
wxltsimonq2: didn't y ou make that script so that we could add all the packages?00:01
tsimonq2wxl: OH THAT'S RIGHT :D00:02
tsimonq2wxl: learning how to publish UWN at the moment, a bit later, but could you add me as an admin to the packages team please?00:03
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drabcan anybody help me understand the switch to qt? I'm not really finding much in the way of understanding why the switch and what are the pros21:36
drabmore importantly, I'm not clear if things will change in so far as larger deployments and pref settings21:37
drabopenbox seems to still be there for one and so do a lot of the gtk stuff unless you manually go in and remove them, but I'm not really sure why you'd do that21:37
drabthanks for any comments21:38
wxldrab: this would be a question best asked at #lxde as it's the upstream that's making the change.21:38
wxllxde will still be around, but most of the development is focused on lxqt21:39
drabok. I'm planning on deploying lubuntu to a large non profit org and so making quite a bit of an investment int erms of configuring ti all up for them21:40
drabwuold hate to waste the effort21:40
wxlthings will likely change come lxqt21:40
drabsome themeing is alsor equired for example for lightdm and that's gtk, unclear if that's going to do or what21:40
drabmmmh, k21:40
wxlwhich will likely come 16.10 or 17.04 at the latest21:40
drabso it sounds like I'm best to figure out how to run it on 16.04 (seems you can already install it manually) and configure for that21:41
drabanyway, will ask in lxde, thank you21:41
wxlall of the packages to make it lxqt are not available quite yet21:42
wxland the fate of many of the apps are uncertain21:42
drabI was hoping to at least give them 4yrs worth of logevity by getting on the next LTS21:43

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