
mupBug #1563117 opened: api: data race adding local charm. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563117>00:02
mupBug #1563117 changed: api: data race adding local charm. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563117>00:14
mupBug #1563117 opened: api: data race adding local charm. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563117>00:17
=== axw_ is now known as axw
natefinchis it just me, or is reviewboard broken?01:55
natefinchI'm not actually getting any diffs, just spinners that spin forever01:55
mupBug #1558769 changed: unable to create-model in azure <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core admin-controller-model:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1558769>01:57
natefinchhmm, no, maybe it's just the two specific reviews I was looking at. Weird.01:57
axwnatefinch: not just you01:58
natefinchaxw: ok, cool01:59
axwnatefinch: I got some errors about it being out of space01:59
axwlooks like /tmp is full01:59
natefinchthat would explain why some work and some don't, if some got cached or somethnig01:59
mupBug #1545589 changed: Destroying a model leaves stale current-model file <destroy-environment> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1545589>03:30
axwthumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1534627 -- what's expected here? I vaguely recall Jess saying that models hang around after being "destroyed", and aren't actually removed from the DB until some time later03:46
mupBug #1534627: Destroyed models still show up in list-models <conjure> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1534627>03:46
thumperaxw: yes, the actual docs stay around so they can be queries, retrieved03:47
thumperaxw: we should either show the model as dead03:47
thumperor not show it by default03:47
thumperI think by default we should just show alive models03:47
axwthumper: why do we do that? we don't do it for anything else03:47
thumperaxw: because models are special, and it is handy to be able to watch them die03:48
thumperpost mortemts etc03:48
thumperlist models in apiserver should provide life or skip non-alive03:48
axwokey dokey03:49
axwthumper: and if someone tries to create a model with the same name?03:49
axwI wonder if we shouldn't disassociate the name when it's destroyed, so you can still reuse the name03:50
thumperIIRC we were going to have dead ones possibly renamed or only look for alive ones...03:50
thumperit is expected that you should be able to reuse the name03:50
mupBug #1538652 changed: MAAS doesn't assign DHCP IP to new Node and doesn't update DNS table <maas-provider> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1538652>04:18
mupBug #1561375: state: TestRegisterNoSecretKey unreliable <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1561375>04:51
davecheneythis is an upsream break04:51
davecheneygo 1.6 is fine04:51
davecheneyi'll log a bug upstream and let them deal with it04:52
cheryljcould I get a trivial review from someone?  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/490605:23
davecheneyno bot ?05:31
TheMuemorning o/09:32
frobwarefwereade_: space discovery... I was just trying to understand where this ended up in terms of when it was blocked... and not. I was running some git bisect script which added a container after bootstrap but my script often barfed because "spaces discovery is still in progress".09:37
fwereade_frobware, oops, sorry: how can I help?09:47
fwereade_frobware, I'm not sure what the current state of master -- I presume it's doesn't-block-logins-reliably? -- but MADE-model-workers doesn't try to block logins at all09:48
fwereade_frobware, and I haven't seen a merge conflict that looked related09:49
fwereade_frobware, IIRC that was where we left it when I hit it last time; I'm not opposed to login-blocking in itself, but if it doesn't actually block all problematic logins it's kinda pointless09:51
babbageclunkGah, any way to see chat messages from a hangout after one has left the hangout? :( I mean, I can remember --upload-tools but it seemed like there was probably other useful info in there.09:53
frobwarefwereade_: can we briefly HO to talk about it?09:55
fwereade_frobware, sure, back in standup?10:01
frobwarefwereade_: yep10:01
babbageclunkSweet, bootstrapped (although I got a warning about "space discovery still in progress" as well).10:26
