
Abe_doesn't it depend which graphics card I have.00:00
hep7I once broke the os trying to install drivers manually00:00
eurythmiaHey folks, I'm running 15.10, and I'm having trouble with bluetooth ... I have a headset that will pair, but I'm only able to use the headset profile, not A2DP ... has anyone figured this out yet?00:00
Abe_I mean games work fine I most;y notice it in HD videos and Moving Windows00:00
hep7well thanks for help.  bye00:01
Bashing-omAbe_: Surely it do .. I had assumed a later card as you say you are in the Nvidia 352 .00:01
Abe_Bashing-om: Idk if its really a driver issue00:01
Abe_and like hep7 said. I keep my fingers away installing a different driver manually00:02
Abe_thats why I'm so interested in Mir00:03
Bashing-omAbe_: Staying within our repo is better in the long term. Sure saves one from a lot of problems, but IF you need to step over the line, you need to .00:06
Abe_I mean the screen tearing is not that BAD. I can live with it. took me even a while to notice it in the first place. And I don't want to cause more problems playing around installing different drivers. In games as example No screen tearing at all. well the video sequences do. but not the actual gameplay00:08
mcphailAbe_: at present, Mir doesn't work with proprietary drivers, and doesn't work with many graphical programs. I see nvidia have just released a mir-compatible driver. But I haven't heard any reports as to whether it works well with Mir. But X remains your best option for now00:09
Abe_mcphail: seriously. I though Mir is finally going to replace X00:10
mcphailAbe_: it might, eventually00:10
jjwaxxxmy kodi dont works00:11
Abe_cuz X is so old was written in 199x something00:11
mcphailAbe_: lots of good things were written in the 1990s. That's no reason to abandon something00:11
jjwaxxxits no true00:12
Abe_and I just blame X for the screen tearing. even though it still does a good job00:12
Abe_mcphail: at some point it is00:12
mcphailAbe_: the screen tearing issue is complex: partly X, partly the compositor, partly the graphics driver. You can go crazy trying to debug screen tearing00:13
jjwaxxxwhat are you doing??00:14
soot_what does a complete file path look like in the terminal?00:14
Abe_mcphail: thats why I'm not even trying fixing it anymore. I just live with it. like I said you have to have an eye to see it.00:15
jjwaxxxgo to bed00:15
Abe_soot_: /home/yourname/Videos ?00:16
jjwaxxxthere is a applop like youtube downloader00:17
soot_soot_@soot_: /home/things ?00:17
Bashing-omsoot_: ONE instance " ls -al /etc/default/grub " where the file 'grub' resides in the directory 'default' under the directory 'etc' under the root of it all '/' .00:17
soot_that isnt my question00:18
abdussamadAre You Hacker?00:19
mcphailabdussamad: hello. Please ask your Ubuntu support question and try not to spam the channel00:19
abdussamadOK YEAH00:19
abdussamadHow To gparted on ubuntu00:19
soot_ it just starts with /home ?00:19
abdussamadMram Welcome00:20
soot_im just not used to the file system00:20
jjwaxxxxubuntu its a toy??00:21
Abe_soot_: if your not familiar don't put anything in your system files. just put all your junk in the home directory00:21
Abe_soot_: use the software center to install software00:22
soot_yah... so where is it now?00:23
Abe_or do an sudo apt-get install00:23
blueFiveIf I remove BLUEMAN APLET from my Startup list, does it just not load the option of disabling my BT or does it not load the BT? I mean, if that's disabled, is BT disabled?00:23
blueFiveWhat's a command I can type in the terminal to see the status of my Bluetooth?00:23
jjwaxxxsudo if hot00:24
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
mcphailjjwaxxx: stop spamming please00:24
Abe_blueFive: i found this command "sudo service bluetooth status"00:24
Abe_if its on it should show something like this "bluetooth start/running, process 1074"00:25
blueFiveIt says ACTIVE (running)00:26
blueFivebut in my taskbar I have it disabled.00:26
blueFiveSo how come it's not really disabled?00:26
soot_what is in the root dir that is so important i shouldnt mess with it?  : )00:27
Abe_you could theoretically kill the process number or not?00:27
mcphail!fhs | soot_00:27
ubottusoot_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier00:27
Abe_type kill and the process number. all your processes are listet under the "top" command00:28
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
Abe_in my case it would be kill 1074. Im not sure but mine has a button to disable00:29
blueFiverfkill block bluetooth00:29
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blueFiveIs this a temporary command so that BT starts again when I restart?00:29
blueFiveBy the way, it seems Blueman just allows one to control BT.. it doesn't load BT itself, right?00:30
blueFiveI have Blueman as one of my Startup Programs.00:30
blueFiveIf I remove it from Startup will Bt stop starting?00:30
Guest36214how does one use this, I'm lost00:31
cfhowlett"this"??? Guest3621400:31
blueFiveI have this:00:31
blueFive42 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 ecryptfs-kthrea00:31
blueFiveThis means I have ecryptfs loaded??00:31
Abe_does that help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/67758/how-can-i-deactivate-bluetooth-on-system-startup00:32
blueFiveThe program 'ecryptfs-setup-private' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:00:33
blueFiveIf ecryptfs is not installed, how come I have ecryptfs-kthrea as an active process?00:33
blueFiveWhat's going on?00:33
Abe_sorry idk where you not talking about bluetooth?00:34
blueFiveAbe_, Yes, but moving on to ecryptfs for a moment.00:35
blueFiveSince you had me open up my processes using TOP00:35
blueFivei've noticed ecryptfs-ktrea is active.00:35
Abe_I don't have an process like that00:35
Abe_we are probably under different Desktop Enviroments maybe. google the process whats it's for00:36
=== Dinner is now known as Dinner4Breakfast
blueFivePID is the process ID?00:37
blueFiveHow come when I Kill 42 it doesn't kill ecryptfs-kthrea?00:37
rud0lfomg 378 bans00:37
blueFiveThat's the process ID for ecryptfs-kthrea00:38
Abe_PID = Process ID00:38
Abe_i think thats how it is in my head00:38
EOBeavIf I create an OEM drive, does it need to be installed on identical machines, or just anything that will run that will run ubuntu?00:38
blueFiveI killed PID 42.00:38
blueFiveI did sudo kill 4200:39
blueFivebut when I view top now PID 42 is still active!00:39
Abe_what is the process for sound something with encryption  to me00:39
blueFiveYou sure you don't have ecryptfs-kthrea loaded?00:40
blueFiveI don't know what it is exactly.00:40
blueFiveI don't have ecryptfs installed..00:40
blueFiveso why would I have that running?00:40
Abe_oh yes i do I apologize00:41
Abe_Process 54 - ecryptfs-kthrea00:41
blueFiveDo you have your home dir encrypted?00:41
blueFiveIs ecryptfs installed on your box?00:42
Abe_my hole hdd is LVM encrypted00:42
mcphailblueFive: you are confusing the "plumbing" system services with userland tools. Take some time to research the processes running on your system, as suggested by Abe_, rather than trying to kill them randomly.00:42
chindyanybody know where i can find the texmf directory?00:42
chindyor rather how to install latex packages?00:42
blueFiveAbe, Type: sudo ecryptfs-setup-private00:42
blueFiveAbe_, See if that says ecryptfs is installed or not.00:43
Abe_ecryptfs-setup-private: command not found00:43
blueFiveSo it's not installed for both of us yet we both have ecryptfs-kthrea running as a process.00:44
blueFiveI wonder why.00:44
Abe_like I said it has probably something to do with encryption on your hdd or your home folder oh wait hold on.00:44
RobbieL811What's up guys?  Anybody around in here w/ a Centrino 2230 network card?00:44
blueFiveThat command isn't right.00:44
blueFiveAbe_, Try it without sudo before it.00:45
blueFiveAbe_, Type this: ecryptfs-setup-private --undo00:45
blueFiveOr do it without --undo if you like.00:45
blueFiveFor me it says: The program 'ecryptfs-setup-private' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:00:46
jefinca space even...00:46
blueFivemcphail, So if ecryptfs-setup-private is not installed, why do I have ecryptfs-kthrea running as a process?00:46
GeekDudeI just set up ubuntu server on one of my boxes. It didn't pick up the networking hardware during installation, but seemed to pick it up after installation. I had to manually go in and add 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' to /etc/network/interfaces though. Is that normal for network hardware that isn't detected during install?00:46
mcphailblueFive: because your kernel has been built with ecryptfs compatibility00:47
mcphailblueFive: you need to install the user-space tools if you actually want to use it00:48
blueFiveAh, I see. So it's effectively disabled.00:48
blueFivemcphail, Now, if I don't load Blueman at Startup does my Bluetooth module not start?00:49
blueFiveOR do I simply not have the option of using Blueman to turn off the BT?00:49
mcphailblueFive: I don't use bluetooth, so I have no idea about that I'm afraid00:50
blueFive"With this command in rc.localm we are basically soft blocking Bluetooth at each start up time."00:51
blueFiveWhat's soft blocking and does it mean the BT module is still running?00:51
Abe_blueFive: I can turn bluetooth off and on with one click in the taskbar00:52
blueFiveAbe_, Yes, but I suspect when it's turned off that it's still really on.00:53
Abe_right click -> turn bluetooth off00:53
Abe_I don't think so. did you try to reach you pc over a different bluetooth device? can you still find your pc?00:54
blueFiveAh. You may be right.00:54
blueFiverfkill block bluetooth in the terminal is what that icon does when you turn it off.00:55
Abe_I mean my bluetooth is always on. even though I don't use it.. actually never worried about BT00:56
blueFiveAbe_, Yes, but if it's not needed it can be causing interference and reducing battery life.00:57
blueFiveSomeone said completely disabling his BT gave him 30 mins more battery life.00:57
blueFiveHow come I type gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local in terminal I get a prompt to enter my password but the actual file doesn't open up?00:57
blueFiveI think because gedit wasn't installed.00:58
blueFiveAh, now it's working.00:58
blueFiverfkill block bluetooth00:59
blueFiveput this in that file and it will be disabled on startup.00:59
Abe_blueFive: I never use my battery. I use my laptop like a tower... have screen keyboard mouse connected. I took the battery out, I only use it If i really take my laptop anywhere. maybe load it for a liitle while and discharge it every month or so. cuz the battery is the first thing that dies in a laptop01:00
blueFiveAbe, Ah, interesting.01:02
blueFiveAbe, for home use I got a mini PC instead.01:03
Abe_and i dont think that bluetooth really sucks that much power, I would rather turn the screen brightness down01:03
blueFiveIf you don't need BT why would you want it on?01:03
Abe_cuz I have it :D idk. a cellphone has bluetooth most poeple don't turn it off either01:04
blueFiveAbe_, Always nice to reduce radiowaves you don't need.01:05
Abe_don't get me wrong im not blaming you for turning it off. makes sense01:05
blueFiveNo need subjecting your body to extra EMF noise. Moreover it could be interfering with other electronics components.01:05
blueFiveSomeone said: Please don’t do this, it is a hack at best. Rather, edit: /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and set:01:06
blueFiveInitiallyPowered = false01:06
blueFiveAlthough InitiallyPowered isn't even an option in that file.01:06
blueFiveI don't see what's wrong with running rfkill block bluetooth at startup.01:06
blueFiveThat's all the Blueman app does when you disable BT.01:06
cfhowlettiAngeloHD, ask your ubuntu question01:07
iAngeloHDI installed lubuntu but now it screen tearing01:07
Abe_was never against turning it off01:07
iAngeloHDIt has lines and stuff01:07
blueFiveAbe_, No, I was saying in response to one of the comments that read:01:08
blueFiveSomeone said: Please don’t do this, it is a hack at best. Rather, edit: /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and set:01:08
blueFiveInitiallyPowered = false01:08
Abe_iAngeloHD: are you using the noveau driver. click on the additional drivers and choose the nvidia graphics card driver and restart01:09
Abe_in system settings01:09
blueFiveiAngeloHD, Why not try Voyager? It's based on Xubuntu. Because it's based on Xubuntu it has basically 3 teams doing the dev (buntu, Xubuntu, Voyager).01:09
Abe_then you can play around with the Nvidia X server settings to get better results01:10
Abe_or look online what other people have done to get you card running properly01:11
blueFiveAbe_, http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=voyager01:11
blueFiveAbe_, Why does it say this is based on Debian?01:11
blueFiveAbe_, Is Ubuntu based on Debian?01:11
blueFive"Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian's architecture and infrastructure,"01:12
Tin_manhello all, i've a question, I recently installed a ubuntu server 12.04 (I had the dvd), I've been leaning on a daily basis. It took me 2 days to finally get cups working, and mounting an such, but it's going ok. Today the elect went off, and I tried to ssh into my server,but port 22 was not reading. after reading and searching I logged in to a different private i.p. my question is how did it change from 192.168.1.x to 192.168.1.y?01:13
Abe_blueFive: yes it's based on debain01:13
Abe_alot of distros are based on ubuntu which then are also based on debian. weird isn't it01:14
blueFiveYes. So with Voyager you have it based on Xubuntu.01:15
blueFiveXubuntu is based on Ubuntu and Ubuntu is based on Debian.01:15
Abe_xubuntu is based on ubuntu which is based on debian yes01:15
vervetTin_man: did you set up static IP/address reservation or does it get assigned by DHCP?01:15
Tin_mandon't know vervet, i've a router and the phone company assigns it i guess, but the private ones, i thought stayed the save01:17
Tin_mansave = same01:17
Abe_I could never switch from kde again01:17
blueFiveAbe_, " [Voyager Live]01:17
blueFiveThe developers of Voyager Live, a Debian-based distribution, have announced the release of Voyager Live X8. The new release of Voyager Live is based on Debian 8 "Jessie" and ships with Xfce 4.12 as the distribution's default desktop environment. According to the project's website, Voyager X8 ships with version 3.16 of the Linux kernel and seeks to gain performance by shipping with Xfce desktop environment."01:17
cfhowletttake it to #off-topic please, blueFive .  topic for this channel is **ubuntu** support.  thank you.01:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:18
vervetTin_man: often times but it's not guaranteed without those, you could either set up a dhcp address reservation (in which case your router would assign the server the same address)01:18
Abe_yes xfce is a lightweight desktop enviroment, thats why i don't use it. cuz my pc is not a lightweight01:18
Tin_manok thanks vervet, i'll do some more studying.. been doing alot of that lately :)01:19
blueFiveAbe_, You wouldn't notice a difference using XFCE vs KDE on your system?01:19
Abe_yes kde is better :D01:20
vervetTin_man: or you could set the IP add. statically on the server, may be good to get familiar with that, you'll likely do that again in the future for a server - np :)01:20
blueFiveAbe_, I meant in terms of performance.01:20
Tin_manok again thanks vervet..01:20
Tin_manlater all01:20
mcphailblueFive: please read ubottu's factoid above. Keep this channel for Ubuntu support questions. Other discussions go elsewhere. Thanks01:20
asushi all01:21
asusis anybody running a powermac g501:22
Abe_mcphail: let me answer quick okay. xfce would probably be faster yes. but I have no performance issues using kde on mine. it takes a little longer to boot up but it's fast. I need all those options and settings and features that I dont get with an xfce DE01:23
squintyasus,  yes no maybe    just state your problem    if someone can help they will reply01:23
asuswant to put mate on mine stops half way01:24
jonathan_xxanyone experienced with Steam here?01:40
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:42
gagaliciousis it advisable to use noatime option in mounting / root ?01:43
jonathan_xxyes and please don't treat me like a moron that doesn't know how to do things. K?01:43
jonathan_xxI asked a question, I don't need anyone messing with it.01:45
somsipjonathan_xx: hint - change your attitude or people just wont want to help you. Give details about your problem.01:45
jonathan_xxthe people that say that stuff don't want to help to begin with, and I am not asking for those people.01:45
somsipjonathan_xx: state your real problem with steam01:46
titanium17I am very experienced in Steam01:46
squintyjonathan_xx,  the intention wasn't intended to make you feal like a "moron" (which in itself is a highly derogitive term) but was rather a response to your question which only had two possible answers   that is   yes or no01:46
jonathan_xxwell thank you.01:46
titanium17But for windows.01:46
jonathan_xxsquinty: you are incorrect, but I'm not getting ito that.01:46
somsipjonathan_xx: state your real problem (for the 3rd time)01:47
jonathan_xxwill you just shut up?01:47
squintyjonathan_xx,  in other words, you would get a more positive responce by stating your actual problem01:47
jonathan_xxfor the 3rd time?01:47
jonathan_xxyou are a fucking turd person.01:47
jonathan_xxI do not need you.01:47
squintygetting pretty close to op's banning you01:47
ianorlynjonathan_xx, I play mount and blade warband too much on steam but yes that is a way too broad queistion01:48
* titanium17 is Steam expert01:48
jonathan_xxI did not ask any question, I asked if there were experience Steam people.01:49
squintyexactly which is a yes or no answer01:49
jonathan_xxof course not idiot, will you please shut up in response to my questions?01:49
ianorlynjonathan_xx, you can play jimi hendrix music on ubuntu as well01:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:50
anacrust1st time on IRC. I sent wrote in the #Django channel and immediately got a "* #django :Cannot send to channel" on the next line. I'm guessing my chat didn't go through?01:50
blueFiveThoughts on this method to disable BT at startup?01:50
blueFiveSomeone says: "Please don’t do this, it is a hack at best. "01:50
blueFiveWhat's wrong with it?01:50
jonathan_xxianorlyn: I just have a random first steam game not working. The first errors indicated that i386 libraries were missing so I made pains to install them. Now it gets a bit further but it crashes with a core dump after creating a steamapps.txt file or something, that allows me to launch it from the console.01:52
jonathan_xxianorlyn: it used to work before on an older 14.10 install of Kubuntu, same system also. Now I am in Kubuntu 16.04 and I just get a segmentation fault.01:53
squintyjonathan_xx,    type /topic   unbuntu+1 is for 16.04 enquiries not this channel01:54
jonathan_xxsquinty: will you please mind your own business?01:54
jonathan_xxhave nothing better to do I see than to bug people.01:54
compdocthey dont allow ppl to talk about non-released versions in here01:55
jonathan_xxjust stfu if you have nothing better to say01:55
jonathan_xxnot "they", YOU01:55
compdocyoure stupid01:55
squinty!ops jonathan_xx01:55
jonathan_xxianorlyn: but the difference is also that I'm using the ubuntu supplied package currently instead of Steam's own. I haven't tested the game with the steam package yet, because it complained about being out of date.01:56
jonathan_xxianorlyn: I am wondering if in general the steam version can make a difference in this? The game is Borderlands 2.01:59
ianorlynI thought steam in the package auto updates itself01:59
jonathan_xxprobably, but maybe there are differences in how the dependency libraries get installed?02:00
cfhowlett!steam | jonathan_xx02:00
ubottujonathan_xx: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.02:00
jonathan_xxoh thanks, I didn't know there was an ubuntu-steam. I could not get into #steamlug.02:00
Natedoghello, when i went to install ubuntu beside my windows 8 , i clicked Something Else then resized my windows 8 ntfs partition, and acciently at same time changed ntfs to ext4 for the win partition instead of for the new free space partition. what do i need to do to be able to change the partitions back to orginal size and from ext4 to ntfs without losing data? can i just edit the partition table with gdisk and set orginal start and end02:04
Natedogsectors to the what i think the ntfs was and ext4 with automaticly become ntfs again Or do i need to delete the ext4 partition so the old ntfs is all raw space instead of being a two unwanted partitions ?02:04
EOBeavIf I create an OEM drive, does it need to be installed on identical machines, or just anything that will run that will run ubuntu?02:05
kellymi53aI lost the bluetooth icon in my taskbar. How to get it back?02:05
Natedogit shows up as Raw partition, even though i didnt commit the changes and canceled the Something else install it broke win8 and wont boot02:05
Natedogor see data02:05
kellymi53asudo systemctl disable bluetooth02:06
kellymi53aI typed this.02:06
kellymi53aSo I'll type enable.02:06
posiWhat's the deal with installing a bunch of .apt files if it has a bunch of dependencies? Should I use dpkg? Can I use apt?02:09
Natedogdo i need to delete the current incorrect partition first or do i just recover the old parttion listed in testdisk program without installing02:10
Natedoger without removing the incorrect one, like testdisk will change RAW to NTFS and two partitions back to one with the recovery02:11
compdocNatedog, I think anything you do is likely to make it worse. you need expert software or a company that does recovery02:11
Natedogtestdisk is listed as the program to use for ubuntu for this problem02:12
freezerwhy is iscsid running per default @ Ubuntu 16.04 Server?02:12
squintyfreezer,  a02:13
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | freezer02:14
ubottufreezer: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:14
squintyfreezer,  as per /topic 16.04  ->  #ubuntu+102:14
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fyrrilcan anyone translate this for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/15548282/ ? I'm getting grub recovery command on restart after removing a dual boot 14.0402:15
jonathan_xxNatedog: if the partition was not formatted by the installer02:15
cfhowlettEOBeav, I assume you mean create an OEM version?  In which case, the distro will run on  machines with identical specs  (drivers and such).02:15
jonathan_xxNatedog: then you might be able to switch it back to NTFS if you know the sector boundaries like that.02:15
kellyiuu87Firefox is re-enabling bluetooth for me. I have it killed at startup.02:16
kellyiuu87Why is it doing this?02:16
cfhowlettfyrril, what OS remains on the machine02:16
fyrrilwin 1002:16
cfhowlettkellyiuu87, I can pretty much guarantee FFOX is not enabling bluetooth.  Doesn't have that ability02:16
