
=== Zic is now known as Guest49910
=== Guest49910 is now known as Zic
=== Zic is now known as Guest54678
=== Guest54678 is now known as Zic
=== Zic is now known as Guest6725
=== Zic is now known as Guest71894
=== Guest71894 is now known as Zic
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, dax said: !forget brokenflash18:35
daxubottu: forget brokenflash18:35
ubottuI'll forget that, dax18:35
daxubottu: forget flashissue18:35
ubottuI'll forget that, dax18:35
daxubottu: forget flashissues18:36
ubottuI'll forget that, dax18:36
daxPici: can we get ubottu in #ubuntu-discuss so i stop forgetting that we don't have ubottu in #ubuntu-discuss18:41
daxnot a serious request but still :(18:41
Picidax: I'm working on a plan to get all the bots properly synced up to the factoids databse.18:43
Piciso they can take edits from anywhere18:43
daxnot 100% sure i remember right, is the reason for multiple ubots that ubottu can't handle all the channels?18:43
elkythat was the case back in 2009 or so. may not be so true anymore?18:44
daxubottu: no, fan is <alias> lm-sensors18:45
ubottuI'll remember that dax18:45
elkyit's probably on a vps that would have cost like 500/mo back in 2009 :P18:45
dax!fstab =~ s,http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html,http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html,18:49
ubottuI'll remember that dax18:49
dax!binarydriver =~ s/Ati/AMD/18:50
ubottuI'll remember that dax18:50
dax!undelete =~ s/ -.*$//19:05
ubottuI'll remember that dax19:05
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery19:05
dax!documentation =~ s,http://rute.2038bug.com,https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf,19:07
ubottuI'll remember that dax19:07
dax!no, defrag is <reply> The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases. However, there is an online defragmentation tool available if needed. For more information, see `man e4defrag`19:26
ubottuI'll remember that dax19:26
Unit193dax: Also, ubottu has bantracker, the others don't.20:24
* guntbert could sit here and watch for hours dax straighten out ubottu's brain20:52
daxUnit193: erk, forgot about that. I assume there isn't a configuration for which channels are bantracked, it's just everything she's in?21:26
Unit193dax: In theory you should be able to with plugins.Bantracker.enabled, buuut..21:27

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