babbageclunkvoidspace: trying to deploy juju-gui to my cloud, I get this: ERROR storing charm for URL "cs:trusty/juju-gui-52": cannot retrieve charm "cs:trusty/juju-gui-52": cannot get archive: Get https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/trusty/juju-gui-52/archive: dial tcp: lookup api.jujucharms.com on no such host10:39
babbageclunkI can get that url on the maas controller (which is I haven't been able to ssh into the juju controller (which is .17) - should I be able to?10:41
babbageclunkOoh, just trying juju ssh.10:41
babbageclunkNo, that didn't work.10:41
babbageclunkI was specifying the node wrong. I'm in - seeing if I can get the file from there.10:44
voidspacebabbageclunk: yep, that's the thing to try10:51
voidspacebabbageclunk: I'm *still* trying to get maas 2 working on this VM after it broke10:52
voidspacebabbageclunk: a full remove kept failing, think I got it now and am re-installing10:52
voidspacebabbageclunk: if not I'll just blow away the VM and start again10:52
voidspacebabbageclunk: if this was automated it would be easier :-)10:52
babbageclunkvoidspace: Ok, so it looks like the problem is that 192.168.17 (the juju node) has its nameserver set to .2 (the maas controller), while the maas controller (where the charm store request succeeds) has .1 as the nameserver.10:54
voidspacebabbageclunk: how weird10:54
voidspacebabbageclunk: that's set by maas in cloud-init I think10:54
voidspacebabbageclunk: this is on 1.910:54
babbageclunkvoidspace: yes10:54
voidspacefrobware: ^^^^ is this something you've seen?10:54
babbageclunkvoidspace, frobware: maybe it's the fact that the cluster interface in the MAAS admin is set to be "DHCP and DNS"? Is that wrong?10:58
voidspacebabbageclunk: no, that's correct11:01
voidspacebabbageclunk: you could try just dhcp and see if that makes a different - I normally do both I think11:02
frobwarefwereade_: http://rr-project.org/11:04
babbageclunkvoidspace: ok. Best way to bounce a machine in juju?11:05
babbageclunkvoidspace: should I just restart it from the maas ui?11:06
voidspacebabbageclunk: try "juju reboot 1"11:06
voidspacebabbageclunk: I'm kind of guessing11:06
voidspacebabbageclunk: I normally bounce it in virt-manager11:06
babbageclunkvoidspace: doh, missed that in the list.11:06
voidspaceI knew we had a reboot command - for charms, wasn't 100% it was in the CLI11:06
voidspacemanually restarting the machine restarts the machine agent anyway, so that's what I do11:07
babbageclunkvoidspace: I went semi-scorched earth and did a destroy then bootstrap again.11:08
fwereade_babbageclunk, voidspace: I have a feeling that there's a bad interaction with juju-reboot, so I don't think you can juju run that, but you should be able to do something like `juju run --machine 2 "sudo shutdown -r now"`11:10
fwereade_babbageclunk, voidspace: hooks/actions can request reboots with juju-reboot though11:10
voidspacefwereade_: ah, thanks11:12
babbageclunkvoidspace, fwereade_: despite being overkill, watching the bootstrap process again is giving me a bit better feel for what's happening (and which moving part is responsible for it), so it wasn't a complete loss.11:12
fwereade_babbageclunk, cool :)11:13
fwereade_babbageclunk, and ofc you could just `juju ssh 1` and do whatever you need there11:13
babbageclunkfwereade_: cool, thanks11:14
fwereade_babbageclunk, (and that should work even if the agent's having trouble, which can stymie juju run)11:14
voidspacehah, so MAAS was dying with internal server error11:20
voidspacespelunking in the logs found that going to the accounts page causes the web ui to attempt to shell out to bzr - which wasn't installed11:20
voidspacehow odd11:20
voidspacebabbageclunk: the "changing maas to not do dhcp over the whole subnet" may be new in a more up to date version of maas 211:22
voidspacebabbageclunk: I'm using the experimental3 ppa and when I configured dhcp I have to provide the range (which defaults to the whole subnet) which I didn't have to do previously11:22
voidspacebabbageclunk: and I guess if it provides dhcp over the whole range then it has no static ips available11:23
babbageclunkvoidspace: OK, so why can't my juju controller get to api.jujucharms.com? Is having the nameserver be the maas controller right?11:25
voidspacebabbageclunk: that should be correct I believe11:25
voidspacefrobware: ^^^11:25
voidspacebabbageclunk: I have maas 2 running (finally I think - just trying enlisting) so can't check on 1.911:26
voidspacejust yet anyway11:26