EOBeavcfhowlett: Ok, so don't even try to install it on something else?02:16
cfhowlettfyrril, so only win10 remains?02:16
jonathan_xxNatedog: the partition type is not really important (for Linux). I would suggest restoring the size of the partition and then using a linux tool to mount it. If that works, and you can access your files, then you're done.02:16
kellyiuu87cfhowlett, But my Bluetooth was off until I opened FF.02:17
cfhowlettEOBeav, nope.  use a plain vanilla ubuntu for other machines02:17
EOBeavk, thx for the heads up.02:17
cfhowlettkellyiuu87, firefox doesn't have permissions to change your hardware settings02:17
fyrrilcfhowlett, this is correct.02:17
jonathan_xxNatedog: if the partition was overwrittne with ext4 structure then you might be less lucky.02:17
cfhowlettfyrril, you might need to run windows boot repair.  ask in ##windows02:18
Natedogit didnt format as ext4, i cancel and it changed from NTFS to RAW02:18
Natedogbut did still resize also02:18
fyrrilcfhowlett, yeah I tried running the mbr fix from repair cd. Still getting the same issue unfortunately02:18
cfhowlettfyrril, mbr will not work.  your disk is EFI/gpt.  wrong tool02:19
jonathan_xxNatedog: it is not going to be "raw space" whatever you do. If only the partition table was altered but not the disk, then the actual disk contents was not changed.02:19
fyrrilcfhowlett, that explains the EFI stuff I was reading then maybe02:19
LonelyDanbothe #winehq channel is no help. how do I uninstall Wine? It's not shown as installed in the software center, and I didn't compile it so I'm not sure it was "installed from source" unless I'm misinterpreting that.02:19
cfhowlettfyrril, indeed02:19
cfhowlettthis my suggestion to ask #windows02:19
jonathan_xxNatedog: that means you are right in suggesting that simply restoring the partition table will give you your partition back (including all data).02:19
fyrrilcfhowlett, in sda2 in that paste it shows the grub bootloder I think, is that what I want to remove?02:20
cfhowlettfyrril, I have never run windows in EFI/GPT and I am not the one to advise.  ##windows02:20
jonathan_xxNatedog: in order to use it in Windows, you may need to change the partition type as well.02:20
fyrrilcfhowlett, copy that, thanks for the help02:21
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, sudo apt-get purge wine^02:21
LonelyDanbocfhowlett, thanks.02:21
FCNLonelyDanbo, almost everything you have installed you can uninstalled by the terminal apt02:21
jonathan_xxNatedog: NTFS is probably going to be 0702:21
cfhowletthappy2help! LonelyDanbo02:21
Natedogjonathan_xx, i do that from gdisk or testdisk02:22
LonelyDanbook. I'm just not that familiar with the system and worried about doing it wrong.02:22
jonathan_xxNatedog: personally I would do it from some Ubuntu boot/install disc, I am not familiar with those things. I would use cfdisk and/or gparted to change the ending sector of the NTFS partition. Then I would use either to change the type to 07. Then I would try mounting it in linux.02:23
kellyiuu87"sudo systemctl disable bluetooth"02:24
kellyiuu87Why won't this turn off the bluetooth?02:24
DocPlatypusis there some kind of trick I am missing to customizing the task bars in GNOME Classic? I can't find a place to change them to light text on dark background02:24
jonathan_xxNatedog: I really mean "parted".02:24
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: what version of Ubuntu are you on? My 14.04 LTS doesn't have "systemctl"02:25
kellyiuu87But if it doesn't have it you can easily install it.02:25
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: what DE are you using?02:26
jonathan_xxin parted you can use "unit s" to get sectors, then use "p" to print the partition table, then use resizepart to resize a partition with sector numbers.02:26
LonelyDanboUnable to locate package wine^02:26
LonelyDanbowas that a typo?02:26
jonathan_xxthat was a typo02:27
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: I don't have a Bluetooth adapter on this system, but on my GNOME Classic I can go to System Settings and Bluetooth is one of the options, and I immediately get the option to turn off Bluetooth02:27
LonelyDanbohm. nope. "wine" doesn't work either.02:27
DocPlatypus(i.e. it would be available if I had the adapter installed)02:27
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, Yes, but I want it off by default every time I boot.02:27
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, sudo systemctl disable bluetooth02:28
LonelyDanbohow the hell is Wine running if it's not installed?02:28
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, This says: "Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service."02:28
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, But the bluetooth remains on.02:28
kellyiuu87How can that be?02:28
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: type "dpkg -l wine*" and or "apt list wine*"02:28
jonathan_xxthat is -l for -L02:28
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: what type of system? laptop, desktop? manufacturer, model?02:28
DocPlatypusit might be a manufacturer-specific quirk02:29
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, Ubuntu Mate 15.10 desktop. MSI.02:29
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, I typed sudo systemctl stop bluetooth02:29
kellyiuu87and it didn't stop bluetooth either.02:29
kellyiuu87BLUETOOTH OFF works.02:29
kellyiuu87Where do I go to put BLUETOOTH OFF in a startup command file?02:29
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: /etc/rc.local maybe?02:30
kellyiuu87DocPlatypus, However when i put it in there it didn't work when I rebooted.02:30
LonelyDanboif it says "un" that means not installed? and "ii" means installed? the "ii"s are wine-gecko and wine-mono and wine1.7 and winetricks.02:30
kellyiuu87Why would it work in the terminal but not in there?02:30
kellyiuu87I suspect that file is getting executed before something else is turning on Bluetooth.02:30
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: I defer to anyone else who has an idea02:31
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: yes ii is installed02:31
kellyiuu87It looks like if I don't disable the actual bluetooth then in order to have it turned off at boot I need to have the command execute after everything else has loaded.02:31
kellyiuu87Not too soon because something is turning it on after the fact.02:31
kellyiuu87Better would be for Ubuntu to remember the state at which I last had my Bluetooth set.02:32
LonelyDanboso how do I uninstall Wine?02:32
kellyiuu87Whether on or off when I last shut down the PC.02:32
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: un probably means uninstalled yes. There are other flags but I don't know them all. It seems you have to uninstall "wine1.7"02:32
DocPlatypuskellyiuu87: do you have onboard Bluetooth?02:32
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: apt remove wine1.7, or use "apt remove "wine*""02:32
DocPlatypus#$%&. well there went my idea. I was hoping it was USB02:33
LonelyDanbojonathan_xx, alright, thanks. It's hard to know which is the top one that removes all the others.02:33
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: in this case probably wine1.702:33
kellyiuu87Why doesn't Ubuntu make it easy to disable the bluetooth automatically?02:33
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: but you're right.02:33
kellyiuu87Instead of having the user manually disable it each session?02:33
jonathan_xxkellyiuu87: if you can disable it with a comment, you can probably put it in a startup script, but I don't know.02:34
jonathan_xxkellyiuu87: command*.02:34
ianorlynif it is a pcie card you take out the card02:34
ianorlynbut hopefully that won't turn wifi off it is a combo chip02:34
kellyiuu87jonathan_xx, Yes, but the startup script executes before something else is turning it on.02:34
jonathan_xxkellyiuu87: oh right. Well I don't know. Have to reboot now to see if that changes my Borderlands 2 thing.02:35
compdocyoure ahead of your time02:39
Bashing-om!ask | xenial02:40
ubottuxenial: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:40
xenialUbuntu 16.04 contiene Gnome software en las actualizaciones o hay que instalarlo a parte ?02:40
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:42
Bashing-om!es | xenial02:43
ubottuxenial: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:43
Trioxinif I add this repo, apt-get will still install x64 packages wherever it can right? sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb [arch=amd64,i386] http://mirrors.coreix.net/mariadb/repo/10.1/ubuntu wily main'02:46
LonelyDanbo"Virtual packages like 'wine-gecko' can't be removed" but the instructions for installing Wine say I have to remove them. It specifically mentions wine-gecko and wine-mono.02:47
DocPlatypusLonelyDanbo: find the package providing wine-gecko and remove that02:47
LonelyDanbooh it says at the end to use autoremopve?02:47
Bashing-omTrioxin: Nope, Google has dropped all 32 bit support .02:48
LonelyDanboI already uninstalled Wine1.7 but it didn't remove these others.02:48
Bashing-om!chrome-repo | Trioxin02:48
ubottuTrioxin: Google recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run:   sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome02:48
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jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: you sure you still have a problem? ;-).02:49
DocPlatypusI don't know whether to say "good riddance" or "that really sucks" to the end of 32-bit Chrome02:50
LonelyDanbooh boy. I dunno. half the time I'm asking questions that can be answered by paying attention or doing another search, but I ask anyway.02:51
=== FuriousGeorge_ is now known as FuriousGeorge
DocPlatypusis there some kind of beginner's guide to customizing the appearance of GNOME 3 / GNOME Classic?02:52
LonelyDanboA lot of times it takes me a full day or two or more to work through these problems. the first time I tried to get everything running it took me I think at least 3 weeks.02:52
dgarstangIs this legit? "[ -z $BUILD_NUMBER ] && ( echo "Environment variable $BUILD_NUMBER not set." ; BUILD_NUMBER=0)" ?02:55
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: anything else I can help you with at this point?02:57
LonelyDanbono, sorry to distract you.02:57
jonathan_xxLonelyDanbo: not sure that was a bad thing, but okay ;-) ^^.03:00
LonelyDanbowas just waiting for my system to stop being busy with the HD before I restarted just in case I needed to do that before {re}installing03:01
=== krc4267|sleep is now known as krc4267_
posiWhat's the deal with installing a bunch of .apt files if it has a bunch of dependencies? Should I use dpkg? Can I use apt?03:17
=== King is now known as Luvs
=== Luvs is now known as King
=== adrian is now known as Guest58946
Bashing-omposi: 'dpkg' does not do package management .. just installs as told .. Apt however does the package management thing .03:21
posiBashing-om: does that work? wont apt complain if i just give it a bunch of  file names instead of names?03:22
posialso apt vs apt-get isntall03:22
=== DrGonzo is now known as Guest58295
Bashing-omposi: Apt installs packages. and 'apt' is the updated 'apt-get' . apt has a few added features and is faster .03:23
jonathan_xxMy game problem was caused by the nVidia driver (361.28) I needed to put "__GLVND_DISALLOW_PATCHING=1 %command%" in the options box for the game, thanks.03:25
jonathan_xxposi: I don't know what you mean with .apt files. Do you mean .deb files?03:25
jonathan_xxposi: You use dpkg to install .deb files, and apt (or apt-get) interfaces with remote repositories.03:26
jonathan_xxposi: I don't know if dpkg will use apt to resolve dependencies.03:26
jonathan_xxI found my answer on the forum for the game itself. Someone knew the answer. Gearbox forums.03:27
jonathan_xxAnd it had nothing to do with #ubuntu+1 as suspected.03:28
jonathan_xxWhich means that would just have been a waste of time to begin with, going there first. Right? Right.03:29
jonathan_xxFor the simple reason that those Nvidia 361.28 drivers are on 15.10 as well.03:30
posijonathan_xx: so there's no process to use .deb files which rely on remote requirements?03:30
posiI feel like i've done that before03:30
jonathan_xxposi: I'm not aware of that, maybe someone knows.03:31
posi.deb files yea03:31
posinot .apt03:31
jonathan_xxposi: if you know the package dependencies, you can manually use apt of course to get them.03:31
posii thought there's some process where you can dpkg, and then run some other set of apt commands to install the dependencies?03:32
jonathan_xxposi: I just had a game that didn't run, at first very annoying. At first the issue is that the 64-bit version of some libraries were installed, but not the 32-versions.03:32
jonathan_xxposi: but after the first 2 missing libraries, apt installed a whole bunch of others, and then the library problem was solved.03:33
Bashing-omposi: For an instance : wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.12.20-trusty/linux-headers-3.12.20-031220-generic_3.12.20-031220.201405160935_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb ......03:34
posijust didn't know if you had a short hand for get this deb and install all the debs03:35
superstrawhi.  where do i go to disable gpg-agent from loading on boot?03:38
jonathan_xxposi: I'm not sure, you could create a script pretty fast for it based on dpkg -I for instance, but.....03:38
posicool that's helpful glad to know it's easier than i remember to do with dpkg. I'll go play now03:40
jonathan_xxI mean you'd still need to write the script but it should be a capability of dpkg to begin with03:41
jonathan_xxdpkg-deb -f <deb file> depends          <-- these are all the depends03:43
superstrawnevermind, found what i was looking for:  I have a script that decrypts via gpg, and when in ubuntu the dang gui pops up asking for my passphrase (which is annoying af) so I figured I'd kill it, but I found that in gpg.conf you can change "use-agent" to "no-use-agent" and the gui won't pop up any more.  (in case anyone else was wondering).03:47
Abe_my drive name changed from "External Harddrive" to "External Harddrive1" why?03:48
Abe_I actually see now both under /media "External Harddrive" (could not enter), External Harddrive1 works. but I see 2 folders. there should be only one03:49
Abe_why did it come up with +103:50
Abe_confusing cuz now I have to change all my thing here to the +1 one03:52
linociscohi , I am using Ms Exchange email using Exquila . how to backup all exchange emails so that I can import from other email systems?03:56
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
superstrawlinocisco: are you using exquila with thunderbird to hit a ms exchanger server?03:57
linociscosuperstraw, absolutely correct03:58
linociscosuperstraw, my 60 days free trial is expired, now using session license03:59
superstrawah.  I used to have that setup but abandoned it due to exquila, for some reason, constantly thrashing my disk.  Ah, and the license expired, that's right! i remember now.  I ended up using "davmail" and thunderbird -- free.  and no disk/cpu issues.  but anyways, back to your question03:59
superstrawSo, you don't keep your emails on the exchange server, but you download them to your email client and delete them from the server?04:01
rkhow do i redirect one site to another using hosts file? currently, i have this. (ip of site i want to redirect to) (domain name of the site i want to redirect). google.com04:01
Abe_and i dont wanna hav 2 mount points for one hhd04:02
jonathan_xxposi: Here is a crude way to get a list of packages you can feed to apt. I'm sure there is a better way:04:02
jonathan_xxposi: dpkg-deb -f <deb file> depends | sed -e "s/,//g" -e "s/([^)]*)//g" -e "s/[^ ]\+\s\+|\s\+[^ ]\+//g"04:02
superstrawAbe_: manually mount them or edit your fstab file maybe?04:02
posiah right04:02
posithat's what i was doing04:03
jonathan_xxit filters the ones that have branches (multiple choices)04:03
jonathan_xxand then you can do apt install $( command )04:03
superstrawlinocisco: because when I was messing with the email stuff I just changed clients totally and my emails were still on the server.  archived ones included.  might just have been our biz's setup though.04:03
jonathan_xxseems rather stupid though to do it this way.04:03
superstrawfooey, gotta run, bbl04:04
jonathan_xxevery script you write, someone else hasn't written.04:04
Abe_i just see file system things there like boot ext2 and ext4 my external should be ntfs.04:07
Abe_in fstab04:07
=== RiPpIn is now known as pistolpete
Abe_aaa i see what you mean now04:09
Abe_I need to add to it04:10
=== viju is now known as Guest70220
hiexpoHi all04:16
Algebr`Why does ubuntu keep so many old version of kernel images?04:19
Abe__well thats a workaround. I can enter it now over "external harddrive" i changed permissions with chmod rwx * ... but its empty ??04:20
Abe__Algebr`: I though it deletes them with autoremove04:21
Algebr`ah, indeed that does thanks04:21
=== krc4267_ is now known as krc4267|sleep
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:23
Revian1Heh, I just realized that info snippet from ubottu is from the movie The Matrix.04:24
Revian1(the spoon)04:24
Abe__that's funny04:25
kernelcruncherplanning a in place upgrade, from 12.04 to latest LTS. Any pointers other than the obvious backups?04:25
linociscohi all04:32
linociscowhat is the download manager with pause and resume feature if connection down?04:32
linociscoi m using 14.04 desktop04:32
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
django_how do update skype04:38
Nene1hello all04:38
Nene1i created my own local repo for apt04:38
Nene1any idea on how to download security updates from last one year to till date???04:39
Nene1i dont want to download all the security updates04:40
Algebr`you actively don't want security updates?04:50
netuseri need help :(04:52
netuserhow to convert java sourecode to C# sourecode04:53
netuserhow to convert java sourecode to C# sourecode ?04:53
Trioxinwhy does ubuntu have a mysqld installed but no associated package?04:55
Algebr`netuser: you have to rewrite it04:55
Trioxinmysql-server is not installed but I have a mysqld and /etc/mysql04:55
netuserhow to convert java code to c# code ??04:56
Triffid_Hunternetuser: look at the java, then write some C# that does the same thing04:56
Algebr`netuser: YOU have to rewrite it from java into C#04:56
davidoThat's not on topic here, @netuser, but it is essentially a simple matter of programming, as they say (and nothing less).04:57
Revian1Triffid_Hunter: I don't think that was the answer he wanted04:57
Triffid_HunterRevian1: I don't much care what answer he would prefer, that's the answer to the question...04:58
Revian1Triffid_Hunter: True04:58
linociscosuperstraw, actually, our ms exchange server from microsoft will be stopped and will move to another email hosting05:00
Algebr`why does ubuntu give me updates via some gui when aptitude update/upgrade say there is nothing to update. How do I turn off this behaviro05:01
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=== Occult is now known as occult
rameshToday have Beautiful Day.........05:30
lotuspsychjeramesh: can we help you with something?05:30
rameshThank You.....nothing....05:31
rameshbut i dont know about Xchat05:32
lotuspsychjeramesh: xchat is abandoned, use hexchat instead05:32
Triffid_Hunteror kvirc05:32
Nene1Algebr`:  i am currently having few security updates and i want to download only those not present on my systems....05:34
=== dave4925_ is now known as Illumitardi
Gegsitehey, I have a bit problem now that I installed ubuntu 15.10 to my SSD05:35
lotuspsychjeGegsite: whats going on?05:35
GegsiteI bought a 120 GB FURY SSD, and now I could not make always hibernate my desktop05:36
Triffid_Hunterneed more swap than ram for hibernate, how much swap did you make?05:37
GegsiteI used to hibernate not shut down ... on my HDD it was flawless.. now sometimes it does but 50% it will not go to hibernate... my PC's fan still  goes, and cant wake up or shutdown even with the long power press05:38
Gegsite4 GB05:38
Gegsitetop says 8 Gb ... Oo05:39
MrObvious How do I check which programs are dependent on a given library05:40
Gegsitebut I made the paritions so it should be 4 GB... dont know why it says 8...05:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:40
mircx1Hello i have a problem i see update and after a update i see problem05:41
mircx1how i fix it?05:41
MrObvious How do I check which programs are dependent on a given library05:42
lotuspsychjemircx1: wich ubuntu version are you on?05:42
lotuspsychje!patience | MrObvious05:42
ubottuMrObvious: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:42
lotuspsychjemircx1: updated to latest?05:43
MrObviousSorry I did that unintentionally05:43
mircx1is show to me update and i click in install and after i see broken pip05:43
lotuspsychjemircx1: added ppa's of any kind or manual packages install?05:43
mircx1i install that from packages05:44
mircx1and when i try install that05:44
mircx1then he say i need write in terminal apt-get install -f05:44
mircx1apt-get install -f05:44
mircx1and this no work05:45
lotuspsychje!info libstdc++6-arm64-cross trusty05:45
ubottulibstdc++6-arm64-cross (source: gcc-4.8-arm64-cross (0.11.1)): GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In component main, is extra. Version 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1cross0.11.1 (trusty), package size 214 kB, installed size 1061 kB05:45
mircx1this my paste about error05:45
lotuspsychjemircx1: weird, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:46
mircx1upgrade for what?05:46
mircx1i no want change my version05:46
lotuspsychjemircx1: you always need to update your system to latest05:47
lotuspsychjemircx1: sudo apt-get upgrade will get you latest updates05:47
lotuspsychjemircx1: lsb_release -a please?05:48
mircx1Description:Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS05:48
lotuspsychjeok good05:49
mircx1more problem05:49
lotuspsychjemircx1: pastebin?05:50
mircx1after you tell to me make apt-get upgrade05:50
lotuspsychjemircx1: you sure you didnt add ppa's?05:51
lotuspsychjemircx1: try sudo apt-get autoremove05:51
mircx1if i do it all my system is break05:51
lotuspsychjemircx1: you cant break system so easy05:52
mircx1ok i do it05:53
mircx1and a same thing error05:53
lotuspsychjemircx1: how about you try sudo apt-get purge libstdc++-4.8-dev-arm64-cross05:56
gfixlerI'm trying to install Autodesk Maya, but having some package dependency issues06:03
gfixlerthe internet says to install these for Maya: sudo apt-get install -y gcc libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev libjpeg62 alien csh tcsh libaudiofile-dev libglw1-mesa elfutils libglw1-mesa-dev mesa-utils xfstt ttf-liberation xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi ttf-mscorefonts-installer libfam0 libfam-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-006:04
gfixlerwhen I do, I get this output:06:04
gfixlerThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:04
