celebratory video: https://youtu.be/KEHxHr-Ih9w01:57
tellusiuXOne user comments: "This is the only OS working flawlessly on my cheap 10 watt max tdp e1-6010 cpu lappy without compromising on less features."01:58
jak2000can i  install proxmox on ubuntu?01:59
nbrecht01How would I go about setting up a Postfix mail server for the *local network* only? I mean that the server will *never* be connected to the internet except to install postfix, etc.02:00
DaniKittenSo, MATE is for power saving02:00
tellusiuXDaniKitten, I think Lubuntu and Xubuntu are even lighter.02:01
DaniKittenYeah, I've seen Lubuntu before02:02
DaniKittenMATE looks too much like Puppy Linux02:02
DaniKitten'cause the window manager is almost the same02:02
ianorlynI don't think marco is exactly jwm02:03
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DaniKittenLubuntu is lightweight02:04
DaniKittenPuppy Linux is even more lighter, but is buggy02:04
tellusiuXDaniKitten, http://www.overclock.net/t/1291854/mint-supassed-by-mageia-whats-so-good-about-mageia02:04
tellusiuXMageia is interesting as well.02:04
nbrecht01How would I go about setting up a Postfix mail server for the *local network* only? I mean that the server will *never* be connected to the internet except to install postfix, etc.02:04
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nbrecht01And I want to run everything on a single server.02:05
tellusiuXDaniKitten, I'd go with Manjaro. See how you like it. It's the standout distro of 2016 as far as I'm concerned.02:05
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Revian1tellusiuX: Can you please take the Majaro recruiting drive to another channel?02:13
max3can i dd a mini.iso image onto a usb and boot from it? it doesn't seem to be working02:14
ouroumov__max, did you use the "sync" command after "dd" to flush the output buffer?02:15
ouroumov__max3 *02:15
max3ouroumov__, no i did not02:15
ouroumov__give it a try02:16
max3ouroumov__, indeed02:17
max3ouroumov__, still nope02:17
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Revian1max3: Are you certain the dd command you're using is correct?02:18
max3Revian1, quite02:18
max3`sudo dd if=/home/maksim/Downloads/mini.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M02:18
max3one strange thing is that /dev/sdc ends up having 2 partitions on it02:19
max3which i don't quite understand02:19
Revian1max3: Someone else was in here yesterday saying that same thing about 2 partitions.02:19
Jordan_Umax3: I don't think the mini.iso has support for UEFI when dd'd to a drive (only supports UEFI when burned to a CD/DVD).02:20
max3Jordan_U, is there a solution02:21
max3it's weird. fdisk shows for the usb /dev/sdc1  *        0 63487   63488  31M 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS and /dev/sdc2       63488 75775   12288   6M  1 FAT1202:22
logyhello everyone, anyone using owncloud, to help me install it? I have some issues and at #owncloud noone is online02:23
Revian1max3: FAT12? Was that a typo?02:24
CY_Genrehow do I calibrate by battery stats in trusty tahr?02:24
max3i copy and pasted that from my terminal02:24
max3Revian1, lol what the hell is going on02:25
max3Revian1, the iso indeed has a FAT12 partition02:26
Revian1max3: I have no idea02:26
jimI'm looking to find out if do-release-upgrade is calling the underlying debian package manager components to perform the upgrade02:26
Revian1Never heard of FAT1202:26
max3Revian1, i fdisked a new dos partition table02:26
max3and dd'ed again and got the same thing02:26
Revian1max3: Typo in the iso code? Perhaps they meant FAT32?02:26
DaniKittenFAT12 is a file system for floppy disks and hard disk with less than 20 GB02:26
Revian1DaniKitten: Ah, ok02:27
CY_GenreDaniKitten, I concur, it's extremely dated02:27
DaniKitten20 MB02:27
DaniKittenWas an error, is 20 MB02:27
CY_Genrei've seen it used in servers before but never for desktop environments02:27
tellusiuXRevian1, Yes, but do you agree with me that the Ubuntu devs should take some notes based on what Manjaro has done?02:28
max3does the usb drive need to be mounted for unetbootin to recognize it?02:28
DaniKittenFAT12 is very outdated, but if you have an ancient floppy disk or an SD card with less than 20MB you will have to use FAT1202:28
DaniKittenI have floppies, so I'm still using FAT1202:29
max3so how the hell do i get this work?02:29
FuriousGeorgehey all02:29
jimmax3, depending on what you're doing (installing ubuntu?) unetbootin may not be needed or recommended02:29
Bashing-omjim: Rephrase ? As of course " do-release-upgrade " is of the package management system .02:29
tellusiuXDaniKitten, Here's the cream of the crop: https://youtu.be/09TWuTKk0Bs02:30
CY_Genrecould someone help me resolve an issue im having with my battery?02:30
tellusiuXDaniKitten, Some day, Ubuntu will have something as exciting. Just not yet.02:30
FuriousGeorgerecently started using ubuntu, and i have a mystery on my hands.  i have a server on google cloud platform that i needed to set up a br0 iface on, and while i could do it from the cli, i could not get it into my openvpn init.d script without locking myself out of remote server02:30
Revian1DaniKitten: Interesting. I'll bet I've used FAT12 and just didn't know it02:31
FuriousGeorgeso i made a new instance to test on, installed a few basic things, set up bridge from cli just like before, worked just like before02:31
DaniKittenHow old are you Revian1 ?02:31
FuriousGeorgereboot server without enabling the init.d script, and now my br0 interface is persistent and working02:31
Revian1DaniKitten: 52, been using computers since 1982, been using Linux since 199902:31
FuriousGeorge(on the test server)02:31
CY_Genremy batt reads at 87percent/full charged, it wont exceed 87 and when i switch back to my os x partition everything is right as rain02:32
FuriousGeorgeit seems like something on ubuntu saw my interface, and modified some conf files to make it stick02:32
CY_GenreI don't want to tweak this to gain more use time, i just want it to be accurate02:32
max3i'm so confused (granted i don't understand much of disk management): i used fdisk to write a new empty DOS partition table. if i mount the usb drive i can see the contents of mini.iso but it still doesn't boot. so i want to set the bootable flag using fdisk but fdisk says 'No partition is defined yet!', and indeed there are no sdc1 or sdc2 partitions visible under lsblk02:32
jimBashing-om hmm. ok, let's take the present case... someone is doing such an upgrade, but it got interrupted (the term got closed)... so in order to continue the upgrade, should he... dpkg --configure --pending ; apt-get -f install ; do-release-upgrade02:32
akikmax3: if you dd the iso onto the usb stick, you don't need to fdisk it02:33
max3akik, plausible but i these things anyway02:33
terrasapienmax3: you also don't need to set (non existant) partition bootable if you dd if=your.iso of=/dev/sd*02:35
CY_Genredoes anyone here know of a way to calibrate it without using TLP or laptop-mode-tools, as from what i gather these are mainly used for another purpose02:35
max3terrasapien, again very plausible but i did these things anyway. i'm confused about the current state of the disk02:35
jimmax3, a direct dd of the image onto the usb (again... are you trying to install ubuntu?) is what is recommended for those particular images (it might not boot othrwise)02:35
max3jim, thank you. i have done this. it does not work. i'm trying to troubleshoot02:36
jimmax3, is your hardware uefi?02:36
jimmax3, hmmm... could that be preventing the image from booting?02:37
XpistosHey all. Where can I get some info on 16.04 and Touchscreen?02:37
max3jim, i have legacy boot enabled in the bios02:38
Bashing-omjim: Try as ' sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ' And if ' sudo dpkg -C ' has no return there is hope .02:39
jimso do-release-upgrade uses apt-get as part of its thing02:41
Jordan_Umax3: That partition is the EFI System Partition, which is needed for booting from an HD via UEFI. It's FAT12 so that it can take up as little space as possible (there is a minimum volume size for FAT32).02:41
Jordan_Umax3: Are you booting via BIOS or via UEFI?02:42
jimcan the efi partition be other than fat12?02:42
max3Jordan_U, i'm not sure how tell02:42
jimBashing-om. ok, thanks02:42
cybergig22Okay I talked to the people in #ubuntu-touch before when I was refered to there from over here... what I am trying to acomplish is to replace Windows 10 on my tablet.... and they told me THIS was the correct channel to go to and I want to know if it is doable with the hardware I have on my tablet... can I get a straight answer as to yes or no if I can do it, please without the run-around.02:43
Bashing-omjim: " do-release-upgrade " is to go to the next release -- as in 12.04 to say 14.04 . Depending on what is set in the update manager .02:43
jimso /etc/apt/sources.list is not consulted for that?02:44
max3Jordan_U, i think i should try disabling legacy support02:44
cybergig22http://pastebin.com/NGihGYsv <--- these are the specs for the tablet in question.02:44
Bashing-omjim: Most assurdedly ... that is the basis of the fetches !02:44
jimthanks, I think I know what to tell him02:45
Bashing-omjim: Would you like the book on package management ?02:46
max3Jordan_U, disabling legacy disabled the usb stick completely during boot. in my bios i "boot override" and one of the options is "UEFI: SanDisk ..."02:46
max3what does this indicate02:46
jimBashing-om, sure02:47
max3Jordan_U, there's also an option "Launch EFI shell from filesystem device" which returns "not found"02:47
jimwe typically get both debian and ubuntu users (and kali, and other derivs)... it would be nice to be able to hellp them when possible02:48
max3Jordan_U, interesting. i got it to boot by choosing it as the first "hard drive" in the hard drives boot order02:49
Bashing-omjim: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_debian_package_management_prerequisites02:49
jimBashing-om, that will be helpful for all the derivs02:50
Bashing-omjim: Yeah . All under 'debian' that is .02:51
jimBashing-om, exactly02:52
beastwick987Hi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu to my raw VMDK in VirtualBox, which is a Raid 0 disk (in use). It went fine, but it won't boot. Windows 10 existed first in UEFI mode. I am not sure what to do. When I rerun the installer it does detect Ubuntu and the Windows Boot Manager. Any ideas?02:53
cybergig22Okay I talked to the people in #ubuntu-touch before when I was refered to there from over here... what I am trying to acomplish is to replace Windows 10 on my tablet.... and they told me THIS was the correct channel to go to and I want to know if it is doable with the hardware I have on my tablet... can I get a straight answer as to yes or no if I can do it, please without the run-around.02:53
cybergig22http://pastebin.com/NGihGYsv <--- these are the specs for the tablet in question.02:53
nomiccybergig22 , it may be efficient to post a message to the relevant section of http://ubuntuforums.org/02:55
davidocybergig22 : Boot to a USB device and try it out before you dive in. Once satisfied that works well, then go for dual boot.02:55
lotuspsychjedavido: +1 good idea02:55
davidoThe only person who can reliably assure you that it will work for your system is someone who has been down that road with your exact hardware previously. Since that's unlikely, the second best option is to try it with a bootable USB first.02:56
lotuspsychjecybergig22: in most cases ubuntu performs rather great on hardware, but as davido suggest testing live is good idea02:57
redditluklsWhat's better about Ubuntu vs Mageia?03:02
lotuspsychjeredditlukls: your in the ubuntu support here, so we reccomend ubuntu :p03:03
redditluklsYes, but I want to know what makes it preferable.03:03
lotuspsychje!discuss | redditlukls for other chitchat03:03
ubotturedditlukls for other chitchat: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.03:03
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arno_I'm looking for a car race game that I could play with someone else over the network03:13
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arno_ie: we would both have the game on our computers, and be able to play against each other03:13
arno_do you have any suggestions?03:13
lotuspsychjearno_: not sure it does over-lan, but tux racer is in repos03:15
fumblehoolHi ! I have my friend's laptop running Ubuntu 15.10 . he expected some commands and now rfkill list shows WiFi LAN Hard blocked True.03:15
fumblehoolTried running rfkill unblock but no luck03:16
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lotuspsychjefumblehool: rfkill unblock all neither?03:17
lotuspsychjefumblehool: checked bios and hardware wifi switch at the side od the laptop?03:18
TheoryI downloaded ubuntu-desktop from kubuntu, now what do I do to make it load?03:18
lotuspsychjeTheory: logout, and choose ubuntu at your login screen03:19
fumblehoollotuspsychje: rfkill unblock all does nothing03:19
Theorylotuspsychje, I restarted but had no options.03:19
lotuspsychjeTheory: no little icon at login screen to choose from?03:19
Theorylotuspsychje, None.  Booted straight into kubuntu.03:20
lotuspsychjeTheory: you have auto login enabled?03:20
Theorylotuspsychje, I didn't think so.03:20
fumblehoollotuspsychje: checked bios and hardware switch..still no good03:20
lotuspsychjeTheory: try logout after kubuntu loaded03:20
lotuspsychjefumblehool: thats weird mate, what wifi chipset is this?03:21
Dylan____Hey guys for some reason im just tried to install slim dock from ubuntu software center and now my software center doesnt come up id i type it and its not there03:21
lotuspsychjeTheory: wich kubuntu version is this?03:21
lotuspsychjeDylan____: ubuntu version?03:22
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lotuspsychjeDylan____: update to 14.04.4 asap mate03:22
lotuspsychje!usn | Dylan____03:22
ubottuDylan____: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.03:22
Theorylotuspsychje, 15.1003:22
Dylan____I think i am idk03:22
Dylan____:/ missing software center03:23
Dylan____Aprrently my computers up to date03:24
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Guest12507so what is this about?03:24
lotuspsychjeDylan____: can you try starting software center from terminal?03:24
Dylan____Ill try03:25
Theorylotuspsychje, 15.1003:25
Dylan____Whats the command?03:25
lotuspsychjeGuest12507: you have joined the official ubuntu support channel03:25
Guest12507I have ubuntu studio03:25
lotuspsychjeTheory: tried booting into kubuntu and logout yet?03:25
killuamortondoes anyone know a book or site that i could use if i just started using backbox and it is up to this version?03:26
Theorylotuspsychje, trying now03:26
lotuspsychjeGuest12507: you can ask support questions here if you have issues03:26
Guest12507Does anybody here know about getting LAMP running on ubuntu?03:26
fumblehoollotuspsychje: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n03:26
Dylan____Whats the command to lauch the software center in terminal03:26
lotuspsychje!backbox | killuamorton03:26
ubottukilluamorton: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:26
fumblehoolGot by running command lspci03:26
Dylan____Nvm idk why but it was uninstalled in synaptic03:27
killuamortonits not that i have issues its just i have no idea how to start using this03:27
lotuspsychjefumblehool: could be firmware issue mate03:27
lotuspsychje!ralink | fumblehool03:27
ubottufumblehool: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:27
Guest12507I have apache running but trouble with mysql03:28
fumblehoollotuspsychje: My friend tried to use reaver03:28
lotuspsychjefumblehool: did it work before messing with reaver?03:29
killuamortonubottu that site you gave me doesnt come up on firefox03:29
ubottukilluamorton: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
Theorylotuspsychje, I get this error .... System program problem detected03:30
fumblehoollotuspsychje: yes it used to work before03:30
Theorylotuspsychje, I have two options, cancel and report problem03:30
lotuspsychjefumblehool: you could try the recoverymode/fix broken packages with cable enabled03:31
lotuspsychje!recovery | fumblehool03:31
ubottufumblehool: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:31
lotuspsychjeTheory: report the bug please03:31
semitoneshi, is there anything approaching community documentation for how to install ubuntu on the surface pro 4? I'm seeing guides for the 3, but wondering what is still applicable... I Just need a starting point at very least03:31