babbageclunkvoidspace, frobware: so presumably the problem is that the DNS server on the maas controller isn't responding correctly. I can see dnsmasq running on the maas controller.11:31
voidspacebabbageclunk: it's not a problem I've had though11:32
voidspacebabbageclunk: what if you try without maas providing dns11:32
frobwarebabbageclunk: can you deploy a node? If so, can you login to that node and resolve news.bbc.co.uk?11:32
voidspacefrobware: he can deploy, but he then can't connect to the outside world11:33
voidspaceI believe11:33
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: where connect is just DNS?11:33
babbageclunkvoidspace, frobware: that's right11:33
frobwarebabbageclunk: what do you have in your MAAS setup for upstream DNS queries?11:34
frobwarebabbageclunk: from the UI, choose "Settings", then part way down that page is ...11:34
babbageclunkfrobware: checking now11:34
frobwarebabbageclunk: "Upstream DNS used to resolve domains not managed by this MAAS (space-separated IP addresses)"11:34
frobwarebabbageclunk: I have (which is may gateway. You could add
babbageclunkfrobware: Aha - I've never seen that page before!11:35
babbageclunkfrobware: I'll add the gateway there.11:35
babbageclunkfrobware: (Also I'll add it to my setup notes.)11:35
frobwarebabbageclunk: it's not a gateway though (assuming we're talking about the same thing)11:36
babbageclunkfrobware: Sorry - sloppy terminology on my part. I think I mean it's the KVM switch? It's what's in the resolv.conf on the maas controller (where the name resolves fine).11:37
frobwarebabbageclunk: so presumably .111:38
babbageclunkfrobware: that's right11:38
frobwarebabbageclunk: any joy?11:45
babbageclunkfrobware: yes! juju-gui is deployed, but the service's still showing status: unknown when I do juju status.11:46
babbageclunkfrobware: If I ssh into the node I can see runserver.py running which seems to point to the gui charm11:47
babbageclunkBut if I click through the HTTPS warnings I can get to the gui"11:48
babbageclunkSweet, I'm in!11:49
babbageclunkSo I think everything's working, other than the "unknown" status in the cli (which isn't reflected in the gui). Probably I won't worry about that.11:56
voidspacebabbageclunk: yay12:06
voidspacebabbageclunk: I'm going on lunch12:06
voidspaceschool holidays, so no school run for the next two weeks12:06
babbageclunkvoidspace: cool cool, I'm going for a run to celebrate.12:13
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: are you guys using "      maas | 2.0.0~alpha3+bzr4810-0ubuntu1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages13:19
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: I see there's an alpha4 in ppa:maas/next13:23
dooferladfwereade_: with https://github.com/juju/juju/compare/1.25...dooferlad:1.25-proxy-state-server-bug?expand=1 I am getting API authentication errors. I assume I am missing something else that I should know, but don't. Do you have time to help?13:27
fwereade_dooferlad, looking13:31
fwereade_dooferlad, AuthClient means "is this a user". would probably be a good idea if we did s/Client/User/ across most of apiserver13:33
fwereade_dooferlad, I think you want auth.AuthMachineAgent() || auth.AuthUnitAgent()13:34
dooferladfwereade_: thanks. Will give that a go.13:35
babbageclunkfrobware: yup, that's the version I'm running - sorry, had to spin up my 2.0 kvm to check13:37
natefinchfwereade_: yeah, our use of "Client" in the codebase is quite confusing at times13:38
babbageclunkfrobware: do you think I should upgrade?13:38
natefinchfwereade_: we have the Client API and then a client for the Client API, but also a client for the non-Client API13:38
frobwarebabbageclunk: I was trying to reach your feature parity.13:39
frobwarebabbageclunk: ... and I'm not there yet. Hmpf.13:39
fwereade_natefinch, really? which is the, uh, non-client client?13:42
natefinchfwereade_: well, everything under api/ is a client wrapper for a facade13:44
natefinchfwereade_: where client in this context just means "consumer of the API", as in, client-server13:45
natefinchfwereade_: I guess mostly I find it confusing that we have an API facade called "Client"13:45
natefinchfwereade_: and then there's api/Client, which is the client wrapper for the Client facade13:46
fwereade_natefinch, right, got you13:47
fwereade_natefinch, if we didn't overload Client it would all make much more sense13:47
natefinchfwereade_: indeed.  Was just thinking about it with your talk of switching client to user, which makes a lot more sense... the Client facade is really the user-facing facade, and the rest are the juju-facing facades13:48