gfixler elfutils : Depends: libasm1 (>= 0.132) but it is not going to be installed06:04
gfixler            Depends: libdw1 (= 0.158-0ubuntu5.2) but it is not going to be installed06:04
gfixler            Depends: libelf1 (= 0.158-0ubuntu5.2) but 0.160-0ubuntu2.1 is to be installed06:04
gfixlerE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:04
gfixleram I back?06:05
gfixleryay - guess I can't send 4 lines at once06:06
lotuspsychjegfixler: http://askubuntu.com/questions/392806/installing-maya-on-ubuntu-linux06:06
lee_j750jmhello all06:06
=== Guest52038 is now known as rude
gfixlerlotuspsychje: yeah, I've read lots of May-on-Ubuntu things (this one is 3 years out of date)06:07
gfixlerI've also installed older versions of Maya several times on Ubuntu - usually a painful process06:07
gfixlerbut now I'm stuck with dependency issues I've not faced before, and google isn't helping much06:07
gfixlere.g. apt-mark showholds shows nothing, though that error says I have held packages06:08
lotuspsychjegfixler: is there a maya forum on their site? perhaps contact the maintainer?06:08
lotuspsychjegfixler: maya isnt really an official ubuntu package right06:08
gfixlerit's released as RPMs, so you have to the alien conversion dance06:09
gfixlerso they don't help much on the official forums06:09
gfixlerit's mostly a users-fend-for-themselves thing on Ubuntu06:09
gfixlerbut my question isn't really maya at this point - it's just about these linux package conflicts06:09
gfixlerneed to fix them so I can back to fighting with Maya :)06:09
lotuspsychjegfixler: did you try blender as alternative?06:10
gfixlerlotuspsychje: not an option - I'm in the industry, and we use only Maya06:10
gfixler20 years of Maya files/knowledge to get back to06:10
lotuspsychje!alis | gfixler maybe a specific channel for it?06:11
ubottugfixler maybe a specific channel for it?: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http06:11
gfixleralright, if you guys don't want to help I'll keep looking06:11
gfixlerMaybe #linux?06:11
lotuspsychjegfixler: its not that we dont wanna help, but we can only support official packages06:12
lotuspsychjegfixler: sure ##linux06:12
gfixlerlibasm1 isn't official?06:12
lotuspsychjegfixler: wich ubuntu version are you on?06:13
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
gfixlerlotuspsychje: not sure - nothing says06:15
lotuspsychjegfixler: lsb_release -a06:15
lotuspsychjegfixler: is end of life mate06:15
gfixlerlotuspsychje: alright, I'll keep looking - thanks06:15
lotuspsychjegfixler: install a supported ubuntu version from our topic please06:15
gfixlerlotuspsychje: that might actually fix the dependency issues, now that I think of it06:16
gfixlerI'll give it a shot06:16
gfixler(thought I was at least 15 something)06:16
lotuspsychje!usn | gfixler see also security risks of using eol06:16
ubottugfixler see also security risks of using eol: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.06:16
gfixlerI might be thinking of my laptop - I think that's 15.4 or 15.1006:17
lotuspsychjegfixler: 15.04 is also end of life06:17
gfixlerthat was fast06:17
lotuspsychjegfixler: you say you are in production..better be carefull mate06:17
gfixlerno, this is my home PC06:17
lotuspsychjegfixler: maybe choose an LTS version?06:17
gfixlerwe're Windows at work, sadly06:17
crocodilehunterHi all..06:19
crocodilehunterCan someone please tell me how to temporarily change my DNS nameserver?? Will /etc/resolve.conf do anything??06:19
vbotkacrocodilehunter, yes, /etc/resolve.conf is the right place06:20
vbotkacrocodilehunter, /etc/resolve.conf is the correct name of the file (without e in the end)06:22
crocodilehunter Thanks people!06:22
crocodilehunterMy ISP's DNS server has gone down, so I will try and use google's and see if it works..06:23
Flannelhi dax_bash06:29
poradaxhello baby06:29
skywhaleAnyone know of a list of graphics driver ppas for ubuntu?06:30
hateballskywhale: For nvidia, this is "the" PPA https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa06:33
linociscowhat is the best VM on ubuntu host?06:33
linociscolightweight and fast06:34
linociscoKVM is known to be good. but configuration sucks06:34
skywhalehateball: that'll work for one system, but i have two AMD ones as well :(06:36
skywhalelinocisco: virtualbox is slow and simple, KVM incredibally powerful, GPU passthrough is neat, there's some GUI tools for it06:37
Nene1what is this line refs to ----> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse06:37
linociscoskywhale, even there is GUI tools, configuration is not clear. is there any site or video I can see?06:38
Nene1trusty-security means all security updates???06:38
skywhalelinocisco: the fedora wiki has some stuff, web hosting info sites are a good source too06:41
linociscoskywhale, I dont understand06:41
skywhaleWhat's with no fglrx support in 16.04? AMD just released new drivers(Vulkan suppot!!) and now they won't be in repo...06:43
abidI installed compiz config setting manager..without setting it up i did disable the ubuntu unity..now however i remove the compiz.but cant get the ubuntu unity again..so how could i ?06:49
colin_where i can find arm-linux-gcc06:50
skywhalecolin_: GCC ARM compiler?06:51
colin_can you help me?06:51
colin_who can give me a web address06:51
colin_who can give me a web address to download arm-linux-gcc06:52
colin_skywhale, can you help me ?06:53
skywhalecolin_: use apt-cache search gcc-arm, there's some in repo06:53
abid_ I installed compiz config setting manager..without setting it up i did disable the ubuntu unity..now however i remove the compiz.but cant get the ubuntu unity again..so how could i ?06:54
colin_skywhale, 3Q, i get what i want06:56
hateballskywhale: Vulkan support should be in amdgpu from what I understand06:58
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest21629
colin_how to login ubuntu windows with root07:04
ikoniayou don't07:04
ikoniathe root user is disabled07:04
lapyowith ctrl+alt+f107:06
skywhalesudo su07:08
skywhalegives root console, you don't want to run root gui07:09
Seveasyou don't want sudo su either. You want sudo -i07:10
lapyosu root07:10
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colin_ubuntu how enable root?07:21
ikoniayou don't07:22
ikoniacolin_: what is it your actually trying to do ?07:22
lapyoif you don't know how to do it, most likely you don't need it07:23
colin_ikonia: i want launch ubuntu xwindow with root07:23
ikoniacolin_: you can't do that - why do you need that ?07:24
ikonia(well technically you can, but it breaks the ubuntu secuirty config)07:24
colin_tty can not support Chinese07:27
colin_ikonia: tty can not display Chinese07:27
ikoniacolin_: ok - so you don't need to login as root for that07:27
ikoniayou just need to install the appropriate tools to display chinese language07:28
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=== Sebastien is now known as Sebastien-
Guest47110can anyone help me, i'll take few minutes to ask something07:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:30
ikoniaif it's about ubuntu, just ask Guest4711007:30
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien
Guest47110i have upgrade from 14.10 to 50.04 ubuntu 64bit07:31
Guest47110make upgrade before 2 months07:31
Guest47110but least 2 weeks on boot show me advance options07:32
Guest47110and must go to advance ubuntu and choose07:32
Guest47110ubuntu upstart07:32
ikoniaI'm really sorry, I don't understand what you are saying07:33
trijntjeI'm looking for a way to automatically run a script when I plug in a certain usb drive. Any advice on how to do this, I've found some stuf about it online but I can't get it to work07:33
EriC^^udev trijntje07:33
EriC^^Guest47110: 15.04 is eol too, you need to upgrade again to 15.1007:34
Guest47110yes is show me to upgrade on 15.10, but i want to solve this07:35
Guest47110if its possible07:35
EriC^^upgrade to 15.10 and see if the problem is still there07:36
EriC^^when you boot in normal systemd mode what does it say as an error?07:36
trijntjeEriC^^: I've tried that, but I cant get it to work and I cant figure out whats going wrong.07:36
EriC^^trijntje: what's the udev rule look like?07:37
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
trijntjeEriC^^: https://askubuntu.com/questions/25071/how-to-run-a-script-when-a-specific-flash-drive-is-mounted07:38
trijntjeI've modified idVendor and idProduct to match my usb drive, but somehow it doesn't trigger07:39
ikoniawhat does YOUR udev rules look like07:39
ikoniaplease pastebin the real rule you are using, not an example you are basing it off07:39
Guest47110# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8136 (r8169) SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="10:78:d2:4b:79:54", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"07:40
Kalozam I seeing it wrong, or xenial has two different packages named php-pear?07:41
ikoniaGuest47110: ?07:41
EriC^^trijntje: try /usr/bin/touch /tmp/something as a script to see if it works first07:41
Kalozof couse they have different dependencies :P07:41
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
balr0ghello, can anybody please help with this HD issue? thanks. i need to mount and save some files... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15549847/07:42
Kalozpool/main/p/php-pear/php-pear_1.10.1+submodules+notgz-4_all.deb and pool/main/p/php5/php-pear_5.6.17+dfsg-3ubuntu1_all.deb07:42
Guest47110Eric your answer is finnaly is to upgrade to 15.1007:43
balr0ghello, can anybody please help with this HD issue? thanks. i need to mount and save some files... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15549847/ + https://i.imgur.com/NXZpbMX.png07:43
trijntjeEriC^^: This is the rule I have http://pastebin.com/f0K2fqZg07:44
EriC^^Guest47110: yes, 15.04 is eol now (dead)07:44
Guest47110which version on ubuntu you have07:44
Guest47110server or07:44
ikoniabalr0g: why are you running boot repair to access a hard sisk ?07:45
mika__Hmm if i want to make bash script what will launch when USB is inserted. Should i try to do udev rule for this or is there easier way?07:46
balr0gikonia, not sure, just searching on how to repair that disk got this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair07:46
ikoniadoes the name "boot" repair not give a clue as to what it's doing07:47
EriC^^trijntje: can you paste lsusb?07:47
ikoniait's trying to repair your boot disk/process07:47
ikoniabalr0g: let me guess, this is an NTFS Windows disk you're trying to write to07:47
trijntjeEriC^^: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0781:5583 SanDisk Corp.07:47
balr0gikonia, so, must i search: linux hard disk repair? ... ikonia i have "dual" boot with GRUB, Windows stopped suddenly07:48
EriC^^trijntje: type dmesg | tail | grep Vendor07:49
EriC^^after you plug the usb in07:49
EriC^^trijntje: dmesg | tail -40 | grep Vendor07:49
ikoniabalr0g: answer the quesiton07:49
balr0gikonia, so... in disk-repair report there are errors, like in the image trying to mount the disk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15549847/ + https://i.imgur.com/NXZpbMX.png07:50
ikoniaI'm not interested in disk-repair reports07:50
ikoniaplease answer the question07:50
balr0gikonia, no, im not trying to write, i just trying to mount it...07:50
ikoniabalr0g: but it is a windows NTFS disk yes ?07:50
balr0gikonia, yes07:50
ikoniabalr0g: right - so if you read that error you've pasted you'll find windows has marked the disk as "dirty" which linux won't allow you to mount incase mounting a dirty disk does damage07:51
trijntjeEriC^^: [ 3103.574073] usb 2-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0781, idProduct=558307:51
ikoniabalr0g: so if you boot into windows and chkdsk the drive, you'll remove the dirty bocker - or get the error as to why it's dirty07:51
EriC^^trijntje: nothing in ls /tmp ?07:52
balr0gikonia, ok, i was just trying to recover from linux, im goint to reboot the machine then...07:52
balr0gikonia, thanks for help...07:52
trijntjeEriC^^: no07:52
balr0gikonia, i hope chkdsk works... see you o/07:53
EriC^^trijntje: that's odd07:54
trijntjeEriC^^: yeah. Should I do something to trigger udev to look for the new rule or something?07:55
EriC^^what's the file called?07:55
EriC^^trijntje: try sudo service udev status07:57
Ron11I am using ubuntu 14.04 lte07:58
Ron11I open the port 1984 and try to telnet 198407:59
Ron11but I am getting telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused07:59
Ron11What can I do?07:59
EriC^^how'd you open the port?07:59
Ron11sudo ufw enable08:00
Ron11sudo ufw allow 1984/tcp08:00
EriC^^ok, so what's listening on that port?08:00
trijntjeEriC^^: hm, after restarting udev it does create the file in /tmp08:00
Ron11tcp        0      0*               LISTEN08:00
EriC^^Ron11: yes but no program is listening on it08:01
EriC^^Ron11: try nc -lv -p 198508:02
EriC^^and in another window nc localhost 198508:02
EriC^^does it connect?08:03
EriC^^trijntje: odd, udev should look for it automatically08:04
Ron11but is's 198508:04
Ron11no 198408:04
EriC^^Ron11: yes same thing08:04
Ron11in 1984, nc: Address already in use08:04
Ron11in 1985, it's connect08:04
balr0gikonia, hello, i just tried to boot on Windows NTFS from grub, and it just stops, i cannot press F8 or anything to enter Safe Mode...08:05
Ron111985, not define in my ufw08:05
balr0ghello, can anybody please help with this HD issue? thanks. i need to mount and save some files... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15549847/ + https://i.imgur.com/NXZpbMX.png08:06
Ron11EriC^^ and idea?08:07
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EriC^^Ron11: type sudo lsof -i :198408:07
Ron11nrpe    1270 nagios    5u  IPv4  11353      0t0  TCP localhost:1984 (LISTEN)08:07
EriC^^Ron11: ok, nrpe is running08:08
Ron11I don't know what is the problem08:08
Ron11because I can't use telnet08:09
Ron11although as you can see I can see the port is open08:09
Ron11and run08:09
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Ron11What can I do EriC^^08:10
ikoniawhy do you think the port is open ?08:11
ikoniait's only listening on "localhost"....how do you expect to connect remotely08:12
Ron11What can I do to open it remotely?08:12
ikoniawhat do you mean ?08:13
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Nene1how to setup a new repo with only security updates???08:15
trijntjebalr0g: you could ask in ##windows, since windows locked the disk08:16
balr0gok trijntje08:16
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Nene1trijntje: ^^ any idea??08:20
trijntjeNene1: you can choose to only install security updates, that would be a lot easier then setting up your own server08:21
StingerFGhi guys. need help. can't resolve skype problem08:22
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
StingerFGconnection ok, info with birthdays ok, but not chat and calls08:23
Ron11Someone, know how can I install nagios agent on ubuntu 14.04?08:26
BrowserHello. I have connected a small rear display screen but I don't know exactly which port is using. dmesg is printing this: http://pastebin.com/QzZPDE3508:34
jak2000how to install openssl?08:35
Ben64sudo apt-get install openssl08:35
VapezHow i can delete a folder what it's created by other user?08:38
Vapezwithout sudo08:38
M1K4Vapez: yes08:39
M1K4but a folder with rm -rf /bla/bla08:40
M1K4without sorry08:41
M1K4i read that wrong08:41
M1K4chown the folder first?08:41
Vapezif i chown the folder...08:42
Vapezthe files will cannot be created08:42
VapezThe thing is i want to delete mod_pagespeed cache which have nobody:nobody and my user don't have privillegies08:43
M1K4so ask the onde that have root08:45
BrowserHello, I have a usb device in /dev/usb/hiddev0 , If I do echo "test" > /dev/usb/hiddev0 I get an error:  echo:write error: Invalid argument. Why?08:52
trijntjeBrowser: that command will destroy all data on the usb, what are you trying to do?08:58
lotuspsychjejak2000: Ben64 already suggested you howto08:59
=== Molly is now known as Guest71409
jak2000how to send a email with openssl? i have an acount with gmail08:59
jak2000reading: https://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2016/02/08/how-to-send-email-via-gmail-server-using-openssl/09:00
lotuspsychjejak2000: read also the official wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL09:01
DaleK5whr HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-67-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 806MHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.6GB, 89.9% free ** Disk: Total: 98.8GB, 85.4% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigab09:02
DaleK5whrit Ethernet ** Uptime: 6m 43s **09:02
lotuspsychjeDaleK5whr: no specs showoff here please09:03
DaleK5whrsorry bout that09:03
DaleK5whrwasn't intented09:04
leeyaawhat is a good way to cleanup a system from unused old dependancies ?09:08
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: can you tell us whats your situation please?09:09
trijntjesudo apt-get autoremove09:09
debug-hey guys09:09
lotuspsychjedebug-: welcome, how can we help you?09:09
leeyaalotuspsychje: i found lots of servers have packages that they do not need. after i remove the packages i want to make sure nothing unused is left on the system09:09
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: ubuntu version?09:10
leeyaajust not sure how to do it with apt09:10
debug-i would like to know.. when 16.04 is ready, will we able to upgrade from 14.04?09:10
DaleK5whrsudo apt-get autoremove can be dangerous, would never recommend it as it will remove things that are being used.09:10
lotuspsychjedebug-: around april 2109:10
leeyaaDaleK5whr: yeah i learned that the hard way09:10
debug-also i wanted to know if there's a way to install ubuntu phone in samsung galaxy grand 209:10
lotuspsychjedebug-: when it hist final, you will be able to upgrade safely09:10
leeyaai plan to unify all my systems. but first need to cleanup the source systems as they have tons of crap09:11
leeyaaseems like apt is not very good at handling old dependancies09:11
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: ppa's removal and sudo apt-get update are good idea also09:11
debug-thanks guys. i'm making an app, i'd like to launch it in ubuntu phone as well09:11
lotuspsychje!touch | debug-09:11
ubottudebug-: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:11
trijntjeleeyaa: it might be easier to start from ubuntu mini, and only install what you want09:11
leeyaalotuspsychje: we stick to default ppas09:11
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: i also use bleachbit to cleanup systems09:12
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | leeyaa09:12
ubottuleeyaa: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-1 (wily), package size 271 kB, installed size 2074 kB09:12
leeyaalotuspsychje: cant apt do it without extra software ?09:12
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: depends what your specific issue is...09:13
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: can you pastebin us whats going on exactly?09:13
leeyaalotuspsychje: the problem i want to solve is cleanup anything unused or not needed from old dependancies09:13
leeyaalotuspsychje: nothing is going on, im just researching for now ;p09:14
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: yes, but the output would also be handy09:14
leeyaalotuspsychje: here is an example: i have a router, it has some packages installed, some i need, some i dont, heck it has even firefox installed for some reason. i want to get the full picture first - what has pulled firefox or who and then after i remove firefox i want to make sure nothing is left from it09:16
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: uninstall the packages you dont need? sudo apt-get purge...09:17
neurewhen i try to install font in 15.10, i get install failed09:17
neureany idea why?09:17
leeyaalotuspsychje: and that will remove anything related to that package? what about dependancies that are shared with other packages?09:17
lotuspsychje!fonts | neure09:17
ubottuneure: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/09:17
trijntjeleeyaa: removing firefox will also remove any packages that depend (ie installed) firefox in the first place. And apt-get autoremove will remove all packages that were installed because they were needed by packages that are no longer there. I don't see how that would break stuf to be honest09:17
lotuspsychjetrijntje: +109:18
leeyaatrijntje: sometimes it does. not a good idea to run it on important machine09:18
neurelotuspsychje, except it wont say "Installed", it says "Install failed"09:18
neureso, any ideas?09:19
leeyaait appears there is no good way to do this cleanup without digging into it myself09:19
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: well if you have a weird case about a specific dependecie, come back and ask ok?09:19
leeyaais it possible to check what has pulled a specific dependancy ?09:20
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: cleaning means purge/uninstall packages the official way09:20
trijntjeleeyaa: if a program depends on a package, but hasn't listed that package as a debian dependency, its a bug. Just using apt-get remove and apt-get autoremove does what you want in normal cases09:20
leeyaatrijntje: and if dependancy is shared with another package it wont be removed, right ?09:20
leeyaai mean another package that is instaleld09:21
trijntjeleeyaa: correct09:21
leeyaai see09:21
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: unless you have external ppa's, manual unofficial packages installed etc09:21
leeyaalotuspsychje: we stick to official ppas only09:21
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: ok great!09:22
trijntjeleeyaa: if you do run into problems, be sure to file a bug and tag it 'packaging'09:22
leeyaatrijntje: will do09:22
lotuspsychjeleeyaa: try bleachbit also, it cleans up a system pretty well :p09:22
leeyaalotuspsychje: i dont trust 3rd party software09:23
leeyaathat means i have to research it and i dont have time :D09:23
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | leeyaa =official package09:23
ubottuleeyaa =official package: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-1 (wily), package size 271 kB, installed size 2074 kB09:23
=== rms is now known as Guest63070
bartanerHey folks, after having some trouble setting up ProFTPd with FTPS/TLS I noticed that the ProFTPd version in Ubuntu 14.04 (1.3.5-rc3) has a bug that has been fixed in later version (http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4108)09:29
ubottubugs.proftpd.org bug 4108 in mod_tls "SSL handshakes for data connections sometimes stall for 3-30 seconds" [Normal,Closed: fixed]09:29
bartanerIs that something I should report on the Ubuntu bugtracker?09:30
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gzoobartaner, hmm, I'm not sure, it's been a while since I played with launchpad but I guess you can either open an issue asking them to update or just mail the maintainer directly09:33
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest22004