Theorylotuspsychje, package account-plugin-facebook (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package kaccounts-providers 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu103:32
Theorylotuspsychje, I did03:32
Theorystupid facebook plugin causing a crash and i dont even use it..03:33
killuamortonso does no one know where i should start if i want to use backbox for the first time and i know zero about this?03:33
lotuspsychjekilluamorton: already told you, backbox is not supported here03:33
lotuspsychjekilluamorton: seek help in their channel please03:34
Bashing-om!backbox | killuamorton03:34
ubottukilluamorton: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:34
Theorywhen will ubuntu 04.16 release?03:35
lotuspsychjeTheory: around april 2103:35
Theorylotuspsychje, I am currently using Kubuntu, is there anyway to do a fresh install of ubuntu 15.10 from kubuntu and erase kubuntu without using a flash drive or cd or anyhting03:36
lotuspsychjeTheory: purge ubuntu-desktop perhaps and try the recoverymode/fix broken packages03:37
Theorylotuspsychje, I didn't know if there was a command from the terminal that could be used just to allow ubuntu to overwrite this whole kubuntu installation03:38
lotuspsychjeTheory: thats whats the recoverymode for, trying to revert things03:39
Theoryi just want to erase everything and do a fresh install03:39
Theoryi guess i'll need a flash drive for that03:39
=== Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta
engineer-pearlMy SD card doesn't support softlinks, probably because it's a removable medium. How do I make one anyway?03:49
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coffeeguyhi i would like to move the app bar to the bottom of the desktop in ubuntu 15.10?03:55
engineer-pearlWhat I mean is how do I make a link with the location set to where the file on my SD card WILL be whenever it's there03:55
xanguacoffeeguy: you will be able to, in 16.0403:57
coffeeguykk thank you xangua :) looking forward to 16.04 in april03:58
engineer-pearluhh... I just opened Appearence settings on my system to see if I could find the answer and everything just changed; almost as if going into a high-performance mode...03:58
engineer-pearlwhat did I do and more importantly where is the undo?03:59
engineer-pearlNever mind, I found it.04:00
Bailey831hi all, there was 2 version available of libwebkitgtk update, libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 and libwebkitgtk-3.0-0, which version should I choose?04:01
lotuspsychje!movelauncher | coffeeguy see #ubuntu+1 for 16.0404:01
ubottucoffeeguy see #ubuntu+1 for 16.04: To move the Unity launcher to the bottom of the screen in 16.04+, run `gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom`. To move it to the left, run the same command with Left instead. For older Ubuntu versions, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/33605/can-i-move-the-unity-launcher04:01
Guest84760I've been using ubuntu mate 15.1004:01
Guest84760whenever I restart my WiFi router I am not able to reconnect until I reboot system04:02
Guest84760does anybody have the same issue ?04:02
Guest84760pls help04:02
Bailey831<Guest84760> look like you have driver problem04:03
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coffeeguythank you lotuspsychje04:04
Guest84760I just upgraded from 14 to 1504:04
Guest84760is it the reason04:04
Guest84760Mate version04:04
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Bailey831<Guest84760> I'm not sure if the problem exist after you upgrade from 14 to 15, but maybe you want try 16.04?04:10
Bailey831<Guest84760> I'm still use 14 but with latest kernel available on repository, current use is 4.204:11
XpistosDoes anyone know if 16.04 is gonna be touch screen ready?04:12
Bailey831hi all, there was 2 version available of libwebkitgtk update, libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 and libwebkitgtk-3.0-0, which version should I choose?04:13
lotuspsychjeXpistos: ubuntu-desktop has already touch support04:14
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lotuspsychjeXpistos: also it will be possible to install unity8, see #ubuntu+104:15
LoshkiI recently upgraded chromium-browser to 49.0.2623.87 on Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit), and now things have odd red boxes around them until I hit reload. It's just me, right?04:16
Xpistoslotuspsychje: so if I install say 15.10; that should have touchscreen support?04:17
lotuspsychjeXpistos: yes, you can also test a liveusb, see for yourself if your device gets the right support04:17
XpistosI will try it out04:18
Xpistoslotuspsychje: Is it difficult to move from 15.10 to 16.04 when it is released?04:19
lotuspsychjeXpistos: upgrade will be possible on final indeed :p04:19
Xpistoslotuspsychje: Thanks. That makes me happy to hear.04:19
lotuspsychjeXpistos: its also possible to install 16.04 development version right now, see #ubuntu+104:21
incognito-dgAfter I updated ubuntu a while back (it's been a few months) chrome navigates to sub folders on downloads or uploads with double click. Anyone have an idea what's going on?04:22
incognito-dgedit: chrome no longer navigates to sub folders....04:23
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parad0x114455i need gentoo help04:37
lotuspsychje!alis | parad0x114455 seek the gentoo support channel please04:40
ubottuparad0x114455 seek the gentoo support channel please: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http04:40
amitzhow to disable autostart of tomcat8 the ubuntu way?04:40
parad0x114455is alis = leave04:41
lotuspsychjeparad0x114455: you joined the ubuntu channel mate, we cant support gentoo here sorry04:41
parad0x114455can we teamview lotus04:42
parad0x114455i'd like to see04:42
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | parad0x114455 take the online tour mate04:42
ubottuparad0x114455 take the online tour mate: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:42
lotuspsychjeparad0x114455: we recommend ubuntu strongly :p04:43
The_Seekerhe came on strong!04:43
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elh9is lxd good for windows guets? or is it more of a linux virtualizer?04:55
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sonuHow can i install vodafone k3770-z usb dongle in ubuntu 14.0405:53
Gooer@sonu http://goo.gl/gE87j05:59
chmod_hey there06:02
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dima__i have bugs with fonts on my kubuntu 15.10  when i watch software in muon discover06:11
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crc32in Ubuntu 14.04 and gnome metacity My custom key bindings just stopped working. I need them to run "xcalib -invert -alter" on nasty applications that try to use black on white text. What could have broken my keybindings. In preferences->kkeyboiard->shortcuts my custom shortcut is there it just does nothing.06:13
dima__how can i can become part of development ubuntu team?06:13
Flannel!participate | dima__06:14
ubottudima__: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu06:14
=== ljhade24 is now known as MurciLee
Flanneldima__: There's a plethora of links on the second page for a variety of ways.  Hopefully something sounds interesting to you.06:15
crc32its really hard for me to see non inverted text.06:17
crc32any one know why gnome would have done this all of a sudden06:17
dima__can i get paid for work?06:19
crc32any ideas why my custom hotkeys in Ubuntu just stopped working. I really need xcalib -invert -alter to work06:22
crc32ok that explains that. My win aka super key is not longer responding on my keyboard.06:24
crc32How do I set the keyboard layout.06:24
crc32Where do I set the keyboard layout for X11 metacity?06:26
crc32clicking on system settings keyboard only seels to allow shortcut settings as well as repeat rates and curser blinks.06:28
kbrglMy ESP partition is currently pretty messed up. I've got lots and lots of boot managers installed for long-removed OSs. Is there any way I can clean it up?06:29
gallo_mobilehi, wondering is anone has/knows an easy guide to install r(u)torrent on 14.04... want it to run from localhost... or if someone can point me to how to make my own domain06:37
Mr-Frog_Hello! Looks like someone made a cool tutorial here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/530955/how-to-install-utorrent-v3-3-on-14-0406:38
gallo_mobilei used this guide https://github.com/xombiemp/ultimate-torrent-setup/wiki06:39
Mr-Frog_How far did you get on the github guide?06:44
GuthurI'm looking to install win32 (WINE) and linux steam clients on the same system, are there any strategies to ensure the steam clients don't conflict with each other?06:44
Mr-Frog_Hey Gurthur06:46
Mr-Frog_I have both linux and win32 installed normally without any issues.06:46
gallo_mobileMr-Frog_: i finished the guide but i dont know how to setup a personal domain06:47
Mr-Frog_WINE puts win32 steam in totally separate directories by default,06:47
gallo_mobileso i tried the domain i entered but of course it didnt work, trying to figure out how to "reset" it so rutorrent uses localhost06:47
Mr-Frog_would you like to just access utorrent from your device?06:48
gallo_mobileyes from localhost:port06:48
Mr-Frog_how did you last attempt to make the custom domain?06:49
george__channel: /join #cd/cyb3rtr00p3rs06:53
gallo_mobilei didnt try as i dont know how to06:53
Mr-Frog_Have you added the domain you entered into ubuntu's hosts list?06:54
Mr-Frog_edit /etc/hosts06:55
gallo_mobilei havent edited that file, standby06:55
Mr-Frog_you would probably want to add the line06:55
Mr-Frog_127.0.0.1       whateverdomainyoumade06:56
gallo_mobilei ony have localhost and my machine name at and
gallo_mobileso change localhost to "my_domain_name.com"06:57
Mr-Frog_I wouldn't recommend changing the localhost line since some programs may need it06:57
Mr-Frog_just add06:57
Mr-Frog_127.0.0.1       localhost06:57
Mr-Frog_127.0.0.1       mydomainname.com06:58
gallo_mobileok so a second line  mydomainname.com06:58
GuthurMr-Frog_: cheers, I'll try installing straight with WINE06:59
gallo_mobilethanks i'll report back shortly06:59
Mr-Frog_good luck07:00
gallo_mobileah i have to edit/add a certificate... standby the guide covers it07:01
abhi_hi guys07:01
GegsiteI have an usb-pendrive and 2 sata winchester07:01
Gegsiteone is an hdd with 15.10 on it and a new ssd that I want to make the new primary system07:02
Gegsiteso far I could not ge the usb pendrive to boot  the iso07:02
abhi_I getting this error while adding ppa on ubuntu 12.04 http://pastebin.com/GjFbrfKB07:02
abhi_any suggestions.07:02
abhi_I can't find any solutions online thus asked07:04
abhi_any suggestions I have stuck at it since long07:07
MurciLeeis there package for opening 'erwin' file?07:12
Gegsitealso the disk-cxreator what should make a bootable usb-stick say it cant be make .... altho it copy the files07:17
Gegsiteso HOW can I make an installer?07:17
abhi_Adding it manually it shows W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kivy-team/kivy/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release.gpg  Could not connect to ppa.launchpad.net:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)07:18
Nene1hello all07:25
zkandaAnyone here knows how to debug sound issue? I'm having static noise everytime I plugged in my headphone.07:25
sabotagebeatszkanda someone else was having that issue yesterday07:25
zkandasabotagebeats: do you remember the conclusion? :)07:26
sabotagebeatsno :/07:26
sabotagebeatsi went to sleep before it was resolved07:27
Nene1i just created my own local apt repo.. and i want to know how to download only security pkgs  which are not present on my client system???07:27
sabotagebeatsbut you're not the only one with that issue07:27
sabotagebeatszkanda, did you try switching through the different profiles in pavucontrol07:27
abhi_can someone please help with my issue if possible07:28
zkandasabotagebeats: yeah, this is a new laptop and everyone seems to be having problem with the static noise.07:29
zkandalike for example: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=20955407:29
abhi_any suggestions?07:34
Kartagiswhy isn't imagemagick resizing to the exact dimensions I'm specifying?07:37
Ben64because you're getting the syntax wrong07:38
KartagisI specify 120x120, what imagemagick is doing 120x11307:38
Ben64you're probably specifying 120x120 max, and it keeps the ratio the same07:39
KartagisBen64: I do convert -resize 120x120 file.png newfile.png07:39
sneak_hey there, where do i report bugs for xenial?07:54
loveheartjoyloveMy usb mouse stopped working, I think it's the mouse but how can I be sure?07:54
sneak_the xenial vagrant box on cloud-images doesn't have the virtualbox additions loaded to mount shared folders07:54
loveheartjoyloveWill testing my usb phone connection rule out the laptop as failing?07:54
loveheartjoyloveand is there any way I can fix this mouse? I think it was water damaged07:55
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loveheartjoyloveHeeeelp i wanna play open arena07:55
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
czeslawHello, It's very important. How to ugrade usb-modeswitch to 2.2.1 in ubuntu/xubuntu 14.0408:20
czeslawI can't have internet08:20
momkenHello, when the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS final will be released?08:22
czeslawHello, It's very important. How to ugrade usb-modeswitch to 2.2.1 in ubuntu/xubuntu 14.0408:23
Ben64momken: sometime probably april 21st08:23
momkenBen64, Thank you. You were always helping me. But I expected sooner :D08:24
baizonmomken: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule08:25
Ben64czeslaw: you can try to find a ppa or something, you're on your own if you want to do that though08:25
czeslawi don't know how to add but someone said:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-modeswitch08:26
czeslawhow to add this to ppa?08:26
Ben64czeslaw: what you linked to isn't a ppa08:26
poradaxhello guys what are you talking about08:27
czeslawHello, It's very important. How to ugrade usb-modeswitch to 2.2.1 in ubuntu/xubuntu 14.0408:27
baizonczeslaw: well either you upgrade your ubuntu, or u download the newer package (and its dependencies) manually08:27
czeslawi have some debs08:28
Myrttiporadax: Ubuntu support issues.08:28
czeslawbut it says libjim0debian2 is missing08:28
czeslawso how to install it?08:28
momkenBen64, baizon: I read it in wikipedia: "It is also planned that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will move entirely from Python 2 to Python 3, which will require dropping or porting Python 2 packages." WHY dropping support for python 2.7?08:28
poradaxoh i just recently installed ubuntu earlier08:29
poradaxcant wait to get issues08:29
momkenThere are a lot of libs currently available in Python 2.7 but not in Python 308:29
baizonmomken: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libpython2.708:29
baizonmomken: "If you have your own programs based on Python 2, fear not! Python 2 will continue to be available (as the python package) for the foreseeable future. However, to best support future versions of Ubuntu you should consider porting your code to Python 3. Python/3 has some advice and resources on this. "08:29
czeslawbaizon, how to install libjim0debian2?08:30
Ben64czeslaw: once again, you're on your own if you choose to install 3rd party packages/repositories08:30
czeslawyeah so that great :/08:30
baizonczeslaw, Ben64 is right, you did install something else08:30
czeslawyou want to help other to change OS and you're on your own :/08:31
baizonthe default usb-modeswitch doesn't have this pkg as dependence08:31
baizonczeslaw: that isnt true08:31
czeslawdeafualt dosent see the modem08:31
czeslawyeah why not if you said so08:31
baizonczeslaw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/libjim0debian208:31
baizonso there is no such pkg in ubuntu 14.0408:32
czeslawso know the 15.05 is unstable08:32
momkenczeslaw, Calm down. We are here to help each other. First of all I don't know what usb-modeswitch 2.2.1 is08:32
czeslawand I dont know upgrade or delete linux fo father at all08:32
Ben64there isn't a 15.05, there is a 15.04, but it isn't supported anymore08:32
baizonmomken: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=usb-modeswitch&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all08:33
czeslawyes and I need working linux now, beacuse my father leaves the country in days08:33
czeslawcan't wait for 16.0408:33
Ben64you can install 16.04 now, it's just in beta08:34