voidspacefrobware: I've been using both next-proposed and experimental3 ppas13:49
frobwarevoidspace: going to try next-proposed13:50
frobwarevoidspace: I had problems with creating the admin account. not sure if that was just finger trouble.13:51
voidspacefrobware: heh13:51
voidspaceI would expect to13:51
voidspaceor it's another new bug13:51
frobwarevoidspace: like I said to babbageclunk, I wanted to get to your state-of-the-maas2-world.13:52
voidspacefrobware: ok13:52
frobwarevoidspace: I'd like to try this installation using LXD, but that may be adding yet more entropy...13:53
fwereade_natefinch, although really, the single monolithic Client facade is itself silly -- we probably ought to just explicitly separate internal/ from external/14:00
natefinchfwereade_: yeah, definitely.  maybe call them private vs public. Private is just for juju, public is for anyone who wants to write a client14:01
natefinchfwereade_: of course, if we call something a public API, we'd have to document it ;)14:01
fwereade_natefinch, that would... not be a bad thing ;)14:03
voidspacefrobware: oops, didn't reply14:12
voidspacefrobware: we're definitely *not* targetting container support in the first cut of MAAS 2.0 support14:13
frobwarevoidspace: ahh. I meant my MAAS 2.0 installation which was using LXD vs a VM.14:16
mupBug #1563335 opened: creating hosted model: could not create state for new model: cannot create index: read tcp i/o timeout <bootstrap> <ci> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563335>14:17
voidspacefrobware: you mean MAAS 2 *in* LXD?14:17
frobwarevoidspace: yep.14:17
voidspaceinstead of KVM14:17
frobwarevoidspace: correct14:17
voidspacefrobware: ah cool14:17
voidspacewould be lighter weight than KVM14:17
voidspacethat's for sure14:17
voidspacefrobware: I had to blow away both MAAS 2 installs14:18
voidspacefrobware: I have it reinstalled in a fresh VM and am just updating that box14:18
voidspacefrobware: I've also looked over Tim's code - it's pretty threadbare but it's a start14:18
voidspacefrobware: as I said in my email I don't really understand what he means by his schema versioning stuff and I'm not convinced we need it anyway14:19
babbageclunkvoidspace: to look at Tim's fork of gomaasapi, should I just git clone it, or use go get?14:37
natefinchbabbageclunk: if you already have gomaasapi in your GOPATH, just git remote add Tim's fork and checkout his branch. if you don't have gomaasapi yet, go-get it first14:40
babbageclunknatefinch: great, that makes sense. Thanks!14:40
natefinchbabbageclunk: welcome.  It takes a little bit to understand the way to combine real-world git environments and go, but once you get it, it's not too hard.14:41
babbageclunkYeah, that was what I was fumbling with.14:42
natefinchbabbageclunk: go get is more for end-users than developers, per se.  it's useful for setting up the right paths in your GOPATH for all the dependencies, but then to actually develop, you use the backing VCS to twiddle with what branches you're looking at.  Helps a ton to have the git branch in your prompt, btw.14:43
voidspacebabbageclunk: clone14:44
voidspacebabbageclunk: or https://github.com/juju/gomaasapi/compare/master...howbazaar:controller-interface14:44
voidspacebabbageclunk: above link if you just want to see the differences14:44
voidspacebabbageclunk: actually - I fork then pull rather than clone14:44
babbageclunknatefinch: Awesome, thanks14:44
babbageclunkvoidspace: Yeah, that makes sense too, given that I'm expecting to do work on it,14:45
voidspacebabbageclunk: what I actually do is fork gomaasapi, add howbazaar as a remote14:45
voidspacebabbageclunk: and then I can checkout his branch or merge it into mine14:45
natefinchyeah, forking the original, then git remote add your fork to $GOPATH/github.com/juju/gomaasapi14:45
natefincher $GOPATH/src of course14:46
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: so this time (alpha3) I managed to get into a state where I have no cluster to edit... Hmpf.14:46
voidspacefrobware: cool14:47
voidspaceI'm running alpha3 too14:47
voidspaceenlisted a node, now attempting to commission14:49
voidspacelooks like it's working rather than trying to enlist again (the old bug)14:49
mupBug #1563364 opened: UniterSuite.TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeForce fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core embedded-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563364>14:50