jak2000anyone tested how to send email with openssl? i try: https://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2016/02/08/how-to-send-email-via-gmail-server-using-openssl/   and  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1516754/connecting-to-smtp-gmail-com-via-command-line  not worked :(09:39
TheHackOpsThis is not meant as a rant but it seems every new version of ubuntu, overall stability goes up but graphics stability goes waay down09:43
TheHackOpsE.g anything that uses graphics / graphics card becomes crash happy or even crashes the system itself09:43
TheHackOpsAn U doing something "wrong"09:43
Ron11someone install here nagios on ubuntu 14.04 lte?09:45
p0ff3What's up with my eclipse not having JUnit, I thought it was default?09:45
bartanergzoo: thanks, guess I'll contact the maintainer directly then.09:45
deepHi all! i am using Ubuntu 15.10 on hp ac120tx laptop09:47
deepi am a newbie. I am facing a problem. Wifi disconnects after 3-4 minutes09:47
deepsometimes it doesn't show available networks , someone please help09:48
lotuspsychjedeep: wich wifi chipset si this?09:49
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? driver loaded?09:50
deeplotuspsychje: can you tell me how to see the chipset? i've just installed ubuntu yesterday09:51
lotuspsychjedeep: pastebin sudo lshw -C network please09:51
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, 15.10, XFX 280x, Open Source One09:51
lotuspsychjep0ff3: maybe the #eclipse guys might know?09:51
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: is that nvidia or amd?09:52
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: using radeon or amdgpu?09:52
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, Do you know where I can get source for kden live, I am going to try and fix this segfault myself09:52
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, radeon09:52
TheHackOpsI used to be able to play all my linux steam games perfect, WAAY faster than on windows09:53
TheHackOpsAnd my video editing was also epic, now everything crashes my system09:53
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: things got wrong after what?09:53
TheHackOpsI would say, 13.1009:54
TheHackOpsThat was the last rock solid build for me09:54
lotuspsychjep0ff3: install an ubuntu version from topic first please09:54
lotuspsychje!14.10 | p0ff309:54
ubottup0ff3: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic09:54
deeplotuspsychje: here is the link - http://paste.ubuntu.com/15550301/09:54
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: did you try a clean install yet?09:55
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, Yea quite a few times09:55
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, I have even does some deep debugging09:55
TheHackOpsI actually found the issue so to speak09:55
TheHackOpsI pin pointed the issue on a kernel module that deals with power management of the card09:56
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: ok, in your case you could also test 16.04 development version, just to see how radeon performs there09:56
TheHackOpsI tried many things to disable it09:56
TheHackOpsHow ever it still seemed to kick in09:56
TheHackOpsMy last hope would be to recompile ubuntu without that kernel module09:56
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, Yea the only saving grace is that most of these apps are written in C++ which is my home turf so to speak09:58
TheHackOpsSo I can go in and update them for the latest updates09:58
lotuspsychje!ralink | deep09:58
ubottudeep: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:58
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, I just find it strange how unstable Ubuntu's graphics drivers are09:58
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: well lets not generalize things, you can only speak for your system right now09:59
sybaritenhello hello, i'm on ubuntu 14 and having problems with a specific irc client complaining about low memory. Its a 256 mb machine. Is there something clever i can to do the ps command to have it give me a bit clearer view of running "programs" so i can see if i have anything else than this irc client running?09:59
mcphailTheHackOps: did you file a bug report?09:59
TheHackOpsMore to a constructive point, how do you guys stabalize things09:59
sybaritenA somewhat condensed ciew09:59
TheHackOpsmcphail, No there was already one open in the end but the developers gave up09:59
TheHackOpsOne sec I shal find it09:59
lotuspsychjesybariten: wich ubuntu version?10:00
sybaritenhi lotuspsychje, it's v14 if thats any help10:00
vbotkalotuspsychje, it's Realtek, not Ralink.10:00
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, mcphail the specific module is called radeon.dpm10:00
lotuspsychjevbotka: yeah my bad, but the wifi link is general so :p10:00
lotuspsychjesybariten: ubuntu-desktop with unity?10:01
sybaritenlotuspsychje: uh well... no, i mean, it's headless and should be without X afaik!10:01
lotuspsychjesybariten: 14.04 server?10:01
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, Trust me I am not trying to be anti-ubuntu or anything its my main and only O/S and has been since I 7.0410:02
TheHackOpsSorry if I came across that way10:02
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: keep in mind that your version is non-lts, i would try the 16.04 to test radeon+ your card10:02
sybaritenlotuspsychje: hmm... .well is the server a specific "version" ? I did lsb_release and got       Description:    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS10:02
TheHackOpslotuspsychje, It also crashed on 15.0410:03
TheHackOpsI'm even more scared to go to 16.0410:03
lotuspsychjesybariten: hmm can you ask the #ubuntu-server guys perhaps if 256 is recommended for server use and how the tweak10:03
deeplotuspsychje: thanks for the help i will see the documentation10:03
lotuspsychjeTheHackOps: 15.04 is also non-lts and end of life10:03
hrobhi all10:03
mcphailTheHackOps: as always, the first step is to see whether the problem is present in the vanilla upstream kernel. If so, it is not an Ubuntu problem and a bug should be filed with the kernel devs. If the problem is Ubuntu-specific, please file a bug on launchpad. Nothing is going to change unless you take the time to do this, as no-one scans the IRC channel for bug reports10:04
hrobis there any way I can host or at least browse an MSSQL database on ubuntu?10:04
hrobreally don't know where to start, I bet its not a common request10:04
lotuspsychjedeep: you could also test latest realtek drivers from their website10:05
sybaritenlotuspsychje: ive been running it like this for a few years now though, this error is quite recent ....  dont know what changed really.10:05
TheHackOpsmcphail, I know and I often do open bug reports but first I like to see if others have had this issue10:05
lotuspsychjesybariten: ask the #ubuntu-server guys mate, they have more experience on this10:06
TheHackOpshrob, yes10:07
TheHackOpsMSSQL is coming to linux10:07
hrobThe thing is I'm developing an ubuntu based server that interfaces with an MSSQL database -- now for system testing purposes it would be great to be able to shoot up an mssql service, locally ideally for simplicity10:10
hrobalternatively I guess I've simply got to get myself a windows virtual machine and run that10:10
mcphailhrob: it isn't available yet, so you'll have to stick with a windows vm10:10
linociscohi all10:11
hrobmcphail:  love docker --- wish it supported windows -- maybe some windows container services around too10:11
linociscohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID showed two drives created in VBOX10:11
linociscoi m using KVM, and don't know how to create two drives first10:12
hateballhrob: google suggests https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh568451(v=sql.110).aspx10:12
hrobhateball:  thanks, this shows how I might choose to interface with the mssql server -- ODBC is a common protocol choice10:15
hrobhateball:   I have a problem of finding a way to possibly fire up an mssql server locally on ubuntu10:15
hrobhateball:  unfortunately not likely possible yet10:16
hrobexcept with VMs10:16
hateballhrob: Why not just use a platform-agnostic DB?10:16
hrobhateball:  yes I definately would not have chosen mssql server10:17
hrobhateball:   seems like a silly thing to do in every way10:17
stefan____Hello, last times I have problems with my Ubuntu 14.04.4 because the cpus get stalled and the server becomes unresponsive. Kernel:  3.13.0-83-generic x86_6410:17
hrobunfortunately I'm working on developing a middleware service between a commercial software that uses mssql10:18
stefan____I copied the dmesg output to a textfile and uploaded it. I can provide it if needed.10:18
asad_Hey is there a way to pause wget and resume downloading later?10:19
lotuspsychjeasad_: i think download managers are better for that10:19
huwjrdocker lol10:19
asad_lotuspsychje: I mean I have something downloading right now using wget and I'd like to pause and resume later. Is it possible?10:20
mcphailasad_: "wget -c" will continue a download10:20
asad_mcphail: what should I do about the file that's downloading right now? I can just ctrl-c it and use wget -c to resume downloading later?10:21
lotuspsychjeasad_: well in my opinion, a download should be left alone, until its done :p10:21
al2o3-crasad_: yep10:21
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mcphailasad_: if the server supports it, then yes10:22
cpaelzerasad_: read --continue of wget for more details10:22
cpaelzerasad_: but you have to make sure that if you kill it now it is not cleaning up (I'm not sure what the default for ctrl+x is)10:23
mcphailasad_: not all servers let you resume downloads, and if the file changes in the meantime you will have a garbled file10:23
lotuspsychjeasad_: whats the reason you wanna pause?10:24
asad_lotuspsychje: It's a large file and I've gotta go somewhere in 10 mins and I'm gonna have to take my laptop with me.10:24
sybaritenlotuspsychje: my main question wasnt actually about memory use but about that ps thing i wrote10:24
lotuspsychjesybariten: sure thing mate, re-ask here once in a while..just trying to widen your solve options10:25
lotuspsychjeasad_: ok mate, just keep in mind what mcphail suggests, file might get corrupt10:26
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popeyasad_: ignore the detractors, pressing ctrl-c on wget and using "wget -c " to resume is _very_ reliable :)10:27
popey(I do it all the time)10:28
tracymayWny does my clock keep going back to regular time instead of daylight savings?10:30
hrobwoha it in beta https://www.docker.com/microsoft10:31
hateballtracymay: do you dualboot?10:31
tracymayBut when I start up Grub does load.10:32
hateballtracymay: are "date" and "sudo hwclock -r" showing different times?10:33
tracymayNo. But that could be because I just changed my clock one hour ahead.10:33
tracymayI've had to do that a number of times now because it doesn't seem to stick when I reboot.10:33
tracymayHow come you wrote sudo hwclock -r instead of just sudo hwclock?10:34
tracymayThe output is identical.10:34
jak2000done done....10:34
cariveriHi. does anyone know a good tool to visualize lines of code?10:35
tracymayJust installed an update for Ubuntu base.10:37
tracymayHow does it update those critical files if they are in use? It's not requesting a restart.10:37
lotuspsychjecariveri: c, c++?10:38
popeytracymay: if it's some background service then it gets restarted usually by the update10:38
cariverilotuspsychje: .txt actually10:38
popeytracymay: other things will get reloaded on restart of the app10:38
mcphailtracymay: it doesn't. This is a longstanding problem with package management. Services depending on those libs may be restarted, but the only way to guarantee they are all refreshed is to reboot10:38
popeycariveri: what do you want to visualise?10:38
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lotuspsychjeGuest83554: how can we help you?10:40
Guest83554I just new here10:40
Guest83554how can i change my name?10:41
lotuspsychjeGuest83554: /nick yournewname10:41
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iamicethanks a lot10:42
lotuspsychjeiamice: you joined the ubuntu support channel to ask ubuntu related issues here10:42
iamiceyeah well i have a problem10:43
iamiceI am using ubuntu mate on Rasp Pi310:44
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iamiceThe GUI for Omxplayer can't work10:45
iamicehow to fix it?10:45
lotuspsychjeiamice: maybe the #ubuntu-arm or #ubuntu-mate guys might also know this10:47
iamiceIs there a channel of ubuntu mate?10:47
cariveripopey: over a series of files Id like to visualize the lines of code. a graph.10:53
lotuspsychjecariveri: yes but wich code exactly?10:53
cariverilotuspsychje: just some .txt files. I dont need it per file. I just need to know which files is has got more than the others as a graph at best.10:56
trijntjecariveri: for file in *.txt; do echo -n "$file "; wc -l $file;done10:57
cariveritrijntje: wc -l *.txt   does that too. but thats not plotted. no graph. its jsut a sequenz of numbers.10:58
llutzcariveri: gnuplot to generate a graph fom wc -l https://forums.manning.com/posts/list/27275.page11:01
viktor_I'm reinstalling Ubuntu. should I use LVM?11:06
bekksviktor_: Is there a reason you should not?11:06
bekksviktor_: Using LVM is the default, since ages.11:06
viktor_bekks: there isn't a reason I shouldn't11:07
bekksviktor_: So use LVM.11:07
viktor_I was just curious11:07
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68163
ntzmay I humbly request that any of you pastebin for me the default sudoers from ubu ... I don't have ubu for myself, I need it as reference11:20
popeyntz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15550848/11:21
ntzbeautiful, thanks .... fine, there's nothing exotic in it11:21
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guest_hi everybody, how can I add clamscan as a cron job to a bluehost shared? google didn't help11:26
proudlinuxuserHello, I have a little problem. MATE does'nt automount my usb-storage. Yesterday everything worked fine. How I can solve this?11:31
k1l_type "dmesg" into the terminal after you plugged the usb in.11:32
k1l_then show the output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here11:32
proudlinuxuser 2851.967936] usb 3-1: Product: USB DISK 2.011:38
proudlinuxuser[ 2851.967947] usb 3-1: Manufacturer:11:38
proudlinuxuser[ 2851.967952] usb 3-1: SerialNumber: 070F3498230A794111:38
cfhowlett!paste | Guest_98765 please use one of the approved paste clients not that spammy adbot site.  thanks.11:40
ubottuGuest_98765 please use one of the approved paste clients not that spammy adbot site.  thanks.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:40
=== Simran is now known as davikaur
popeycfhowlett: he left, also, it was just spam, not useful paste11:41
bartanerI'm sure the bots will take that to heart =)11:41
cfhowlettpopey, tsk.  mission accomplished I suppose11:41
katerinaHey , I have a strange error. I have a remote machine and lsscsi command gives me one more disk available than fdisk. Then dmesg gives some erros. Command output given here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15550963/. Any idea?11:42
friendlyguyhi there! i need to switch from open-jre to "oracle-jre"... i am wondering how to uninstall open-jre without loosing software beeing dependent on java[which is currently stopped]... i would prefer if it is possible to rip open-jre off and put new oracle-jre in... without removing the software in between11:46
JacruthHi guys, could you help me with this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/751303/change-wallpaper-lxde-lubuntu-14-0411:46
katerinaProblem solved. The disk has been physically removed. I don't know why lsscsi shows it still there though.11:47
ntzkaterina: that error has nothing to do with sdb but with f0 which is your floppy bay11:47
mcphailfriendlyguy: on Ubuntu, you can install different java implementations side by side, and select the one you want with "sudo update-alternatives --config java"11:49
friendlyguymcphail: oh, so i can first install oracle-jre and later remove open-jre11:49
mcphailfriendlyguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java11:50
mcphailfriendlyguy: I'd keep it, rather than removing it, unless you are very short on space11:50
friendlyguynope, i am not :)11:50
BluesKajHey folks11:51
friendlyguyas far as i get it just install oracle stuff and update the alternative to point to oracle jre11:51
mcphailfriendlyguy: yep11:51
mcphailfriendlyguy: should be OK (but I haven't used Oracle java for ages)11:51
friendlyguylooks convenient :)11:52
friendlyguylets try11:52
friendlyguyits a vm anyway and i ve got a snapshot11:52
friendlyguynice, thank you mcphail!11:53
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mcphailfriendlyguy: good luck!11:55
Guest9433кто то есть11:55
Guest9433 11:55
cfhowlett!ru | Guest943311:55
Guest9433 11:55
ubottuGuest9433: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:55
Guest9433 11:55
Guest9433 11:55
Guest9433 /join11:55
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NimmsGuest9433: /join #ubuntu-ru11:56
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proudlinuxuserI searched trough my terminal-history, I guess I know why my usb-storages are not mounting..." sudo mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko-disabled12:05
proudlinuxuserHow can I annul this order?12:06
anonymous_anyone here12:06
White_Cat__I am trying to have a virtualbox ubuntu that has two virtual network cards, one being a bridge, and other a virtual host only conneciton12:07
White_Cat__eth0 shows but eth1 does not12:07
White_Cat__why could this be?12:07
anonymous_how to hide the ip address12:07
hateballproudlinuxuser: You would reverse the source and destination filenames in the command12:08
hateballproudlinuxuser: that is, the command would be "sudo mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko.disabled /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko"12:09
dw114.04 keeps randomly logging me out all of a sudden12:09
dw1hardware issue? :/12:10
hateballdw1: check ~/.xsession-errors12:10
lotuspsychjeWhite_Cat__: maybe the #vbox guys might know also?12:10
pashok2398Why update-ca-certificates command doesnt work with certs from /usr/share/ca-certificates/dir/certname.crt, and only with certs from /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/dir/certname.crt ?12:10
White_Cat__perhaps but I see the problem in the ubuntu end maybe12:11
White_Cat__eth1 should at least show even if not connecting12:11
White_Cat__maybe it is a setting I am unaware of12:11
MonkeyDustWhite_Cat__  i use vbox, what's the issue12:11
White_Cat__so i have a virtual ubuntu server12:12
White_Cat__I want to give it two network adapters12:12
White_Cat__first is a bridge adaptor that links properly12:12
dw1[  792.168278] compiz[3112]: segfault at 7fbf0034362f ip 00007fbf1d0de478 sp 00007ffc0e2b1850 error 4 in libX11.so.6.3.0[7fbf1d0b3000+130000]12:12
dw1in dmesg - might be why12:12
White_Cat__virtual machine has internet access and everything12:13
White_Cat__I want it to have a second adaptor that is configured to have access from the host machine12:13
MonkeyDustWhite_Cat__  keep it one line12:13
lotuspsychjedw1: up to date to 14.04.4?12:13
White_Cat__okay. so even if I am offline I want to have network connectivity with the virtual mahcine12:13
proudlinuxuser@hateball, so Im done with this command?12:13
dw1oh major dist-upgrades12:14
dw1brb :/12:14
ntzWhite_Cat__: you can do it the same way like adding one adapter ... if you assign another network adapter and check it's on after VM boot it will work12:14
lotuspsychjedw1: what graphics card + driver loaded please12:14
dw1the thing is.. i was logged out from gnome-session-flashback metacity before that :S12:14
dw1just now the lancher bar crashed so that was probably that msg12:14
hateballproudlinuxuser: if all you were looking to do was reverse what you had run, yes. I don't know the context here, if you have done more modifications outside of that12:14
White_Cat__ntz: I have configured two adaptors, both enabled. ifconfig shows only one of them12:14
ntz1) use ip12:15
proudlinuxuserOkay, thank you :)12:15
ntz2) check system logs (dmesg for instance)12:15
ntzWhite_Cat__: http://susepaste.org/view/raw/8309946412:17
ntz^^ if you have this way checked both it will work .. as simple as that12:17
White_Cat__hmm, ifconfig - a does show the adapter wich does not have an IP assigned to it12:21
White_Cat__my os is windows 7 by the way12:21
ntzifconfig doesn't work in windows ...12:25
White_Cat__gave eth1 a static ip and fixed it12:25
MonkeyDustWhite_Cat__  works?12:26
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White_Cat__MonkeyDust:  yes, all good on my end12:33
MonkeyDustWhite_Cat__  and it's normal that a server has a static ip address12:34
MonkeyDustwel, 'normal'12:35
White_Cat__probably there is no easy way to make windows 7 give out ip adresses so what works is good enough for me12:35
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proudbyteHi, about locale… keep getting warnings and don’t know how to solve it! My server is in US english but my currency and date etc are pt_PT any advice?12:51
mallardproudbyte: What are the warnings?12:53
=== screedoz is now known as screedo
jose2hello guys, there is a way to acces to a raid1(mirror) windows hdd from a non raid ubuntu machine?13:07
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=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
gde33viewing large folders is rather slow in the file browser, is there some way for it to remember the content or some other kind of viewer?13:09
gde33the drive is 8 TB, I have 'only' 2 TB worth of folders and sub folders in a folder13:11
mobile3can anyone help me with css or tell me where to go for help?13:12
gde33oh ic tree view might be useful13:13
proudbytemallard sorry I was away the warnings are: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. and: perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:en", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" plus: locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE, locale: Cannot set LC_ALL13:15
samakv@mobile3 have you tried www.w3schools.com ?13:15
gde33mobile3:  #css ?13:15
rillehproudbyte: export LC_ALL="en_US" in your .bashrc13:16
mobile3samkv: I read there.. I have some specific problem13:16
mallardproudbyte: What locales do you have set in /etc/locale.gen ?13:16
cfhowlettproudbyte, similar problem.  ubuntu picked up my previous location in China and somehow coded my locale that way.  settings did nothing.  this worked: sudo locale-gen purge13:17
proudbyte mallard https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9353d6e3ded924631c8013:17
proudbytemallard sorry wrong terminal https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3fd8b939493651282b9313:20
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mallardproudbyte: Sorry I meant /etc/locale.gen, not locale.conf13:21
llutzproudbyte:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale#List_current_settings13:21