baizonczeslaw: im using ubuntu 16.04 right now08:34
czeslawyeah and what if linux break down08:34
czeslawbut I need stable linux08:34
czeslawfor guy who is 6008:34
momkenczeslaw, I am using 14.04 too and won't upgrade to 16.04 until become stable08:35
baizonczeslaw: ubuntu 16.04 is stable08:35
momkenczeslaw, It is your choice to upgrade to beta or not, but if you don't want to do that there should be other options too08:35
czeslawbut you said is in beta08:36
Ben64you could install 15.1008:36
baizonBen64: i guess he needs an LTS08:36
czeslawand how to upgrade to 16.04?08:36
czeslawbaizon, how to upgrade to 16.04?08:38
momkenczeslaw, upgrading 14.04 to 16.04 is possible, but is a heavy process. I don't recommend it myself08:38
czeslawso I need to install 15.04 via USB?08:39
momkenbut upgrading to 16.04beta may be not available. I am not that expert an Ben6408:39
baizonmomken: its possible but i dont recommend it for an beta08:40
baizonczeslaw: install 16.04, not 15.0408:40
craptalkis there any downloader app in ubuntu that acts like IDM? i mean can be added into browser plugin and interact with anything on the browser that can be downloadable?08:40
momkenczeslaw, wait. I think you should be able to install modeswitch 2.2.1 on 1404 too08:40
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elh9is there an irc channel for ubuntu LXD?08:40
czeslawmomken, okay08:41
Ben64czeslaw: should be "sudo update-manager -d"08:41
craptalki heard about prozilla, aria2, which one is like my need08:41
xanguacraptalk: Uget and Flashgot add-on for Firefox08:42
momkencraptalk, aria2 is fast but commandline-based08:42
momkenyeah, Uget is good in UI-based apps08:42
czeslawmomken, and do you have something?08:42
czeslawBen64 what for?08:43
momkenczeslaw, I have uget myself. But personally I prefer DownThemAll plugin for firefox.08:43
Ben64czeslaw: to upgrade to 16.0408:43
momkenIt is crossplatform, works on Linux and Win08:44
momkenelh9, Why not using xchat or hexchat?08:44
momkenczeslaw, You said you have a dep to install usb-modeswitch 2.2.1 manually, right?08:46
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czeslawim installing 16.04 we gonna se08:47
lilrunawaywhats the best software for monitering wifi traffic08:47
czeslawits not working08:47
elh9momken, i'm using hexchat, i was talking about LXD, the hypervisor for ubuntu08:48
lilrunawaythats unfortunate08:48
elh9or "lightervisor" as they call it08:48
baizonlilrunaway: wireshark08:48
czeslawmomken I did but theres no libjim0debian208:48
czeslawInstalling 16.04 doesnt work08:48
momkenelh9, Oh, that one. I think it's lxc08:48
elh9lxd sits ontop of lxc08:49
vbotkalilrunaway, kismet08:49
elh9adds more functionality08:49
momkenelh9, go to #lxcontainers08:50
elh9ah great thanks08:50
momkenelh9, Try to use "Server -> List of Channels" and search these stuff yourself08:50
elh9ah ok great thanks momken08:51
momkenelh9, you're welcome08:51
* coffeeguy is upgrading to 16.04 :)08:55
momkenczeslaw, Did you upgraded to 16.04?08:56
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momkenczeslaw, I think libjim0debian2 is a deprecated package. Were did you downloaded your modeswitch deb?08:56
momkenczeslaw, I guess package "libjim0debian2" is to be replaced by "jimtcl"08:57
Guest26312I am on the laptop of my 76 year old dad with Kubuntu 15.10 installed. My parents only use it for surfing and are complete computer illiterate. Since I only visit twice a year I want him to be able to do an update with a double click so I create a script file and make it executable.08:58
Guest26312The content is: #!/bin/bash08:58
Guest26312sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade08:58
Guest26312I right clicked on the file and chose open with bash, keep window open and always associate the file extension08:59
Guest26312But when I double click on the script nothing happens.08:59
Nene1guys, any idea ob how to restrict apt-get to download only packages not present on my system???08:59
Guest26312Any idea?08:59
Guest26312I logged out and back in again but still no improvement.09:00
llutzGuest26312: thought about using cron-apt to automate updates instead of your script?09:00
Guest26312llutz, no09:01
Guest26312I want the simplest solution. Updates should be installed daily and without my dad having to do anything. max input password.09:01
llutz!info cron-apt | Guest26312  that's what this package does (if you want it to)09:02
Guest26312So I have to install cron-apt09:02
ubottuGuest26312 that's what this package does (if you want it to): cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3 (wily), package size 18 kB, installed size 166 kB09:02
Guest26312I will install it09:02
moonwolfwhen i try to install vega strike data in ubuntu 15.10 x64  it says:  dependency not satisfied >> vegastrike (>0.5.1.r1-1) but i cant download vegastrike from their page: http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/getfiles/09:02
llutzGuest26312: read the docu, by default it just downloads updates, it's not installing them09:02
moonwolfthey only seem to have vegastrike-data ?09:03
Guest26312llutz, I installed it but do I have to configure anything ?09:04
llutzGuest26312: /etc/cron-apt09:04
czeslawmomoken and what now09:04
czeslawben64, I can't upgrade beacuse there is an error of 3d parties repositeries, how to delete them?09:05
Guest26312Can  it be configured so that the password does not have to be entered?09:05
llutzGuest26312: check /etc/cron-apt/actions.d, you might add a new file there, "4-install" with content "dist-upgrade -y -o APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true"  to install downloaded updated. it runs as root cron-job, no password needed09:05
MarezzI have pop-up window in ubuntu 14.04 saying system program problem detected, do you want to report the problem now? where can i see more info about that problem..09:06
Nene1i am using apt-mirror to setup my own local apt repo.... i am trying to download only security updates. any idea on how to restrict apt to download security pkgs that are not present on my system09:07
loveheartjoyloveWhat is the proper channel to discuss web deveopment?09:07
loveheartjoyloveThank you09:07
llutz!alis | loveheartjoylove09:07
ubottuloveheartjoylove: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http09:07
Guest26312llutz, I created the file as you said as root09:10
Nene1llutz: any idea on my issue??09:10
poradaxguys help09:11
llutzGuest26312: in /etc/cron.d/cron-apt you control when it should run09:11
llutzNene1: no sry09:11
Guest26312llutz, is there any way to test before I leave my parents place in 15 minutes. Next time I will visit will be around christmas and if anything will not work my dad will have no idea what to do and panic. he only knows how to start firefox and enter urls09:11
jeff1How can you block all incoming conntions in ubuntu?09:11
kjamnot sure if this is the right place to ask this, but has anyone had good/bad experiences on the dell precision 15 series ubuntu laptops?09:12
llutzGuest26312: the only test is, to let it run in 5 minutes and check the result. pointless if no updates are available, though09:13
nacktnasenwombatHi! Is there any way to convert webm files to mp4 using SoundKonverter?09:14
llutzjeff1: reading  man ufw or man iptables  will help09:14
nacktnasenwombatA page I found on the Internet said it should be able to do this, but I don't find any option to do it.09:14
poradaxhelp guys09:15
nacktnasenwombatOops, I meant mp3, not mp4. (That's what you get when you type too fast)09:15
atralheavenI can't connect to my wifi on my laptop, it tries to connect  and then it says Disconnected, you are now offline.09:15
poradaxi shitting said for ubuntu to make 220gb partition for ubuntu09:15
poradaxbut it only made 30gb09:15
poradaxhow can i extend it09:15
Guest26312llutz, I know I should did into this but could you give me the line quickly so the 4-install script runs once a week?09:15
atralheavenI tried rebooting, deleting the connection, and rebooting the modem09:15
nacktnasenwombatporadax, you can use a live DVD I think.09:16
Guest26312I have an 8 hour drive ahead of me and my wife is pushing me.09:16
atralheavenim connected to the same wifi with my phone now09:16
poradaxnah i dont want to redownload it again09:16
atralheavenand it was ok yesterday09:16
llutzGuest26312: "* * * * 1  root ....."     will run it every monday09:17
poradaxtell me the gparted way09:17
llutzGuest26312: "1 4 * * 1  root ....."     will run it every monday sry09:17
nacktnasenwombatWhat partition is it? Because I don't think you can change certain partitions while the system still is running-09:17
poradaxlinux partition09:18
llutzGuest26312: "0 11 * * 1  root ....."     will run it every monday at 11 o'clock, more parents-friendly i guess09:18
nacktnasenwombatWhat is it mounted as, poradax? :)09:19
poradaxi dont know09:19
Guest26312like this?  * 11 * * 1     root    test -x /usr/sbin/cron-apt && /usr/sbin/cron-apt09:19
nacktnasenwombatType in "df -h" in a terminal and look what it says. :)09:19
llutzGuest26312: that will run it from 11:00 to 11:59 on monday, every minute .... use "0 11 * * 1"09:20
atralheaveni deleted it again, its ok now...09:21
poradaxis this okay?09:21
Guest26312llutz, thx09:22
Guest26312llutz, but the test command is correct?09:22
jeff1Will ubuntu run a a Duo core cpu and 2gb of ram09:22
poradaxyess jeff109:22
cspackporadax: yes, that's how you do it. You can't resize a mounted partition so you need to boot from live dvd/usb09:23
MarezzI have pop-up window in ubuntu 14.04 saying system program problem detected, do you want to report the problem now? where can i see more info about that problem..09:24
Guest26312llutz, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15537087/09:24
poradaxcan i resize it in windows09:25
poradaxi can dual-boot09:25
llutzGuest26312: right, you should comment out the line above "0 4 ..." or it will run daily at night too09:25
cspackporadax: no, windows doesn't understand ext4 filesystems09:25
poradaxoh man09:25
coffeeguyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15537092/  is this bad?09:25
Guest26312llutz, but will the test -x command actually execute the update script?09:26
poradaxwhy does  google says it can09:26
Guest26312or do I have to remove the test -x in front of the path?09:26
cspackporadax: where do you see that?09:27
llutzGuest26312: test -x    checks if /usr/sbin/cron-apt exists and is executable. if it is, it runs it. so let the line be like that, its ok09:27
poradaxokay cspack09:28
poradaxtell me what to do i'll boot it ubuntu installation from usb09:28
Guest26312llutz, cool. thx09:29
duobixhi there09:29
Guest26312llutz, and he 4-install file really only has that one line? no #!/bin/bash? https://paste.ubuntu.com/15537106/09:29
llutzGuest26312: yes, those are option to apt, not shellcommands09:30
llutzGuest26312: you'd install/enable ssh on that machine to gain remote-access for help09:30
duobixI got a quick question-I made a new user, and everytime I log into users shell it's just sh, how do I change it to zsh?09:30
EriC^^duobix: is zsh installed?09:31
ikoniause the user admin tool to change the shell09:31
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llutzduobix: chsh -s /bin/zsh09:31
ikoniaor set the shell when you make the new user09:31
Guest26312llutz, great, thx so much for your help.09:32
poradaxHah cspack09:32
poradaxi'll just download gpart live09:32
cspackporadax: sure, that will work09:33
Guest26312llutz, before I hit the road I want to try it out quickly and have activated to do the update every 5 minutes which I will deactivate again after the test. Do I have to reload the config file or restart the laptop to test?09:33
duobixchsh will work only for current user, right? I want to change it for different one09:33
ikoniaduobix: user the tool you user to create the user09:33
Guest26312llutz, I want to see what happend. If a window will pop up09:33
llutzGuest26312: if you just change the file in /etc/cron.d no action is needed, cron will read that09:33
ikoniaduobix: either a.) set the shell correctly when you create the user b.) change the users shell09:34
ikoniaor use usermod09:34
Guest26312llutz, will a window open or how will i know the update was performed?09:34
renn0xtk9how to use playlist in clementine ?09:34
llutzGuest26312: nope, you have to check the logs09:34
llutzGuest26312: journalctl -u cron | grep apt09:35
duobixyou could just say to enter /usr/bin/zsh after a user in /etc/passwd09:36
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ikoniaduobix: why would I recommend that09:36
ikoniawhen there are tools that do it properly for you09:36
llutzGuest26312: cron-apt logs are in /var/log/cron-apt09:37
duobixAnd what tools are you speaking of? I got only ssh access to a machine, what are my options?09:37
ikoniaduobix: the ones I've suggested, you can use the tools you used to create the user, or usermod as I said09:38
ikoniaduobix: and you can always state more clearly your question, eg: I've only got ssh access09:38
Guest26312llutz, nothing yet https://paste.ubuntu.com/15537167/09:39
llutzGuest26312: nothing at 11:40 now?09:42
Guest26312llutz, nothing09:42
netuserEXEC cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh09:42
llutzGuest26312: run it manually"sudo  /usr/sbin/cron-apt" and check logs again09:43
netuserEXEC cd $HOME/netuser/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh09:44
Guest26312llutz, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15537208/09:44
ikonianetuser: please stop that09:44
llutzGuest26312: thats after calling it manually?.09:45
Guest26312llutz, yes09:45
justxuxHi,My PC randomly freezes and a cold reboot is needed,how can I debug this issue?09:45
Guest26312llutz, looking good i guess09:45
llutzGuest26312: yep09:46
Guest26312llutz, great. thx so much!!!!!!!!!!!09:46
llutzGuest26312: you're welcome, frohe Rest-Ostern09:47
Guest26312llutz, one last question. this is an asyc cron? If my dad is not online on Monday it will try next time one week later09:47
Guest26312llutz, Dir auch. :)09:47
llutzGuest26312: make sure, anacron is installed. it will take care of that09:47
Guest26312sudo apt-get install anacron? that´t is?09:48
llutzGuest26312: yup09:48
Guest26312multo bene09:48
Guest26312dann kann ich nun beruhigt losfahren. thx a lot and all the best09:48
bqhow to search a package matching a pattern. for example, i want to install java09:56
jatt!info apt-cache09:57
ubottuPackage apt-cache does not exist in wily09:57
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jattapt-cache serach09:57
jattapt-cache search09:57
agopoHi, I want to set up speech recognition on my computer (Ubuntu 14.04) in order to be able to command it by voice. What software do you recommend? English or German language preferred.10:04
lostgurlHello, need some advice....FINALLY have BB runnin smoothly after tackling Multiple Oses over a yr.... unfortunately it is only the 32 bit version & I really need Chrome & other sw only avail for 64 bit....but after 2 successful updates, incl chgng kernels & dealing w/spec workarounds, hiccups, etc... Im terrified to tempt fate & attempt any more possible system breaking changes!  Advice??10:12
ikonialostgurl: BB ?10:15
lostgurlSorry, Backbox10:15
ikonialostgurl: backbox is nothing to do with this channel, we don't support it here10:16
stclostgurl: You can find the appropriate IRC channel on their website: https://backbox.org/contact10:19
lostgurlApologies...this is where I was directed for help since after updates to Ubuntu Wily I seem to have more of an Ubuntu system than Backbox.  I have been searching for info everywhere... I've been pretty much on my own from the beginning what with quirks, HW conflicts, workarounds, etc... there doesnt seem to be any one flavor that fits my situation...thanks anyway for being so polite...I was terrified after my last experience i10:21
lostgurln a different room...10:21
ikonialostgurl: good luck with backbox support10:21
gzooSo why is it bad practice to `ssh-keygen` on a remote server (when I need the remote server to connect to another remote machine via ssh)?10:39
ikoniagenerate the key on a different server10:39
ikoniayou can generate it on the one you want though10:39
bekksI'd generate the keys on each machine involved.10:40
ikoniayou only need one key10:40
ikoniaunless you're talking about host keys ?10:40
ikoniamaybe worth clarifying what sort of key you're trying to create10:41
gzooFor example, I want my server to clone a repository from github and also commit to it.10:42
ikoniaso I would assume you want a user key10:42