voidspacehmmm... not proven yet - it seems to have stalled14:50
voidspacenope, done14:51
* babbageclunk highfives voidspace14:51
voidspacehah :-)14:51
babbageclunkvoidspace: sorry to leave you hanging! Should have been watching more closely.14:55
voidspaceno worries14:55
babbageclunknext time14:55
mupBug #1563364 changed: UniterSuite.TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeForce fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core embedded-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563364>15:05
mupBug #1563364 opened: UniterSuite.TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeForce fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core embedded-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563364>15:08
mupBug #1563373 opened: bootstrap connection timed out <bootstrap> <ci> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563373>15:08
mupBug #1563380 opened: addresses for [] not found <ci> <deploy> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563380>15:08
mupBug #1563373 changed: bootstrap connection timed out <bootstrap> <ci> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563373>15:17
mupBug #1563380 changed: addresses for [] not found <ci> <deploy> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563380>15:17
mupBug #1563373 opened: bootstrap connection timed out <bootstrap> <ci> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563373>15:20
mupBug #1563380 opened: addresses for [] not found <ci> <deploy> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563380>15:20
mupBug #1563384 opened: could not exit restoring status: connection refused <backup-restore> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563384>15:20
frobwarevoidspace: did the drop-1.8 branch eventually happen?15:26
voidspacefrobware: nope, need(ed?) a blessed master to get a blessed run on drop-1.815:33
voidspacestill no bless on master15:34
katconatefinch: ericsnow: hey, we can move the standup earlier for the next few weeks. what time works for you two?15:34
mupBug #1563384 changed: could not exit restoring status: connection refused <backup-restore> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563384>15:35
ericsnowkatco: whenever (FWIW, I liked having it at the start of my day15:35
katcoericsnow: is the old time ok?15:36
natefinchkatco: we could do it an hour later...that way ericsnow doesn't have to start at 8 if he doesn't want to15:37
katconatefinch: ericsnow: completely up to him15:37
ericsnowkatco: I'm fine either way15:37
katcoericsnow: natefinch: old time it is :)15:38
katcoericsnow: natefinch: do you two mind if we do a quick standup now to catch me up?15:38
mupBug #1563384 opened: could not exit restoring status: connection refused <backup-restore> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563384>15:38
ericsnowkatco: sounds good15:38
natefinchkatco: sure, I was going to suggest that, actually15:38
mupBug #1563400 opened: TestOneWorkerStartWhenStopping fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563400>15:50
mupBug #1563418 opened: TestModelDestroy fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563418>16:11
natefinchgah, somehow github reviews got set to wrapping at 60 characters on my screen... no idea how to fix it, but it goes away if I use incognito :/16:23
natefinchahh... it was the sourcegraph plugin...16:23
babbageclunkvoidspace: I'm reading through your and Tim's changes to gomaasapi, trying to understand what's going on there and trying to see how that would be used in the juju maas provider.16:31
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: I can enlist, commission and deploy with alpha3 MAAS 2.016:31
babbageclunkvoidspace: also trying to match that up with the MAAS api docs so I can get a feel for it. Any other things I should be looking at?16:32
katcoericsnow: ping16:48
ericsnowkatco: pong16:48
katcoericsnow: when you reach a stopping point, would you mind swinging onto 1560201 ?16:49
katcobug 156020116:49
mupBug #1560201: The Client.WatchAll API command never responds when the model has no machines <juju-release-support> <landscape> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560201>16:49
ericsnowkatco: k16:49
katcoericsnow: ty... critical priority =/16:50
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
mupBug #1502158 changed: When HP DNS/service calls fail, juju could retry <ci> <openstack-provider> <ui> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502158>17:11
