=== mgagne is now known as Guest68910 | ||
Odd_Bloke | smoser: Could a separate deb package drop a cloud-init DS in to .../cloudinit/sources/DataSourceFoo.py and have it work? | 13:54 |
smoser | Odd_Bloke, it has to be listed in the config. | 13:54 |
smoser | but other wise, yes. | 13:54 |
smoser | there is actually also other packages that will be searched . other than 'sources'. | 13:55 |
Odd_Bloke | smoser: Right, dropping something in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d would do for "listed in the config"? | 13:58 |
smoser | yeah. | 13:59 |
=== smatzek_ is now known as smatzek | ||
smoser | rharper, around ? | 15:38 |
rharper | smoser: here | 16:29 |
smoser | pinged in #curtin | 16:30 |
=== Guest68910 is now known as mgagne | ||
smoser | rharper, just looked and noticed that right in cloud-init we're rendering .link files and 70-persistent-name rules | 16:58 |
smoser | which is kind of confusing | 16:58 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15553371/ | 16:59 |
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=== mgagne_ is now known as mgagne | ||
smoser | rharper, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/trunk.net-cleanups/+merge/290346 | 17:46 |
smoser | i'd appreciate your thoughts on that. | 17:46 |
rharper | smoser: will review | 18:17 |
smoser | rharper, thanks. i'm gonna run that through test on digglet and then upload | 18:37 |
rharper | ok | 18:45 |
=== Guest28049 is now known as mfisch | ||
=== mfisch is now known as Guest82454 | ||
=== Guest82454 is now known as mfisch | ||
Elyscape | hello! I have a question about userdata | 19:14 |
Elyscape | if I have the same setting twice in the userdata, which takes precedence? the setting is an array (e.g. mounts:), does it get merged? | 19:14 |
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk | ||
smoser | Elyscape, arrays truncate and replace. by default. | 19:28 |
smoser | dictionaries merge more sanely. | 19:29 |
Elyscape | good to know | 19:29 |
Elyscape | thanks for your help! | 19:29 |
Elyscape | oh, one other thing: cloud-init.org appears to be dead | 19:33 |
smoser | Elyscape, thanks | 19:33 |
smoser | rharper, how do i get cloud-init-test going ? | 19:34 |
smoser | lost my history where i was just pushing up | 19:34 |
rharper | https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/+git/cloud-init-test | 19:38 |
rharper | smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15554581/ | 19:38 |
rharper | brb, getting kiddo | 19:38 |
smoser | thanks | 19:38 |
smoser | there was a nbd0 use hanging around and foobaring mount-image-callback | 19:43 |
rharper | smoser: all good then / | 20:00 |
rharper | ? | 20:00 |
smoser | yea. | 20:00 |
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=== jgrimm-afk is now known as jgrimm |
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