ikoniain which case it's better to create the user key on a different machine than the server10:43
gzooYes, I was wondering why on a different machine? what could be the risk?10:43
poradaxit's wokring now cspack!10:43
poradaxfirst moving the partitions is really confusing i didnt know it had to be close to each other10:43
ikoniagzoo: the entryopy used is made from the host with the key on, if other people can access that host, there is a possibility to use the host with the same entropy to help break the key10:44
bekksikonia: thanks for elaborating on it. TIL. :)10:44
gzoohmm interesting! thanks10:45
flux242so , did dev managed to have python3 only 16.04 lts release?10:46
poradaxthanks cspack10:52
magnumя думал будет в консоли10:55
poradaxchong lokos cisme?10:55
czeslawcan someone help mi to install usb_modedswitch 2.2.1 on xubuntu 14.04?11:20
czeslawi have problem with usb sticks with internet11:20
Sheeda_hi, how can i upgrade from g++ 4.6 to 4.8 without breaking anything?11:22
lotuspsychje!latest | Sheeda_11:23
ubottuSheeda_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:23
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: recommended to use package versions, specific for your ubuntu version11:23
Sheeda_but i have this binary that requires the 4.8 version, what do you suggest?11:24
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: installing the ubuntu version that has 4.811:24
Sheeda_can't too that, it's distribution-specific testing11:25
Sheeda_i have to make sure it works on LTS 12.04 & on LTS 14.0411:25
Sheeda_currently testing on 12.0411:25
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: not recommended to mix package versions mate11:25
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: you can try the pinning method on own risk...11:26
phpcoderi have .ttf file (fonts)11:26
Sheeda_i see, so that's why i'm getting no upgrade option when i search g++ in the store11:26
lotuspsychje!pinning | Sheeda_11:26
ubottuSheeda_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:26
phpcoderi just click on that font to instasll it11:26
phpcodercan i avoid this? i mean... i have around 400 fonts11:26
phpcoderi would lokie to avoid clicking one by one :D11:26
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: if your on 12.04, you will get g++ version for 12.04 indeed11:26
phpcodercan i just copy the fonts somewhere ?11:26
Sheeda_lotuspsychje, thanks for your help, man!11:27
Sheeda_i'd report this to the devs11:27
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: report what?11:27
Sheeda_i mean to the devs of the binary i'm testing11:28
lotuspsychjeah ok :p11:28
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: most easy way would be installing 14.0411:28
Sheeda_yes i have that build ready, now going to test on 1411:29
lotuspsychjeSheeda_: ok good luck11:29
Sheeda_thanks mate, lotuspsychje11:29
phpcoder /usr/share/fonts ?11:29
phpcoderhere ?11:29
lotuspsychje!fonts | phpcoder can this help?11:30
ubottuphpcoder can this help?: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/11:30
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bitanarchyis it possible to install the mobile version of ubuntu on an i9300?11:41
lotuspsychje!touch | bitanarchy11:41
ubottubitanarchy: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch11:41
bitanarchyit says that cellular radio is blocked... that means no phone calls I suppose11:43
lotuspsychjebitanarchy: #ubuntu-touch for touch support please11:44
AscavasaionCan someone direct me to a GUI audio file converting application please.  I wan to convert wma to ogg/mp3.  I have tried SoundConverter 2.0.4, but it does not convert all the files, and freezes on some.11:46
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: maybe the #ubuntu-studio guys might know something also?11:46
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje: thank you... will pop in there.11:47
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MonkeyDustAscavasaion  winff11:53
CoodingCookieis there a program for mac to boot usb sticks?11:55
nu7I've got a powerful machine (i7, 16 GB of ram) to run some python code to process data. Every time that code is run it uses all the ram (which is fine, as I don't do anything else with the computer while the code is running).11:55
nu7The problem is that after the program finishes doing its thing, the system is very unresponsive and starting the web browser for example takes several minutes11:55
nu7the ram seems to have been freed, but the system still behaves as if it had almost no ram11:56
nu7has anyone faced this problem before? is there any special kernel or optimization I could use to solve this issue?11:57
CoodingCookiecan someone help me or just saying if im right or wrong? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx     <--- step 8: do i type in of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m or of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m11:58
EriC^^CoodingCookie: probably rdisk2 but are you sure that's your usb?11:59
CoodingCookieyes im sure11:59
EriC^^ok then11:59
CoodingCookiebut i tried both and both works11:59
Bailey808<nu7> well, before you doing kernel optimization, first look and review your code, make sure it clean, not doing dead loop,11:59
CoodingCookiebut if im trying to install it on my pc there is always one error12:00
EriC^^CoodingCookie: hmm...12:00
nu7Bailey808: the code has been reviewed by other people and seems all right...12:00
CoodingCookieis it a problem that im booting the usb stick from a mac?12:00
AscavasaionMonkeyDust: that is a brilliant application, thank you!12:02
Bailey808<nu7> as i know, here are channel about ubuntu, maybe you need look somewhere else for python specific topic12:04
nu7ok, will do12:05
Ascavasaionnu7: Try /join #python12:11
tumblerhi guys ... why can t i find tor-browser in official repos???12:12
nu7Ascavasaion: but my main issue is not the python code itself, I mean, even after I close the program, the system remains unresponsive12:12
nu7as if the kernel wasn't really allocating ram to other processes12:13
Ascavasaionnu7: Oh, I have no idea.  Was just thinking that may be the place.  good luck.12:13
nu7thank you anyway12:16
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ZeropielI'm having trouble connecting to the internet. Ubuntu 14.04.112:37
ZeropielUsing the same cable on laptop I'm able to connect, but not on the Ubuntu box12:38
ZeropielHave and IPv6 address, but am unable to ping the router12:38
PowerKillerwhat happens if you type ifconfig12:41
Zeropielit lists eth0 and lo12:43
Ben64Zeropiel: pastebin the whole output12:43
ZeropielWell, i would if it was connected to my local network, but I can't reach it at all12:44
PowerKillerdo you see any IP12:45
Zeropielyeah, get an inet6 addr:12:45
Zeropielgonna try to give it a static addr12:47
DiamondSwordhello .. I have this error while installing CheckPoint's snx >>> snx: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:49
DiamondSwordI read on Net that solution is to install libstdc++5 libraries. some says to install libpam.so.0 libraries.12:50
DiamondSwordbut I need 32 bit of that libraries. how can I find it?12:50
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phpcoderguys is it possible to delete a file after X minutes ?12:58
phpcodercan i do it autoamtically?12:58
Fuchsatd or cron can do that, yes.13:00
Fuchswe'd need a bit more details though13:00
phpcoderFuchs, yes i will go with cron13:02
Fuchsyou're welcome13:02
Fuchsdepending on your usecase you might want to use the find command in cron, it can list files older than $n, which you can execute actions on.13:03
Gamoder_Hi everyone, is it possible to clone a disk, s.t. it is restoreable, with sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/media/ubuntu/Data/sdb2backup bs=1k conv=noerror,sync13:03
Ben64i wouldn't do that with bs=1k13:03
Gamoder_but it should work, right?13:03
Ben64depends what your goal is13:04
Gamoder_make a backup of a (nearly) broken drive13:04
Ben64use ddrescue13:04
ikoniawhat is "s.t." ?13:04
ikoniahang on - why would you clone a broken drive ?13:04
Gamoder_such that?13:04
Gamoder_because I just managed to make it read things once13:04
ikoniayou're likley to make it worse and clone the damage13:04
Gamoder_and I think I won't be able to read data for lon13:04
Gamoder_it cannot get worse13:05
ikoniathen backup the data - don't take block by block copies13:05
Ben64ddrescue is pretty good if there is a lot of damage13:05
Ben64but still, no bs=1k13:05
RobinHood16How do I play a sound on shutdown?13:05
Gamoder_I don't know if there is any damage13:06
k1lddrescue will adjust the readsize as needed13:06
ikoniayou know it's failing....13:06
ikoniatherefore damaged13:06
Gamoder_ok, but I am using a live stick and ddrescue doesn't seem to be available13:06
cfhowlettGamoder_, every EVERY read and write to a failing drive brings you one step closer to total and unannounced melt down.13:06
Ben64Gamoder_: you can download it13:07
cfhowlettliyuan, ask your ubuntu question13:08
Ben64sudo apt-get install gddrescue13:08
Gamoder_doesn't work/isn't available13:08
Gamoder_("unable to locate package gddrescue")13:08
Ben64are you on ubuntu?13:08
Gamoder_but a live stick13:08
Ben64are you sure13:08
Gamoder_yes, I am sure. uname -a tells me Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-24 generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 ...13:09
Ben64because it's in every version of ubuntu13:09
Gamoder_but I am not 100% sure which version it is13:09
ikoniayou don't even know what version of ubuntu you are using13:09
Gamoder_again, it's a live stick, not an installed version13:09
ikoniathis doesn't small honest13:09
ikoniaGamoder_: post the output of uname -a13:09
MonkeyDustGamoder_  cat /etc/issue13:09
RobinHood16Try 'sudo apt-get update' -- it might not have an apt-cache available in the live file system.13:10
Gamoder_I did an apt-get update13:10
Gamoder_it's ubuntu 14.04 LTS13:10
ikoniaGamoder_: post the output of uname -a please13:10
ikoniaGamoder_: post the output of uname -a please13:10
Gamoder_ok, then i have to login from that computer13:10
Gamoder_well, I will just copy it manually13:10
Gamoder_Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_65 GNU/Linux13:11
ikoniaGamoder_: so then the ddrescure package should be in the repo13:12
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GamoderI know, but like I said, I am on a live stick13:13
ikoniaso ?13:13
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ikoniayou can still install to a livestick13:13
Gamoderwell, I had to enable some sources, seems so13:13
ikoniawhich ones ?13:13
RobinHood16Hang on... I tried sudo apt-get install ddrescue and can confirm the package doesn't exist13:14
Gamoderdont know, I enabled all of them and now it works13:14
ikoniareally ? it was showing13:14
gavinbelsonI'm typing from a Live USB. Just a minute ago my system crashed.13:14
ikoniahang on13:14
Ben64RobinHood16: gddrescue13:14
gavinbelsonIt was dreadful13:14
gavinbelsonEverything I clicked on gave an error.13:14
gavinbelson Every icon turned "red sign. like the swiss flag13:14
llutz!info gddrescue13:14
gavinbelsondid i get hacked?13:14
ubottugddrescue (source: gddrescue): GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19-2 (wily), package size 108 kB, installed size 386 kB13:14
ikoniaGamoder_: no13:14
ikoniaGamoder_: oops, not you13:14
ikoniagavinbelson: no13:14
ikoniaBen64: looks like it's in wily only13:15
ikoniadon't see it in trusty or xenial13:15
cfhowlettgavinbelson, most like PEBKAS error13:15
gavinbelsonikonia: can you tell me what happened? i don't have any logs to show?13:15
Ben64ikonia: it's everywhere13:15
ikoniaoh wait13:15
ikoniait's there13:15
ikoniasorry - I was missreading the manifest13:15
gavinbelsonwhen I rebooted, it said it required rescue boot or sth13:15
Gamoderok, so would ddrescue /dev/sdb /media/ubuntu/Data/sdbbackup work_13:15
ikoniagavinbelson: that doesn't happen from live media13:15
ikoniagavinbelson: as it's held in ram - so when you reboot, it flushes it13:16
Ben64Gamoder: you might want to look into a ddrescue guide/manual/something first13:16
cfhowlettddrescue no, gddrescue yes for 14.04  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15538659/13:16
RobinHood16anyway... is it possible to play a sound on logoff?13:16
Gamodermaybe, but I would prefer a faster way since I need to leave soon ...13:16
ikoniaRobinHood16: pretty sure there is a logout event in the sound scheme13:16
gavinbelsonikonia: no i'm talking about my primary os i had installed on hdd.13:16
ikoniagavinbelson: probably just wants to run a disk check as it's crashed/been powered off13:16
RobinHood16I'm not seeing anything relating to the sound scheme in my Ubuntu settings. I'm using Unity.13:17
ikoniaRobinHood16: there should be a sound scheme where you can change sounds for specific events13:17
ikoniaI'm sure there was one for logout13:17
RobinHood16ikonia: nope, all i get are "Output," "Input," "Sound Effects," and "Applications"13:18
Gamoderok, according to https://www.technibble.com/guide-using-ddrescue-recover-data/ ddrescue -d /dev/sdb /media/ubuntu/Data/sdbbackup /media/ubuntu/Data/sdbbackup.log is right?13:18
ikoniaRobinHood16: no, thats sound devices, not sound scheme13:19
Gamoderhow large does the logfile get? is it less than the disk size or more?13:19
ikoniagavinbelson: check the man page for the arguments you want13:19
RobinHood16ikonia: well, where do i go to access sound scheme?13:19
ikoniaand question if you want to do a disk or a partition13:19
Ben64Gamoder: not big13:19
Gamoder_ok, great, thanks13:20
ikoniaRobinHood16: I don't have a unity box to hand13:20
ikoniaRobinHood16: sound effects tab13:20
Gamoderand the image itself also is not much larger than the disk siye, right?13:21
ikoniaRobinHood16: for pretty much anything you need - https://help.ubuntu.com will get you in the ball park or give you the full answer13:21
RobinHood16All I'm getting is "Choose an alert sound:" and the only option there is "Default".13:21
ikoniaRobinHood16: in that case, perhaps other sound events have been removed13:21
Ben64Gamoder: by definition it will only be as large as the source13:22
RobinHood16I know there used to be sounds like "Bark", "Drip", etc.13:22
Gamoderthanks everyone13:24
BluesKajHi folks13:25
CoodingCookiehey guys i was trying to install ubuntu from a usb stick. now it worked but in the partions i could not select my hdd. there were only my usb stick available. i tried and tried nothing worked, but suddenly it worked and im now in th live version i think. The pc using my usb stick as hdd and doesn't recognize my innerhdd from the pc13:26
CoodingCookiehey guys i was trying to install ubuntu from a usb stick. now it worked but in the partions i could not select my hdd. there were only my usb stick available. i tried and tried nothing worked, but suddenly it worked and im now in th live version i think. The pc using my usb stick as hdd and doesn't recognize my innerhdd from the pc13:31
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BluesKaj!patience | CoodingCookie13:32
ubottuCoodingCookie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:32
cfhowlettCoodingCookie, and your question???13:32
CoodingCookiethe memory of my pc is 3,1gb13:32
CoodingCookiethere should be 1tb13:33
CoodingCookiethe system does not recognise my hdd13:34
ikoniaCoodingCookie: a.) what version of ubuntu are you trying to install (exactly) b.) what is your internal disk setup13:38
realnothi guys, on ubuntu, what is the best way to install third party sotfwares?13:38
ikoniarealnot: such as ?13:38
BluesKajCoodingCookie, open a terminal mand run df -h to see if any other drives show13:38
realnotikonia: irssi13:39
ikoniarealnot: thats not 3rd party13:39
ikoniathat is in the official ubuntu repos13:39
realnoti need the version 0.8.17, but repository offer only the 0.1513:39
ikonia!info irssi13:39
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.17-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 639 kB, installed size 2652 kB13:39
ikoniarealnot: what version of ubuntu as wily is offering 0.813:40
realnotikonia: when i dot apt-get it install the 0.15, i also tried with the specific version like =0.8.1713:41
realnotikonia: i should update the repository?13:41
ikoniarealnot: what version of ubuntu are you running13:41
realnotikonia: inux mars 3.19.0-56-generic #62~14.04.1-Ubuntu13:41
ikonia!info irssi trusty13:42
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 852 kB, installed size 2388 kB13:42
