
liuxgFor QML WebView, if the url points to a html file in the qrc resource file, is this OK? Currently, I find that  url: "html/index.html" does not work for me. What is the right way to use a file in a resource file? thanks02:34
liuxgdoes anyone know how to install Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambiance package for my wily desktop? I want to run scope on it. thanks04:55
liuxgI have found the package ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme:i386. thanks05:00
chesedocould someone with an Ubuntu phone test a bug on a scope for me?07:43
davidcallechesedo: if you have a glances IP for me to test, I'm happy to do it07:45
chesedodavidcalle: sorry, still do not have a public IP... thanks though07:46
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
matv1I dont quite understand how to expose translator generated .po files back to my ut(qmake) app. Some cl voodoo or does the sdk provide a solution for that?10:13
mivoligozsombi: hi, are there any plans for an app to have option to force screen orientation when it's running?11:35
popeymivoligo: other than the .desktop entry?11:40
mivoligopopey: yes, .desktop only do that once. You can't change it when the app is running11:41
popeywhy do you need to?11:41
mivoligofor example to display something in portrait or in landscape, currently thinking about Big Moving Text app11:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
popeymivoligo: trying to think of any app on another platform that does this...11:46
mivoligopopey: or in the Gallery app, now if you have screen locked to portrait, you can't see photos in landscape11:47
mivoligopopey: I'm not sure if it still is the case but on Samsung with android I could tap some icon to change orientation of a photo or video even if the phone orientation was locked11:50
popeywell, that's rotating the content isn't it?11:50
popeyrather than the app11:50
popeythis is why you have a rotation lock in the tray though, surely?11:51
mivoligoI'd say it's to prevent accidental rotation which annoys some people11:53
zsombimivoligo: there were talks, and I think it is in the backlogs of Mir/qtubuntu inm... greyback may know its exact status better than I do12:23
greybackmivoligo: it's on our todo list, but not very high up. This is the associated bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtmir/+bug/138220912:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1382209 in QtMir "[Enhancement] Add an API to adjust preferred surface orientation at runtime" [High,Triaged]12:35
greybackmivoligo: if you vote for it, it'll help us bump it up the todo list12:36
mivoligozsombi: greyback: thanks guys!14:09
greybackmivoligo: thanks for commenting. More people want it, more likely we'll do it soon14:10
om26ermivoligo, popey mx player on android is an example of the App that rotates the app content as soon as a video is played.14:32
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timppa_good morning, good day, evening where ever you may be. :)16:35
timppa_Is someone having a moment of time to consult on Java Script scopes and JSON "matching"?16:37
=== marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson
om26erpopey, Hi! can you share your Mir screen recording script(s) ?16:46
om26erI need to record the screen for a bug report16:46
popeyom26er: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15553334/16:53
om26erpopey, Q: hows the framerate ?16:54
popeynot fantastic16:54
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nik90popey, regarding your record screen script, does it store the recording on the phone/host device?19:23
nik90or otherwise should I be worried about storage?19:23
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
popeynik90: no, it streams only20:10
nik90popey, ah cool..will come handy for release videos20:11

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