=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [17:40] balloons: come back - all is forgiven :( [17:40] too quiet in here ... [17:40] heh [17:40] hi teward :) [17:41] hey gents [17:41] \o/ [17:41] hi balloons :) [17:41] got anywhere with reverting that mp? [17:42] defects is now almost a week out of date ;) [17:42] and I hope the new gig is working out nicely :) [17:44] flocculant, I was falling asleep thinking about that last night [17:45] the mp is still sitting out there right? [17:45] oh dear [17:45] that's bad :| [17:45] I wanted you to go ahead and file the RT to get it released [17:45] so I'm not the only one who can do such things :-) [17:45] new gig has me in a new timezone.. It's early here [17:45] could be a whole lot worse though - you could have fallen asleep thinking of me whining about it :D [17:45] I can file the rt for sure [17:46] not at all.. I've not forgotten, and I know we want it for the new milestone [17:46] :) [17:46] ok, I'll send you an example of how I've filed them in the past [17:46] it's really simple [17:46] balloons: ack [17:46] rt isn't a new thing for me so - just give me the gist and I'll do so - I'll cc you to it [17:47] yep, sounds good [17:48] flocculant, it's a trivial thing to deploy, so feel free once it's opened to ask IS to do it while you are around and can confirm [17:48] ok - well I'm in the IS channel anyway so [17:48] ... [17:49] balloons: didn't realise you wanted me to raise the ticket tbh [17:50] flocculant, well, it's a trivial thing, but probably better they get used to the idea of someone other than me doing it [17:50] yea [17:50] though I hope there's going to be some sort of QA person replacing you [17:51] replace is a strong word [17:51] is 'supplant' a better one? :P [17:51] if it's down to community - half don't appear to know it's happening till the Thursday morning of release day ... [17:52] 'it's happening'? as in? [17:52] and I know I'm not the only community QA person fed up with some not doing the work at 'not Ubuntu' milestones [17:52] a milestone release or more or less *anything* community QA ish [17:53] xubuntu/mate/lubuntu and kubuntu (Johnathan time) did and do their shifts - no-one else does [17:54] balloons: got that - question coming back ... when I find the possibility :p [17:59] ahh, righto [18:00] should haz mail :) [18:01] so if replace is a strong word - how about 'gently slide into the seat and be the go to person for community qa people to liase quietly from time to time with' [18:01] :) [18:01] teward: lol at supplant :) [18:15] :P [18:28] flocculant, this has to land [18:28] https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-qa-website/revert-tracker-defect-changes/+merge/290038 [18:28] then you tell is to update to the latest revision (HEAD or trunk) [18:28] *IS [18:29] or you can tell them the specific revision, but you can't do that until that change lands [18:29] flocculant, that change reverts the older stuff === boiko_ is now known as boiko [19:10] balloons: so I need to merge that first - then rt and IS? [19:22] flocculant, yes [19:43] balloons: now I can ask IS to update to rev429 I assume [19:48] flocculant, looks good yes [19:49] balloons: okey doke - that being the head version? [19:49] don't want to end up being asked things I can't answer quickly :) [19:49] yep, you want it all [19:49] specifying revision is never a bad idea [19:50] it all being? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-qa-website/revert-tracker-defect-changes/+merge/290038 [19:55] balloons: you have one more mail [20:05] flocculant, responded [20:05] it's that simple. ask to update to revision 429 [20:05] balloons: ok - thanks :) [20:12] balloons: ok - all done [21:04] balloons: and landed [21:08] flocculant, looks good [21:08] brillant, you have all the power :-)