ikoniarealnot: irssi ships version 0.5.1513:42
jeff1Is it possible to disable sudo on startup13:42
ikoniajeff1: what ???13:42
neopsychehelo all. installed warewolf and now dvd drive not working dell e6520 any ideas?13:42
Guest36544anyone having slow downloads from the Ubunutu software maanger?13:42
ikoniaGuest36544: define slow down13:42
realnotikonia: so how i can download the latest?13:43
ikoniarealnot: how are you checking the version you have ?13:43
neopsychethe button wasnt opening.. but then i opened it during bios boot and it works now.. to open.. but still not detect drive in ubuntu?13:43
cfhowlettGuest36544, in future avoid "anyone else" questions.  post YOUR details and issues.13:43
Guest36544any software/update takes excessively long times13:43
realnotikonia: uname -a13:43
Guest36544I've tried other sites13:43
ikoniarealnot: that doesn't show you the irssi version13:43
ikoniarealnot: how are you checking the irssi version13:43
Guest36544Fedora doesn't have the same lag13:44
cfhowlettGuest36544, could be a slow mirror.  it happens.  change to a different one to test.  and if you prefer fedora, feel free to use it instead13:44
ikoniaGuest36544: not interested in fedora13:44
realnotikonia: on topic bar, in server window13:44
ikoniainterested in your ubuntu problem13:44
ikoniarealnot: how exactly did you install the version you are running ?13:44
neopsycheikonia any help re dvd issue?13:44
ikonianeopsyche: I've not read your issue13:44
ikoniaI'm doing other things13:44
realnotikonia: apt-get install irssi13:44
neopsycheok sorry13:44
ikoniarealnot: ok - so please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep irssi|13:45
realnotthe last pipe is an error?13:45
ikoniasorry thats "dpkg -l | grep irssi"13:45
realnotii  irssi                                       0.8.15-5ubuntu3                      amd64        terminal based IRC client13:45
ikoniarealnot: ok - so the version you've installed is 0.813:45
realnotikonia: yes, but id need the .17 not .1513:46
ikoniawhy ?13:46
realnotbecause it the latest one?13:46
ikoniawhy do you need that version ?13:46
realnotikonia: because i'm developing a theme on it13:46
ikoniarealnot: theme support is the same13:46
ikoniarealnot: why do you need .17 and not .1513:47
realnotand looks like the .15 doesn't offer the support for hex colors13:47
realnotand true colors13:47
ikoniait does13:47
ikoniaI'm using a much older version13:47
ikoniaand it's supporting hex colours13:47
Guest36544actually, Ubuntu is my flavor of choice :)13:47
realnotikonia: the colors are not parsed13:47
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Guest36544tried different mirrors.  it gets slow when it tries to connect to security @ connical13:48
ikoniarealnot: I'm using 0.8.12 and 0.8.15 and it supports the colours just fine13:48
Guest36544Canonical ;)13:48
realnotikonia: even in hex like: dk = "%Z2E3436$*%n";13:49
ikoniaI don't have that exact statement,13:49
realnotikonia: are you using the default theme?13:49
ikoniarealnot: where is it documented that version .17 fixes this ?13:49
Guest36544sometimes it sits for a while and then data comes down as normal13:49
ikoniarealnot: no, I'm not using the default theme13:49
CoodingCookie@ikonia ubuntu version = ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-i38613:49
Guest36544and then it will sit again13:49
realnotikonia: https://github.com/shabble/irssi-docs/wiki/Irssi-0.8.17#Testing_true_colours13:49
bluefivEIN ff do you recommend auto unload tab?13:50
ikonialets have a quick read13:50
CoodingCookieinternal disk setup where do i find it ?13:50
cfhowlettbluefivE, recommend you do what works for YOU and for no one else13:50
bluefivEyou always troll me.13:50
ikoniabluefivE: thats not trolling13:51
ikoniarealnot: just reading....13:51
realnotikonia: looks like the 24 bit support is missing13:51
CoodingCookieprocessor type: Intel (R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 32GHz Processor L1 Cache 128KB Processor L2 Cache: 512KB Processor L3 Cache 4096 KB Memory Installed 6144MB Memory Available 6136MB Memory Speed 1066MHz Memory Technology : DDR313:52
realnotikonia: 15:52:00 -!- Irssi: Unknown setting colors_ansi_24bit13:52
ikoniarealnot: ok - so if this is the case, here are you options 1.) wait for ubuntu 16.04 that ships .0.8.18 b.) upgrade to 15.10 that ships 0.8.17 (not recommended - waste of time) c.) use unofficial irssi repos from download.opensuse.org d.) build it from source (strongly not recommended)13:53
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CoodingCookieany suggestions ?13:56
realnotikonia: probably the best option at this point is compiling the source13:57
ikoniaI disagree very strongly, but your choice13:57
realnotikonia: why?13:58
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ikoniarealnot: well a.) there are already unofficial packages built for testing by the irrsi team for your version b.) 16.04 comes out very soon and you get an official build/packages c.) you have to manage what you are doing properly when building your own version13:59
realnotikonia: because you have to maintain it manually?13:59
ikoniarealnot: what ?14:00
raviI bought a new HDD,  as my old HDD kept on throwing error14:01
ravibut again I am getting same problem14:01
Picirealnot: fwiw, I backported the new irssi version thats in 16.04 to 14.04.  https://launchpad.net/~bnrubin/+archive/ubuntu/irssi14:02
ravithe screen shot is here14:02
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ikoniathere you go - there is option e.)14:03
ikonianicely done Pici14:03
raviyesterday Eric helped me and he guided me to get new one, but again facing same problem14:03
MonkeyDustirssi version 0.8.18 here, in 16.0414:03
realnotPici: but is safe? I mean, launchpad looks like a developer repository not in the main tree14:03
mcphailrealnot: depends on whether you trust Pici14:04
realnotYou can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding14:04
ikoniarealnot:.....you're questioning if it's safe, but you are quite happy to blindly compile it yourself14:04
Picirealnot: well its nearly the same code that is in 16.04, but you are free to inspect it if you want.  If you don't want to install it that is up to you.14:04
mcphailrealnot: plenty of folk on here do, however ;)14:04
realnotikonia: one thing is compiling irssi from the official repository, another is getting a version compiled from someone you don't know.14:06
ikoniarealnot: look at launchpad, the build system lists the source and patches used, so he can't modify and hide it14:06
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Picianyway, feel free to compile from source yourself. I just did this to make things easier for myself.14:08
realnotPici: so to add it from ppa what steps you have to follow?14:10
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Picirealnot: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bnrubin/irssi then update/upgrade via apt14:10
realnotPici: done, thanks!14:11
realnotlet me check if works14:12
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lovelacebuon giorno14:14
SankarHi,  I just bough a new HDD,  as my old HDd kept on throwing error14:16
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SankarBut again facing same problem14:16
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SankarThe screen shot is here14:16
SankarEric: yesterday you guided me14:17
realnoti think the problem now come from the terminal14:17
SankarCan anyone help me?14:18
EriC^^Sankar: ?14:20
SankarIn the name of janu14:20
SankarFacing time out weeks for root device14:21
EriC^^ah yeah, did you get a new hdd?14:21
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SankarYeah I bought one14:21
EriC^^ok, cool do you have a live usb?14:21
SankarNow I connected both to take backup14:22
SankarI installed xubuntu in new one14:22
EriC^^ok set it first in boot order14:22
realnotikonia: looks like the 24 bit support is not enabled on gnome terminal14:22
SankarYeah set14:23
ikoniarealnot: it does say the terminal requirements on the page you linked me to14:23
EriC^^Sankar: boot the live usb14:23
realnotikonia: http://askubuntu.com/questions/512525/how-to-enable-24bit-true-color-support-in-gnome-terminal14:25
ikoniarealnot: ?14:25
puffI'm trying to get java working in my browser (chrome, chromium or firefox) so I can use this VPN which depends on the JRE.14:26
puffI'm seeing reports that chrome has dropped JRE support.14:26
SankarEric: booting14:26
SankarDo I need to try live session14:27
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Revian1Sankar: A live session is always a good thing to try, it helps you determine that everything works prior to installation14:28
proudbytehi, I trying to setup a local lamp box and after proper configuration can’t access virtualhosts… I’m using ubuntu desktop14:29
proudbyteI’ve added to my hosts file the box ip and the domain in this case test.lc14:30
realnotikonia: yes, the terminal requirement is the 24 bit support14:30
ikoniarealnot: ye, I'm aware of this14:30
proudbyteanyone available to help me please?14:31
SankarRevian1: OK, I used live USB, now?14:31
realnotikonia: but is not enabled even if there the guys say is enabled by default14:31
ikoniaproudbyte: whats the actual problem14:31
ikoniarealnot: ok ?14:31
proudbyteikonia can only see default site 000-default.conf14:32
ikoniaproudbyte: what do the logs show ?14:32
proudbyteikonia first using ubuntu on virtualization and mac as host14:32
proudbyteikonia mac hosts file is pointing to box and i can see default apache site14:33
ikoniaproudbyte: read what I asked14:33
EriC^^Sankar: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999914:33
Revian1puff: Make up your mind, are you working with OS X or a Linux distro. You've asked the same question in both channels. Which is it, OSX or Ubuntu?14:35
tracker3Can i somehow protect file from removing?14:35
llutztracker3: "man chattr"14:35
proudbyteikonia error.log is clean…14:36
ikoniaof course it is - it's not erroring14:36
saarina:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛14:37
saarina:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛14:37
saarinajesus fucks pigs14:37
proudbyteikonia so how can i fix this14:37
ikoniaproudbyte: still waiting to see the logs (use a pastebin)14:38
saarina:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :)  The moderator k1l is a C U NT :)  :)㋛14:38
Revian1Thank you, ikonia14:38
puffRevian1: *I* am working with linux, and if you have any help, please share it here on #ubuntu.  My *coworker*, as I said above, is working on MacOSX, which is why I asked for advice on his behalf over on #MacOSX.14:39
ikoniapuff: I'm not sure what you want from us ?14:41
Revian1puff: Funny how you and your co-worker are having the exact same problem on two different operating system.14:42
puffikonia: Advice on how to get the java plugin working in my browser on ubuntu 14.04 LTS.14:42
puffRevian1: Funny that both my coworker and I have to deal with this same client's VPN?14:42
ikoniapuff: use firefox14:42
Revian1ikonia: I think he's impatient for a quick answer and is asking the same question in #OSX and #ubuntu14:42
ikoniaif your browser has dropped jre support, that discussion is over14:43
SankarEric: done14:43
kpomanhello everyone ! may someone help me ? I am trying to reset a root password. Booted via livecd, mounted disks (lvm / dm1), then chrooted there, typed passwd command, but the password is not updated, even if the command succeeds14:43
proudbyteikonia so I’ve changed the site configuration and still here is the access.log as the error.log is empty http://pastebin.com/FWTaxHYL on more thing all sites are now in /var/www/html14:44
ikoniaproudbyte: and what is the URL you are trying to hit ?14:44
puffikonia: Yeah, I'm trying to get it working in firefox. I have openjdk7-jre installed, but when I load the VPN page, it fails to run.14:44
ikoniakpoman: there is no route password on ubuntu14:45
SankarEric: it says use netcat14:45
ikoniaproudbyte: so as you can see from that log, the host header is being picked up by the default site, so that means it's not valid in the other vitual host config, or namebased virtual hosting is not enabled14:45
kpomanikonia: there is a root user and I want to enable it and log in via ssh with it !14:45
ikoniaproudbyte: so check if that meets the vpn providers versioning14:45
ikoniakpoman: the root password is disabled14:45
ikoniakpoman: so you don't need to reset it - as there is no password set for it14:46
proudbyteikonia and i get all the sites in html (deleted default index.html)14:46
proudbyteikonia virtual hosts are enabled14:46
kpomanikonia: how do I enable it ?14:46
ikoniakpoman: you don't do it from within a chroot - thats for sure14:46
proudbyteikonia i’ve used sudo a2enmod vhost_alias14:46
proudbyteikonia and all runed ok14:47
ikoniaproudbyte: so in the access log for your other site are there any hits14:47
puffikonia: I googled on instructiosn for enabling the java plugin in firefox on ubuntu, found an askubuntu.com answer where it said "ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/"14:47
proudbyteikonia nope14:47
ikoniapuff: are you using 32bit ?14:47
fatpeltgood morning all.  i'm building a new .deb package for our internal use and there are some files that make install doesn't install.  i'm trying to use the debian/install file to install them.  the man page for it says by default debuild will look in debian/tmp for the files.  the only problem is that debuild is removing the directory at the end of the build.  is there a way to either specify a new location for them, or have debu14:47
ikoniaproudbyte: so it's not patternmatching the headers to your site, or namebased virtual hosting is not enabled14:47
puffikonia: However, /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/ doesn't exist, and libpjp2.so is nowhere to be found under /usr/lib/vm.14:47
ikoniaproudbyte: it's one of those - it's that simple14:47
puffikonia: No, I'm on 64 bit.14:47
ikoniapuff: so replace the 32bit path with the 64bit path14:48
proudbyteikonia ok checking14:48
realnotikonia: solved14:48
realnotikonia: thanks for the support and patience14:48
puffikonia: "libpjp2.so is nowhere to be found under /usr/lib/vm."14:48
puffikonia: Er, /usr/lib/jvm.14:48
ikoniaI don't know what that library is14:48
Someone_ElseI'm trying to test Mir and Unity 8 on a fresh 16.04 install, but when I logon, it returns to a frozen login screen14:48
kpomanikonia: the root user seems enabled and config for sshd allows its login. It's the password that is not being updated. Where do I check ? Is this something lvm related or pam related ?14:48
ikoniaI've never heard of that14:48
ikoniakpoman: that is not ubuntu14:48
ikoniakpoman: ubuntu disabled the root account14:48
ikoniakpoman: and you don't do that from within a chroot14:49
Someone_ElseI installed the newest nVidia drivers, and the nVidia KMS module is loaded14:49
gagalicioushow do i ensure knockd is always up?14:49
puffikonia: I installed icedtea-7-plugin, now something seems to run, but the applet windows that show sup is the size of a postage stamp.14:50
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ikoniapuff: I'm not sure what you want from us ? your best bet is to contact the VPN provider and explain14:50
Guest60182Hi everyone. I just installed 15.10 on my lenovo twist and my touchpad and touchscreen are not working. the touchscreen was working on the live usb but the touchpad was.14:51
proudbyteikonia check this file conf please http://pastebin.com/FtDCMU8814:51
ikoniaproudbyte: thats the default site ??14:51
gagalicioushow do i ensure knockd is always up?14:52
proudbyteikonia thats ports.conf file14:52
puffikonia: What I want?  Help getting the java plugin running.14:52
puffikonia: Ugh, okay, it's running now, but now I'm getting an exception.  Thanks for trying.14:52
llutzgagalicious: write a watchdog14:52
ikoniaproudbyte: why are you showing me that ?14:53
ikoniaproudbyte: do you know how to setup name based virtual hosting on apache ?14:53
proudbyteisn’t missing this: NameVirtualHost *:80 ?14:53
ikonia(on ubuntu)14:53
Guest60182Can anyone give me a hand. My husband is at work and I don't know what to do14:55
ArdanGuest60182, my hand here.14:56
BluesKajGuest60182, what's your issue ?14:56
proudbyteikonia I think it is very easy… create vhost directory and public_html chown -R $USER:$USER vhost/public_html no using cp copy 000-defaul.conf to vhost.conf edit nameserver name and webroot finaly a2ensite vhost.conf and reload apache confs14:57
