
Kilosguten morgen06:07
Kiloshmm... taking forever to find hosts06:08
Kiloshi inetpro theblazehen anton_may dlPhreak 06:09
Kilosseems everyone else is still on holiday06:09
theblazehenhey Kilos06:09
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:16
Kiloshi Cryterion 06:16
dlPhreakGood morning Kilos, theblazehen, thatgraemeguy, Cryterion 06:28
theblazehenhey dlPhreak06:28
dlPhreakHad a good easter, theblazehen ?06:31
theblazehenYeah, thanks, and you dlPhreak?06:31
dlPhreakNot too bad thanks06:33
chesedomorning all07:11
dlPhreakhi chesedo 07:12
chesedohows it going dlPhreak?07:14
chesedoyea had same yesterday... hope today will be better07:15
dlPhreakAwful.. my brain is so mush.07:16
magespawngood morning07:48
theblazehenhi magespawn07:52
* superfly pokes his head out from under the covers07:52
* superfly goes back under07:53
Kilosoh my08:13
Kiloshi chesedo superfly 08:13
Kilossick superfly ??08:13
Kilosohi magespawn sorry i didnt see you till reread08:19
inetprogood evening08:33
Kilosevening inetpro 08:38
inetprohow is everyone else this evening?08:39
Kiloswe all had a good day and you?08:39
inetpronot sure here yet, will figure it out soon... hopefully08:42
inetprostill a long night ahead, I think08:42
Kilossigh none of you clever peeps even helped me with langjan battling with google earth09:22
inetproKilos: should be so simple to install on the cli but I don't use GE so won't jump in09:44
inetprodon't see the point of installing it when the web interface is more than adequate 09:45
inetprooh and I just noticed the conversation late last night, sorry09:46
Kilosit works but doesnt show the full picture09:47
Kilosim lost there09:47
Kilosmaybe its even something that needs to be ticked in the settings09:51
CryterionKilos maps.google.com works way better than even trying with the application09:53
Kilosill tell him ty Cryterion , prob is it worked before there09:53
Kilosso what went wrong09:53
CryterionI'm still curios why google earth application requires a sendmail component09:53
Kilosoogle is too nosy all the time09:54
CryterionNo sure what went wrong, just doesn't work properly anymore, like skype is messed up since Microsoft took it over09:54
Kilosall the phishing stuff added09:55
chesedoKilos: phishing stuff?09:56
Kiloshow they trying to find out everything about everybody09:57
inetprothat thing eats wayyyy too much data anyway... avoid it like the plague09:57
chesedohmm, ok09:57
Kilosthats why i dont use it or the web interface09:58
Kilosinstalled here to see if i had the same problem10:00
Kilosprob is there by him im sure. some conf or something sick10:03
inetprowhy do we need to update tzdata all the time?10:13
Kilosin case10:13
inetprosurely in this day and age we should have a better way to handle timezone data?10:13
Kilosplaces move10:14
Kilosand who knows what can happen when they start playing with nukes10:14
Kilosdifferent peeps do daylight saving at different times isnt it10:15
inetprono, that explanation does not make sense10:15
Kilosthey dont all switch same time10:15
inetproI mean the nuke explanation... but even the switching at different times10:15
inetprosurely times are known well in advance10:16
Kiloslike i think namibia has already removed the hour they were behind us10:16
Kiloswhat happens if uk is nuked away10:16
Kilosthen tzdata gotta check that and update it correctly10:17
inetprothen we have a different problem10:17
Kilosor if they are nuked to 3 hours ahead of us10:17
Kilosi wonder if radio activity affects mobile and satelite signals10:18
* Cryterion starts looking to see where his nukes are10:38
superfly<Cryterion> No sure what went wrong, just doesn't work properly anymore, like skype is messed up since Microsoft took it over11:02
superflyNo, Skype did a really good job of that BEFORE Microsoft took over.11:02
MaNLtrue, though microsoft have not helped the situation12:22
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
magespawnhome time, chat later all15:31
Kilostumbleweed superfly dont forget pics of debconf for us pleaseif i can have a link to them after i can blog the planet about it and give links15:48
superflyKilos: https://debconf16.debconf.org/15:49
* Cryterion stares at his fishing rod, hmmm15:52
Kilossuperfly http://bin.snyman.info/mmmnx7um16:10
Kilosinetpro can also look16:11
Kilosas can anyone else16:11
inetprogood morning oom k... oops I mean good morning Kilos17:58
inetprooh and hi everyone else17:58
Kiloshello my pro17:59
Kilosinetpro gaan kyk http://bin.snyman.info/mmmnx7um en se wat ek verkeerd gedoen het17:59
inetprowhat's the point Kilos?18:01
Kilosek sukkel darem party keer18:01
Kiloswas that the correct wat to enquire18:02
inetproyou seem to make things more complicated than they should be18:02
