
AscavasaionCan someone direct me to a GUI audio file converting application please.  I wan to convert wma to ogg/mp3.  I have tried SoundConverter 2.0.4, but it does not convert all the files, and freezes on some.11:48
DisarHey guys easy would it be to use kubuntu instead?15:22
OvenWerksDisar: very easy.15:51
OvenWerksinstall kubuntu first15:51
OvenWerksadd ubuntustudio-menu, ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-graphics, ubuntustudio-photography, ubuntustudio-publishing, ubuntustudio-video, linux-lowlatency, ubuntustudio-controls15:54
OvenWerksrun ubuntustudio-controls to make sure RT access is setup right, reboot to lowlatency kernel. Done15:55
OvenWerksDisar: I have tried this.15:56
TsjsbnCan I've any assistance?16:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:01
TsjsbnSo, okay!16:01
TsjsbnThis is the first time I've visited this IRC chat16:01
zequenceYeah, it has it's own sort of culture. Big in the linux/free software world. Lots of channels16:02
Tsjsbnubuntustudio is super awesome16:02
Tsjsbnbut are there any performance issues?16:03
TsjsbnI'm new to it16:03
TsjsbnI've previously installed ubuntu 64 bit.16:03
Tsjsbnmy notebook lagged down during boot16:03
Tsjsbnand so i decided to try studio 32 bit.16:04
Tsjsbnwhen i first started up a few min.s ago, the UI wasn't that great but the features are awesome16:04
zequence64bit should be faster, though it uses a bit more memory. So, you should use 64bit as long as your RAM is over 2GB16:05
Tsjsbnmy ram is just 2gb and 1.75 gb usable16:05
Tsjsbni know it's insufficient for heavy media processing16:06
Tsjsbni am planning for a good ram16:06
zequence64bit should still work fine. Just that you can't both have 20 tabs open on firefox and a bunch of orchestrals samples16:06
Tsjsbnbut, my lappy lags.16:06
Tsjsbnby the way videos which played fine in windows16:07
Tsjsbnare now lagging in studio too16:07
zequenceThe arch version won't help you there though16:07
Tsjsbni can't understand?16:08
zequence64bit is not slower than 32bit. The other way around16:08
zequence64bit uses a bit more RAM. That's all16:08
zequenceVideo playback depends on a few things16:08
Tsjsbnso, which is better for me?16:08
zequence1) video driver. You may need a proprietary one to get better performance (depends on your graphic card)16:09
Tsjsbnubuntu tries very hard to play youtube videos on 64 bit16:09
zequence2) codecs - many are nonfree, and there may be bad support on Ubuntu. You could try installing a bunch by installing the package ubuntustudio-restricted-extras16:09
Tsjsbnthx zequence16:10
Tsjsbncan i have the ui of studio improved?16:10
Tsjsbnlike that of ubuntu?16:10
zequenceIf you don't need to use it for multimedia production, than you may choose which ever official UBuntu flavor16:11
zequenceThey all have the same selection of packages available. They share repos16:11
Tsjsbni want studio for production, processing16:11
Tsjsbni require it.16:12
Tsjsbni just want a good ui16:12
zequenceYou can do two things. Either install another DE onto Ubuntu Studio, or install UBuntu Studio packages onto another UBuntu flavor16:12
Tsjsbncan i convert studio to normal flavor?16:13
zequenceNeed to go. Later16:13
Disarthanks OvenWerks16:19
DisarI would highly recommend Krita as a painting tool btw16:29

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