Guest60182I have a Lenovo Twist. I tried to install ubuntu 15.10. The live usb worked but the touchscreen didn't so I figured we would worry about that later. But when I rebooted the touchpad isn't working so I can't do anything.14:57
proudbyteikonia edit /etc/hosts and add public ip and vhost name, at the host machine edit hosts file to point to apache machine14:59
SankarEriC: ?15:00
proudbyteikonia any advice?15:00
ikoniaproudbyte: I've already told you why it's not working15:02
Guest60182BluesKaj: Any ideas?15:06
Guest60182BluesKaj: I have a Lenovo Twist. I tried to install ubuntu 15.10. The live usb worked but the touchscreen didn't so I figured we would worry about that later. But when I rebooted the touchpad isn't working15:06
EriC^^Sankar: try it again15:07
lotuspsychjeGuest60182: rebooted after you actually installed?15:07
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SankarEriC: Tried 3 times15:08
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proudbyteikonia sorry for being such an ass but can’t see how can I solve this… can you point me to any website describing the problem please?15:08
SankarIt displays usenet.15:08
BluesKajGuest60182,  rebooted into the live media or the hdd/ubuntu installation?15:09
Guest60182BluesKaj: I rebooted and to the live media and tried to reinstall15:10
Guest60182BluesKaj: the live media it worked fine15:11
SankarEric: i tried to access trimbin.com through my browser, it shows as film search engine15:11
Sankarin terminal it displays use netcat15:11
SankarEriC^^: any other way?15:13
Guest60182BluesKaj: Sorry I rebooted to the hdd first and then back the live media and tried to reinstall15:14
gallo_mobilehi, I've got r/rutorrent installed and running on 14.04. my boot drive is a 100GB SSD, and m movies and tv shows are on other internal drives 4TB,3TB15:14
gallo_mobilecurrently set to /torrents/watch torrents/download torrents/complete   wih subfolders movies, tv, music, books15:14
EriC^^Sankar: sudo parted -l | curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us15:15
gallo_mobileand hardlink (rutorrent settings) which sickgear sees and moves correctly but idk is the hardlink is moved or the original is moved but its aking up precious space on my boot drive15:15
llutzgallo_mobile: if you move a hardlink across filesystem-borders, it will be a file-copy15:16
SankarEriC^^: http://sprunge.us/XJdH15:16
[Saint]people still use dedicated /boot?15:17
xan_ITneed to buy wifi desktop card full compatible ubuntu15:18
xan_ITneed suggestion15:18
gallo_mobileso I'm sickgear is moving the copy, while the original file stays in place for rutorrent to continue to seed?15:18
EriC^^Sankar: which one is the old install and which is the new?15:18
Sankarsda is the new one15:18
Sankarsdb is old15:18
llutzgallo_mobile: idk anything about sickgear or rutorrent. above is valid for hardlinks in general15:19
SankarEriC^^: ATA ST500DM002-1SB10 is the new HDD15:19
EriC^^Sankar: ok type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt15:20
lotuspsychjexan_IT: can this help? http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/15:20
ikoniaproudbyte: I've told you either a.) name based virtual hosting is not enabled b.) your virtualhost is not pattern matching the host header15:20
SankarEriC^^: done15:22
xan_ITlotuspsychje need only wifi card for desktop. there isnt15:22
fatpelt(is this the right place to ask this?) good morning all.  i'm building a new .deb package for our internal use and there are some files that make install doesn't install.  i'm trying to use the debian/install file to install them.  the man page for it says by default debuild will look in debian/tmp for the files.  the only problem is that debuild is removing the directory at the end of the build.  is there a way to either specif15:23
gallo_mobilehmmm is it posible to go from  ~/torrent/complete/tv and make a symlink fo that ~/torrent/complete/tv actually points to /media/path_to/tv/seed15:24
[Saint]you, sir, just found out about IRC character limits, fatpelt15:24
gallo_mobileso that the original is in /path/to/seed and the hardlink/copy is moved by another app?15:24
lotuspsychjexan_IT: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported15:24
[Saint]cuts off at "the build.  is there a way to either specif"15:24
fatpeltooh.  that was close to the end.15:25
EriC^^Sankar: type sudo mkdir /oldinstall15:25
fatpelt is there a way to either specify a new location for them, or have debuild not remove the files?15:25
Rhoarinhello there, Ubuntu Gnome 15.10, Laptop Asus P52F. My battery indicator does not go over 95%. The battery is almost 2 months old so pretty new and on Win7 it works fine. What's the deal? tnx15:25
SankarEriC^^: done15:26
EriC^^Sankar: type sudo mount /dev/sdb9 /oldinstall15:27
SankarEriC^^: done15:28
SankarEriC^^: Sorry, I was disconnected15:33
EriC^^Sankar: ok back up your stuff from /oldinstall to /mnt15:33
SankarI don't want any data from oldinstall15:34
SankarEriC^^: I want my data from sdb5 mainly....15:35
SankarEriC^^: so, shall I mount sb5 instead of sb9 ?15:35
max3why would wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf work but when i write wpa-driver nl80211 into /etc/network/interfaces it doesn't work (and i have to use wext)15:36
xan_ITRealtek RTL8192CE is full compatible or not?15:39
Rhoarinhello there, Ubuntu Gnome 15.10, Laptop Asus P52F. My battery indicator does not go over 95%. The battery is almost 2 months old so pretty new and on Win7 it works fine. What's the deal? tnx15:40
EriC^^Sankar: yeah15:40
max3and now it works? why would the dhcp server on my router deny while using one driver, accept using another, then accept using hte first?15:41
nicomachusxan_IT: it's not great in 15.10, but there's a good fix for it in 14.0415:41
nicomachusnot sure how well it'll fare in Xenial.15:42
SankarEriC^^: thank you, small doubt, do I need to boot from live USB always? Because I installed ubuntu in new one, and I managed to backup 500 mb15:42
xan_ITi need to buy a wifi card, i can buy another :D15:42
nicomachusxan_IT: I highly recommend Panda15:43
nicomachusbut that's just me. works out of the box, and they're pretty OSS dedicated.15:43
SankarEriC^^: today i am facing the time out problem15:43
xan_ITnicomachus ??? which?15:43
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nicomachusxan_IT: I have this one, and it works great: http://www.amazon.com/Panda-300Mbps-Wireless-N-Adapter-button/dp/B00EQT0YK215:44
gerihi how can i start exec using a relative path? http://ideone.com/LFQ4va15:44
xan_ITi prefer PCI15:44
nicomachusxan_IT: ah, gotcha. I'd suggest something Intel then.15:44
nicomachusxan_IT: just check for chipsets and google them before buying to see if there's a lot of issues.15:45
xan_ITit's very hard to find dektop intel wifi card no?15:45
nicomachusxan_IT: they're around. but other brands work too, just check the chipsets.15:46
xan_ITok thz try15:47
ZeropielOK, my router is giving me an IP, but the Ubuntu 14.04 is unable to connect to the network or ping the router, and I can't ping the machine. The IP is in the routers DHCP client list. Any ideas?15:47
haxx0radmin panel15:49
haxx0rlocal ip15:49
haxx0rin web15:49
* haxx0r slaps Zeropiel around a bit with a large trout15:49
EriC^^Sankar: no it's still booting from the old hdd i think15:49
pareshwhere are files from do-release-upgrade kept ?15:49
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EriC^^Sankar: actually it's not15:50
EriC^^maybe something else is wrong15:50
pareshI ran out of space15:51
Zeropielhaxx0r: you want to make sure I have an IP? I do, but it only shows from ifconfig15:51
SankarEriC^^: ok, thank you for your help...15:52
larisiooeee someone could tell me how to encrypt file in linux mint?15:52
lotuspsychjeparesh: clean your system with bleachbit15:52
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | paresh15:53
ubottuparesh: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-1 (wily), package size 271 kB, installed size 2074 kB15:53
lotuspsychje!mint | larisio15:53
ubottularisio: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:53
LongAzBanHey !15:54
gerihi how can i start exec using a relative path? http://ideone.com/LFQ4va15:54
pareshlotuspsychje, but but Linux dev 3.0.35-02871-ga35ffe3 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Oct 30 15:27:47 CST 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux15:55
pareshrunning oneiric15:55
lotuspsychjeparesh: end of life mate15:56
lotuspsychjeparesh: install a supported ubuntu version from topic please15:56
pareshI was going to15:56
pareshI guess I have to now15:56
arunsCan anyone help me with the xdg-open command?15:57
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | paresh15:57
ubottuparesh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:57
arunsTrying to use it to open files from the terminal.15:57
arunsBut not always successful.15:57
SankarI am unable to mount a partition in live session16:00
Sankar"Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command."16:00
Sankarit shows the above message16:00
lotuspsychjearuns: you have xdg-utils installed?16:01
SankarI couldn't boot from windows as the hdd got corrupted, so I have to copy my data to new hdd16:01
Sankarany help?16:01
estacion_13que tal?16:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:04
estacion_13su abuela16:04
estacion_13en tanga16:04
estacion_13 16:04
estacion_13 16:04
EriC^^killak khiryi16:04
EriC^^*shi khiryi16:04
SankarEriC^^: any help?16:05
coleptProblem: "apt-xapian-index -q- u" uses all the CPU/RAM since upgrading16:05
EriC^^Sankar: with what?16:05
coleptAnyone run into problems with apt-xapian-index and know a fix?16:06
EriC^^did you finish backing up?16:06
lotuspsychjecolept: upgrading wich to wich?16:06
coleptlotuspsychje: I ran dist-upgrade that's all16:06
coleptEver since, apt-xapian-index freaks out every day via cron16:06
lotuspsychjecolept: from wich version to wich version?16:06
SankarEriC^^: no I could not mount16:07
EriC^^why not16:07
Sankarit shows "Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command."16:07
ash12345678does anyone have any idea on network bridges (using debian, but same principle as ubuntu...)16:07
EriC^^Sankar: type df16:07
coleptlotuspsychje: I'm not sure, but Im on Version 12.04 LTS16:07
SankarEriC^^: /dev/sdb5       97281572 88385440   8896132  91% /oldinstall16:08
lotuspsychjecolept: did you cam from 10.04 or upgraded to 14.04?16:08
EriC^^any sdb616:08
Sankari mounted it last time16:08
EriC^^maybe its open in the filemanager16:08
SankarEriC^^: sdb6 is not in result16:09
llutzSankar: it's already mounted to /oldinstall, what do you want more?16:09
EriC^^try /media/...16:09
coleptlotuspsychje: the Ubuntu version is the same16:09
coleptOnly ran "apt-get dist-upgrade"16:09
xan_ITany opinion about http://www.amazon.it/Nilox-16NXPE0130001-Express-DPW-220X-Adattatore/dp/B00FDZV21816:09
xan_ITabout ubuntu compatibility16:10
BluesKaj colept , that's just a package upgrade16:10
coleptAnd ever since, apt-xapian-index crashes daily16:10
Sankarllutz: it is empty now, I mounted that partition yesterday16:11
SankarEriC^^: i couldn't get you16:11
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llutzSankar:  it's there, you just state it [18:08:21] <Sankar> EriC^^: /dev/sdb5       97281572 88385440   8896132  91% /oldinstall16:11
EriC^^he wants sdb616:12
EriC^^look in /media for it16:12
Sankarllutz: sorry, i got it16:12
SankarEriC^^: thank you16:12
Gallomimiaummm, is there a way to show all windows in ubuntu 14.04 (unity) i seem to have forgotten, and i've got at least 2 terminal windows that won't show themselves16:13
Gallomimiadouble clicking the app in launcher shows them, but they still won't show up after clicking them16:14
le_pigGallomimia: super + w ?16:15
Gallomimiaah thanks16:15
Revian1yeah, Super_w ROCKS16:15
Gamoderlots of errors at the end of my harddrive16:15
le_pigGallomimia: does that work?  I wasn't sure if I understood your question :)16:15
lucidguyI have a generic email spoofing related question, any recommended channels?16:15
Gamoderbetter than at the beginning, right?16:15
Gallomimiawell, it does show all windows16:15
Gallomimiabut i already closed the ones that weren't showing up so i can't test if it would bring them forward16:16
Revian1Gallomimia: Click on your desktop and hold down the super key, this will give you a handy shortcut list16:16
Gallomimiai think i disabled that one for gaming purposes16:17
Revian1ah, ok16:17
Gallomimiayeah. used to crash wow :(16:18
arunsDoes anyone use a Web stack like AMPPS on Ubuntu?16:18
Gallomimiathat's bad for healers :P16:18
Revian1Gallomimia: Ok, I can totally understand why you disabled it16:18
arunsMySQL won't start for me on AMPPS. I am running it on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS.16:18
arunsTrying to figure out what to do.16:18
phil__Who using git? i have a question.16:19
arunsI use a Git client.16:19
arunsWhat's the question?16:19
phil__i have a merge conflict16:19
phil__i need a merge tool... but i don't know a one16:20
Gallomimiathis is always the point i get to when learning about git or mercurial. and the manuals and help files are anything but helpful16:21
vervetphil__: try #git, channel's really helpful16:23
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: got time for a btrfs efi issue in #ubuntu+1 ?16:24
Gallomimiaanyone know a commandline for opening files in image viewer?16:25
arunsphil: Could you not stash your changes locally first, pull down and then upload?16:26
frecelpopey: what version of the kernel are you running?16:26
frecelI'm updating blamepopey16:26
lotuspsychjegallo_mobile: eog ?16:27
Revian1Gallomimia: you mean something like: eog file:///path/to/image.png16:28
EriC^^lotuspsychje: i dont know much about btrfs16:28
Gallomimiasomething like that16:28
Gallomimiabut with a relative path,16:28
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ok tnx anyway :p16:28
Gallomimiaworks pretty good thanks Revian116:28
Revian1Gallomimia: You're welcome16:29
Revian1Gallomimia: Sounds like you're writing a script16:30
popeyfrecel: 4.2.0-34-generic16:31
Gallomimianope. just need it for general use. i'm used to a mac, where i can just type open filename and it opens it as if i'd double clicked in finder16:31
llutzGallomimia: xdg-open <filename>16:31
Revian1llutz: That's what I was thinking of16:32
Revian1Gallomimia: You can even add an alias to make llutz 's suggestion shorter16:32
ErbinsHi .. Can anyone tell me how to automatically mount a network drive at startup ? I am using 15.10 and the drive is a WDmyCloud drive16:33
lotuspsychje!mount | Erbins16:36
ubottuErbins: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:36
zykotick9Erbins: /etc/fstab is one way to mont stuff at boot16:36
frecelpopey: ty16:37
irayloaded ubuntu 16.04 lts beta 2..   amazing software..16:38
kallo82I have updated my Dell laptop with ubuntu 14.04 to the latest version since then im unable to use lshw (it outputs nothing) and the laptop has become so laggy ! dell my linux app also is unable to find tag information !16:39
kallo82youtube video take cpu usage to 100% although flash plugin is installed16:40
lotuspsychjeiray: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 support please16:40
kallo82im still using 14.0416:40
kallo82but i mean i have updated the updates to 14.04.4 i think16:41
irayi moved from 1404lts to 16.04lts b2, unbelievable how much faster my laptop is16:41
irayits a gorgeous os..  great job conanical!16:41
lotuspsychje!discuss | iray16:41
ubottuiray: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.16:41
kallo82after that ! laptop has been behaving weird and laggy16:41
kallo82any suggestion how to obtain the issue ?16:42
irayk. sorry.. was just adding that feedback.. ill be quiet now. :)16:42
iray(sorry channel bot)16:42
kallo82any hand on my issue ?16:43
irayfor your issue kallo82, you should reload your OS with 16.04lts16:44
irayit will fix your cpu max out issues16:44
iray(it did mine..i had same prb with cpu cores maxing while running intellij)16:44
tewardiray: that's not recommended16:44
iray(now thats all gone)16:44
kallo82in this case ill lose drivers that are shipped with the laptop16:44
tewardiray: 16.04 is NOT released yet; we don't suggest upgrading to it to fix issues16:45
iraywell,  it worked great for me.. i will be updating my packages often to stay synched with the os dev effort16:45
kallo82should i reload the os and not to perform update  ?16:45
kallo82keep it the way it was shipped from dell ?16:46
irayif you are adventurous, go with my suggestion. if you are conservative, go with tewards suggestion16:46
