
smoserOdd_Bloke, around ?13:42
Odd_Blokesmoser: o/13:42
smoserhey. i started going through the open cloud-init bugs13:43
smoserthere are some that seem really nice to have fixed towards the top of that list.13:43
smoserwonder if you wanted to take a peak. some very low hanging fruit.13:43
=== smatzek_ is now known as smatzek
larskssmoser: current sources are in github or lp these days?  Or are those two still diverged ?18:05
harlowjasuro-patz did u figure out what u needed to?18:31
harlowjai've been busy (just started at new place)18:31
suro-patzharlowja: yep! No worries …20:37
harlowjasuro-patz cools20:38
harlowjafinding my legs here20:38
harlowjaand all that...20:38
suro-patzharlowja: and I got to know cloud-init lot more closely in last one week :)20:39
smoserlarsks, lp:cloud-init is upstream23:52
smoseri will get to git in launchpad sometime.23:52
harlowjasmoser  yaaa git in launchpad ;)23:55
smoserharlowja, yaaaa harlowja_at_home gone.23:55
smoserthat guy was useless23:55
smoserhope you're liking the new digs.23:56
harlowjagetting adapted23:56
harlowjaso far so good23:56
harlowjagotta find my balance, otherwise ok23:57
smoserslow learner :)23:58

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