inetprowhy even enquire?18:02
* inetpro just wondering18:03
Kilosso we can use that as one of our events when reverification comes around18:06
Kiloswe done min these past 2 years you know18:06
Kilosits kept some of our guys busy and ubuntu is debian so why cant we get some benefit18:07
* inetpro can see no reason why anybody would decline a reverification of ubuntu-za18:09
Kilosbut be honest we have done min18:10
inetproI disagree18:10
inetprooh and any debconf event is an automatic Ubuntu event18:11
inetproafter all these years we still have a community here18:11
Kilosyou in strydom mode again?18:11
inetprowhatever we do, it works18:11
Kilosyes man but18:11
inetprono but18:11
Kiloswe havent done ubuntu hours or release parties or anything18:12
Kilosweve just been here18:12
inetprowe're no a company, you can not force anyvbody to do xyz18:12
Kilosjaja but 18:12
Kilosits know practise to show events etc with reverifications18:13
Kilosnot just oh we were here18:13
inetprowe keep the Ubuntu flag flying high, that is our big event18:13
inetproI don't have to answer that oom Kilos18:15
* Cryterion extends the Ubuntu flag pole by an extra metre with some pipe he has that fits18:16
inetprothank you Cryterion18:16
* inetpro rests his case18:16
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk partykeer18:17
CryterionKilos does it work?18:17
KilosMaaz does it work18:18
Kilosuh oh18:18
KilosMaaz it doesnt work18:18
MaazKilos: What?18:18
CryterionMazz: Does it work18:18
KilosCryterion does what work18:18
inetproKilos: you think people who keep coming here do not use Ubuntu at work,home,university,school,church,etc ?18:18
Cryterionthe system we have going here18:19
Kilosoh the system18:19
Kiloswell duh18:19
Kilosof course it works18:19
Cryterionso why fix it?18:19
Kilosyou miss the point18:19
Kilosreverification is a big thing18:20
Kilosbefore we have maia doing ubuntu hours often and we had release parties etc etc18:20
Kiloseven had cakes specially baked for release parties18:21
Cryterionguess it's like inetpro said, can't force it, but can only try get people to do it18:21
inetprothe reverification thing is a simple process just to ensure that the wheel keeps turning for those teams who are not very active18:21
inetproour wheels keep spinning18:21
inetproat a fast pace 18:22
Kiloseven when flat?18:22
Cryteriontrue, some will be slower, some even faster18:22
Kilosonly flat at the bottom so its ok18:22
Cryterionjust goes bump18:22
Cryterionthen the bump gets fixed :)18:23
inetprowith Kilos here our wheels are healthy18:23
inetpromany others come here often to find awesome and friendly help just about any topic you can imagine18:24
Kiloswell anyway we will use debconf for the next one18:24
Cryterionlike kilos with resistors and led's18:24
Kilosand my water market screen18:25
inetprohow's the screen doing btw?18:25
Kilospattern changed some18:25
Kilosless  bright white areas but a clear water mark18:26
Kilosand screenhots dont work and fone pics are hard work so dont ask18:26
Kilosgood evening everyone18:27
inetprothe longer you wait the more difficult it will be to clean properly... I think18:27
inetproKilos: your screenshots are perfect18:27
Kiloseven debs said are you stupid18:27
Kilosshe uses a slightly damp cloth on her tablet18:28
Kilosya screen shots lie inetpro 18:28
Kilosthey look from behind, not here where i look18:29
KilosCryterion are you going to debconf18:29
Kilosoh i wont be here most of the day tomorrow18:30
CryterionIf it's next month, I prob won't be able to due to workload coming in18:30
Kilosgoing hospital for meds before 6am18:31
CryterionJust suddenly picked up for us18:31
Kiloslife happens18:31
inetproKilos: sometimes you eat the bear ... and sometimes the bear eats you18:31
Cryteriondid a quote this morning, deposit was in the account 30mins later, fastest one I've ever had18:32
Cryterionanother export, all I've done over the last 18months is export stuff, nothing local, but starting up now18:33
Kilosexport me to aus18:34
inetproCryterion: nice! sounds like fun18:34
Kilosaustralia man18:34
Cryterionthey don't order! Africa does, and often a superlink goes up, plenty places to hide you18:35
Kilosmust be aus man18:35
Kilosai! ek sukkel18:36
Cryteriononly 1 week inside a container to get you to zambia, better then 6weeks to aus18:36
Kilosholy smokes18:36
Kilosdont you guys know about airlines18:36
Cryterionaus is over water, zambia is road18:36
Kilosthose big things that fly18:37
Cryterionyeah, equipment is big18:37
Kiloswhat do you market?18:37
Cryterion40ton silo is bigger than some planes I've been on18:37
CryterionBakery Equipment18:37
Kiloscargo planes can carry tanks18:37
Cryterionmight as make the silo a plane, fly it across, then strip18:38