=== hazmat_ is now known as hazmat
mupBug #1184457 changed: Stores user configuration outside of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME <apport-bug> <feature> <i386> <raring> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1184457>17:42
arosaleshello, I wanted to do a quick sanity check for the Xenial archive in relation to juju.18:19
arosalesAs of today I see 3 juju packages, juju-core, juju, and juju218:19
arosalesjuju-core and juju both are pointing at 1.25.0-0ubuntu3, and juju2 pointing at 2.0-beta3-0ubuntu1~16.04.2~juju118:20
arosalesat least on the s390 arch, thus for folks looking to install juju 2.0 on s390x in Xenial I am going to recommending to "sudo apt-get install juju2"18:21
arosaleswill this instruction change to "sudo apt-get install juju" for the 16.04 release?18:22
natefinchsinzui: ^ ?18:22
natefincharosales: IIRC, 1.25 will stick with juju-core and 2.x will be juju... but I'm far from an authority on it.18:26
katcoarosales: sinzui is definitely an authority on this. alexisb may also have some answers18:26
arosalesnatefinch: ok, and sounds like juju2 may just point at juju18:26
arosalesthat make sense18:27
arosaleskatco: ack18:27
natefincharosales: that's my understanding18:27
arosalesnatefinch: ok, I'll run with that for now.18:27
arosalesthanks katco and natefinch18:27
rick_h_arosales: we're working with the folks on this currently18:29
rick_h_arosales: juju will be the package everyone is to use and apt-get install to get juju18:29
rick_h_arosales: the others will be tweaked to point in ways to make sure the upgrade/etc works properly18:30
arosalesrick_h_: and that the plan for 16.04 I take it, but today if folks want juju 2.0 from the archive they need to apt-get install juju218:32
rick_h_arosales: right, so your question is "will apt-get install juju2 move to apt-get install juju" and the answer is yes18:33
arosalesrick_h_: ok thanks18:34
mupBug #1528932 changed: No images error when deploying services <2.0-count> <ci> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core structured-metadata:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1528932>18:54
mupBug #1531878 changed: TestBootstrapImage fails on i386 and ppc64el <2.0-count> <i386> <ppc64el> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core structured-metadata:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531878>18:54
natefinchkatco: https://golang.org/doc/go1.4#canonicalimports19:03
natefinchkatco: (re: the comment on the package declaration)19:03
katconatefinch: ahhhh ok... thanks, i actually hadn't run into that in the wild yet19:04
natefinchkatco: took me forever to figure out how to google for that... I remembered it being added, but not what it was called or when it was added19:05
katconatefinch: yeah. have you seen that used anywhere else?19:05
natefinchkatco: not many places.  Most people are happy just to host on github.  Not sure how many people use gopkg.in or host their own redirector for their go code19:07
katconatefinch: my guess was they added that for some internal google thing19:07
natefinchkatco: well, it was a kind of a pain in the butt if you *do* use gopkg.in and someone just go-gets the code from the github URL, it will be all wonky, because the root code will be under GOPATH/src/github.com/ but all the subfolders will be under gopkg.in/ because the imports all say gopkg.in19:09
mupBug #1537152 changed: Can't re-create a model <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537152>19:30
natefinchericsnow: do we let you elide the resource revisions when you publish a charm?  Wondering what the use case is for listing the latest resources for a charm are... seems like you'd almost always be getting specific revisions19:40
ericsnownatefinch: yes, you can omit the revision to use the latest one19:42
natefinchericsnow: what is this doing? errgo.WithCausef(err, err, "")19:51
* ericsnow waves hands19:51
katco... lol19:52
natefinchthis isn't the error return we're looking for19:52
ericsnownatefinch: it does what errors.Trace() does19:52
ericsnownatefinch: more or less19:52
natefinchericsnow: I think the canonical way to do that is errgo.Mask(err, errgo.Any)19:54
natefinchericsnow: which is also terrible, but slightly less terrible, IMO19:54
* thumper likes trace19:54
natefinchthumper: +119:54
natefinchhonestly, trace is the only thing I really like about the errors packages... and even that, I'm sorta meh on19:55