proudbytemallard that is just the output of locale command :)13:21
proudbytellutz reading now13:23
=== soul is now known as Guest39892
=== Guest39892 is now known as Soul___
proudbytellutz here is the output after update locale https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5d4f92c7dd9e0b399b7613:27
proudbytehow can I setup a new generated locale ?13:28
proudbyteI’ve generated pt_PT.UTF-8 now I won’t to set it as default13:29
cfhowlettproudbyte, sudo locale-gen purge && sudo locale-gen13:29
proudbytecfhowlett but that will restore the default to system language right?13:30
cfhowlettproudbyte, I believe so13:30
proudbytewhich in my case is in us english and I wan’t to set locale to pt_PT13:30
proudbytecfhowlett do you get the problem?13:30
cfhowlettproudbyte, I understand.13:31
cfhowlettI'm on xubuntu so my set up is different from yours.  All I can report is that I purged locale then my customized settings worked13:31
proudbytewhats the difference between LANG and LANGUAGE |?13:38
Marezzproudbyte, LANGUAGE has 4 letters more? :D13:40
proudbyteI guess LANG is primary and LANGUAGE is a fallback var?!?13:41
* gr33nbits is away: ..13:41
llutzproudbyte: http://superuser.com/a/39246613:42
\9augh :D13:42
younderAnyone have any experience with setting up a bind9 (DNS) server? My server name is pandora nad my domain name the same. A nslookup on pandora fails on the 10 cluster nodes it succeeds. The resolv suceeds on all. What is the problem?13:42
le_pigOn the 14.04.4 desktop ISO, are the contents of /install/netboot the same as the ISO available on cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot ?13:43
agarciavaI've a package err, trying to install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf, unmet dependencies13:43
MonkeyDustyounder  there's also #ubuntu-server13:43
younderMonkeyDust, thx13:44
proudbytellutz yt+thank you I guess I’ve solved it besides local-gen etc had to write in .bashrc export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"13:45
proudbyteutps export LC_ALL=“pt_PT.UTF-8"13:45
proudbyte*utps = ups13:45
rillehSo locale-gen wasn't enough?13:46
proudbytefuck getting sloppy13:46
rillehThat's weird13:46
proudbyteit wasn’t but now everything is fine I guess… is not weird i guess that this is due to system language is in english13:47
proudbyteok so thank you all13:47
MonkeyDustproudbyte  mind your language13:47
proudbytefor your input13:48
proudbyteMonkeyDust sorry13:48
proudbytebut I guess that language is a vehicle to expression… what do you do when you hear it in movies music etc?13:49
proudbyteok so have fun13:49
younderJust a thought13:57
shark127Hey guys, I've been struggling with this error lately. http://i.imgur.com/c73uXLR.png?1  15.10 ubuntu. Any one have any ideas?14:00
MonkeyDustshark127  what's wrong?14:01
SchrodingersScatI get some 'errors' like that, I update manually so I disregard that. How long has it been up?  Have you updated recently?14:02
shark127MonkeyDust i have that warning sign on top, when i click it give the message as shown below. Selecting "show updates" gives me the 2nd window, from top, basically saying everything is fine14:02
shark127SchroidingersScat yeah I update daily (whenever the update comes out)14:03
DirtyCajuni am copying files from 1 HDD to another. and the 2nd has 1TB left of space on it but no longer copies and says no space left on device... any ideas?14:06
lotuspsychjeshark127: any ppa's added, manual packages install?14:06
younderDirtyCajun, do a df -h on hat drive and seee if you have any partions14:07
DirtyCajunyounder: says /dev/sdd1                 4.6T  4.3T     0 100% /tv214:07
DirtyCajun.3 just poofed14:07
shark127lotuspsychje nope.14:08
lotuspsychjeshark127: tried a sudo apt-get update yet?14:08
younderThat leeves permissions14:08
DirtyCajunive been copying for 12 hours14:08
DirtyCajunnothing has changed lol14:08
younderls -l <drive>14:08
MonkeyDustDirtyCajun  with which command?14:09
yeatsDirtyCajun: make sure you don't have some kind of logical loop (like you're copying the directory you're copying to)14:09
youndersay have you monted readonly14:09
lotuspsychjeshark127: behind a router or firewall?14:10
MonkeyDustDirtyCajun  and what format are the disks? if it's ntfs, there's a hidden .Trash-1000 folder, make sure it's empty14:10
DirtyCajunMonkeyDust: its ext4. would you like to see the output of tune2fs?14:11
younderIf you check the fstab you will see that a file systen is monted readonly after a fail to mount it ordinarely14:11
llutzDirtyCajun: sudo dumpe2fs  -h /dev/sdd1 |grep Reserved14:11
younder..not that I really think that is what is happening here14:11
DirtyCajunReserved block count:     6104711914:12
leeyaadoes the openssl version on 14.04 have patch for CVE-2016-2842 ?14:12
shark127lotuspsychje No i haven't tried the command yet. Router. Also I'm getting issues with ubuntu picking up that im connected to the internet http://i.imgur.com/A5EPn9E.png?114:12
leeyaai have OpenSSL 1.0.1f installed but i think i need OpenSSL 1.0.1s14:12
DirtyCajunthat seems like a lot. can i reduce that?14:12
llutzDirtyCajun: man tune2fs14:12
llutz -m14:12
llutzDirtyCajun: on data-partitions, use -m014:13
younderDirtyCajun, bzip?14:13
lotuspsychjeshark127: says ppa there, so you did add ppa14:13
temmi_hooam i understanding correctly that networkmanager is not installed in a server installation of ubuntu?14:13
SchrodingersScatDirtyCajun: yep, you can make it 0 if you like, up to you, normally on / it reserves space so you can still run commands even if disk is fullish14:13
lotuspsychjeshark127: installed f.lux ppa14:13
yeatstemmi_hoo: correct14:13
youndertemmi_hoo, that is correct14:13
Craigwellrunning into an odd situation lately, 14.04 system freezing sometimes, and it involves wifi. I'm on a jobsite and the client provided me access to their network. Haven't had issues, but sometimes connection drops and reconnects, and now there is occasional system freezes associated with it.14:13
temmi_hoowhat other network configuration dynamic pitfalls should i watch for?14:13
DirtyCajunits definately just storage14:14
shark127lotuspsychje sorry, I'm new to linux...14:14
DirtyCajunon it. thank you so much14:14
llutzDirtyCajun: so its fine to set it to 014:14
lotuspsychjeshark127: remove all ppa's from your system and run a sudo apt-get update after14:14
Craigwelli'm looking at syslog now and see a few suspect entries:14:14
temmi_hooi'm using ubuntu servers for running all kinds of experimental network stuff and i'd very much like the configuration to be nondynamic in every possible way14:14
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | shark12714:14
ubottushark127: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:14
youndertemmi_hoo, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/14:14
Craigwellwpa_supplicant[764]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED id=0 ssid="GuestNet" auth_failures=1 duration=1014:15
Craigwella lot of wpa / network manager entries i can't quite make sense out of14:15
youndertemmi_hoo, your question is very general14:15
temmi_hoohttps://www.point-h2020.eu/detailed-overview/ <-- i'm doing small embedded nodes for this project14:15
temmi_hooit is very general14:15
yeatstemmi_hoo: in this channel, you need to have specific questions - general tutoring happens elsewhere14:16
temmi_hoothe specific i wanted to ask were about networkmanager14:16
temmi_hoothx for prompt answer on that :)14:17
cfhowletttemmi_hoo, server questions best asked in #ubuntu-server14:17
youndertemmi_hoo, ok start with /etc/network/interfaces14:17
yeatstemmi_hoo: if you're on 14.04, networking is controlled in /etc/network/interfaces14:17
temmi_hooyounder: oh okay thx14:17
yeatsyounder: :-)14:17
younderI recommend you get the oreilly unix networking administration guide14:19
younderor something of the sort. anyways tha't what I use14:20
temmi_hooin general i'm somewhat familiar with ubuntu14:20
k1l_leeyaa: you know there is ubuntu.com/usn to look into the cve tracker14:20
younderAltso the ubuntu server guide as setups in Ubuntu might suprise you14:21
leeyaak1l_: i do, im just evaluating some cve scanner crap and am trying to verify whatever it is saying is true14:21
temmi_hooi've been a freebsd user for 20+ years and before that used sunos and interactive unixes14:21
k1l_temmi_hoo: is there an actual support issue for ubuntu right now?14:22
shark127lotuspsychje how do i find the repository name/subdirectory? I tried sudo ppa-purge ppa:kilian/f.lux with no result14:22
temmi_hook1l_: i already asked and got the answer14:22
k1l_temmi_hoo: ok14:22
youndertemmi_hoo, I have used unixes alu sunOs and Unltrix before venturing to Linux14:23
k1l_!ot | younder14:23
ubottuyounder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:23
younderI know kll14:23
lotuspsychjeshark127: check your sources.list in software sources14:23
k1l_younder: than dont do offtopic on purpose in here, please.14:24
k1l_shark127: please run a "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link in here14:24
youndershould I waste any more bandwith telling you that experience counts14:25
shark127k1l_ http://termbin.com/eghe14:27
younderAnyhow since the 2.7 kernel OpenBSD and Linux have had approx the same  network speed. Polling and opposed to interrupts when the packet frequency get's high14:27
k1l_shark127: sudo ppa-purge ppa:kilian/f.lux14:28
Vuurdraak_hi all, how do i find out if a certain soundcard has driver support in ubuntu, i have my eye on a cheap soundcard, but the official website has no linux drivers, is there a way for me to discover if ubuntu stil supports the card ?14:29
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: a good way would be plugin your card and just test it on ubuntu14:30
lecaimanhi everyone...a question, some time ago (5 mars) i installed the alpha version of ubuntu 16.04, it's working good. I must install the beta versions or the final release or my installation will be updated automatically ?14:30
lotuspsychje!final | lecaiman14:30
ubottulecaiman: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:30
k1l_lecaiman: just run the updates14:30
Vuurdraak_@ lotuspsychje , i didnt buy the card yet :) , i dont want to buy it if it isnt supported14:31
younderVuurdraak_, Almost all harware is supported by debian but in doubt https://wiki.debian.org/Hardware14:31
shark127k1l_ doesn't seem to work. http://i.imgur.com/sFvKPPk.png?114:31
Vuurdraak_thanks i go check it14:31
k1l_shark127: "sudo apt update |nc termbin.com 9999"14:32
shark127k1l_ http://pastebin.com/HfDpKA7C14:36
k1l_shark127: using any proxy or such?14:36
shark127k1l_ no14:37
k1l_shark127: is this a VM?14:38
temmi_hoocan anybody recommend me a well written guide that would help me package software for ubuntu machines (14LTS and 15LTS) that would allow me to scp the files over and then install them as normal packages so that apt would recursively install prerequisites and all?14:38
temmi_hoowould dpkg be the tool?14:38
shark127k1l_ dual boot with win1014:39
k1l_temmi_hoo: there is no 15.04 or 15.10 LTS. only 12.04, 14.04 and the 16.04 will be LTS14:39
MonkeyDusttemmi_hoo  tip: use rsync, not scp14:39
temmi_hook1l_: oh okay, 14LTS and 15 then, anyhow i'd like to make a single binary package that would then depend on certain stuff that is available on public apt repositories14:40
younderMonkeyDust, bacula?14:40
k1l_temmi_hoo: start here: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/14:41
younderMonkeyDust, I mean I use mostly rsync myself14:41
younderMonkeyDust, a bacupup system for networks14:41
jose2can a mirrored windows (RAID-1) disk be plugged into ubuntu to be read?14:41
k1l_shark127: seems like your ipv6 doesnt work.14:41
k1l_shark127: i need to go afk, maybe someone other can help there14:42
frostschutzjose2, it depends which type of raid, Linux supports some of the fakeraid formats that are used in windows but not all of them14:42
temmi_hoothx k1l_, looks like i'll be making a ppa out of it and there is a guide for that on your link14:42
younderIPV6 is a nakes den. Hackerse waiting to down on you if you get it wrong.. I stick with IPv4 for now14:43
shark127k1l_ okay, thanks a lot!14:43
jose2frostschutz, is a raid-1(mirror) using Matrix Storage Manger14:43
frostschutzjose2, it also depends on whether you want windows to read it again afterwards, if not, with raid-1 you can usually just ignore the raid layer altogether14:43
younderMy raid is supported by the bios. The linux just sees it as one drive14:44
jose2frostschutz, I just need to save the files14:45
younderthat said here IS a way to run a RAID drive under linux14:45
younderI read it in the linux administration handbook14:45
frostschutzjose2, not too familiar with matrix storage manager, is that the intel fakeraid? it should work14:46
jose2frostschutz, yes14:46
frostschutzjose2, linux mdadm supports imsm Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager metadata format. If it's that what you have, you should have no problems14:47
jose2frostschutz, thanks14:54
mikubuntui've just installed baobab on my 14.04 lubuntu, because i din't have any 'disk usage analyser' showing in my menus -- anyways when i run baobab it's not detecting any of my hdd apparently as readings are all '0' -- anyone have a guess as to what the problem may be?14:56
DirtyCajunok. so diff will tell me bite for bite if they are the same file but for 5tb thats a lot. i just need to see which files are not the same size. is there a smarter way?14:59
yeatsDirtyCajun: md5sum?14:59
SeveasDirtyCajun: stat -c %s filename-goes-here15:00
MonkeyDustDirtyCajun  rdfind comes to mind15:00
Seveasyeats: MonkeyDust: if all he needs is size, good old stat is enough :)15:00
DirtyCajunyeats and Seveas im checking a 5TB directory tree not a single file.15:00
DirtyCajunyou can pass a directory and it will check it recursively?15:01
DirtyCajunlike /dir1/foo/bar/baz.txt is a different size than /dir2/foo/bar/baz.txt15:01
SeveasDirtyCajun: untested and probably buggy shell oneliner: for file in $(find root1); do file2=${file%root1%root2}; if [ $(stat -c %s $file) != $(stat -c %s $file2) ]; then echo "file differs: $file"; fi; done15:02
MonkeyDusta handy way to write such lengthy lines, is simply typing ( and then hit enter ... execute batch by typing )15:04
Seveasexcept that that puts you in a subshell, which may or may not be desired15:04
frostschutzyou don't need ( to be able to hit enter ... you can do for x in y <enter> do <enter> thing a la ding dong dubs15:05
Seveas$ thing a ling ding dong dubs15:06
Seveasbash: thing: command not found15:06
MonkeyDustyes, but with ( ... ) it goes into 'history' and you can easily repat it15:07
frostschutzrsync has a --size-only option, combined with --dry-run, --verbose, --list-only maybe you can get it to give you what you want15:08
Seveasfrostschutz: creative, I like it!15:08
trijntjefrostschutz: clever15:09
lernerif my hdd makes strange noises, like "clacks" from time to time (twice a minute), does that mean its about to die?15:11
tonytlerner ise say yes15:11
frostschutzlerner, smartctl -a /dev/hdd?15:11
younderlerner, yes15:12
coleptCron daily "apt" script hangs every  day .What do?15:13
younderlerner, There is actually a utillity in ubuntu client that keeps track of there things. Go into system15:13
coleptIt uses up all the CPU every day, probably because the ram is filled by nginx, phpfpm, and memcache15:13
youndercolept, those are nor expensive. It must be someting else15:14
coleptupdate-xapian-index maybe15:14
coleptCan't pinpoint the source but it's either apt or update-xapian-index because if I don't shut down nginx or memcached or mysql - it will crash running those15:15
drorHi, I'm using 15.10 on a laptop while a different laptop near me is using Windows 10. The Windows laptop is connected to a network which the Ubuntu laptop can't even see on the list of available networks, and this is not the 1st time (happened in other locations). Any ideas why?15:16
younderdror, samba.. You seek samba ;)15:18
Ardanhow to upgrade php 5.5.9-1 to 5.5.11?15:21
lernerfrostschutz, how do I interpret the results of your command? Error 1327 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 22189 hours (924 days + 13 hours)15:22
lerner  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.15:22
lernerdoes my hdd have a life of 924 days and a half?15:22
droryounder: How is it related?15:23
MrObviousSo I'm going to give my laptop to my friend who has a fast internet so that I could update my system - and I since I can't be physically there , I thought I should just tell him to connect the laptop to Ethernet and let it connect automatically on the internet15:25
coleptyounder: The system hangs every day on  (root) CMD (test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ))15:25
DirtyCajunSeveas: i have edited that command until it works except arg list is too long15:25
MrObviousand then I could just ssh to it with my other laptop and preform the update myself15:26
coleptA quick google search reveals that for some, changing the RandomSleep parameter of apt works, but I tried that and does nothing15:26
coleptdror: Samba is what allows Windows and Ubuntu computers to see each other15:26
MrObviousproblem is - I have no idea which public IP the laptop is going to be given by his ISP15:26
MrObviousWhat do you guys suggest15:27
coleptMrObvious: dynamic DNS15:27
auronandaceMrObvious: get him to tell you by making him go to what is my ip15:27
drorcolept: Yeah I know. I was describing a WiFi issue on Ubuntu compared to no-problem on Windows... I'm not seeking for Windows connectivity between the computers15:27
MrObviousauronandace, he's a total Linux noob15:27
coleptdror: sorry I dont understand the question15:28
youndercolept, All ubuntu clients use anacron instead of cron. It is made for laptops which switch off all the time.15:28
coleptMrObvious: get a free dynamic DNS subdomain15:28
auronandaceMrObvious: if he can open a browser and visit a website that is all that is needed (regardless if he is on windows/linux/mac)15:28
frostschutzlerner, put it in a paste.ubuntu.com15:28
youndercolept, It must be in cron.d/       cron.daily/   cron.hourly/  cron.monthly/ cron.weekly/15:28
coleptyounder: right it's cron.daily/apt15:29
coleptor cron.weekly/update-xapian-index15:29
coleptBut it happens every day15:29
MrObviousauronandace, so I suppose making him provide me with the IP is all what I need to know right?15:29
colept"apt-xapian-index" not update15:29
walidsudo rm -rf *15:30
auronandaceMrObvious: that would be one step, you'll then likely have to get him o allow ssh connection via setting up port forwarding in the router (that would be the much more complicated step that he likely would have no idea on how to do)15:30
youndercolept, apt is a lengthy script15:31
katerinadror: I would check network-manager status to see if it is active (service network-manager status)15:31
MrObviousoh ..15:31
coleptyounder: is there a way to "fast-forward" maybe change the clock time to simulate conditions that would cause cron to run? Because if I run cron directly, it works just fine15:32
lernerfrostschutz, https://paste.ubuntu.com/15552386/15:32
youndercolept, just call the script15:32
coleptI have, it works just fine if called directly15:32
youndercolept, is't just a shell script anyhow15:33
MrObviousWell I guess I should google a bit more about it auronandace - thank you very much for the tip15:33
coleptrun-parts: executing /etc/cron.weekly/apt-xapian-index15:33
coleptcrashes there atm15:33
coleptanother time it crashed on /etc/cron.daily/apt15:34
youndercolept, have you tested the parameters mentioned in the preamble15:34
robairt_Anyone have any idea why I keep getting razer.insider notifications?15:34
coleptyou mean `test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )` ? I've already ran that directly15:34
WJ3rdhi, i think .Xauthority got modified because trying to login as my usual user yields a loop.  So I loaded off of the live dvd, and can mount the encrypted home directory, but it doesnt mount as rw, only r.  I am in gnome disk utility right now and i see options "nosuid, nodev, nofail, etc"  is +rw an option there for read/write access?15:35
WJ3rdi didnt see a write access option with ecryptfs-private-recover15:36
youndercolept, don't know if this works http://serverfault.com/questions/85893/running-a-cron-job-manually-and-immediately15:36
younderbut woth a shot15:36
WJ3rdis there one?15:36
younderWJ3rd, You stuck in GRUB?15:37
WJ3rdyounder im in gui live dvd15:37
frostschutzlerner, 2 pending sectors which the disk can't read anymore - you probably need a new one15:38
younderWJ3rd, You have to install it to have full autority over your drives. You know that right15:38
younderI must admit I a a little confused15:39
younderOtherwise all it has is a little ram disc hat get's erased on rebot15:39
frostschutzlerner, the crc errors they might be caused by a bad cable, so when you get a new disk,# replace the cable too just in case15:40
WJ3rdi just need to delete the .Xauthority file once15:40
jason__is Ubuntu 16.04 shipping with PHP 7.0?15:40
WJ3rdso i need write access15:40
WJ3rdnot that complicated15:40
MonkeyDustjason__  #ubuntu+115:41
WJ3rdcan i mount an encrypted home folder with write access15:43
andy_wfcIs there a dpkg or apt equivalent to "rpm -q --changelog" which shows the changelog for a package? It's useful to grep for CVE numbers and see if vulnerabilities have been patched back into older versions of a package15:43
younderJason_, No it doeas no ship with PHP15:43
younderYou have to install apache215:43
k1l_andy_wfc: there is a cve tracker on ubuntu.com/usn15:44
llutzandy_wfc: apt-get changelog <package>15:44
younderYou have to install apache2 first15:44
andy_wfcllutz: thanks!15:44
coleptyounder: been at it for days with the apt/xapian issue - with no solution in sight so Imma chalk it up to running out of memory15:46
coleptI had swap off so I turned it back on15:46
youndercolept, running out of memory? Where did that come from?15:48
coleptyounder: apt-xapian-index usually15:48
coleptin cron.weekly15:48
coleptbut I don't see how that could run daily15:48
rootsrCan anyone help me with mutt configuration for gmail ( it has 2 step authentication enabled)? or any mail client which supports 2-step authentication for gmail15:48
naccrootsr: add a app-specific password15:50
youndercolept, this relevant? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=59232315:50
ubottuDebian bug 592323 in apt-xapian-index "/etc/cron.weekly/apt-xapian-index: cron job exits with error" [Normal,Open]15:50
coleptyounder: I don't this so. There's no tangible error thats produced - the machine hangs as the CPU becomes overloaded15:51
coleptTurning swap back on seemed to have fix it15:51
coleptMy guess is it runs out of memory and gets stuck in some kind of FUBAR loop15:52
ubottusaso1234: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:52
rootsrnacc: I don't find any option to add app specific password in mail client like evolution or mutt. Neither they ask for one15:54
WJ3rdwhere is documentation for this gnome disks https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/gnome-disk-utility/15:54
