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MasseRDidn't know this channel existed a couple of minutes ago so I'll copy my question here19:57
MasseRI'm using ubuntu-sdk-15.04 framework, straight from 'create new project'19:58
MasseRIf I try to run it in the emulator, I get 'Module "Ubuntu.Components" version 1.3 is not installed'19:58
MasseRat this point it was mentioned that 1.3 came with 15.04.419:58
MasseRis it packaged inside the click target (as in the application should be self-contained), or does it have to exist in the channel.19:58
MasseRat this point it was metnioned that it's in the image, so my question copy was a waste :)19:59
MasseRBut to continue on this: I found https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/ which lists some sort of reference material for 15.04, but it doesn't mention the qml versions; how would I discover the correct versions?20:00
MasseRAlso related, since the develop channel is apparently using <15.04.4, how would I discover which channel contains this api?20:02
dobeyis your emulator built from the rc-proposed channel, or from stable?20:02
dobeyyou mean devel? or devel-proposed?20:03
MasseRah, sorry devel yes20:03
MasseRI'm creating an instance from devel-proposed atm20:03
dobeydon't use either of those20:03
dobeyuse rc-proposed20:03
dobeydevel{-proposed} is not 15.04; it is 16.04 based images, are not well tested, and being 16.04 based present a whole set of problems that haven't been solved yet20:04
dobeythe images are built there pretty much only as a sanity check20:05
MasseRI thought you would develop against devel, where it moves to devel-proposed and from there to rc-proposed20:10
dobeywell, it's devel-proposed -> devel, and rc-proposed -> rc -> stable20:11
dobeybut it's not devel -> rc-proposed20:12
MasseRis there documentation on this somewhere? I have probably a dozen ubuntu-app tabs open in my browser, but skimming them I didn't notice this20:12
dobeythey are separate things, in the same way that we don't trickle down packages from the current development release to the current stable release, of ubuntu itself20:12
dobeyi'm not sure. all the documentation related to phone development should be saying to use rc-proposed or stable channels though20:13
MasseRI previously dabbled a bit with maemo and IIRC it was something like dev -> testing -> stable, so in my mind I converted these channels to something similar20:13
MasseRand especially documentation on the process of code -> my testing -> ??? -> stable store20:14
dobeyi don't recall what maemo did20:14
MasseRIt's been a while :)20:15
dobeyand when i was messing with maemo, i was having to compile webkit, so most of my time was spent just waiting for that20:17
MasseRWell... I've spent maybe 10-12 hours on getting some kind of semireliable development environment for utouch :)20:20
dobeythat seems like a long time; but it sounds like you have overwhelmed yourself with information and made some assumptions based on experience with a previous separate system you worked on, and made some wrong decisions about what to do :)20:21
MasseRno doubt20:21
MasseRBut even then the documentation could be better20:22
MasseRIsn't that always the most common claim? :)20:22
dobeynot disagreeing, but i don't know what documentation you read either20:23
dobeyand i don't work on the sdk or documention, so i don't really know what it says either in this regard :)20:23
MasseRBut speaking of documentation, is there documentation on the process of code -> my testing -> ??? -> stable store? There is this: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/ which goes from code -> test -> validation but stops there20:27
dobeybuild a click for release (not the same build that was "deploy to device") and upload it on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/20:29
dobeyi don't really know where that is documented though20:30
MasseRWell now it's documented in my chat logs :)20:30
dobeyat least if i understand your question correctly, you were asking how to upload it to the store20:31
MasseROne more question before I have to stop. There is something odd with the rc-proposed emulator. After installing the emulator, it goes to the lock screen (the circle with dots and clock above it), but I also get a badly moving cursor and I can't interact with it20:32
dobeyno idea20:40
dobeyi have hardware, so don't use the emulator myself :)20:41
matv1I have to say that from what I read on both this channel and in the mailinglist as well I suspect that very few people do.20:49
MasseRAh. The ubuntu-sdk at start recommends using emulator instead of hardware20:50
matv1I am sorry to say that my own (limited) experience is that the emulator has been difficult to work with.20:52
matv1and as i said, this seems to be the experience of most20:52
MasseRNo kidding.20:52
matv1this is only the emulator mind.20:52
matv1sdk coupled with actual hardware does the job nicely20:53
matv1i am just saying that I expect that most are going that route20:53
MasseRyeah. The little i tried with real hardware I had good experience20:54
matv1thats cool at least :)20:54
matv1Also, it used to be better then it is now. So that means it can get better again :)20:55
MasseRyeah.right now my biggest complain is that the gps doesn't work and right after that the lack of applications. And this is where good tooling is essential21:00
matv1I am not sure that I would agree that gps doesnt work21:01
matv1there are bugs yes21:01
matv1on the other part, agreed21:01
dobeymatv1: what hardware are you using it on?21:02
dobeyMasseR: what hardware are you using it on? :)21:03
MasseRnexus 721:03
dobeytab complete21:03
dobeywifi nexus 7?21:03
MasseRI think so. The 2013 model21:04
dobeyright, there's wifi (flo) and lte (deb) models21:04
