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sexonthebeachHello. I want to install the final beta but installation on UEFI always crash the installer, is this being fix on the latest daily iso?07:22
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mparilloThis is the only installer bug from the final beta that I am aware of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/156105109:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1561051 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity-DM dies on Kubuntu images" [Critical,Confirmed]09:39
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syadminciao floriano11:20
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BluesKajHey folks11:51
eeoshi BluesKaj11:52
eeosHow do you edit a file as root from dolphin in kubuntu? there as the option before11:52
BluesKajhi eeos11:52
BluesKajopen the run command and use kdesudo path/to /file11:53
BluesKajuse kate if you're dong tex or dolphin in the command after depending on whether it's textfile (kate) or a folder (dolphin)11:54
BluesKajn the command after kdesudo11:55
BluesKajstill not quite awake , on my first coffee :-)11:56
eeosBluesKaj: thank you .... mmmm .... the run command?11:57
eeosso it is a text file .... to be more precise it is /usr/share/bauble/db.py11:59
eeosthere is a bug I would like to fix .... BluesKaj11:59
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jubo2And Thanks, Thanks for the awesome series of OS13:56
jubo2I'm looking to quick-grab all apt-gettable software, all the docs and pics and whatever and the .dotdirectories (that contain all the application program settings?) from this drive13:57
jubo2install Kubuntu16.04 on the 320GB13:58
jubo2put contents of homedir in place incl .dotdirectories13:58
jubo2and then dpkg --set-selections and hope the package names didn't include hardcoded version numbers13:59
jubo2does that sound like somthing that would have chances of working?13:59
jubo2It prlly not going to work 100%13:59
jubo2actually I just want to grab Documents Pictures and logs and the .dotfiles and .dotdirectories14:08
jubo2that way I can test more rapidly if it ends up in working condition when I don't need to wait to copy ~ 100GB junk14:08
jubo2I'm not actually sure how to get that ... 'tar cvzf filename.tar.gz .*' ?14:10
jubo2I mean if I put the confs from the K15.10 in place in K16.04 and then run add the KXStuidio and Spotify repos 'dpkg --set-selections' etc. the installing will prompt me if it has conflicts between having old version and maintainer of software making new conf, right?14:12
jubo2This is my theory14:12
jubo2But then if you got package named softwarename2 or softwarename3 that slightly breaks things14:13
jubo2how do I grab only the .dotfiles and .dotdirs ?14:15
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telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: jubo2 Sounds like it would be a good idea to mount /home on a different partition, when you do the install14:34
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: you could also do dd if=/home/jubo2 of=/tmp/somename.dat bs=64K14:34
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Then once home is mounted in your new install14:35
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: dd the somename.dat to /home/jubo214:35
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: and your done14:35
jubo2telegram1: yeah.. that'd work14:35
jubo2except I want clean install14:35
jubo2I gonna try to figure out which .dotdirectories I want and which I don't14:36
jubo2lots of old junk and broken settings14:36
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: OK, so clean install /dev/sda1 / and /dev/sda2 /home14:36
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: or you could take a look at cpio14:36
jubo2So I go for .config and .local14:36
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: man cpio14:36
jubo2try with those and see what happens14:36
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: that'll catch the .dot stuff which tar misses14:36
jubo2I got a 20€ USB-to-SATA enclosure14:37
jubo2plus the internal drive slides right outta the bay of the laptop when the cover is not on14:37
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Cool, does the laptop support 2 drives14:37
jubo2do I need .cache ?14:38
jubo2or those are just files generated the programs as they run?14:38
jubo2I go for14:41
jubo2'tar cvzf dotdirs-from-K15-10 .bash_history .bashrc .config .kde .gimp-2.8/ .local/ .bashrc .profile'14:41