WJ3rdI need the mount options full list15:55
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llutzrootsr: use that app-sprecific password as login-password in mutt, not the account password.15:55
tewardWJ3rd: the mount options would be available in the manpage for the `mount` command... http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/en/man8/mount.8.html15:56
gabr13lThis morning when I run `apt-get update and apt-get -y upgrade` I’m getting a `Hash Sum mismatch` error and the command isn’t completing. Has anyone else been experiencing that? Thanks.15:56
tewardWJ3rd: mount options also vary by filesystem, too, so it's not trivial to determine what mount options to use unless you know what you're doing.15:56
tewardgabr13l: It may be an intermittent issue.  Switch your mirrors temporarily?15:57
gabr13lteward: thanks. I’ll look into that.15:57
younderWJ3rd, cat /proc/mounts15:57
k1l_gabr13l: that happens when the servers are syncing. either wait or change mirrors15:57
yeatsgabr13l: you might look into clearing your package cache too15:57
gabr13lk1l_:  yeats confirmed. thanks.15:58
younderWJ3rd, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/24182/how-to-get-the-complete-and-exact-list-of-mounted-filesystems-in-linux15:58
sakrecoertrying to format an external HD, 2TB. GParted does the job according to itself. but it shows 29,42Gb used and is unwriteable. websearching info on how to achieve this is super hard. anyone couldshare a hint?16:02
llutzsakrecoer:  sudo dumpe2fs  -h /dev/sdXY |grep Reserved16:02
sakrecoerllutz: "dumpe2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc"16:04
naccrootsr: what llutz said16:05
llutzsakrecoer: on partition, not drive sdXY16:05
llutzsakrecoer: /dev/sdc1 mostlikely , check: sudo parted -l16:05
younderllutz, dump2fs perhaps16:07
sakrecoerllutz: "Reserved block count: 24418496", "Reserved GDT blocks: 907", "Reserved blocks uid: 0 (user root)", "Reserved blocks gid:      0 (group root)"16:07
llutzsakrecoer: there you go.16:07
llutzyounder: no16:07
llutzsakrecoer: use tune2fs -m0  to set reserved blocks to 016:07
sakrecoerllutz: ok! thanks! now, how do i make it writeable?16:08
llutzsakrecoer: read "man chown/chmod"16:08
younderllutz, right you are what an insane name16:09
llutzyounder: dump ext2 filesystem   (ext4/3 too, now)16:09
younderdumpe2fs [ -bfhixV ] [ -o superblock=superblock ] [ -o blocksize=blocksize ] device16:09
* sakrecoer slaps himself with a large bass16:09
sakrecoerTHANK YOU llutz!!! :)16:10
rootsrok will try16:10
WJ3rdcan anyone help me mount with write access an ecrypted drive16:10
WJ3rdi can do it with read access only16:11
younderWJ3rd, You should not have any acess at all16:11
WJ3rdim using ecryptfs-recover-private16:11
younderWJ3rd, So you want to return to the GRUB?16:12
WJ3rdwhats your first language younder16:12
younderWJ3rd, The first I really loved C16:13
martin4Is there a way to pipe /dev/null or something to a file which then can be downloaded with wget or etc for speed test?16:13
WJ3rdyounder i mean verbal language16:13
somsipmartin4: nulls might get compressed so not much point16:13
younderWJ3rd, english16:13
nicomachusmartin4: are you just trying to a CLI speedtest?16:14
somsipmartin4: maybe http://superuser.com/questions/470949/how-do-i-create-a-1gb-random-file-in-linux16:14
nicomachusmartin4: just use this: https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli16:14
younderwhatever this is a norwegian keyboard16:14
youndermakes everything a bit more clumsy16:15
nicomachusmartin4: I use that github script, and then have just assigned an alias to run that whenever I type "speedtest".16:16
youndernicomachus, what?16:16
llutz!info iperf3 | martin4:16:17
martin4I tried the speedtest script from pip but I want to test with wget aswell. I have tested with iperf aswell16:17
ubottumartin4:: iperf3 (source: iperf3): Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.11-1 (wily), package size 7 kB, installed size 59 kB16:17
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nicomachusmartin4: and then you get a nice output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15552808/16:17
nicomachusyounder: I was addressing martin4, as indicated by the "martin4:" which begins the comment.16:17
Jonathan__I need to send backup to an external ftp server but ufw is blocking passive transfert (mandatory), is there a solution ?16:18
youndernicomachus, sorry for that16:18
youndersudo ufw allow ftw16:18
youndersudo ufw allow ftp16:18
Jonathan__already done16:18
younderwell then it is not he firewall16:19
younderusudo ufw status numbered16:19
younderwhat does hat give you16:20
younder(sory for heinterference from my eyboard)16:20
Jonathan__but I think the issue is because the transfert try to open random ports ?16:21
sakrecoerllutz: GParted is still claiming that 29.42 GB are used. filemanager says 2tb available and dumpe2fs says 0 Reserved block counts..16:22
younderDNS does not just use port 5316:22
Jonathan__the connection is OK, it's just the transfert failing (timed out), with firewall disabled it's working16:23
sakrecoerare there any advantages to keep a reserved space..? it's supposed to be a backup drive16:23
younderi expect it is the bind9 entry hat is giving you truoble16:23
llutzsakrecoer: the reserved space makes imho only sense on /-fs. it enables root to do things, even when the drive is "full" for users. It makes no sense on pure data-storages16:24
sakrecoerllutz: thanks!16:25
llutzsakrecoer: and sorry, no idea why gparted claims those 30GB as used16:26
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WJ3rdyounder mine too16:28
WJ3rdwhere are you from16:28
sakrecoerllutz: yeah trying to read up on it with websearch gives me no luck. thought it might have been something cached but reboot didn't do..16:28
sakrecoerllutz: anyways, highly appreciate your help!16:29
lernerfrostschutz, can these 2 bad sectors evolve into more?16:31
GeekDudeI installed an ubuntu server yesterday and chose 'no' when asked if I wanted to automatically update/important update. If I wanted to change that, would 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades' be the correct way to go about that? Does it produce the same results as picking yes during installation, or does it just accomplish the same thing by different means?16:33
frostschutzlerner, sure, it's even likely there already are more16:35
frostschutzlerner, if you don't already have a backup of your data, you should make one now...16:35
WJ3rdi need to delete .Xauthority on an encrypted home folder.  whats the easiest way within a live dvd16:38
WJ3rdi can get at the file but dont have write access16:38
Peasant65Hi !! I have a problem with my ubuntu 15.10 minimal-cd install. By default it doesn't boot into anything graphical (including cli), however, i can access it via ssh. Now if I hold shift during boot (grub menu) and start the first and only default boot option everything is fine.16:39
ioriaWJ3rd,  did you use ecryptfs-recover-private ?16:40
Peasant65Can someone help me with this ?16:41
WJ3rdi go into shell prompt and see 'give root password for maintenance' and the only password ive set for ubuntu i use and it says incorrect.  whats up with this16:42
WJ3rdioria, yes i can use that, and it works, except that there is no write access16:43
ioriaWJ3rd,  ls -l .Xauthority16:43
WJ3rdioria one moment, rebooting thanks16:44
l4m8d4Hey there, my question is, is it possible to upgrade from stable 15.10 to beta 16.04? And if yes, will it also be possible to upgrade from the 16.04 beta to 16.04 stable when it comes out?16:47
Peasant65Please help me I get a black screen at my ubuntu 15.10 minimal install16:47
Peasant65It does boot but without visuals whatsoever (confirmed via SSH)16:47
ioriaPeasant65, mini-iso has no gui, you have to install it... how did you install it  ?16:48
jaywinkhey all. Any idea what could cause when running a python script that does "os.system('service foobar restart')" in root terminal, everything works, but the same script in root crontab gives 'unrecognized service'? The upstart conf file is in /etc/init and as said, service works normally but not via root crontab16:48
Peasant65ioria: that's not what i mean, I want a cli, but the screen stays black16:48
Peasant65ioria: It does give me video output if i start using the grub menu (holding shift)16:48
ioriaPeasant65,  you mean the installer does not start ?16:48
Peasant65ioria: I''ve allready installed, and it boots just fine (can login with ssh). But it only gives me video if i start holding shift and selectinf the Default (and only) boot option (ubuntu)16:49
l4m8d4Peasant65: You mean not even a virtual terminal login is shown? But you got SSH access?16:49
Peasant65l4m8d4: yes exactly16:49
l4m8d4Ok I see16:49
ioriaPeasant65,  got it16:50
Peasant65but it does show a tty when i start using the grub menu16:50
ioriaPeasant65,  tried  nomodeset  ?16:50
l4m8d4Peasant65: What graphics hardware are you using?16:50
burt_93hello everyone, new user here on xubuntu and i got a probelm with updates. i get error 404 after sudo apt-get update16:51
Peasant65I'm using intel intergrated graphics (intel N3050 cpu)16:51
Peasant65ioria: is that a command? If yes, it isn't recognized16:52
l4m8d4It's a fairly new one, might be that ubuntu has some problems with it by default.16:52
ioriaPeasant65, no, is a kernel boot parameter , you can set it in Grub16:52
Peasant65ioria: ah ok16:52
l4m8d4Peasant65: You could set kernel parameter when editing /etc/default/grub via ssh and updating grub with update-grub16:53
Peasant65ioria: is the default boot option in grub (so no grub menu) something else then the first option in the list?16:53
Peasant65l4m8d4: ioria I'll try it out16:53
ioriaPeasant65, advanced option -> 'e'  find 'linux' and after quite splash add  nomodeset16:53
ioriaPeasant65, F10, to restart16:54
l4m8d4ioria: Would that be a permanent change to the kernel parameters?16:54
iorial4m8d4, nope16:54
iorial4m8d4, for that you have to edit /etc/default/grub16:55
Peasant65ioria: editing the line in grub menu wouldnt be usefull since my system allready boots correctly when i boot via the grub menu16:56
l4m8d4ioria:  yep. I was just wondering because I've never tried to edit the grub kernel parameters via grub. If there was something wrong with them I always used chroot to fix it :D16:56
Jonathan__how can I configure ufw to transfert files in ftp passive mode ?16:56
iorial4m8d4, it's ok16:56
ioriaPeasant65,  i think it's not a boot issue, but graphic issue16:57
Peasant65ioria: Maybe it could have soemthing to do with power saving features ? Like grub would be able to get hdmi to activate itself and ubuntu wouldnt ?16:58
ioriaPeasant65,  idk that, sorry16:59
Peasant65ioria: nomodeset didn't fix it17:00
Peasant65l4m8d4: nomodeset didn't fix it. Have you got an7 other ideas? :)17:01
ioriaPeasant65,  can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log  ?17:03
Peasant65ioria: I don't think i have one? I didn't install a window manager17:04
WJ3rd-2ioria sorry takes a while to bootup with dvd.  -rw------- 1 name name17:04
Peasant65ioria: anyhow, it isn't there17:04
compdocPeasant65,  how much ram do you give the onboard video in trhe bios settings?17:04
Peasant65compdoc: Not a clue, let me check that :)17:05
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ioriaWJ3rd-2, it's ok, why do you want remove it ?17:05
jimmy51v_having trouble mounting a cifs share from the 15.10 livecd.  had no trouble in 14.04.  error reported is 'filesystem not supported by system'.  started looking at modprobe cifs, it errors.17:05
jimmy51v_uname -r shows kernel 4.2 as expected.  /lib/modules/{kernel version} shows kernel of 3.13.17:06
jimmy51v_is that suspicous?  seems like the kernel version folder for the modules should match the live kernel17:06
WJ3rd-2ioria, it was suggested i remove it because something went wrong somewhere on my system and now when i try and login as my usual user there is an endless loop and i cant login17:06
Peasant65compdoc: 64MB17:06
compdocPeasant65, I usually boot my servers to cli, but if I want a desktop, I use at least 1G ram17:07
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compdoc64M is tiny17:07
jimmy51v_was my question that hard?17:07
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jimmy51v_made half of the room quit!17:08
ioriaWJ3rd-2  ok,  if the ownership of that file would be root:root  , would be good to chown it... but it's not17:08
Peasant65compdoc: I don't want a GUI (yet) It should boot into cli, no x or window manager installed17:08
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compdocjimmy51v_, your question broke the internet17:08
compdocPeasant65, still, try giving it more17:08
Peasant65i will17:08
Peasant65compdoc: can't give it more than half a gig though17:09
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WJ3rd-2ioria right17:09
jimmy51v_!info cifs17:09
compdocPeasant65, as little as possible until it works, if thats the problem17:09
WJ3rd-2ioria, well id still need write access which i dont have17:09
WJ3rd-2ioria, i cant write to the drive17:09
WJ3rd-2with any user17:10
ioriaPeasant65,  remove quite splash and replace with   text systemd.unit=multi-user.target17:10
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ubottuPackage cifs does not exist in wily17:10
nareshhi guys17:10
compdoccifs = samba17:10
Peasant65compdoc: giving it more ram didn't change anything17:10
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jimmy51v_!info cifs-utils17:11
ubottucifs-utils (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2:6.4-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 69 kB, installed size 201 kB17:11
compdocPeasant65, oh well17:11
Guest68864i want to connect internet with Belkin router. how can i do this17:11
ioriaWJ3rd-2  as you can read here, if you are using liveCd and decrypted file under tmp, you have to use sudo for write access http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/17:11
youndercut then pleasantries. we are hundreds here naresh17:11
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Guest68864on ubuntu connect internet with Belkin ... i need help17:12
younderGuest68864, how?17:13
WJ3rd-2ioria, use sudo in what sense?  i ran ecryptfs-private-recover with sudo, and iirc i tried to delete the file with sudo too, to no avail17:13
younderGuest68864, apperentry which Belkin devic?17:14
Guest68864younder:  is there i need any driver or software17:14
younderGuest68864, apperentry which Belkin devic?17:14
ioriaWJ3rd-2   "You can access this directory to view the decrypted versions of your files. However, you may not have read access to this directory as the live CD user."17:15
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Peasant65ioria: setting it to "text" worked, but was a little quircky17:15
Guest68864younder: wireless G router model : F5D7230-417:15
WJ3rd-2ioria, yeah i can view and copy it though17:15
younderBelcin is just a company a driver is slaaved to a spesific device17:15
ioriaWJ3rd-2  "To access the directory with a graphical file browser, run Nautilus as root. Press Alt+F2, type gksu nautilus, and press Enter."17:15
Peasant65ioria: It gave me unreadable pixelated text the first 2 seconds of boot17:15
WJ3rd-2ioria, anyway we slice it, i cannot delete the file.  can i share with you my larger issue?17:16
ioriaPeasant65,  you replace with 'text' or with 'systemd.unit=multi-user.target'  ?17:16
younderGuest68864, http://www.twm-kd.com/linux/realtek-rtl81688111e-and-ubuntu-linux/17:16
Peasant65ioria: text17:17
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ioriaPeasant65,  try the second17:17
Peasant65ioria: what does the second one do ?17:17
ioriaPeasant65,  the same, but specifically fo 15.10 systemd17:17
Guest68864younder: wht type of help is there ?17:17
ioriaWJ3rd-2  i often used that method, and always worked ......17:18
WJ3rd-2ioria, so you could rm a file for instance?17:18
Peasant65ioria: nothing changed. Still garbage unreadably blocky text during boot for the first ~2 seconds17:19
ioriaWJ3rd-2  yes17:19
WJ3rd-2ioria, i see17:19
Peasant65ioria: it's not really a problem though, it does boot to a cli in the correct resolution now17:19
WJ3rd-2ioria, if i can delete the file, and still have an issue, do you suggest i create a new user ... at least ill be able to log in at all17:20
ioriaPeasant65,  ok... take a read , could be useful http://ask.xmodulo.com/boot-into-command-line-ubuntu-debian.html17:20
Peasant65ioria: thx :)17:20
ioriaPeasant65,  goo luck. mini-iso is tricky17:21
younderGuest68864, kinda arbitrary17:21
Peasant65ioria: how so? is it that different from the server install >17:21
ioriaWJ3rd-2  boot you system and choose Guest Account17:21
ioriaPeasant65,  yes, a bit17:21
WJ3rd-2ioria, yes guest works, but i need things a bit more normal than that heh17:22
ioriaWJ3rd-2  mv ~/.config and /compiz    to  ~/config.backup    and  ~/.compiz.backup17:23
ioriaWJ3rd-2  mv ~/.config and /.compiz    to  ~/config.backup    and  ~/.compiz.backup17:23
Peasant65ioria: well, i got the same problem again, but now after about 4 minutes of no use... Like a screensaver, but it won't wake up from it17:25
ioriaPeasant65,  screensaver ? on cli ?17:25
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Peasant65ioria: I know raspbian has one17:26
ioriaPeasant65,  oh...17:26
lernerfrostschutz, what do I need to backup? my home directory is enough, right?17:26
Peasant65ioria: but it wakes as soon as you hit spacebar (or probably any other key)17:26
WJ3rd-2ioria, oh is that all?17:26
ioriaWJ3rd-2   did you backup the two folders  ?17:27
WJ3rd-2under /home right?  i will backup before  deleting17:27
ioriaWJ3rd-2   no need to delete17:28
WJ3rd-2waiting for machine to catchup to try deleting .Xauthority first17:28
WJ3rd-2err mv17:28
younderSounds archaic17:28
younderarn't you using gome17:28
ioriaWJ3rd-2   still on liveCD ?17:31
WJ3rd-2ioria, yes i am.  and i dont have gksu to run gksu nautilus.  easy way to install?17:32
ioriaWJ3rd-2   boot the system and open a console17:32
WJ3rd-2ioria, reboot and do not use live cd?17:33
ioriaWJ3rd-2  your system, not the liveCD17:33
ioriaWJ3rd-2  yes17:33
WJ3rd-2ioria, well another issue i have is that when i drop and go to a console it doesnt like my root password, but i reset it with the live cd 'passwd root'17:33
WJ3rd-2and it still doesnt work17:33
WJ3rd-2or is that a different root?17:34
ioria!root ! WJ3rd-217:34
ubottuioria: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
ioria!root | WJ3rd-217:35
ubottuWJ3rd-2: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:35
WJ3rd-2ioria, ok that makes sense, but it says enter your password or hit control-D, and either way i cant proceed17:35
youndersudu su &&b paswd rot fuckit && so user just thought I should mention it17:36
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younderthe root is inherent in the od sudo can't eraticate it17:36
youndermany people would object tio what I just told you17:37
jimmy51v_when i boot the 15.10 liveCD, uname -r shows kernel 4.2.  however, ls /lib/modules/ shows a kernel folder of 3.13.  why is that?17:37
WJ3rd-2ioria, i ran nautilus as root in live dvd and i cannot mv that .Xauthority.  i think theres a step missing17:37
WJ3rd-2i can see the /home directory but it is encrypted still17:38
ioriaWJ3rd-2  you don't have to move .Xauthority ...17:38
younderWJ3rd-2, I have had a problem with a encrypted rooot17:38
ioriaWJ3rd-2  if your files are decrypted , should show in /tmp folder ....17:39
younderWJ3rd-2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto217:39
younderioria, bulshit17:40
WJ3rd-2oh i wasnt in /tmp  yes i see it now17:40
ioriaWJ3rd-2  The command will mount the encrypted directory in your /tmp directory.17:41
WJ3rd-2but i cant touch .Xauthority17:41
ioriaWJ3rd-2  ok.....  ls -l .Xauthority17:41
younderso much swada anyone on NFS17:41
younderLOL your all on SAMBA17:42
WJ3rd-2ioria, -rw------- 1 1000 100017:42
Peasant65ioria: Allright, so this has to do with setterm -blank17:43
ioriaPeasant65,  really ?17:43
nrosvallwhat big companies are using ubuntu on desktops/workstations? Does anyone know.17:43
Peasant65ioria: yea, if i put it on 0 the "power saving" stuff doesn't hapen anymore17:43
ioriaWJ3rd-2    i don't think it's a .Xauthority issue ..... you can delete it if you want, will be recreated ... but why ?17:44
ioriaPeasant65,  good17:44
WJ3rd-2ioria, so that i can login with my normal username17:45
WJ3rd-2ioria, and avoid the login loop17:45
naccnrosvall: offtopic for this channel17:45
WJ3rd-2can you or someone tell me how i can just get back into ubuntu.  i need to get in quick to do work17:46
ioriaWJ3rd-2    1000 mean your user, not root17:46
WJ3rd-2ioria, ok so you asked if i could log in as a guest without the live dvd right?  i can do that17:46
WJ3rd-2ive been at this for over 5 hours17:47
ioriaWJ3rd-2    ok,  and you can't open a console ?17:47
WJ3rd-2ioria, no i can try again and give you the error message17:47
reisioWJ3rd-2: after hour four I usually recommend having one's sultry secretary do the rest of the work17:47
ioriaWJ3rd-2 btw, for reset password from liveCd you need to chroot17:49
WJ3rd-2ioria ok17:49
WJ3rd-2i am in as guest now17:49
arcskyhey there is differnt keyboard layout in my shell how can i switch back? i have only ssh access.17:49
ioriaWJ3rd-2 exit and try to open a console17:50
WJ3rd-2ioria, through recovery right/>17:51
ioriaWJ3rd-2 nope, maybe we can do that after17:51
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WJ3rd-2ioria how shall i get to that console17:52
ioriaWJ3rd-2  ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2)17:52
reisioarcsky: so you want to change the layout outside of X?17:53
arcskyreisio: i connect via putty17:53
reisioarcsky: try: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration17:54
WJ3rd-2ioria oh great i am in the console as either the user i want, or root17:54
ioriaWJ3rd-2   you don't use root on Ubuntu17:55
ioriaWJ3rd-2   can you paste  ls -a ~17:55
ioriaWJ3rd-2   sorry   ls -al  ~17:56
WJ3rd-2ioria not sure what you mean by no root on ubuntu.  i cant really paste from that console.  what can i describe for you17:56
WJ3rd-2no internet ^^17:56
WJ3rd-2with that machine17:57
ioriaWJ3rd-2     no internet ?   it means not working, or you don't have it at all on that pc  ?17:58
WJ3rd-2ioria, im at work and i dont have the wifi password17:58
ioriaWJ3rd-2     ls -al .Xauthority17:59
WJ3rd-2this machine is tied to the cable17:59
wadHey guys, so I just started a new job as a "senior software developer", at a large, well-established company. And I want replace Windows with Ubuntu on the laptop they gave me. But the IT department says they can't let me. There are a handful of us who want Linux... so I'm needing to train the IT guys.18:00
WJ3rd-2ioria, i need to mount the partition to see that file again, let me do that please18:00
DirtyCajunwhen you cp a folder that has a symlinked folder inside it... does it cp the symlink or the actual files? as in... is cp standards to dereference or not dereference18:00