mupBug #1541393 changed: apiserver/logsink.log gets created while running unit tests <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541393>20:00
mupBug #1543262 changed: keystone V3 support needed <openstack-provider> <uosci> <Go OpenStack Exchange:New> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1543262>20:00
natefinchgah, it kills me that we pass around charm.URL as a pointer everywhere... why do we do that?  It's 5 strings and an int.  Just means we have to worry about nil pointers and modifying the caller's data, etc.20:01
katconatefinch: just 1 small point of disagreement... even with value types you still have to worry about default values20:07
katconatefinch: maybe the program won't panic (maybe), but it will still do the wrong thing20:07
natefinchkatco: true... but pointers really just add a whole lot of extra pain. Like in eric's code where he's taking a pointer... but then just copies the value anyway so he doesn't accidentally overwrite the caller's data.20:10
ericsnownatefinch: alas, errgo.Mask doesn't work with errgo.Cause()20:10
katconatefinch: yes, agreed on all other points. and pass by value is the right thing to do for that type20:10
natefinchericsnow: ug20:10
natefinchericsnow: fair enough... I kinda figured you were doing a dance to make all the location and cause bits line up, but due to little exposure to errgo, I wasn't aware of that pattern.20:11
ericsnownatefinch: hmm, perhaps it would with errgo.Any...20:11
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, errgo is still hard to grok after using it for several days20:12
mupBug #1554042 changed: Bootstrap, destroy-controller and kill-controller all fail after a failed bootstrap <2.0-count> <destroy-controller> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core admin-controller-model:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554042>20:33
mupBug #1558612 changed: creating hosted model config: maas-agent-name is already set; this should not be set by hand <2.0-count> <bootstrap> <ci> <maas-provider> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core admin-controller-model:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1558612>20:33
mupBug #1558678 changed: manual bootstrap: PrepareForCreateEnvironment not implemented <2.0-count> <bootstrap> <ci> <manual-provider> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core admin-controller-model:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1558678>20:33
mupBug #1557633 changed: status has duplicate entries for relationships <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557633>20:45
mupBug #1557633 opened: status has duplicate entries for relationships <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557633>20:51
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
mupBug #1557633 changed: status has duplicate entries for relationships <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557633>21:03
mupBug #1559131 changed: unable to add-credential for maas <2.0-count> <conjure> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core admin-controller-model:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559131>21:03
mupBug #1563576 opened: juju 2 beta3 can't bootstrap to lcy02 <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563576>22:15
davecheneywow, the leankit UI really dsicourages you from commenting on cards23:12
davecheneyadd comment, click close, comemnt gone23:12
davecheneymakr card blocked, close card, card not blocked23:12
davecheneyto add a comment you have to go to the comment screen, add comment, click "add"23:13
davecheneyTHEN you have to go to the main card screen and click save23:13
davecheneydon't do all those steps23:13
davecheneycmment is discarded23:13
mupBug #1563585 opened: juju destroy-controller fails on existing controller after upgrade to Beta3 - ERROR getting controller environ: controller-uuid: expected string, got nothing <oil> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563585>23:28
axwericsnow: assuming you fixed RB, did you just delete leftover stuff in /tmp? do other people have access to do that, in case you're away/unavailable?23:36
ericsnowaxw: yeah, I just deleted all the /tmp/reviewboard.* directories (which hold temp diffs)23:37
ericsnowaxw: anyone with access to the juju-ci4 environment can do it23:37
axwericsnow: ok, cool, thanks23:38
ericsnowaxw: np23:38

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