
clivejois amarok un-installable on Xenial?10:50
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I've added the Kdenlive news to the Podcast show notes, we'll give that some coverage on the show.10:54
soeeclivejo: why not ?10:58
clivejoIm asking if anyone else has run into that on a clean install?10:59
BluesKajHey folks11:51
MirvI've retried the two failing autopkgtests at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#baloo-kf5 but I think I tried that also last week11:54
MirvI still have a qtdeclarative landing that is not going forward either apparently because of that11:55
soeeyofel: ping12:08
clivejosoee: yofel is on holiday until Wed at least12:33
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: /me waves12:42
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Hi friends12:42
clivejohi Sick_Rimmit12:43
clivejodid you see my Muon PM email?12:44
soeeclivejo: ah right, i forgot :)12:44
clivejosgclark: did you find the bzr branch for calligra?14:59
clivejovery quiet in here recently15:29
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: HI clivejo15:29
clivejohi Sick_Rimmit15:29
clivejodid you see my message about Muon?15:31
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Yes, and I added my +1 to that too15:31
clivejodid you get in touch with Carlos?15:31
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Also @ovidiuflorin is going to help me on providing maintenance15:31
clivejoHe was talking about moving to a QML Decarative inferface15:32
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Cool15:47
sgclarkclivejo: sadly no. sorry really busy with kde hat15:48
clivejono prob15:48
clivejowhere is soee??  hes not doing his job!  https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.6.1.php16:28
mamarleyHe didn't notify me when NVIDIA 364.12 was out either! ;p16:29
clivejoslacking off!16:30
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* clivejo tuts @ soee19:29
mamarleyAbout 3 more weeks until the Xenial release.  Then maybe we can get Plasma 5.6, Applications 16.04, and Frameworks 5.21. :)19:32
clivejosoee: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.6.1.php19:32
soeeclivejo: ready for tests ? :D19:46
clivejopoint me to the PPA19:46
* sick_rimmit very excited20:04
sick_rimmitJust ordered my Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Tablet from bq.com20:04
telegram1<athoneycutt>: Sweet @Sick_Rimmit20:32
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Oh I'm really looking forward to it turning up20:33
sneleclivejo: any news on moving plasma and apps updates from staging to main repo?21:01
snelefor that ffe is needed too?21:01
sneleplasma 5.5.5 fixed system tray and few other things21:02
sneleand staging is really stable. tested myself :)21:02
clivejosnele: will have to wait until yofel comes back from holiday21:03
sneleclivejo: ok thanks21:03
clivejohow do I force dch to add me as the last changelog entry?21:05
sgclarkclivejo: you don't .21:07
clivejoI dont understand how the staging script can do it but I cant 21:07
sgclarkand yeah I expect we can't upload bugfix stuff until baloo gets sorted21:08
snelethe first two things i do after i install kubuntu/kde: disable baloo(desktop search) and remove akonadi,kontakt, kmail21:10
sneleso no problems for me :)21:10
sgclarkI am going to make a feeble attempt at this ubiquity patch #151283421:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 151283421:13
sgclarkbug 151283421:14
ubottubug 1512834 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Slideshow is not translated on Kubuntu 16.04 LTS" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151283421:14
valorieexcellent, sgclark!21:15
sgclarkyeah don't get to excited. never worked with that package21:15
snelevery good work on 16.04 + staging ppas21:16
sgclarkno flippen clue what to do about baloo, 32 bit fails and it is said vishes does not support 32 bit.21:16
snelei cannot crash it21:16
sgclarkyeah those need to be uploaded. *grumbles at baloo*21:17
sneleoh well lets test qt 5.6 and plasma 5.6 on majnaro... kubuntu is boringly stable :) great work guys and girls21:19
valoriesnele: lol21:20
valoriegotta get out and work in the sun a bit21:30
valorietoo nice to waste!21:30
sgclarkoh well, that went barf fast21:34
clivejosgclark: see the do-all script, is there a variable that can be used to display the current directory?21:39
sgclarkpwd? I did not write that and will be less than helpful21:40
sgclarkI do not understand this beast called ubiquity at all21:40
sgclarkahoneybun: any insight on how I would test ubiquity?21:40
clivejosgclark: why wont the command "dch -v 5.20.0-0ubuntu1 -D xenial -m 'New Upstream Release 5.20'" set the changelog to me?21:46
sgclarkI don't know. I don't know what you are doing.21:48
clivejotrying to make a new changelog entry21:48
sgclarkif that last entry is UNRELEASED it will not change to you. period21:49
clivejohow to I change it from UNRELEASED to xenial21:49
sgclarkrelease it to xenial21:51
sgclarkobviously that is not going to happen.21:52
clivejoI know, Im just experimenting21:52
clivejotrying to read and understand these scripts21:53
sgclarkyou must live with the fact that your name will not be the main entry I am afraid21:53
clivejohow do I close the 5.18 changelog down by releasing it to xenial?21:54
sgclarkI got in trouble for changing it to my name when I tried in the past. 21:54
sgclarkclivejo: it has to be uploaded to xenial archive. Frameworks are done. We cannot upload more to archive. period21:55
clivejosgclark: I dont want to actually upload it21:55
clivejojust simulate it21:55
sgclarkon your LOCAL system just change the UNRELEASED to xenial. DO NOT UPLOAD that or commit it 21:57
sgclarkbut that should achieve what your after I think...21:58
sgclarkI cannot exress enough, do not push that change anywhere21:58
ahoneybunsgclark, there should be some test scripts one with .sh and another in python that test the slideshow21:58
ahoneybunbut I don't know about patch wise21:58
clivejogrrrr its still wont work!21:59
sgclarkI do not understand ubiquity at all. leaving it for someone smarter21:59
clivejoI hate dch21:59
clivejoeven if I change the previous changelog to release, the new entry is being signed by the previous releaser22:07
sgclarkAnd you bumped the versions?22:11
clivejoand I have DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL set 22:13
clivejothe man page says if I use --newversion it will use my details22:13
clivejobut it wont22:13
* clivejo storms off in a mood22:31

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