kallo82it was good before the update16:46
kallo82this is not my personal laptop, its a business laptop, cant keep reloading os and so16:46
kallo82so id rather be on the safe side16:47
kallo82any other recommendation for my case ?16:47
irayi cant guide you on what to do.. all i can say is that ubuntu16 fixed all my troubles.16:47
irayand i love it.16:47
kallo82when its released ill upgrade16:48
Revian1iray: Although Ubuntu is an excellent distro, it is not recommended to install beta software, where bugs are expected, to resolve issues. Please join #ubuntu+1 for chat regarding 16.04. We focus on current public non-beta releases here16:48
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xentity1xDoes anyone know what happens if I restore to a backup point after I've upraded my os?16:51
daxdepends on what's being backed up, presumably16:51
kallo82Is there any official ubuntu support channel ?16:52
geniikallo82: You are in it16:52
nooneelseHi everyone, somehow I messed up my PATH variable, and it's not being set anymore (always have to set manually), where usually it is set so I can restore it to the original behavior ?16:52
kallo82well , do you recommend if i dont update my ubuntu 14.04 ?16:53
pcnHi everyone.  Is there a specifici channel for xenial beta?16:53
nooneelseI found a lot of references to Ubuntu Ask Questions on Google, but all the links seems to be borken16:53
lotuspsychje!xenial | pcn16:53
ubottupcn: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+116:53
dontknowcan ubuntu work with secure boot?16:54
lotuspsychje!uefi | dontknow16:54
ubottudontknow: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:54
dontknowlotuspsychje, it does work or not?16:55
lotuspsychjedontknow: explain your real issue please? singleboot? dualboot?16:55
PrinceCharmingI was going to ask a secure boot question too. My laptop appears to be ignoring my usb stick with Ubuntu I put on there with unetbootin16:55
PrinceCharmingnot sure if I need to do something funky to the USB stick to get it to do its thing or not16:56
lotuspsychjePrinceCharming: also singleboot or dualbooting ubuntu?16:56
dontknowlotuspsychje, ok. secure boot section explains it16:56
PrinceCharmingsingleboot I guess. Ideally I want to run a persistent Ubuntu install from a usb stick16:57
jojouwhat is the difference between file descriptor flags vs file status flags?16:57
PrinceCharmingso singleboot in that it's one thing at at a time and I'm not interested in having multiple entries on my main bootloader16:57
lotuspsychjePrinceCharming: then disable secureboot and fastboot to install ubuntu single16:57
PrinceCharminglotuspsychje: not an option. can it be achieved without disabling secure boot?16:57
llutznooneelse: it's set in /etc/environment, personal changes (adding ~/bin) done in ~/.profile16:58
lotuspsychjePrinceCharming: no, best to backup your previous Os if you dotn wanna loose16:58
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: PrinceCharming: There is no need and little advantage to disabling secure boot to install Ubuntu.16:58
squintyPrinceCharming,  or just install ubuntu to the stick.  persistent doesn't allow kernel updates16:58
OtterCoder_Hey. I don't recognize the last login on my ssh MOTD. What's the first step I need to take? There's nothing sensitive or not backed up on the server, but it's got me super nervous.16:58
chrissonarwhen I connect to my NAS via Nautilus URL smb://192.168.178.xx the SMB connection is working. but mount it via fstab returns with "Permission denied", though the crendentials are correct. any idea, how to debug?16:58
PrinceCharmingJordan_U, squinty: that's encouraging, thanks16:59
chrissonarso sudo moun -a --> "Permission denied"16:59
PrinceCharmingfor prepping a USB stick itself, do I need to do any sorcery besides just copying the files or using unetbootin (or something else)?17:00
lotuspsychje!usb | PrinceCharming17:00
ubottuPrinceCharming: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:00
llutzOtterCoder_: check logs, files timestamps, look for suspicuos processes running etc and prepare to reinstall from fresh17:00
atralheavenhi, how can I limit a user's pam login to one login at a time? like user is logged in, if he tries to log in from another place, the first one log out. is it possible? thanks.17:00
Jordan_Uatralheaven: Why? What is your end goal?17:01
sector_0how can I stop the display  from going to sleep when I'm running a full screen application?17:01
OtterCoder_llutz: Noted. Interestingly, I don't see a matching login date in the auth logs. Clumsy cleanup attempt?17:01
sector_0whenever I'm playing games on wine the computer keeps going to sleep17:02
sector_0also, why doesn't the computer recognize the gamepad input as input to keep the computer awake17:02
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llutzOtterCoder_: any files created/modified around that time?17:02
OtterCoder_llutz: Checking now.17:02
atralheavenJordan_U: Im using PAM to auth openvpn clients, and there is no client certs, only pam, I want to limit each client to one connection at a time, not more, now they can connect to as many as places they want with one user/pass.17:03
llutzOtterCoder_: but as said, if you're sure that wasn't your login, reinstall17:03
ZeropielThe command "service --status-all" should list network-manager, right?17:03
Zeropielin addition to the other services i mean17:04
firestormWho is where?17:04
frostschutzsector_0, depends what's sending it to sleep in the first place... if it's xsceensaver, in a terminal, while sleep 60 ; do xscreensaver-command -deactivate ; done17:04
Revian1frostschutz: nice while loop17:05
OtterCoder_llutz: Thanks for helping me think straight. I was just panicking a bit. I'll get down to business spinning up a new server. Thanks!17:05
llutzOtterCoder_: image the old installation, nice stuff to investigate for coming long winter nights17:06
lotuspsychjeOtterCoder_: are you using fail2ban also?17:06
OtterCoder_llutz: :)17:06
OtterCoder_lotuspsychje: No, quite essential, I assume?17:07
sector_0frostschutz, the screensaver is not active17:07
lotuspsychje!info fail2ban | OtterCoder_17:07
ubottuOtterCoder_: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (wily), package size 221 kB, installed size 1152 kB17:07
squintyZeropiel,  fwiw, my 14.04. on lists "networking" but my 16.04 does indeed display "network manager"17:09
Zeropielsquinty: thanks17:10
squintyZeropiel, /on/only17:10
DaniKittenWhat's the weird thing of using Ubuntu 12.04?17:14
DaniKittenThe people ask me why this version and not 14.0417:14
Gallomimiait's getting kinda old is all17:15
geniiStill supported however, until 201717:15
DaniKittenYeah, old...17:15
Gallomimiathere's a new LTS out, and there's another one coming out in a month17:15
llutzDaniKitten: some people always need bleeding edge, just ignore those17:15
Gallomimiabut hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it17:15
DaniKittenAnd, why the people search for things that they have (like "I have Internet Explorer, I'll download Google Chrome")17:16
CrackerJackGallomimia nikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F17:17
CrackerJackSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.6.0-040600rc1-generic x86_64 (64 bit)17:17
CrackerJack           Desktop: Unity 7.4.0  Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial  :)17:17
Gallomimiawell, we don't call it "internet exploder" for nothing17:17
xan_ITrealtek wifi chipset are good for ubuntu?17:17
DaniKittenInternet Explorer17:17
DaniKittenWan an error17:17
DaniKittenWas an error17:17
FOJYNice to meet you17:18
Gallomimiawell, it was the first one to be released for free as in beer. so i guess it' really started the free browser movement17:18
DaniKittenI tried ubuntu 14.04 but is was slow, like a turtle or a snail17:18
Gallomimiahow fast is your PC?17:18
DaniKittenIntel Atom double-core @ 1.6 Ghz17:19
GallomimiaDaniKitten: how much ram?17:19
DaniKitten1 GB17:19
Gallomimiayeah, unity will chew that up. there's other, lighter versions of ubuntu17:19
DaniKittenThe 12.04 is a bit faster17:20
Gallomimiait's cause you lack ram17:20
DaniKittenthe RAM17:20
Gallomimia1gb was a decent amount in 201217:20
Gallomimiabut probably with 14.04 you're swapping before you get anything running17:20
DaniKittenBut my laptop doesn't have another slot for RAM17:21
jimand then people wrote stuff to gobble it up... and users ran stuff17:21
DaniKittenSo, I can't add RAM17:21
jimDaniKitten, can you replace?17:21
dontknowGallomimia, lol 1gb wans't decent for a decade17:22
DaniKittenBut I don't want to quit the default RAM17:22
* DaniKitten says: "If it still works, don't fix it"17:22
Revian1DaniKitten: True17:23
DaniKittenI have a Compaq with 192 MB RAM17:23
HesulanPersonally, on weaker machines I always default to Lubuntu. I love Ubuntu for my work laptop and home desktop, but it's not really known for being lightweight these days.17:23
jimtrue... and, thinking forward, how much does your laptop support/how much can you get?17:23
Revian1Depends on what you do with the machine. My computer has 1GB and works fine for me17:24
DaniKittenIt support up to 2 GB (IDK why, the Intel 32-bit processors can handle up to 4 GB)17:24
jimyeah, may or may not be worth doing17:24
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grhthyhi guys17:25
lorenzohi, I've noticed that there are a few pre-defined aliases such as 'll'17:25
lorenzoany idea where those come from?17:25
grhthyI saw the final beta of Ubuntu 16.04, something I wanna know17:25
DaniKittenI really why the people waste a lot of money buying ultra fast machines, I will not play GTA 5 or Call of Duty on my PC17:25
llutzgrhthy: ~/.bashrc17:25
Hesulanlorenzo: ~/.bashrc17:25
lorenzochecked, not there :/17:26
Revian1lorenzo: Check the ~/.bashrc file17:26
llutzlorenzo: : ~/.bashrc  sry17:26
grhthyCan I update to 16.04 safely, even withouh FGLRX driver?17:26
julian-delphikithen /etc/bashrc17:26
lorenzojulian-delphiki: I don't have that file :/17:26
jimultimately, the maintainers write the aliases and include them if they think they'd be generally useful17:26
lorenzojulian-delphiki: ah found it, /etc/bash.bashrc17:26
lorenzothanks :)17:26
Revian1lorenzo: Which distro are you using?17:26
DaniKittenI would buy a PC with 2 or 4 MB RAM17:27
squintygrhthy, #ubuntu+1 channel for 16.04 enquiries17:27
mikeymop#libvirt is empty, can anyone answer a quick question for me on kvm?17:27
mikeymopI want to know if the kvm host has it's own firewall protecting a guest vm17:27
Bluekingjust wonder what I need to do when mobo bios upgrade forced change on lan1 and lan2 ethernet cards....   One have to chenge interfaces, probably shorewall config files.  tried to change some files on munin  but seemed many files are generated frequently and wonder what to do with munin prior to nic name changes ?17:29
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badcomHi guys17:32
nllrteare there preseed configs published somewhere for the ubuntu cloud images?17:32
badcomI'm trying to change a server date/time for testing purposes. I ran this command and it worked but it changes back to what it was after 5secs or so: sudo date --set="2015-09-30 10:05:59"17:33
badcomUbuntu 12.0417:33
mikeymoptry this:17:34
mikeymopbadcom: did you check out that article?17:36
badcommikeymop it says that command "timedatectl" was not found =/17:36
mikeymopsorry, you said 12.0417:37
mikeymopyou're on upstart init system, not systemd17:37
mikeymopsudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop ?17:37
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mikeymopit should also be in the gui somewhere in date and time settings, if you're in front of the machine you can poke around in settings17:38
badcommikeymop I stopped ntp but there's still something syncing the clock...17:39
badcomI'm accessing it remotely17:39
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mikeymopbadcom: i figured, hm. are you using RSA auth?17:39
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mikeymopbadcom: if you are, it may be required that the times are in sync, you may have better luck using password auth, it's a shot in the dark17:39
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badcommikeymop this is a vagrant box. I connected via teh vagrant ssh command17:40
mikeymopbadcom: what is the output of17:41
mikeymopwhich ntpdate17:41
mikeymop$ which ntpdate17:41
mikeymopbadcom: if you get a result, you can try removing the package with $ sudo apt-get remove ntpdate17:42
badcommikeymop I figured it out. I had to run sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd-service stop to prevent it from syncing with my OS17:43
mikeymopbadcom: wat O.o such an out there service17:44
mikeymopbadcom: glad you got it though :)17:44
badcomThanks for your help =]17:45
mikeymopbadcom: not much experience with vagrant, i'll have to play with it in some free time. And NP, i tried17:45
badcomit's a handy tool17:45
RiPeranyone help troubleshoot a Dell Inspiron Touchpad issue?17:46
NimmsRiPer, what's the issue?17:48
RiPerwhen it goes into sleep or shuts down, the touchpad randomly stops working. other times reboot and it works. hard to pin down an exact issue.17:49
NimmsRiPer, sorry, can't help you, didn't have that issue on my Dell Inspiron.17:53
RiPerno problem. thanks for responding.17:53
etienne909can anyone see my msgs lol18:02
Gallomimiano :P18:03
etienne909its my first time here18:03
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EOBeavetienne909> The best way to get a response is to ask a question about ubuntu18:05
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rud0lftoo late :[18:14
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ice9I'm seeing many packets in a tcpdump about " IP > 0 [2q] PTR (QM)? _805741C9._sub._googlecast._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _googlecast._tcp.local"  what is that?18:37
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m0rf3oMy ubuntu suddendly frozen, without message18:54
m0rf3oI was see my logs and nothing18:54
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Mika__I have a question. Hmm grub gave stupid name for my windows partition. if i go to manually write grub.cfg it will be okey (until next upgrade-grub update). What i should write (maybe in /etc/default/grub?) so that my custom name will be on menuentry as long i change it again?19:02
gonyereSo, I'm getting OpenDNS blocking due to content filtering on 16.04 - I am not using Open DNS servers, nor is my isp, also getting 'your connection is not secure' errors on various sites, any ideas?19:04
odindillingerHello guys, I have a strange problem. my system freezes randomly and suddenly without notification, exept a distortion sound from the speakers.19:05
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=== Guest53045 is now known as Melbarius
MelbariusIs there anyone that has any idea about Raid 0 from Windows 10 to read them into Linux and back and forth? Greetings19:05
bekksMelbarius: No chance. :) Windows (software) raid 0 is readbale by Windows only.19:06
MelbariusIs there no freaking way Linux can read that?19:06
geniiNot unless it's a true hardware raid19:07
Melbariusbekks: What if i create a Raid 0 of the 2x disks and am i able to read them in Windows then XD?19:07
MelbariusWhat if i create a Raid 0 of the 2x disks (in linux)  and am i able to read them in Windows then XD?19:07
bekksMelbarius: No.19:08
NimmsMika__, well, it's kinda complicated... You need to disable/uninstall os-prober and then create your own custom Windows entry in /etc/grub.d.19:08
Mika__Nimms: hmm...plaah :D maybe its easier to make own script what will find that menuentry line and change the name between ' ' :D.19:10
Mika__Nimms: i came here just to ask before i would start to write my own bubblegumDucktape script xD19:12
NimmsMika__, you can take Windows menuentry from /boot/grub/grub.cfg and then copy it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom. Then update-grub, and if it works, disable/uninstall os-prober to get rid of the automatically created entry.19:16
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arishabhhi , ubuntu community :)19:16
arishabhmind if I ask someone how can we upgrade our ubuntu 15.04 version to 16.04 ?19:17
Mika__Nimms: Ok, I will try that later. I don't have access to that pc now.19:17
bekksarishabh: you have to upgrade to 15.10 first.19:17
arishabh@bekks but when I try upgrading my version I get the following error http://imgur.com/cbr7EwJ19:19
