
stormankaSorry for dropping in just asking a question but i helped my in laws to install lubuntu on their htpc (to slow for windows) and the audio stopped working (no idea what they did) now pulseaudio says hdmi unplugged and no sound. Anyone know what might be wrong?12:33
hateballstormanka: Any kernel updates recently?12:38
stormankaHmm, thats a good question, i think they asked me what to do with the update window so its possible12:51
stormankai did update the kernel now to se if it fixed the issue but it was there before.12:52
stormankahateball: Older kernel worked, thanks ALOT, spent like 2 hours googling without result13:03
hateballstormanka: could try booting the newer kernel just to verify, in case you havent13:12
hateballand then file a !bug against the kernel13:12
stormankahateball: im doing this remotly and my inlaws had to leave for a bit but ill try to get it done later or tomorrow!13:13
hateballstormanka: ah :)13:14
onlnron my pc with intel celeron N2815 it has windows 7 32-bit. When I google that processor it says it is 64-bit, so I guess I could try install amd64 version of lubuntu. On lubuntu.net, it directs me to dl 15.10 version, but there is also already 16.04. Why shouldnt I go and grab the 16.04?15:49
wxlonlnr: the only 16.04 is a pre-release version, so i'd advise 15.10.15:51
onlnrit's going to be released very soon, and is quite close to being ready?15:52
onlnrand updating from 15.10 to 16.04 when ready is a bigger process no?15:52
wxlonlnr: late next month. i would not say it's ready for prime time quite yet. there's still a bunch of bugs we need to iron out.15:53
wxlonlnr: upgrades from one release to another are generally pretty simple.15:53
onlnrwhat kind of bugs?15:53
wxlonlnr: check out the release notes :)15:53
onlnrI booted the 15.10 live cd to test before installing, anb after booting to lubuntu, I moved mouse to upper right corner taskbar and it froze there, and mouse nor keyboard is responsive16:40
onlnris this a bad sign, that I shouldnt install this lubuntu on it :s16:41
onlnrwhat should I do next on that I wonder16:41
onlnrthe mouse pointer was very laggy before it froze16:42
onlnrmoved there in slow fps16:42
onlnrso should I press the power button on this mini pc and try restart it16:42
onlnrok restarted and now chose the check disc for defects16:48
onlnrcheck finished. errors found in 2 files! press enter to reboot16:55
onlnrehhm. So I guess I should download and make the USB bootable disc again from the scratch16:56
diffisI'd do that. Did you also check the MD5 sum of the iso?16:57
onlnrit was 'press any key to reboot' i pressed, and got black screen and nothing happening, but it is not shut down I think, since pressing power button once wont restart it17:00
onlnrI didn't check. maybe I do that first17:01
diffisBlack screen after installation can be because there is not correct gpu driver. But I'm not very experienced user at all.17:02
onlnrI didnt install, but checked defects from the live usb, and after it had found 2 errors I pressed any key to reboot17:04
onlnrthe sha256 matches, so the iso is fine17:04
diffisAh. Good!17:04
onlnrby the way it is this mini PC with intel celeron N2815 for some reason I am trying to install it. Fresh one http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/2015-New-Design-Mini-Computer-Desktop-Celeron-N2830-N2840-N2930-N2940-Qual-core-Micro-pc-HDMI/1169094_32602929663.html17:05
onlnrhow reliable that defect checker is. It takes a while to do that check17:07
diffisNo idea. That's far beyond my knowledge.17:10
wxlonlnr: the defect checker is indeed reliable. it essentially checks the hash of the installation media against the published hash of the iso.17:14
onlnrwell the iso has I used to create the bootable usb disc was same as on the ubuntu website17:14
onlnrbut I try again now. I recreated the usb now, and reboot and check defects again17:15
wxlonlnr: that only tells you about the iso, not the installation media. there can be problems in both downloading and copying.17:15
onlnrhmm ye17:16
wxlonlnr: what are you using to create the usb?17:17
onlnrcheck finished, errors found 2 files17:18
wxloh, windows.17:20
wxlnot sure i can provide much assistance there.17:20
wxlbut i will say that some methods are more reliable than others17:20
