sakrecoer | /window/window 2 | 02:53 |
sakrecoer | also, good morning! | 02:53 |
OvenWerks | Good evening... | 02:55 |
sakrecoer | :) | 02:56 |
michael__ | hi | 14:45 |
=== michael__ is now known as Guest26605 | ||
Guest26605 | are there any future plans to make ubuntu-studio public for the rpi 3? | 14:46 |
zequence | Guest26605: No plans, but since Ubuntu Studio shares package repos with all other official Ubuntu flavors, you can turn Ubuntu vanilla into Ubuntu Studio | 14:53 |
Guest26605 | zequence, the problem is the arm64, since now i can't find a real 64bit-os for the rpi 3, all os are build on 32 bit | 14:55 |
zequence | Guest26605: From what I could find by googling quickly was that there's a version of Ubuntu Mate for rpi3. | 14:58 |
zequence | Not sure about the arm64 architecture as far as the whole archive of packages go | 15:00 |
knome | they've built xubuntu images within their project too: (not supported by the xubuntu community though) | 15:07 |
madeinkobaia | Hi all :P | 19:43 |
knome | hello | 19:43 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: Hello. If you want to chat, we are now using an offtopic channel. Check it out. #ubuntustudio-offtopic | 19:44 |
zequence | (for anything non-devel stuff, I mean) | 19:44 |
madeinkobaia | Ok Kaj | 19:45 |
knome | zequence, is the offtopic channel silly at all? :P | 19:45 |
zequence | knome: You're welcome to find out :) | 19:46 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: Any chance you have wallpaper suggestions for 16.04? | 19:48 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: You mean for make the default wallpaper or to choose one from the wallpaper contest ? | 19:49 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: A new default wallpaper. I have one suggestion myself, which I need to work some more on, but it is really only because no one else has done anything suitable | 19:50 |
zequence | Let me get you the link | 19:50 |
zequence | The contest did not produce anything suitable, I think, even though some are really nice | 19:50 |
madeinkobaia | ok | 19:50 |
zequence | Mine is very basic, but seems to work ok. Two variants. Slight change in coloring. | 19:51 |
zequence | | 19:52 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: what is limit date for included wallpapers in the 16.04 ? | 19:52 |
zequence | The idea is to use three colors, representing audio (blue), graphics(orange) and video(purple) | 19:52 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: The time has passed, so we are very late. But, I'm thinking within two weeks | 19:52 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: The links point to my own server. It's not a public ssl key, so you will get a warning in your browser, but the key is ok | 19:53 |
knome | final freeze is april 14, you probably want it before that | 19:53 |
zequence | Right. And, the sooner, the better | 19:53 |
knome | actually i think the final freeze is april 11 | 19:54 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: If you also have some ideas for unified artwork, now is the time to make something happen on that front | 19:54 |
knome | (the monday fo release week 25) | 19:54 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: Anyway, do what you want with that. Just let me know if you want to work on someting, so that I know that something may be coming from you. | 19:55 |
zequence | My wallpaper is just an idea, so don't overthink that. If you like it, use it. Otherwise, don't | 19:56 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: I can do the default wallpaper. But I will make only one proposition. As we don't have much time. | 19:57 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: Ok. I will need to see what it is before I can approve it. You have some ideas? | 19:58 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: I would like to make something as a typowork | 19:58 |
zequence | typowork? | 19:58 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: I think it will better than what you show me anyway. A typographic work is something made font characters... | 20:02 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: It's just an idea could be something else too. | 20:02 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: I'm not sure I like that, tbh. Not for a default wallpaper. I would like to see something simpler and if there is symbolism, it should connect with our OS | 20:05 |
zequence | types can have lots of character and such, but why use that on an LTS release? What is the reasoning, other than it looks good? | 20:06 |
zequence | If the text somehow relates to our stuff, then perhaps it makes sense | 20:06 |
zequence | But, I'm thinking it needs to be really subtle. What do you think? | 20:07 |
madeinkobaia | zequence: Was just an idea...let me thinking about that. It will be minimalistic...with flatdesign. | 20:07 |
knome | i feel wallpapers and posters created using typography are "pop" currently (or at least have been relatively recently), but i don't think it's "timeless" design | 20:07 |
madeinkobaia | Something simple guys. No worries ;-) | 20:08 |
knome | (you don't need to listen to me though, i'm just a bystander and somebody who shouts from another flavor :P) | 20:08 |
zequence | madeinkobaia: Ok. Sounds good. Will be fun to see what you come up with. | 20:08 |
madeinkobaia | Any opinion are welcome ! | 20:08 |
madeinkobaia | Ok goodnight everybody. I will be back here or on the list for discussing about that. | 20:10 |
knome | | 20:10 |
knome | wallpaper for xubuntu 16.04 ^ | 20:10 |
madeinkobaia | knome: Thanks for the link. Could be in that way too. You can check also my last wallpaper I made for Debian here : | 20:13 |
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