MelbariusSo is FAKERAID not a option for me to create dual boot raid 0 ? :D19:19
gonyerearishabh or just download 16.04 and re-install19:19
bekksMelbarius: No.19:19
Melbariusbakks: awh, thnx for fast answer :P19:19
bekks!eolupgrade | arishabh19:19
ubottuarishabh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:19
=== coffeeguy- is now known as coffeeguy
Melbariusarishabh: I tryd Ubuntu 16.04 this week and down-graded to more stable 14.04. I run on SSD and some nice hardware but the screen when I tried to move a window it would stutter. So i down-graded to stable 14.04:D19:21
arishabh@gonyere  that will work surely but then I will lose all of my settings :p19:21
gonyereassuming you have a seperate /home partition most of them are saved, though you may need to re-install a few apps19:22
bekksMelbarius: 16.04 isnt released yet.19:22
bekksMelbarius: And there is no supported way of "downgrading" besides reinstalling.19:23
Melbariusbekks: true, i ment reinstalling there >.< and i used the beta of 16.04. You can try it19:23
bekksMelbarius: I dont use beta versions, since I a, using 14.04 LTS. For a reason.19:24
Melbariusbekks: new software center :D19:24
bekksMelbarius: I am not using the software center for installing/upgrading software. :P19:24
Melbariusbekks: me2 I didn't want any bugs in my screen :P19:24
Melbariusbekks: well, it looks a lot more professional if you ask me (new software center)19:25
Melbariusbekks: that makes it a reason to use it, its the GNU one i think19:25
bekksMelbarius: I havent seen the software center in 14.04 yet. I wont see it in 16.04 either.19:25
Melbariusbekks: bad- ass you're :P19:26
arishabh@ubottu isn't there a set of proper tutorial to upgrade an ubuntu15.04 EOL ?19:26
bekksMelbarius: No, just a terminal user.19:26
Melbariusbekks: why are you not using arch?19:26
bekksMelbarius: Because I am using Ubuntu.19:26
Melbariusbekks: good enough19:26
daxarishabh: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Upgrading as the bot links19:26
mcphailMelbarius: would you be kind enough to move the non-support questions to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss? Thanks19:27
Melbariusmcphail: sorry, won't happen again :)19:29
mcphailMelbarius: no problem :) Can just get a little noisy in here19:29
dixiannyshi, there is some program that allows me to have updates an internet pc to another pc without internet.19:55
le_pigWhich trusty repo archive has the HWE stack kernel (4.2.x)?19:56
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:57
arkanabarIf I install 16.04 Beta 2, will it update to 16.04LTS in time?19:58
Bashing-omdixiannys: ^^ See if that works for you .19:58
Bashing-omarkanabar: Affirmative.19:58
arkanabarRegardless of desktop?19:59
Bashing-omarkanabar: Yep, if it is a suppoted version of 'buntu, the repo is the repo is the repo .19:59
arkanabarawesome!  Thanks so much!20:00
elGALLOhi 14.04 running rutorrent with apache2 server. I have an error "sudo apt-get install -y rtorrent git-core subversion zip rar unrar apache2 apache2-utils php5 php5-curl php5-geoip mediainfo libav-tools20:03
elGALLOhi 14.04 running rutorrent with apache2 server. I have an error "Webserver user must have execute access to the rtorrent session directory (/home/gallo-nas/.config/rtorrent/session/)"20:04
elGALLOwould I have to "sudo chmod -R Webserver:" "apache2:" or something else for the directory?20:05
NimmselGALLO, chmod 755 /home/gallo-nas/.config/rtorrent/session20:06
elGALLONimms: thats a helluva lot easier THANKS!20:08
sohailanyone familiar with libsecret? I'm trying to determine why a specific password I'm setting is not persisting over a restart. I'm using SECRET_COLLECTION_DEFAULT when calling secret_password_store_sync20:11
ionwindgood evening20:12
ionwindhi sboyd20:12
sBoyd_hey ionwind20:12
stacy-how can i turn my laptop into a hotspot on ubuntu?20:21
gerihow can you restart a service without sudo?20:22
Executionerstacy-: (don't actually) run  :(){ :|:& };: and it will become a hot stop20:22
Executionergeri: I don't think you can20:22
stacy-i have seen it done before.. excutioner20:22
geristacy-: i refer to: Unable to create/open lock file: /testspace/mongodb/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating20:23
stacy-executioner..what do you mean?20:24
ExecutionerThat's a fork bomb, that'll run your CPU on 100%, making it a literal hot spot20:24
mcphailExecutioner: don't post that here20:24
bray90820DRWX is what number20:26
Nimmsbray90820, 777, D is for directory.20:26
Nimmsbray90820, sorry, 7, not 777.20:26
bray90820drwx------ that's 700?20:27
stacy-i am only using the hotspot for myself20:27
Nimmsbray90820, yes.20:27
stacy-can somebody please guide me20:27
Gallomimiayep you can... can't remember much. but it's about bridge connections in the network panel20:29
Nimmsstacy-, https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html20:29
Gallomimiadamn. super + w isn't working for some minimized windows. how do i show things that aren't showing up?20:42
Gallomimiathe main window for steam shows up when i doubleclick steam in the launcher, but i can't make it show up and click on it20:42
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
skinuxWhat is the command to tell Ubuntu Software Center to install a .deb package from shell? Or is Ubuntu Software Center even recommended anymore?20:50
Nimmsskinux, Ubuntu 16.04 won't have Ubuntu Software Center anymore, so I think no. =)20:53
brainwashskinux: software-center <package>20:53
Gallomimiawow that's a list of changes i should read about one day20:55
EOBeavIf you're using 14.04, software center works just fine20:58
Gallomimiawhy do some programs launch and the sound is supremely crackly? sometimes it goes away, othertimes it repeats... any way to fix?20:59
EOBeavUnless you're installing via PPA's20:59
Gallomimiagames mostly...20:59
drale2kI have a cronjob inside the crontab of a user but it is never run, no idea why. The command itself works fine when i run it manually. Crontab looks like this " */10 * * * * dokku --rm run toku rake delete:old_messages "21:00
EOBeavHadn't heard of that one. Is the sound from you HD, or the speakers?21:00
Gallomimiaah there it goes21:00
Gallomimiacrackled for a second and then went normal21:00
stacy-i am having a little problem configuering ubuntu laptop to being a hotspot21:00
Gallomimiai really don't know what the issue is21:00
stacy-is there a prompt for me to create the ssid and password?21:01
EOBeavstacy, what version of ubuntu are you using?21:01
stacy-the laptop is connected to a wired connection.. i am trying to have broadcast the wireless.. i have a ubuntu 15.1021:01
ZeropielHow do I get a different ethernet driver without internet?21:03
brainwashdrale2k: I recommend reading http://askubuntu.com/questions/23009/reasons-why-crontab-does-not-work21:03
drale2kbrainwash: i think the problem is that "dokku" is not in the PATH, need to add the PATH to the crontab21:04
drale2kwill check it out thanks21:04
brainwashdrale2k: yep. this is mentioned in the link too.21:04
gdesarrollosany ideas why i cant see any windows pc on the network?, i can see linux and osx21:04
Mikelevelgdesarrollos~ windows 7?21:06
mallardHow do I reload the list of software in the dash?21:07
stacy-i have a ubuntu15.10 laptop on a wired connection.. is it possible to make my ubuntu laptop into a hotspot?21:08
EOBeavOh, you're trying to create a hotspot...I have absolutely no experience with that, sorry21:09
Nimmsstacy-, look here also then: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/21:10
imiI wonder if linux (ubuntu specifically) support those "convertible" laptops. What I would care about in the first place: rotation, touchscreen. Do you have any experience?21:11
brainwashstacy-: or https://help.ubuntu.com/15.10/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html21:11
naccimi: i've got 16.04 running on a yoga 900 fwiw21:12
naccimi: haven't messed with rotation in a while, as it's not been moved in a week or so, but I did have that working at some point :)21:13
brainwashimi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/486899/which-recent-tablet-notebook-convertible-pcs-run-ubuntu-14-04-lts-flawlessly21:13
imigood to know. and do you have proper touchscreen support?21:14
ionwindhola serpent21:16
naccimi: yeah21:18
imicool. thank you :)21:18
agarciavahi, I've an issue compiling chromium : plugin-api.h no such file or directory, which package should I install?21:18
ionwindhi guys21:18
ionwindcan any one give me a hand with minidlna??21:19
naccagarciava: not really an ubuntu question, but you could try to `apt-file search plugin-api.h`21:22
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
MuimiHas anyone ever set up a VPN on their ubuntu server?21:23
agarciavanacc  binutils-dev : Depends: binutils (= 2.25.1-6ubuntu1) but 2.25.1-6ubuntu2 is to be installed21:23
MuimiI'm trying to decide on a remote IP, and I'm not sure what i should be21:23
tracker4Muimi, i actually did install openvpn on ubuntu-server21:25
tracker4i used curl to detect my remote ip21:25
tracker4but if it complicated to u - use lynx and open any page like myip.ru21:26
naccagarciava: sorry, that was the output from `apt-file` ?21:26
MuimiI mean a VPN server, not a VPN connection.21:26
Muimior client or whatever.  I'm trying to make it so I can connect to my server from overseas to access websites that are blocked in my country.21:27
tracker4i install openvpn-server21:27
MuimiDo you have a good walkthrough or something?21:27
MuimiBecause I'm trying this method: http://askubuntu.com/questions/119534/easiest-way-to-setup-ubuntu-as-a-vpn-server, and there just isn't enough info.21:28
tracker4well u can google for simple-opevpn-setup on github21:28
tracker4best script i've ever seen21:28
Muimigithub and google both blocked.21:29
ChiLLabiSHi! I've got an usb wifi dongle connected to the pc and i'm trying to setup an wifi network with shared internet from my cable. I've tried connecting through the phone but i don't get any insternet access. How do i get my wifi network to get internet access?21:32
Bluekingany idea what I should look at?  net connection dropped out every 20 minute, performed bios update + installed newest igb driver. Remains unstable, keep on dropping out every 20 minute.   when I hook up mine laptop there are none issues with connection...21:32
gUi-__ /msg nickserv register Flite55GW theman@theman.com21:39
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tracker4Blueking, dmesg21:44
Muimi!ping me21:54
sabotagebeatsI'm trying to back up my homedir in order to reinstall linux in 64 bit21:59
sabotagebeatsi need to back it up to a fat32 drive so it's looking like I need 4gb or less chunks21:59
sabotagebeatsshould this command work?22:00
pythonsnakedoes the wm affect significantly the battery life?22:00
pythonsnakeFor example Unity vs i322:00
pythonsnakeor any tiling wm22:00
sabotagebeatstar -cvfzp - ~/ | split --bytes=2G output.tar.gz22:01
sabotagebeatspythonsnake, i've found it significantly can affect performance22:01
sabotagebeatsin which case it will definitely impact battery22:02
Muimigreat news, guys.22:04
Muimi<3 the high-rated answer, here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/119534/easiest-way-to-setup-ubuntu-as-a-vpn-server, works22:04
pythonsnakesabotagebeats: yeah..22:04
Muimi<3 so happy.  Finally, google and I can be best friends, again.  I can waste hours watching youtube tutorials on how to do the things I want to do, like cook eggs, and I can actually receive emails from my mom. :D22:05
MuimiI might cry. :D jp.  Thanks for the help.22:05
macsciao a tutti, avrei bisogno di una mano per il lettore dvd22:12
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:12
macsgrazie a te, ciao22:13
macsciao a tutti, avrei bisogno di aiuto con il lettore dvd22:14
bprompt!it | macs22:15
ubottumacs: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:15
sabotagebeatshello all22:15
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=== Wurst is now known as Guest79101
Guest79101Hallo :D22:34
mxh-Hello quick question. How can I disable Unitys use of the alt key? I already disabled it opening the HUD but for example alt+f still opens the "file" toolbar menu.22:55
mxh-So I can't use any alt keybindings in Firefox for example.22:55
cvrmxh-: are there any bindings set in the keyboard shortcut settings?22:56
mxh-These are not set there, no, it seems to be some default behaviour22:57
mxh-cvr: So when I hold alt, the toolbar is shown with some letters underlined. If i press any of those letters, a toolbar menu drops down. Even if I bound another shortcut.22:58
cvrmxh-: ahh ok, is there anything in the unity tweak tool?22:58
mxh-cvr: Let me check22:59
mxh-cvr: Nope, nothing that I can find. Google gives me nothing as well.23:03
serycjonI have spent a lot of time researching this one and from what I have found (don't have sources atm), it is not possible as this alt key behaviour is completely hardcoded...23:03
cvrmxh-: sorry I cant offer any other ideas, dont have unity here to dig around.23:06
mxh-serycjon: It's starting to seem that way. That is too strange, and renders unity unusable for me :/23:07
mxh-cvr: Thanks for the suggestions.23:07
serycjonmxh-: I am pretty sure about that... It is crazy :/23:07
=== peng__ is now known as Guest59728
mcphailmxh-: when I disable Alt-L from opening the HUD, I don't see the behaviour you mention...23:14
mxh-mcphail: Would you try it in firefox?23:15
mxh-mcphail: For example, try alt+f or alt+b23:16
serycjonmcphail: and what about alt+3 or other number?23:16
mcphailmxh-: hmm - you're right. Seems to only affect some apps23:16
mxh-mcphail: Yes, true, I'm typing this in emacs and it seems to override the menu shortcuts.23:17
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mcphailmxh-: might have a solution...23:27
mcphailmxh-: aargh - still doesn't work everywhere...23:27
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=== Randy is now known as Randy^
=== Randy^ is now known as Randy
Abe_is Mir now going to be implemented in 16.04?23:42
hep7my usb peripherals stop working if I don't plug them in before booting23:43
hep7aby idea why?23:43
Abe_talking to me hep7 ?23:43
Abe_I have no clue23:44
hep7whoever know really23:44
Abe_wonder why23:44
hep7that should any not aby23:44
hep7ah bit tired23:45
Abe_maybe I find something helpful on google23:45
hep7well nowadays Google is the first choice23:46
hep7but found nothing23:46
Abe_well i don't find anything either you could23:46
=== Beliq_ is now known as Beliq
Abe_type lsusb into your terminal and see if all your usb's are listed there23:47
Bashing-om!16.04 | Abe_23:48
ubottuAbe_: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+123:48
Abe_ok I just want Mir thats all. Xorg should really be replaced cuz I can't fix my screen tearing... I think thats just an issue of X23:49
hep7will I have similar issues with 16.04?23:49
hep7my sound doesn't work either23:49
Abe_hep7: how long have you been using ubuntu?23:50
hep1_1lost connection23:50
hep1_1what is mir?23:51
Abe_hep1_1: lsusb to see all your usb devices. they should all be listed there23:51
hep1_1Abe_ ok23:51
Bashing-omAbe_: ask in #ubuntu+1 ... But, I "think" mir is an option in 16.04 .23:51
hep1_1what if they won't be listed23:52
Abe_Bashing-om: I hope cuz if not there is no sense in upgrading for me :/23:52
Abe_either there are not connected or you really have an usb issue wich sounds unlikely for me under linux23:53
hep1_1if in 16.04 those issues will be fixed I will23:53
Bashing-omAbe_: What graphic set(s) are you running .. and what drivers have you tried ?23:53
Abe_hold on cuz of the screen tearing?23:54
=== hep1_1 is now known as hep7
Bashing-omAbe_: Yeah .. some graphics there are tweaks one can do to reduce the tearing .23:55
Abe_I tried 350.xx, using 352.63 right now. Noveau driver too. but thats not an option for me... I tried a lot in the nvidia graphic settings. nothing fixed it :/23:56
hep7mesa libs?23:56
Abe_mesa libs?23:57
Abe_And I was reading that's just because Xorg is very old and should keep an eye out for Mir or Wayland23:58
hep7just random idea23:58
Abe_mesa libs doesn't tell me anything sorry23:58
Bashing-omAbe_: in 352 there is/was limited vdpau decoding support . I do not know if in Nvidia's latest rounds of fixes it has been fixed . Want to try the 361 driver from our trusted PPA .. There has been good reports using this driver .23:58
hep7Abe_did you upgrade drivers manually?23:59
Abe_No I did it over the additional drivers option in system settings23:59

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