MasseRat least it doesn't got gsm21:04
dobeyand the 2012 n7 isn't supported21:04
dobeygps should work; but make sure you're using one of the 15.04 channels (rc-proposed or stable), and not devel-{preoposed}21:05
dobeyat least, gps even works on my nexus5 now; though it does have trouble sometimes21:05
MasseRyeah I'm using stable21:06
MasseRis there a sure fire way to check the gps? None of the location aware programs have been able to get the location21:07
dobeyok, maybe you'll have better luck on next stable update then; although if you only ever use it indoors you might still have issues getting a fix21:07
dobeythere is a wiki page...21:08
MasseROh wait I think i stumbled on it while researching the issue21:09
matv1indoors gps is not happening with me either.21:09
dobeybut i don't recall it, and can't find it now21:09
dobeyi know it's there though :)21:10
matv1all the satelites are above tvoss's house :)21:10
matv1sorry couldnt resist that one ;)21:10
dobeyi was a bit surprised when i ran the tool and it said there were like 20 satellites in view21:10
MasseRyeah indoors but next to a window where I usually get an immediate fix or in a car21:11
dobeystill takes a few seconds when i turn it on in my car, but it comes up pretty quick21:11
dobeybut i don't have a flo. i don't know if it's ever worked on flo21:12
dobeyif the hardware is there and all the bits for the HAL, it should work, though21:12
MasseRfor nexus 4 someone mentioned that later androids flashed the radio firmware so that utouch couldn't handle it21:13
dobeyno, that doesn't sound right21:14
MasseRthanks for today. Time for me to leave for the night21:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
matv1dobey a moment of your time please?22:52
matv1having a dreadfull time understanding translation files in the context of the sdk. or rather: translated files22:52
matv1I saw you answered some regarding that on AU22:55
dobeywhat's up?22:57
matv1what i have is this: got a simple working app(qmake). got it in the store, some translators immeadeatly offered to translate.(yeah \o/). I22:57
matv1i18n'd all my strings. I threw my .pot file up on launchpad, they did their thing, got some .po's back. Now what?22:57
matv1The documentation is a bit sparse and seemingly conflicting. On the one hand there is the suggestion that the sdk should just pick it up automatically if I expose them. on the other, i saw tutorials where one needed to basically do all the getext related commands separately. even manualy generate the .mo files.22:57
matv1Can you give me some pointers on how to expose my .po files within the sdk? or direct me towards some doc's that I may have overlooked.22:58
dobeyah. i'm not entirely sure how to do it in qmake22:58
dobeywhat AU question were you referring to me answering?22:58
matv1it was only i18n related. it wasnt exactly about this22:59
matv1I would have to look again :)22:59
matv1nm. I hoped David would be around I know he is the translations guru23:00
matv1but havnt seen him around yet23:00
dobeywell, i certainly know plenty about translations. i just don't know how qmake ubuntu projects in the sdk are set up to deal with them23:01
dobeyi guess if the default qmake template supports them though, you could just dump the .po files into the po/ directory and it should "just work"23:01
matv1and thats exactly where i am stuck23:01
dobeyas $LANG.po that is23:02
matv1i obviously tried that23:02
dobeyi think launchpad gives them to you as $PROJECT-$LANG.po23:02
dobeymatv1: is your project code on lp?23:02
matv1yes. but i dont believe it is project related23:02
dobeywell what's the branch url? at least then i can browse the code and see what the template made it to do, and where you put the po files and such :)23:03
matv1i did a direct upload of the .pot file. just for the translators. I dont think you can tell much from just that23:05
matv1there the thing23:05
matv1should I manually  add a path in the project file pointing to the .po ?23:07
dobeymatv1: i take it the UBUNTU_PO_FILES was there already, and it's not something you added?23:11
matv1was there already23:11
dobeymatv1: and you put the po files into the po/ directory and it didn't work? it should just work23:14
matv1yes thats what i did23:15
matv1I left the pot where it was as well. should i have removed that?23:15
dobeycan you pastebin "ls po/" ?23:16
matv1hmm i trashed it now because i tried some other things after23:17
matv1have to reset my project23:17
dobeymatv1: well i don't have sdk set up on this machine right now after upgrading to xenial. but if you cp po/stud.matv1.pot po/en_US.po and then build your click, the click should have the en_US translation included in it as well23:18
matv1i looked in the click. it did not generate that either23:19
matv1dobey I think i must try again tomorow. So i know i was doing the right thing at first basically.23:19
matv1i will reset the project, do like you said and then i will have a build env that i can come back to you. if it still fails23:21
dobeyyeah, it should work. if not, you should be able to ask the sdk people tomorrow morning23:22
dobeylater :)23:22
matv1who are the sdk people?23:22
matv1dobey on here its good to have a name to ask for, I am noticing :) or a nick i should say23:24
matv1ah right23:25
bzoltandobey: hello23:25
bzoltanmatv1:  tell me, what can i do for you23:25
matv1haha not now :)23:26
matv1i was having trouble with getting my .po files recognised in a qmake project23:26
dobeybzoltan: go to sleep :)23:26
bzoltandobey: i have done it already ... 4 hours is enough23:27
matv1bzoltan i will probably bother you tomorow about this23:27
matv1not for me. i must be off now23:27
matv1thanks everybody23:27
bzoltanmatv1: okey see you tomorrow23:27

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