alvarolm_hi all ! :), is it safe to share an open unix domain socket ???18:01
wadOne of the requirements is that they can remotely administer antivirus programs on the employee's machines. I'm like, "uhhhh....."18:01
WJ3rd-2ioria uh oh i dont have ecrypt-recover-private right now18:01
wadI'd appreciate any links to articles that will help me convince a Windows-centric IT department that Linux can be "secure" in their eyes.18:01
geniiwad: Since this is not really an Ubuntu support question, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic instead18:02
wadmmkay, thanks18:02
ioriaWJ3rd-2  if you log in your system, home will be  decrypted  .... no need for  ecrypt-recover-private18:03
WJ3rd-2ioria, yes thats the issue, cant login... only got the console going on here18:04
Peasant65All *RandR are part of Xorg right? So if I have no Xorg installed I have nothing to do with them ?18:04
WJ3rd-2but i cant find anything with that command omfg18:04
WJ3rd-2gotta mount perhaps18:04
ioriaWJ3rd-2   in console you can log in like with your gui login-screen .... it's the same18:05
WJ3rd-2ioria yes im logged in18:06
WJ3rd-2i thought you were saying something else18:06
ioriaWJ3rd-2   run ls  .... the file are clear or encrypted ?18:07
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WJ3rd-2ioria got it now, its -rw------- 1 myuser myuser18:07
ioriaWJ3rd-2   it's ok..... cat /etc/issue18:08
WJ3rd-2Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l18:08
ioriaWJ3rd-2   15.04 is dead btw18:09
teward!15.04 | WJ3rd-218:09
ubottuWJ3rd-2: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid18:09
WJ3rd-2l not 1 sorry18:09
WJ3rd-2ioria i know, as of last month... waiting for april's ltr18:09
ioriaWJ3rd-2   pwd18:09
WJ3rd-2thats /tmp/ecryptfs.voHEWMd818:10
ioriaWJ3rd-2   still on live CD ?18:11
WJ3rd-2ioria no, logged in through console like you asked18:11
ioriaWJ3rd-2   cd ~18:11
WJ3rd-2pwd  is root after cd ~18:11
WJ3rd-2i mean /root18:11
ioriaWJ3rd-2   nope, your home     username:username    home folder18:12
WJ3rd-2ioria sry what are you asking for ?  not fully clear18:13
ioriaWJ3rd-2  type   id18:13
cybrNauthttp://www.irssi.org/scripts <= that's a dead link on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi18:13
WJ3rd-2ioria as user or root?18:13
ioriaWJ3rd-2   as user, always as user, never as root on Ubuntu18:14
WJ3rd-2ioria you want the whole line?  kinda long18:15
ioriaWJ3rd-2   just the uid18:15
ioriaWJ3rd-2   ok,   cd ~  and pwd18:15
WJ3rd-2cd ~ ... no such file or dir (because that is the encrypted one in /tmp18:16
WJ3rd-2pwd is in /home18:16
WJ3rd-2i have /home on a seperate partition18:17
WJ3rd-2i knew sry18:17
WJ3rd-2trying to change the system!18:18
ioriaWJ3rd-2  you can't cd in your home folder ?18:19
WJ3rd-2ioria no i can go to /home/ but not /home/user/ because /home/user/ is under /tmp/that_folder/18:20
WJ3rd-2i can go there without '~'18:20
srulii made a system update using software updater, its been stuck for past hour on "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-67-generic" if i reboot will i have a problem?18:20
WJ3rd-2i run pwd in that /tmp/that_folder/ and it just lists the same path, /tmp/that_folder/18:21
WJ3rd-2ioria, make sense?18:22
ioriaWJ3rd-2  well, you used ecryptfs-recover-private from a livecd that mounts the files in a temporary folder .... but after reboot the folder should be gone18:24
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cjhowdy homies!18:25
WJ3rd-2ioria, i ran  ecryptfs-recover-private from console, and it did exactly that in my /tmp/ folder18:25
cjhow do I register a new project on the launchpad?  I don't see a "create" link on the front page...18:25
WJ3rd-2i did this again after logging into console18:25
ioriaWJ3rd-2  you run it again ?18:25
WJ3rd-2i had to get the ls on .Xauthority for you18:25
ioriaWJ3rd-2  no18:25
cjoh look.  https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/Registering18:25
tewardcj: #launchpad18:25
tewardcj: go to that channel for Launchpad specific help.  Also refer to its help docs18:26
tewardcj: if you're logged in and on the front page, "Register a new project"18:26
tewardit's there ;)18:26
ioriaWJ3rd-2  as i said, if you can succesfuly login, the home folder will be decrypted automatically18:26
ioriaWJ3rd-2  no need to run ecryptfs-recover-private18:27
WJ3rd-2ok i will login again and will check it out, one moment please18:27
WJ3rd-2thanks for standing b y18:28
IndustrialIs there a PPA for Docker and Docker Compose ?18:29
IndustrialI'm running into problems with docker-compose18:29
IndustrialI get a python stack trace with a valid config file18:30
WJ3rd-2brb 10 min18:30
hexicpythHi, my son uses this computer at school, and it has ubuntu 14.04 on it. Whenever the he closes the lid, and the laptop sleep/suspends, and he moves to a different area of the school, the wifi menu in ubuntu just doesnt show any networks and wont connect to anything saved, new, or hidden. If he restarts the laptop(really quick with it's ssd), the connections will show up & connect. Is there any way to somehow treat the  sig18:30
hexicpythnal extenders all like the same AP? Or maybe to leave wfi on when the computer sleeps? Thanks in advance18:30
trismcybrNaut: fixed the links18:31
hexicpythIt has an intel wireless 7620 card, and uses the default "Iwlwifi" driver18:32
mcphailhexicpyth: that might be a similar issue we see on the Ubuntu phone, where networkmanager takes ages to identify a change of location. I think they are working on a fix...18:33
hexicpythmvphail, Would that also explain te wifi disconnecting afterwards, and the restart needed? thanks18:34
youndernetworking nightmare.. ok18:34
younderlet's work it through18:34
mcphailhexicpyth: yes, I think so. Symptoms sound similar. You might be able to get a temporary fix by disabling and reenabling networking in the config menu18:35
youndercat /etc/networking/interfaces18:35
younderare you using network manager=18:35
hexicpythme? I think unity comes with network manager right?18:36
younderWhat devices do yo have connected+18:36
hexicpythI mean, this only happens at his school18:36
younderAny unususl to unix device drivers?18:36
younderanything like that18:36
hexicpythI dont know everything that is connected. I think it has something to do with the amount of network extenders requires for the building18:36
nacchexicpyth: so suspend/resume at home (do you have multiple APs in play at home) works ok?18:36
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:36
hexicpythnacc, I tried that, and it connect's fine18:37
nacchexicpyth: have you/he tried restarting network manager after s/r at school?18:37
nacchexicpyth: rather than restarting, i mean18:37
hexicpythand younder, I did check, and the only driver is iwlwifi. I checked with "sudo lshw -C network"18:37
younderhexicpyth, good boy18:38
hexicpythnacc, no I have not. How would I go about that? would it just be a killall Networkmanager && killall nm-applet thing?18:38
nacchexicpyth: iirc, `sudo service NetworkManager restart` ?18:38
nacchexicpyth: it would be interesting to know what's in the logs when it happens too; possibly iwscan output after resume18:39
younderhexicpyth, you know of: sudo service <name> restart18:39
hexicpythLooks like it might work18:39
hexicpythI just tried it here, but ill have him try it at school18:39
youndersudo service networking restart doenst work as well as it used to as it might lleave a few devices hanging, but as a quick and dirty it is worth a try18:40
nacchexicpyth: not sure why that's necessary, it shouldn't be ... but could be the effort/bug referred to earlier, or something new18:40
hexicpythyounder, what do you mean devices hanging? There are no devices plugged into this computer18:41
hexicpyth(Except for of course all the adapters and motherboard stuff)18:41
youndernacc: the try it18:43
naccyounder: ?18:43
lightdeprivedGood day, would anyone be able to assist with a wine related issue?18:43
reisiono, but some ones might be able to18:43
youndernacc: are we talking a server or a desktop conf?18:44
lightdeprivedsorry, wrong guy :)18:45
ioriaWJ3rd-2  yep18:45
hexicpythnacc, I think you PM'ed me. No I have not tried yet18:45
younderlightdeprived, What us this wine issue?18:46
WJ3rd-2ioria oh good.  no im not seeing my /home/myuser/ folder18:46
jwitkoHey guys, I'm having issues rebooting my server on Ubuntu 14.04.4.  a command of "shutdown -vr now" shows this on the console indefinitely until I reboot:  http://i.imgur.com/qu7WTiV.jpg  -  Can anyone help?18:46
WJ3rd-2after logging in18:46
lightdeprivedI install winehq-devel from the official ppa, and removed it using apt-get purge. Now when I try to install it again I get the error "Command 'wine' not found"18:46
ioriaWJ3rd-2  so, decryption not working ....18:47
Picilightdeprived: what command are you actually running to install it?18:47
younderWJ3rd-2, do yo have an encrypted home directory?18:47
lightdeprivedPici: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel18:47
WJ3rd-2younder yes18:47
Miahy all18:48
WJ3rd-2on its own partition too18:48
MiaI have lxde setup on ubuntu server18:48
Miahow can I stop it frm auto log in to the startx18:48
WJ3rd-2or maybe the partition is encrypted too, dont recall18:48
younderWJ3rd-2, for wht i'ts woth so do I. And it has happened to me18:48
Picilightdeprived: can you pastebin the exact error?18:48
MiaI don2t want it to auto login to desktop18:48
Miaany way to stop this ?18:48
WJ3rd-2there was an error that fsck fixed, but i cant login now18:49
WJ3rd-2the error was on that home drive/partition18:49
WJ3rd-2ioria any ideas on how to proceed?18:49
younderWJ3rd-2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/115497/encrypted-home-directory-not-auto-mounting18:49
lightdeprivedPici: http://pastebin.com/Vy4TRSAa18:49
Picilightdeprived: er, did you successfully install winehq-devel?18:50
lightdeprivedPici: http://pastebin.com/DVttWdzC18:51
younderWJ3rd-2, How have you partioned your drive? nonstadard or did you go with stock18:51
WJ3rd-2younder usually start with stock and customize a bit18:52
srulii made a system update using software updater, its been stuck for past hour on "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-67-generic" if i reboot will i have a problem?18:52
younderWJ3rd-2, You have either created new partions or you have not.. Whch is it?18:53
naccsruli: it is possible you will not be able to boot successfully into that kernel if you don't let it finish; do you have any binary modules?18:54
Picilightdeprived: You may want to ask the folks in #winehq about this.18:55
lightdeprivedPici: okay thank you18:55
srulinacc: not sure if i have binary, just made regular update using software updater18:56
youndernacc I have had a standart updater not bot18:57
youndernacc had to go into grub and boot into shell18:57
youndernacc ten I could fix the graphicsdriver mistake18:58
naccyounder: ? I don't know why you are directing that at me, I didn't interact with you?18:58
flopsecHello, I'm having an issue with OpenVPN: I can connect to the VPN, but then the internet doesn't work.  Any ideas?19:00
younderflopsec, yes, You need to change the default internet option to bridge19:02
hinnerkHi. I have a samba question. smb.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15554317  The shared 'shared' should be so, that all users in the group 'gshared' are allowed to read/write/delete files in the share. Since I force group to gshared, I would have expected that this works - but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong?19:03
flopsecWhere do I do that?19:04
younderflopsec, http://askubuntu.com/questions/499318/virtual-machine-ubuntu-cannot-connect-to-internet19:04
srulinacc: i rebooted into previous kernel made apt-get install -f and rebooted into new kernel, dont know if the install -f was required but works19:05
naccsruli: that was probably the smart thing to do :) glad it worked19:06
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srulii am trying to use by bluetooth headset with A2DP but can't get teh mic to work in that mode, is this expected? ubuntu 14.0419:09
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TheMariusKUBUNTU BABY! This rox... wish rolling release were doable. install once, then set.19:14
=== notalentgeek is now known as kolesekanisius
kolesekanisiusHello! I got my flashdrive detected in lsusb but not in fdisk -l. What should do? What log should I post here to get help?19:20
EriC^^kolesekanisius: dmesg | tail19:21
EriC^^after you plug it in19:21
horiz0nI've prepared preseed file19:22
horiz0nand installation fails on kenerl-generic installatio19:22
horiz0nany idea why?19:23
kolesekanisius_2EriC^^, Sorry here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/GqG19fLp .19:27
kolesekanisius_2EriC^^, for dmesg | tail19:27
m15kHi I'm looking for a web interface for managing package updates of my lxc containers. Any suggestions? Open Source would be nice.19:29
EriC^^kolesekanisius: try sudo parted -l19:30
horiz0nm15k: I don't think it is possible to get help there19:31
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, Do you have any chance to write something? My laptop always freeze sometimes after I attached the flash drive :(.19:31
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, Okay sudo parted -l.19:31
m15khoriz0n why? A per server interface would be a good start.19:31
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, Error: /dev/mmcblk0rpmb: unrecognised disk label19:32
kolesekanisius_3Warning: Error fsyncing/closing /dev/mmcblk0rpmb: Input/output error19:32
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, Retry/Ignore?19:32
horiz0nit seems there are bots only here19:32
Picihoriz0n: negative19:33
EriC^^kolesekanisius_3: try cat /proc/partitions19:34
horiz0nPici: any idea why linux-generic installation fails?19:35
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horiz0nhi paragon19:37
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kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, It is there.19:39
kolesekanisius_3major minor  #blocks  name19:39
kolesekanisius_3 179        0   61071360 mmcblk019:39
kolesekanisius_3 179        1     524288 mmcblk0p119:39
kolesekanisius_3 179        2   56471552 mmcblk0p219:39
kolesekanisius_3 179        3    4073472 mmcblk0p319:39
Picihoriz0n: weird that its trying to install linux-image-extra-3.13.10-24, it shopuld be pulling in 3.13.0-8319:40
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horiz0nit was working fine19:41
horiz0ntoday i've configured reprepro19:41
horiz0nadded package19:41
horiz0nthen added local repo to preseed19:42
EriC^^kolesekanisius_3: pastebin it19:42
nacchoriz0n: try removing local repo and see if it goes away?19:42
horiz0nand tried to install ubuntu with that package19:42
horiz0nso far i've removed this package from tasksel19:42
horiz0nbut it keeps failing19:42
horiz0nnacc: i'll try tomorrow19:42
cybrNauttrism: thanks19:43
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, http://pastebin.com/0CAH5AVw . It is partition with mmcblk0rpmb.19:43
zhxk82hello? i cant send to #freenode19:44
Picizhxk82: Not much we can do about it. Just wait until their voicing thing triggers.19:44
horiz0nbut to be honest this shouldn't have an effect19:45
SkyriderIs it possible to soft-restart ubuntu from shell? eg.. logout -> login (automated) seeing its done through the terminal.19:45
SkyriderWith automated, I mean auto re-login.19:47
urthmoverSkyrider: are you using ssh?19:48
Skyrideryup, no desktop.19:48
urthmoverwhy not logoff and back in over ssh?19:48
SkyriderI need to free up memory, and restart all the software.19:48
SkyriderIf I restart my pi, it'll force a fsck.19:49
SkyriderI don't want that.. so was thinking about logging out / logging in instead.19:49
urthmovercan't you kill processes and restart them?19:49
urthmovermaybe restart services19:51
jattwhat's wrong with fsck?19:52
Skyriderjatt: on a pi, it's terrible.19:53
SkyriderTakes ages, and never finishes. Am forced to do it on a linux system, which also takes about 20/30min.19:54
zhxk82gentleman, suggest me an Irc client for ubuntu cli, thank you!19:54
urthmoverzhxk82: irssi19:54
kazukawhat kind of technology is raspberry pi, arduino and minnowmax board19:55
guntbertkazuka: that's not really an Ubuntu support question, is it?19:57
jason__can someone recommend a good desktop recorder? I tried kazam and it's awful.19:57
jason__I'd like to be able to record a single window without selecting a rectangle around it19:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:00
kolesekanisius_3EriC^^, I got disconnected do you happen to replied to me?20:01
guntbert!askthebot | zhxk8220:01
ubottuzhxk82: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:01
momelodgreetings channel.20:04
momelodim hosting a local ubuntu mirror and on my hosts i get this error: W: GPG error: http://repo.dev precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7B92F0966226E61620:04
momelod7B92F0966226E616 is getting generated locally its not on any public keyserver20:05
Jennifer_Anyone good with SSh issues? I had some trouble with my server last night20:05
momelodhow do i find which Release file is signed with that pubkey20:05
momelodJennifer_: whats the ssh issue20:07
Jennifer_momelod: last night i was copying some files for my plex server when the connection cut out on FTP and SSH. tried again this morning to connect but no dice.20:08
Jennifer_there both on port 22 also20:09
bekksJennifer_: FTP is port 21, SSH is port 22, SFTP is ung SSH and is on port 22, too.20:09
Jennifer_bekks: my bad. your right20:10
Jennifer_i did some restarting but nothing20:10
Jennifer_got any idea what may have caused this?20:10
bekksJennifer_: some restarting what?20:10
bekksAnd caused what?20:11
Jennifer_i restarted my server and modem20:11
bekksJennifer_: I dont see why restarting the server and modem will solve any issues, which arent even described yet.20:12
Jennifer_bekks: my SFTP and SSH connections cut out randomly last night for some reason20:12
bekksJennifer_: And which error messages did you get when trying to reconnect?20:13
Jennifer_they were both timing out20:13
bekksJennifer_: The the remote server did not answer.20:13
saulushi, I just found that f-spot is not dead. There is a maintained fork and a ppa at https://launchpad.net/~christopher-hoskin/+archive/ubuntu/ppa - however f-spot doesnt show up in apt-get nor aptitude after an update. What could be the issue?20:14
Jennifer_right, but it just seemed odd for it to be working fine before but now nothing20:15
bekksJennifer_: Then the remote server isnt answering, and restarting your client will not change that.20:15
Picisaulus: that ppa only has f-spot packages for vivid and xenial.20:16
saulusPici: can I force the download in my 15.10 somehow?20:16
Jennifer_is it possible the ports could have closed for some reason?20:16
Picisaulus: not really20:16
saulusPici: Thank you. Then I build the package locally.20:17
bekksJennifer_: On the remote server, maybe.20:17
Jennifer_still pretty weird for me20:17
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Jennifer_on my main PC i was connected to my VPN also20:18
Jennifer_while i was transfering files20:18
bekksJennifer_: And on your other PC you werent?20:18
Jennifer_but that prob wasnt the case either because i tried connecting without it20:19
Jennifer_no my server wasnt on the VPN20:19
Jennifer_its primarily used for Plex20:19
bekksJennifer_: Sorry, I dont get that setup.20:19
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Jennifer_what bekks ?20:20
bekksJennifer_: "main computer", "the other one", "vpn".20:20
bekksJennifer_: Which computer is where, how are they connected?20:20
EriC^^kolesekanisius_3: are you sure rpmb is the partition?20:20
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Jennifer_im sorry. my server is wired and my main pc is where i was copying the files to my server.20:21
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bekksJennifer_: And both are at the same location?20:23
hoodediceI have a dual-boot system with xubuntu 14.04 LTS and Windows 10. Is there a way for me to use the xubuntu instance I have like one would a VM while booted into windows?20:23
Jennifer_well in my house yes but both are in seperate rooms if that helps20:23
bekksJennifer_: So check wether the ssh server on the remote computer (the one you were trying to connect to) are running correctly.20:24
Jennifer_guess i gotta look around for a spare monitor20:24
\9try ssh -v in case it prints any useful information20:24
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frendaI'm seeing a training video. The user type 'mate .' in a MAC' terminal and an editor raise up.20:36
frendahere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdSoEkeMXVM20:36
frendaI tried kate and some others20:37
frendathey can't20:37
bekksthey cant what?20:37
Melioyou can script bash to launch gedit or kate or mate,20:37
Meliosimple aliases20:37
bekksfrenda: I'm not going to watch that video.20:37
Meliofrenda, google linux bash aliases20:38
frendabekks cant open the current directory showing available files in sidebar20:38
bekksfrenda: never heard of such a feature.20:38
tgm4883bekks: I took a look. Basically, it's a graphical editor that has the directory in the sidebar20:39
bekkstgm4883: ah, hmm, ok. :)20:39
tgm4883I think I've seen something in Kubuntu do stuff like that, but I've not used Kubuntu in a long time20:40
frendaKubuntu stuff: Kwrite and Kate; They couldn't. I need sth like that for demonstration20:42
tgm4883frenda: I'm assuming you looked through the different options in them?20:42
phaidrosmy gpg keys are not unlocked automatically anymore, how can I fix that? what is the default gpg agent in ubuntu these days? seahorse?20:44
bpromptfrenda:    what hmmm do you need the editor to do?   Kate does have a "file browser", check the sidebar20:45
tgm4883frenda: bprompt is right  http://kate-editor.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/projects1.png20:46
=== Occult is now known as occult
leeg750jmhello all20:50
buuHello friends, how do I make X respect my --dpi setting and make text slightly larger than 2px by 2px20:52
buuI'm running vlc inside xorg20:56
buuthe font is approximately .01 inches tall20:57
buuHow do I fix?20:57
mjoelnerDo you have to tune Ubuntu a lot to work with your computer. I feel that my Ubuntu installtion is sluggish compared to my windows one.20:59
bpromptmjoelner:    depends I gather, from my experience, not drivers-wise, since the drivers database manages most hardware well enough21:01
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bpromptbuu:    if you're referring to the Menu buttons or windows, I believe VLC uses GTK settings for that, so...  you can change the gtk theme setting for the font, to be increased to whichever size, I think you can use "gnome-tweak-tool" for that21:07
bpromptbuu:    assuming vlc is using gtk3 theming, then it'd be just a matter of css, since gtk3 themes are pretty much just css code wise, if it's using gtk2 settings hmmm you could use something like gtk-chtheme UI to change it, though it's also code, just less flexible than CSS, but usually the "active theme" will have a subfolder gtk2 and gtk3 for each settings21:10
