
karstensrageany ubuntu-backport'ers in here?03:07
karstensragehi micahg are you a backporter?03:31
micahgyes :)03:33
karstensragewould you be willing to backport #1561837 and #156243403:33
micahgkarstensrage: I can, but likely not tonight, is this urgent?03:34
karstensrageno not at all03:34
karstensragebut anything i can do to help or assist03:34
karstensragethey both have been very well tested on trusty and precise03:35
micahgok, I should have some time wed evening for backports, it looks like you did all the requisite testing for that, thanks!03:35
micahgif I forget, please ping me03:35
karstensrageall my initial launchpad efforts were with ppa installs and it was realy well tested03:35
karstensrageok sure03:35
karstensragethank you03:36
karstensrageis it evening now btw for you?03:36
micahgand still working :(03:41
karstensrageim sorry, maybe some soothing music ?? https://soundcloud.com/whitemorning/eddies-song05:07
dholbachgood morning06:43
TRJDwhere can I request a program to be added ?11:29
RhondaI've uploaded irssi 0.8.19 to xenial, is there something more that I would/could/should need add somewhere so it helps to get it approved?  I have PPU for irssi, and 0.8.19 is a bugfix release for 0.8.18 currently in xenial.12:16
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jbayfieldHi, I'm getting started with this whole MOTU business, I wanted to give back to the community. I was looking at working on a bug (In LP it's #1442873) and I wanted to ask a few questions. When working on a bug, do you carry out the fix on all of the separate branches (ie: Precise & Trusty) or am I overlooking something? The other thing is whether I should set myself as an assignee for the packages or something el14:53
dholbachwelcome jbayfield - looks like your question got cut off14:54
dholbachif the fix is important enough, you might want to backport it14:54
dholbachhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates has some guidance on that14:54
jbayfieldHi dholbach, sorry about that. Where did the question get cut off?14:54
dholbach"whether I should set myself as an assignee for the packages or something e..."14:54
jbayfield"The other thing is whether I should set myself as an assignee for the packages or something else. Sorry for the (probably) stupid questions."14:55
dholbachjust assign the one bug to you14:55
dholbachno need to sign up for all the bugs of the given package14:55
dholbachand feel free to ask more questions14:55
dholbachthey weren't stupid at all14:55
jbayfieldSo you work on the particular bug one distro release at a time, and then create a separate merge proposal for each affected release?14:57
dholbachyes, if the bug is important enough14:57
jbayfieldAnd how are bugs considered "important enough"? At what point does a bug go from "not important" to "important"?14:58
dholbachhave a look at the link I posted earlier14:59
dholbachit has some decision making help14:59
jbayfieldah. Okay, thanks.14:59
jbayfieldThought I'd ask - am I meant to be working on the package in "trusty" or "trusty-proposed"?15:39
jbayfieldLooks like trusty - sorry about that15:40
jbayfieldHello again - when running bzr lp-propose, what should be left in the text editor that opens? A changelog?16:45
jbayfieldI'm hoping this is all correct: https://code.launchpad.net/~jbayfield/ubuntu/trusty/gnome-do-plugins/bug-1442873/+merge/29033716:49
jbayfieldLooking at it, I think I might have issued a merge request to the wrong place16:58
jbayfieldIs it supposed to merge into trusty-proposed or trusty?17:00
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sneyhexchat 2.12.0-1 ftbfs on xenial. using pbuilder with variant=buildd. http://paste.debian.net/422634/ error at line 104.21:43
sneyit's fine on debian testing/sid and also on wily21:44
sneybah m4/glib-gettext.m4 isn't even in my source tree, the build system installs it and then gripes that it's trying to overwrite macros. explicitly delete it via d/rules and now we build normally.22:14
Unit193That sounds just fantastic...22:44
sneyit is wonderful22:45

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