
bluesabreflocculant: uploaded new mugshot to -staging, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mugshot/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED fixed and AccountsService should resolve sudoers issues03:15
bluesabreif everything looks good, I'll push out mugshot 0.3.1 tomorrow and we can work to get it into xenial03:18
bluesabreUnit193: the above also drops gstreamer1.0-tools :)03:31
bluesabrenight all03:31
Unit193bluesabre: Hah, great timing, and very good news!03:32
Noskcajbluesabre, I'm mostly free from school for a few weeks, is there anything that needs doing still for xenial?04:26
=== LibreSponge is now known as AuroraAvenue
flocculantbluesabre: I really hate doing this :( mugshot not allowing me to change face in test user09:00
bluesabreflocculant: :(10:50
flocculantyea 10:50
bluesabreany terminal output?10:50
flocculantdidn't think to do so 10:50
flocculantwill now10:50
bluesabreNoskcaj: bug triage/cleanup and testing10:51
tracker7bluesabre: so - the answer to that is just GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent line10:53
bluesabretracker7: well, that's not it10:53
bluesabretracker7: what properties does your test user have?10:53
tracker7first name and an initial for some reason ... 10:56
tracker7first name line are all greyed out 10:57
tracker7put password in - ok - auth failed10:58
bluesabreand just changing the photo does not work?10:58
tracker7no - it wants password - and then auth fails11:00
bluesabrefound the code that makes the name uneditable, can tweak that away11:00
bluesabretracker7: can you run it as 'mugshot -vv' and capture the debug output?11:01
bluesabrebut yeah, definitely shouldn't be asking for a password with just changing the image :\11:03
bluesabrethere's why its asking for a password11:05
bluesabreDEBUG:mugshot: get_chfn_details_updated() 'chfn details have been modified.'11:05
bluesabrebut why does it think its changed11:06
bluesabreso weird11:06
bluesabretracker7: thanks, I'll take another look at that tonight11:07
bluesabretracker7: for my sanity, this is with the newest mugshot package from -staging?11:07
bluesabrepushed a fix for the name editing, so that be resolved with the next package11:12
tracker70.3.0+bzr-0ubuntu1 :11:12
tracker7I did make sure I updated it :p11:13
bluesabretracker7: that should be all the testing I need for now, unless you want to create a user in sudoers and verify it still seems to work11:13
flocculantshudder ...11:14
flocculantthat account is so nekked ... 11:14
flocculantbluesabre: I can do that for sure11:14
bluesabreflocculant: cool, thanks11:14
bluesabretime to get ready for work, bbl11:15
flocculantbluesabre: I'll do that right now and test 11:15
bluesabreflocculant: fantastic11:15
flocculantbluesabre: yup - with an admin account - works fine11:17
bluesabreflocculant: cool, I'll figure out what's needed next tonight and will have another package up11:31
bluesabrethanks for testing!11:31
flocculantbluesabre: ok - I'll check in the morning before work - if it's there I'll look here at the normal test user and let you know :)11:32
bluesabreflocculant: thanks again!11:32
flocculantty - for doing the real work here :)11:32
ochosibluesabre: yeah, sucks that i had no time to come up with a proper fix for that (especially since the theme was ready and all)18:50
ochosiwow, quite a few wallpaper submissions meanwhile19:00
knomeochosi, indeed19:41
knomeochosi, btw, you now have approx. one week to give your input on the media manager article19:55
knomeanybody from the team around for a quick article review?21:08
flocculantjust happened by - got 5 minutes or so :)21:08
knomethanks :)21:08
flocculantpoint 1 - do we have stuff from all team re media managers? if not " some of  the Xubuntu team members ..."21:10
knomei'll just release the lock so you can dig in21:11
knomecheerio again21:11
flocculantok - once I'm done I'll ping you - then I'll cya tomorrow :)21:12
knomealso note we need a title21:12
flocculantyea 21:12
flocculantYes, we have no bananas.21:13
flocculantknome: done - not sure of title - maybe something alluding to the future and the past21:17
flocculantback tomorrow :)21:17
knomei was thinking about some analogy with flying and destinations21:17
knomebut *shrug*21:17
knomei really don't know :D21:17
Unit193Can anyone reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/1535112 ?  Does adding the commit fix it for you?22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1535112 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "moving KDE apps with menu bar click can cause an unrecoverable freeze" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:12
tracker4Hi there23:22
tracker4Is it only me that xubuntu 16.04 deletes xorg.conf at every boot?23:22
Unit193...That sounds bad.23:50
knomeor maybe they didn't have xorg.conf and thought it was removed?23:51

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