onlnrmy usb hub where the stick is inserted for creation is not very good17:20
wxlthat could be part of the reason17:20
onlnrbut I have managed to create bootable discs with it, jsut last week17:20
wxlthink about this:17:20
onlnrnot lubuntu but other os17:20
wxlit could be one bit off17:21
wxlone bit17:21
wxlif that's the case, i'd bet a lot of things would work correctly17:21
onlnrthink I am gonna try another OS for this system17:21
wxlthe unfortunate thing is you have no way of knowing what would not work right17:21
onlnrmaybe arch or just ubuntu17:21
wxlyou could always try just completing the installation, but you might run into issues17:21
wxlor you could put it on a cd/dvd17:22
wxlchances are if you have a problem with this, you'll have a problem with anything17:22
onlnrI dont have cd/dvd drives17:22
wxlespecially anything within the ubuntu family17:22
wxlsince they all use the same backbone17:22
tewardwxl: perhaps the Ubuntu docs for installing to a thumb drive via Windows is prudent?17:25
tewardcan potentially apply to Lubuntu17:25
wxlteward: link us17:25
* teward coughs17:25
wxlhe seems to be using that17:25
tewardand it's not working?17:26
* teward scrolls back17:26
wxlhe continues to get errors when running the self-check17:26
* teward only has the last 8 lines in here before he spoke17:26
tewardISO md5sum matched?17:26
tewardwxl: obvious questions are obvious ;)17:26
wxlteward: yep17:26
onlnryea I use that. sha256 matches on .iso and website,17:27
tewardonlnr: any chance you can take the USB Hub out of the equation and jack the stick right into the computer to create the stick?17:27
tewardto remove your USB Hub from the equation17:27
onlnryea I was thinking that, but then I need to arrange things abit17:28
onlnrstill 2 errors17:37
onlnrhas people succesfully installed from that iso17:38
onlnrmaybe lubuntu is so unpopular that I am first one :D17:38
onlnrmaybe not17:38
wxli think it's fair to say we have very few people using windows, though17:39
onlnri try the 16.04 iso17:40
diffisCould you try different program to create the stick?17:40
tewardI'd offer to send you a USB with Lubuntu on it, created by yours truly, but I don't have money to ship it :)17:40
wxlyou could try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager/iso2usb17:40
teward^ that possibly17:40
wxlyou also may want to try to completely erase and reformat the drive17:41
wxlit might be there's still some stuff at the end of the drive that the lubuntu iso isn't covering up17:41
wxlsince it's so darn small XD17:41
onlnrcant try 1604 with that tool, it somehow doesnt find it17:43
onlnryeah, I used that win32disk imager for making dietpi and raspbian images so I have that actually already17:44
onlnrwell, I try the 15.10 first out of curiosity17:44
onlnrthat app wants me to search .img files only. I wonder if this is some rpi modified win32disk imager17:45
wxlmost likely17:46
onlnrhmm just checking that ubuntu page and it looks same and says to search *.* hm but I guess I should still get another copy of this tool17:47
onlnrokay..wat. Errors found in 1 files!17:58
onlnrI try the 1604 iso.. this is weird17:59
onlnris it similarly easy to update to 1604 lts from this 1604 alpha/beta like from 151018:04
onlnror easier. I didnt check checksum of this 1604 but oh well18:04
onlnrokay.. just getting dark blue background disc defect test now and not actualy output whats going on18:07
wxlhaving not checked the md5 of the iso, it's hard to say18:14
wxlit might be good to use the 15.10, too, since that's the one you were previously testing with18:15
onlnrI tried again with 1604, and now when blue screen comes, I press keyboard arrow down, and I got console output of the check. There I notice OK'ing a lot, but boot/grup/efi.img said mismatch18:19
wxla mismatch is a mismatch18:19
onlnrI have hard time finding these pages with the checksums18:20
onlnrlike with basic ubuntu I try now find I only find http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/INSTALL/Ubuntu/dvd-releases/releases/15.10/release/18:21
onlnrok 1604 lubuntu was easy, lets see18:21
wxlall current images are on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/18:21