Kiloswhew such big silos18:38
Kilosfor flour?18:38
CryterionKilos http://www.anmarbaking.co.za18:38
Kiloswow thats many breads18:39
Cryterionsome bakeries empty 4 of them per day18:39
CryterionAlbany Germiston can produce 40500 loaves of bread per hour, just to give you an idea of the biggest bakery in SA, and it's not the biggest in Southern Africa btw18:41
Cryterionever eaten a Tinkie?18:43
Kiloswhat is it18:43
Cryterion37 chemicals keeping it fresh18:44
Cryterionand that plant is a f-ing mess18:44
Kilosis that one of the yummy things that kills you silently18:44
Kiloshaha like palony18:45
Cryterionsponge cake, with cream injected inside it18:45
Cryterionyeah, same18:45
Kilospalony viennas and all those thing have stuff in that would turn peeps off for life if they saw it being made18:46
Cryterionyep, I've seen most things, including chicken only processing18:48
Kilosmuch safer on a farm and cutting the throats yourself18:49
CryterionI could swear half of them are dead before that get there throats cuts by a muslim priest18:49
Cryterionin a plant they get stunned18:50
Cryterionelectrocuted basically18:50
Cryterionand they're all between 50 and 52 days old18:50
Kilosive been to chicken abatoirs18:50
Kilosyip hormone fed18:51
Kilosive done the broiler bit as well18:51
Kiloskinda rough18:51
Kilosbut thats why they are tender18:52
Kilosthey still babies18:52
Cryterionnever seen that side, just from the truck loads coming into the plant18:52
Cryterionand so far, no-one has successfully automated the chicken liver packing18:53
Kilosa chicken takes 20 weeks to mature, but broilers are slaughtered at 6 weeks and are already around 3 kgs18:53
Kilos2 kgs18:53
Cryterionthink rainbow runs around 1.5-2kgs18:54
Cryterionhmm, an hour to wait for the damn moon, grrr, just to appear on horizon18:55
Kilosyip even today they havent perfected the art of all growing same speed18:55
Kiloswhy are you waiting for the moon18:56
Kiloswanna howl18:56
Cryterioncause saturn and mars rise ahead of it, so gonna get the telescope out later on18:56
Kiloswhy whats happening there18:57
Cryterionbut will still have another hour after that due to damn trees in the way18:57
Cryterionjust want to see better, clearer images now, moved away from city light interference18:58
inetproCryterion: nice!18:59
inetprodo you need a telescope to see it?19:00
Kilosja if you wanna see the martians on the parade grounds19:01
CryterionTo see better, but both are visible looking like stars to the naked eye, they just don't flicker like normal stars do19:01
Cryterionor the rovers Kilos19:02
Kilosoh ya19:02
* inetpro wishing I had a telescope19:04
inetprowould love to see it in more detail19:04
Kilosi have a small one 19:05
inetproCryterion: let us know when it's up19:05
Kilosrifle scope19:05
Cryterionis there a way to place an image (png) on stickynotes?19:06
* inetpro used to have lots of fun with KStars19:07
CryterionI use Stellarium19:07
* Kilos notes the K in front19:07
inetpronice to see things on screen and then look at the real skies to find it19:07
inetprooh yeah, I also remember Stellarium now19:08
Cryterionshows you where the 2 planets are with reference to the moon at 22:00 tonight19:08
Kilosserious tools19:08
Cryterionwith stellarium I get comet info, orbital period info and plug it in to track where they are19:09
inetproif I had the data I would install it now19:10
Cryterionasteriods, nebula's, most known stuff is already built in19:10
inetproabsolutely amazing that all this stuff can be seen like that on the PC these days19:11
Cryterionfull zoom, with current images, I.E. zoom to a moon around jupiter19:11
inetproCryterion: using Ubuntu?19:12
Cryterionand guess what?19:12
CryterionStellarium is open source, and has a linux option, seperate ubuntu option19:12
inetprooh of course19:13
Cryterionthen ported to the other crap os's19:13
Kilosi only think about stars that can crash into us19:13
inetproKilos: you've watched too many movies?19:14
Kilosi hope so19:14
CryterionKilos our galaxy is currently heading for a direct headon collision with the andromeda galaxy19:14
Kilosactually havent looked how planet x is doing19:14
Kilosoh my19:14
Kiloswell that many years ahead19:15
Kilosmany 100's19:15
Cryterionin about 4.5million years19:15
Kilosi dont worry bout stuff that far ahead19:15
MaNIthat planet nine theory that recently came up is pretty cool19:15
Cryterionbut nothing drastic will happen19:15
MaNIhope they find it19:15
Kilosplanet x should be here by year end i think19:15
Cryterionwe have 12 known planets in our solar system, 8 planets, 3 dwarf19:16
inetproMilky Way and Andromeda are expected to collide in 3.75 billion years19:16
Cryterionsomething like that inetpro, was just thinking out my head19:16