jubo2then grab that and a few dirs and to installing clean Kubuntu16.0414:41
jubo2later piippöl14:48
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: bye14:49
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GreenDayi find in KDE some graphical bugs16:18
GreenDayI would like KDE less hype and more stable ;)16:19
BluesKajdo you have a question?16:22
GreenDayWhy do i have black window from time to time when resizing it?16:26
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jubo2Konversation settings seem to be working in the Kubuntu16.04 with the .dotdirs I imported17:27
jubo2is it of importance if I have partially copied ~/.local/share/ ?17:28
jubo2next I try to get all the apt-gettable software from the dpkg listin17:29
jubo2So installation of exterenal repos it is17:29
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jubo2When can we start asking support for Kubuntu16.04 ?18:05
jubo2Seems to have some drawing problems with integrated Intel Graphics ( 2011 1st gen i5 )18:08
jubo2maybe I just wait for official release. Install that clean then copy .bashrd .profile .config .kde and .ssh and dpkg --set-selections18:10
jubo2cross my fingers and hope there are no librarie / deps with names like library2 or library318:11
jubo2.config and .kde should contain my settings18:11
jubo2.bashrd and .profile are definate take-with-you if you've made modifications18:12
jubo2.ssh has the known hosts18:12
jubo2Do I need anything in ~/.local/share/ ?18:13
jubo2My theory is that programs will build that up as they are installed18:13
geniijubo2: #ubuntu+1 until after April 2118:15
jubo2genii: you mean upgradable from old or official release of Kubuntu16.04 ?18:16
geniijubo2: Support for 16.04 is in the #ubuntu+1 channel until after it hits official release on April 21st. After that, support will be in the respective channel for that flavour, like #kubuntu, #ubuntu, #lubuntu, #xubuntu, etc18:18
jubo2oh ait now I get it18:19
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ZrenWhat's the easiest way to test plasma 5.6? Live CD?19:08
ZrenNeed to debug a plasmoid in it.19:08
sick_rimmitZren: Might be worth taking a look a Project Neon, it's very early phase but it might give you what you need19:43
ZrenHmm. Looks like there's a Kubuntu CI image that replaces Project Neon.19:48
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maysara_Hi, Can I make a logical root partition and a primary home partition or vise versa?20:00
sick_rimmitmaysara_: Yes, you have have 4 Primary partitions, of which one must be defined as Extended, within which you can then create your logical partitions20:10
maysara_sick_rimmit: so the same distro can have a logical  root and a primary partition as home?20:22
maysara_a logical partition as root "20:23
sick_rimmitas in logical /root and primary /home20:23
sick_rimmitYes, it's all taken care of at the disk level, the distro has doesn't care20:24
maysara_Okay, thank you :)20:24
sick_rimmitIt's actually quite nice to have /home on a separate partition, as you can have more than one distro, but both mount the same /home20:24
sick_rimmitor of course you can replace your distro, but leave /home with all your data on it ;-)20:25
GreenDay[18:26] <GreenDay> Why do i have black window from time to time when resizing it?20:27
sick_rimmitGraphics driver ?20:28
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GreenDaysick_rimmit: nvidia20:36
GreenDay        Kernel driver in use: nvidia20:36
GreenDay01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208 [GeForce GT 630 Rev. 2] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])20:37
telegram1<athoneycutt>: on 16.04?20:38
sick_rimmitNo Hmmm.. just means I thinking20:38
sick_rimmitPerhaps, I should start doing20:38
GreenDayoh sry20:38
* sick_rimmit thinks..20:38
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I have the 750m (laptop) and had some issues in 15.1020:38
telegram1<athoneycutt>: but there have been updates since I lasted tried 15.1020:39
sick_rimmitI have a GeForce 930020:39
telegram1<athoneycutt>: 16.04 has been bug free in the driver department20:39
sick_rimmitI keep getting KWin freezing20:39
sick_rimmitThe newer NVidia driver is available in 16.04, perhaps this will solve these issues20:40
GreenDaywell i use the driver manager20:54
GreenDayi can use backward driver compatible : nvidia-340-updates20:55
GreenDaynow its nvidia 352 used20:55
GreenDaygood night21:52
GreenDaysick_rimmit: ;)21:52
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