wxlmore specifically http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18:21
onlnrwhere to find ubuntu amd6418:22
wxlubuntu which?18:23
onlnrhaha okay. my lubuntu 1604 doesnt match18:23
onlnrfirst time this happens18:23
onlnrInteresting how hard it is to even start installing linux this time :p18:23
wxlyour problem is with copying18:23
wxlyou can blame windows :)18:23
onlnron that page I have tried to navigate to get that image from 3 different directories, but none of them has18:26
onlnr http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/18:26
teward^ that18:26
tewardonlnr: they're usually in the same directory as whatever image you were pulling down18:27
onlnrteward: not lubuntu, ubuntu18:27
onlnrubuntu is in the lubuntu directory?18:27
teward... no, you have to navigate around18:27
ianorlynThey are all on cdimage18:27
tewardthey're *all* on cdimage, but in their own respective dirs18:27
onlnryeah, I checked but couldnt find18:28
tewardhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/wily/release/ for 15.04 Ubuntu Desktop18:28
tewardwhich suggests you didn't go to the **root directory**, select 'ubuntu', then 'releases', then picked the specific version you were hunting18:28
onlnrserver powerpc and ppc64 there18:28
tewardyes I can't type :)18:28
tewardthen i'll have to stab the mirrors team18:29
tewardthe other location18:29
onlnrwhere is the desktop, I only see powerpc and ppc6418:29
tewardonlnr: [2016-03-30 14:29:05] <teward> http://releases.ubuntu.com/wily/18:29
teward[2016-03-30 14:29:07] <teward> the other location18:29
* teward sighs18:29
onlnrhmm so it wasnt at cdimage.ubuntu.com. quite strange to not put it there18:30
onlnrs/strange/non-systematic maybe18:31
onlnrerrors found in 1 file18:48
onlnrok. 4h wasnt enough to get to install OS this time so I continue tomorrow :-)18:49
onlnrPendrivelinux actually change two files to make the live USB drive boot correctly. The live USB drive has in fact been made successfully, and will work seamlessly both for trying ubuntu and for installation18:52
onlnrsomeone comments when someone had 2 errors with that18:53
onlnrI had 2 errors with pendrive, 1 with the win32 imager18:53
onlnrI guess it's same with the win32 imager18:53
onlnrokay, thanks for your help folks. I try install tomorrow despite these errors :)18:58
fenecohi, the scroll behavior on lubuntu 14.04 is weird for me, I am using it on vbox (ubuntu host, lubuntu guest), and sometimes I scroll on lubuntu, it minimizes the applications, sometimes it scrolls backwards22:44
fenecoany idea?22:44
ianorlinfeneco: if you scorll over the taskbar at the bottom it minimize applicatoins23:01
fenecoianorlin: do you know if I can disable this? and if it's like that on 15.10 too?23:07
ianorlinright click on the panel click panel settings-> panel applets click settings for that and uncheck use mousewheel23:08
ianorlinI am not sure about scrolling backwards23:09
wxlmight want to check the mouse bindings in the openbox config for that, but i can't think of anything off hand23:09
ianorlinwxl that too23:10
fenecowxl: I tried to remove some entries from there, but I think it didn't help, so I tried to remove others, then I messed up that file23:11
fenecobut I will check again23:11
fenecothanks ianorlin wxl23:11
fenecois there any lightweight launcher on lxde? something you can recommend that I can type the name of the app and it launches23:19
ianorlinfeneco: there is alt+f2 as the normal defualt launcher but with the openbox bindings you could use dmenu_run but that is in the package suckless-tools23:21
fenecoianorlin: alt+f2 should work by default on 14.04?23:24
wxlfeneco: it should work by default on all versions, unless you screwed it up in the openbox config :)23:24
wxlfeneco: it does not allow you to use the name of the app. it's basically a way to run a command line in the $PATH23:24
fenecowxl: I restored my default openbox config, I had it backed up before modifying, even then alt+f2 does nothing on my lubuntu23:25
ianorlinhmm that might be an old 14.04 bug or something I remember23:26
ianorlinbut it got fixed I think23:26
fenecoon 16.04 I saw that there will be a new launcher, right?23:28
wxlnot that i'm aware of23:28
fenecook, thanks again23:38

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