Kilosi should be dead by then19:17
Kilosso someone else can worry about it19:17
CryterionThey still waiting confirmation on planet X, they believe they detected it, but still can't confirm all info, but it's more likely a dwarf planet19:18
Kilosand others say its already affecting us19:19
Kilosmoving our poles19:19
Cryterionthere's talk of a planet on a 3500year orbit that passes through the inner solar system, but more needs to be known19:21
CryterionIf they were really concerned, they would have put Voyager 2 into an orbital course around the sun, as it's beyond pluto now, still has fuel, as they only switched it to backed thrusters about 4years ago19:23
Kilosi wonder how much about these things isnt aired19:27
CryterionAt least half of it19:27
CryterionThey don't want us too know19:28
Kilosso we dont panic19:28
Cryterionsomething like that19:28
Kiloshaha panicking wont help19:28
CryterionBut I believe we are in contact, and have always been19:28
Kilosoh yes ive read lots about that19:29
Cryterionand to add to your plant x, with the 3500year orbit, which coincides with the whole myan calender bit btw19:30
Cryterionmyan calendar was 3500years19:31
Cryterionbut just starts again, should it not, we're still here on earth aren't we19:31
Kilosso far yes19:32
Cryterionunless those nukes I can't find suddenly explode19:32
CryterionMars is up btw, with saturn appear on the horizon soon, approx eese19:34
Kiloslatest is with the isis attack in belgium they found plans to attck nuclear power stations19:34
Cryterionsorry more ESE19:34
Kilosenjoy your viewing19:34
Kilosi need to sleep. early up tomorrow19:35
Kilosnight all. sleep tight'19:35
inetprogood night Kilos19:35
CryterionThey release a threat on US, apparantly the last to are just tests19:35
CryterionNight Kilos19:35
Kilosinetpro gaan kyk die sterre19:35
inetprohaha, te vroeg nog19:35
Kiloslekker slaap julle19:35
Kilosdont worry about planet x yet19:36
* Cryterion has trees in the way, grrr19:36
inetprome too 19:36
inetprothink we actually spotted it19:39
inetprowill confirm a bit later19:40
Cryterionsaturn should be right on the horizon19:40
inetprosaturn will be behind the trees still19:40
Cryterionbrighter than most stars, above the moon just to the right, mars a bit to the left but much higher19:41
inetproyep, and mars is clearly a bit red as well19:42
Cryterionjust got myself fully orientated here in my new invironment, just a roof in the way, clear of trees :)19:45
inetprojust want to confirm the spot when the moon comes up... 19:45
inetproit's a bit more south than I expected19:46
inetprobut your image tells me that we should have the correct spot19:47
inetproto the right of E19:47
CryterionPutting up telescope, will post image if can get phone to take a good picture, tricky get the cam on a tiny hole to view19:49
inetprowe see Mars very clearly now19:50
Cryterionif you bi-nocs, helps a bit, little bit bigger19:51
inetprounfortunately none on hand here19:53
Cryterionand have to wait just a little longer for it to clear a roof, grrr19:54
Cryterioninetpro http://telescopeshop.co.za/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_3&products_id=27 that's scope I've got, basic but works19:56
inetpro R1400 is that the price?19:57
inetproone day when I'm grown up I shall be able to afford that 19:59
Cryterionlol, think it about 1600 when I got mine 2 years ago20:04
inetprowow, actually so nice to see mars very clearly now with the other star to the right of it20:14
inetprostill waiting for the moon to show up20:15
inetproaccording to Google Sky on the mobile the moon should now be above the horizon20:21
inetprothat must be Antares to the right of Mars?20:22
Cryterionyes antares is a bright star above it to the right20:27
CryterionJupiter is above it somewhere, also bright20:27
inetproyep, we've spotted jupiter as well20:28
CryterionNE about 10oclock vertically is Jupiter, just looked through scope and closest 4 moon run east west 2 on either side atm20:29
Cryterioncan't get phone tho focus through scope for pics :(20:30
inetprospotted Alpha Centauri even20:30
inetproseen Saturn now as well, I think20:31
inetprostill waiting for the moon to emerge20:31
inetprook, we got that right... moon emerged now20:39
inetproCryterion: thanks for the alert20:40
inetprotaht was fun20:40
inetproeven the kids enjoyed it20:40
Cryterionlol, they would20:47
Cryterioneven my kids have always enjoyed just seeing a repeat of something20:48
CryterionI just want to get to see the colours in saturn's rings, it's just all white with city light around, now that I'm away from the city, I hope to get a better view20:49
Cryterionnight everyone21:24

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