kaudleyHave a question on ubuntu server - I have a Kaveri APU - I run Server with no gui - will the amdgpu driver utilize the unused graphics cores at all?21:11
kaudleyfor compute21:11
EOBeavI'm starting to wonder if 14.04--as I have it loaded, anyway--is too much for my 9 y/o dual core laptop. It's starting to hang up an awful lot.21:12
dontknowkaudley, i don't think so21:12
kaudleyseems like an awful waste having those 8 Graphics cores sitting there doing nothing...  :(21:14
BlackMageEOBeav: it depends on the version of Ubuntu and of course also on the laptop21:19
EOBeav14.04 ubuntu, 2G of RAM21:21
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EOBeavI don't mind Unity, but really only use ubuntu for a launching pad for the apps21:22
BlackMageEOBeav: try it with Xubuntu or Lubuntu21:23
=== Simran is now known as davikaur
JohnnyLwhy when using iptables dns fails (but everything else works)?21:25
gnarlinblocking low range ports by accident?21:25
bekksJohnnyL: Blocking needed ports?21:26
JohnnyL53 in udp and tcp are both openb as ACCEPT in both INPUT and OUTPUT.21:26
JohnnyLsame script works fine in debian.21:26
JohnnyLanyone have any samples?21:26
bekksJohnnyL: So check all other rules.21:26
bekksJohnnyL: our samples will not help you fixing your sample ;)21:26
JohnnyLbekks: i am telling you this is ubuntu specific.21:26
gnarlintry disabling iptables and see if it works first before spending lots of time figuring out the rules21:26
bekksJohnnyL: And I am telling you this is config dependant.21:27
JohnnyLif I change OUTPUT to ACCEPT everything works.21:27
bekksSo it is your config.21:27
JohnnyLand when I just use it as is, i can ping any address, it's just not resolving hostnames.21:27
JohnnyLbekks: same script works fine in debian.21:29
bekksJohnnyL: So check your iptables config.21:29
JohnnyLit's like ubuntu doesn't want you to filter output? perhaps becasue it wants to talk to home and update it's master server?21:30
JohnnyLbekks: done 100x. :)21:30
bekksJohnnyL: How are we supposed to tell you without seeing that script, without seeing your config, etc.?21:30
grhthyhi guys21:30
grhthydo you recommend using open source amd driver over fglrx?21:30
grhthyI'm not sure if I should upgrade to 16.04 without FGLRX21:31
JohnnyLbekks: you can tell me, by showing me a sample script that includes 'iptables --policy OUTPUT DROP' and works with dns.21:31
leeg750jmis there a windows support irc21:31
bekksJohnnyL: how about you showing us your non working sample?21:31
bekksleeg750jm: Yes, ##windows21:32
JohnnyLbekks: are you serious? what sense would a firewall be if I put it online?21:32
EOBeavBlackMage: Yeah, will probably do xubuntu. I've run it before and it works fine in that machine. I guess this is the first ubuntu version that stutters. Not bad for a 9 year old laptop21:32
JohnnyLmy request is not as difficult as your is.21:32
bekksJohnnyL: But putting my config online is ok? You are kidding.21:32
JohnnyLbekks: apparently you don't default OUTPUT as drop.21:33
bekksJohnnyL: Apparently you failed at guessing my config.21:33
JohnnyLbekks: can you cut and paste the specific not the whole thing?21:33
JohnnyLyeah thats what I thought21:36
JohnnyLmay switch back to debian.21:38
JohnnyLlooks like a major debug feature in ubuntu!21:43
JohnnyLi know the ubuntu server records things about the user and sends it back to hqs. i guess this iptables tables features exist so you can't block the transmissions.21:45
bekksJohnnyL: Thats nonsense.21:46
JohnnyLbekks: oh?21:46
bekksJohnnyL: No Ubuntu collects user information and no Ubuntu sends them back to whomever.21:46
JohnnyLbekks: malarky! i read it in server online techynical news articles.21:46
bekksJohnnyL: Whatever you read can safely be considered as FUD.21:47
JohnnyLbekks: you not solving my problem just compounds this idea as proof.21:47
k1lJohnnyL: that is false informations you got there.21:48
JohnnyLk1l: prove it21:51
k1lJohnnyL: no. you prove your accusations  first21:51
tgm4883can we all simmer down now?21:52
fancyfetusHey guys21:52
fancyfetusYou know how LinusTechTips's 7 gamers 1 cpu video? Is there a way to do that on a smaller scale with windows and ubuntu? I'd like to run them side by side without one being the host for the other.21:53
bekksfancyfetus: then you'd need two computers.21:53
fancyfetusbekks, have you seen the video I'm talking about?21:54
tewardfancyfetus: you can't do that without one being the host for the other - you need separate systems at that place.21:54
fancyfetusHe uses unraid as a host and has 7 VMs running on one machine.21:54
bekksfancyfetus: Nope. But running different OS without using an hypervisor can only be done by using two computers.21:54
tewardfancyfetus: right, but VMs are Virtual Machines.21:54
fancyfetusyes, I understand that.21:54
tewardfancyfetus: unraid handles the hypervisor role in this place.21:54
fancyfetusBut in his case, one instance of windows wasn't hosting the other instances of windows.21:55
tgm4883fancyfetus: I'm not sure you are grasping what you are asking "I'd like to run them side by side without one being the host for the other."21:55
fancyfetusunraid was hosting them all. He was getting fairly good performance out of it too.21:55
tewardfancyfetus: I have a VMware ESXi workstation.  It has a nVidia card, and runs five Windows VMs.  The Windows VMs all can run graphics real decently.21:55
bekksfancyfetus: because unraid was the hypervisor, and all windows instances were vms.21:55
tewardfancyfetus: VMware ESXi is the hypervisor.  It's not Windows.  The Windows VMs are accessing resources on the hypervisor.21:56
tewardHypervisor doesn't need to be windows.21:56
fancyfetusNo, I understand that. I want to run both windows and ubuntu as a VM21:56
fancyfetusat the same time through one GPU21:56
tgm4883fancyfetus: ok, and?21:56
bekksfancyfetus: then you still need an OS acting as the hypervisor.21:56
fancyfetusbekks, my question was going to be if somebody could recommend one.21:57
bekksfancyfetus: Virtualbox, KVM, XEN.21:57
fancyfetusbekks, virtualbox can act as a hypervisor OS?21:57
bekksfancyfetus: No.21:58
JohnnyLaparently, you can't have -t filter as part of the command for iptables.21:58
bekksfancyfetus: All hypervisors mentioned above are hypervisors. You need an OS, too.21:58
fancyfetusI'm looking for as much performance as I can squeeze out of this21:58
bekksfancyfetus: Like Virtualbox running on Ubuntu. Like KVM running on Ubuntu. etc.21:58
=== hexadecimalRainb is now known as hexrain
fancyfetusI see.21:59
hexrainso, i'm having a strange issue21:59
hexrainwith my clock21:59
fancyfetusWould it benefit me to have a really lightweight OS as the host?21:59
bekksfancyfetus: No.21:59
fancyfetusWhy's that?22:00
MonkeyDustfancyfetus  first try this command  ... egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation22:00
bekksfancyfetus: In fact, you just need one VM. Like Ubuntu host, Windows VM, or vice versa.22:00
hexrainfor some odd reason, my clock keeps setting itself a few days in the future22:00
hexrainit happens when i wake my system up from suspend22:01
fancyfetusHmm, I was under the impression that unraid was providing some sort of performance edge to Linus.22:02
bekksfancyfetus: Which is a wrong assumption.22:02
Bashing-omhexrain: Dual booting Windows ... amd Windows controls the hardware clock ??22:02
hexrainthat's why it's strange22:03
lvdbHello everyone, i would like to test MD5 authentication query for an NTP server i set up and i was wondering if you happen to know a linux command that will query the server using the MD5 key22:05
hexrainand it only happens when i wake from suspend :/22:06
fancyfetusMonkeyDust, my cpu has both VT-x and VT-d22:06
fancyfetusI should be okay22:06
roygbivlvdb, i’m not sure what you’re looking for but there’s the md5 shell command that’ll generate an md5 hash from supplied text22:07
Bashing-omhexrain: Agreed, strange, is " UTC=yes " set in the file /etc/default/rcS ?22:07
lvdb@roybgiv thanks for the reply, but what i need is just to query the server using ntpd or something like that with the MD5 key i have. something like using snmpwalk22:09
Bashing-omhexrain: Sorry, I do not know enough about the resume process to offer an explanation of what is taking place .22:09
hexrainwhat it does, is it sets the date to April 1, 2016 and the time to about 4 hours before my actual one22:09
hexrainmy BIOS is fine btw :/22:09
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hexrainwell, it's a UEFI system if that helps.22:10
roygbivlvdb, oh wow, not sure on that one. maybe ntpdate?22:10
JohnnyLkil: 'Egregious' in the immortal words of rms himself. Ubuntu users *might* one to see this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP8CNp-vksc. If you wish to say anything about this kil, now would be the perfect time.22:12
skinuxIs there a command/program that will give all system info, including disk size, memory, and all that?22:13
JohnnyLskinux: top22:14
hexrainoh and it does it whether or not i have the thing set to use network time or not22:14
sashaxxxplease can you give me a quick hint?22:14
k1lJohnnyL: still no prove for your accusations that ubuntu sends everything even on the server install to "the hqs"22:14
sashaxxxjust a simple answer22:14
skinuxJohnnyL: I don't mean usage, I just mean what the machine has22:14
k1lskinux: look at "lshw"22:15
sashaxxxplease. i am stuck in an installation and i cant continue22:15
sashaxxxi will not take you much time22:15
k1lsashaxxx: which ubuntu? what exact error?22:15
sashaxxxubuntu 15.1022:16
JohnnyLk1l: Everything you type into the search box gets send to hqs.22:16
sashaxxxit is already installed.. now i am installing debian on second partition22:16
JohnnyLWhat is not to say that anything else is?22:16
Bashing-omsashaxxx: ^^ and is this a EFI system ?22:16
JohnnyLI'm assuming NSA has a few backdoors to boot.22:16
JohnnyLJust for kickers.22:16
tgm4883JohnnyL: why would the NSA have backdoors into Ubuntu?22:16
sashaxxxthe fact is.. it's asking me where i want to install the grub22:16
JohnnyLtgm4883: pedophilic linuxers prolly.22:17
sashaxxxfor this debian22:17
tgm4883that doesn't even make sense22:17
popeyJohnnyL: enough.22:17
sashaxxxbut i have already installed GRUB bootloader for Ubuntu in sda122:17
k1lsashaxxx: you can only have 1 OS manage the grub.22:18
sashaxxxso i m confused now... where am i supposed to install the grub bootloader gaian22:18
k1lsashaxxx: i would let  that OS manage the grub, that you boot more often.22:18
sashaxxxso... i dont have to install it?22:18
Bashing-omsashaxxx: EFI, where sda1 is the fat partition containing each OS's boot code  ??22:18
sashaxxxyes... sda1 contain the boot loader22:19
sashaxxxsda2 contain Ubuntu installed22:19
sashaxxxand now i am installing debian in sda 422:19
bekkssashaxxx: you mean you are using sda1 as /boot and installing the bootloader to sda?22:19
sashaxxxi dont want to mess it all.. so now it's asking me where to install grub22:20
sashaxxxi dont know... this debian installer it's just asking me where i want to install the GRUB .. but i have already installed GRUB on sda1 qhen i installed ubuntu before22:20
bekkssashaxxx: Then how did you boot your box before? With grub installed to sda1 it wont boot.22:21
sashaxxxi used to boot with GRUB on sda1.. and ubuntu on sda222:22
bekkssashaxxx: with the bootloader not being on sda it wouldnt boot.22:22
bekkssashaxxx: do you use sda1 as /boot?22:22
sashaxxxi m confused22:23
sashaxxxwell actually i dont know22:23
k1lsashaxxx: you dont need to install grub again. you can boot ubuntu, run "sudo update-grub" and the entry for debian will be added"22:23
sashaxxxall i can tell you that i have the screenshot from gparted22:23
sashaxxxthis is what i wanted to hear22:24
sashaxxxin-fact i am not sure where grub was installed22:24
sashaxxxi just know i have this sda1 partition called /boot22:24
Jordan_Usashaxxx: Unless you have more than one drive, select "sda" as the place to install grub's boot sector. Do not install grub's boot sector to any partition like sda1. That question is only asking about where grub's *boot sector* should be installed, and the answer is always "to the MBR of the drive your BIOS will boot from", i.e. sda if you only have one drive.22:24
=== AndyTechGuy_ is now known as AndyTechGuy
sashaxxxok so...22:25
sashaxxxwhat you suggest: 1) do not install GRUB again. 2) install GRUB on the master sda?22:25
k1lsashaxxx: the best is to let the OS you boot more often handle grub. so 1) if its ubuntu, 2) if its the debian22:26
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=== lyk0s is now known as JeDa
sashaxxxthis was gparted situation: http://i.imgur.com/EnuIjYX.png22:27
mjoelneris this a crappy cpu AMD A10-8700 APU ?22:27
sashaxxxso... considering i am using mainly Ubuntu... should i chose CONTINUE WITHOUT BOOTLOADER from this installer now?22:28
k1lmjoelner: for hardware experience or benchmarks better ask ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic22:29
k1lsashaxxx: yes22:29
sashaxxxok. thanks so much22:29
sashaxxxhope it's gonna work :)22:30
Jordan_Usashaxxx: Be sure you have a loveCD/USB on hand in case it doesn't and you need to fix things, but it probably will :)22:30
Jordan_Usashaxxx: Run "sudo update-grub" after installing Debian to get it added to Ubuntu's grub menu.22:31
k1lwell, he just needs to boot ubuntu, run "sudo update-grub".22:31
sashaxxxthanks guys22:31
sashaxxxi stay connected and update you22:32
Jordan_Uk1l: If at some point in their repartitioning they changed the partition number for Ubuntu's /boot/ then they'll get a grub rescue shell at the next boot, but gparted and d-i avoid renumbering existing partitions so it will probably be fine.22:33
ManDrake13Is there a non-reinstall way to get around the python3 error that I got when I upgraded from 14.04 to 15.10?22:35
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sashaxxxat the moment debian is not present in boot loader choices22:36
sashaxxxi try to update the grub in a while22:37
TheMariusat the moment ubuntu is it for the average user, i just wish they had a rolling release version22:37
sashaxxxwell... i am a almost-noob user :)22:38
TheMariusi used linux mint as my daily os 10 years ago then stopped because of bug regression + i had a period i gamed alot22:38
mcphailManDrake13: did you go straight from 14.04 to 15.10? If so, that is unsupported and you have a broken system. Reinstall22:38
TheMariusnow im back to linux (kubuntu)22:38
sashaxxxit looks like debian is added22:38
sashaxxxlet's restart22:38
ManDrake13Thanks mcphail22:39
sashaxxxPERFECT - GOT IT!22:40
sashaxxxi would never made it up without your help guys22:40
cvr /quit22:41
rhorseHi, how can I increase font size in tty terminal? I tried setfont but I get message that 'could not get a descriptor of terminal.' Is there an easy fix?22:44
Bashing-omrhorse: See: " # The resolution used on graphical terminal " in the config file /etc/default/grub . Maybe ?22:48
zykotick9rhorse: i'm not sure if it works the same in ubuntu, but you could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"22:48
zykotick9rhorse: if it's just a resolution issue, you might want to check out fbset22:49
sebsebseboh zykotick922:49
zykotick9sebsebseb: \o  long time22:49
sebsebsebzykotick9: yeah pm me :d22:49
rhorsesudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup22:50
stacks88so ive got a virtual machine created using virtualbox.. the vm's disk has grown to 93gb even after ive cleared the space inside the vm to 25gb.. so ive been told i can boot a live cd on the vm and use the zerofree command on /dev/sda1 to shrink the disk back closer to what its actually using. of course i have to power down the vm and run vboxmanage compact command against the virtual disk..22:52
stacks88but my question is, is there any chance that the zerofree command could cause any loss of data? pretty much why i havent done this stuff yet22:52
bekksstacks88: For zerofree support, contact Microsoft ;)22:53
bekksIf used correctly, it will not cause loss of data.22:53
stacks88well i thought zerofree is a linux command22:53
gde33I was wondering, how are the default applications chosen for ubuntu?22:53
stacks88so its a microsoft product? zerofree - zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems22:53
bekksAh, I mixed that up. sdelete is that ;S thing.22:53
roygbivhow can one use zerfree incorrectly?22:54
stacks88roygbiv: ive never used it, so im just asking just to be sure22:54
Lefty_Im looking for help finding a driver for an audio interface.  Focusrite Scarlett 2i222:54
bekksstacks88: Just take a backup before using it.22:54
rhorsezykotick9: thanks dpkg-reconfigure does the trick. :)22:55
zykotick9rhorse: glad to help.22:55
rhorsezykotick9: this is a brand new laptop. First trip through ubuntu, been a gentoo user last 10 years.22:56
meemrhorse: welcome22:57
zykotick9rhorse: good luck.  BIG change from gentoo...  /me used gentoo a million moons ago, took a week to compile xorg/gnome on a P3-450mhz ;)22:58
rhorseThank you. I wasn't sure everything was going to work, it being a bleeding edge chipset. But everything does work. It's nice not having to compile and configure everything! :022:58
meemrhorse: but sure your expert now with linux !22:59
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rhorsemeem: that's true. Gentoo is a great classroom22:59
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goddardwhat is a game similar to starcraft that works on Linux23:09
nicomachusgoddard: try #gamingonlinux23:09
goddardnicomachus: i dont want wine23:10
kushi synaptic touchpad on a gigabyte notebook computer... is it already documented or is it ok to report? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection23:10
goddardjust want a game made for linux that is like star craft23:10
nicomachusit's not playonlinux, it's gaming on linux.23:10
nicomachusgoddard: it's not wine gaming. it's the sub in which your question would be topic. because it's not here.23:10
eelstreborcan someone tell me why hplip*.run can't install the driver because of dnsmasq running while the tarball can be installed? hplip*.run is saying that dnsmasq is a package manager - ???23:14
nacceelstrebor: you would need to give a lot more context than that?23:16
reisioeelstrebor: I can tell you that you don't want to be running that file23:16
eelstreborwhich file?23:16
eelstreborwhat's wrong with running that file?23:17
reisiohplip is in the standard repos23:17
reisiomost things are23:17
reisiothe rare things that aren't, you arguably still wouldn't want to run a .run for23:18
zykotick9reisio: +123:18
eelstreborit's an old version in the repos23:18
eelstreborhmm, there's a ppa for linux-mint but i don't see one for ubuntu23:25
reisioeelstrebor: you need a specific version of hplip? Which? Why?23:25
nacceelstrebor: well, you're not running something actually supported by ubuntu, but if you want to pastebin the full output and what command you ran, you're more likely to get help23:26
reisioa random crappy binary for any Debian distro will "work" for any other23:26
kushow do I add multiple attachments in launchpad?23:26
nacckus: one at a time23:26
eelstreboreven though i installed hplip from the repository it's not offered as an option for printing23:26
kusnacc, so I'd add more attachments after opening the bug?23:26
reisioeelstrebor: hp-setup23:26
nacckus: that's what i've tended to do, it seems to only let you add one attachment during filing23:27
reisioor just go to the cups webUI and set it up23:27
kusthanks nacc I thought it was pebkac23:27
eelstreborreisio, by golly you're right - thanks23:31
linuxuz3r_ubuntu xx when?23:31
kusplease take a look at my bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/156358823:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563588 in Ubuntu "Synaptic Touchpad does not work on a Gigabyte P25W" [Undecided,New]23:32
coffeeguyhi i switched from nvidia drivers to Xorg in 16.04 and ubuntu now won't load up23:32
reisioeelstrebor: nps23:32
reisiocoffeeguy: switch back?23:32
nacclinuxuz3r_: was that a question?23:33
eelstrebornacc, i had assumed that others had encountered my problem - if need be i would have pastebin what happened - pretty strage that hplip*run was saying that dnsmasq was a package manager - stopping dnsmasq allowed the software to continue23:33
linuxuz3r_nacc yes23:33
nacclinuxuz3r_: can you please rephrase? it's not clear to me what you're asking23:33
nacceelstrebor: it's generally better to not assume that, and to provide more info to the channel (in my observation of those that get help)23:34
k1lcoffeeguy: #ubuntu+1 for unstable releases23:34
linuxuz3r_when is ubuntu xx going to be released23:34
coffeeguyok k1l23:34
nacclinuxuz3r_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule23:34
k1llinuxuz3r_: end of april23:34
zykotick9linuxuz3r_: are you aware ubuntu version numbers are the release year/month?  just checkin'23:35
linuxuz3r_zykotick9, no23:36
stacks88i ran zerofree /dev/sda1 but i didnt run -v for verbose. its seemingly taking so far 6 mins and still going. im anxious to know whats giong on and regret not running it with -v -- can i ctrl+c this zerofree process and it wont screw anything up ? so i can re-run it but with -v this time23:37
zykotick916.04 means 2016, 4th month.23:37
roygbivstacks88, zerofree is just zeroing out the unused space on your disk. you can kill it, sure, or let it run. it doesn’t touch allocated blocks23:37
roygbivif you had data on blocks not marked as allocated, your problems are much much larger than zerofree overwriting those blocks with zeroes ;)23:39
reisiostacks88: don't cross post23:39
naamikHi, this guy, chrissicool, shows how to enable 256-color terminal at http://techcresendo.com/2015/11/16/enable-256-bit-color-terminal-ubuntu/ , but his terminal also shows the time, how do you enable this?23:49
Yehaibazhang is a FAGGOT23:53
Yehaibazhang is a FAGGOT23:53
Yehaibazhang is a FAGGOT23:53
Yehaibazhang is a FAGGOT23:53
Yehaibazhang is a FAGGOT23:53
MaratusAnyone know how to run an application without a border without making it fullscreen?23:54
reisionaamik: he's got output from 'date', probably, in his PS1 var: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-tip-prompt/23:54
roygbivnaamik, that’s a configuration option in your shell’s prompt setup23:54
reisioMaratus: some window manager's have that as an option in the specific window options23:54
reisioMaratus: frequently the top bar decoration at left-most, instead of with those at right23:55
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k1lnaamik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizingBashPrompt23:55
k1lnaamik: and "man bash" should have a list to what variable includes the time23:55
Maratusreisio: Thanks, I'll go to XFCE's channel then, I wasn't sure if it was a WM specific question.23:55
k1lnaamik: something like \t or \T23:56
reisioyou could also see what wmctrl/devilspie/2 has to say about it23:56

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